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The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas • Page 2

Hutchinson, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HtTTCHINSOK THtJHSDAY, MAttCH OF PAPER OP REM cotJifrr, Fwoll.tied Reno KftTWfte Hutchinson, County Rent of ena ivnftflMj ftt S3pcr ycftt. In the Kftwn on North Mfltn Street. HUTCHINSON, KANSAS, MAltClt 11. 1879. Insutnii-fll ceremonies on (he 4th were very brilliant, pnrtlculnrly In mllttnry dliptsj.

Military bodies from Boxton, York, Albniiy, Phlloilclphlii, Kith- inond, Baltimore nucl St. Louis ncre on lmnrl together with AnnnpollB mid West Point cadets. Tlicy till looked nnd behaved ni)(l were nttcmled by ninny flat bnnds o( music. However, there was but little enthusiasm hi consequence of the terribly cold weather, Tlio snmo citise Mfitlved the grand ball given that night. THE BOtlKTV BILL.

The soldier's lnnd bounty bllLwtts killed In the senate by the Adverse of the committee on public lands. This result was foreshadowed sonio time since. The bill originated In the house military committee, and was put through the house by the votes of men wlio were nf mill to oppose It because It professed to benefit (he soldiers although they knew tho pretense lo be a false one, and who trusted to the senate to kill it. Heretofore similar measures have been allowed to die unnoticed In the senate, but this time the committee has taken the more courageous eoursc'of reporting- the bill back and exposing Its real character. They shdw Unit It Would destroy the homestead system by throwing the public lauds Into tho (minis of speculators, who would take them up with soldiers' bought for trlllcs.

SIMMON THE Below we publish nn extract from tho Waupaca the ablest Journals published northern In regard to our late Senatorial election and the men who plotted tho conspiracy that defeated Senator I'otncroy. The editor of Republican seems to be posted In regard to the past career of ux-liorse- thief, but now one of the puilfyers of' Kansas: The enemies of Pomcrqy, and they are legion, do not eeasc thcTr WJolcthg over his defeat, and claim victory for honesty nnd purity over corruption. This looks very well, until a person knows the means which were used to defeat him. and tho men who conspired to use thetn. Senator York proved himself a treacherous whelp when he betrayed Pomeroy to the Legislative convention.

Every fair minded man, whether lie Is a friend of Pomeroy or not acknowledges that; and there were three others who got up (he plan of I'oineroy's defeat, two of whom we have never heard of before, and one of whom wo have personal knowledge. lit) name Is Simpson, IS. F. Simpson, one of the blackest hearted rillinns unhung. Trace down the entire list of crimes knowu to the world, and with exception of murder, you cannot lind one of which he Is not known to lie guilty, lie is one of the precious scoundrels who arc purifying Kansas politics! reading the above, copied from paper published hundreds of miles from Simpson's homc.nud then reading Ids life hi Kansas," we wonder with astonishment If Ben.

Simpson ever thanked forhis kindness in saving him from a God knows ho deserves, and a long one the penitentiary. A'TBIP TrTi-iJACE. 1 An extra freight rolled into our city at twolvo o'clock oil Friday. Without any premeditation wo seized our hat, hurried to the depot nnd hoarded for Pence. Simons was In charge of the train and of course wo were In good hands.

Wo sat in the sunny south door of the caboose, and contemplated tho prairie, the Arkansas Klvcr, and the settlers'cottages, In dellglit- fnl iiulntcrrupteducss until wo reached Nlckcrson. If a man wishes to enjoy daylight ride up the great Arkansas Valley let him be cooped up In printing Ilco a few weeks before hand, Nlckcrson wo found had changed some since our last passing. It now has a neat station house, and close by there is a pre, possessing a dwcl- house or hotel. We presume a lit tie business is done nt least In the biiflalo bone line, for wc saw largo on the side of the track. Wo did not honor Nlckcrson with halt but pushed on for Ponce, one of the best and quietest little towns on tho A.

T. A 8. F. railroad. It has a strikingly appropriate -name.

Like Hutchinson it is built upon a temperance basis, and to this fact In a groat measure, is owing tho orderly and christian character of Its people. We found our friends Messrs. Goss, HoopcF, Lumlls Holllngcr, Fair, Nlnde, nil hale and tarty, and each doing a rattling business In his respective lino. Business at Peace is brisk for tho town la sj not ahead of country, From Mr. Bchlleter wo learned that cm- migrants were rapidly pouring Into Klcc county, that a Congregatlonallst church would soon bo erected In Peaco, also, probably a gristmill, and that a bridge across tho Arkansas River was desired nud discussed.

Wo were glad to heur of all theso things. The bridge ivould open to Pence some very tine country south of the River, tor it is (He western portion of Ueno county, Wo further learned Unit a newspaper Is to lie started ut Atluntu Immediately. Wo wish tho publisher uny amount of success, but fear that unless, he Is both long winded and small eater lie will not last long. Although we around pretty lively while at Peace, we had not talked ber people iw imieh us wo wished, nor to all oiir'tHislncss, when Was Kmc for us to start home. The "pay A.

S. V. road camo dash. lag lu fltftn the west, and It being very in- conveuuhll (Or us to wall until twelve ut night, we concluded to come home on thai "cgr'V-U. wo could.

Paymaster 'Moore vepy kindly right to our application, settled Into un Jtt won gliding over the mllo. We tho houses ami SwljrM of, the "folresi of the lolt Jcwlbur that we had accomplished a vary pleasant and. neat little trip, We arw aMIgml Mr. Muorefw Idjkuld. jintrs.

The game law Is now In force. lectures at Topckaon the 17th lust new paper has been started at Abilene. Snllmt Herald has a column devoted to temperance. 0. Gough will lecture at Atchison on the IBth lust.

Is rejoicing nt having tho best postmaster In the State. officers nt Fort Leavenworth have organized literary club, Miller calls Ole Bull's daughter a very handsome young heller. G- Mains, once Kansas newspaper man, lately died in Ohio. of the A. T.

AS, F. railroad amounted In one day to $4 ,300. Kansas Legislature ndjourncd sine dit on the morning of the 7th. Clarkson of Hays City has killed 3,000 buffalo since November. Kansas Legislature appropriated $3,000 to entertain the law-makers of Nebraska, Davis, a colored man has offered himself as cnndldtttu for the Mayoralty of Topcka.

Is expected that the M. If. T. ralllroad will be llulslied to Dallas Texas, by the llrst of are becoming so numerous In Kansas Hint the press generally Is advocating Hint they bo taxed. Carson, on the K.

P. R. is being rapidly depopulated, its citizens moving to another locality. have a young lady at Itltio Rap- Ids, who is so conscientious that she won't take a kiss without returning It. man was nearly killed hi Solomon City last week by a horse kick which he provoked by slapping the horse on his rump.

Vriic King Bridge Company nro already preparing to build the bridge at A'c 'ii They have their pile driver on the ground. Butler Is chairman of the Committee to present articles of Impeachment against Judge Dclahiiy of Leavenworth. Old Ben knows how to prosecute. Leavenworth Call says Senator McWhirt got along nicely with the three- curd monte men on the Kansas Pacific Tuesday night. They held Colt's navy revolvers, and he held a pair of Derringers.

Xo blood spilled and consequently nobody hurt. The Senator was not "bluffed" because he held a "pair." frightful accident took place at Camp Limestone, Cherokee county, on Friday, week before last. troop, Sixth 13. S. Cavalry were out drilling, when the horse of private MeGee became ran away, and In ids flight struck the horse of sergeant Mnher with such force as to throw both horses to the earth.

The horses rolled over their riders crashing them both to death. obit BtrrALo iiust A rtzzte. On Tuesday of H'l week, we left Hutchinson for Sherman, Kingman county, on a buffalo hunt. We were accompanied by three other persons viz: C. B.

Pierce, E. Cnrnelley nnd A. B. Dickey. Dickey, however, merely went along as teamster, and reporter for the NEWS as will bo seen by tho following paragraph: A.

11. Dicker, Mr. Hereof Mlehlpin, Mid L-. V. Perry, of this otaee.

went biiffnlo hunting on 0 1)0c ml nlffht lit bull. The Monitny. Dick'i-y claiming to linve kilted Ouge Orange to grow It. To the tditort of the llulchinxon AVwi People seem to think there Is some secret, some peculiar form about stnrtihg osagc orange seed, Unit only the favored few can understand. But I can assure yon and them that if they will attend to tho following directions they can succeed with tho osagc orange ns certainly as with a patch of cabbage or a Held of'corn: Get good seed from parties known to be reliable.

It can be had at the stores in Hutchinson. One bushel should make at least 60,000 plants, which nt 1 foot apart, the distance I set them, would make over nino miles of hedge. Put tho seed in sacks and sink It in running water from two to three weeks, or if running water cannot bo had, raise tho sacks every three or four days to change, the water, on tho seed so it will not sour. After soaking as above the seed is ready for planting. Another good plan Is to soak the seed in warm water In barrels from six to eight divys and then spread out In beds two Inches deep and cover with a wet cloth or anything to keep tho seed moist until It begins to sprout.

The send should bo planted from the middle of April to the llrst ot May. Select ground If possible, that Is free from foul seeds mid have It well prepared. Plant in three feet apart and put twenty to tweiity-flvo seeds to tho foot, covering with two inches of mellow earth. Soon as tho plants' are well up they should be citrcfhHy hoed out and then cultivated well till the first of August, when cultivation should bo stopped that tho growth may ripen und the plants harden up for winter. I usually dig my plants In the fall.

Cut the roots ten inches below the surface, cutoff top to three or four Inches, tlo In bundles of 100 plants each and bury through the.winter, covering with ono'loot of earth, though hi this latitude there Mtia danger of Injury through the winter If tho plants nro left In tho seed hod. are left out It is well to throw a ridge of earth to them in tho fall. S. T. KKI-SKV.

P. S. riea'so inform C. W. 0.

that I am notiiitcv. B. T. K. huge oli.

other iiartles hrtre unt returned, nml may never, for ttic lust we neurit of Perry lie wns chiming String of vrsgons bound for the Meitlclno BWenrlng that they were fl drove of uturtilo. camo homo with tho Intention ol telling a big story favorable to nil the "wagon hunters" and "swearing," If necessary that all was true. But unfortunately for us, Dickey's business (V) called him home, and such being the case, his story was first told. We would be happy to corroborate Adam's tale but so selllsh Is by tho way, In all of Adam's stories, he never forgets will refrain from trying. The huge old bull" that our friend Adam "got away with," Is still roaming tit large in the beautlftil valley of the Nlnnescnli, nml until It Is killed, not by Wild Bill, or Buffalo Bill, but by friendly Adam, It will live till it dies with old ago.

In regard to Perry's chaso altera "string of wagons" we will ask wlio killed the buffalo, Adam or Perry? if our friend Adam killed old bull" that" went over the hill," God only knows how many we did slaughter. Poor bison, we will trouble you no more with our deadly weapons. In conclusion to our friend Adam's report to the XKWS, regarding the big hunt, wo will say that we prefer hunting string of wagons mitA it gun than buffalo with no gun nt all! However, we think wc could kill more buffalo, left In that attitude, than our friend Adam could with the young arsenal which he hauled to Sherman and is, If going over the hill "kills tlicin. Adam, we aro under great obligations to you for the ride to Sherman. Accept our thanks.

As w'e stated above we have no ground upon which to found good buffalo story, from the fact thnt our friend Adam has shot himself making it nn Impossibility to say more in regard to It, we will in- dcttvor to say a few words In retcrchcc to Sherman, and the country about this young city. Sherman now has a population of about 002 with fair prospects of doubling that number ere Fall. Mr. Flcnl, who Is manager of this yoiinn city. Informed ns that Kingman comity would be organized this coming Summer, and that as soon as It was.

bonds would be voted for bridges through that county on the line of road running from Hutchinson to Medicine Lodge. This done, we see no chance why Kingman county, with us the county seat, can't become one of the best and most attractive counties; In the State. The Xiuncscuh Klvcr, which passes through thiscottnty is a beautiful streaiii.of about 100 feet in width and from foot to two feet deep, Tho is as clear ns a crystal and runs very swiftly. The valley of the Nluncscah. is from a half to a mile in breadth and apparently of a ricli fertile soil.

Prairie grass grows very thick and rank in this valley, averaging from two to three feet high. Leaving this valley you strike the rolling prairie, which meets the eye with no little seductivenss, and ns a grazing Held, in our mind, it lias no equal. On each side of the Ninnescah springs or small a mile to two miles apart, go rushing through the hills on their happy course to tho Ninnescah River, making abundance of water to quench ttuvlhlrst of millions of cattle. For scenery Kingman county has no equal. Gaze down from the big prairie on the beautiful little city of Sherman, from a distance, and you are lost in admiration! Citizens going Into the country from Hutchinson, to rusticate will find no better retreat than Sherman.

And by all menus stop with J. K. Flcnl, as he keeps the duly first class hotel in the town. Is playing iinvoc In tho Mlssourent Omaha. Is stated that the President hasoftfcr- ed the governorship of Utah to ox-delcgato Chiggelt, of Montana.

City hit's packed 187,221 hogs this' season, ngnlrtafc.83.000 for corresponding season of Instyenr. rumor says Vnndorbllt Intends lo Convert rifts tlnrlem Railroad Into freight tS tho Hudson River "iblo- tracking the latter, made'A powsrful road, Instead of ddiib Bismarck speech on the loth; In thenpper house, Prussian diet, In support of the bill uniting the powers of tho Roman Cnthol(c clergy. President on the 10th sent tho following the senate: United States nuiishnls.Ocorge J. Gammon. Nevada George Smith, western district of Missouri.

The senate confirmed the following nominations! C. A. Bnbcnck, surveyor general ol Kansas; Philip Hcmnrson, as soelnte justice Utah; -Hiram W. Jones, ngent for Indians, Indian territory Is now considered probable that the President will go south In the spring. Ho has stated within a few days that such Is his desire It the.

iietx-ssnry executive work can be arranged hi the season, very stringent bill, to prevent the mulls from being used for the circulation of obsci'iicpuhllcations, was passed by congress and Is nown law. If enforced, It will put nil elToetivc cheek upon vile traffic. American advices bring news Unit the. r.iviiscs of yellow fever in Brazil aro undiluted. Kt Rio Janeiro the death rate was from tiirty-llve to forty per day, and Hie epidemic hudspread to Bolivia and Pernainbueo.

i Me. lately so changed Hie liquor lolvthat er pmlilhited.aid. since tho law was passed, not a single bairel of cider in tho state has has become 'iitrd." Theinhabltnntshavo also way of sweet elder out of eornj PrcsldeivVhas appointed ex-Gov. Yules, of Illinois, commissioner to look after Hie interests of tho United States In connection with land irninte to the Notliem Pacini- and Texas' Poelflorailroads, and sco that those railroads comply with the law. Mr.

Yates wasan applicant for the Mexican or Spanish mission. Cass comity bond case, which has been before the con'rts for some days past, was decided oil'Hie 10th. by the restoration of the bonds to the award of one per eenCdniliages to Robert S. Sievens. IMMR' e.

the Missouri. Kansas Texas railroad, principal defennhnt. In" the case an appeal was taken to the supreme court. The President's 1 hrother-tn-lnw. Casey, collector of New Orleans, Is at Washington mid thinks the Kellogg parte is bound to accept the terms dlfered by the ftislonists in New Orlcnu'.

which arc in effect that Kellogg shall he governor, with a flisinnist lieutenant governor, and tin equal distribution of all the other officers. The Kellog folks'think the. ftisionists would (hen elect Kellogg to the senate mid control the whole state Government. JAMES McWILLIAMS, TM6 CHAMPION Boot Shoe Maker Of the: Southwest has enlsrged hit shot) en west side of Mstn Street, Hutchinson, and Is nrrhRred to do Orflt-clnss work on Ihori notice, mid prices that defy competition. Ho.

1, Frtnoh Calf Booti, Pegged, OO PER PAIR, The Attest sewed French eslt boots fit fier pair. Repairing Neatly Done, nt the lowest (trlcofts All Work Warranted. Now Is the time to send In your enters. See sign flrst door south ol N'etvs oOJcc. S5m3 HOTEL.

Leading Publio House of the Valley OROfJEtUES, PROVISIONS, ETC. TEfWi IB MOJfEW oosfc tie time In cslllng snd tumbling the splendid stock utd low prices or COCHRAN ft CONN, aM Jattll DtiUf Mt PROVISIONS FLOUR, GRAIN Agricultural Implements. WILLOW Tta HB Main St, HUTCHINSON, KANSAS. hare Just received ft lance and splendid Btnck of Hroecrli'O from tho which we will sell at the moat rcnsonnhle rates. CiilUtuidex- arainuour and convince yourself.

COCIIttXN A COMH. Hutchinson, Kansas, R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. BUSINESS NOTICES.

The Atchison, Kuulu Fe Railroad. In nuotlier column will l-e found tlio iifl- verllscnicnt of tills new anil popular railroad, already one of the lurmtst and liest rouds In Kansas, extending from Atclilson in a southwest illreutlon to the extreino werstern limits of tlio stato. lly reference to tlio advertisement it will ue seen that flio iiillroail oilersfossale, allow rates, three millions ol acres of line farm- cud titook lands, oiieleveii rears' credit uud seven per cent, interest. '1lie lio- idiiplut; lo the A.T.& S.K road are located nil alotio; the Jlue, in the finest portion of Kansas, and low rates are given to settlers on their uud plunder, making it nn advantage to tlumi lo settler along this Woffon Fxpntt, Oenoau Colour, Mr. B.

who has clttu-ireof the Oermim Immigration deiiHituient of the Atclil 'o it. Is at present evgntgoA organizing luree Uerinaii settle on the lands ofthe in mrlon and JUoc eountlev. One hundred thousand aero? of land liuvti been set ujwrt oolony, These lands are lu tlio Arkansas Valley, one of the mast fertile regions of our State, A new town will lie laid putwrUoUy on the fleruiun plan, for it is lo be dinUuotlveJy a Oerinim settlement, With all Institutions of iuleriui)d, Kaunuit does not contain, with- In her borders a inure enterprising ant) elass of people than the Qermaiu, under llielr bauds the Aakauws Valtoy will bt utaoje lovaly aud proapenHM, i Tile SpmiUII Dirfieulliei. The latest foreign advices from Spain nnd other European powers. Indicate a remarkable unsettled slate of affairs In thcucw.Kc- pubilc.

lilspatehes from Madrid allem) that Don Carlos' commander, Subnllo, is mareliluu: on Madrid at the head of hirge foroe. Foreign vessels of war are cruising otVthc Spanish const for the protection of tucstttijeetsoftlielr respective nationalities. Tlio Republic is not completely recognized by iniiny of the European governments. Kiissln stands completely aloof and, even although Oerniany Is not fust now mentioned, there prevails evidently a premonition of the formation of now combinations on tho subject of the Iberninn peninsular question. Tliero has been re-iirraiigenient of the Ministry by vote of tlio Assembly.

This olllclnl movement is designated a Min- istural crisis, but It Is exceedingly dlliicuJt to innko out the exact point of Inception of tlio eliiiiige or the moment of its posllivo termination. Tlio list of Council represcn- tatives, as published, shows that Gen, Cor- ilolia hud resigned tin? portfolio of the Ministry of war, and that tin! commission was voted to Senor Aeosta by tlm National Assembly, hut beyond (Ills ive mil to pcrclcvit Hint Iho 1'nrliiiuioiit has accomplished uny. Ihlii" of ii Kadleal or remarkable character. Minister Flgueras announced that tlio policy and course of administration by the reconstructed Cabinet will he ju.t the sumo as before. Tlio party politicians are quite active.

Tim lenders keopsi-ckliig about for something definite to do. There lire, it is sate to presume, the usual griefs of tlm "huts," with 11 doleful repetition of charges ugitlnst tie! "Ins;" hut, speaking in a nn- tioual point of view, ripniu Is really waiting tor what may turn up among the tSpaniards, and In this Spain Is In uuisonVitli till the olvlltad world otit-sldo tho Sputilsh territory. The very latest rejwrts Iroiu Miidrld represent the condition of affairs hi tlio capital as gloomy nml calculated to keep the in 11 state of excitement and Atehlimi Champion. The Wloliltn fSuglt says that the Arkan sas Valley Is peculiarly adapted to lietnp Any one who understands lieinp raising can uinke from six Imijdred to a tlioiuiuid dollars a year at that business. This Valley will ralso Itewp far that raised'-'in Kentuekey or Tennessee, both In quanlty and quallly of lint.

Dropth does not alleot the crop hut little if any. It will kill nut wild buckwheat, morning glory, sunflower 'mid other obnoxious weeds. The time for sowing is the middle of April to the llrst of May. The quantity of seed to sow 0110 biishel to the acre, sown broittleast und furrowed in. After that imihUig more to do it until time, when tlio blossom (urns sighty yellow.

Is worth from sixty to seventy dollars per tou lu COAL Missouri lire tost Inflection, Mw oil lu use, at Meyer A Iticxo COIOTV B.IXK.—llnvlug jnst re. celved a llrst-clnsa burglar nnd fire proof safe, we aro prepared to receive deposits. The safe pounds, mid is provided with two sets of doors and a heavy burglar proof "vault liisidc. It. has two stronjr cciinhifiiitloii locks, and Is equal to any safe in tlVp-State fox security.

interest will be allowed on time deposits Will p'urchusij'gold and silver coin. Eastern exchange bought and sold. Banker, Xlutchluson, Kan. Nr.w-M«.ii,Vj.>KE N'OTICE take this to inform the public of Ueno and adjoining counties that my steam grist mill, in Hutchinson, is now in splendid running- order, nnd thnt am prepared to do custom grinding at tlio rate of from 150 to 200 bushels per day. I am also prepared to supply merchants and families with any quantity of excellent men) at low rates.

Patronage respectfully solicited. 23rtf C. h. KKXIMI.L. JfEraci.vB r.oiwjK,~Broivii Bigger have procnreulnc pint's-of Kingman nnd Barbour comities.

Parties wishing to )o- entc 111 oitjifr county can do tlirottgh their arid the save expense to Wichita. 33tf For Sale Cheap for Cash. AEMSqE TWO STOBTHO. 'TKL OIT Vf HIS HOUSE Is irell fiiriiislicd and Is (Joins Uuu tliu only.llrsl class Uotcl IiiJIiiutliliisoii. his Wflllucntuil, un Miiln sfrtwf, ceuvenlent to thu for nirJWr Infonimtlmi Xnws Ofllce, JICTCIIIKSOX, KAK.

luiiuire at tbe nSi-iVn. HA8KINS SMITH, House, Sign and Ornamental. Fainterti OLICIT putronage of the peoiile of Ifutbtsin- Ho'u UIMI Yicliilly, unii Ktmruutci: to give iat- itifiictioii with (heir work, uoth with ri'gttrti to qimllly unU EAGLE HOTEL, Southwest corner Main and Sherman slrecU, HUTCHINSON, KAN. rjlIIE TRAVEWNG publio thiione tho most to put up in Southwestern Kansiur, Terms rvuHoimliie, mul pitini Kpiitvd to mukes jjiioats comfortable. Tnivolers will the (tool's of the Kimlc aiwuyi 30tf nivelers will Unci the opim.

BAKERY. CITY BAKERY. Confectionary Store Ko. 19 MAIN SIltEET, Hutchinson, Kansas, FRSDSRIC HYD3, Proprietor. Oraen Tor FestlvnU and IMed un bbort Bread, Pies and Cakes, of all kinds constantly 00 lisod.

T. F. LEIDIGH, Grocer and Provision Dealer, I conntnntly Ing and on hand a large sua choice selection or FLOUR, MEAL, MEATS, COFFEE, SUGAR, HONEY, CANNED FRUITS AND JELLIES, The choicest of CIGARS, Smoking Chewing TOBACCO, Ii AND AGENCY or D.H.LEWISt KBAftTBlMPO Locitu Homutitdifbr SOLD IMS New Uw. Honsen unii Farms Clainii Bought uit gold ComAlMlda. Ons Hioiiasnil town lots is llutchliiKn that will net the purchaser one huadrtd Mt MM.

itttwoyesn. D. M. LEWIS, llntchliuwn, RsnMt. LEOAL.

ttbllo Bale. OTICK given that IMUVM the ows- itcsorllicil wit: One bur right eye, ami one white pony seYrajri with ml nr roan snout, which were fair the hrtul waters of Katttcflnakc charfti aid eomo forwartl and awny the following ileBorlBeti property. lt: One buy mare, 8 years old, mind tn reara old en up an the aame tt-td bRffohlat ptihltc sate for auh on the Mth day of March, 1873, at 1(1 o'clock ar to par the expense of taking, keeping, and tho same. This sale will take place at the atafele of the undersigned In llutohlnson.Kan. 55 wi J.

C. "XT" OtlCF. Is hereby aWen that a chestnut wmV 9 years. oIUj XX' horse, years oJU, blind In both saddle his bactc and sides, waa'takeii up by mo on the 4th at my place four rallta southeast or llutchinson. Said none' fn now 'at'' my premises, and the owner can get htm by coming forward, prorlnar property and payhur charges.

LEWIS C. rTMlF. Board of Cxamlnert of eonaty I state of Kansas, will In seaslon oa tke atitli day of Marnh, at 9 o'clock, a. at the oOlce ol P.M. Lewis in the city of Hutchia- son.

All persons desiring to teach Keao county and who have not already rectivad are requeatcd to attend, TATLOM Propoaala. EALED will be recelred at tha NKWS office, Kutehtnson, Kansas, until Hatnnlnv, the 1Mb day of March, W.l, for bnild- liiu- school house In school district No. towa- shfp 32, range west, according to askl specifications at this office. The committee ra- servo the right to reject any all bids. l'ETltn SllAfTKH, A.

K. HvhnuLL, ComnltsM, M. LBiDiaif, flutchlnson, March 4th, 1873. MM, And everything necessary to make up a full and complete grocery stock. All of which he i exchange for CASH on reasonable terms.

J. H. UOSWOJITH, PHYSICIAN Offlcoj-Ko. ti ji'orlh Muln Struct nvrcmssoH, AKES BiivclttUy of chronlodUcnecB, pnr- ft'iuiUcli. esliiia BtOODED STOCK CITIZENS 07 KANSAS.

Stead Turkeys ObiokWM, (lu Ew.jforslttlufe) Itiltr lo ii of the conn- 00 00 ...8 00 a MI try SIM 1 I imoiietllwui to JiUe of ''HortutM' iwm-MnDt Keutiiclty Cui gY' the urliwu, wi'lgb- uu of will. i ChM'V. V. liojfso. liutoliliieuu, Wo, Kau.

stock lariii wiivt uvfib mi ww of DutctiiutiPB. mm The Champion Baker Or AMERICA vmptoyetl thU KstatiUahment. Hi, rep- utstlou ue a liuker is not excelled In the country. Ulrenwesil. MBit.

JtVWS, Proprietor. FRUIT TKEES. Trees! Trees! Orohard, Ornamental, So. 51 Horth Main Hutobimon. Gr to the Wholesale anil Retail GROCERY HOUSE NORMAN INGHAM, Horth Main Si, Hutchinson, Kansas, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Flour and Feed.

llavtngjtut received a large and well selected slock of Urowrlet from the Kmt, no are uuU to sell yuu 1IK Copartnership heretofore cxlstlnc un-. dev tlio tlrmnaine or U. W. Itosan ssUo.p it ihlti diiy by common consent! W. withdrawing therefrom.

C. W. J.II.D. HOHAIf, G. II.

8TBKM. Nov. 20, 1672. MTotlvo ol'lload PotiUoa. A LL persons Interested mM aotloe that n)tftilton will hu iirvsentedtotheBoardof ConimtasloiK't-sor Ueno comity.

Kansas, at their mceilugon the scrt'iith day ot April, for laying out roud In outd county, coanmraclar at Uit'wwf end of null roud la Miller smith's addition lo the city or Hutchinson, thuncu following the line of the Atchison. Topcka A Sitiitu t'ti Uittlroud to the north line of RCBO county said road to be sixty feet wide and Joining the rlgiit of wuy of said UaUroad nj'Hs Hourly us practicable. February 20, 1S73. 93W4 Contest Notice. V.

8, LAXD OFFICE. WICHITA, December 18, ltf7fl. OMl'LAtN'T having been entered at this of- lice by amcs S. llowe against A.J. Edg- Ingtun for iibnmlualng his pre-vrnvtion filing Ko, dated April Wth, ujKiiiIhe south hair or northwest quarter suction 'i, township south range ti west, in iteno county Kansas, wUb a view to the cancellation or said entry, the putties arc hereby summoned to appear af this hulcuou ttieUtl day of April, lb73, ut a o'clock u.

to i-esiiond nnd furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. VY. 8. strains, Register. J.

G. RaoriEtn, Iteceirer. SAw4 WICHITA, Kansas. U. S.

LAKD Omcs. I February Kd, 1873. OMPLAINT having been entered at this af- Hcc bv Aimer Teterson against Arthur J. Uelsucy for abandoning Ids homestead entry. Ma.

1711, dWd April 21, 1S71, the northeast quarter of section township S3 flouth, ntuge 6 west, in Keno county Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of said entry Uiv said parties are hereby sununoued to apuaar ut this oilice on the 3d day of April. 1071, at I o'clock p. respond and fUruisnlafU- many concerning said alleged abandonment. C. KEnnsLD, W.

S. JKNUXS, Jteglster. ltecclver. Contcat Notloe. U.

S. Orrica, WICUITA, I March 4 ilPLAIKT harfng been entered Mi Mtl view to the canceliafion'of entry i'tba oitlue by Jdarteanus Winches against Tfaomaa 117Anderson for abandoainr bomes. im, dated August an, lini.i it quarter section SO, township'1 range 4 went, In Iteno, county, ansas, with a. lore.poiidand nirolak testi coscorning said slicked w. JBUKUIS, Bagtslsr.

J. C. Retwlrer. Contuat iNoMOe. V.

8. X.AHD Ornca, WicuiTi, Kansj, rebru.rr 34, tmvlnjt been entered at IhU llce by Thomai K. Miller aaaiut WUllam Lmmu. for aliandonliiff hla homeatead entry, Ko. 3Mt, listed June 21, 187 U)wn the east tall of northeast Quarter Motion 34, town It 7 west, In Reno county, Kauus, with a riew lo WVBI, AMiHi.

the cauceltuUon of aatu entry i the Mid parties are hereby auinmoned to appear at this oSftca oa the day of April, 1878. o'ejocs to Apple Trcei, (Kl toSU 0(1 iier 1,000. Sort Maple SI (U to Kuropeau Larch, to sis )0 per Fliet.claiui tiraiwn, IM) IU Hue iraimu. Kvergrccui, on to noiwr Black Walnut, Ash, Elm, Bos Elder, 4c, rpilK above slock will be sold by (lis 10,. 100, l.UOOor JOO.lXa), utprices which.

My Compotition. Wo ure ailiiuted to make the best term, will) couijpcilng luilroads west and aoutli wot. Qrwt Iudueemeoto for ''Fall" Orders. arapceltl Satn Sit Car (wl. Cataloguo with prices and much (a.

on II, ClUalUi, nwBMiM, MMmM Oattftjw, lu. Coffee, Sugar, SVUUPS, Molasses, TEAS, BAOOVj LARD, KAOKSBXIi, BIOS. OiiRtsI Frulta, OtMtM, lata. TOIWWM. Oism, respoiul and lurnlsh testimony concerning said alledged W.

S. Beglster. J. C. UaDniLD, liecelver.

Collto'tNotton, WICHITA, Kansas, ftb, is, 1WS. Oitl'LAINf oOlce by W. J. acalut Charles IxHikcrtforadrerso pre-einpilon- ittng 10M, dated January 11, 1671, upon northwest qiurter aeotlon SB, township J3 ranges went, In Hum county, Kanaw; with a view to the cuuoellattou of said Ulngi the aaWMrtlas are hereby summoned to spimirat'lklS'ibslea a. theW day, or n'oWmk a.m., to respond and lurnlsh testimony concerning said adverse tiling, W.

8. JKKSISB, Ueglater. .1. 0, IlsnriSLP, Kcoelver. been entered at this WICHITA, OMI'tAINTbavinghceii dee by John V.

Clym roradrerse filing Mo. ldu, Coutrnt Nptloe, U. Orsici. Kaniaa, Felirnary 31, IS7I. "-been entered at Jlymer sgalnw O.

Hono) i filing No., dated February 1873, uiioiiloU Sol. land lnnd cut half of north- quarter section 18, township 33 aoutli, in Iteno county, Kansas, with a view to cancellation of and Ulliiui the partUs ai-e hereby summoited to appear at this otttca oii the sd day or April 1873, at 10 o'clock a. w. lo rc.poud aud luruuili testiniouy couccruisg advene nllng, C.

RBPPIEI.PI Rrcelver, CoiituaC Wotlaa, V. S. Orrics, I i WICHITA, Kanaiu, Kcbruurylrt, ISIS I OMI'LAIN'i' having been entered at thU lluoby Bouald S. KcnIUeld agalnal Wodle, for ubuiidoiiliiK bla twmc.trail entry. No.

3810. dated Juno IWH.uiwii the wHithmwt IM. iiuurteraccirou 18, iownabiv; 84south, run! iu llruo eoiiiiiy.liaiwM, view to IM cuncellulioii at aald eatryilhe saM vsirtlea RT atjTo -'nwny coacan- hereby imnmoivtit to appear at I the -tilth at MarcTiT'liiTll. toreaiiuud und nirulsh teatlitt J. 0.

Usorisn), Bccelror. mwi sw, with view Pootvatl: U. S. Sallna, February; 'sckesat been lured at tUsW. ki the caooi'luiilon of Jlu'clo a'juT, to ruiwud.


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