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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 1

Janesville, Wisconsin
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JANES VILLE, WISCONSIN MONDAY, (NOVEMBER 1. lateral at the Vomt ontcJn Hie Wta eeon4-laB nam vei Except In- I i Ha Year NUMBER 201 VOLUME 31 THE VERNON WRECK. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS ADVESTISEMEMTS O'BRIEN IN THE GAZETTE. STOVES: STOVES Oat of seventeen jurors who bai been jjcnmonedtoserTe in.

oivil oases in tbf third district oourt ot Utai ro-taaed a day or two sko to tate tbe oath proscribed by the law onaoted last wr-tar. Oaa ot those who refused IidJ earvad as a delenate in the convention WANTED THE BADGBE, Ia recognized as the 1 0,000 Best Cooking Stove And id btingue by more TilHEK nUNDRKU fumiliei in Hack county. Ii has uo equal. Tliu SPLENDID As a Heating StovcB no Suriorior. MEN, WOMEN BOOTS( SHOES, RUBBERS, WOOL BOOTS, WARM SLIPPERS LINED SHOES, Ii is Economical AnJ never fails Lo keep tlio family warm, We liavo the Largest mi Most ComjilBtE Stock ol Stoves Hardware In Southern WiBcomin.

Call and examine stock and got prices. JOHN GRIFFITHS, West MiUvankiia Street, Call and Examine L. Sign Of the Gold Hoot. FORD tqh FRONT. THE PIjAOS Where G-enllcmeD Can go nud get a Gtiel Fit ifi Silfil Duds IS AT J-.

Xj. FORD'S TH13 POPULAR Tailor BY BUYING STOVES Before seeing tbe celebrated I CROSS, HH ose Burner, for either Cool or Wood, witb all latest improvements so a full line of Coal and Wood Cooks. We have a few Stoves yhtly darn ied by water, which we are closing out regardless of ut. Come and see ps. 2S Street.

GRISWOLD PALMER. and Ornamental, to conmand the attention ol SELIiCT LliT rapids Boiler Scale DiaSOLVENT. There ji never a rnistakc about llic goods for they ars alwan ho.iest; the garments aro all Well Made and The Fit Perfect LTia stock ol EMs, Mm numrwur, Maw, SSirts, Eais AND CAPS is complete. In Siiic, Jlohair, and Cnnibric Umbrellas liin The- can so of Thn of tJalbiLuort said to bive conlributecl SICD.UOO to tte democrats cuibiibir.i nad tor tU renin' municipal aliotioiia. Tbin ia oivil serrifM reform an Senator Gorranu uuiloratBuc'i tliat term.

JLo Oh'O republican executive com- mittoo baa concluded ita pel uf tbe atal, uudolamis n.mnjoritj ot ovec 120,000 Tor Governor I'oraker Had the eulire state Tho eatunnte ia retardoil by enrutul judpes an coEFL'rvatit p. Two important will tjo uoimcsd by the Uuimd States ijujirL Coort thin week. Tho case o( lh detuned Chicago anarchists vill be pus upon, ami the question of iLu oonuti tionaSity ct tbe prohibiten ls Km in its applionlion to epints and beer mi will also be decided. Chief Juaucu States 6Upremtj day alter, odu tbe ot the United iuaacictd yenter-I probability the cine Lbs anarcumla ou Wednesday oi Thuradoy ot thie week. Th opinion generally prevailb at Wosbiagtot tbsi tho decision will be adverse to tbe A papor bays tbat bin" li-cenpe Las bean a L-beck on the Hqnor trtilio; clcautd out many ot lbe vilest deiiB iti the state, the trallic fruro 300 towns, oudbae produced an in- 000, this comiuR Irota a claaE ot oitiaene hitherto Tree Trom beaiieff public- bnr-fienB.

Evidently bish heenee bBB bom a blcsaiUE; to tbo Buckeye state, and its oitisens cau ot-lebrhte ThoLlioKiving Willi full hearts aud clesr btads. It iB now ansonncod From Winnipeg that the negotiations lesptctiBp tbo Hod ilirer Valley railroad Lave tollc-a. through The people ot VmniDag deolroetl to ijUt up any rsore money without poBUiye sui'M ce that tli road would be ooiaplet. od this fait. This sssuroneo waa not and sthemo Lea ool- lapaed.

The lemiory oC fJapitoba, it it staled, was neilbcr old enough nor ricl enough to -wage Rsr.ccefffut war desjubI tbe opposition ot a oombinatiou of Sir Jchn MatJonald, tbo CsDamn PaeiEo railroad and tlioEoghsii govorn- ln the tii rcontbH ended with Septem- ier the country impoHjc' cxvc-eceo ta of that metal about Si0.O0O.Ct0 tbo eamo period tto country bought about 03,000,000 nioio gueda ot torpiBn- it tolri to Ibi-ro, n'Bith euob euros of rapiic-v Irom Europe comkiE into tbe Unted tor it ccotly. Jastbt oan not bo told with aciura eilaiuly great t-noURh lo oi tue S03.COO.000 v-hich the send abroad psymeut i adverse mer.haudiso balance, ilus 000,000 a moulh for taoh ot months, or scqooo.PW, inirew Ciaivcy. llie Kov 1'ork traotor, wbu took Tweed's then Tore sway the Uoes' Ifeedo Btill alive, I Ue is bat I jcb his rienoabaTe cnt him so direotly at every meeting, that hB spdukB to any one cow unless, tirst addroaaod. Hs is a tall man with a flowing er7 heard, and ai may well be im- aglned-haj au annappy it not unw informer in this loyalty-loving world ofourp, snd Mr. Garvey'e cose was The total immigration to tho United from nil conntne-H extiopt Lanada and Jle-ioo during the muo montbH ol in Dreaont calendar year was against in tbo samo period of 0.

Ot this number aDout tr.ree-ltbfl, or 313.IC0, arrired at tbe port ot York, against 233,000 in 1SSC. Tbe aie always full, and of public. Nov. 1 Every vesael -iijjiL Llie sccno oi On iMM- tii'j meek oft Two River BatarCay has uncouhteuly ion ny tnifl no Ik boliured tuo pasBenjrers rjia 1 Vernon iron T.u-k.o:i only names ot rBop dltlonal to LIiobis previDjRly rjlven rrr1: ticEo: "WULuam Albcis, oi Saukvlllo, ILasDunlavy, St Jrjincs. Jluavur l-ilan i Mr Jllsa Salllo Eurl: posHenffora 0 having concb.

lrg Uiey nadtho tenduntv is to mldlako. The vn acatteiod in aU diro. net. 'OMiol l'-eI-L. an mll-js Mil jr.

0: trLt: it 1 1 It ri Two Elvers and a Tljcy Itti! been mtlo'oEETUiiiilllBtcudacrirk uuCl ll.ld bo- OLD PETE SET FREE. Hpnnrn.u, 11. Spmrsarurj), tho old-timo co East to ecu) his tlioancit Roo said that tho 'donee enough to 'vcryllttlo prospe. i-. Hi i-l 3s urj dead.

And heria W. I'. Crattuu, ot HiiitiJjiiiOn Count; rone tin churq-o nltlitirr iilm 1 cBcaplr cilcl ttit Cratftai M-at. ji.iid SiJ.000 to pc tit M-C irter'sl Lliu 1JJ0J tluoa to olit 11 ri BlTTOK, NOV. jctttdonTatU JliluaWu' v.AtcrJv sl.t caashl In tin but-in-.

H-j nitirru 1 1.1, 1 wodtfcd Ji il.ul body and hU ho iJ--Lb Th 'AlLlL It, JtJi at Ijittp, evenlarf, Tte prcyur tt'ltcn tor and expired trout tcrrltty irionilng; nil ur tlioothcc ol tin ditrtr.rr c'jj The tUlet inadu JJJSKLiy, Nov. Fiatnl Tho oimlval will Xov. ITotJiluy EiomLuc IilOlcr threw her O-ycar-cld iauhtor from a third-story fljtd 'Instantly leaped after her. Ike woman, b'ylnuicil CREAM KHEFF, ALLENfiS-SS SCENES OF VIOLENCE AT THE; TRIAL. thrcu nicrithd' imprtjon-011 him by tho lUtchellfltovra rcfauctL and tho acntenco roiii-n-in, 'J'llo chrurgv XiJillutun Sir.

O'Jll i-aiuatijaocnBto pve fi'cetoil by hi t-jiiiie nd and all JIsp layua 1 the Irish poo pit thLwrutoLieil cb: hot lor the Irlnli from theU'iiariio rlescribaljlc pcc-rlo UI'jU f-o tondodSthat the lie nuked tho people 0 the flcclslnii tho spoutntors 1-cslBtocl nrroBt. ill all Jus stioaffth. Tlio 1 Jail ocouplwl by nLrong rmod polltiL Fully 100 Board ot Ouii-uli Law Guardians ol 0 cimhcJiiiJ, and lis tr. ItantloviUo ruaponsc, Mrs. JrJIn IhIiii.

mil an adilresi Lils I MUlcr all taKcr hours. 1 A 1: Nov. t-TSbmc-Aib-v! orOiIute. iMVitU 1 to SI. he 1 rwcirh Stn.

111 TdegrapL Compa rs. Phcabe ChnsSoy, Peterson, LJlay lo-Tft. tilis Ibo following remarkable the truth of which is vouched for tbetowu: "I am 73 years old. have been troubled with Jsid- ei.uld not dress myself without fcolp- Now I am free trom all pain and eoreness, and en able to do all ny own house-work. I owe my tbnnka to Hilectric- Bitters tor having renewed my yontb, sninveC completely ail iiiucaHB ana Trv a bottle, only 00 cents, a Frank Sherer Oo'a drngetore, which reeonily adopted a constitution ii which polvfiamy wae forbidden and de clared to be a penitentiary offense.

Tub nath requires a juror to swear he will support the conntitntio the United Btateo and tho In, especially thess relatiDg to polyKtiny, and that be "wil not direotly or indirectly aid or abut cuuoeol or advise, any other person commit the crimes detieed and forbid- douia those laws." A resident of. Utah who has in Kood faith aided in molting aach a constitution aa was framed by tha In tbi supyrcFBion ot polygamy udc eoverntceut, ought net to End repulaivo that be csu not it maoy members of follow his QianipiQ ii thay should lucninotied as jnmra THE ST. LOUiS EXPLOSION. Sine Dead UoiHns Have Hocn Taken Out of tlic Wrcckci Building. The Cause ot tlio Explosion to bo from Oiasoliito Storeil in tlio Grocery.

Tlic Village of JLaiuuntC. Honrl, JVcarly Wined Ont Bv lire. Thrco lliindrfil Book mid Joh PrintcrM on Strike ii THE EXPLOSION. Kpcci 0.1 St. Louis, Nov.

1. Sine bodies haro nsw been taken from tbo ruine ot tLe Some of tbo remuini) word horribly mutilated, the faHing timber cruebi them out of all eemblanoe to humaoi JTo names aro as yot obtainable die; thatGrDfjer family is ono tliOBu that snlTared the most. Mr. Ner mann's -fife and Ave children wltb I A VILLAOE IN FLAKES. Sr.Louia.

Nov. 1. Moagro diepotobt-e Sceived up to 'tivelyo o'oioci to-day tate that the village at ljsmouto iu this otafo has bete almost totally (lustroyed by firs. Telegraphic comruuoicitroiihe-s been eclirely out OIS A TlisFlE KIN Tli I Spcclhlto CnfOiQo, Nor. 1 Tho Btnke ot tho union job printers began to-day.

From allaocofintatke strikers number about three hundred and fifty. Thoy olaiai that until their proposition, wbicii is virtually ten hours pay lor niDO hours work, is accepted they will uiako trouble. Mr V. II. Morgan, merebast, Lake City, Fla, was taken witbnsBVere cold, cr- iginto Consumption its drat stages, i tried many so-oallod ooDular tiDiigh remediCB aud steadily grow wbrse.

"Was redaceit in flefib, had difficulty in bresih-mg and was unable to uleup. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and tnund immodiate relief, and alter using about a bait dozen bottles found himself fell and has had no return disease, No other remedy can sliow an grand a record anreefaB Dr. fit rrr CcLti.Di Guaranteed to do what is claimed fDvalur.i.'- -l Wasted A competent fit iauii. It in 011.7 saw ifatiillodlsordera.

It contains Opism Let rivus Tim mfrlmpain. Prico 2j cents. Sold by Bold by Prentice Evanson O. UNO CHILDREN, All at the Lowest Cash Prices. Elsewhere.

L. CLARKE, 103 West Milwaukee St. LOST I The Fiae9t Time-Keepers eyer Offered to Die People and Especially adapted to Railroad use every ib'mg yoi Tie lost SiccssM Mi Ferlect Oieratii Stove StlirM thriri rir.b Dror.oUu workmra. Timh KIMRAlC HARDWARE CO. THE WONDER THE GKEG Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch.

I United limgdom is rcspouaiblo tor a db OO. THE TAILORS, HATTERS; And Furnishers. Wc arii tbir. fall making specialty on Underwear l-Iavu the largest and assort, input, ever nhott-n in Ibe city bav none and are selling ic from 50c a- uit upwards. mm FLEECE-CAMELS HAIR, ENGLISH BALBRiGGM, EGYPT I ft COTTON) and SWTS CONDEE.

Think can save you money and ive you wlialyou (cant at KSEFF, ALIEN CO'S- Milwaotee St. i WORTH OP FURNITURE! Sale fob gash. Coil PARLOR SUITES SlOIIHGrS, Elcat BOTTOM PJSICES DOUBIE "WOVEN WfRb SPRINGS Factory and S.tfrsroom on Hid lUte HI. HANStiii CO. to this year I immigrants ico frem that I coantry, against S0.010 Uer- Igrsuts, against lo.

Horwaj and Sifeden, Italy. tLe empire I named. The immigration trom Cancda I and Mciico eridentty is not of large pro-I porlions, as Iho above ligurcs aro 60id I to inoluds OS per ot the total im-I migration into this country. 1 AccuriiicJy adjusted to Temperature and position Pine iind Complicftlcd Wratches, TkLa Watch is uniDilaeiiced by IT. Arizona is seriously threatened, tcoord- the Tuoaon Star, with Mormon is slated that tbe "aaintu" tokl the bnlanoo ot power now ic tbe territory, that the governor is en frieudly to pub-famous politicians that no uiti-ilormon legislation is poesible.

The person who engineered tbiaJolMir or the oisnop, ann ic is I opetili.pjiargccl that he tins entered intoa Bpohtiial'-bargain with the territorial gov- I.The reasons given for thu trade I with tbe'saints" are tbat tba democrats goTemor-iiaa thusoneo already soenrod ic election of a democratic, delegate-in coniiress "from tbe territory. Arizona republican l5 Dya TDtD Tbe eleation a year ego result-u the-selectioo of ademccrat aea del- egatoin eimgrcsa. l'lib neiv trsdo re- Iported iejpr the eleenon for nevt year. Whatevot.cnu be done will no doubt 1)0 it tbo democrats dolejaio papeoi ally as tbo only provision io 11 6j i id oo no loaibtitn raicbed by rritorial legiaUtuiii lLiii will be Loatito to the Moirasnd. Magnetism or Electricity and ro Shield required.

Call on O. COOK, JEWELERS POSTOPriCE. And lie will show you a full nnd complete stock ot tho new iTon-Magnetic Watches, We are daily ceiviu our Fall Stock Ulasa Uity -Jew elery bLnre. Don't fail of tbo and nobby goods; ia fsc: to look at on- id Low Price Vji jfwrlc: ni.Jl, 1 1 1 ia 1 NEWVoBir OHIP.100. arr.

7-ijcis IF. O. COOK,.

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