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The Roxboro Courier from Roxboro, North Carolina • Page 3

Roxboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Notice Person County-Courl. H. LfVy of the Hurdle's Mill section, called to see ua Monday. Messrs. Barnett and her merry langh and cheerful vorcs.

'Tp know herwaa-to loye tberV and God loving her most relievedlier- of life's weary toils and troubles while in the bloom of youth. It is ai comforting reflection for. the bereaved to' know that death did not seem a hor- WORKING CL1SSES now prepared furnish all classes with eanploymeDt at home, the whole of the time, or lor toetr spare moment. Tlnsiness ncjr, ifjrht arm profitable. Persons of either sex earn from iOD er prPrtioa- rtuabr devoting all their tine to the aad rirts earn as morn as men.

That all' tl8 my end their a4tres, and test the business, we make this offer. To sura as 7 are not well satisfied we will tend one dollar i Mifr las) tk Ki.t a Warning: 'r i "There is 'man bj-the. name of Onrdnor who is traveling through the Stae representinglthat he has at one time teen in" the cmpldy.of L. Stone Piano fluid rgan dealer, "ot Rleigb, 'Mr. Stone says "that thia is not true and he will not be responsible for any Injury that may be done to any instrument that Gardner may repair or tune.

COM.UlSSlONIiRS FKOCEJSIliiSf-Mb2r. day, June stu. The Veard met pursuant to adiourn ment. Present. wVTy Nbeil, D.i.W.i id T.

St A Hogers and J. Brbaks Ordered that the. county treasurer pay J. A. Long .09.84 for merchant dise fnrnishol county.

i Ordered that the county treasufer pay p. A Co $9.48 provisions furnished poor house. and oQ-fit free. Address Gorqb SnweoMk Pw'land, Maine. 12 ly, HARNESS SADDLES.

-Alargre stock all kinds elf" -V BtrQGrauBEs, winps coll ars; All tings of JfepairlaDone On fihort Xotice. -'TjEaiia beasonable. 5 5 South Boaton Va. UB, GrlfBn; 4 1 1 B. a 1 rMannfaetoirereet A ft- Saddles Hcmss ACollars" t- "And Pealett WHIPS, SPDBS, BITS, MAIS a RiiinTif ttnefrtv tr-i i -s-mayf aa.

i 1 1 Kl i. A A7YATI GO 4: i Carry at aUt i tooe and -most complete line m. HE AY AND FANCY CROCERIEG. 1 Hay, Fodder, Ship Stuff, Bran) 1 'ptton Seed meat, Cm, OatSrMeah Feed Stuff, ot- All" Kinds: af I- Sk tk sfc V. SA sn and you know can and; will sell lor smaller profit thanjarvy who does a j)romisn20us Credit.

busi-nesS Bring us Xour JZrocluoe I I Also will pay you lat all times highest market price. 4s. rr rOUKS TBTJLY, Wl J. WYATT COv- 'DURHAM, N. -j r.

THE PRICES "OF GOODS Hye Gone Down WITH A RUSH AT Cheap Cash; Storey jaoxBoaao, n. Wb.ere ybu witt find a GTOCll of iuat siicgoodiiarVott So don't fall to-tjau aim 1 TEOTJBLE TO Hoxboro, C. r.Aptll 3m; Show Tea Tlc Ccoils, Whether yc bnoroiot fopowiag amonnt of fines collected froiii the Magistrates of Person countr, from March SlaTcb ltw, John oodr, Esq. 3 State va. Francis Tally, 1 -w ItllC JSIr lOOf, 00 i btate va Nutt and James, April Utu, 1887.

Wm. Itlaloek, Een. State vs W.tK Pcarw, ril T. Staters Meadows aad Carrliurtoa. Tbos.

P. Day. "O.J. Kenmily. Marion "Kennedy, lot too 1 OS 05 08 1 April 35lh, 1887.

II. II. Nichols, Esq. -Slate vs. W.

P. KaUerQeld. Apnl 80tbJ887, U. U. Yarbro, Esq, stato vsTIjos.

Jacobs, ilav 2nd, 1887, G. A. Jones, Esq, I State TS E. C. Jannhn 1 00 D0 ISO 2.

00 100 Timberlftkq. Esq, ouiw boi o. iM-asiey, Mayad, 1H87, G. G. Moove.

Esq, Stets W. W. McCanlees, -May 4th, 1887, 5T. Wilkerson, Esq, State VM Wm. rnllina it" May S4th, 1887, S.

A. Barnelt, Esq. Total amount reported," 85 00 M-4t sh. WIXeTEAD. Treasurer.

Should be used a few months before confinement, fiend ior book To Mothsrs, mailed free.v' Bbadkels I(EQmroa Atlanta," Ga Of KY. UKiVERSITf, UUUlinCI Uldl UU ItCKO LEXINC3TON.XY. Business Colleae in th World. iWaSiSSStSSff mA.a js a si tkJk shorthand, Trvwriaf rti VVa Kttoa.1 irw tlnaurkdilreu Kphralm w. Hmtth.

moeifi, tr TO TITE STOCKHOLPERS -OF THE Lpcliliiirg Durliam Railroad Co By vlrtne of the power conferred npon ns by the Coa tract of Consolidation between -the Lyncbbiirc, Halifax and North Carolina Company, the Goxboro Baiiroad Company, and the Unrhain and Koxbero Bailmad Company, and ou belinlf of. tlie Stockholders' coBStitulintf the said three companies, the undersigned a ueve- by call a genera I meeting of the 'Stockholders of the Iivnchburer Bnd li.nlroad-Com.pany, to oe held in the City of Lynchburg, at 4 o'clock on June ti.e 14tb. 1887. at: PEOPLES' NATIONAL 11ANK. S.

CAB WINSXKAP, PETES J.OTEY. Notice. T5v an order of the Snnerier court I will offer for sale on Saturday the ISth Of June, at. the court house door in Boxboro, a certain traetof land, known as the James Bradsher Tract, in Busby Fork' township, containing 9 acres, more or-less Terms: $75 cash, balance Si-x: montha-crodit wHb bond and s-ouritvr with in- tei-est from date Title retained until full purr is paiiL This May lftth, 1887. -519' CommV.

Land Sale Notice, Jas II, Coastaa, et air-" John Davis. BY Virtue of an order sf the Snperkr eonrt in the above cause I will sell to the tna-liest bid der at the court house door in Boxboro on the 13th. day of Jnne 1SS7 a certain tract of land in Person countv, eohtainina; 70 acres, more -or less. Terms, one half cash, balance in -six months at 8 per cent. Title retained until our chase meney is paid in full.

This tlieWh vt May iai. iinsBi. vomm r. Lunsfordi attorney. 5 lilt.

Land: Sale Notice. Bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court. the nndersianied will sell atnnutie a action at the court honse door in "Boxboro the flrst Moc.dav Jnlv 1S87 a certain lot of land in Person rountv adioininff the lands of Mrs. Mattie luiea, james unen, uavia hicks snu otners Terms one half eash.1tal.inee in six months at 8 per r.ent-. Title retained nntil payment of par' chase noneyitttuii.

-Xius tne ytn oi way iwi, JAM RBK1T. JAMKSJJHEU. Lunsford, attorney. otice. The nndersigned having IWs day qualified as Lachnimetrator of the lateL.

G. O'llriant hereby elves notice to ail persons noiuincciaims against his in tea tate to nresent them to the Hnderstsrned within the time prescribed by la w- or this no tice will be pieaa in tiaroi ineir recovery i to all-persons owins said estate to come forward and make immediate settlement- This 'the ath Uf May. -S7 Wt SOLO'ltltlAM'. Artni'r. X.unsford,-att'y.

fi 12 4U POMOAA HILL IttJllSEIlIESf -f 7 'POMONA, K. (X, fVo andf a half miles west of Greensbo- ro, N. Uk mam une wsneotJcu R. passes tbroagh the swunds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains regular stops twice daily each way.

Taose- interested in Frait and'FruU growing, are in yjted to itspect this the iargesi nursery, the State andone arnoug'the larst in thn South. The proprietor Jias fpn numy years visited the leading Nurseries 3Jortb and West, "ani 'corresponded" with those fbreigd countries, gathering very fruit i hat was calculated, to suit the -South, both native and fonign. The nputa'ion of Pomona Hill Nurseries is; such" that many agents gi ng out iron Greensbo ro. representing other narscrjes, try to leave the impression that they ae rep- do itl Let the I have Sn show visitors the sam'f-)' the largest and best stock trees V' ever sho wn'or seen In any two nurseries in Carolina, consting ot cherry, plum, Japanese jwrfcimmon, Japanese, plum," apricot; nectarine, Rti8siaa apncot, mulbfrry.1 rqniaces. Small fruits: raKpberry, curraata, pecans Eabsh rhubarb, asparagus, i i Give your' ordcr say attfltorizcd aent or order-cVfcct front the nursery, Correspon denre sol ici te1 2escn pti ve catalogue tree to applicants.

Address j. van; lindley; 513 Guilford county N. C. nmm. psiii saBSBBBaBBnaiie rt, 1 PS al JOHN A.

NOELIV Editor. KOXBORO, N. Jane RELIGIOUS SERVICES' MKTimmsT. -mndav Mt. Zion and AUensviUe at II lift a Webb's Chapel r.

w. JY l0f cnmiflT-Itoxhnro and Mb Tirzab. at 11 i A. Koxboro7o'c Hebron o'clock Innb l. ft.

Trinity at 11 o'clock A- a iarUroviclence and Oak Grove at 11 f' days meetinff at Webb's eTery Wednesday Mch of the following places we will preach a nf iv at 11 o'clock A. N. before the regular appointment: Mt. Zio.i, Al-, Trinity, Bailey's, Oak Orove anu nftYtK, r. c.

M. T. 15K8T, JUHIOB. i BAPTIST. lot snniav.

and Salnrdav liefore. n.l Bethel 2nd Sunday, 12ev. Vernon, assisting alternately at tl iji-P9 on this Sunday.) these tWBVi JrVv-Srd Sunday at 11 o'clock A. and fhia QiimlflV.l i 7 o'oioc r. IMIIHlttV and Saturday lefore.

lin.vboro rrajBi j.unrsu;ty j. ii. Lambkrtii, Pastor. Bed Mountain-lst SunOay and Saturday be- f01" n'd snnrtar and Saturday lief or, i sKll-rd Sunday nvht at 7 n'mds. Halifax comity.

Sunday and Saturday In lore. PaStor. Somowhpt warmer, Quite a crowd in town last Monday. Occasionally we aee game. of marbles.

-Commencement at rFake Forest this week. -Rase ball is tlie principal amuse-mcnt with our boys at present. The jail will be built on or near the old sight. How long first we cannot tell. Small crowd in town last Saturday, therefore the trade was smaller than usual Our farmers are quita busy! General Green, the great terror to crops.

Fortune is a woman; if you neglect her to day expect not to regain h-r to morrow. Iklra. Abner J. Orange, inhere visiting ber sick brother Mr. James F.

Terry. Many of our readers will be i tla month. Five lSSUeS of JilCtlDV' UiASW the CoUMER, you know. The cmnroissioners were ses-Ainio Proceedings to 4e tlijll r. J- 7 iuund elsewhere in this issued yruava will be a rrame of base a uv ball between ihe Courier's and Uk Onc-Jivl wJs.J3ere on ihe 24th.

The Person County Medical So rietv was in session last Monday at the office of Dr. C. E. Bradsher lavers are maaiur knowlv nrowrtflg on-the building fiir The result ot the prospect of the llajlroaJ. Messrs.

W. H. Williams' of Beth el II ill, and J. S. Robertsotij, of Woodsdale, drooped in Monday and pent a ehort time with us pleasantly There will, be preaching at Sun- nv Sunday evening.

'In MuthrwlJfit p.hurch here in the morning and at nifiht, at usual hour. Hers. J. H. Lambeitb and J.

A. Roam and Mr. and Mrs. A R. Jk.

Foushee are attendiug the commeice ment exercises at Wake this week, i 1 Mr. T. T. Moore called Ust Monday and renewed his subscription. He spoke very highly of his 'county paper, saying that he could not do wi hout it.

We are prepared to execute with neatneBi and despatch jb work of every descriptionyupon; pbort rotice at reasonablfi Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. Taylor of Mill Creek, called one day last week and renewed his subscription, expressing himself as being hhfyrjletis with) We publish on the first first pag of this issce -an iact to tnendthe cnarter to reincorporate the towd of Koxboro, as paseod by the hist General Assembly. r' Th6 joint seesion of the magistrates andmniissionera in. regard to building the' new jail was held Monday, the proceedings of which you will find elsewhere.

-ext Mondaffweejc thd the jnil building committee will meet to let bat the contract for bnilding our VewjailWJiick is to erected oil the bid jail lot. I have' one handled thousand good brick' 'for sale. ny one Jn need of brick' would well to. call on me Jbefore trying elsewhere, a. W.

Brow, 69tf 44fter next tnesday we wil' know; or rather'' We bngbt to know what's what the rail road At thia time the directors and stock; holders will meet In Lynchburg5 for the purpose ofy making preprti ps for work. Chi how we are -iichlng to 3e the dirt begin to J. LouV- are visitiog Durham this weet. Call on C. A.

Daniel Co. "for ice cold soda. Also fresh groceries of all kinds. Iiev. J.

A. Beam will preach at Bethel on Saturday before tho fourth Sunday and on Sunday -X- A many of our faimers went to market this and lat week wiih tobacco. vSome report good prices other not. Mrs. VY.

H. J. Goodwin, of flal-eigb who spent a week in our quiet little Tillage jiaiting relatives, re- tarned to her. home laWBatarday. X- v- --If you wish'to buy a good tract of lani yon should buy, that to be offered for sale by 8ol.

O'Briant, commissioner, known as the "Phane Tract." Dr. C. E. Bradsher has moved his office up stairs in the Pass butld-ingti over ClatQn storey where he will be foood when wanted by his patieotsl An old colored woman, living near Hurdle's the name of, Celia Pettiford has over one hundred childreu and grand children, so we have been informed. Quite a large family.

The tax assessors for Uoxboro township will be here on the 10th and 11th, to morrow and next day, and again on the the pur pose of assessing your property and receiving you tax list. 2bere has been somewhat a chaose in the business of bur aien. Mr. A. P.

Simpson has taken charge of the business ot Mr. An drews in the Critcher building. Mr, Joe Carver is with him. Mr. W.

G. Roberson will have charge of that in the bottom. It is with much regret that we learn of the serious illness of Rev. W. Ar.

Forbes, at hia home in Wag nolia. lie has been confined to his bid for about 20 days with fever, so we are informed: His many friends in tnis county win wisn mm a speedy recovery. The thanks of the editor and lady are tendered Miss Etta Armstrong Tate for an mvitation to the commencement exercises of the Sa lem Female Ai-ademy which comes utt otnB ha liitii of this mouth There are in the graduatpig class this year. We have received the annual catalogue of lh6 Graham Normal College, of Graham, N. C.

The catalogue fehows that this school has just closed qnite a prosperous year. Its faculty are able and Its mode of instructions in every way complete. IV wish it continued success Farmers from different sections of the county say the wheat, and oat crop is very flattering Also the corn crop i3 remarkably good, but from excessive rains recently the farmers have been unable to give the needed attention it required, thus enabling the grass to make considerable headway. We have heard several say that the tobacco crop was not looking so well, being sucked to a considerable extent by the bugs. XuawiiFartr.

There will thc a lawn party given by the ladies in the grove near Mr. Hugh Burnett's tonight (Thursday) for the benefit of both churches, ol tlii'prace. There will be cake, ice cream and other rare deliccies for publie- cordially invited. Go boys, you can enjoy yourselves by taking beautiful moonlight lovers' stroll, besides having the pleasure of seeing how much; ice cream your girl can eab i 1 CnintentionaL Last week in" our, report of Prof-Tillett closing exercises we' ri nin tentionally emitted two pieces that wefe well arid5 gracefully delivered. 7 he pieces omitted were Boy and his by W.

Win-. ieadV aiid Belter mUhe by Miss Lillian J. I Fletcher's piece was well delivered and he will yet-'niidoubteulymako. an able and fluent ppoker.i liMiss Lillian actc hers remarkably well and graacful, besides she was leader in "Calesthenics" whchjo graceful and admirably, perforwed. i .1: 's How inany women are thtre of whom these words are 'true'-They, feel languid and tired, hardly able to: bear their weight on their the bloom Al gooa from tbeir vcheeks, irratahk- and ross without meaning hw nerves ail Worried the cbiUlren' fretted orir: little thingsTa burden to thcmfelyea.acd yOiiiih no acute Wiat a.

pity it 3ut rt'tew bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive "all this tihe trublia peculiar '(theif ieil a of of P. ror to her. Just before she breathed her last: she aid- "Lord, niy faith looks to "lieaven, will seem dearer and brighter to husband, father and mother.eince'tbe loved one is numbered with the saints in? heaven May God spare' the; little bahe to be aveomforfc to them, and to fill the vacant place- in the bruised hearts. A good woman is gone. i brightest still the i All that is.

'sweet is made to be lost yihtn A. H. I died i r-Mamie Graham Barmttt, daughter Samuel C. and -Maty A. Bamett, was born uly 22 ad 1 885, 1 an died May 3Ut 1887.

jVIt is well with the child." She wa9 buried at Oak Grove church, June 1st 1887, by Revs; II, HoyJe and J. A. Beam, Thus this beaut ifal, rhecrFal and bright tyed cfiitd has been taken from this wicked world where trials and troubTes-. pre vail to tho happy land where peace arid bliss and joy, and the face: our Redeemer ae At Chublake, en May Maxey, infatit daughtec ot Mr. and Mrs James D.

Hamlin aged. 3 months and 19 -Jays. Mnxey was siok only a week and died of brain affection. Grieve not, dear parent0, sisters "and for she has gone to Him whi said, "Suffer little children income un to' me, and forbid them not, fof of such 13 the kingdom of The little babe is gone to rest, 1 To reign with Gcd forever blest," Its little tongue will always aise A Saviour's love, ledeemmg grace. BUSINESS LOCALS.

W. L. Moon proprietor of the Eagle the lead among the North CaroHn fanners. He gives every pile bis attention and secures the highest averages. 5 5 it.

prohibition does not prohibit-no matter what interested parties may sty. You can buy the best and the cheapest of J. L. Stone, dealer ioSew" ing Machines, Furniture and Musical Insruments. Canvass and 1 California "ham? at Pass City ton's.

New Goods cislk and lo prices ast arrived at A. Bsirch'is AUensvihe, N. C. Fr Hie be3t groceries call on Pas Clayton. Mr.

GvO- Woody, of Person jsounty, is with the Eagle Warehouse S-utb Boston where he is enabled to guaron tee his oil friends the highest prices for tobacco. Try the Eagle with a oad. 5 5 It Your Tobacco Wanted. Tlie Pu'-'he Warehouse of Danville Virginia of which Messrs. Thomas Poindxtvr Sou are proprietors made 8me fine sales of tobacco in Danville a tew ays ago.

Wrappers sold all the way from $40. to per hundred. Try them with a load. apl28 8.v.' When yoa go to South Boston don't tail to 8 Lop at the Eagle, where Mr. Moon will spread himself for you and after sale you will go home happy: Mr Wiley ot Tj-xington, has bought out Blount the photographer ot Danville aod is prepared to giye the public the' finest work for "reasonable pricps." Ve have aeen bis work -and it is fine a 5 5 Has Stood the Test.

Bck in they Uys when South Bos toi has j'ist commenced, her. career as a tobscco market the Engle wak founded toundedand ever -since, whether in dull or scood ye-vrs her own always paying that were second to -none-" 5 5 4t Battle AXD CAaPAIOXS OF tee civ il wk. The Ouarter-Centenlal of afl ih Engaare- rfients and Campaigns of the battle year 18K2. will occur aurme auis year. commencing jriarcn iv-ttie Greensboro North State; QREESsSBORO, N.

7" 1 Will publish a sketch of each -important battle and-carnpaign of ihe civil war durijjg 1862. bearhinuiff with the be- HPSDril At tiTlrTTf Tt iween tne jyiixixi- fought Mareh 918G2. and the battle ofPEA KT March 7th and 1862. Thiw will be followed at prorKsr dates wit Shiloh. the Peninsular campaign including cold Harbor, June 27, 180 STONEWALL rov and ftBVfiJf jjays vb fob Rich 1'oPE'e ca faiox 1n plndio? Cedar Mountain, Gainesville and chantilly.

SOUTH MOUNTAIN and 1N-TIKTAM: the invasion of by Braeg and Khby Smith; xorinth and Stone num. "i sketches win ne loiiowen next year hv the orifs of the 1863, ion each year, until the close at Apuomattox. I his series vi bwb, and wid'give. an -aeeurate: historical and suiubacal xecpra oi me great cjvu war, Thfr sketches will be handsoin ly 11 combined, make and impartial -bistt ry of the- great strnsglo. 'Gbkensbobo State $10 a year in advance.

Jy KEOCJH BOYD, w' t. Ureensboxo. -i v. Report of Grand Jury North Carolina, Superior Court, Person County, May Terra 1887. The grand jury for the State would present that the jail is a-deplorable condition.

Unsafe, unhealthy and a disgrace tothe county Jiaa tft peat'dly been presented by former grand juries. We present the board of county commissioners for not bnilding new one. W. E. Webb, Bedford Alum and Iron Springs, vt, Open Juu15, 1887.

These waters are tonic, alterative, diuretic and anti periodic; have an es- Ublished reputation, of thirty: years- are endorsed by, the medical prof ession and attefted by nsulis in thousands csep as efficient ia, dyp'psia, de- tnlity, nervous headaches, bronchial. and cutaneous affections, scrofula, diseases peculiar to Pinnies, chronic diarrhoea, thillrt and mtitaria; disorder the liver. Uidnevs. stomach and bladder. Address; Bedford Springs' O.

Va. 694 1 J. TP. Younger, Iessee. The Winston State Normal School Will haye a patriotic opening on the Fourth of July.

The session will eon tinoe three weeks. 1 Vi The exercises of the first day will be especiaily interesting, as several brief addresses by prominent speakets, m. tersptrged with appropriate music, will be special features of the occasion. Prof. J.

L. Tomlinson, Supt Slvools, Winston, has been elected Superin-i teudeut, and amoig the additional In- strnctors we note Prof. W. A. Blair, of the Winston Gradt Schools Johxisop, fiupt.

Schools, Columbia, S. C. Prof. Coliier Cobb, S. Geo Survey; Prof.

Geo, E. Little, TTashingtr.n, Ei. Boa- ham, Columbia, S. C. Meeting of the Town Commlasioners.

The board met in the office of J. S. Merritt last Monday night. The Mayor, Capt. J.

T. Sergeant, called the meeting to order. Mr. J. Merritt was elected attor ney and secretary Mr.

jv A. Long was elected reet commissioner and treasurer. Mr. 6'bas. E.

Pugh, town eonsta ble, was alio wed'a salary instead of fees. After thediscussion of improre raents to streets and of the town-it was decided to levy a tax of 25 per cent on all real and personal proper ty, and 75 cents on eacj poll, and that each licensed liquor dealer pay a tax of $25, annually. lifter some discussion it was de cided that the cbsozious copell tree be cut down or destroyed, and any person allowing the same to stand on their premises that said tree or trees shall be cut down at his expense after 3 days notice by the town constable. i Next meeting the first Tuesday night in July. A.

Burch, Alleonvtlle, N. sella soap at 4 cents a cake or 3 cakes lor 10 cents, and 6oda at 6 cents per pound, snuff at 4 cents a box or 3 for 10 cents. Prooeedings of the Board of Mac tat rates. The board met to adjourn meat Piesent A. J.r Hester, chair man, J.

J. Brooks, Win. Jones, S. Barnttt J.O. Wm.

IV Williams L. B. Scott, G. A. Rogers, T.

Carver, C. M. G. Warstaff, J. S.

Coleman'; L. Brooks W. T. Noeli, G. G.

J. L. Clayton, A BUlock, H. Nichols, W. F.

Timbrlake, G. H. Jones, N.T. Johu; A. Baird, Harris; Green Daniel, L.

II. Daniel and C. B. Brooks There being a present the chairman called the meeting to order The ol.jfct 'of the metting was Tcx plained by W. Noelf, Esq.

after which the proceeded to business The following tax wasjlevied fo? general county I8S7r 34 ceats on the one hundred dllars worth of real and personal property: 25 per cent of the to be applied to th support of the poor of tbe county un der schedule as muchas the law, acts of the Gencrnl Assembljv lows (to which reference is here had The board resihded the oi dermade at 'the 1-st instructing buildiog committee to erect immediately ia rear of the house and carried a motion allowing sard comniittte to build said jaiPoti or near the present sight. Tne said conirmttee to meet on 20th day. of June and complete a contract, with some builder for saidgail not to exceed a cost of seyen thousand dollars. Tne board elected tlw old Board of Education by acc'amation. There be ing no further business the board ad- hotrned tinie die." A.

Bjestkb, Caaifaian, i. 8. P-axxektieiJ, Clerk ex ciScio. Burch'si AUensTille is the place to get a bg quantity of good goodalwith money. Ordered "that, the county treasurer! pay Dr.

C. Brsdfher $37 for hie medical services to paupers. Ordered, that the county treasurer 3 pay S. Rolterteon $2 for provisions furnished Ordered that the county treasurer pay James Saunders $6 17 for his services at poor Jiouse. Ordered that the county treasurer pay L.

L. Moore $3 for coffin foi pu- per. yi Ordered- lb at the county treasurer pav John A Baird $7.50 lor proviei ins furnished pauper. Ordered that, that cunnty treasurer pi Geo. Barnett $4- for for poor house for medical O.

dered tha.t the county treasurer pay T. H. Strett giiano and corn furnished county, i Ordered that coonty treasurer pay Si TP. GUnn $8 for his services in waiting o'n'fcrand jury7 at ppring- term 887.:.,, Ordered that the treasurer sheriffs mon hi feport be approved and put 0u file. Ordered that Lizzie Terry be allow.

ed to go to poor house' for snstainanc. Ordered that John A. urd furjiish Martha Thaxton, 5lsal ella Baird and atsie Jones seventy cents each per month for 3 months. Ordered that Pass Clayton oruiah Lucinds Brown ore dollar and 5(? cents worth of Ordered that J. Lons furnish Miss Peggie Evans one dollar per month fdr three months.

-Ordered that Wirstead and Long 'urmsh Sidney Cunninghnm one dol-ar per month for three months. Ordered that W. 'A. Warren furnish Williamson IFaods two dollars per month for threamonths. Ordered that W.

K. Itichmond furnish 31.68 Jecuie Hicks and sisters ne dollar and 50 cents per month for three mouths. Ordered that J. A. Long furnish Blind Bill 50 cents per month for 3 months.

Oiderid that the road leading from the ford at J. A. Panter's to cross "tne road at Ceffo be and declared a public rod in accordance with petitions aad pnpftrs on file. Ordered that L-e Rtigers'of Olive fJilllowaehip be allowed to list his taxes for 1886. Ordered that this board adjourn to meet wiib the bocd of mHgistrutes to levy the county taxes tor 1887, to elect a board education and for other important business.

Ordered that the boaard of dm-rnissiocers meet at their ffle on Mon day the SOth of June to settle the State taxes of 1886. heing no further business the board adjonroed to meet 1st Monday in July, 1887, W. T. NoEi.T., Chairman S. P.

Satteiutoeij. Bd. Cl'ic, C. C. R.

A. Burch received last week a beautiful ime of standard prints and lawns, which he offers low for cash. A fresh lot of groceries arrived at Pass Clayton's. Resolutions of Respect. Wherkas, It ha pleased onr HeaT-enty Father to remove from oar middt our beloved and pastor brother E.

Montague who departed this life May 7th 1886 in the 69th year of his age. Resolted lat, That we deeply mourn bis lu8 br.t at the same time we meek bow to the rod that has smitten as and recognized in tins dispensation tha hand of our Heavenly Father who etb all things well. 2nd; that in the death of onr be-. loved pastor the of Christ has lost a moat faithful worker, and socio ty a valuable citizen" and a "good neighbor. 3rd, That we tender our txpresstons of heartfelt sympathy to his beloved relations and especially to hia surviv ing widow aud children.

-1 4t'h. Thato copy of these resoln tions be sen to the- Biblical Recorder and Person Coukts Coxjkikr fur pubr. lictlon. Done by" order; of Bethel Church in conference this 14th dayof May 1887--x -JoHS'Fr Woody, D. i i C.

HUMPUHIES, Commicte OBITIAIIV. On Kay'jl7tb, 1 S8T the spirit of Mrs. Josie the beloved companion of Mr. Richard Jetersvilie .7 was borne, Jby fthe angels, to that beautiful and happy homeprej pared for all vhodie in the Lord; at the; early age jof thirteen, under the ministry of Rev. John JSMon- tflffue.

She united herself with Beth el Baptist tchucc N. C. was a faithful mem Der to the time of her dare not at tempt -to" describe "the" hook; grief her death spread over- the entire -1 community, tor she always won tne affections of those with whom she as ociated. he was truly the tnnshine of her Lojne. lilting In the light i bj of slKOTHEfi CHANGE FOlt PUZZLE W0ROR8.

1 pi j- i Judged Secdnd -Prize Offering 1-rf ''r- Tll.alf mf the II01IUIIEIIT F.UUD. In spite 61 its lees eontnicated ebaiv acter. the-J n.lge a Grand World eadelhas proven treat success. By JpIsv has eBlisteiVover 3-3 ewergetic spirited anj intelligent workers for the Grant t'nnd, basmaie-rially swelled tint total prevuMiftly ttuwh the Grant Mbaament Committee ly t4i eontribuUon of a pkkI check, and has i addition divitled awona- eight and happy powle workers as a reward for their labor-wid inpennlty. J-ndge now inaugurates secondeeuteet of an even more Popular teV ftuaa JLke firsts eontest in which eves school child.

eun engage and stand an equiU chance wlth-oHerieoinpetltors. JSvery person who. eonforimrnce a oy-ernin riiks, semis to the Judge Grant I uud.on or before nn 15ih. 1887 (12 o'clock cents ami the names at. most popular living men itt America will be entitle! to par ticiputein the coMtest, TUe asoney thna will be appropnatedasfollws: Twenty Jltecenxs will be at once credited Grant ttlm Th.

n.ininp itwanbv Slve cents, after de ducting the legitimate expenses of dverti8i will be pUeed in a common 'fwnd to be dlvi n.ii.Mnrth nix oBMeUtors bavuijr fulLestlist of tae most po'mUr peopl a i j-1-cated by a majertly ef alrthelists sent in, 1 nv i. in fact. based utwn the rnncirl- of an election, cnebeompeot we paper virtm artinrm theaatoreof a ballot, and t) six eontaiDing -the eattr number of I jo elven shown tn t.p the mint nonniar uv a ma jority of aU the lists will be the nceesbfnJ prue heAflBiitudesef the' wih depend on theamonrttl mwie in other words on theonmber of The aames ana con tribKtort of competitors will be acknowlert (aBd the erogres of tLe fund shown I from wet Aeveek ia Judjre. Governing mlea- in tui week's ad ire; or eirrnlars mail on rwipt of pwstaire. lweo newts for copies of paper neeompanlee by en cents.

rant Fund, -TIIEJUDGB PUBL1SHIKG CO, 1 3f FArkUoWri Stw Tork Uty- 5.

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