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The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

The Daily Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
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lihttt EnrylcMif Uttstr Price, Comfort, and Durability am points to be considered in buying shoes. W. L. DOUGLAS shoes are the equal of any J6 or shoe sold by a custom shoemaker; they fit well, and will wear as long as two pain of cheapcrshocs. W.

IJuuo- IAS are Union made, by the skilled in this Look for the stamp on the inner when buying. For Sato ky JOHN HEOER, 7S6 Best Teeth $7. Extracting I All Kinds Dental Work. ill ST. I I I I I I BANK.

DR. H. A. COLLINS. Heiskeirs Ointment! kf SOAP NOLLOWAY A 131 CMHMTM ft.

PMMMpWi. Ft "I have found your Ointment the best or off Kunxlmr, Stove Weather IS HERE and if you are not ready for it you will suffer. II you need anything in stove supplies call on us. We carry a complete stock of Coal Hods, Shovels, Stove Boards, Stove Enamel Stove and Fnrnace Pipe, Screens for Grates, Etc. We are prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work in first-class shape.

GroutCo Hardware, 332 North Main Phono 136. COURT OKUBRS OB the Dockets In Circuit Monticeilo-, Nov. ft--The following entries were made on the dockets In the circuit court: LAW. Reeves vs. village of Cisco; motion for rule on defendant why they should- not show cause for contempt.

Motion allowed and rule to show caus by Wednesday morninff. CHANCERY. Robert O. McKee et al. vs.

Hiram Me, Kee et bill for relief of partition; leave to file supplemented bill. Nancy A. Suver vs. W. Ryder et bill for partition and accounting; leave to make new parties defendant and continued for service.

B. Frank Ogle vs. Martha E. Ogle, divorce. On motion of counsel for com- in cross bill it ordered that ion payment of J13.50 counsel's expenses he will be permitted to withdraw from the case.

The Corn Belt National Building: and Loan association vs. Anderson Wacaser et bill to foreclose mortgage; master's report filed and approved and decree for $571.32 and master to sell. John Slevln for use of John D. Mercer, administrator of estate of Jennie Mercer, deceased, vs. William P.

Bohn et biil to foreclose mortgage; defendants defaulted and referred, to master. Bridget Leonard vs. James Thorpe et i for relief; death of Willlnm E. Lodge, oXfcutor, suggested, and leave to ke Ii. P.

Harris administrator with 1 annexed party defendant; motion by complainant for receiver. Moivmv Ida Collins vs. William H. et bill for partition; com- report filed and approved and sal and master lo sell, and mljriiiir's fee fixed at M10 to be taxed as crisis against the owners of the fee. Lewis H.

Alvord et al. vs. Fred D. Stroll et bill for i master's re- pi.rt filed anil approved and decree of Partition and Danit'l H. fillers, Willinm P.

Coffin and Jonathan Burns appointed cnrnmimspionors. it Son vs. Andrew J. Lonnon et bill to enforce contractor's lien; master's report filed and approved ami decree of SOiiG.S'J and master to sell. Martha Leslie vs.

Melvin Weltz et I'll! to set aside i rule to answer extended until "Wednesday morning to Dolly J-'unk and default, as to defendants not answering. saac W. Scott et vs. Louise Dudley et partition; defendants defaulted and referred to master; master's report filed and approved. CRIMINAL.

The people vs." Mat Bagerly, alias Mat Begerly, assault to commit murder; defendant arraigned and pleads not guilty. Jury called, sworn to answer questions: jury. ISrnest Musselman, Joe Rainey, R. Miner, Curtis Curl, John Miller, Thomas McMIIlen, J. W.

Hllllgoss, P. Young, W. W. Parish, Cephas Welch, Zinn and Klrby Smith. Evidence heard; jury retired; return verdict of as charged in the indictment.

PROBATE COURT RECORD. Appraisement bill of estate of Joachim Porjahn. deceased; approved. Mary Brady as administratrix of the estate of George Brady, deceased, makes a and true account of the estate; approved. Report of private sale of personal properly of estate of Elizabeth Rotliermond, deceased; approved.

Appraisement bill of estate of James F. IJarry, deceased: approved. Isaac J. Roseberry as guardian of Mary A. Davis, minor, has caused to be Issued a citation directing ths sheriff or any constable to summon W.

L. Howard to appear before this court forthwith to produce and show cause, if any, why he s-hould not be ordered to deliver up the possession and custody of Mary A. Davis, together with, the property, and belongings ci the said Mary A. Davis. Appearance of W.

L. Howard entered. Cause appearing that said defendant has heretofore voluntarily surrendered possession of the child, Mary A. Davis, to her KUardian, the defendant Is discharged It is ordered that the- fee of the ftcers of this court be remitted in the citation proceeding. Isaac J.

Roseberry, administrator of tho estate ot James. Trusler, deceased, rendered just and true account of the estate; approved. Petition, by C. E. Moffltt for probate ot will of Hannah Riser, deceased.

Hearing If the teacher could wipe away the blotches from her skin as easily as she does the caricature with its pimply face, she be a happy Pimples and eruptions more than a disfigurement to a make her sensitive and unhappy. The way to cleanse the skin is to purify the blood. Dr. Kerce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, and re- times the clogging accumulations and poisons which corrupt it. When these ate semoved, pimples, boils, eruptions, and other oonsecpiettOM of unpuie blood are entirely cured.

"For about one year and a half ray face was very badhr broken Ifiat Carrie Adanu, of 116 West Main Battlecreek, Mich. spent a great deal of money with doctors and for different kind! of medicine, but received no benefit. Golden Medical Discovery. Before 1 had taken one bottle of thla medlcfiie I noticed a change, and after taking three bottles I was entirely cured. 1 can well neountead Doctor Golden Medical Dlsooicrjr to aay oae similarly aWctad." Accept no substitute for ery." There is nothing as good" for impure blood and skin diseases.

The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, is given away. Send at one-cent stamps expense of mailing set for 10 o'clock m. of In estate, of Edwin McOath, Blake Thomas appointed approved bond of MOO. PeHtton of W. i.

and Clara Russell for adoption of Leora McAdoo, granted. of court remitted. Final report of A. J. Quick as guardian of Edward B.

Zuick, approved ana guardian discharged, Inventory of estate of Martha McKee, deceased, aobroved. Report of public oale of personal prop- city In estate of LevJ E. Hancock, deceased, approved. Final report of W. J.

Porter, assignee. Daniel Hall, assignor, filed. Exceptions, If any, to be filed by Nov. 18,1801. Petition for probate of wdll of Bridge; Coogan, deceased, admitted to probate.

letters testamentary to Issue to Elisabeth Carlln; bond, J1.400. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna Grant to Mary J. Reeves, lot 6, ti'ti 4, Mansfield, Freese addition to Bement; WOO. William L.

Alexander to Jeremiah Carr, pt aWA sw'4 nwVi, 11, and blk 7, 5, 6, 7 and 8, blk 8, CentervWIe and pt II, 19, 51,200. Sarah E. Alderson to Albert B. Zyhell, lots 1, 2, blk 4, Mary Piatt's add to Monticeilo; t300. Isaac W.

Scott to Joseph D. Medarls, blk 1, Mansfield, Freese add to Bement: 51,000. Anna B. Plckett lo Joseph D. Medaris, blk 1, Mansfield, Freese add to Bement: J418.C7.

S.imuel Koogler to Charlotte Me- Keyhan, pt nc nw, 12, 19, Noah H. Crelghton to Frank C. Wood, lot 6, blk 10, Cerro Gordo; Frank C. Wood to Jennie M. Crclghmr, lot 6, blk 10, Ccrro Qordo; S.

PERSONAL MATTERS. Misses Mary Harshbareer and Sona Brady went to Decatur to shop Wednesday. W. Ryder went to Decatur Wednesday to spend the day with his son, Gaylord. Mrs.

Taylor Oarver wns In Champaign asl Saturday. Lon Durbin was a Deeatur visitor Wednesday. Miss Anna Heath was on tho sick list last Saturday. llomer Foraker and Bert Summers of White Heath wore In the city Wednesday. Henrv Johnson of Bement was a hub visitor Wednesday.

Rev. O. Suman of Galesburg 1 was' a Monticeilo caller Wednesday afternoon. William Benson of White Heath was In the city Wednesday and attended the show that nipht. Charles Mitchell and Edward Bates of White Heath were in the city Wednesday afternoon.

Harford Bowdre of Camp Creek was trading in the city Wednesday. A. V. Woollngton moved into his new residence Wednesday. O.

B. Harrauff, who recently occupied the property now owned by A. Woolington, has moved into the G. A. Burgess residence.

Patrick Hayes of Gaiesburg was a business visitor to the city Wednesday. Postmaster J. H. Cline and wifo of White Heath were in the city Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.

Irene Martin left Tuesday for an extended visit in Omnha, Neb. Miss Hattle Plunk of Monticeilo visited friends Saturday and Sunday. Members of the Bement Hunting club left for Arkansas Tuesday for a two weeks' In the timber and swamps of Arkansas. Miss Grace Marqulss of Monticeilo returned home after a short visit with Mrs. Ernest Bishop.

Mrs. D. N. Seltz was pleasantly surprised Sunday by a large number of her friends. It being her sixty-fourth birthday.

An enjoyable time isr reported. W. W. Body is home again after an extended visit in the north. Mr.

Philips of Decatur Is the new car Inspector In place of Mr, Stoy, who moved to Decatur. Several from here attended the play The Owens Comedy company, which was billed for here last Saturday night, failed to materialize. Reno, the magician, will be at the opera house Thursday evening. Tuesday evening at the Christian church C. Redgrave gave a stereoptlcan lecture on the history of the restoration movement.

The second annual meeting of the Missionary Social union took place at the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon and evening. This Is an organization of the women's missionary clubs of local churches and its meetings are hailed as missionary field days. Assistant County Treasurer Ben Kerr was in Oconee Wednesday. Dr. W.

J. Eddy visited in St. Louis Wednesday. Wednesday John Ford was In Flndlay. on court house matters.

Mrs. E. K. Schwartz and daughter Irnrn were down from Findlay Tuesday. The new Tcrpsichorean club inaugurated the season by a dance in Lewis' parlors Tuesday night.

D. F. Richardson and wife left Tuesday for a three weeks' trip through Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Storm are visiting In Iowa. Joseph L. Hudson, aged 78, died at his home east of this city Tuesday. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William Sherburn 54 Mary A.

White 43 William Foster Nellie Hudson 18 H01QL The first freeze of the season came Sunday night. R. 8. Patton spent Sunday In Shelby- vllle the guest of friends. Guy Sheffler In working In Decatur.

Several from here attended the meet- Ing at Banner's chapel, Sunday. Cutler O'Bryant la here from Colorado visiting friends. E. J. Kilborn, Ralph Snyder and James Ahl of Moweaqua took dinner with F.

P. Sheffler and family, Wednesday. The day was spent In hunting. Wesley Kaufman and Cal Foster were In Bethany Monday. Mrs.

A. Thompson spent the nrst of the week In Bhelbyvllle the gueat of her Dr. ThoMpm, Taylorville; T. L. Brown's will was filed for probate Wednesday.

The will bears date of 1894 and Is witnessed by Abbey and W. M. Scott. To a brother of Dr. Brown, Robert E.

Brown is given his interest to the home property; a Jot containing four acres In Cambridge, 1M acres of land in Guernsey county, 180 acres in Butler county, 160 acres In Miami county, Kan. No other disposition is made of his property. It is estimated the value of personal property and real estate is about ja.OOC. The value not disposed of Is about 114,000.. The heirs number sixteen.

M. O. Brown, a nephew, will be appointed executor of the will and administrator of the estate with bond flx- ed at J6.000. James Beckholt, who was arrested on the charge of criminal assault, was given a hearing, and declared innocent and discharged. O.

B. Hewitt sold a farm of 200 acres to Samuel Ainsworth, Tuesday. The land lies in Johnson township. The price paid was $13,000, or $65 per acre. The smallpox patients are getting along nicely.

There are now seven cases In town. Three in the Allen family, Led Handel and Mrs. Amon Vancii and child are now said to be down with It. August Lawson and Miss Tacle Lawrence, both of Rosemond, were united In marriage Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's'parents, Mr. and Sirs.

H. L. Lawrence, Rev. Mr. Bickers officiating.

The Connecticut Fire Insurance company In which the Pratt-Baxter Grain company's elevator at Willeys was insured, has brought suit against the Wabash Railway company for damages on account of the destruction of tho elevator. The Insurance company will try to make the railway company restore tho money. The claims of the Pana deputies as corrected amount to about $9,000, but judgment has out yet been rendered. Judge Dwlght will decide Thursday. TODDS POINT Ulrs.

Ellen Turner Is visiting relatives in Decatur. Reka Meinke of Champaign is visiting her many friends here. Ralph Silver delivc-retl hogs to Shelbyville Monday. Mrs. J.

W. Atkinson and Miss Alice Atkinson visited Tuesday with Elsie Foster and family at Prairie home. Mrs. Kline and daughter, Ida, visited at the Nicholson home Saturday afternoon. William Rhodes and family were shopping in Sullivan Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Foster and Mrs. E. L.

Blrkett of Shelbyvllle visited relatives here and at Bethany last week. Mrs. Nicholson and daughters, Mra. Cora Silver and Miss Mamie, visited Wednesday with relatives in Bethany. Raymond Burns while playing in the.

tile shed here Sunday fell and broke his arm teen years ago the moved Champaign. Fuuneral services were held at the res idence Thursday afternoon. "Oar Chaunccy'a" Bride. Again' IB the and wealthy Chauncey M. Uepew to enter Into the bonds ol matrimony, If is bride to be, May is a brilliant, accom- The well-dressed man or woman this fall wean Davenport's They are new, finely made and wearable.

Comfort is the evident aim in mak- ins thorn, but graco and style have nut sacrificed: and at $3 these shoes arc sure to i Hie economical and careful buyer. DAVENPORT'S SOUTH SIDE SHOE STORE. 143 B. M4.IS SrRKIST, VP PIT A PPF1 1 DECATU'f. I I I ffftl i AllU A 1 MISS MAY I'ALMEI'.

and beautiful Now Yorker, about twenty-turi'e ynars Senator IVpcxv is sixty-seven, but lie doesn't look It. Mouse Whiakers Have Value. Cincinnati Enquirer: The business dono in mouse whiskers is considerable this year, for they are used in the making of the wonderful new fly for fishermen--the "new gray gnat." And they are expensive --nearly two cents per whisker. Trout rise very much better at mouse-whisker flies that at the same "gnat" dressed In jungle-cock hackles, whic look very much like them. The trade ot artificial fly making Is the lightest-fingered business In the world, and it Is not one man or woman out of flve thousand who can learn to tie flies.

These tyers are remarkable for the beauty and delicacy of their hands, and only the cleverest of fingers can deal with the "niggling" work of knotting hairs that can hardly be seen. In making a lly, the earth has to be ransacked for precisely the correct feathers and hairs, and one hair wrong will make all the difference. It takes an expert tyer only fifteen minutes to turn out a fly, which consists of a tiny hook, with wings of Egyptian dove feathers, legs of fox hairs, and a body of mouse fur, wound round with a thread of yellow silk. A carelessly made fly will have neither legs nor "feelers." but the true expert adds the legs, and puts on a pair of long "feelers" of cat hair, white at the tips. All these tiny details will be exactly in their places, and eo finely tied to the hook that the fly will take half a dozen strong fish and be rone the worse.

Bears' eyebrows, being stiff, and exactly the right used in a newly Invented fly that Is killing quantities of salmon this year, and these eyebrows come from the Himalayan brown bear cost about $1.50 per are always agents all over the world searching tropical forests for the right birds to supply fly hackles, and one of the most sought after skins is that of the rare "green screamer." an African bird, about the size of a fowl, which has a tiny bunch of feathers on each shoulder that are worth $15 per bunch to the flymaker. One of these birds only supplies feathers enough to make rings for half a. dozen files. Numbers of men spend their lives --and lose them, too--in collecting the right kinds of birds for fly feathers. There is no limit to the enthusiasm of an artistic fly tyer, who will use hair from his own eyelashes to finish off an extra special fly.

Baby's 'hair Is a much sought after material, if of the right shade-golden yellow-for all the llghtar salmon flies, and me curl will make a aosen-first-class flies. There are many salmon and trout flshers who pay 13,000 a year for their flies alone. Died in Chumpalgu. 'James Robert McAboy passed quietly away Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at his residence, 322 South West street, Champaign. Mr.

McAboy stricken with paralysis a few months ago, and while recovering fell and broke one of his hips and for the past eight weeks had been as Helpless as a child. Together with all this, consumption was noted toward Mr McAboy was born in Culpepper county, in 1817, and moved to Ohio during his youth. Afterwards he came to Illinois, and was married to Miss Sarah Mann In 18U. Nine children were born to this union, two now living. William McAboy of Fresno.

Cat, and Mrs. Nina Millar of Qinton. For forty years the family on turn, Clmton, ana thir- ILLINOIS-IOWA Game Next Saturday Will Be a Warm One. The most important football Rfxme monff the blsr colleRi 1 nines for next urday will IIP the hot contest nut at Iowa City between Iowa and Illinois. Both of these, teams have been defeated.

Iowa by Minnesota and Illinois by crippled'North- western, and urc therefore out of the championship running, but the showlnjr which will bo mode by Iowa especially will be watched by all western football enthusiasts. In spite of the bearish re-ports that were se.nt out from Iowa City early in the season, and notwithstanding the fact that the Hawkeyes have been'defeated by the Gophers, they are regarded as comers, and it is yet within the range of possibility that they will be able to furnish an upset. A victory over Illinois- will not signify much, beyond the comparison It will afford with Northwestern, but if a marked Improvement is shown there is a possibility oC further developments in the game with Michigan. On the present showing of the two teams. Iowa is far the inferior of the Wolverines, but sudden reversals of form are more common in the football world than in other branches of sport, and the unexpected crippling of one or two men.

or a decided slump by Michigan would Kive Iowa an opportunity to gain its laurels. I Aged Minister Dead. Alton, Nov. Henry Dc- piigh, a Methodist minister for over fifty years, and a resident of the vicinity of Alton more than forty years, died in Chicago Monday, aged 84, and the body was brought to Alton for burial. The funera took place this afternoon from the church of which he was pastor many years.

Rev Mr. Depugh was the father of a young man who was murdered many years ago at Rocky Ford, near Godfrey. Felix Henry was executed for the murder, and on the gallows asked the father of his victim to forgive him. The father mounted tho scaffold Just before the trap was sprung and taking the hand of the murderer of his son told him that he freely forgave him for the sorrow that had been brought on the family and expressed the prayer that his Maker would do the same. PRINCESS VIROQUA, M.

0, Endorses Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound After Following Ita Record For Years. MBS. is the greatest boon bestowed on humanity and therefore anything that can restore lost health" is a blessing. consider Lydia E.

Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound as 1 a blessing to Btate and Nation. It cures her mothers and daughters and makes them well and strong. A 25c Prepare yourself for tho grand grabKale of Pictures and Frames, fi Friday and Saturday. Having bought a large lot of picturesat reduced prices, I choose this way of disposing of them. Every picture is new and desirable for your home.

In the lot I have included two of 11 Mannheim's Paintings which will soon be worth at least $100. There are facsimile water col- (0 ors. photographs, platinotypes. etchings, pastels, pictures of i tU- scrips. And range in price.not less than the most of them from BH mfc to $15.

You will "be interested in seeing the display. Grabs will be 250. Only Friday and Saturday. ELC SOUTH OF POST OFFICE. Your (Money if you don't like? Wetmorc's Best Tftejlrtt and otttyehtwtnf tobacco to bt guuranttca.

No If imir dealer wtt more swnd etntt for a plMp. M. C. WCTKME TOMOCO CO. n.

Tfte largctt (n TAPE WORMS "A tmpe worm elchteeii iint ionfe least came on the scene after my; taklngtiro CASCABETS. This I am sure baa caused my bad health for tbe put three years. I am atlll taking tbe only cathartic worthy ot notice by goaalblc people." PSIKOKB3 VIEOgTTA. Practicing Pbyiiclau and Lecturer. For fifteen years I have noted the effect ot your Vegetable Compound in caring special diseases of women.

"I know of nothing superior for ovarian trouble, barrennew, and it has prevented hundreds of dangerous operations where claimed it was the only chance to get Ulceration and inflammation of tho womb has been cored in two or three weeks through its use, and as I find it purely an Herbal remedy, I nnhesitat- fngly giro it my highest endorsement. --Fraternally yours. Diu P. VHMO.UA, Lansing, kra If yon ill do not hesitate to bottle of K. PJak- Vfltetabfe vmA wtlto to MMH.

KWSPAPLRl CURE CONSTIPATION. -Mtf tritiriii. Tablets amd or! Bnrk'a DyiptpiU Cure Trt'- Mm tolftso cnsa.tburawr itiln ion nd don't vim lo be ulihouc them. to nwch food. Vbn- fat JOB tucen In builoctt, dm YMnvtrrtrahr, ce Review.

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