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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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ITURDAY, MARCH 1049 NATION TODAY Ime Items Tax-free, Others Iductible When Compiling ideral Income Tax Returns TOR'S NOTK: This is Ihe llth of 12 stories on who has lo do I about his 1M8 Income lax return, for the deadline is March IS.) By James Murlow March 5. explains some of Ihe deduction Ian. and can't, lake In making your 1948 income tax returns, 1 Iso listed are some kinds of income which, because they're tax-free I have to be reported at all. BIATHEVILLE (ARK.V COURIER NEWS PAGE THRKB Inembcr, right here, a couple Tuts: I'hci-e are various limits on the I lions you can take for medi- Ixpense.s. They're explained at of this story.

charitable contributions you lleduci no more than 15 per your income, lain there's no limit on the kind of personal ran claim, if you can prove them and are entitled to loon't get business deductions II up witli personal loin- 1MO long-form there are late places for each kind. I Some Items Tax-Free I is story deals only with non- I 1 ess deductions and where they to be business deductions merely thoic of an em- not employer. lax-iiee income which li't have to be 1 cmp 1 en compensation; security benefits; life insur- Npaid because of tiie death of Insured; inheritances, ills or hsts o( money or property, al- the income from them is $150 to deduct. Even then can't deduct a unlimited amount for medical ex Here are the limits: Taxpayer claiming only one ex emption, his own, taxpayei who are single or who are marric and file separate returns and hai dependents. S2.500; married coupl filing a joint return and claimln Ih'ir own two exemptions, married couples tiling a Joint return and claiming three exemptions their own two and one dependent.

man-led filiiii! jointly but claiming more exemptions. 55,000. couples lour or Officer Saves Woman from 8-Story Drop CHICAGO. March 5. young, policeman was hailed BS a hero today by superior officers for hi quick thinking in rescuing a wo lie- "sickness" and injury benc-! man as she dangled by her coa received through accident or tails from an eighth floor hole insurance or under work- window.

immance p(Jrsons watc hed as the traffic policeman, Francis p. Sherrier, 25, wlih the aid of two officers effected the rescue of Mrs. Lillian Paul. 39. Sherrier, off duty and on his way home yesterday, got off a street car when he saw a larse crowd in front of the Wackc'r Hotel at Clark and Huron streets, on the near CAB Ready to Tie Some Knots in Operations Of Shoestring Airlines Set Up Since the War Is compensation laws.

Imthly government allowances le servicemen; mus- Ig out pay; all benefits under loi hill of rights, such as for lation and subsistence: stale Iscs to veterans; disability pay; Ijmcn. pay for scrvice-connect- Ilisability; allowances for um- 1s; subsistence, traveling, quar- The legs of Actress Linda Darnell (above) were listed among selections of the Artists' League of America, at New York, in naming Ihe "len must perfect features in the world" belonging lo outstanding women. (AP Wirephotol pensions to veterans or their lies for war services; all active Ice pay of enlisted men in the forces; and the pay of oils up to $1.500. 1 Deductible Items Listed l-re are personal expenses which I be deducted: (limited to 15 per income) to charitable, reli- scientific, fraternal, and vet- organizatjions. and non-piof- llucational institutions.

lire are other deductible per- 1 expenses: to a labor union; state in- and personal properly and estate taxes except taxes like paving assessments, to increase Die value of your ierty. north side. Mrs. Paul hung about three feet below the window ledge. Sherrier and two other policemen who arrived on the scene discovered the sash cords in the window were bro- Testimony Ends In Treoson Trial Of 'Axis Sally' By Douglas Larirn NBA Staff Cormipondrnt WASHINGTON (NKA) Uncle Sam Is about to clip Hie wings of IU shoestring nlrhiics, The Civil Aeronautics Board believes Hint the independent, nonscheduled nil-lines which have sprung np since Ihe have gotten out 01 hand.

A CAB spokesman says the Civil Aeronautics Author- ily has been umible lo enforce Its safety and mnliilenance regulations on Ihe Independents and that flio time has come to llnd f. brand new way lo license them lo lly. Practically all of the small, independent nil-lines are run by veterans flying ar surplus airplanes. Since the wnr almost 1000 ol Ihcin have slarlcd and folded. But about 100 have survived, expanded and are making money.

Today they operate 250 airplanes, employ more than persons, fly 200,000 people some half a billion passenger miles annually, and gross more than $35,000.000. Uut according lo Ihe CAB many of llicse lines have abused Hie blanket authority under which Iho government is permitting them lo operate by meeting all of Ihe CAB safely rciuilullons and not Hying on set schedules. The large, scheduled airlines been grained franchises to cerlan routes, under the law, by the CAU In exchange for the franchise Ui scheduled lines agree to abide all CAB safety regulations an maintain as good schedules for 111 public as wealher will permit. Th law permits Ihc CAB to p.i Ihe airlines enoiLg money for currying U.S, mail alon the routes to keep them operating When the CAH that II Independents were starting lo mak scheduled flights In violation their iiulhority lo operate it ham ed down a more specific dcfinltio of Just "non-schedule meant, based upon a previous ri ing of the Supreme Court. The couldn't be more tlian one flight week between the same two poll and not more than four beUvc the same In any month.

And It AA in the enforcing- 6f anco rrgulnUoiu for ono thing. For anolher, he says, they hraz- ily violate. OAA orders. Ho cites example of independent, air-' lilies Inking ol( from Holds In di- disobedience Instructions rum control lowers and of them c-fuslng to miiko radio checks be- on! Inking off. liotli of these vio- n-schcdulod cruvkups, like Ihls one of a i-lnnlcr-npcrnli'il plnnti wlilc ok 14 lives at Soatlle.

arc one reason (or the CAIl's crock-down 01 operations of the non-scheduled airlines. VC: James Fischfiruntl, Minkrnnian Io GO CAB'S rule will put them on ground. thcr. those (our (lighl.s couldn't 1 on the same day of the week, the first was on Monday the no. would have to be on Tuesday some other day.

latloni, wys la of more than 40 deatlis. Fischgrund contends that eafcty record of the Independents it just good as that of scheduled lines. Some of'the Independent operators that the will fight tho matter through to the Court If the OAB Insists on enloro- Ing Its prohibitory The enforcement of this regtil in, I lie iini'i-nlora of Iho Ind iicient lines say, will aulomallu put them mil of bu.slm'.ss. IscliKi'iind. Nuvy vcl who Is vli-e resident of niii- ol IhB Independent nes und who speaks for CO "I IIMII.

Kivei. some ol Iho his side: Ihc first tune in history uvc bniiiKht I Imvel wllhln Iho each of mUUlk! und low-Income roups. We tniltuloil air-conch HITS, 31 pi'i cent below tluwc iha nirlmos arc Just iilxmt he Mime u.s mil roach inrcs. The udepciulcnls (Irst Installed in the nassi'iifior bun- (he cltminnllon ol expensive moul.s. and made num- erou.s oilier similar changes (jreally reducing coftls of travel." The CA1! spiiki'sman admits that (he Inili-pi-ndenis have pioneered ulr coach lures, and furlher, luive shown Ihe bin airlines Hint tin hanlliiK ol freight Is profitable business.

Hut he says Hint more lin- jxii-taii! Ulan lluil, the public must be prnlcclctt. lit! the Independents haven't cooperated with the ken. indicating the window had slammed down on her coat as she fell from the sill, halting her plunge. Tiie three policemen uent lo an adjoining room. Sherrier directed policemen Henry Duhm and Leonard Anderson to hold his legs.

He dropped down and swung across to grasp Mrs. Paul's coat and then her wrists. As lie gained a firm grip on her wrists, a hotel employe in Mrs. Paul's room, 811, opened the window linned her coat. Sherrier, with terest on your personal note to the help of the other two police- mortgage men.

then swung the woman be' ncalh the window of 810, where both were hauled inside by Dahnl und Anderson. link or individual; lour home; a life insurance loan, pay the interest in cash; dc- laenl taxes; interest on install- It purchases. late or local retail sales laxe.s; license fees; poll laxes; state l.line taxes, except ill Alabama, Ifornia, Florida, Louisiana, Ith Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and liair properly losses from fire, 11 storm or auto accidents when 'weren't wilfully at fault and didn't get paid off for the liasc; use your car tot I which includes the cost, l)line, oil, grease, repairs, clean- entertaining for business pur- subscriptions to professional ukls; books, and magazines Ight for use in your profession; lipment, tools, and II on your job; cost. Ihes and uniforms when lable of taking the place of ordi- ly clothing. 1 Medical Deductions Limited lou CANNOT deduct the follow- federal laxe.s unless paid for Imess purposes: telephone, tcl- laph, or transportation, such as ti or bus; admissions to thca- i KEr sporting events, or club dues can you deduct the federal i I on jewelry, furs, cosmetics, es- inheritances or gills imposed Ithe government, -stairs or cities.

I'ou can deduct for medical ex-; bu, only that- part leeds live per cent of your m- lue Example: Jones' income, his actual medical expenses. But five per cent of his in- iie is $150, which leaves him only Ward's Gro land Market 1044 Chickasawba PREMIUM BRANDED BEEF With the Courts Chancery: Morgan Reeder vs. William C. Reeder, suit for divorce. WASHINGTON, March Testimony in the six-wcck-old I "Axis Sally" treason trial ended yesterday.

The final witness was a former German radio official, Johannes Schmldt-Hanscn. who was on Ihc stand only briefly. Judge Edward M. Clirran then recessed court until II a. in.

IEST) Monday when prosecuting and defense attorneys will begin their final arguments to the jury. The jury is cxpcclcd lo get the case late Tuesday or Wedncsdrty. On trial is Mildred E. GilUirs, MrXine-boiu woman who made the "Axis Sally" broadcasts for Germany (iurini: the war. Schmidt-Hnnsen.

44. was put on le witness stand by John M. Keley, (he chief proseculor. afler liss Gillars' aitorney, James J. uiglilln, decided not to use him.

Under 11 y's questioning, DChniidt-HaiisfMl said he had no CCOllcction of requiring Miss Gil- ars to give him a statement affirm- ng loyalty to Germany. She had cstified that he did. Hal Boyle's Young Radio Singer Has Own Show but Never Saw a Movie Read Courier News Want Ads NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that a petition from Rosa School District No. of Mississippi Comity been filed proposing to consolidate the district with Luxora Districl instruments I No. 2.

The Mississippi County Boarc of work of Education will meet at the Court House in Blytheville, Arkansas Tuesday, March Is at 2:00 o'clock to consider this petition. Anyone de siring to be heard regarding thi matter should be present at tha time. JOHN MAYES, County School Supervisor WARNING OFIDKR In the Chancery Court. Ch'u sawba District, Mississippi County, Arkansas. Dorothy Hemphill.

Ptf. vs. No. 10690 C. Haris Watson.

Dfl. The defendant. C. Havis Watson, is hereby warned to appear within thirty days in the court named the caption hereof and answer the complaint of the plaintiff. Dorothy Hemphill.

Dated (his 17 day of February l'J49. Evrard and Harrison. Harvey Morris, Clerk By Pat Morton, D. 2 1D-26-3 5-1 Read Courier News Want Ads. George Tinker Hal Iloyle) NEW YORK, Mar.

5. would you say of a girl who was crazy about opera, who dearly loved lo so roller never has Iwcn lo ft movie In her life? Especially a girl who lias her nivn sponsored radio network show, who frequently lias been seen on television, anil lives right, here In New York. Betty Clark is a slender brunette who lives In the world of great voices and dreams of herself slng- tnp like Lily Pons at Ihe Met. She has gone every day for six cars lo Ihe studio of Pllllo Rlog. lemiieranicntnl Spaniard whose irinripal business Is to Iron the melterflies out of promising voices.

-Sing good loday, or I'll cut you ip into little pieces," lie tells her nmei lines. Sometimes lie stands behind her and sails his hat past her head. "Yon must learn poise." he screams. "What would you do If yon were singing at the Met and a bat Hew in through the wings? Scream and run away?" But Belly likes it best when she sings with Ihe tenors from Ihc Met, who arc there to have their voices checked. "Don't minri these big shots from the Met." Julio says, "Someday you and will sing an opera together, and then you will sing many more operas." Sings on Network When Ihe P.

J. Rlltcr Company called to inform Dotty that she had been chosen for their prognim on Ihe AE1C network she was very ex- cllcd. First she telephone Julio liloK Ihe good news. Her mother was very happy. Then her father came home, and he was so excited he had a heart allack.

It was Christmas We, and a week later he was dead. The other afternoon I sat for a while hi her SSth Street, apartment and listened lo her story. "I never thought much about the radio, that until the baritone Franceso Val- ilitlno audllloned a lot of people at the Waldorf, and papa said I should go In it. There were ninny people there. Fiut in the end he said "you have phenomenal and awarded me the first which was a JSOO scholarship.

"Afler that I went on Kny Ky- scr's show, nnd was a guest on We the people. "I went along like never forgetting my opera lessons for a siiiRle this Christmas. That when they offered me a program of my own." Gets Scrawy Fan Mall Betty said her fan mnJl was scream because some of the men proposed marriage and others want- ed her lo send them a television set. "Some til them tiru Ihe freshes things," she glyglcd. Then It was lime lor me lo hen how her voice recorded.

She swltcl ed on Ihe radio. She selected record and dropped tho needle InU place. What I hciu'd wns a shrill gage screaming, "Pester me, you? I'll have the Inw on "Oh." said Betty, "that's radio, not me." She miulc the Juslment hurriedly. When I hoard hen- sing her heiirl out, and talk about opera until slin was breathless. It was time lo go.

She followed me nl the door. She placed her small hand In mine, sity- UIK, "Who knows? I may milly be nt Ihu Met, next time you hcur me." Betty Clark is twelve. She Is lo- tally blind. "I'm not being silly wearing my fur coafl ll't 10 and cool in IP-Gal kitchen." Adcr cooUnx lumnicr whli novt, it'i no wonilcr in U'-Clai kildicti fci-li conl lo ihis bdy. l.l'-<3ft\ you cook iht nicil and mil llic cook! Yes, you coot c.iticr, (isccr, anil licltcr than ever cuukctl More.

Write, pnonc or CJn enjoy modern LP-Gaj kitchtn. BSytheville Propane Inc. North Highway 61 Phone 527 BABY CHICKS SPECIAL! This Week Only 4 A Baby per Chicks hundred L. K. ASHCRAFT CO.

Cherry A Itallrnuil. I'lionc We Specialize in Fancy Meats and Groceries We Deliver Phone 2043 I Plenty of Parking Space fou Are Cordially nvited to Visit The Accessory Shop Feminine Apparel HoRan Jessie Srite Hotel Noblo nitlR. m.vllu'villc, Ark. Help Your Newspaper Boy DON'T MAKE HIM CALL BACK! He hat only 3 days to beginning Saturdays and ending CALL BACKS HURT HIM Since all weekly subscriptions are payable on Saturdays, please try lo pay your carrier some time between Saturday and Tuesday afternoon. HELP BUILD TOMORROW'S LEADERS ENCOURAGE YOUR NEWSPAPER Courier News Circulation Department THOUSANDS OF INVISIBLE FINGERS IN A Oil FILTER CARTRIDGE CONSTANTLY "COMB" DIRT AND SLUDGE FROM YOUR ENGINE OIL TO MAINJAIH HIGHEST EFFICIENCY OF OIL OH LAST LONGER PREVENT EXCESSIVE WEAR OF ENGINE PARTS RESULTING IN BETTER PERFORMANCE AND LONGER ENGINE LIFE H's the same as original equipment the tat oil filter for Ford and trnk engines DITCH BANK LEVELING PRIVAtf FROADS OR ANY EXCAVATION U.COHEN Contractor LYNCH'BCOG.

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