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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 4

Janesville, Wisconsin
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Rot. E. L. Eaton will deliver the oration In this city on Memorial day ARE TAKING SHAPE. 1 wft.Ciiat TO SHOOT WILD GEESE before the Grand Army.

kW ALL SHOULD VOTE Important Issues Are to bft Doter-minod at tho Various Ward Primary Meetings. Contractors at Work on Street Hall DOGS WORTH BIG SDMS BRED IN JANESVILLE, They Bring ft Good Prices as dc Fanoy Bred Gontlomon's Carriage Hones 'To keep a double-barreled thot-i in shape," said a local duck-buot-hi. morning, "it should be filled The Chief Executive Expected in way Estimate! Under E. T. Harne'i Direction.

Janesvflle Wednesday Homing Boady For the Fray. with avN'eot oil and the muizles corked. Tho only objection ie the amount of winfroH. A food manv haveiruess- Rev. Mr.

Keller, of Edgerton, proaohed two excellent sermons at the Conjreg ational church yesterday. n.ri; Sm 1 and'2. Ancient Or cd the quantity without measuring It LOCATION OF IHE MEETISG PLACES they are surprisingly iur uui GEESE ARE FLYING IS BIG FLOCKS. the A MODEL MOTOR RECEIVED TODAY. TheE lectrlo Powr House to to a der of Hibernians, will moke a street How amen uoes ii vane.

Ar. TKm-BrTnvSt. Patrick' In Each Case 7 :30 O'clock is the ROTABLE SALES ADD PURCHASES. T. B.

lohlin, C. C. MoLean and "t'. Madljon 127 ixivuloy Daulol. Madison ave McKlr Uor.i Mudli JuLl Ltr.

In.H i k.Mtljl viiKcllfilhamlOl The Governor Will be the Guest of reporter. "Oh. let vour readers guess on it for Hour Set Fop Beginning the Work on Tickets Frame Structure Forty-Fivo by Seventy Feofc POWDER Absolutely Pun. one day and see how near they come C.E. Jenkins and A.

P. Bus- janivui.MUiti lnntoii. soil, of This Tte JallesTije Light Infantry ii hi 1 iv C. Sweeney Aro the Principal Breeder Here. la not onlj a horse among the companies invitea oj im medal must file answers early and Republican ward caucuses for the National Drill Association, Material for tho power house of the 1 1 avoid the rush.

Highest of all In leavening which thi test in Omaha next Juno, 1 electric street railway is being deliv- rA nn thn Mr of the TtTODOSed buUd- IEARD IN HIGHWAY AND BYWAY purpose of electing delegates to attend the city convention, and for placing in nomination candidates for ward offices, will be held in the seve- Mi 1 ullo igli AlIrea.MlDl Polntave Xtr, a bufffy center, tobacco canter. nd a cotton cloth center. but a doff- first prize will be 85,000. ITotelt Agalnit the Salaou, r-sMbtiii rrf the Third ward hai Uovemor Peck is expected to arrive InJanesville Wednesday morning to shoot wild freeso, as the puost of Janesvillo'B two "goose experts," C. IS-Jenkins and P.

Rnssell. MeBsrs. Jenkins and Russell will go to the shooting grounds tomorrow to prepire 1 Olives Srmvn-a rcntle zephyrs were about rm.1 iviltiU on Mondav evenlnir, Marcn breedlnf center as well, A few ytirt affo there wasn't ing, north of the St. FaiU ireignti The main building of the power housowlU be 45 by TO feet. It will m.

frime buildinc. 14, at. 7:0 o'clock, at the following esterday. Si'Kl'o, heautiful spri'g circulated a petition protesting against the oponing of a saloon opposite the court house park, and their the blinds and "prepare tho geese ior A modal of the motors that will be pluces: First Ward At the engine house, said ward. Second Ward At the east side violent dcatn, as requeisteii UJ 5 In his ctaraetoria'-i letter to on the street railway wa i 1 ki a 'air 11 BulftlW M-sJ In.iac M.

Ifcarl 130 MntrlL.I HvftWin. I'r-'Lrl Iff? l. I L. ivjrl 130 MlPui 1. II, M.nlhui: Muibj vin'l roint ceived by E.

T. Haines today. prayer wiu uo -j common council at their nest mee Coiulemaatlonilalt on Irlal. in town that was worth a dollar to anjhodj except the owner. Now It's different.

Jantuvlllo bred dogs brlni as good a price as a fancy bred roadster. It's a cold day. in fact, very cold, when F. B. Echlln, C.

C. McLean, or J. P. Sweeney do not have three or hundred dollars worth of -dogs t. Jenkins.

The geese uro coming 1)0 VIS -t house TV.irrt Wurd At the wrinkles. Tun dotted veil is homely girl. Chasing runaway I ita amusement today. 6m thick now, one man having counted fifteen Hocks in sight at ono time yesterday morning, Fourth ward Council chamber. Fifth Ward At George Kasti Tltc trouble of "houie-hunliiig" vanithtd rince The Gazeltt'i ailtertitmcnit" prvted tlleir vaiut.

cases of Fetric, Guild and Richardson ajrainst the Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul railway, growing out of tho laying of track on North Main street, was following them about town. That cents. LANES' FAMILY MEDICINE, villa will meet in delegate convention CATHOLIC LADIES ORGAMIZE.

my Are fnitert In Their Birart To S.c.iro Thn Catholic ladies of Janesville or Plxley's, ou the bridge. Skats for "Tangled Up" will be put rm sale to-morrow moroing. doe not mean that they have fifty dog tiffing them about.but only one or two, poeslbly throe. taken in the circuit court this morn- Xnjld Vp" Has Tunny Plot. One of the best attractions of the isson is announced at Myers Opera 1 LH.Pj 1 1 ti 1 Wednesday, March 10, at 1:30 o'clock ing-.

25 cents. How cold those white spring jackets for the purpose 01 ganized temporarily Sunday afternoon house Thursday evening next in the appearance of the DcLange-Elsing CinmnA-r fiomoanv in "Tansfled Up." candidates for the various cityofiices looked yesterday afternoon. DOW'S LIVER CURE TEA The Hebrew feast of Lots, called Purim. wob celebrated to-day by the Colds in the head usuauy hair cuts in this kind of weather. As the name implies, the comedy has JO cents.

The latest addition to Janesvillc kennels, Is Princess by Mr, Echlln, of T. Lamb, of Arlington, Marv-land, for the sum of H13.1, Frincn 1 a handsome St, Bernard, one 173 nrmnds. has white HOMS Hebrews throughout the world, Itlsj shut up and you put up, building, in this city. Mrs. John Baker, was named as president; Miss Anna Doran as secretary, and Miss Minnie Joyce, treasurer.

Upwanla of eighty-four members wore enrolled. which three oonples aro brought into Dow's Tea is worth the price. motto a west side barber ua filled at the ensuing spring eieu- and for the consideration of any business that may properly before the convention. The 1 wards will bo entitled to the number of delegates as in the city convention. By order of the aittcc C.

B. Co hah- among the Hebrews, founded on the story beautifully told in the hook onfusion By a ncianigni. in- ansoro cab, an exchange of grips' or hand satchels, Tms Beloit Glee and Banjo Club will band; inll white eoUar, white chest ii ifii.ii 11, on 10' 1 iyii IVrc, Miur-ollf Ha-i ii 'It mot 1 Ele it 1 irr Ml" nvt 1170 commence Its annual tour through the imfiai-itv of names and a ate on Marcn Thk rem on why Belolt's Uqt Mrs. G. A Shnughnesny was arrest baby.

Other complications aro brought -about by the mistakes and blunders FIRST WARD VOTERS, First Ward Mrs. Thomas FHsim-mons, Miss Maggie Burke, Miss Bessie Oateloy, Miss Mary Carroll. Second Ward-Miss Etta Whalen, Mrs. J. M.

KnciT, Miss Maggie Burke, eeutions have failed, ed Saturday evening for creating a disturbance on West Milwaukee street tknn to 1ail bv Marshal Acheson. flrst piige dispatches. vo masters at the same time. The fLiU.CIlWIlLini 209 aTv iiiidiion'av and forelegs, white ninaiega and half of tail, His body is solid orange color. This morning two pup-plea oame for Princess to care for.

They are sired by a son of Champion Hesper, and are likely to prove prize winners. Mr. Eohlin has also purchased Cym-belene, St. Bernard, of F. E.

Lamb, lultlfnim Of Cvmbaleno, Mr. Club Tub isicycn play not a farce comedy, but a legltl-mmtn comedT on the order of "Mr.WlI- Sunday morning she promised to leave Third Ward Miss Mary O'Niel, Miss Scllie Gardner, Miss Maggie Con- Widows, All the Lomions morrow evening at i ciout. odrull'i Farm rinmt" "Private Hr KOttCbeJobn Puiirl La Pmahuk hen that was tancn The eomoanv is a strong one, beaded Ob rs. Glbb preached on china egg 4 sr 1 Jim 1' -r Lamb writes to the "American look her fellow-hena In the face sli r. ana Ijouik ueuange, con cannon, Miss Mary Klein, Fourth Ward Miss Murray, Miss Nellie Cuvanauglr, Miss Angelina Sweitzer, Mrs.

Ben Nelson. Fifth. Ward Mrs. James Morris, Mrs. (Joorge Davlne, Mrs.

Hugh M. Mrs. T. B. Loahev.

terday. Her series of lectures on tl hibla will end next Sunday, with 1 1 TnEBK were fourteen 01 us, hich hats," la i dlan of wide experience and ability. I have sold at quite a long figure Cvmbelene, the pick of my Lord Bute- O. P. 0.

discourse on Internal Evidence Kate you a room- to renlJ- Trg The slang, but nobody knows what it T-ar Knrt.h Western Divisional Staff Against the Bible's Infallibility Clydesdale Nell litter, to F. B. Echlin, of Janes? lUe, Wis. She has a wonderful head enormous bone, and Is well Gazttte't "dauijled Tho ladies propose giving a suppor on, the evening of March 17, St. Patrick's dav.

the proceeds to bo for the Coal from the stove fell on the floor Brass band of the Salvation Army 5 visited Evansville on Friday, Saturday of tho municipal court room this benefit of the building fund. and Sunday. made all through, Sho bids fair make a name lor herself on Hr has sold to Fulfhai $3.37 1-2 morning and Durnea a aig now vu. matting on tha floor- Clerk Inman was absent at the time but found the room full of smoke upon his return. Miss manager of the Beloit office of the Western Union, was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. I. H. Carpenter TROUBLE ABOUT SWITCH IMC Th Northwt. Stir.

IT A Wirt II. Compllto. rr.v. t.MA nt. -Rookford be WssliLucton ISO rik.lVSiwnUS tween the Northwestern, St.

Paul and jesi.BT.iay, A MOW all the tramps Sheriff Hogan has boarded this winter there is not a UTEES' CRAW) OPERA BOUSE A heavy freight engine was derailed near the Chicago North Western nassencer depot Saturday, and St took is Central ratlroafls that city. Tbe Ga7rtc suveral hours' work to got It back ONE HIGHT OHLV. ingle Fiji Islander, ima pt" A incus tiger is roaming nround mtig tho Johnson of Nashville, Tennessee, I Mascot Beauty, Silvern, Yellow Bird and a young dog not registered, all bringing good prices. C. McLean has sold the thirteen months' old mastifl'Hermati, weight one hundred and fifty pounds, to George E.

Pratt, of WinflBld, the price being one hundred dollars. J. F. Sweeney is also doing quite a business In breeding fancy dogs. His sales foot up to quite respectable tlaii.

Tha latest shipments were to tho Illinois Central THURSDAY EVENDfG, MARCH 17, 1S92- accident. A box car was derailed St- Paul companies unless certain Palmyra. Palmyra isn't Ihe only town where the tiger makes things intorcst- Engagement of conditions wcro complied with. J.nese tfcit the Northwestern while switching from the St. Pni the Chicago fc Northwestern road.

In a De Lange and Kisingsl agent here shall bo informed of what AttesD the cake and apron sale in block, on the bridge, tomorrow 1 I' 1 'L Tjhw-, wri M.i.luiir I Lin-'rcilj limine S00 i ii'rv VvV-iltlnetJo "l7 1 1 1 i Is a price thait will buy a few. days) a misses cheviot Reefer Jacket, sizes 12 to 18 years, that is just what you have been looking for, for your girl to wear to school; the real value is about double what we ask. We Show For ladies a very complete line of new spring The Union House came near furn- and consignor. Tbo C. COMEDT COH FAUX, afternoon and evening.

Hot coffee Davenport, Iowa, and to T. J. Zeiglor, ic'hinD- n. Herniation Saturday night. A Q.

people are willing to do this, out 1 it.t.i flr.1 nan bnot-black took lodgings. of Minneapolis. Th Mlaiea SwllierJi VU and lunch ten cents, Tkbhb will be a "family party" at PrtbluK hall on Friday the 0 cars are switched as usual, taoso The Misses Sweltzor have a kennel it tbe gas. Tbe escaping gas of the St.Paul and 1. C.

roads For the first time in this city the laughable absurdity. TANGLED UP Th farce comedy succcsb of B2. All New Songs '-See the grcaT3piPn Dance. Hnmards that are probably evening of this week, for Knights of But so far JL fine eneciraens of the breed as there oken ooon iu time to save the life of Pythias ana tneir lammes. OlUSKKYKK HKIMSTIIEEU' the liui" stranger.

A company of unexcelled artists mometor to show how many mus im Stuart A. Chase has been swindled merourv travels up ana oown mc having been brought here directly from Switzerland. Tho gentleman who Imported them cared nothing for bench show prizes, and therefore his dogs were not registered Under tho rules they cannot bo shown now until this point as the other and contorted by nf rtTifl hundred dotiars ov tube in the VvY7 writ, renresents himself We. the undersigned, composing the heaaeany tnc wen unown acwr, mi. WillBlsing.

pt ss nmc i Tuc-vl-i mmn, st o'clock, st-Klne 6 Price 75, ud2M, Coming the famous dialect comedian, Mr. Chas. Gardner. those. are among the penalties ntlir'Iiri of New York.

Wurta board of registry for election district, Second precinct, First ward, in the city their pedigree has been established, thev have won three first prize! for allowing this obstinate maiaoy gain full headway. 1 Always is it dan- Tujjias and Michael Cantillon.of St. Paul, arrived in the city last evening, being called hero on account of i AJL illness of their father, of Janesvillc, Kock county, Wisconsin, do certifv that the foregoing is a true at bench shows. The Misses SweltzOT have written to is wltzeriana ui e.n- garments (for outside wear): Thejackets the Capes, the Long Coats are all particularly at- tractive the prices are low. ARCHIEREID.

list of the voters in said district, as far LADIES WAST THEM. Patrick Cantillon, North Hickory gorous irom ion vitals invariably Is it agonizing. Uostetter's Stomach Bitters has id r.i.Vlv usserted its su- isked Mr. Chase to become local agent it his company, and later induced lim to endorse a draft and identify 11m at the bahk. John Tracj Ded In Stnart.

Hayes Brothers, of this city, re p. "a iVx it5 1 tj known, at the nrat or primary Hsh the pedigrees of the dogs. TWO NOVEL KINDS OF PARTIES. 1 remains of Mrs. Anna Rabyon were buried in uan niu ccmurerj rttlng.

Dated March JSltJ. W. Bhuttos. G. H.

Djlvby, T1IOMA3 D. I)OWIJi(Q, Inspectors of Election. tho rheumatic virus completely from Cil-i 1: ceived a telegram last evening from Stuirt, Iowa, announcing tho death of thir brother-in-law, John Tracy, thn blood. It is safe, too, wmie col- Sunday afternoon, lunerai serico conducted by Rev. H.

L. Cawthorne, were held in Trinity church at 2 o'clock. There was a large attendance prescribed for it are not. The ef.lcacy the past eleven years an engmtwr the Rock Island railroad. Mr.

A GKKAT YAREETT Uall Growing In Populnrltj, One of the latest novelties in the entertainment line is tho lemon squeeze." The young ladles who take part are arrayed in lomon-colored gowns, but are not to be squeezed in public. Lemons form the chief article Of sale as woll of decoration. T.mon drons are oromlnently dis of tho Bitters as a cleanser ol tuo VANTfiD-rcrmjincI the church, and many intm.n the funeral purty to the Truey died of malarial fcvcr.und leaven jn is also the poison of miasma infects mains will be brought to Janesville ORGAN ated with bile. Constipation, oyspep for interment, arriving here at Wednesday afternoon. CHAT OF LOCAL CHURCHES.

Do you remember yesterday's te An the local congregations la grippe, money oKinc! lv l-i 1, Luinant lei race 'r III 1H lI rl ij LtM 1 LroK r. and dcbiUty art ir all Jtlndii tinfllnind jomli Jt played on the confectionary table, the takes aro lemon-shaped and lemon-flavored, while the lomonado stand WiV What-Are They? They are the latest necklace and stick pins, they arrived. Call and see them. (They will please you.) KOLLE. CAUGHT ON THE I also removed by it.

The convales-ing and the aged and inarm derive much benefit from its use. ,11 furuliure ftictor)'. The loafers wore largely represent has a squeezer ami a pile 01 lemons, the drink being made while the customer waits. Eccd competent ilrl a A LOCAL clergymen is studying vu write his sermons in shorthand. Tflt chance of a consolidation of tho ed in the Ucrlin Dread nois.

SPECIAL60 DAY SALE fine assortment of baby cabs. ThT Niver Harris, 3 Fulton Market, New One of the novelties to ba provided, call at Sutherland's hooks store. Methodist churches is not as groat at first. -York city, says: The 6kirt-dancor's skirts may come Exough new jackets wore OF GROCERIES TT10R BEM-On Ann 1 high, but she must have 'em. 1 it ie think Easter yesterday to maice Is a tree trimmed with lemons tied up In small white paper bigs, each, bag containing a prize, A table near by has lemon-shaped and lemon-colored packages, which sell for five cents apiece.

Lemon ice cream and lemon water lee aro also indispensable. Each cs Terroro if. ITnela Tom's Cabin for the million, 'at 103 MUtou avenue. "I have Been using -Pills for the lasx fifteen years. There is nothing equal to them as Blood Purifiers and Liver Regulators.

But I wish to stato how remarkably they uao. come. Suppeh will be served from 5:30 iil 7 Wednesday evening at C' Ice 23 cents, at Sutherland's book A still hunt Attorney-Ueneral Mil AND Canned Goods. 'Court. and now easuy, 1 i.

ler's chase of tho whisky trust. Jeweler and I 0 I "LS. Fisli JfisVJia T. I'Lilrlck I I 1 1 Mjiiiw ii I I 11' i.FL, was affected by rheumatism in the 1. Mtj winens fwholcaale fish Dress nets in black and colors, many QWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN dealer) naturally loads me to damp handsome patterns, new.

J- M. Bost- Optician I street; young lady who takes part is, course, a lemon aid. Rookford young people got togretht the other night and had a ghost stoi party." Tho scheme was a new Or and all who participated voted that was eminently successful. All we: Street church parlors. Foun men dozed off to sleep just as the contribution hoi wa passed in a wost side sanctuary yesterday, A cehtACT choir leader is said to select tho most difficult moaic she can buy, leaving merit out of thequcstion.

Best Granulated Sugar 32)b3 .11.00 I suffered fearfully; I tried Ba ml all kinds of A man may bo considered lacking In Choice Jw Jop" hospitality when he will "not even en- tures, but they did me no good and I ilM linn nrloDla. I flnallv enveloped Jn sheets and pillow catos and after variou ghost walks, prizes Best Pickles, per gallon istory of David Grieve, by Mrs. commenced using Brandreth's Pills. I VED BY SECTION MEN. wore offered for the beat ghost stories- Humphry Ward, at Sutherland's as lobes, Shades 0 bars Dei Best Now York Apples, per tush 1.00 Best K.

Sweet Cider, per gal." 2 lesnltaliltitorlsdy While, lavlnir aside vour gay cloth taking them forty days and I gut ing during Lent, do not lay aside the as Stoves, Best 3 (b Cal. Eeaches.per can 20 FRIU9, MiiTCh 14. Officers all as citizens arc searching for Theyn. I take Brandreth's Fills, fail." H. r- scoundrel xvho nssnultcd two young ParH.

Inquire of Geo. Plenty of tall men are "Short, Choice 3 )b Tomatoes, 3 cans tor 5 daughters of A. t. Mendon, a oilizt NO COOP TO THE TOWN-A tlat of theCltiiinWhe Can iSaiilj An exchange gives a list of ten glasses of people who do a town no good and retard improvements and progress, Tho ten classes are those who go out of town to do their trading; (3) those who oppose improve-mnnta- those who nrefer a autet loose men "tight," cold mBn "warm, and bin men "small." ChoUe oweet wrn, cans Choice PlM Apple, 3 cans for Choice Blackberries, 4 cans for. Steam and Hot Water Fittings, tin place, to-day.

ins g'ris urning from school nhd wo lirinn- tlm railroad In "Enquire on the premlaea. 'Jl i Mi, avf 107 HodiuCHBj H.Jijo:i Aluwrl 115 .1 1 tor. The coffin trust will shortly raise the of coffins 20 per cent. The ob- lonely place, when tho ute accosted FOR BENT House 10C Mnln April 1. Enquhe ol Flunk Dano, 5S North unoice arieu o- pounds best Starch ons of the public towards this Tomoarow Will Colder.

opoly is to live it out. Sewer Pipe, town to ono of push and business; (-1) take the babies out; give xuem Forecast for Janesville and vieiE Lty -Fair with lower temperature. igns had not their screams brought nlcntv of ozone. Get one of Wheo- Choice Plug" Tobacco, per fe .25 Choice Smoklngf Tobacco, per lb l- Headquarters ior choicest Clover, Timothy and other Field and Garden those who imagine they run the town (i) those who think business can be done without advertine COI those who Wit in temper tire Plumbing and Gas Fitting. k.

WKShlBlitOIl 2C7 March 14. B. aneer at pirited men; (7) those w5to oppose evury movement that does I Seeds, at iOW pneea. ThO colored belle may have her fall Miss. El ma Piatt, nu ngeu resident, ing the last twenty BBr-KT-dieapiioi-'ie, ing, bnt it la not standing bolorc a H.

E. MERRILL CO W. T. VANKIRK. man Ccntev.

On searching tlic prei follows: not originate 1 with themselves; those who put on a long face whei stranger talks of locating in the fOI those who oppose livory public Mackintoshes and other novelties! a hunk book, She about eighty IIIImSE terprtse which docs not appear of pcr- v-cni-5 of asc, and has lived like ssssi ssi I isssl Fire Insurance In rubber garments, which wc guarantee not to wet through large new line. J- M. Bostwick ifc Sons. The disappointed pugilist cannot WmtnH nf belncr Dennv wise, LWsisB a sm-A ssssi Slic allowed no a.j0Rp-oftJW Mln. 0 above seek to injure thecredltof individuals.

I FURNISrlL raingkdwltu the o' baolc book discov 1 j' ft Wind, east, rod iii'one of the tJav J. bvsides the Bwyanrhovtr. a (Mailt! Tit finpT niop cftTTirn nm ffl but he has every reason to leel pound r.x.or.5 OsClited SIO.OO 10,000, ILAJJ, ouuiw, vuif AT FAIR RATES, BY it. H. BLAWCHABD.

,11 me house. 1 "Jr Jfnf tolUJim rU A complete stock of new spring styles of wall paper and decorations at LISTED FOR JQNtCHT. Normal Union. BowLisa Club tournament. RervoiJCAX ward caucuses.

JaxiSyUXE Lodge No. 55, F. and at Masonic hall. bis wif11 bUfC are a room to Tn, TUou. Kuger farm adjoining "1 1 1 UTMceiis i 1 1 1 Li 11 r-; uva.OLve.

jjfjaits Hi erni tK ttir.i.l 11 t.UL, i wlruil larm Jtwiwo Frmili DVashlngton 11T- ri .1 Washington 117 1 1 ,1, 1 I 1 ie-jj lej. Pearl 112 Terrace 215- i in Terrace 215 Freil.TerrueelM:. Jones Tlios Terruee IK TicelM i 1 1 it 1 1 Wuihiagton 21j Jodps Jolm, WashLuetOB 224 -Johnson Etlwln, Hflgnolla ruaii Moqnette rugs still, continue in It rfpmand. Nothintr like thorn n-na- nnpncd a store at 01 East Milwaukee street (opposite Myers n.n', with a line Df millinery, iewel- 1 de- A St. Paul dispatch says that GIRLS ANDYOOSG Badoku Council No.

323, Royal Ar canum, at Arcanum nan. T10R 3ALE-I1600 bt rv fancy goods, notions and a variety -cition handed down by the supreme court Wednesday, holds that tho LEABTC Wabhwotos Camp No 1 Patriotic offered for the Large assort-1 ment, $1.35 buys a fine rug; others at 1.S0 and 2.0O. J. M. Bostwick 4 If you have any work about your plsce, from one hour's time to a day, lino, we invite ft share of your patron Order Sons of America, at j-iinerqr age, and hope by small profits to give Sliorthand and Type-Writing.

iBSALE-Sotne choice lo mation of so called tauors ciuos. in whish a number of men purchas hm nf which each week ei hall. titlrs the holder to a shit of c'othes ie. Live and let live is our mo L. BiioiiAM IDS now hold' good coaltloiii.

ness and despatch. Or if you have horses, or cow. or both, to cafe for, "i jvp Helmitrcet' He who steals my purse steals lrsh;" but he who wantonly purloins my hottl of Salvation OU, steals something that enriches him Indeed. and leaves bankrupt, a victim to aohet and pains, a sorrowing, woeful lurlag It Call aitoffraaiialM. take one of our work for his ElltU jDltuonThoijEI IIl.n, M.r stamos.

Brass Stencils, Key after the payment of not less than are lotteries, and as such alt in vio: istlon of the statue. Try it; for it never disappoints. "Dr. Bull's Cough' At all dealers. Price 23 cents a hottls, Checks, Bating.

Stamps an 1 aea.l, all 'board'. Many families do-tMi. Tele phone you or. call. Valen F.

City. jtln.e Bros, altlaen, until I can creep.

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