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Decatur Weekly Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 6

Decatur, Illinois
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ww? 5 DECATCJR WEEKLY BEFUBUCAJI TnPrentdwt yesterday approved the bill tot public traildinjt Danville, numb. JOBTIOB LAUAM baa grown so feeble that bk retirement it no distant dav ie anticipated, Hto retirement it at bis own option. Tax end of the Indian war ban prooti- ctlljr twen ronobed. Mwt at law sarrondftnd and are at Pine Bidge agtnoy draw in? rations, have finally agreed to support Btreeter for United Stutee Senator. Tl oy five out that thfty propoaa to stand l)y Btrevter TMB Nebraska railittu h-ivs Indians in (root of them nnd two iirtjutant generals nnd three governore behind them.

Undtr the ctrnuraHtanccB tlmy couldn't be blamed Jt they took to the woods nncl 1'jWMlthe Hupprilncma ortlyitila to it ont with tbo Indiana. WAOOOTT diepuaed to oppose tbecoi.Hnjiationofex-boiialoi; N.P. Hill, of Colorado, (IB ft member of tie Monetary Commission, first, bconnao be Is frnfricndly to Hill, tin a second, LD tbjnke the 1' resident alighted him in not consulting him in regard to Ibe up point- meat. alate of the Union ruleTM tbe most potatoes to the acre of nay spot on the World? You will never gnesa, eo we ttny well yoa it ie Wyoming, A fanner 10 Johnson county, Wyo, dug thtt bnebela ot the tubers ffooi one no re ot ground, Wyoming in no small pvtato vta state, Eviiw tnir-minded men wi 1 pleased to learn that Colonel Foraytli, who was urMtttd and investigated ne to hie con- daot at the battle ot 'Wounded Knee creek, wae In) If exonerated nnd hie conduct found to have been ever? thing in line ot wisdom, efficiency and good augment that woa possible under the ofroaatst anoee. IT appears that poor person bitten by a rabid dog can not get the Pnsteur treatment in Ohtcitgo.

There are 350 (or the treatment rind 8 TO fur oxutnininij the brain of the tlojj. Tho of remedy for ilia-jtise-- itud tlia ntury of KooL's iacnufiriDiitton in uvi-lsnt- ly Ij'it j'lftt clpp luiKtrd lijculit to tbe hunmn MK, BOLIJS i i Unit If It were tot to i 1 the (urmt'ra every epindleund. ivhool used in niiinu Let lire would stop, nnd every strewn ot com- merw wotikt be ptint ilown, The sumo (not in ten toil in every family. If it were not tor the mothers thuro oonld be no (u'l'iltts und tbo world would BOOD becoote dt pop luted. These propositions nre not only tmt me solf- evident oonolusiotie in logic, QKN, PA ul Bit in an inter if lew Huye llittt "no Republican in the Uousc will be dieted, with the exception ot Hiimiltoo, of Iroijiioic." In Hit mi I ton's t'tiae there bad been some etinogee miule in Hie bonndary lioes before election nnd at the acme men voted ill tbe wrong prooinct.

The of the cnae with fiimiltorj. He win entitled to tbe votee ODBt which wore legal had they been cut the proper polls. The district is republican and return ti republican to Hamilton in case he is Ho News Tfot. Did you nek: "Who'a poetin-aler today?" Yoti did? we don't know, Tbote ti no nowa tront Wiialiiogtoo. Mr.

Jnvk Is etill on duty, That banco la tbe Mr. It'iiux hnit thut the Democratic (ttriucrd brkve nioOe a greut mistflke iu nmontlioa; the rules FOHS to Speaker Cratta unntrol of the dee- tiny ot nit bills. Uo tins ted that tbua fur Oritfts hnaeetttnll etouk yntde billatotbe CommitU'e on Corporation, wbicli is tiruvo vnrtt foretioL bilin. Mr. ilnrnwty and tho other Deinoorotio prs will put In tor ou thtit back to tbe loot ion of Gratte, Is It an It-rep roBBibla Oonfliot? Theoondnet of tbe Hcnly oontlngeut in Ueailntr with O'Brien's propositions for ft truce with Parneil is not reassuring to the friends ot Iriah home rule here, O'Brien tried bin brat to reach a OonpromiM with Poraell tor Irelnnd'g aika, he vt deooonwd na deeerler and witU Iwring gone over to Fu- Ai it looks from tbia eide ot the iMtwr, O'Brien had aliuoet peranaded Stone!) to retire, with tbe understanding be, ebould re tarn to the when the peop'e wanted bint, Mem that any man who flnaelf condition sets Miftbove tbe and it it is true th4t (KinMnted to it and tbatnU- objected, then the Wllty (or the state ot ofMn nvct hereafter from Parneil to Thittihe Ifti'lereliip might devolve on O'Brien bimwlf is no ftrgnment atfiint-l tbe arranRe- msiln by him It nuiMt devolve tipon itbo'b Pftrnell atld Mo- Curtby are lo retiw.

Thw iinli-Paroell- Its cannot iiffow to ptit themselves mto position of retuving to be satintiea with soy body who ftttwtUe Parnell, jual MUW he tatiaflos Foraell TM SIOMIT of BKADTV liea not ID but is only in pare blood. and haalDir Tforwitnce ot the vital to be obtained by twiag Bar- to do-if From tbto on will to now foqnent fa tht trade than oy- are in Chicago Tribune bu great pains, to assault, from time to time, every element of protection embodied In the new tariff law; and like all tariff tot revenue, or free taiiff journals, baa' not hesitated to misrepresent foots in order to carry its point, which is to create in the public mind a prejudice against tbe system ot American protection, These journals, as a nUe, deal in general and broad objections and very sal- (tom attempt to be speoifio. Where they have attempted to be upeoiflo, in almost every aase they have suffered inglorious defeat. A clear illnstration ot this fact hna recently be so demonstrated in the Tribune. Thnt j'inrQiil some tiioa interviews Norton Jlrothera, ot Ohiodgo, iu raltitiou to the replication thtit ooncera ia making to mnnufaoture tin It evidently roported them fairly the in- tervieirahowed thut Norton Bros, were preparing, under the protection ot Lhfl new tnr)ft law, to nmnnfaeturu tin plate, Thn fnuta evideatly did not suit the 1 ri- Imnt.

Tli-iy grated harshly upon its BB- coQceruing the new law. It tiolicvoil itaolt to the emergency, acd oue week Inter thd free trade editor jumped upon Norton roe, mercilessly in an editorial bended, "The Chicago Tin Plate Humbag." The concern wne held up in well rounded periods us bnmSag, and the idea that under any conditions tin plate could be mnna- fantared in this country without taxing the people above the benefits which might be derived ww aneered at until you oonld almost hear the seponts hies. The poultry, however, Cfttne Lome to Trouble at once begnn and the Triuunf, moat humbly published a card from Norton Brothers which showed its editorial to be untrue and designing in every material part. In their card this firm declares that it is not in the business and doee not make its statements tor political purpofwe; that I ha statement that it bad imported Welsh laborers to manufacture tin plate ie untrue; that while it ia true that tbe block eteel sheets it oses to make experimental plate are importtd it is a'eo true that it has nearly Gniabcd inKimpteLHSiemitcesteel furnace and roHios mil), IOCK tbo duty on tin becomes operative, will ont, nil tun black ut(ol ebtcty tbo tt'in CUD tutiruly ftotii Ami-riijHn tlliiti-riulH. Tin nlso Buy tli it witliiu tbros or five nt matt, in 'heir opinion, Amorionn tattdo tin p'lite ivill bo Eollittg here for lees tliim nlnto of the flume quality has ever beon sold In answer to tlis Tribune's thil they had advanced the puce of tin cans on account of the MsKioloy bill, they any thut since July that grndeof tin plate line advanced in England one do'lur a box, without reference to the tariff, and the advance is the aame and that on account ot a similar advance in the full of 1897, in 1838 they aold onns at 92 30 per dozen and that now the; wonkl like to sell the Tribune, or any ct its readers, the aame cane for 82 per hand red, They regret that the Tribune should thiak it nccpBiory to stigmatize their bawoeee ae a humbug and say that they have not built up their business on that basis nnd have made no misrepresentations to the public in regard to the manufacture of tin plate.

Tbe unwarranted statements of tbe Trilnnve regarding the business of this firm is another evidence of tbe tact, which the people nre fast discovering, namely, tbiit theory, like that o( free trade, which moat be supported by lying, is worthy ot no man's favor. Tariff Pictures, New Yow Press. Number of meat monls which the English wortmun has in one week: 7, amber ot meat meals which the American workman had in one week: 21 JIUliWIiEI PRIDES. On Doe, 10,1889, ths Commerant Bui- tctiti reported print cloth priuea as follows: CixlSI'e, cents; GGiGO's, 3if wnte, On Deo. 10,1890, tle mine journnl re ported CiiC-1'9 at 3 1-16 at 56x(iO'B tit 2'if cents, Tariff Pioturee, New York Press: Neither tin plate nor tin ore duty in the MoKinley bill has none into effect yet, bit tbe provision for the development o( the tin industry has brought the price of spot tin down t(om 33.35 cauto in September, 1380, to 20.15 in January, 1891.

Tariff Pictures. The average daily wages ot railroad engineers in Great Britain are 81.46. Do you know what they ia this country? Well, they ore 8a23. If )ton want to tee hypocrisy personified, look it tbe fellows, who daring tbe campaign, propogited tbe falmhood that tbe Bon. P.

Keller bad not done bis duty to tbe fa-mere while in tbe Tbirty- sisib General Assembly on the Stock Yarda bill, and after tbe eWtion went to Springfield and voted tor Clayton E. Oratte for Speaker, a man who is a corporation lawyer and in every previous legislature, of which be was member, did what he could to defeat all Stock Ynrdft bills. The tinmen of Macon county should spot thise bypooriUs. Erysipelrs and Salt Rhenm was driven enliroly nwny from Mrs. J.

Anderson, Peeblitro, by Burdock Blood Bitters. Ntj tqufti a Blood purifier. Bmewon and ttw "Review." Tbo Rtview tanntinaty waives in or. su i turn from tbe pen at Ralph Wu do Bin reoTi, which it says has been ing theruQodeot tbepreea. It has dcnbt been going on schedule time i the Democratic press and when we coi aider tbe awkwardness ot the item an the use which has been mode of it cannot help believing that its pnbHoetio is a slander npon Emerson.

FoUowin ie tbe meat ot tbe item: It the Creator bw made oranges, and pineapple in Oaoa and refuses thei in Uassaobueetts, cannot see why should put a fine on tbe Cubans for brin( ing tliem to as--a Sae so Heavy to er able htaeaachuaette men to bniid costl pulm honaes and glass conservatories nt der which to coax tbees poor plants ripen noder our hard skies and thus die courage the poor planter from sendin, them to gladden the very cottage teH We punish the planter there and we pnr ish the coneiimor here tor adding thea benenta to life, If Mr. Emorson wrote tbe above itet for nn argument nsaiast a protective tai iff he mtgbt biva better dt-vote his days to the clogaics and let th qneetion of poliiicnl economy alone, I reply to the Review's injury, which to lowed the quotation, whether tbe REPOT LIOAH beliuves that Mr. Emerson wa bought up by Britieb gold, we onswe thut the dosciples of Oobden would spur such nn nrgnment with contempt an oven tha Review, hud it given the iter uny consideration, would not have give it room in its columns, berauEe fits an at gumentiu favor ot the Review's fre trade theotiee, it 19 a boomerang of tb mast accurate kind. Mr. Emerson's argument plain air simple is this: Products which God ho not mode indigenotte to this climate an which are indigenous to another countr) should not be taxed when our people eire to avail themselves ot the useot sue prod note.

Tbe re is no cities ot people i England or the (Jailed States which be lievethat such products should be mad dutiable, but tbe tariff-tor-revenue onl class, to which the Review belong! That class at political economists sa they favor a duty on imports in enah way as to yield only enough revenue defray the eipensesot Government ecc nomicolly administered. This leads ically to the oonolasion accepted by Itf tradd tariff leailera, that duties shoali Inrgely be laid upon each articles us ar not prodoo.d in this country ia oorapet iuTM quantities, because that will prodac most rev, aue tt to thut eysteu vbi'ih if bo wrote the in ut liibntc.d t'j Lien, ajsteu cs protaotion, because protection 1 ocoaeieteDt with boor its btsloogini to it. The jirotectionist, except ul wn or where txtrnordjLiiry espeoilituwe raonpy is necessury, laya adnly only 01 such imports tbe like of which ou people can prodoce ID such quantities a wilt Cully or largely supply the ctemond ot the country for such articles. Tb protectionist levies no duty on pineapple coffee, tea and such pro acts its Ememoi SEIJS God lias discriminated agninstnaon England's economic system ia a tariff-tot revenue-only theory. It taies coffee, ten angnr and snob products which are large ly consumed and not produced by he people.

Such a duty is a tux. Th amount of the duty is added lo tbe coe of the article, The economic (jetem ot the Ssates is protection--the levying duties on foreign imports to protect ou own industries, Tbe competition begol ten at home by building up diversifie industries and also the competition our own manufactures with those other conn tries tendsto thereduotion prices bnd by such reduction, the tari) censes to operate as a tax. In view of (hese facts, we repeat if En- ergon wrote wtint tbe Beview attribute to uim, as an argument sgaioet proteclio he wag "off'' OQ the subject ot polit cal economy and the Btiiiie-tv had bette be more careful in its selection ot argr ments.) No, we don't think tile Cobde people hired Emerson with BritUh gol to make nn orgumeet against tlaeir ow system of economics. SENATOR QUAY, who defeated tbe ele lion bill last summer, bus now comet the front with Federal Election which in many respcte ia stronger tha the original bill. It provides for the BUI pension of the writ habeas corpus an to employ the armed force of the natioi when the law cannot be otherwise et forced, This looks well on paper an has a good ring to it, but its introductio at this time by Senator Quay reminds i ot the fellow who wanted to put up money in winter on his ability as a ha vest Ennd.

We next expect Wolcoi to introduce a bill to hang Jeff Davis. Bab? wu sick. lwr Caitorb. When was Child, she cried For TVnso site Iwoanw Kin, she cltmc to When CWWrTM. she gvn them Cattorte Chicago Gram MarKet.

toOowiey lions in OtdMwo 1:16 ti atiwd by Z. Taylor, Secretary DM tnrQninOo, Stock-- Bstimstod reoeipU-- 40,000, market steady. Cattle, market alow. Gar Lots-- Wheat, 81; Oore, 97; Oat 118. WDXAT-- Jan May $96K; Jn.1 Jnn May 52 y.

Jun 12M; May 45 ff. Jan May Sll 00, Jan May Bine -Jan 90.02; bav 85.52. NEWSPAPER!.

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