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The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 3

Bismarck, North Dakota
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ONE A I HOME if I S91U ft tlV A pi a A IV NEWS J4 TK1BU.NE: 1 TUESDAY, Jl is 1890 XT LJ4 a Blaxaxck 'all nsd PB. 12 It is i bought a i i wits i i AJfTED to parcaaas, a itaep rutcs-- osjs TI' AJfT TM wii cf rtoclt, wtiere Utere is ocu aide tfcs aacMaary tot Uas booe aad nntiin idinj 8-ils la answer lha tnU dsxmptioc of pjice, if tiers ta good water the eaasber uui tawd cf ifceep, bow from tows, iju if LB cv in th ncuaty. i tiuia pnee and terms Wtrlhum, Party of Leave for at tJiIOK-itov ii the time to a pjj ctdei lav, Clirlar fttnrig wto are enu- All teir tad dependent Dfcretft addf eaa, Tfellftiftdfe TauiadxB, Chicago, and tea, BbMAkCK CARDS H. PIEBCE. BCZZal7X Doon, Hooldiac, Bmldera' Paper, HJxtd PaiaU, blwa, aU etna, Boildiag Uda.

Shop o( the Peace. T1BBTI8. Jranes or TBX Pint JiauusAi Rmfc Bloei. ej'i at Law. BAHCU BAhjies.

AITDB AJtD Cocmtxou AT LAW Colon Block. SU fecrrrd. T.OTOS.SKa BMmarck, Anoaazr AT LAW Boo i. No 'Central The Weather. Siasil.

Omcz, BISJUBCK, July 14. obeervauoca takea at the name moireDt of tuo? at all 7 local standard time, Tber Bismarck in SW 4 Hear. Helena, HE 12 Clear. Cnitef 8S NE 8 gear. Wind Duec.

Veloc, Weather teflaperatnre, 78, minifnnTTT tern. peratare, 57, mean temperature, 66,5. total pre- cipitalinn in past SI hoars. I BBIEF. Warden Williams lost no time paying the S100 reward to the captors of tue escaped convict The Northern Pacific extensive improvements on their line in both directions from tnis point.

A large number of Bismarcfcers attended the catnp meeting at Mandau Sunday and report a successful meeting. The band stand Li completed with the exception of panning aud ceiling the up per story. It looms up in great Mr and Mrs flan san of Mandan are the proud parents of a bouncing buv. Flauigan. nee Miss Marj well known Bismarck.

uirougn. the cit last mgni bound lor wat- (o be used IB harvesting U.e large crop lu that vicinity. Shed Lambert is out of doors for i first time a weeks. lie has had a hard siege of sicKness and his manj friends are gratified to see him arouixT once more. in Grand Fork- arc run- i ige adds in tUe da I papers jrdnd a a i advertise i IOUMV and it is to ij one of Hie best cities t'ie state.

Cigarmaker Sanders ha- leased the Williams place. 1 hird -tri-et, and intend- to run a nr-t clas- -aloon It be opened the latter part of i week. A piano i be placed in tne -econa -torj i- aga ftir the ol re-tirrrcting the ilcf nc' New- dhburn i a tliree i and if the be a criterion the is on the boom Hon. Gajton. well a- a member of the late i i a CD' i tton I en up Kninjons i i recemne tuedioal treatment for his eve- i been in bad shape Thomas i i a and Sol SbtmSelrt came up from Jamestown the former U) i Mr- Ii.

.1 Hen ing and the to taKe back i Ht (t in the afte'ionn to make the ret tr.p on horseback. Poundraaxter Ye- 1 "an in a cattle about six i i morn me I advise all to Keep their stock in charge i the herder comes afte- theui, because if thev are let on the I a pu; them in the i I don't carp what they are or ho thev tie- long to thej haie no r.iint on a trees and doing -orb. of damage of Pierre was in the the interest of a Pierre -sridi cate p'ojiose to purchase four sec tioTi o' land in coal near Coa Harbor aid transport coal to i'u rre and other owe' nolnb the of a i o' barges to be paced o- 'be i vonri Mr np to Coa. Harbo- "'ai vi a i and -e ect a Inthe Tfc the arrto i ihe coal of No-'h Dakoui. Bntt Tan-f '-i-n Wi-h 1 1 pr a r.

e'-,*~ aid -i TV ch i a ad r-f i 1 i -i i --i i i i Warden WiUiwns is of tht opinion mt Wolf, the lite-term murderer who, witn Ftanfcj, escaped from the penitectiarjr recently, met his in the Heart river last week. He believes Wolf either sal- elded or was accidentally drowned. The wpposfed body of a dead men seen dealing in the Heart river Friday nigbl ty two men wbo were baibing. The men were Dot acquainted with the facta in the case of the IDISSIDK eonvie: but toe de seripuon the give of the body tallies er actly to that of Wolf. The JUndan Pio neer gives the following account of tne discovery: About 8 o'clock in the evening, Mr John Carroll, a bruther of Richard ana Willie Mackin, were ball ing in 'he Heart mer not far from the old slaughter house, when saw what he took to be a man's budj floating near him.

lit ooirted it out to Mr Carroll, and they were both so come by the thought of a dead body in the river with them mat they as fast as thty could aud came to 'own ping to make a Jurther investigation A pdrty from town went bock but could fiud nothing near the place axcept a few foot prluts on the bank of the mer, 30 placed that it is thought whoever made them must have gone into the stream. Again Saturday morning another search was made along the nver but nothmg was found. There is no doubt whatever that the oung men saw something in the water v. hieh they took to be a dead man, but there a difference of opinion as to hat -frwas. tlie river Is unusually high aud swift at present, whatever they saw has probably floated ont of reach before this.

Off for Dead wood, There mast be some powerful attraction in the Black Hills countrj--something in the wind--as within the past week about a dozen Bismarcsers have set sail for that rosthn? Black Hills vown. Barney Ischwab. i Ins son, and Sam Lawrence and Johnny Jones left last Wednesdaj Jud Walton and William Laist, Yegen's man, a J.E. Bnlton is to start for the Halls whenever he can get two or three companions to go along. Thev ah go overland.

To-day another party will leave, consisting of Jerrj Ca hall. Will Kattz, Augu-t and Dietrich's butcher. Fhev hase fitted up one of those commodious regula- ti prairie which i be a over the fertile land of the by fvo teams of horses The outfit i lie taken to Mandan on the accoimno datiou train this afternoon and from there the uartj will proceed to the Black Hill- Xone oi the travelers, fiey sa, have anj particulirobject In going to Deadnood i a bslnnx mil occupj consider au'e time ou the trip It is more of a sight erai different parlies i Uxe i Hi the countrj the immense mining resources and i return to i a dtv reiurtjea irtta 15 coast trip i 1 A. Mi Lean leaves again uxSas tils Utne 'or ttie of New patroniztd the Gjfsev of san Jose, -pent isjndaj in the Michnel Lang and i of Jlandau spent Vtndav in the ci!) Wainwrigh: of Brandon stopped at Western SunOay.

Ed. Patterson is at Hunter's Bot springs, Moat-, having a good time. Mrs. Prank Balles, wife of an old TatB- ujiE printer, is visiting friends to toe city. C.

B. Little left fur Chicago on sunaa-y's Atlantic eipress. accompanied by O. H. Hoit.

Charles Both and E. A. Marsh of Mandan of the Western Sunday. west east on the Ko. Deputy State Andltcr Douglass lefl for a short visit to bjs home in Walsh eounty last uignt.

E. T. Laidlaw and H. Lewis, the Indj- an relic admirer of St. Paul, were of the capital city Sunday B.

Herncfe, of the Minneapolis Tnb uue, was loosing after the of bis paper in the citj yesterday, L. X. Griffin came, down from Fairhaven sundaj night tccloi-e -ume pending ness deals on foot hen he left last mouth. The latent from Montana are to thf efff. that Dr Porti and Judge Boweri -till alter bear.

Porter will not come back to B'-ija cU a bear scalp. Xel- Xel-on of Arm-trong and M. C. Andrew- aud Tlit-udore Johnson of Slaughter Frank Peter Stacy of C.iughi anaya. and L.

E.Chn-tiau- -on ut Helena at the Pacific sun- a C. Tl oaip-on hidadieu toanuin of Bi-marcK friend- at the depot POWDER Absolutely Pure. A Report,, powder. S. PACIFIC HOTEL UBS, LOUIS PE1EBSON, ProprtBtriss.

Thehonae been thoroughly refittra throoKboat. The rooma are pleanct aod eomfortabia. Rates: $1 to $1.50 per Day. H. P.

FOSTER, Sixth Stml, Behcea MUD aa-1 Meiss. bound train for lacorua to rejoin her band, hu i- permanently located ihere and doing well. lion W. L. Belden of Logan county came up on ve-terdav's train a -eveja'l day i in the capital city.

Ue says be dwn't think he'll come bacs to the legi-- lature this i a- are not a few aspirants in di-trict who would like to go. Hotel At the Sheridan: Fargo. L. Belden, Napoleon; H. Dinger and U.

Hall-bromp. M. Paul: H. Wllber, lio-ton, Woodmat'-e, Meele; H. Babiiitt, Philadelphia, s.

De La Vergoe and Keillj, Chieaso; C. Wilcox and nife and W. Page, Minneapolis. At the Cu-ter: Peter shier, (Jayton 1 C. Badger and b.

suverls, Livona; Geo. suverly and Mr E. Cook, Gayton. At the Ppcific' lohn-on. Painted Wood-.

L. A Carl-on and FalernT. i and M. Baker. Williamsport: Peter Kearney, La Grace.

At the Weterj E. Rawlinas sterling a i Pedi r-on, Jame-tovui h. i i H. Anderson and McCrnrj Olencoi Arthur McGinni-. Dean, Mandan: Geo Wat-oii.

MiKei 7ie. BISMARCK BRANCH Fred Miller Brewing Company's Celebrated Keg and Export Beer, Address all orders to Geerge Schmidt, Agent. Real Estate, Insurance WM. T. PERKINS, Bismarek, North Dakota, -FriTr t-tfutt- -nnstV -bit-ae.

fttm a at Bannerman Man street -ecnnrt dx troni Third street, op- at Camp Meeting, A large of were attracted to the Methodi-t camp meeting at Mandan a All report a most en- jo able time The camp is, located in the tool, i i i grove near the ci: ami I Abeen 111 progress since last a I i attendance is large and enthusiastic U'ednt-daj-is the closiug daj A i shower of short duration somenhai damp ened the aidur sundav afternoon, when the ram Mibsided the a i i and (nice more along lovi Go to Mrs a a for ice cream and cake Buv i ai 1 eim- of Crer ninjrs lu i i nt- per pound 1 i of and i as fre-h a- it is possible to get t'leiu tor -ale Teo i I ce the co i New a decided a Dr (, P. rr a the i ah to i a a arid inie 1 A i lilt er- and gran i 1 ar i i against Ujtt of l.All mon tl em from tt at name anc i UD z'ods in uuitation of Hie -Vn go-tura iiittrr- a Tboroocblmre. In older to sraanj acainst ntteHy ve of health it is absolutely essential L-STH1CSS Watchmakers aod Jewelers, BISMARCK, that the grand thoroughfare or avenue of the system, the bowels, should be re-opened as speedily possible when they become Ob ftractea If they are not. toe bile Is mlsdi reeled into the blood, the liver becoaes torpid, Viscid llous matter pets Into the stotnach, and produces Inditrestion; headaches and other syrapioms are produced, which a prolongation or the exciting cause only tends to aiwavate The aperient properties of Honetter Sumach Bitten constitute a con neent la overcoming Cootriction of the bowels and promoting a regular habit of body Infinitely superior to the drastic cathartics frequently for the purpose, rince it does not, lite them, act violent'v, bat a natural, painless effect, wh ch does not Impair the tone of eTacnatorv tr esns, which it invigorates Instead of weatten hs The itomach and also, indeed the entire system, if iOeagihened ud regulated X. D.

Clocks, Solid Gold Jewelry, Sa-renrare. fine Spectacles and of all kiads done in firstelsw workmaiship at reaKinabld pncw. OBDEKfe FR051 THE OCJfTBY PBOSIPTLJ TO 1 in iv I Doten i of the peace and me i a of Bn-tol I1U a lie 11,. reoom mend Patrick Pill- "1 a i used be "ind I erejf 1 speak" troubled i a tion or i i i find xhcui a fnend The are and certair in their ac ion and produce a plea-ant ntharttr ef feet a i Prant; No to Geo i a a meat- and pure leaf lard F. Ve-becK whn 15 pe fn of Barnhart Bro- '-pindler Cr igo "On -etu'a home atr I 'curd i girl -i-t: will- -t a Ni'tle of Cliarrhe'-ain ci nera and dii'rl oca ren-ecn We care any better ice en to a i 11- tin-ii mortal than -Keep 01 ii Mime fat nnn on i i i ce iiid fit- i tion paper a i te- i I 'hirt and it.

-Kt rto Uut in thpxr the I rt to 3 trai Ke i A i i irn OOP can Lft fo i i i But in i bf nard to "keep con 1 nun. iien or upon i UK -icalij wxil no trouble at ah if i are i eno gh to I ike The Burlington" i a It -renic river 1 tie. and le when ening to Ch raco Louis or an) citj or laree lovvn nr south The river make the i a Fo' i i tablex. on apr acent of or lines, nr Keitvon (ren Pass Aeent B. A.

i Deover State Lottery, DEXTER. COL. Capital Prize, $7,500 TICKETS, 50 CENTS EACH. $26,370 Paid Each Bai i Commerce pay- all prizes Address KHODUS, Denver. Colorado BISMARCK, N.


Bottlers of all Kinds of Carbonated Beverages, S. J. Proprietor. 0 Box 812, Bismarck N. O.

WESTERN HOUSE, BISMARCK, N. D. Rates: SI to S1.5O Per Day S. BEARDSLEY, Proprietor, HERE TO STAY, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! JOS. DIETRICH FOB---Fresh and Salt Meats and Groceries, No Better Place Can be Pound.

The Old Stand--Slain Street TAKE YOUR MEALS At Kihm's Restaurant By so doing you can get just wnat yon want-and just when yon want it--ore. pared and served in bon ton style. If a the cheapeet and best way to live. Just Received and now on Exhibition, THE BRAND OIL STOVE, Mann Bros' Dowefware Wash Tubs, Road Cart Shafts, Emery Oast, Ammunition, Antes' Spades and Shovels, Gurry Combs and Brasses, Sewing Maciiine Oil, irttet is usually keot ui it flrsf- as. A pleasure to show goods.

JOS. Van Boutes Bio's old stand Key Stone Egg Beaters, Sliepard's Soods, Gooeord Siagle Harness, Cedar Pails, Step Ladders, Macfcioe Oil, Tinware, Granite Ware. store. Call and Bismarck, If. R.

Paul Met BILLIARDS vet that F-- Biver Traisportatioo Co's Elegant Light Draught Passenger Steamer -CHASKE; R. A. TALBOT, Master, nr or 1 on boftrr 4 Ltut a (. zan cin i rf.r- cl ir a -ho-' w. tt i i -a 500 rr- -T i that was i-p -v hf Transportation Compv.

BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Ice Cream Parlors, Choice Fruits, Nuts, Etc Bismarcfe, W. Mam Street, Opposite Tribune Office, THOS. McGOWAN, Proprietor. HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMERS AND RAILROADERS Fifth Street, Bismarck. N.

D. WEBB Furniture, Bedding, Picture Frames, BABY CARRIAGES AND TOYS. Everything at Bedrock, goods Sold on Instalments, THOS. O'SHAUGHXESSY, Guns. A ni AGEXT FOR ana Also Dealer in Crockery Gin 3 Vj 0CU Dlf Tnv T-N TN i CRH II IAIET A If A WW Em IV I R.

i A i I 1 1 I FWSPAPFR i A.

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