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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 6

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 ,1 THE DAILY DAILY NEWS, MISS ELIZABETH WALLIS WEDS Marriage to Forrest N. Brown, toatar at -Cwjritwtv, i a i i 'iLL'' to do ail klndt of In -the style consistent with matter. gf SATURDAY. JULY 6, 1919. BILLION OF BUG FOOD.

lie man. who lias to pay high tor his loaf of bread rarely stops wbat aro ttoo 8 that tond the food supply scarce. If look into tho matter fce that some of these causes perfectly TomovaiMe. 'Perhaps he "would willing to Join in unity offbrts to overcome them, matter of tho destruction by posts. Theso are estimated to total $1,000..

PjWO.OOO'or flioro annually. Not more- Jy do they increase tho price of they reduce the supply of grains to food the Tho pay for it evety 41me they buy a loaf of bread, a pound ibacon. or a hoof roast. One dnsect alono. tho Hosslan fly, 60,000.000 bushels of wheat 1 ly of Here, Surprise.

and Mrs. Albert '1C. West Third street, received a telegram from stating that their daughter. MIos Elisabeth Rebecca Wallls and Forrost N. Brown, son of Mr, and, Jesse Brown.

Mils city, had been The telegram which signed the Arlde. contained no details of tho marriage, simply stating that the wedding had taken place July 3 and that a letter would follow. The iifews of the marriage came as a great surpriso to the and friends of the bride. For the past eighteen months Miss Wallis had been train- Ing for a nurse at the Church Home and- Infirmary, Baltimore, and had made remarkable progress in her profession. She was devoted to her work nnd an apt student.

Mr. Brown, who recently returned from France, having been a Lieutenant In the U. S. Army, has been residing In Baltimore for some time where he has a position. Both were graduated at (he Joint commencement of tho Boys and Glrto' High school three years ago and aro well known and popular among a wldo circle of friends.

Tho news of their wedding took their relatives and acquaintances completely by surprise. PURELY PERSONAL -1917. what can bo dono to prevent enormous loss? First, savo tho Every nnyi that kills a useful or every boy that destroys a Wrd'a ogg, is tolling a form of lifo that feeds on tho harmful posts. Second, rtghl tho posH modo r. fcclencoi' Among tho succtxsf'til plans doing ie tho scheme strips of oil laid around grain fields.

In one mlddlo Western state last sum 1 jner, 1.600 miles of itlUs harrier was laid at a cost of to the ow tiers end $10,000 to the It saved $1,000,000 worth of corn. Now it preventive imoasures coirld bo introduced erywhero. fopl would not coat as high. The farmer can well afford to spend HYMENEAL DeGrange--Hofman. A wedding of local Interest took place on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock at tha Baptist parsonage, Blkton, tho contracting parties being Miss Ixnilso Elizabeth Jlof- mann.

daughter of August Hofmanu, of Philadelphia, and John D. DeGrange, also of Philadelphia, and formerly of this county The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Moon.

George Hutchison, of Elkton, only witness. The groom is' the manager of the Andorra Nursor- Chestnut Kill. Philadelphia. Pa, the managership having been tendered him snbrtly after his discharge from the service at Camp JMcado December last. Following the ceremony Mr.

and Mis. DoGrango left on a honeymoon trip to rclalhes in this city and county, and are visiting tho groom's sister. Mrs. Jacob Kngcl- brecht, Church street. The groom Is the oldest son of Mr.

Mrs. Henry 11. DcGrango. near this oltj, and Is well known here. Dayhoff--Wetzcl.

J. Milton DayhLff and Miss lOlsic Wclzcl. both of Ml. Airy, wero jnnrrled Thursday afternoon nt 2 laoney liberally to secure best Holon. I (a Uflc insect killing on 4 I i i i n.

ducta. Tho consuming public "should tio Carver, of Mt. Airy. Mi and fslf acmand that tho "SrJculturo doiwrt- Mrs. Uahoff will rosldo ttonts of tlio nnd nation havo all ttoe money they need to uso in Insect tflghtlng banking Miss Catherine (Shearer, Fifth left Thursday for IBalUmoro wihero joined her end left for Atlantic City.

Misses Mary Buward. Kathryn Kflse, Virginia SmIUi, A. E. Thomas of Frederick. Aliases Katherino ant Louise and Catherine Miller of Woodsboro, chaperoned by Mrs spending the week''a Fern Ixdge cottage.

Pen Mar. J. Howard Olttlngcr. of Baltimore Is visiting at the family home, Patrick street. Harry Dorsey and family, Eas Second street, are summering near Feaga's old mill.

Mrs. B. 0. Slonaker. of Taneytown has returned home from Frederick Hospital, very much benefited, from the treatment received.

Misses Bva. Dotv, Eva Thomas Bertha Trundle. Minnie Cookerly. El mlra Ronn, Susie Derr, Dorothy Cra mer. Mary Deader, Margaret Dronen berg.

Beulah Hogarth, Light cr, Orpha Kefauvcr, Daisy Darner Kathryn Albaugh. Ethel, al of Frederick county, who' arc attending a six weeks' coureo in summer school at Maryland State Norraa school, arc spending tho week end a their respective homos. Mr. nnd Mrs. E.

J. Wlnobrenner and family and MtM Sadie Reed, of Brunswick), spent yesterday at Mt Vernon and Washington. Mr. and Mra. A.

C. Craft and son of Baltimore, arc visiting the lat- tcrlj sister. Mrs. B. W.

Wilson this city. Mr. H. Hanson Maulsby, of Washington, to visiting at homo here over the week end. Minis Mary Mason, Hagcratown, has been a guest at the homo of Mr.

and Mrs. J. 1. Second street. Mrs.

H. AWUIffcndal. of Philadelphia. Is at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Etchison. West Fourth street. Mr.

and Mrs. L. E. Mulllnlx, Col. I).

J. Markey nnd family. Dr. A. A.

Itadcllff and family, arc summering at Hon Air cottage. Braddock Heights. Miss Mary I'oolo Jones returned lo her home nt Braddock Heights, from a visit to friends In Parkersburg. W. Va.

Miss Elizabeth M. Krch and brother. Mr. Edward H. Krch.

West South street, who have been spending some tlmo with friends and relatives In Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City, have returned. They were accompanied by their niece. Miss Eva 13, Hoffman, of Baltimore, who will Munk--Staley. William Munk. Hnlllmoro.

and Miss Lucille 1. Staley. of Frederick, were should do their utmost to Bnance ho farmor who is willing to' 4 wk I rH(ln i 1)00n tuo Lutheran piirsoiiuge. bv PUl Jn the Dw. oqi-lpmcnt for rtght- nov Dr Ui.pp.

Tlioy W0 ro sng pests. accojupanlod by Mrs. Roy G. Kailcr, of Frederick. rornollus Hildehrand and Blanclu 1 Tiarry.

both of Frederick. WMO mnr ilPd at the homo of Frank Illldo- 'hrand, Bnsl South stioet, 3. at 30 by the llev. E. II.

'lummcl- Imugh. Married In Hagerstown. A marriage llconso was issued hi Off Wagon; skull Fractured. Oarlton ifuffer. of Rroacl Run, met iwlth a serious accident on Wcdnw- day, by which he a fractur- skull.

Mr, lliuffer was on a Icnul of and as tho wagon passed under a tree, some of tho limbs brushed him off and he fc-ll backwards lo the ground. Handing on lioad Mo carried Into tho houeo and Dr. R. V. Hauvor.

of Middlc-lown. was Bummonod. The physician found hla Jier vucntlon horc. Miss G. Uuth Main.

West South street, who has boon some time with her grandfather. Mr. Lewis C. Flook, at Klllcolt City, nnd iitlond- in'g school there, has returned homo Mrx. Clara V.

Mott and daughter! of Baltimore, aro guwts at tho homo of Mr. Joseph Grinder, near Buckoys- town Station. Mr. and Mrs. George Schnlthelss.

nnd the hitter's sister. Miss Erma of Baltimore, aro spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cliarloa N. Black, near BuckcyH- loWII.

Misses Pearl Thcmprton and MOTOR HUM MY FBBDBBI0E 00. HAT. BANK. 4. I To Show Necessity For Good Ocean to Ocean Highways, TRIP TO TAKE ABOUT 60 DAY 'Be About, I Be -Heaviest In Transport Train, Which 3 Mjles Long, to History of Army--Will Carry Full Equipment The, Motor Transport Train, which Is being sent from Washington to California by order, of the War De partment.

will pasa through this city on Monday afternoon; about fou o'clock. This In the information re celved from the Department by Lewli R. Dcrtzbaugh. Hccretary of tho Fred crick Board of Trade. The train la three miles as from this city to Frederick Junction.

The trip will be over the Llncoli Hignway and will take about 60 days It will serve as a test of the efficiency or the transport service, but what Is considered more effective Is that i will demonstrate to the nation the in estimable value of a system of high ways. This transport train will the heaviest in the history of any army win be oven heavier than any single unit of the IIUKO transport eer- vlco used to keep the armies of the Allies supplied along the French front. No motor transport train of any nation has ever attempted a continuous journey fS.OOO miles In CO days with full equipment The motor Irucks will carry not only their own supplies'to last the entire journey, but will carry supply and repair as well as full complements of men and officers The marching orders call for an average of 75 miles a day. Tins noeossltatlps a speed of 15 miles an hour all the way from Washington to the coast, no matter how unfavorable the weather or geographical conditions, The decision to send three miles of army motor trucks across tlie country was reached several days ago in Washington after consultations be- -weon General Drake In comman of ho transport service. Col.

Owen Seanan nnd Ueut-rolonel M. Ritchie Corking In close collaboration i he Lincoln Highway Association. I most picturesque features of lie long Jouiney will be 1 the manner which the long snake-like train FRBDBR1CK OODNTT NATIONAL FRBLNBttlCK. MD. of motor vehicles will wind its heavy lumping way over the "Rocky AJo fractured, and he "was also bad- 1la crstowl1 I'M win O.

tNiemyor. lr VniNed. and was in a coll i M'ddlotown. nnd Brma 01. Jhird.

Ha- Two Hurt In Auto Accident. Two persons, Mrs. G. A. Hawkins nnd Mrs.

Mattlo 12 Maloncy. noth of were Injured yesterday when "their automobile overturned near the Jug Bridge, on the Balti- more-Frederick road. They were tak- to tho Frederick City Hospital and are Suffering from painful iruis- rfi and lacerations. What caused the machine to overturn could not be gerstown. Jearned TWENTY YEARSAGOTODAY (N FREDERICK.

(Local Items from tho columns of The News, July 5. 1899 Mrs. Victor Baughman held a Fourth of July picnic for th i'yonng friends of her son and Among older guosts to the hospitlality of Poplar were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Null.

Mrs. Charles H. iv Baughman, Miss Doyle, of Norfolk, Miss Marie Dlehl, Senator ff-Otewart. Nevada; Mr. Crecy.

"IjNew York, Augustus Wilson, and de Garmcndla. r. and Mrs. Gryason Bowers at a fishing party ycs- on the of tho Mo- gnocacy. 'ManU Doll, of the Western Jnton Telegraph Office, spent yos- erday in Baltimore, and saw the the-Bostons in Fourth was comparatively ll(iet in Frederick, many people ing on fishing parties and pic- is, to Braddock Heights, and races and were There were many crackers during the day, tho lion almost' tore'up.

the cob; at night" the fireworks off. Hsgerfttown and played 1 two baseball 8 THE SOCIAL WORLD Family Reunion. A family reunion held at lur- mondsoy, tho liomc of -Mr. and Mrs. .1 NVIson.

Antchollvlllo. iPrlnco OiHrgc's county, on tho Fourth. 'In honor of Mr, nnd Mrs iP. iL Peach and -sons. Nelson nnd iRohort.

of vila, Ijtuninir. Mnla-sla; and iPrlvatos It. N. INicodpmus and H. iStanffor.

and Sorgt. W. istauffer. of Wak- who recently returned from service overseas. A most nnjoytublo lay was spent (IXnnor and tnippor were served on tho lawn.

Those proa- en 'Included: Mr. and Mrs IR, J. 'Ncl- Mn, nobort Nelson. Miss lOllzalmili Nelson. W.

A. Shoppard and son. of Sallslniry Dr. and Mrs Walter Price and A. Wilson, of Washington, D.

IMr. and Mrs. C. A. Nlcodomus.

Frank "Nicodomiis. Mr. and Mrs. J. al.

iNofson Stnuffor and Miss Helena Stauffor. T)r and Mrs N'icodcmus. K. Misses Nellie, Bdith. and Elizabeth Nleodomus.

of Those attending tho reunion from this county made the journey Mitchell vlllo In autos, Joavlng -Walkersvlllo at six o'clock Friday morning and returning homo about midnight Durucr. of this city, are Hie guests of Mrs. Peters, nt Boyds, Montgomery county. Dr. Schmidt letttrnod yesterday from a mcclIn of Ihu National Osieopallilc Association held in Chicago.

Mary Elizabeth Carty Is- nt- tPiidlng a house party Rlvon by Miss Gladys Williams. Poulsvlllc. county. Mr ilftiil Mossfboig returns to work with Iho State Department at Washington todav aftor spending two weeks' vacation at his home In Lime Kiln. Charlotte JMotter, has lips heon visiting in Baltimore, rc- lurnod home yesterday.

Miss Kllsuibcth Cnlftll. Princess Anno, Is vlsllfng at the liomi- of Mrs. iL. A. ttottpr.

on Bast Patrick street. lMr William (Simpson returned to his homo In Indian Springs, after spending a week In 'Miss Simpson, an employe in tho office of the Pennsylvania Railway onico at Pittsburgh, lr, spending a couple of days at her homo at Indian Springs. Mr. Joseph Wildman, who has been traveling for the Delco Light Company in Virginia, is spo-idlng a few dnys In Frederick. Hev.

James Owen Wrightson and family leave today for southern Maryland, whore they w'll spend their vacation. "Ins. It will cross b'y way of tire Divide. Tho Engineer- ng staff of the army has carefully Igurcd out tho Journoy 8 that no ncchnnicul or engineering obstacles strtml in tho way of lti success. The start is to be niadc on (ho iiornlng of July 7, from Lafayette qunie.

in front of'the Wlhite House lie van of the train i Immediately! leave the Capitol, heading for Pittsburgh. Tho course then 'followed will lake the soldiers' through Ohio. Indiana. Illinois fWa, Nebraska, Wjoming. Utah, and Nevada The transport trucks will dually drop down the western slope of (he Slorni Nevada Range tc Sacrcmonto, California, and then on lo San Francisco Foi many years the Lincoln Highway Association has endeavored to hpcure the backing of the Government in its project to build a thoroughly sound ocoan to ocean highway.

The proposed journey of the three miles HIP lirst CAPITAL NO. 6232 EQUITY. In the Circuit. Court (or Frederick County, In Equity. John William Blrely, Trustee under ihe will or, William F.

Johnson, To Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court (or Frederick County, siu Unit a Court of Equity. The petition and seventh report of John E. Baker, Trustee in this cause, respectfully shows unto your The petition and roport pf -John B. Baker, Trustee in praying to be released and discharged from the further execution of huT trust, together with tho thereto, heretofore nlcd herein, having by.the Court been read and considered. It is thereupon this 3rd day' of July, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, by the Circuit Court for Frederick County, slttinr as a Court of Equity, and by the author, thereof, adjudged and ordered that this Court will release and discharge said John E.

Baker. Trustee, from tho further execution of the trust created under the of the will of William Johnson, late of Frederick County, deceased, and being administered In this case, unless caurfe be shown to the contrary on or before the 24th day of July, in the year 1919. pro- yJded a copy of thin order be Inserted In some newspaper published In Frederick County, once a week for two weeks prior to said date GLENN H. WORTHINOTON John S. Newman.

Solicitor. (Filed July 3. 1919.) True Clerk of the Circuit Court for Freaer Ick County. Maryland. fA1.4HnpH.

NATJUOTL FARMERS' A NATIONAL C. MJBHBT OILfiON, ESTABLISHED 1818. GOOD TIMES AHEAD! Signs innumerable point to good times ahead. And we shall have them "if, individually, we keep this in mind: Stay on the job and continue to practice those economies which grim war has taught us: work, earn, save, avoid" extravagance in every form. ORDER NISI ON AUDIT.

NO. 9825 EQUITY. In the Circuit Court for Frederick County, sitting In Equity? Pbebus, ct al. vs. Naomi Ellz- PUBLIC SALES.

MORTGAGEE'S SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con- alnod In a mortgage from Florence C. Myers and Thomns II. Slyora, her uiBlmnd. to tho Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick, dated on tho 2nd lay of May, 1916, and recorded In Liber Vo Tollo 30, A ono of iho Land Records of Frederick County, tho "indertilgned as the attorney namod In ho mortgage to make sale, i nell it public auction at tho Court House door In Frederick City.

on MONDAY. THE 7th DAT OF JULY, 1919, 11 o'clock a. 11 that lot or parcel of ground with ho Improvements thereon lying and on tho cast side of Telegraph (also called Jefferson Boulevard.) fronting 30 feet on said street and having a depth of 130 feet, more or IOSK. and being the same lot or parcel of land which WRB convoyed to nalcl Florence C. Mvors by Ella Jane Htirck and Francis O.

Burck. her husband, by deed dated on tho 21st day of May. 1908, and recorded In Liber 8. T. No.

282, Folio 573. ono of tho Land KeeordH of said county. The Improvements consist of a 2- brick dwelling, with backbulld- Ing designated at No. 16 Telegraph or Jefferson street, and Is now occupied by Mrs. Pettlngall as tenant.

Terms of on ratlrtcatlon tho Court. in th. Matter of "tht port filed Gth day of July, 1919 Ordered. That on tho 26th day of July. 1919.

the Court will pro- to ac upon th of Auditor, filed as aforesaid In tho above cause, to finally ratify and confirm unless cause to the contrary thereof bo before said day; pro- iX, 2 JiL copy of thls order Inserted in aomb newspaper published In Fred- prio? fo'Ed'S. tW ucc week. Dated 5th day of July. 1919 KLl U. HAUQH, True Copy--Test: CI rk H.

Dorsoy Etchlson, Solicitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. is to give notice that the scrlber has obtained from the Orphana Court of Frederick County. letters of administration on the estate PARKER C. GROSSNICKLE.

late of Frederick County, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the subscriber on or before tho 22nd day of January. 1920. or they may otherwise by law be excluded from the bene- flt of said estate. Those Indebted to the deceased are desired to make 1m.

mediate payment. 1 11 UI i der my nd n1 0th day of Juno. 1919. VERNON W. OROSSNICKLE, this EXECOTRICES' NOTICE.

This is to give that the sub- Hcrlbors have obtained from tho Or: Court for Frederick County, letters testamentary on the UNITED STATES 'A NATIONAL Bank like-the and Mechanic! National Bank. Is under 'United States Government Supervision and eubject to'thtf' strictest scrutiny on the part ot the National Bank Exam- 1 iner. The bank must keep'toh hand a sufficient portion ot its Resources to meet all pay''' ments to its depositors. These considerations are important tor the eate handling ot'funds and in addition to the above;" supervision this bank Is'iandgf the guidance ot a. capable Board of Directors who are personally interested in the bank's success.



I hereby announce my candidacy for tho ofllco of State's Attorney for Frederick County, subject to tho 'Demo- cratlc Primaries. Your support, and influence will be deeply appreciated. W. CLINTON McSHERRY. tale of LUTHER C.

PRY, A 8 Fr County, deceased. All persons having claims against the a8 .1 ttr warned to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof legally authenticated to tho subscriber bofo ro 8th day of January, 1D20, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of nald estate. Those Indebted the deceased are desired to make Immediate pavmentv FOR JUDGE OF ORPHANS' COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy the ofllco of Judge of tho Orphans' Court of Frederick County, subject to the Republican-Primary In September. For the Intlueaco and support given me by tho voters and my many friends I will bc deeply grateful.

I have been II lifelong of Frederick ty and have never held public office. 1 respectfully ask for your vote. CALVIN C. ZIMMERMAN) Mt. Pleasant District, No.

13. ETTA PRY. ETHEL PRY. has received in its project. In many states, good roads have- been campaign slogans and many nnd Mayors have boon made or unmade according to I heir idens on this public question.

Tho War Department In its official fUatenient to the War Camp Communitv Sen ice call- od attention to the political Importance of good roads throughout the "i Conveyancing, Inchul- ln lRoven Stamps, at tho expense It of tho purchaser. A bo Toqulred at tho tlmo of sale, GEORGE W. HEINLEIN. Attorney named In the Mortgage. C.

O. Kcedy, Solicitor. country. Ocean to Ocean Highways. JVcause of Ihe importance of good roads the cross continent journixy of (he Motor Transport Convoy will not only Interest the nation as a spectacle of military efficiency and preparedness, but will appcnl lo every business interest From a military standpoint tho necessity for good ocenn lo ocean is Incalculable.

Finger Mangl d. Whllc Rohont and Rnssoll Roller little sone of Mr. and Amos K-jl iouth of MiddJlotown. woro pla ing In the barn and turning a wind mill. Uusf-ell got his hand caught bo tweon, tho rogs ot tiro wheels and his right thumb "badly mangled.

Loss of Appetite. As a general rule there In nothing rlous about a Ions of appetite, and If you meal or only cat two meals Tor a few dnys will soon have a sh fervour meals when meal tlmo Bear In mind that at least five hours should always elapse between so as to give the food ample Mmc to digest and the stomach a per- before a second meal Is of taken. Then If you cat no than ju crave and take a reasonable amount outdoor exercise every day you will not need to worry about your appetite. the loss of appetite Is caused by onKttpatlon as Is often the case, that Joy'O corrected at 'once. A dose Tablets Will do ItTM DIVORCE MILL STILL BUSY One Application Granted and Others Are Filed.

Mrs. Nellie M. Roone. of Frederick, through her attorney. Reno S.

Harp been granted an absolute divorce from her huriband, LoRoy Boone. She was given the custody of their two Infant children and the defendant is required to pay $20 monthly towards their support. Samuel A. Lewis represented the defendant. The following persons, on Thursday mndo application for absolute divorces, through their attorney S.

Harp: William D. Eyler, of Fred- crick, whose wife. Page Eyler Is a resident of Baltimore; Mrs. Bmma V. Abre'cht, 'of Frederick, whoso hueband.

James E. Aibrcclit, is a resident of Baltimore; Julia E. Boll, of Woods- Joro, husband Is a resident of Woodsboro also. The court required her husband. Nathan D.

Bell, a counsel fee of flS.OO and $12.50 monthly for the support of his wife, alimony pondento lite. Co. Off To Training Camp. Company Second Infantry. Maryland State Guard, left hero Joday for Saimdor's (Range, where they will spend 10 days, returning on 'Mon- Julv 14.

Cnptnm Gco. Slagle. commander of tho local company, takes pride in the fact that he is lead- Ing to camp what ho says Is the largest company that wont from Fiedcrlck to a national guard camp, sixty-eight enlisted men and two officers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. By vlrtvio of a power of calo contained In a mortgage from Thomas H.

Myers a.nd wlfo to tho Franklin Sav- ank frF dated on tho iK a ln 5 I 915 nn1 recorded In Liber H. w. No. 305. Folio 2l one of tho Land Records of Fred- nr Irk County, tho undersigned as the attorney named In tho mortgage to H1 nt pllbllc "uctlon City.

o'n Frdorlclc MONDAY. THE 7th DAY OF JULY 1919. at 11 o'clock a. all that lot or parcel of ground with theroon situated on 11 8ldo West South street. Mrt Kra ln Fredrick' ii frontln lf 60 foot, more or loss on said street, and running back 2B( foot, moro or loss, for depth and be- J' 10 SBme Iot or Parcel of land which was conveyed to the Thomas lv My a by facharlah Dally and wife 0d 0d tcd on tho IWh day of March.

1913. and rocordod-ln Hbo? H. No so Foll 102 one of the Land Records of aald county. 0 FOR RENT. FOR $04 N.



ROOMS FOR RENT--BY MONTH OR Apply to "Sylvia." at Brad" dock Heights. 'Phone 104-F-2. FOR THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. I hereby announce myself candidate for the House of subject to tho docision of the Republican pilmarles, 1919. Your support will crcatly appreciated.

L. TYLER SHOOK. 6-26dtf' FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I am a candidate for the office of State's Attorney for Frederick County, on tho Republican ticket, subject to the primary election In September. For the support my friends give me.

'I shall be very grateful. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I am a candidate for State's Attorney, subject to the Democratic Primaries, and hereby ask for your support and influence. SHERMAN P. BOWERS.

AII NO. IS WEST AH Saints' St. Apply Mrs Wlnebrener. 341 South Market 8t A CARD. announce myself as a candidate for State's Attorney, subject to tn primary election, will appreciate your Interest and rapport.

SAMUEL A. LEWUK St. On said lot con- 613 outh 8troct dwellings $100 Reward. $100. The readers of thU paper will be ploiXHod to learn that there Is at least ono dreaded disease that science has beon ablo to euro In all Its stages and that In catarrh.

Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional condition requires constitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrh Medicine taken Internal! and acts through the Blood on th Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of dls the pnMent strength by building up the constitution and as Minting- nnture In doing its work. Tho proprietors have HO much faith In tho curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Mod cine that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars any case that it to cure. Send for of testimonials. Address F.

J. CHENEY A Toledo. by 616 and occupied and on ratlrtcatlon Includ- stam expense A deposit of isooioo bo roiulrod at the time of sale w. HEINLEIN; MISCELLANEOUS. Buy War Stamps.

HAVINOv LIVED IN SPANISH SPEAK- Ing countries I am able to 1 give you a practical course In. Spanish. Private nome lennonq given. D. MUlen.

240 K. Church St. FOR8ALX. 110 N. Bents FOR COUNTY TREASURER.

Subject to Republican Primary, tember. Your support and Infta-' once EoonowlMl Frederick HELP WANTED. FOR COUNTT citadl- to the "the mary. I will appreciate ybur lat support. OJBO.

D. TOMJ. JO MAKE TATTING fiirni.Y,^--w i caay work Materials SfTM 1 8 SL rll or wltn samples. ANNOUNCBMBNT. WOMEN EN OR MEN WANTED --SAT th Primary.

I will a full time, eJ clat spare to wearer, unnecessary. International Norrlstown. Pa. WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED COOK at Rock Lodge Cottage. Braddock eights.

Good wages withroonu AD- thmt Ply Mrs. B. Frank Mantz. 'Phone 13-F-3. ur i 1 FOR SALB-- A GOOD choap.

Apply J05. KO SA SASH. 10 FOUR FRESH COWS Apply John Smith, Winchester St Mcnry Blank, Rocky Sprins. Rocky Springs. 9 SALE--1 REBUILT GOOD SALARY BrghcV 1 ght APP 3 11 INTELLIGENT WHITE to wait upon an Address Mrs.

Roberts, FOR COUNTT TREASURER" 0 mnno to.jn«.»ftbn, candldatf is-F-3. I iii" uoJ to ne decision of. I th6 I predate your support and W. BNOOk, Crt WST AND FOUHD. 7 8 d3t SALESLADIES APPLY O.

McCroroy'8 6c and lOc Store. JULY 0rd Patrick nd 04 OH Ub- I Bros. returned to Rosenitock rick street. FOR FUIT DUTCH bb and late tomato 1 1 Phone 108. Buokeystown.

WHITE WOMEN. a 08 to Ught party. I 8 HelghtS. otu FINE 8HOAT8. Baltimore pike.

'PROP. LADY TO ASSIST in work. have i i 0 WANTED. News. wmr- SPAPLRl.

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