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Waukesha Daily Freeman from Waukesha, Wisconsin • Page 1

Waukesha, Wisconsin
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Waukesha Freeman. (Entered i the PostOBco WMnksiha, Second Claw Mitter.) Volume XXXIII. No. 35. Waukesha, Wisconsin, August 27, 1891- Whole Number, 170 A GENESEE GIRL.

AN EARLY BLAZE. GOV. PECK AND THE BOYS SAH AND MOUENPUJ Eva M. Pender of Genesee is the last He Takes His Own Life While in a State of Insanity. An Honorable Life Sadly Ended.

The livery barn of Cbss. Serglerwos partially destroyed by fire as an early hour Tuesday morning. All the horses vehicels and equipments on the lower floor were removed to a place of safety, but a large quantity of hay, grain and about a dozen sleighs were des-scroyed. The firemen had some difficulty in getting the couplings made, but 'fought with determination after the water was started. The lass will round np in the neighborhood of S2.000, which is probably covered with insurantre.

R. Haas, a young man employed in had his le? broken by a hose being thrown upon him while near the burning' building. HAD A LIVELY SCRAP. AlNi; ii IS JIAltt. 11 SXib.

ered from this jyear's crop in Testis. Tb purposeoi GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED exhibit is to attract attention to IN THE AGRICULTURALSHOW. the boundless resources of r.he Lone iScar State. This novel scheme was originated three years ago by Com-The Eihibha at the Fair are Fine-Races missioner of Immigration T. A.

Wil-aDd Games lo oe Enjoyed--Various kioson, of the ForC WortU fc Bio firms picked Up. Grande Railway, who is in charge of I one of the Cars new in this city. A look at the innumerable specimens of "All aboard for the fair grounds, "i manufactured products, mineral pro-is the sou iid that tie bears constantly ducts, tropical fruits, ears of corn, this week, as the great crowds board grain, building stone, timber and the score of omnibuses that transport i other products could not but convince them to the agricultural society's the most skeptical that the resources grounds. The streets also arecrowdad of this great state have been und-r-with (jay turnouts and thesubstaotial estimated. jind even handsome rigs of the neigh- Major V.

B. Slosson hae cbarse of boring townsmen wlio' always come these exhibits. He and Mr. Wilkinson ic droves to see the sights, and visit were busy to-day in escortics the via-with friends and neighbors us this itors through the cars and in answer--L-otuoion meeting place. inp; queries from interested spectators.

There is a good e.tbi bit this year, as Besides the vast array of products then; has been ever isince Lhe new displayed the outer surface of thecars were first occupied, and no ia tastefully decorated with paintings one need feel feur that Wan-: of prominent institutions within the kesha County is not the peer of any i stae and maps of the Fort Worth in Wisconsin in the matter of provirj-1 Rio (jrande EUilway, showing the jog an annual show of the thousands 1 of fur tilt-land which -of Chines that go to make up the fair, is opened to settlement. Photograph- At th'iis wricinf: the outlook for views of the Port Worth Board of fortable weather is excellent, the Trade Building, the Daniel Baker and fight rain Tuesday niglu placed the i Howard Payne colleges attract, arten- little made happy by a Freeman watch. She had a rather hard tirua He Supplies Them with a Load of Met- getting; the necessary six tuhscribers ons, and Receives Cheers in Retum. because, as she found, almost every-Intidents of the Visit. body in Genesee takes the paper.

But she persevered and so of course she succeeded- She entrusted her Ii soma of our citir.ens had known father with the money and the names that Governor Peck was a guest at aHd he brought then: to The Freeman the ludusttial School Tuesday after- office and took the watch home to noon, ao exodous in that direction her. We have net heard from, her might have reigned, but the governor siofle receiving it her father was and Capfc. Regan had the little mat car sure ahe would liko it. Miss Eva is all arranged aud no one kuew of the years of ae and a very bright, visit until it was announced in the attractive girl." morning papers. Governor Peck was right in his Capt.

Enos Goe? Fishm. glory at the school, a-j be is very fond of the boys and talked to them in a. So much improvement has taken familiar manner. As he and the place in Capt. EuOs' health that he is Superintendent were walking by the drivioa about town and one day last family houses where the small boys week In company with Hon.

J. S. were playing hall, he saw tho ball Deut, went to Pewaukee take, and knocked over the hich fence wlion he together they captured a handsome ran out aud threw it back, to the de- string of fih Everyone is glad to see The death of Hon. A. E.

Gilbert, which occurred last Thursday morning, at hie home near Prospect, was surrounded by peculiarly sad circumstances! and is vary generally lamented. He bad been in poor health for several months, and though never confined to Ins bed, and most of the time partially. At least, able to attend to business, he was known to be in a serious condition. His family and friends were especially concerned Che deep melancholy in which be ivas constantly brooding. His mind became obviously affected, and so melancholy and dejected did he be come that his family feared filicide, especially as he was wont to discuss the question of destruction in a light of those engaged in the play, the bid veteran on deck again.

Jn tiie governor oiide gooa-hye to the this connection it mav be noted also manner that left no doubt as to his J. E. Hf.cElroy, the chief promoter of the Hygeia Spring Company's pipe line to Chicago, is apparently a man of spirit. The followinc pftrasrarjli boys yesterday morning, arA as that there has been a favorable turn passed out in his carriage the cheers in the condition of Mr. Bacon, who wishes.

Strict watch was kept on hi in, out in the early morning of era tnree hundren and fifty pairs of has Tnproved materially during th lungs rent the air; but thi3 was not summer. race track ui the best possible condi- tion. Statements to the efleCu that tion. The racing programs therefore Texas has ,00,000,000 school fund for the different days will be as fine as and that there are 20.000,000 acres any ever provided there. of school land open for the set- In ail the departments there is a tier for almost nothing interests many, -full showing, although the tally date There can be no doubt that tbt-eilorts -of the exhibition limits cosomeextent of thu Fort.

Worth Rio Grande quantity of fruits to be seen. The way and the Texas Res.1 Estate Asso-show of agricultural products is a re-! ciation, oi Waco, Texas, which jointly of the magnificent crops just bear the exhibit, will result in immense Gathered, anc1 in the fine arts hall one gain to the great southern state, "finds innumerable things to please the i It is expected that ox-Governor Rich-eye and interest the mind. lardJJ. Hubbard, of Texas, and the Waukesha County haH become noted two maaagera of the exhibit will lec- concerning bin. appeared in the Sentinel as a Kansas City dispatch: "The rotunda of the Coatcs house was the scene-to-day of a sensational personal encounter between J.

P. McEIroy and T. H. Swope, two millionaire capitalists of this place. McEIroy and Swope had had a misunderstanding concerning an investment.

To-day McEkoy was conversing with a friend in the Coatts house rotunda when Sivope stepped up to the latter and told 'him that MrEiroy was a thier, a liar and a villain. McEIroy thereupon felled Swope to the lloorby a blow on the head with his walkinn-atick. As Swope arose he drew his revolver. McElrov followed and the men were about lo open fire, when friends separated them." AS GOOD AS A LAKE. rnursniiy, August he Hudec Ctie vigilance of the family.

It is supposed to have been about a. that he arose, dressed, took his hat and cf.ue, and went out through the moonlight to the barn. There be found a rope halter used in tying stock; be made one end of it fast to a timber, and tied a noose in the other which hi: placed about his neck. Then he swung loose from the box on which he had climbed, and swung into eternity. His dead body was found about 6 o'clock.

A physician. Dr. L. Ineersoli, was summoned, and a coronet's was held. A verdict chat he came to his death by his own hand while in a state of insanity was rendered.

Funeral services were held on Saturday at his late residence. A very large concourse of people was in attendance, including many from this village and other parts of the county. for its good stock, and the state fair ture in this city beEorstheirdepatture on Tuesday nest. The world's fair ollicials are arranging the nutter. I A better tine for the visit of thin exhibit to Waukesha could no; possibly be hrid, as thousands of people interested in agriculture will have an opportunity of witnessing what would otherwise be almost im- -only surpasses it in quantity, not in quality.

THIS CONTESTS Wednesday afternoon in trie three minute class and two and three year -old stake races were designed to wliet -the for what will be presented to-day and co-morrow: IMOCI.ASC-PUKSEF-DO. yOU ARE INVITED 10 CALL AT Our New Store 406 BROADWAY, KENDRICK BLOCK. gee the Handsome Carriages THE STYLISH ROAD WAGONS I The Finest and Best Harness Made! Latest Designs 1VRF GOODS of All Descriptions. LA DIES' GENTS AND BOYS' SAME PIS. HAKXKS GJL, TOP DJtJCiSSTNC, BL'GGY AND WAGON CUE

T. HAYNES SON. if Texas is con Mr. Gilbert bad a wide acquaintance! JcCi Jily, Liilliurl. Wnllki Milwa.

was esteeniea and respiicted. Dr. J. L. Ingei'soll, his Old-time friend, made an address civ-mg a sketch ol his life and speaking an affectionate eulogy of his many nected with the projectors of Mm leucine, to lay the true worth, of this tntic state before the bonis seeking people, and he will speak at the grounds, describing very fully tlie eni-rgy and prosperity existingtiit'iv, the educational advantages at the state, etc The inainmers wish to ad- Long Jones to Improve the River Near BethesJa.

Spring. Manager has long entertained an idea of utilizing the river which Sows through Bethesda Park at the western end, as ri niinaturo lake, and iast week he fully made his mind chat Waukesha should no longer be without that attraction. He started a large gang of men at work dredging and digging', but they became"- uui c. Rev Camp also Spoke briefly and appi-D piiaLeiy, A quartette consisting of v.rtise to the fullest extent, theDftinel Ada JiQjt, W. Baker and Howard Payne Go! lines of Brownwood, Brown and Lhe High I al hymns.

The i.he long pro to I lied, arid strnck Saturday morning. i Lr' it-theSew Berlin toivn cemetery here i -'-''fi'1-" ul 'V i i i hooi oi Fort Worih, views of which fewiiiu'u-l'raii-s- be seen on the brilliantly colored i'i iv' The exhibits will be shown at tfee iiityl World's Fair. 41 IT rs i A TIIOITINC CONTEST. i ''ami Muhiu '1'le celebrated gelding, '-Abram." a brief prayer was offered, and the poor, worn-out body, so lately freed from its unhappy spirit, was eon signed to everlasting rest. -liver us E.

Gilbert was the son Daniel Gilbert, who came from New eariy morning a new gang took their places. The river wil! he widened twenty Eett and deepened sis feet for a quarter of a.rniie. and will oft'-rc good boating bathing to the crowds here in the future. the end of thematter, as he had fur-! COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS-nished a little treat for them, and! ivy Ol JMipswooa OtOCK wno nas made 2 2... ut the Washington P.yk York to the territory ol yesterday noon a huge wagon load of i the largest watermelons procurable! will ttive nr.

th his family in IS3fl. The MOVE ABOUT THE PIPE-LINE. waa taken to cue scnooi, wit.n me tion of his at the county rair fractions at to-day, when he will be driven to beat Onn. ft will the time ever made on the A. kesha track.

On Friday lie wil! trot condition that no knife should, be used in eating them, hue the lads must wade into them as if they had One nf tlie sprruil a oou-ins I. Ins after, consist of a horse-bicycle Huesner will start at' sc with a again ngainst his own1 best time as struck a melon patch. 2.f0 rlav-. Itji'm- rt ri mile 'given Hbov vers of i-peed and E. H.

Paige will linisli other horses will find it interesting half. Mr. Heusner will vide a special present at these trials of speed one iJivnmatiu and Appointed to Arrange for the Reception to the International Association of Railwaj Thkcr Agents, The following committee of has been appointed to take in charge, the work of arranginc lor the visit of the above association to Waukesha on Sunday, Sept, 6, lft91: Perry Grace, J. M. Lee.

H. M. You-mane, H. H. Rust, A.

J. Frame, Stokes, P. H. Carney, h. E.

Uibiet. T. Taylor, L. S. Ovitt.

A. Fred Phelps, Leonard (lalt-man, C. E. Welch, J. A.

Heusner. There will be a rcettinj- of the above committee Saturday evening at tbe village council rooms at 8 o'clock. All members earnestly n-quested to be in attendance and lend their assistance. In lhe Socia! Swii Paige a 23 poundHiuuberracpr. This race will be of central interest and A rumor was current last Saturday to the effect that Mr.

McEIroy had approached the Wisconsin Central Rail way Co. on the subject of usingits right of way to for the pipeline scheme, and that General Manager Ainaley had visited town the previous day to nscerta if claims made by McEIroy as to the attitude of WHO IS RICHARD HUGHES. Inquiry For Relatives of a Man Killed at Portland, Oregon. On Sunday Postmaster Putney received a telegram from the coroner of Portland. Oregon, conveying information chat Richard Hilch-, brick-mason, r.ied in New Berlin and took up the labors of pioneer life.

In Alveruswas married to tbo daughter of -a aeighboring pioneer, Hatinaii Hollister. Tbey moved to Illinois in the early fifties, returning in 1S61, and purchasing the farm i.i New Berlin, which has since been their home. Mr. Gilbert eitrly become prominent in the town and has always remained so. He held several town offices, was a member of the county board, and twice represented his district in the assembly.

He was also prominent in the town insurance society. He was a man possessed of much discretion and good iudgment, in public matters, and enjoyed the high confidence of his nesociaces. Both in public and private life his standard of honor and morality was high, and his life was blameless. He: was also a man oi rnsnv friends- both bicycle and horse race entluisi-i announced or this asts wii. be providin: with l.he;r own a special amusement.

House. Till; UAS1S UAl.L "tournament consisting of one Wednesday, Thursday i Guests of the ArlinEton House in-vi me dulged in a iiay-ride Saturday even. Tdav in? I1- people, were cor- ecc. That the General Manager was The that Hughes' par eie LueiK ih no ouc jve near herc. anil Cue ost- the other matter no definite mt'or A four-horse team and a brass band were; the accomplimc-nts to a delightful hay ride by Spring City cuests.

Twelve o'clock was the hour that the gayeties reased. Last Saturday everiinc a most- en- nifwter to find tliem. The relatives of the unfor-ttinate man have not yet been found. Hughes i a common name in this county, and especially among our many Welch residents. -between the Ocouomowoc and Wan kesha clubs for a parse of $100, wil prove an interesting feature to cla lovers of the national game.

racsiiyr of wkhshsday's ivcjitf. The three-iiTiiHir-e race was won by in three straight heats, time 2--10; Wert Dexter, se'eond. The three-year-old stake race was postponed. RRAL ESTATE. WCllAlU) K.

LAU All. Ovtr tjdumSc Wauicesln, )r two excellent rarmri ol SO each, within 2 milm of the village generous and nuecf lonare. neere sor tion is forthcoiain. He could nor, fail to find opinions if lie tried with all there are floating around, and from our observation the heft of them arc not on the side represented by M- of that there tan be no question. Harvest Picnic Next Sunday.

The Ki-H-nti harvest picnic under the auspices of the Germsinin Sininn Society, which was to have taken jO.vable time was spent attue pleasant His- tragic death brought home of Mr. Luis liM.k on the north row r.o many hearts, side, it being his anniversary. A party I iJr. Gilbert leaves a of ilis I'liends aud acquaintances gave sons. Willis L.

and Me.rb TO KEEP TRACK OF THE RAIN. ol ant iter his 5m. an of Halt's Cor same hall resulted a surprise in. a score oF 38 lo 5 in favor of Wau- astonishment he Dey Has a Weather G'jijt, and Will Take Observations Refru- with Mrs, Rohei Say lei U.aai- keslia. a handfome revolving arm chair.

Altera reasonable quantity ol merri- Tvl place iusc Sunday, at Griflin's Grove, Dey has received l)Kr- Recovered bv Mariial Ajren. Last ironrlay ySm. W. H. Uenarrl lost a snrcbel On the road between here and Oconomowoc, which ccncaiiieci moncv The foot race Wednesdav afternoon ment a bountiful supper was served between Woosier of Eajle," and Clark ro which all did ample justice, and in -of Caldwell, tor a purse "of SI 5, was the wee sma hours the party dispersed won by the former, the difference in wishing Mr Deck many happy returns time being bat half a second.

The oi tce day. distance run wus 100 yards the The German at the Fountain House was postponed until next Sunday, Au2. 140, owin to tlie inclemency of the weather, Good vocal and instrumental music will be rendered. Refreshments oE all kinds be All are invited. A i-jO acre foi-m milon or tb: villaM.

Two nuw 7 room hnufCs in the Jdad-ficld addition fra- each. Four donirable hound to let. Fine l-ewiclcn-v u- Colleso Main Kant. Maple Ave. ar.d numerous vacant corner lota for sale on terms.

Wanted I 1.0,000 in small amounte to Itian on farm or villne property. Security at 0 anil 7 yur cent, To on good approved wcuiity. Several bai-guiria in Waukesha cotta-HEM and houheM. A tine ten-acre Garden. place ncarthe villafie, at io'w figure for caah.

A lnafinificmt utock and grain lann in Walworth county, at a Over acres will be sold separate or together. Farms in ffansas, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota, lor sale or exchange, Oct.StI laud araountiiv fo 53(30. A reward oi 5.1:0 was oriered unci word wus sent to Mu-i-shal here that it susrjiciooed that four men from time was H.VL, Monday evening was a very fashion- the tex is EVHiuiT those who pftrticipnt- ed say it was very eujoyable as well Dr. Elliot's Dental Rooms.

bfnick farm neur Ocono-mowoc knew somethinof the rjronertv, it was given in nonor ot tlie yonng nuage irom the weather itt Washington, and will hirreatter make observations of the rainfall in his locality, with monUily reports to Washington, The c.u;u.e arrived on Wednesday and was immediately set up in open space about a hundred feet from hio house. The consiKti? im)ly of two tubes, the smaller inside the larger, and poseesins just one tenth as mricb end surface, A funnel from the end of the iarger -slopes to the smaller, Tbe rain is thus collected and poured into the smallec tube and measured by a carefully graded rod. The amount is then divided by ten. and the exact depth is tbua obtained. Mr.

Dey Found that in Thuraday'a They were at the fair rjrounds here, arid the marshal proceeded thither, and by iudiciouy munacement secured the property without doing more than to Dr. F. C. Elliot the Erst of the tenants oi the new Putoey Block to get settled in hie rooms, aud it is entirely aafe do say that will be more handsomely surrounded or cosily-located. He bus a suite of rooms in the comer over the score to be occupied by Mr.

Ryall, and he ha all the necessary appurtenances for attractive dental parlors and is to be conm-atulflred r.hRi.fior.. He of fnnrnf arrest two 01 trie men. it was claimed by them that they bad found it and bad no intention ot keepiup the property. However, there were papers in the Batchel that indiwtted "-ho the pro That Lat Came. perty belonged to, and an entirely hon Vi" i zuests ot the lintel.

Dancers with bristly pnmted pictures of numberedabout t-hirtv. Leaders were building and maps which to the J. Watber and Miss Edna Dicken-masses attending will be ol a very Mn. Some of the figures wereextreme-ittterostuiK nature ly pretty. They included "Skipping i he cars arnved Monday via the Hope," "Sarafan Dance," "Potato C.

Ey. and en sidetracked on a -pHrsL0: Figure," "Oracieand track especially built for the purpose. Dajw -Roman They were opened to the sight seers Char'wt," "Apron Figure." Favors yesterday morning and a Urge crowd wer wreaths of dowers, bon-boos, -enjoyed a view ol trie tastefully bankets of candy, bunches ot roa3 arrangeti display of leia products. armlets of bells, etc. The The newspapers ill over tne country patronesses of the occasion were Mrs.

i the cars have shown jive Rosine Ryan, Mrs. John Latin), Mrs. steaded notices of the axhibiGs. CI eary, Miss Murray, Ms A lice Flash, T. A.

Wilkinson and Major W. B. Slossorj, are the managers. The Bo not confuse the Famous: Blush ol. lUiicago Evening Post of Friday, Aug- Hoses with the many worthless paints, jat 21, aay: powders, creams and bleaches which are I ater to toe aeptn ot ot an ites all brs.tnendB to call and heipfflifca fell, and on bunday ot a bim enjoy them and solicits a fair share oE the patronage of all who oe- est caurne wouio nave ocen soraewdat different than tbe one pursued.

Mrs. Eeniuad had been Rreatly annoyed by her Joee, and owinc to the course ol the men she refuaed b.trive finders any part of tbe money which tbe satchel contained. inch. The result of Mr. Dey's observations wil! be oE conhiderable local interest.

The Freeman is pleased to announce that it will be printed monthly ra this paper. aesire The Bay View base ball club-carae out from Milwaukee, Tuesday, to ply ball; but a sad they plat up indeed. Well, Waukesha inacie 11 runs and Bay View only one. Both pitchers did- good, but the.Bay View's iefieJd work was bad and tlieir error rolurnn looks like a sheet of flypaper after a -weeks display iu window. They-have formed dislike to umpire'' Kil-patrick which is bordering upon revenge; and they claim when, they come, out attain, they will win a game from.

Wauke3haor Kill-Patrick. Though Missionaries A. Monument From lrtand. Oconouiuwoc Free press: T. B.

Tent Meeting at Brookfteld. Rev. H. P. Peterson, evangelist, of Oshkosb, will pitch his tent in Brook-field, Dear tbe M.

E. Church, Saturday, Sept. tj, where he will, conduct a series of revival meetinsp for about two weeks. A. A- Pastor M.

E. Church. Catholic Citizen: The most effective missionaries for the people's party, are the chinch bac and the grajwhop Tim i tloodme the marKet. bet the genuine ol The thres attractively painted can your druggist, Blair and EstberR. lor 75 ontaimng specimen of the products wnt8 bota and I guarentee' it will II Telus wewadetracked remove your pimples, freckles, black-i the late front to-day.

A constant head, rooth, tan and eunburn, and reaai of people passed through the give you u. lovely completion. Ried and brothers are having amonu-ment made in Ireland kjr the family lot in Alderly. The stone was quarried where their parents wce bora..

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