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Decatur Evening Herald from Decatur, Illinois • Page 9

Decatur, Illinois
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HERALD TELEPHONE 4161 ''THE HERALD'S AIM TO give the wi nn when it happens. ecatur leratti THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 6, 1931 SECOND SECTION WANT ADS Heat Rate Objectors To Hire Engineer In Fight For Reduction Urfi Survey to Fix Valuation on 1. P. L.

Plant; Meet With Council APPEAL TO COMMISSION Corporation Counsel W. J. Caity and Frank Wiley, rcp- rewnting property owners seek- inf to secure a reduction of ralH on hent furnished by the Illinois Power Light corporation, will investigate the pos- jlblHUti of Ing an engineer In appraise tho a of tho hent- Inf plant us step In appeal to lh DHnoli t'ommoico commission. action derided upon WtdnMdnv afternoon In meeting if o.uicix and (ho city Will Babit Kunl A meeting of of a pell- aiklng tho council to take, jtipa towards securing reduction' In the heat rales, will bo called ihortly to set- how much money can raised towards employing an accountant find the englneei. Aid of thr city In defraying the Mpmaea of nmklng xmvey of the hratlnf plnnt of the I.

P. nml aa audit of their bookn was prom- iHd by the council It waa felt that the propelly ownei.s should btar of the expen.T. This agreed to HlllUI Up CHVI Worr the Illlnoli Commerce commission would take to revahiatc tlif foi rate making would have to be mndo by the city and the objectors, Ciue.v Mild In plalnlnj; why micllt and survey mould have to bo made A complaint by the i i owners that thought the rule waa too hlsli and not Juitlfled hv the by the Power ft Light would not he sufficient to got tho ceaimliitflon to take action, he said Mnvor Smith v.n» of tho opinion the commission would rend lit to Pcrntur and make the aluiy tor tho city and the objec- toni without co-it Wllry Rut tin "Vou have lot of fnith In the of that Carey retailed "I'vn had cxpeil- with them and ttify would hero for a day or a day nnd a half, ptobahly check over the valuation It It given by I P. A U. nnd say they were satisfied It.

No, lo gel any place wo will have to have the sei vices of practical englnrcru who ctm gauge value of the property." Valuations given by the Illinois Power A Light coipoi alien on 1U heating plant for ialc miking pui- poacs and for taxes were attacked by Krunk Wiley, as an Individual and not as an attorney representing petitioner a. Tax Hutui Different Taking the btntomcnt pioparcd foi and given to the council by officials of the Illinois Power Light In teccnl conference, Mr, Wiley pointed out that for 'rate-making purposes the plant Is valued at approximately $558,000, while foi tax paying purpoacu of their properties In Decatur arc rated at only $40,000. "Without ujumlng lo know all of tho at tho present time, because I haven't had clinnce to audy the matter," Mr. Wiley sold, "I would gucts their heating plant by Itself would amount to about one-tenth of the valut of Ihelt en tiro holdings here Upon the bail of the value they fix foi taNln purposes, Iheli' healing plant would bo woith about $40,000" Reduction Possible Pointing out that the utility company secured an Increase of 73 to 80 per cent. In tho heat rates two or three ycais Mr.

Wiley contended that tho company could cut the prlco to meet tho reductions that had been made in other lines Coal, labor, overhead charges and cost.of equipment had been tc- duccd, he" asserted. The company Is In a position to produce heat more cheaply, while the consumers are not as able to pay us they were when tho rate was Increased, he ualcl 'Nobody knows abom what It foi them to pioduco heat except on tho.basis of the fig ur" they give out themselves," re said the fact that they i out one valuation foi rate making purpOBCD and another for tax paying pin poses lalsci, a question of just what the facts a a cinch no one wi.l get a peek Into their books. If they would permit it. we would an independent audit made." Sajn Arc Oloaetl Frank Chapln, who circulated the petition that waa pie-tented to the council asking it to scrtiro a i educ- tion In tho rates, that money had been arranged lo employ an auditor. "Wo went lo Mr.

Abbott (Decn- lur manager of the I. P. nnd told him what wo hud In mind." Mr. Ch'pln nald. "We told right now IhiU no one could look Into tho'ic hooki.

There vvcre nnd nnds about it, we could not make an audit of the books It was explained by Carey that If petition was placed before the commerce commission by the city, It would Issue an order for tho company lo permit an audit upon to base action In fixing the rates Helping Plant Valuation Commissioner Earl Smith Informed the mertinK that he had the offices of the commls- Ion In Springfield to check on the given by tho Illinois Light on its properties icrc. Wllh the gas plant exceptcd, ho wild, tho valuation In a more than $2,000,000, hcat- ng plant given aa $554,780. "They have one set of books they present the commerce commission ind another act they keep for tax- puylng purposes," he said. "If wo can't make them reduce thcli ratos, ve ought to make them pay their' taxca, Theie'n a lot of difference the valuation for making rates and for paying taxes." Three Bollcra Sufficient Commissioner W. Hamilton, 'ormcrly employed 'by tho I.

P. lasertod that could be put Ihc mains for 37 ccnls per thousand pounds. Two or three boilers to provide tho steam for heat, while In tho valuation chin gea arc made up to cover 10 sellers Puilhcr dlacuuulon resulted In the decision to look Into the posalblll- of employing a competent engineer for tho city and property owners lo prepare a case to present to the commission. Decatur Home Bureau Unit Elects Officers Twelve members of the Decatur i of the Home Bureau met Wednesday nftcinoon In Falrvlew park for a picnic dinner and business meeting. Mis.

E. Kellman was elected chairman for next year. Other officers elected were 1 Vice chairman--Mrs. Robert Jerri en. Secretary--Mrs.

H. H. Brockman. Tr casurer--Mrs. Charles Kuntz.

Program committee--Mrs. C. Vandeventcr and Mrs. Cella De- proa. Plans for social events for the coming year were completed dur Inp; Ihe mcellng.

Throwing a brick Is a moic ucrl- ua offenso than throwing an larm clock, particularly when Ihe rick pcnctratc.i a window, Justice tho Peace L. H. Balrd ruled Wednesday afternoon. In fining William Goidon, negto, $15 and o.Hts on a tllioiderlycharge, Rhode Vllllams, also colored, waa the omplalning witness. Goidon said he had gone to Ihc Vllllams house to buy a drink.

oat a piece of money, and In an rgumcnt over It he waa hustled ut of the house, he said He testi- Icd an alarm clock stiuck him on he head as he was leaving, Angered, ho picked up a handy bject and threw back, Gordon aid. He said he didn't know If It was a brick he throw or whether it iroko a window, Justice Eaird It was a brick and that It ild break a window. "It looks llko you'll get some reo board," Justice Balrd said when Gordon revealed lie couldn't iay the fine. "They nay the sheriff setting an excellent table at the ounty Jail." State's Atlorncy Orlando Kuhle, who queslloncd tho witnesses, warned the plaintiff that If she were selling llquov the "federals will get you some i In a second case Herman Harris, BURNS-SCALDS Stop the throbbing and fmarling at once with a soothing touch ol LesinoL NOKOMIS BUS LINE I.ocnl Service Puna. Nokomla, Hlllahoro nnd Intrrmcdlatit Points NEVIN BUS LINES St.

Chicago Kansas City, Detroit Const to Conut Service For Information Call UNION BUS DEPOT UK W. William Phonn 4005 BASE BALL GOODS Bali, Kqulp- 1 ment of All -T Oil Haines Esiick Co. LINN SCRUGGS MID SUMMER FURNITURE SALE Simmons Box Spring and Mattress Pay Only $4.00 Down Furniture Dept. Fifth Floor Two Famous Siirtmons Products Slumber King Inner Spring Mattress Slumber King Box Spring, Both For The blumber King inner apring mat- ''eaa ia well-tnilored, cornforlnble nnci KWSPAPLRl 'I he Slumber King Box Spring ii one of the finest bases made for ideal sleep comfort. "ourt Has to Decide Whether Brick Ir Alarm Clock Caused More Damage negro, was fined $25 and when Justice Buird found him guilty of assaulting William H.

Kolodln, manager of the Union Cicdlt Clothing store, 407 North Water street, after an argument over an account Harris had no attorney and pleaded hid own case. Ho denied striking Kolodln and Inflicting minor Injuries as chtuged by the store manager. Testimony of two cmployca of the store collaborated Kolodln'8 claim that he wag felled by Harris B'J he nought to wtilt on another customer who had entered the store during the course of tho argument. Harris was unable to pay the fine or costs and WAS committed to tho county jail. The disorderly charge brought by Leora Jameson against Sarah Williams was dismissed pending payment of the costs by the case by the defendant.

PARK BOARD TO MEET Members of the Decatur park board will meet Thursday evening In the park district offices. Routine buslneaa of tho board will be conducted, Fire Insurance may be said to have originated from the great fire of London in IGflfi ANNOUNCE PROGRAM Aircraft Company Official FOR I. 0. 0. F.

PICNIC Central Illinois Members Meet Here Friday A program for the flrat annual picnic of the Central Illlnola Odd Fcllowii to be held In Falrvlew park Friday, wan announced by the committee In charge. Two teams compoied of membera of the association will play a ball game at 3 o'clock, followed by BtHlctlc contests which will Include running potato racei, ball throwing contoata. Prim will awarded. A plf will be turned looae during ha afUrnoon nnd the one catching him, will be the winner. A tug of war will be held between the Decalur lodge and mombera from out of town lodges.

The supper will be aerved at o'clock In the pavilion, and each family la requeatcd to bring a wtll filled backet of food or fruit. At 7'30 o'clock short talka will be made by offlccra of the aaaocla- tlon and other prominent Odd Iowa. Following the talka, AUr'c orchestra will fuvniah mualc for dancing from 8 to 11 o'clock. The committee In charge of the picnic Includes George Magnln, chairman. Ira Carver, O.

R. Buck- Ira, Frank Klncald. W. H. Naah, G.

I Quayle and A. C. Lehman. Fliei Here From Detroit Wlllla C. Brown, aalea manager of the Continental Aircraft Engineering company of Detroit, flaw from Detroit to Dtcatur day afternoon to vltlt paul He la flying a Waco powered with a 160 home power Continental motor.

Mr, Temple took H. H. Shugart, general manager of (he A. Caah company, for a In the plane and later P. (Halt waa at the to teat the ahlp.

Mr, Brown will leave Thuraday for a weatern trip. He haa had wveral yeara experience tn aviation, having built a plane In 1M1. Ha waa the original designer of the Spartan airplane. Veteran. Add 633 Name.

To War Bonu. Petition. Bin hundred thirty-three were added Wedneaday to Veterana of Foreign War aaklng full payment of war rlak Inaurance, Of thla number, 400 were Dtcatur clvlllana and 75 were Dalton City ctvlllana. A total of 1M men algned, Including 38 from Mo-, It from Cerro Qordo, 11 from Bement and 10 from other atatea. Two appllcatlona for In the V.

F. W. were received Wed- neaday. bringing the total to 78. POSTPONE SCHOOL MEETING PENDING WORD ON BONDS Failure to receive final from the Harrla Truat A ItvUift company, Chicago, eeneanlnff tto of echool conitruetlMi bonda, cauatd poatpentmmt of meeting of the achool board which waa to ham town conducted Wedneaday night.

Aaldt from fining of the "prt- vailing to for atrurtlon work on Woodrow Wilton Junior High achool and CMiUfr nlal achool addition, no board hurt- new waa pending and offtelala da. Urmlned to await word en the, bonda In order to make Ing both 'Depend On Damns' For Hardware 1)1. I TASTE-TIRED? DON'T CHANGE YOUR BRAND moist and well lubricated, If you HMklng tot and who down'M-- frvqiMnri DVHVOTn inQ nOW Or MmVVf KMpft KM taito-budc main and frtih Thus, acfontiiti say, tfOfl Cv fOStt ft IfONT blameyourwnokei-- blune your Your papillae--the thoir itnda of clutters of tiny buds on your When you're taste-tired, it's because these delicate sense organs are below par. Freshen them up--and note the new zest and flavor enjoyment you get from both your smokes and your food I Care for your taste-buds, your papillae. Care for them by avoiding dry mouth, a condition of recognized prevalence.

Be sure to keep the tongue All lUtcmmb in ihii ttvirtwmnl rtturA imbctti mtiir fcwiM tidimitt MMwrtaJ kviih ik Mil ftadtj Akunwi miiainiy. If you'd like mote ment of your cigarette aid your food, keener and better digestion, chaw Wrigley's regularly betWMft smokes and between metUi At the cigar stand, taka your I 4. MM tPi.

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