The Gazette from Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada • 1
- Publication:
- The Gazettei
- Location:
- Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I GRAVD FORKS the Canadian Pacific and Qmt Northern Railways Pivotal Point Boundary Mining Centra of Finest Fruit and Agricultural District of Brltlib Columbia modern city of 1500 THE GAZETTE of Grand Poke and tributary districts through which it has no equal as an advertising medium Issued every Friday Subscription price $200 per year 53-50 to 8 points GRAND POKES BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY JUNE IB 1M1 VOLUME XXXV NUMBEB CENSUS OFFICIALS PLAY DIPLOMATS WITH THE DOUKS Will Swear in Special Constables Today To Arrest Sons bf Freedom Doukhobors Suggest "Going Native" With Freedom in Order To Gain Ceofl- Rolf Bruhn minister of public works when they were In this section of the province Oliver la asking for an increased amount of oiling pointing out that the dust nuisance is severely felt on the main road during the fruit hauling period Hon Mr Bruhn expressed himself as favorably Inclined toward laying a type of asphaltic mixture from the boundary lino to Oliver on tho permanent grade now In effect Eventually this permanent grade surface could be extended north In view of the extensive use to which tho Oaoyooe-Ollver road la put in connection with hauling of fruit etc and by tourists and settlers the minister aald he realised that some permanent coating would be very desirable Maintenance costa would also be reduced Ron Mr Bruhn eta ted that after he had gone over the roads of the province he would be able to say what highways would receive attention and how much money they would get Tuesday sew the visitors at Princeton for the purpose of going over the constructed portion at the Hope-Prince ton road The minister of public works la keenly interested In the completion of this road he laid and would use every effort to push it ahead with the frmds available this year 1 On Wednesday the road between Princeton and Hedley was Inspected in company with District Engineer MacKay government before and won and they were prepared to fight again and win Even as time had gone along the two Doukhobor Interpreters had been ma king an effort to get the information from members of the colony with whom they were familiar Cedi Koochln who had aeen like escapades took time by the forelock and hastened to his car for protection Bill Reibln who had been successful in gaining like information from Sons of Freedom in the Kootenay tarried longer and was given a rough time but succeeded in making his escape with remnants of his clothing still intact Officer's Near Dierebcment It was at this moment that the interpreters were able to give the diplomatic officers timely warning The word was being passed around in foreign tongue for a general assault on Messrs Laldman and Galbraith for the purpose of forcing disrobe ment end the officials were able to successfully negotiate the distance to their car before the oncoming scene could be enacted Thus diplomacy in the hands of artists was given a careful and it ended Just where diplomacy in the past with Doukhobors has always ended with the Russian gentry on top It may take a long time for thoes who dont know to get acquainted with the fact that the only law that the 'Doukhobors have ever known la the law of force Brass Reflections Well Horace you are certainly an artist in diplomacy but somehow I dont think it was a bowling success Horace Perish the thought: the Kamloops Sentinel and Rev Dredge ideas about dealing with the Bone Is sura the bunk STARTING SURVEY FOR APPROACHES CANYON BRIDGE Anneal Meeting of Rock Creek Conservative Association Held Bitar-side Hall Last Batwday Nlgkt And New Officers Elected Rock Dr Kingston ML A addressed the first annual masting of the Rock Creek Conservative Aereda-tlon here last Saturday night dealing -particularly with the matter of tha Rock Creek canyon where surveys are now being made for the approaches end also touching on the matter of consolidated schools The matter of -appointing a road foreman for tho Brldesvllle district waa discussed but -finally laid over to be dealt with by the Central Executive at a meeting to be held at Midway Ben Norris of Grand Porta alio addressed the meeting briefly dealing with several matters of special interest his opinion as to how they should he done and extending considerable praise to the member on hie work of trying to please evryone Election of officers resulted in the following being chosen: Honorary Presidents Rt Hon Bennett and Hon Dr Tolmla Hon Vice Presidents Grate Hr ling Dr Kingston and Major Gkxsop President John Bruce Vice President Howard Smith Secretary-Treasurer Harpur William Johns Norris Wilson Harry Brown Maurice Jewell Tom Walker and Hulme Tha gathering was not larga as compared with former years and some of tho oldtime party friends were milling white other took their places successful' in BECENT NORMAL EXAMINATIONS refusing to serve them a hurried meeting of the Board of Trad was called Wednesday morning and the matter fully discussed A great deal of Indignation waa felt at the prospect of the Doukhobors being allowed to hold the Dominion In such contempt The meeting then authorised that a wire be sent to Grate Stirling P- who was asked to get In touch with Hon Btevens and Ealing and demanded that census law with respect to Doukhobors be enforced as with Canadians the telegram pointing out that "Many of thoee refusing to give Information have gone through high school and quite appreciate the fact that they are ridiculing the law" Wednesday night the Conservative Association wired Premier Bennett pointing out the aggravating situation stating that aa the Doukhobors had been brought to the country by the federal government it was felt here that the Dominion government should take action Bays Law Enfowoarenl Provincial Yesterday the Board of Trade had a wire from Mr Stirling stating that Hon 8tevena had wired Hon Mr Pooley asking for protection for census officers pointing out that as law enforcement is under provincial control the Dominion cannot step In unless asked to do so by the province There was keen tension all week aa the general public got Impatient with the lack of law enforce- ment and It became known that the delay wae simp-ly a parley between federal and provincial officers as to whose Job it wee Back of this delay was the fact that both provincial and federal officers were anxious to shirk what promises to be a fairly lively battle having In mind the stubborn fight put up on former occasions There Is nothing definite as to when the move will be made on the North Pork citadel but -the presumption Is that If sufficient assistance can be obtained In time action will be taken today otherwise it will be tomorrow Action ui be taken by the Provincial Felice Foref Friday afternoon or Baler day to effect the a met of six Deakhebers on the North Fork as leaders of the grasp of 115 who refused to give any censes information to the enumerator Tiffs Is being done under authority at the Attorney General Hon Pooley and it is expected that 50 or 100 additional special constables will have to be sworn in to effect the arrests as It is presumed the effort will mean the taking of the entire colony who stoutly refuse government domination of any kind The matter Is now In the hands of Inspector Crulckshank of Nelson who will arrive with a squad of police officers about noon on Friday Thus Census Commissioner La id man has finally won out in his demand for police protection that the federal laws upheld Leaked Like Failure Commissioner Laldman accompanied by his counsel Oalbrsith arrived Sunday evening from the Okanagan and with the company of two Doukhobors Cecil Koochln and Bill Reibln specially qualified Russians proceeded to the North Fork ranch of the Sons of Freedom faction of the Douk-hobora There they spent several hours In diploma -t tie effort with a view to getting census Information which had previously been refused to the local enumerator Kidd Palling In the effort they returned to town and -then proceeded to get advice cm the matter plac-ing the facts before the chief ststlclan Coats at Ottawa He Instructed the Issuing of warrants against six of the leaden which was done In the meantime the matter of executing the warrants was taken up with both the Provincial Police and the Royal Mounted Police Both refused to take any action This placed -the Census Commissioner in a dilemma that remained unbroken for several days Board of Trade Acts Learning of the aggravating situation of a federal officer having warrants to serve and police officers 1 LOOF Memorial Service The annual IOOF Memorial Day service wll lbe observed next Thursday evening June 25th Members of the order are asked to meet at the lodgeroom at 645 'Uhc Home Garden High School Static Doukhobors of tba North Pork have won the first two rounds with federal officers and are now expectantly awaiting the third bout which they bad expected would have taken place before this but owing to parleying bo- tween Ottawa and Victoria as to whose job it is to enforce the law It bei to look that the whole thing would end In another fiasco with honors again resting on shoulders of the It will be recalled that two weeks ago when Kidd local enumerator went to the North Pork faction of the Doukhobors instead of being able to get any information for census re turns they put on a nude demonstra tlon and refused any Information This being reported to his superior officer Laldman census commissioner for Vale accompanied by his counsel Galbraith of Vernon arrived from the Okanagan on Sunday and having arranged for the company of two Doukhobor interpreters Cedi Koochln of Grand Porks and Bill Reibln of Brilliant they proceeded to the Graham ranch with the object of showing how easily it Is to do a thing when done properly in other words that by dealing with the Doukhobors diplomatically as suggested by several friends of the Russians there should be no trouble Diplesnatie Carp Gees Perth Mr tfahnan and his diplomatic retinue went forth to the North Pork settlement all keyed up with the Idea that their work was as good as accom piirimd for hadn't it been insistently been repeated in Vancouver Kamloops and other metropolitan centres that the Doukhobors could not help but fall for diplomacy and anyway thorn people that live around Orand Porks where so many schools have boon burned are mostly to blame for the reason that they do not seem to understand the kindly nature of these fine Doukhobors who have lived in the district for more than 30 years Bo Commissioner Iaddman and Lawyer Galbraith sallied forth in their wmmisiM and as their interpreters directed the route they were amazed with the unusual location Arriving at the ecene they were Invited to enter one of the houses and as they talked fluently about the fine eurroundingq excellent weather and lovely rains everything went merry as the wedding bell even when they discussed that particular brand iff religion to which the Doukhobors claim to adhere they found ready response and detail explanation that everything was free to everybody Btin wondering how far this stuff" went and of course seeking to win confidence one of the ftism officials with that eeml-eerious twinkle in his while the eyes of bis pard danced with expectancy-queried aa to what attitude the Doukhobors would take If they (the officials) would come and live with and of course also go native! They were assured of a welcome and the suggestion did not seem to go estray with several of the young maidens who had recently passed through high school and had been surveying the gallant visitors with more than passing interest during the tea-less after- THE GRAND FORKS LIFE-SAVING CLUB JACK McCOEMICK IN "BONG OF MY HEART" CHAPMAN OPENS SPECIAL WEAR STORE Misses Betty McCall urn and Alice Flynn who returned this week from attending Normal School at Victoria were both successful in their examinations and obtain diplomas-aa teacher Grace Kehoe of Brldesvllle end Mary Maids of Cascade were among the successful Norma 11 tes SCANDINAVIANS TO MAKE WHOOPEE AT THE LAKE Opening a store which la to be devoted specially to wear Chapman entered business for himself during the past week in the store occupied as Sheads Insurance office Mr Chapman is no stranger In Orand Porks has made a study of dry goods and wearing apparel for ladles and believes that ha has been able to select ladles' wear that will be attractive In appearance and moderate In price Hie ad appears elsewhere In tide Issue and ladles are cordially Invited to' call and inspect the new ready-to-wear dresses he Is now showing Movietone's living quality la bringing John McCormick In "Song of My Heart" to the Empress theatre for Friday and Saturday of this week The favorite tenor of the world will stir you with his superb ringing of "Just For "1 Feel You Near "Kitty My Love" Rose of Tralee" Bereni Carl" "Little Boy Blue" "Ireland Mother "I Hear You Calling Me" "A Pair of Blue Eyes" Then You'll Remember MB- Fairy The supporting cast In this unforgettable beautiful story Includes: Maureen Kerrigan John Garrick Tommy Clifford Alice Joyce and Farrell Macdonald Since Its organisation a few weeks ago the Life-Saving Club of Grand Forks has affiliated with the body and la entitled to take the examinations aa set by the Royal Life-Saving Society These exams will be conducted at the end of the present month and to thoee who are successful some very attractive certificates and Medallions are offered Apart from this the training offered the young people of Grand Parka la of Immeasurable value and win stand them In good stead thorughout their livee The members of this organisation have a record to be proud of and not a few of them will always have the satisfaction of knowing that their training along there lines has averted many a tragedy Have you ever heard of silent drama If you want to hear it you neednt come to the High School this week Everyone is studying very hard in fact we should say Just as loud aa possible There Is an awful lot of static In the air of our class rooms lately We suggest that if there was a UttU more Jssa or harmony in the air we might accomplish a lot more Why at times we can hardly hear ourselves talk let 'alone think Of course some of us with big he-man voices can be heard such as Joe Lyden and Red Bailey but even they had to talk above a whisper The rest of us went to the attic and basement where we met with a little success in getting away from thanqjiiiii Those awful nerve racking exams start on Tuesday for the Matriculation and Normal Entrance classes We have been preparing ourselves for the last two months eating exam questions for breakfast dinner and supper Everyone of us is expected to rank first not only in Orand Porks but in the Province Well some of us might have a chance if others would lay off and get a few low marks Just think if all of us Grand Porks kids came first in the province wouldn't our teachers feel proud Well here is a little suggestion Why not slip us a few of the answers to thoee nerve racking problems It might help a whole lot But what's the use another term for us if we read aright the symptoms Borne of us in 1st and 2nd year will be getting out of school on Friday or Monday and then free from school for two whole months Our time will be PLANE SERVICE FOE INTERIOR IB ANNOUNCED THE WEATHER MAY ASPHALT HIGHWAY IN THE OKANAGAN Victoria June Plans were announced Saturday by Johnson managing director of the All-Canadian Enterprise Airways limited for a commercial seaplane service extending from Victoria to Penticton Nelson Trail Kamloops and Kelowna Incorporation la to be $500000 Penticton Bimllkameen road matters occupied the attention of Hon A McKenrie mlnlater of mines and number for the district and Hon Next Wednesday June 24th ie the national holiday of Scandinavians and arrangements have been made for a midsummer feet for natives of Sweden at the Lagoon dance pavilion at Chris-tins lake Title win be the first Scand- inavlan gathering In the district for several yean and it la expected to attract larga numbers For the dance in the evening Allen the famous accord ian radio entertainer and hie four Swedes will provide the music for the dance which modestly scheduled from 9 pm to am Mrs Gustafson will cater refreshments par excellence ALL BUSINESSES ARE BEING LISTED CENSUS The 15000 enumerators who have been engaged since June in taking the population census have also been making a record of the name and address of every retell end wholesale establishment In the Dominion There names ere to be the baste for tho poets! census of merchandising and service establishments It will be some weeks before all the list are in the hands of tha officials In the Dominion bureau of statistics When they halve been carefully acut-iniaed and certain other preliminary work dons schedules will be mailed to each retell 'or wholesale establishment It la expected that somewhere between 150000 and 200000 bum win be received and though a very great amount of preparatory work la necessary before schedules can be mailed it to expected that they will be sent out in August Jane Planting and Other Week 1 Nature ie generous In most parts of Capada there la still chances of a good garden even If the work has been put off until the present moment If the soil Is well cultivated and growth hurried along with some quickly available fertiliser like nitrate of soda and If we are not afraid to carry a little water at transplanting time and during the very dry weather both' flowers and vegetables are quite possible Of course It is' as well at this late1 date to use plants In the caw of petunias sinnlaa cosmos and other flowers aa well as cabbage head lettuce celery tomatoes and egg plants In the other ride of the garden But even In the beet circles they are still planting melons and a scare of other vegetable seeds Ot imnrre tfrrir flrri rewU era away up but there people want their supply of good things to bo extended and ao instead of planting all their seed at once and having a feast followed by a famine they string lowing out for a month or more and do the lama with their harvest CaatrelUag Pasta Many a beautiful flower garden and a highly eatlsfactory stand of vegetables haa been partially or totally destroyed by attacks of Insect and fungus pests which aright easily have been controlled Roughly speaking the Insect enemies are divided into two those that eat holes in the foliage and thaw that suck out the Juices For the first-named poison la applied while the suckers are attacked with a burning spray which penetrates their hides Often when both are present a combination of poison and something that burns such as lime sulphur and arsenate give the best results The damage from the biting Insect ie usually quite apparent but the presence at the other kind ie only shown at first by a wilting or withering of tha foliage For sucking pests chief of which are the aphids or plant lice spray with whaleoU soap a quarter pound of soap to tha gallon and a half of water nicotine sulphate or Black Leaf or any other repellent secured from a reliable seed store Cod from a fine noaria from a high pressure will sometimes wash off tho peats When fungus attacks the plants the foliage ustally turns yellow -or brown or white spots like mildew cover the leaver' Fungus te usually moat common in warm murky weather Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or dusting with specially finely ground sulphur la advised Sulphur dust will also protect hollyhocks and phlox from rust if applied when tha disease first shows itself An ordinary tin can with tho top perforated ilka a salt ahaker makes a good duster Per flowers it well to add a dry poison such as arsenate of lead or tobacco duet to the sulphur ao that insects will also ha controlled Per eating Insects one may pray with paria green arwnate of lead hellebore or some of the many patent poisonous preparations Golf Is Golf From Coast 'To Coast Golf has assumed such important proportions in the makeup of modern everyday life that it constitutes a very real phare of the activities of those who serve the public The Canadian Pacific Railway ia such a one and its train services to goU courses and established arrangements for guests at Its many hotels to enjoy the gams arc the practical interpretation of its dorira to maintain the traditions of 50 years at meeting tho requirements of the Canadian people our own and well do what we like most strep There are others In these two clasees who will have to exercise their brain powers as they have never been exercised before That sounds as though we were in the 1st group but it Is rather doubtful as yet no one knows but we are supposing yes and hoping and praying that we are in the 1st group If we are let free we will have permission to come back next year and face the music in a different class We dont know how well ever stand being away from school for two months How well miss those "bawling outs" that our dear teachers have been giving us and we know that they will miss us as they will not have anyone to exercise their lungs on while we an gone Well we think that they (the voices) have earned a well-earned vacation After all we must admit that their scoldings have been for the best besides they went in one ear and out of the other anyway and at least no harm was done SQUADRON LEADER TUDHOFE TO HEAD COAST AIRWAYS Ottawa June Squadron Tudhopa superintendent airways national defence department has resigned to accept the position of rat-f pilot far tho newly formed British Columbia Coastal Airways Umitsg cording to an announcement lest night Squadron Leader Tudhopa expects to leave the department at tho and of the month to undertake the of organ- lalng flying routes for the western company The resignation of Squadron Leader Tudhopa comes after a career In both the military and civil branches of aviation After seeing service in German West Africa in the early port of the war he went to ngisnif end Joined the Royal Plying corps in 1917 He eaw considerable service la Ranee and as a result of several exploits in tha air was awarded the MUi-tary Crow Although a south African by birth ha asked to be sent to Canada on demobilisation and waa for a time rancher in British Columbia THBBE BASEBALL TEAMS IN WINNINGS Beene Changes But what a difference when the subject changes I This diplomatic stuff about religion and going native was fine and earned the hospitality of the beat bread in the house but when the Mihjwt turned to census information the atmosphere and scenery -both automatically changed Although- the astute officers explained with extreme politeness that the information sought could in no way bring trouble or Interference to the Doukhobors the wily Douks said nay nay and as the matter was further dlscuseed the war clouds gathered the refuse to give any information os submit to any government mandate ms accompanied by fiery gesticulations the war cry want out and the party began to Increase In numbers as the entertainment became more Interesting the Adam and style of dross being especially popular with more than half the Russians 'Going native became a fact with a vote-gcancc Our federal officers were not to be dismayed however they told the Douks they were not taking objection to the nude stuff if they could only get the census Information for they were still working a la Kamloops diplomacy They got to the point where from some of the elder generation they had two pages of names hated when the gentle women folk and high school maidens who had been waiting for the visitors to play native became impatient and would stand for none of this giving information to the government They got iwiM iff the two sheets of paper and after tearing them to shreds attacked their elders who had given the information and ripped the clothes off their all the time admonishing them for giving in to the census official as several of the young Doukhobor women were educated had gone through high school and spoke good wwgiirii- the polished census officials sought to talk them out of their ways but words and snappy appearance afad no effect the lid was off and war had been declared and there was no of words in explain ing to the officers that the Doukho-bers ware prepared to fight for what tfc had wen they had fogtt the The regular Twilight League fixture between the Sawmill and the Collins Colts on Thursday ended with the mill crew at the long end of a 10-1 score Harry says that the mill had a paid crew and that his team were going to pick off the silverware or know Che reason why The game on Monday between the of nine and the Columbia austere proved a walk-a-way for the Columbia team The score was 15-5 me Knights could hardly believe their own cars when they heard the boo re Another game in the afternoon between an all star team from the telephone construction crew played Colins' Colts and which the "Hello" crew won by the aeon of 14-5 Jim Miller Ditched far the phone team (1) LoaUne frw the feir-way at thelrac ra Bug Sfrira Betel St sag Ala TheSpnynifar TUa earns a it hul be the hearts! the beautiful Socky Maim seine (2) Oa the bad their visitors fromcoaat Jfc VT to coast excellent enures are kKXP MYil Twelfth taeettL ora m2 available and where the eom- vfel iWpM (j 11 OaM ora vraeria Deny does not operate its own 1 MSr Hess the jahupt teeiiew finks playing privileges at irei tampse of what flnt-elare dubs are granted SSJSZtlall In tho Maritime threw are Oaff hetarefthe courere at 8t Andrawa-by-tho-Sea NB Kent villa it Dlgby NJL and Yarmouth NJL all in connection with tho comMay'a hotels Quebec City baa two fine courses one dub dating back to 1874 Montreal haa the oldest dub ia Canada the Royal Montreal founded in 1871 which today boaata tww diupioasMp l8-hote cranes Other Clubs are numerous and good Toronto too haa many excellent links Including tha Royal York Golf Club where guests at the Royal York Hotd hare Maying privileges Ontario Ml along tho Canadian Pacific's linen Bungalow camps at Freach River and Kencra Woods) have sporty 5-hole courses for their patrons Throughout tho Prairie Provinces golf in available at all the larger centres while the Banff Springs Hotel Golf count In among tho bent in the country inrettinga of unrivallod mountain scenery It is the Mecca for golfers from all over Canada and tbeUnited toewr nothing of tho numerous overseas visitors who play it each summer Vancouver and Victoria offer ready hospitality Ending unique among Canadian golf centres in that tho game i played throughout the 12 months of tba year the annual mid-winter tournament for tba Beatty ChaDenga being aai GRAND FORKS BRIBF1 Cooper left lest evening on a short visit to trig eon at Rowland Little Marlon Cooper celebrated her 12th birthday on Monday and entertained a number of her young friends at the City Park Mr and Mrs Bieven of Spokane have been spending the week with the mother lire Sprag-getf while Mr Sievere ia in charge of some work in northern Washington Constable Davidson of tba provincial police force who had been attending an instruction school at Victoria returned to town last night Mrs Davidson returned with him F- Law general manager of the Coulmbla Ufa Assurance Company and Idyll insurance writer were in town ywterday while on a tour through tha interior tearing for Trail in the afternoon Arthur Brisbane on ad vertising aaye: "There ie not a business in tho country except that of the prison-keeper that couldn't be doubled by the right kind of advertising Even cemeteries advertise and prosper by It If your business tent worth advertising advert Ire it for sale" Mrs A Walker who returned last week from a visit to Vancouver left this week for Psrnie where her has become a depot operator Be had been operator at the downtown station before going to Frenis Iastilata Field Day The directors of tha Grand Porks Farmers' Institutes have to hold tho annual field day on July 15th next Further announcements will ha madias to particular.
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