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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 5

Janesville, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE FTVi: THE JANESVTLLE DAILY GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1010. SEATS TO BE SOLD ISSUES WARNING TO PROPERTY OWNERS VALUABLE PROPERTY DESTROYED BY FIRE Mre. Annn noherts Wa employed At FAIR8T0RE CLEARING SALE OF OXFORDS WotncifH point vlcl kid Iloitdfi HllptioiK, ut She a pair. Wuinuii'M ono-Htrup HniulalH, turn nolo, low hoL'l, ul fl.uu pair, CtiildrtMi'H I.Go vlcl kid Jucu nxfonld Sometimes I Ask a Patient How It Was Tliey Came to Me For Their Work YoHtorday It patient wilil It wiih he-i'iiiimh a iniimlli linil boon In nm uvur learn iiki) itml nil" Hkod work ho wall that from litn' riM'tjinmuiuiinluii thu now pprty enmn to mo. TIiIh ri'iilly thu bom lulvnitlHiiimnt I can hnvo iiml I lay mylf out to ho plot una inllify oVory patient ho 'i Hint tlmy naturally mlk well nf my wnr itlutlp frlnds.

l'vu. boon hur now yonrs mnt. iiMy ItiiHltifHH In rhUIiik larger ovcry month. Commit mo for your noxi Dunllnlrv. BRIEF PERSONAL MENTION.

OirdH anilolinclin; tlio birth of 11 dmiuhtor to Mr. and Mra, Hriico jvlluo of Clliitnn, Iowa hnvo boon re-ioI'oiI by relatlvoH mid rrlendu hen', Mr. and M''H- Itlltii1 woro forinr tohI. ilontH of thin idly. Mr.

and Mm, Kddy liuve n-turned to Ihnir lioiiie In Canton. Ohio urior two woeliH kpoiiL with In ilm city. Mm. ISInH'f Wllheroll and duimhtor. Tholmn, havi n-tunieil homo from 11 cvu weoltH1 vlnli with frlomlu at (Jraml llaiddK.

Win. Horn, 10 Mr. mid Mm. Mlchiiel Unvi'H of l.llicolii Htreoi. 11 dllUKhter, on' Weil lie day.

Mm, Hiijoh waa formerly MIhh llrlorty, Mm, iKntmlli- Shnrtney or Sonih Mtiln atroot la otitorliilnlm; liar clntiKli lor. Mm. II. A. htulirop of Hoiitti IIiiHiou, Mima, Mr.

mid Mm, Will Klnnk nml ilaiiRhl' leave liiiiuirrow for a vIhR Willi IiIk DiirenlH 111 Norwallt. WIh, the Grand Hotel AR Hnuneke'per, Im. Anna UnbortK, for whom a unit, blllll UtHllflW WIIH HOiirL'llltlR, wiih located him nkht, Nlm him hen art- 111; ax hnunekreper at the lirand Hold mil made homelf known when alio earned Hint imr hoii wiih on hU way Ihlh clly. I.titnliiiw arrived In Ity 11 on (lie m-w turn table nt tlm N. rotindhulliin Ih llm: nphlly.

Heavy chtiroH or iiynauiiio bolair oicnlcided to renmvo tho Illicit concreto ri'tiltlllli wnlt nf Iho ild pit. Thin will ho tlio lllOHt dllll-ut part of llm iindorlnkltiR and when he walla nr removed, tho tnbto wilt he ltmliitleii in Hhort orilor. Police Hurry Out to Look for Dead ManFind Hobo Asleep Near River. Thin inonilmr tho pollen rooplvod tophoiu' cult from thu vicinity of Hindi and South Hlwr mtooiK. to tlm rfoci Hint tiinn uiih tyiiiK imir in ml in) Lf out nf tlio river at Hint point.

liivoHtlBiillon Hhowod that the mip-Pohi'cI nuirdar vltlliu or Biilcido wiih linplv holm ho mid Iiillcn nnlooi ihllo bathlnn IiIh foot. The Reason Why. KIkIo Ird nuiitln to matronly linn, nniiiiil-eyiij and litiprndHlvo kIio whla. pored: "Tlllll hen Ih luytllK Homo little ducIiH and ho don'l wnnt any little children to bother null noli lor. The Financial Welfare of Our Patrons is an important con-sidcration to us and when our advice is desired we nrc particularly pleased to give our customers the bene, flt of our experience of Investments and other business mutters.

ROCK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ESTABLISHED 1SG5. Fresh Fish Fresh Silver Herring, lb 10c Fresh Trout, 16c Fresh Halibut Steak, lb 15c Fresh Bullheads ready for the pan, lb 16c Salt Whilofisli and Mackerel, lb 12iac Bout Brand Mustard Sardines 10c Sinolicd Boneless Herring, ffluss JOc Can Salmon, nil prices, 10c 15c, 18c, 20c. Hardlngcr Brand Oil, large can 15c Cream Cheese, Brick and Limburgcr, lb 20e Spaghetti, Vermicelli, Macaroni and Noodle. fargo Watermelons, Muslctiiclons, each, 10c and 12'ic 3clcry, per atallc 5c 3ucumbcrs, Beets, Carrots and New Cabbage. Eating Pears, doz 30c Pie Apples, pk 00c Now Comb Honoy, lb.

Liirge Stono Jar Heinz Ap- pie Butter 3Dc Qt. jar Peanut Butter. Qt. Jar Sour Mixed Pickles 10c Heinz Midget Pickles, qt.35c Rootbcer and Ginger Ale, qt. bottles 15c, 2 for 25c, Welch's Grape Juice, bottle 25c Rcxlne, Cleanser, 25c Grandma's Washing Powder and one bar Pearl Soap 15c 10 bars Boston 25c Snowflakc best Patent Flour while it lasts $1.50 EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT R0ESLSNG BROS.

Phones, all 12S. FOR OPENING SHOW Slonere of Orders for Qenellt Per formance at Theatre Can becure neeorvntlons Only on Fifteenth, rho hiiIo of Hmm for Iho hcncdll ior- foinmiu-n to ho kIVi-Ii lit llm M.mmh thfiiiio, ami In which tho Imnimilnl and cluti of .1 1 I mo co-iijiorailnK with Mamiitor I'oior Myom. will oicn Monday AuxuHi ul tilno o'chicl; 1 1 1 Hit' nox At that tlmo thoxo who mmiml tho ordom at tho Hollcltatlou of tho oaiimiitioo uf tho tliUi nil Hocuro their ronnr atloiiH iu tlio nat anlo Ih lltnltod to ttm mm day. Tlm Hlfinod onloT'H will then ho ro-turnod to tlm HlKimr on ttm piiyiimnt Iho order. Tlio prodm-lion for which Hoai alo Ih Iii'Iiik mailo Ih tho "OoildcHK of l.lhcily," with Howard In tho cant, which will opun tlm HuiiHon timo on Hoptomhor 9.

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FILE NOMINATION PAPERS County Clerk Receives Neeeeenry Pa pera From Five Who Are Seeking Olfke. Nomination papers worn tiled with County Chirk Howard W. 1-cu lat yoKtcrilny afteriuiii mid today h.v T. 1' Snillev I'lynamlli. I'iiiidldulD for tin ri-jml 1 1 cjiu iiiiiiiltiatlmi for roKlater deoda; (lotllo of Kiluovleti, l.n iho 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 1 11 Iimlloii lor iihHeiii- hlymmi In llm find.

dlHtrlct; Arthur M. (Jluiroh of tlm Town of (or cnuntv iroUHiirer on llm ropuhllnaii I If 1 it Cenrce Morrill llololt. rn-publican candidate fur the miuilniitlmi ror Hhoriff: mid (Iriini. KlHtmr of I'andliliite for Iho nomination for iiHitoitihlyninii rrmit tho hoc-dm! iiuiiiol mi (lie ropnhtlviiti tlchcl. BRIEF LOCAL NEWS.

Entertrlned YefUerriay, Mm. Hunt-eluill and nephew. Lawrence oh lIviiKVlllo. Mm, Will Moilicf of 1 1n' lown of-I'orter unit Frank MohIht and ilmiKhter of l.i lon Hpcnl yoHler dnv iix ciichi'h id Mm, Mlllor. till North rutin Hlroot, uli lullioii hi honor id Ml.

V- Mnhrldwe, K. IX. who Ih lrltlni: horn. nuehlmj Work: Tho Cnntractol'li who lire luylim llm aaphalt macadam mi Sinclair, Houlti Koioiul and South Third HtrootH, hnvo nearly comptoind the I'ltitilm; on nil llm Htronta mid tiro rmdilnr. the work or layiiifi llm llmt hi'or or foundation for the pnvlnir on Sluidatr atroot.

Private proporty ownora nro iiIho laylin, nnuimit oiiiIih on mrool. Vt'ltl Arrive Early: f'or tho hone-III uf the yontlK people and Homo old onoH, who enjoy Hnolni; nlrciiH urn loud, the rnlltoml oMlclaln 11 ninco that Hie three aocitonH of tlio Uliliulo Illll WIM WohI will reach Jnni'Hvllb' from tliroi' In live o'clock tomorrow inornlnK from llocliford. Tlmy will coino over Ih" Nt. I'uul roliil and union, I at the Five I'nllitH and thtiti I11111I in tho fair KliitltldH whore lllo hIiow will ho hold. Lny NewrSldewalk: The city Ih lavlin; coinout Hhlewnlh uloni: tho I3hk! htreot hIiIo of tlm JoffiirHon Hcbonl Gurprlcetl By Friend: MIhh l'tlml RlrliaidH WIIH very pli'llHlllltly HHl- prlHcd liiHt nlKht by uhonl a dozop of tmr younc ladj' fiiciidn nt her homo on Itminr Av" on Iho of hor ninlidnv antllvorHiiry.

The evenhn; wiih eiillvonoil tiv iiiuhIi; and otlmr VaturM mid dellcltiiiH nrrcHliinoiiln NOLAN BROS. 004 black. OLD 4204 Strictly Fresh Eggs, All You Want 18c doz Minnesota Macaroni, pltgf Sc Strictly Pure Cider Vinegur, 40 grain, sal () J9II0, any flavor, 8c, four for 30c Toasted Kclloff's Corn Flakes, iplfff SC rem Jo This prion mi Hnmnliiln Imli Ih mi i very i ln.v in llio tvonlt. Strictly Pure Home Rendered Genuino Leaf Lard, lb. ,1 Sc" 3 can3 Early June Peas.

3 cans best erndc Corn ZTy 3 enns Solid Pack Tomatoes. 15? Extra choice Now Potatoes, largo white fine stock, pk 30C 18 lbs. Standard Gane Granulated Sugar $1.00 3 Tanglefoot 5j Double Thick Can Rubbers, doz. Sd, 4 doz. 30c.

Fresh Blackberries 15c Fancy Poaches, basket 3 Club House Corn Flakes 25C Very choico Picnic Hama, fresh lot, lb 15C Wc have 20 tons ol TAME HAY for sale In-quire af our store, This Big Cash Grocery saves money for you every day tn the year. Pay cash and get big values. 23-25 S. River St Chief of Police Calla Attention to I'rcaence OF unneair.iuieB in," May Follow Circua. I.I..I- luuneu the rullowlmr wimiliiK to all properly ovnera to he on tin- mou.oui lomor-ow when Hurralo IUH'h hIiow Ik in tho ill v.

11ml next Saturdny, when HIiik- Him- lir.iH.' for tho uiiiloHlrahb'K that iitwa)'H follow a clrcim. llo hiijh; JaiinHVlllo, -I, I ill II. "Wo are about to havu two larjio ulrciirtcK vlHlt our oily and while thoy uro both clonn hIiowh thoro will mitiii'-ullv bo In tlio city at Hint tlmo annm iiiideHlralde poniilo, Hi, 1 iidvlne every-0110 lo well llmlr llnltloH, Htorim nml vuliinhlon nml rnport nil thoftH Iniiiiodiatoly to tlm olllcu of tlio idiier or poiicp, Ol30nCIJ M. Chiof of I'nlleo." Mnraco Klnrliitur, Mmlewnnd, A. Hnlldentmi.

Mliltn, 111., O. A. loo. O. Ii.

Hew, Malm, 111., ami C. O. SJiniloi-Hriu, l.eo. Ink-other with the .1. II.

Stealoy. N. Tlco, It, 11, Kuohlier, I'. II. Older and U.

It. Hndt of Frmport, and Mr. and Mm, It, .1. Kyorlny. Mr.

ami Mm. M. I'yerly'niid C. llotdiinou am! family or compound aliloliloblti' purlloH roKlHlored in llm Mvith Itolel yoHtorday. At tlm (Irinnl Hotel worn.

U. 13. Ilnohor nml party of three of CIiIciirii; Arlliur l.lnlott mid parly oT four of CIiIchro; .1. Mil' ceiihur nml party nf toil In two earn of Now York mid I'. S.

Ilnmlen ami party nf llvn of MIiiiioiihi1Ih. Last Chance Saturday. Nnturiluy will ho tho lam of our In-(loduetory hiiIoh on the fiinmnH I.hilo-7.0HO Hoap lor Ihlu year. Nix burn or kiiuIo 1.1c tollol Hotip for liny a ycnr'H Hnindy. Medio Huhh, Save Money on Present Purchases Tin- llrent AilKimt llaiKiiln arc the tulli id llm town.

Our Annual Clearance Kulo Im liidcH nil HoiiHonahlo nmr-chaudlHo at Kraal rcdurthuiH, I'. lluriiH. Uncle Eira Sayi: 't Joclpe uuiu hy tho tho roller who Ur. 'ml fnllod a off'u hlui," llnalou 2 Fresh Trout and Imported Sordines in oil, 10c. Scotch Kippered Hor-ring, 20c tin.

Soused Mackerel 20c tin Billet Sardines in oil, 18c. Underwood's Mustard Sardines, 12c. B. iS: Fish Flakes 10c. Bcech-Niit Shredded Cod, 15c glass, Beech-Nut Smoked Bon.

od Herring, 15c gla33, Cresca iliicst Peeled and Boned Sardines, 40c tin. Minced Sea Clams, 15c and 20c, Japanese Crab Moat 40c tin. "Casino" finest chin-ook Salmon, 25c, "Lyndon" finest Red Sockeyo Salmon, 20c, small tins IS'c and 15c. The. quality is Al in each of the 'above Items not a poor ono in tho lot.

Yon may And a suggestion us to what to eat during this trying time of year. Plums and Peaches 20c Basket Fancy selected fruit in small open baskets, Ripo Pinci, 15-18c. Indiana Gem Melons, 10c, 12Vic. Rod meated Watcrmcl. ons, 35c, 30c.

Small can grated or chunk Pineapple, 10c, nice quality. Cottage Cheese 5c Rich with cream, If you arc particular try this. Elsie style cheese, 25c lb. Now white ChccEC, lb. Royal Luncheon' 15c, 25c jars, 20c 10c, "DedricK.

Tiros. Lose on the William J. Lathers Farm In Town of Turtle Will Prohably Rtuclt 3lx Thousand Dollar. l-'lro which broke out In (lie ti a liny limn im lhu Wllllnm .1. i.min-iH tanu In tin- Tlllll(' linn tlnHtroyi'il In tin' mdim-txirluMNl of kIx thuUMiui'! dollnM' worth uf mr hi properly Inuludhm tmibiiiiK.

oIly-HOveii lines, I I'll hi a-Kb ui 1.111111, aomu IHtv twin or liuy. furtn machinery ami "iikotib. All thu ami cut-tin wort' In the lloltlH nt tho lltno of Hie llro oxrept nno liomo which wn IimI fnim tlio Imni without miy m-rl- OHH tlOUblo, Juhi how tlio flru nrlKinuti'il Ik invNtm v. It broke out In tlio extreme top of tlio went end or tlio Ulli liny Imni mid wan JIihI hook by Mn, UtlmiH, A hull inlmito Inter tlm whole Hlnmtuie In ll'iinc'H, Upon-tminulH coniliUHtlmi In one (Imory advanced imt. 1 lie hay had hoim In tlio Nm tor imnrly twi winiKh mid million tlilti dnulitfnl, liu-oiiilliu'iMiu hn 1 1 Hpolmu or lull iicUlior Mr, Unburn or hid wife would miliHtimUalo HiIh theory.

i( Ni'IkMjoih rillllod to tho Utliem Turin iin hooii iih the aluini wuh houi in over (ho tolndioua but tlmy onuld do tmtliliiK 10 Hiivn llm properly iih I hoy only had 11 lnu-Hel brlKwIe 10 IlKht lh luoroutdlik' llanioH. Tho lioiixo which In valued ilt thou-hiiiuI ilnllarH. wim to tlm windward or ttn tlio mid wan not in diuiKor. Tho HparliH rrom llm lJiiriilnir imni no llro 10 1 ho inn kUk'Iih or ryo and hurley In mlj.ilnlwc Hold which wuro wall-Iiik to lio throMliod. Tho l.alhoiH rurtu ooiiipi'Ihoh 7sr.

tuivoH or I'lmli'o furm land ami Ht yloht of main UiIh your wiih oxiop. lioiuitly lurfio ho llm Iuhk mi HiIh i rop will ho honvy, Tlmru wiih hIho oori-Hldoniiilu ouih In the Imni which wiih ilniiirovoil iih lvoU iih a wuKuii'lnHd or tlii-oHliod ryo Nvlilcli had hooti hanhd In wlioii tho tain In ttm UKirilluK atart. int. Oil tlm oiHiHltti Hldo of tho mud 1 Inn wiih a laro alack of ryo iiml hai'loy waltliik' to ho ilnohoil wlili iho oiikIiio and uutcaitio, I'lirttiiuiloly tlio wind wim hlnwIiiK asvny fniiu tills mid noao of thu wpurkn wiMil that way or tlm Iuhk would Hnvo hoop iiiik'Ii Imuvlor. Luthom wiih In Jatn'HVlllo xvlicn lh') llro Klurlod and iiiai'lioil homo only Id iiml tho pmiMirly In iiilna.

Tho iIiiiuoh could hn hdoii for many tultoH and altractod a lurce crowd tu Iho ranii. Tlm llro wiih Ih'Ht hoiiii Hlinnly urmr hovoii mid within 11 fuw tnlmttoH tho oiitlru Hirimturn wan nniHH or llanioH and tlio adJidnhiK Ki-Hlli 1111 llio. Thoro wiih 11 partial linuinuico mi tlio proporty. SEVERELY INJURED AT THE SAND PIT Wllllnm Manr Dreaki Ml Le(t While Worklno With the Conveyor. William JlniDi, an mpliiyn of tho Sand and (liawl criiiipuny, who ruHldoH at 111; Houth l'ninhlln Hlroot, wiih lujurod ycHlcrday urior-noon nhoui hair pant tour at iho hiukI pit of tin- imur tho HiiKiir limit ractory wliou io wiih cntiuht under lioiny woiHtun conveyor frmtm and IiIh Icrt liroUon holow tho Unci', Munz wuh intioii to thu hiiHpl-till and th frurtnro miluooil.

Thin iiuihiH two of tho riunlly who uro coatlnoil to tho lionpltnl at tho pn wilt tliao. v. luinm Manr. hrnin el', Allnlpll MlltlK, hiiH I10011 1 1 1 i 1 t' 1 5 1 tl'Dlllmcut thorn for tlio pant wonlih lor a Hovi'iv attnolt or lilood pnlHonltlK 111 hla tort linn. Until luolli-orn nro ropoi'tod to hi iIoIiik well to-day.

SAFE WAS WRECKED BUT NOTHING TAKEN achnller and McKcy's Offices Vlilted by Thlevei or Honors Durlnu the Nlohl. I'ur llio fourth tlmo within Iho pm rr nuinlliH, Schallor mid Mi'o Halo "iih wriM'koil hiKl iiIkIh I roliliolH who opined Die cinnpaiiy ofllro mill Hliiiltorod Ih" luad. hat wi-i irlKhtened away horori- thoy coul drop tlio ham and open tho hu(o. Ki iralico In Iho hitlhliiiK wim Hriairci lis fotvllli; 111 Iho dnor wlilrh Wiih hi HlUhlly fahloiii'd, NolhliiK of villi wiih lakou unit heyoiiil wiochliiK tl HtroiiK Imx. no datiium' wim douo.

It IhoilKlll that thu Joh Wiih dolio 1 to ho tho llrHl oholco of every wnuhl-In' yoMtmiui who diiipH rrom 11 frulehi train to 11111I10 a Htiort vIhIi.Iii thin clly. I'crhupH aflor few more nt-toliiplH hnvo hiou liuido. It will ho. coiiin km 1 vii that an vnlnnliloH are l.opl there uud tlio I'ohhui'H will do. nlt from wiihHiik llmlr oimrcy.

BRIEF LOCAL NEWS. "ry a loinon It In hilpcrl- I 01' to all olhoiH. It blencllcd the hUIii ulnl OOOH aw iiy nun ,1 KieiiHy iiiL-e, TnliUK out nil Idai'kheadH In mio an-plication. Cnu ho had at (ion. Ken-1 1 1 11 nni licr Simp, W.

Milw. Nt. Swltclioa and puff mndo from ennb-(mm. MIkh I'oeley'H, 'i South Mnln St. Clrcb'rt No.

I nml of tho 13. churi'li will have a Hide or homo hakim; ill Will Union" nioro HntiirdHy, 'llio ureal tliilllltiif ImiMillni: act at I ttu Colonial ilu'iitre touluht mid I'l l-I dav nkht hv Kid O'llrleu, uhkImiviI by I Mm. Wrliiht. Don't full to hoc UiIh svillllieriiii omooiiioii 01 mine niiiin. inn, ltcRiilar movtni? plclute proermn and hiiiikh.

AdmlHHlou Iho. chlldroti CARD OF THANKS. Wo wlcli to cjipreHH our HiankH and iippriidatlnu friend" and nolKhhiim lov their kludncHH mid nympnthy dur-lUU the HluexH and ilonth of Mm. Mar. Kiilct Kntumolt.

Mr, anct Mrt. Charles Youny. Mr. and Mri, Joieph McCaffrey, Mr. and Mn, Jamet Kemmett.

John Kemmett, 90c Worth of Soup for 20c. Nutiiidny will ho the Iiml ohalico thin your lo Kt hum id Uquozono for Thin lllRll Brildo toilet olfoi-H tho uroiitOHt viildo In Iho male, IUihh nt a pnlr. Olrta' ll.TS patent ltulhor onontrnp JbitupH, iiir.c- H'i hair. Womeu'B JnOi.Mrjr'tiuVhlllKliiii Sllpixim with and patent teathui' front Wnmoii'B vlel Itli OrffoitH, Incn Htyto, mllltnry hoot, nl'tUS a imlr, Womon'H ono-Htrup piiinut leiUhor I'nttiiiH, U-Htrnu cim mntiil I'uuipH, nml ono-oyotot, nnkiu Kirup I'uiupK, nt a pair. Mon'H tll.uu Oxfnrda In iinlont lentil, or mid tan calfskin, Into alylo, at II.

US a pair. Womon'H pniont lnailmr Oxrordu, liicn Htyto, military lion), turn boIo, a pair. InriitilH' ono-atrnp Ihmipii in pntnnt Imithor or tan Idd nkln, at line pair. Clilhll'i'll'H niie-fltral, 1'umpn 111 patent, Inathcr ulnl tnti lild akin, alitoa 0 to nt Tuc a pulr. Hojb' nml inon'H ollt nkJti Slioen with ruhher hiiIok, In tan or.liluck, Iloyn', nmii'H.

11.1.1 pair, t. SUIT CASES, Itnliitllon Icallmr or ruhuor cloth Suit CaHcn, L'l In. loilR. chorolutn col or, leather comer nud each, Holler Krndo Kortol Silll CaHoa, mado on atool frame, Inchon wtdn and Inchon at l.5, IUS nntl ouch. Japumirto Mnltltic Suit Cimcu wllh leather enrncra nud leaihor hatutlo, oxlrn llcht wolRht, at ll.Uft, FLORIDA WATERMEL- oNsaod CAL.


SLICED DRIED BEEF 301 LB. E. R. WINS10W Dainty, Delicious, Wholesome Something New in the Cracker Line Trojan Crackers These arc a spring wheat gluten cracker, 50c tin. Home Grown Tomatoes, 10c lb.

Crooked Neck Summer Sritiush, 5c, 10c rath. New Spanish Onions. Blackberries. Nice Cooking Apples, COc peck. Blue Plums, 10c dozen.

Small Seedless Grapes, 10c lb, Peaches, small basket, 20c, Muskmolons. Watermelons, 30c, 35c. Fresli Trout, 15c lb. Holland Almond Cookies 20c lb. New lot Nikko Grape Juice.

Large Salt Mackerel, lc lb. Small Salt Mackerel, 15c lb, Now Spring Catch Salmon, Maconochlo's Fresh Macker el, 18c can, Bismarck Applo and Rasp. berry Preserves, 30c. Bismarck Apple and Straw. berry Prosorvos, Home Grown Potatoes1' Burnhum MorrolI's Lob- stcrs in 15c; Bordcss Sardines, Beech-Nut Peanut Butter, Quart Jarn Peanut Butter.

Kippered Herring, 20c tin. 3 cans Mustard Sardines, 20c Monarch Olive Salad, 15c. 8 varieties of Pickles in Qt. Jars, 25c each. SKCLLY GROCERYCO 11 South Jackson St.

yivo- hundred pounds of clcwn, whlto wlplnr; rm; wnntnd nt onro. 1'rlro ul' 11 I'elerHoti nf llorkfiird tnniH- net ml taiHlni'HH In thla city yoHterdny, ,1. K. Of the llle Solid olid 1 1 ravel loft. bud.

iiIrIU oil a trip to ami Lit utohho, ,1, 3. Colllnml of Illchiaml Cenlnr wtiB a vlHltor In tho city yeaierday. I'orry M- Stovi'im of rjronjiwood. who Iiuh been Hn'lullllK a row dnvh with tils brother and hIhIoi-, P. Sti-voiiH nml Mm, S.

WIIIIihhh after 11 biiHlncHH trtji to lliuilim, Chi oiiHO Hint other linlntH, leturticd til hla hollie Wolcott Wiih horn from 11, vcHlcrda.v. Wllllnm 1. Hordlo or I'oorlii Ih a IxihIiichh vlHllor In Ihlh city, I MIhh Mnry Itiirker. MIhh Hmllcy ami I MIhh Hay HohIwIcI; urn nainplnc at Iho llimtwloli cntiimn jioiir Cryatai HprlllKH. 13.

tlanclinp of I'luHevlllo triiiiH' Incted buhliu'HH In Ihla city yoalonlny. ROCK COUNTY BOY ON HIS WAY TO THE PHILIPPINES Martin 8umnnrner H.ia Been Promoted Tb the Slnnal Corps Of the Armv, Mr. uud Mm. Wiillaco Hiuimii 11 r. who 1 1 von on the- Ilrown furm iietir tlm city, have rendved word iln.i ibclr Hon Muiilii, iikoiI uliictoen, Iijih been tiutlbfeired to the SlKlinl Hervlni Coi'Ph of tho United Minion Armv and ordered to tlm J'lllllldillieil.

jolllnt i-llllHteil wltli Ilia nm-eliiH ciiiHoni nut 'obriiiiry at Chi- ciiiin tn iho Slid tnfJintry. Tlo wmi he: 1 1 to llurrtmhH noat Nt I.iiiiIk where tlo look llm nxiilllllKi tlotiH for Iho Conw and miccoHHful In paHHltiK. Detween the plrea, "No tmpo In llio nays the old iTi'owlor. "Kf man dimmi'i llvn in tlm hurilcune hr.ii, ten to one Uo'a cIoho iii iho onrthnualio dlntrlci, or where tlio Huoih will malic tho rlvnra rli" hlKlier lluiii IiIh nnibillon for of-fire!" Count ItuHon. NASH FrcBii Fish.

Lako Superior Trout. Smoked Whiteilah. Japanese, Crab Meat. B. H.

Lobsters. Salt Norway Herring, Now 1910 JVTackerel. Thick Red Salmon, 12c lb. Thick Pink Salmon 5c lb. Boss Mustard Sardines 10c, 4 Good Mustard Sardines 25c.

Black Hawk Sardines 5c. Norwegian Flag Sardines, 10c, Billets Oil Sardines, 20c. Covo OyBtcrs, N. Clams, 3 Campbell's Soups, 25c. Goldon Eaglo Salmon lGc.

Dinner Boll Salmon lGc. Brick Codfish 10c. Shredded Codfish 15c, Watermelons, MuskmoIonK, Finest Italian Oil Imported. 3 cans Sweet Corn 2 Be. 3 cans Peas, 25c, Fresh Salted Peanuts 15c lb, 3 lbs, Richelieu Raisins 25c.

Canned Frosh Mackerel, Home Baking. G. Potatoes 20c pk, Now Turnips 20c pk. Rootbcer Extract IDc. Ripe Olives 25c tin, uchPcs, cmfwyptaoinfwy Peaches, Plums, Best 50c Tea on Earth.

Best 25c Coffee on Earth. Gold Medal Flour S1.5D, Marvel Flour $1.55. Jersey Lily Flour $1.55. Kern's Succobs Flour $1.45. Maplelnc Flavoring Extract.

New Honoy. New Extracted Honey 12izc lb, Walnut Hill ChooBo 20o lb. Brick and Limburgcr 18c lb. Cauliflower, Green Peppers. Welch's Grape Juice.

Jcll-0, any flavor, 8c. Butterinc 20c and 22c. 0 Express Toilet Paper 25c, Beech Nut Peanut Butter. ts, Nnvy Beans 250, Parraffinc Wax for Scaling. 3 Hcckcrs OiUs 2Cc.

3 Quaker Oats 25c. Dates and Fiffs. Pure H. R. Lard 18c lb.


Styli 8 tors. You can hv your dainty summer Oowni dry claanett and thny will (oak at rjood ai nw. Sotlifactlon guaranteed or no pay. CARL F. BROCKHAU8.

Oppoalte Myert Hauto. B8TAQLI8HCD 1833. THE first National Bank 55 yours' record of safo banking. Moro than $200,000 of our own capital always In tho business for your protection, Our certificates of deposit draw 2 per cent Interest if left four months 3 per cent if loft six months and arc payable at any time on do- To Voters of Rock County I desire to announce my candidacy lor the nomination for District Attorney. at the Republican Primaries to beheld September 6th.

1910. Stanley G. Dunwiddie Schooff's Breakfast Sausages Can you conceivo of any. thing nioro delicious? Do you know SclioofTs Break, fast Sausage? Have you over oaten thorn? They're absolutoly pure and their flavor is incomparable. Thoy nro nindo from an old fashioned farm recipe and contain only the choicest fed little pig pork, sail and pure rpiccs.

You can got thom fresh every day if you order eirly enough. Order day in ad-vnncc If you can. Our supply is limited be. cause wo make- it a point not mako moro than we're fairly "certain of scllinp ench dayso that our supply is ab. solutoly frosh.

You'll want sausage break-fasts regularly after you've eaten Schooff's Sausages. In throe forma, Bulk or Link at 10c lb, or LlUlc Midget form at 18c lb. Pork Liver, 8c a lb. Beef Liver, 10c a lb. J.

F. SGH00FF Tho Market on tho Square Both Phones. 111.

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