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The Owen Sound Sun-Times from Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada • 3

Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 lf HIM! HI yi'VII I rri ly-ww-w-v yivti-r ntitmTmm vr rr-r? --r 1 gv 4-ft ipyA VCW Vv ly rvfv 4 ir- i jr'4 y-y yfYfyf y- r-y y' "vV twy--' THE OWEN SOUND SUN-TTMKS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3 1921 PAGE SECTION iA hatwor(h Mews Mewl Item ter this mure hit terwanlrd tkrack Ika Kdlter af Ihla Dt Mrs 11 knrtn Chatewertb kivrrllararita aaS aabarrlrtlraa aaa orders ter prlmliar will fca haadlrd throaak lln Ueorf Calllaa Dngglat Chatswertk Oat The Goods You Need At the Big Busy Hardware and aold to Mr Kidd of Chatsworth has been resold to Mr Urs-tsdt who Intend! putting In a chopping outfit Mr and Mrs James Bryans of Sydenham are spending a short time with friends and relatives hors Mrs Agnes McElheron Mr and Mra Nell McElheron and children of WUUamsford spent Sunday with Mr and Mra Halllday Mr and Mra Stanley Bryans entertained a number of their friends on Hallowe'en I Mr and Mrs Ed Carson Mr snd! Mra Harry Carson motored to Maxwell and spent the week end wlthj Mr and Mrs John Stephen Mr and Mra Cross and children of Cheslay spent Sunday with the former's parents Mr and Mra James Cross Mr and Mra Bert Mageo of Hanover spent a day with Mr and Mra James Magee WILLIAMSFORD Messrs McClure Russ and McBrldn returned home on Saturday night from the Harvester's Excursion' to the West all looking bale and hearty Hallowo'on was woll represented In Wlllismsford In tho form of a masquerade ball held In the Macca-boo hall Thore wore all colors of people black tan yellow and white also Uncle Sam with the stars and stripes Thoy kept It up till the wee sma' hours and all report a glorious time Mr and Mra Foster of Elmvale motored down and spont over Sunday with the sister Miss Gillies Sorry to report Mrs Parks Sr unable to be around On Nov 6 th Rev A Woods of Iroquois will occupy the pulpit in thek Presbyterian Church at 730 accompanied by Mr Bretney soloist and director of song of Toronto FREE! 30 Days Trial of an Auto Strop Safety Razor If at the end of that time you do not wish to buy the Razor you may return it Call and let us explain this proposition to you Collins Druggist Chatsworth Goderich Town Hejocts By-law A despatch from Goderich says: By a vote of almost four to one Goderich cltlxens turned down the bylaw authorising the expenditure of $55000 towards Improving the water supply there The vote was 87 'for and 305 against Somo time ago tho Provincial Board of Health ordered the Installation of an improved filtration plant Involving the above expenditure The reason for turning down the bylaw Is due to the belief held by the citizens that pure water can be obtained by extending tho intake pipe out puat the south breakwater with a good deal less expense DESBORO The Rev: Clano of Hamilton took the aorvlce morning and svonlng In St Foter's Lutheran Church The pastor Rev Flffor being 111 Mr and Mra Lawrens and Marguerite motored to Kitchener and spent the week end with friends there Mrs Mary Jackson and Mr Robert and Will Jackson sro spending a week with Mra Morgan Kincardine Tho blacksmith shop owned by Mr John Smith for fifty years is famous from coast to coast They are in thousands of Canadian Homes NO AMOUNT OF ABILITY will givu succchIuI results If your Range Is faulty and no range however good will produce perfect cooking If your ability Is lacking BIT A GOOD RANGE WIL4 HELP That Is why the "Pandora'' is so popular They render valuable aid to rvrrv user Priced according to else $8500 80500 $10500 811300 did numbers In the service bolng an Instrumental dunt by Miss and Mr Walter Whelldon and a solo by Master Carl Whelldon A very hoarty vote waa extended to Messrs Merrlam snd Breese who had under many difficulties taken charge of tho school this summer and also to the teachers snd others who had helped In any way to make the school success All present were anxious to have the school continued next summer snd urged Mr Merrlam and Mr Breens to agree to help if possible another year as their services were very much appreciated CHATSWORTH PERSONALS A large number from here attended the anniversary services at Maa-ale on Bunday Mr Will Richardson returned home last week from the West Mr and Mra Cleo Cook of Sullivan and Mrs Buchanan of Cfaats-worth motored to Woodford on Saturday and spent the day with Mrs Fred Bye Mrs Oeo Bye of Owen Sound who has been with her daughter Mrs Qeo Cook for the last two weeks accompanied them and will probably remain with her daughter Mrs Frpd Bye during the winter Mr apd Mrs II Bell and children Jack and Leroy and Mr and Mrs Jno Curtis visited for a few days this week with Mr and Mra Louti Grochofske at Wlngham Mrs Crooker returned last week from spending a few weeks with relatives In Owen Sound Harvev Gamble has recently been admitted to the stall of the Royal Bank and Mr Jos Dudgeon Jr has been transferred to Owen 8ouud Mrs Jos Wilcox Is spending this week in Owen Sound with her sister who has been ill for over a year We are pleased that Miss Sarah Bayley has returned from the ft Hospital Owen Sound where she underwent an operation a few weeks ago Miss Pearl McMillen Is spending this week with her aunt Mrs Bluhm Mrs 8 Breese and Miss Bernice returned on Saturday from Toronto Mrs Garrett who has been living here this summer has gone to spend the winter with Mr and Mrr Jno Mclnnls Mr and Mrs Thos Collins and Mr and Mrs Jno Collins and Bernice and Freddie were vlsllois with relatives at Paisley Mrs Davey returned to Buffalo on Tuesday after a month's visit with her slater Mrs Collins and other relatives Mr and Mrs Lundy have returned home after visiting their sons Messrs Wm and Britton Lundy in Sullivan By Invitation Rev II Nicholson and three car loads of young people from the Adult Bible Classes at St Paul's and St Mark's Churches hero EXTENDED WESTERN TRIP attended the masquerade social at St George's Church Owen 8ound on Monday evening and report a very pleasant time 1 Mra Holland returned to her homo In Toronto last week after a couple of weeks' visit with friends In Chatsworth and Holland Rev II II Eaton conducted the services in the United Church of Owen Sound on Sunday as Kov Mr Elliot took charge of the Anniversary and Thanksgiving services at Masslo that day Mrs Will McComb and children Margaret and Laura are visiting Mr and Mrs Norton near Walter's Falls this week Mr 0 Collins enumerator for Chatsworth Is busy this week getting the list ready ror voting day Mr and Mrs Jaa Moffatt and children Muriel and Dorothy and Mr and Mrs Long and children Florence and Findlay and Miss Findlay of Annan were visitors with Mr and Mrs Allan Findlay one day thlrf week Mr Ed Coulter of Montana who has not been here for the last 16 years Is visiting his mother Mrs Robt Mitchell sr and other relatives Mr and Mrs McFarlane and daughter Miss Beta left this week for their home In Margo Bask where Mr McFarlane Is station agent Mrs Richard Collins of Toronto Is visiting her mother Mrs McXabb and relatives at Holland Centre Mr Gordon Mnrrlam who Is one of the relieving tellers of the Iloyal Bank la now at Klora Mrs Fulton Miss Lawrence Miss Wright and Messrs Edgar and Walter Boyce of Mulock spent the week-end with Mr and Mra A Mc-Gillivray Mr Archie McCallum has rented his farm to Mr Henry Charlton of Massie Mr and Mrs McKay and children Margaret and Walter visited Mrs Crooker one day this week Mr Hugh Collins returned home from the ft Hospital this week Mr Geo Turner has returned home after spending the summer in the West Mr McCullough returned last week from Weyburn Bask Mr Cecil Weeden returned on Friday from Radlsson Sask Mr Maurice Rmith returned last week from Moose Jaw Mr Perrin Marsh has returned to the village and Is now living opposite the post office Miss Nellie Smith Is spending this week with relatives In Hamilton Mr Worden piano tuner for the Wilkes Co of Toronto was doing business In the village tills week DIRECTORS MKT Simplex Combination Range Mr and Mrs Joseph Pringle Spent Two Months in West Mr and Mra Jos Pringle snd daughter Miss Fearl Pringle returned on Friday having spent the last two months with the following relatives and frlsnda In the West snd other places: Mr Rohl Pringle at Korrohert Mr Will Pringle at Consort Mrs It Hemslock Hanna Alberta Mr John Pringle Standard Alta Mrs Newland and Messrs Alex and Jos Pringle Vancouver Mrs and Mrs Wallace White-wood 8aak Mr Pearce Winnipeg Mr A Dohle Fort William Mr Pringle and Mlsa Pearl are greatly improved In health hut Mrs Pringle has not been well and is at present ronflned to her bed for Any of YourFriends and Real Bargains Find Them at A McClean QUIET II AlliOM E'EN Three fuels with no parts to change EvVry Housewife needs at times a good reliable coal range Such McClary's Simplex It hss thu baking qualities fit tho best Coal Ilunge made Hut is also a iris range A Range with all tho advantages of both these useful types of Ranges at tlie prim of olio It koeim KitelM'iis nun-fnrUihle Uie year round Haves fuel Haves lailsir Havre Material Is Cimipiicl Uoniplete and tlie most IuiuIsmiig range In existence tliatM worth Hoys and GlrN Were on Good Behavior That Night Hallowe'en on the whole passed off very quietly here The small boys and girls too were out In largo numbers with their customary fulso faces etc calling on many of the cltlxens with tho salutation or a Unless too rude the people generally treated them cordially and after a few words of banter sent them on their way rejoicing In the wee sinull hours of the morning older ones were seen bearing heavy hnrdcns to a hiding place hut thev wero allowed to proceed i a a a a a 1 Price $12500 AUCTION SALES Put your Sales In charge of Albert Curtis Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County First class work guaranteed Charges moderate Albert Curtis Holland Centra Fhone 42r2-2 Ip UFO Stock Shipments Stock will be shipped from Chats-worth 'and Holland Centre Yards very Tuesday Members of any UFO Club are entitled to ship Give notice of your shipments not later than Friday of each week to one of the following: Atcheson shipper Phone 34r41 and Mc-Donald Secretary Phone 23r24 PORTABLE ENGINE Suitable for Silo Filling1 for sale cheap Apply DRAWER Chatsworth Ont CHAS SHEWEL Auctioneer Dornoch Ontario Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey 8peclal attention paid to Auction Sales of Farm Stock and Implements Send me your list Satisfaction guaranteed SCHOOL REPORTS 5 lbs Choice Bright Clover Honey 65 One 3 lb Pail Best Shortening 50 3 lbs Special Black Tea 100 2 lbs Special Black Tea 75 3 Bars (any Brand) Soap 25 1 lbs Cream of Wheat 25 5i2 lbs Rolled Oats 25 20 lbs Rolled Oats 90 Silver Gloss Starch large package 12 Corn Starch large package 10 lb Bag St Lawrence Sugar One 5 lb Pail Table Syrup Choice Cranberries per quart 1 lb Onions 3 lb Pail Pure Lard Choice Potatoes per peck Large Can Pork and Beans 2 lb Tin Come in and look over our Bargain Counter 10 95 50 25 25 60 25 15 Our Holland Agricultural Society Had Prosperous Year A meeting of the Holland Agrt-tultural Society was held at the Campbell House on Friday night Considerable business of a routine nature was transacted and a report on the work of lha Government Judges at the recent Fall Fair was prepared for the Department A meeting of the lady directors was held the same evening at the home of Mra MUson Is a very' popular range built to supply the demand for a high grade steel range at a pppulsr price lias neat nk'kd trim Is easy to eletm and Lt very attractive In apiiearanee lias large roomy oven Huriw nsl or wood Price complete with high closet and reservoir $9000 Of School Heel ion No Holland for k-tolier School report of No 2 Holland for October: Sr IV Jean Me Farlune Alma Rock Carl Whelldon Tommy Shea Sr IH Walter Man-ncrow Eva Whelldon Willie Unwin Clifford McComb Jr II Clara Unwin Morel! McComb Lyall Mclnnls Joyce Whelldon Jr I Lysla Lee Evelyn 100 Dorothy Bridget Sr Willie Hutchison Primer (Jackie McKay Gordon McKay) Clayton Mclnnla Maurice McKay Fttie Drldgett Leslie Wheilduu I Dowd Teacher CIiOSK ARNOTT SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 IV I Miss Bernice Breese Recent Graduate of the Ontario College Whitby is prepared to give lessons in either Voice Culture or Plano Tuition Fhone 6J Chatsworth DR DOUGLASS Dentist Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Department of Dentistry Toronto Office 317 Ninth St East Hummer Season of School Hss Been Very Successful Last Sunday October 30th was the closing Sunday of the Arnott Sunday School It was organised last Spring for the aumnier months and has been a marked auccess the largest attendance being nlxly and the average attendance forty-four The total offering was $5396 snd average of $207 for each Sunday The officers were: Superintendent Mr Merrlam Bible Class teacher Mr Breese Jr Sec-Treas Mr MriQiy Organist Mrs John Fraser Four other classes were taught by Mrs Jno Murray Mrs Ferguson Ml as Florence Whclldon and Mr John Murray each of whom gave an excellent account of the progress made by their classes during the summer The Sunday School on Sunday was well attended two splen- prices are the lowest in the city We carry only First Class Slock Tlace your order for your Winter Supply of Po- 5 tatoes We have a quantity of the very best at Lowest Prices I A McClean Co I Prompt Delivery Phone 12 IomHon Aid Mooting Thn regular meeting of the Presbyterian Ladles' Aid snd other ladles of the congregation was held on Wednesday afternoon in the basement of the Church After the old business had been transacted arrangements were made for tho fowl upper at an early date which had been decided upon at a meeting of the Hoard of Management held a couple of weeks ago Vestry Meeting A meeting of the select vestry snd their wives was hold at the rectory last evening 31c Is designed to meet a aprclal demand for a range possessing every high class feature but lighter In construction am) more moderate in price than McClary's other high rlasa ranges This range Ininw mat anil wood perfectly and Ih a splendid baker Priced complete with high closet and reservoir $7500 Priced square design $5000 DR BEBEE Dentist Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Departs ment'of Dentistry University of Toronto Office 836 2nd Ave Owen Sound (over McQuaker's) Phono 78 nv- Do Yon Intend to Work Hard All Yonr 1 When you reach 60 years of ape do you want to be plugging along dependent on your weekly wages for home and food? flow much more sensible to save a part of what you earn now so that you have to work at all when old age comes onl Start your Savings Accountnow-not next week or next year-1 but NOW 61 opens a Savings Account TH MCRCHANTS BANK ESSES nsar6iftft ilio if Owti Sound ana Tara Siftr Daposit Bonn to Chatsworth Bnndu Utu'r l61t Why Suffer Trouble? EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED READING GLASSES FOR $250 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WImi wants to liny A question liniiictllulcly a iimwcmM aa Tlu-rr la llttln value In a tkw nf ruhlicr If It Inii'i of I In1 very hwl iinalliy Tlim la llttln object in having clunp rubber that rmiN IIm liability of Nirlnging hitkH anil Hum limaiiliig a danger liiMii-nil of a MMtrco of relief Tlie heat liot water laillle the quality we guarauli'C will Inal Tor year anil give you raitllnuotl anil nafe Nci'vlce uimI yet tlila Ann hot water iMillle cohlH no nuire than an un-kiuiwii quality you are kwi able tn IriiNt A SPECIAL TWO-QUAUT T1IIIEE YEAH GUARANTEED HOT WATER BOTTLE NOW FOR $235 Hot Blast la the Ideal heating stove Hun is Hard ('ml Kelt Coal or Coke llis a straight Ore pot lined with Are liriclf down ilrnlt mica light In dnora and handsome nickel dress much more aalisfiietory for licnt ing that any oilier kind of stove Priced each as io size $2100 $2700 $3250 CREEPER GRIFFIN LTD The Hardware IVlen Profit on Hogs AS a Bank closely associated with productive industries we encourage pro--ressive enterprise in farmers If you seek to increase your profits through greater hog pro ducUoni consult the financuig of your project with our local Manager the STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVBR NINETY MILLIONS fflOhwfMd aid HeDaadCnin Bracks 1 DiawaaAt Maaagsr AdvertliedJnlthlslPaper MURPHY DRUGGIST OPTICIAN Opposite Seldon House OWEN SOUND (ID CTTP) I I rir.

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