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Keowee Courier from Pickens, South Carolina • Page 3

Keowee Courieri
Pickens, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-A. nnouiio emente. The AK a MO DUN KIN respect fully announce him candidate for County Commissioner of Oconcc Oouiv Tlw. RB a Friends RILEY. WK AV Ell, respectfully aunounoo him a Candidato to represent tho pooplo of Coonee Coutity in the next Legi ii 2 Friends Robert POWF.LL, respect tu Hy unnouneohiin a Candidate for County Commissioner, for Oeonoo Oouuty, at tho ensuing election.

'B'hc Prienda oft' j.i?kw>n IIFNDKRSON respectfully num.unco him as an free Republican Candidate to represent tho people of Oeonee County, in the noxt Legislature Ho belongs to no party, hut will discharge his duty for tho good of his country. Mk', KdHor has como when wo must ho Iii coin pol Oht men in our Glenorn!, tho friends of Ll. PIFPF.R.'rospoctfully announce Jilin Candidato to ropro pent Oconec County in thc ensuing election for the Kir The Frieeid? feolicrjl OOBB respect fully announce him a candidate for County Commissioner; of Oeonee County at tho tho next election. The Friends HUNT respectfully announce lum ii candidato for County Commissioner pf Oooncc County. The Friends ol" J.

Kile OlSi' 15NOOK PF rospecifully nomiuato him ns a candidate for thc LogisliiUirg at thc ensuing election, Tlie Friends AlexunUi'ilt miYCl'J, respectfully announce him a Candidate to the people ol Oeonee County, in thc uOit Legislature, at thc ensuing election. Ai any Friends ol' jil? F. An rospooiuiiiy announce him us ii Caiididatu tor County Commissioner, for Uooiioe County, at ibo hext election. The Friends respuoliuuy announce linn a OuudldUle for mu oUicc oi I'ronato Judge ol Ooo nco Couuty, tit lie next elect iou. ixti'- Tiie OM" li.

ivHJiii. rospecifully announce lum a Cundidme tor School Ciiniuiiftiionor ul Oe. nee ut tho next elect lulu FrU'IlOS iP. HULL respectfullj announce bini Cundidme lui- County Coin missioner ot OCOife? Cuutuj, tu thc election in october next. vor LILS.

iilr. FdiJoi-: UIAn ou nco T. l.t. liUACKKNltl as Cattai' dote fur Cum ililli ut the approach tug otcctiuti, for Oooueo uiv, and oblige MAA'Y The ri end SJ on Hvdsnnntl HKuNDON announce him a Can oUdtiio fdr Oouniy tVi Uto cleon on. jew TIM? Friend? ol' kB.

llAURLS. i Ci peel fu aououovo bim Cantil for tho ollicc of County OouiinisiioiieV. jew Ho announce LL vt AK Li F. oi (jreen ville, a oUiivlidato, io represent the pooplo ol tin I'oatth Congressional Didi rici of Sottin Carolin, in Coim'OSS ol' thc I niiuJ diales, ai thu cu suing oleolioii in Oct abet. ATIC jew 'Vii? Friends ol' pnpi T.

Ki.ll?, rospecifully announce hin i a for County Commissioner, noe County, tho electidui jew The Many wi J.Ui?llAKi) respellfully uuhoiine him a Hititrtlat? for rc chele.n to the ellice Judge, ol i'n bato for Oct nee Cornily. jew The F.B'?viidw rc Utily hun a Candi diiic for re-ftleciion the ollicc ol' Schwei 1 tor Oeonee Cotiniy, at Ibo ensuhi ion. jew Thc Friend? SMi'ril. minidiiiee ii i te SCIMI.II -i iner, jew THu' S1' rcspct iloliy announce bini a cai larc for County Coiumissioner ut the comln; election. III ii III i i TJl? 4i? in.

SVM.MIOS. most respectfully iiotiiinnte him hue to reprosetit th? pooplo of Picken County in thc House ol ItQpioaotitutivet, itUlh eu'' oing cieciion. Of 4L ill OTT, respeeiifollv ld id (i for County fur l'ioliens Count; the ensuing edeetnm. TlVe FriotsdH of A. ill FOI Al $11) respect loll fibnouriCC Idhi a UtlUd dale for llio State Semite, top l'ickons jnnt ni tho'noxt election: fl'lne Friends li.oner ALRX.WOKIt AL Lil 00 I) IIKIOSK respectfully aiiilounco (hoi ns candidatos for County Commissioners, fi Picketts County, ut the ensuing bloCtion.

jew Tile Friend? I- 'WAUKKN BOYD rospecifully announce hi candidato tor County Gonnuissioncr of l'icl 'uns County, at next "THE PEOPLES' TICKET." S'or .1011 Nr T. W. ii WIOLIlOriNfl. OAI'T. STKPIIILV I).

KKITI1. Ma. F.piroR Please nnnouncc tim names in your paper, us Cnndiilntes fur Count Comiuissioneis of Pickens OourtW. and (dilijj MANY OT KI IS. kV.oi~ iva 3 loi41 PI ta noonee W.

0. Fl I1! Ll) and H. di ANTHON ns Candidates for Onnnlv Commissioners Diekens County ul the election in Oei'-her nos VOTERS. Th? ma SB Fl FRANK BRADLFY, most respocffnl nnnnnnco him ns a candidate for rc election tho nflico of County Mellool Oomniissioner Pieken? Kw" Fd i tor le une RBI AV L. nnd I.KS 'VIIOMPSON.

ns Candidatos Qounty Commissioners for Pickens tho in Oetohor next. VOTFRS. ai'e PRfLPOT. dato for. ro eleotiori tb'tjio ofBoe of Prpliate County, at Im Wmm liol FJtT'CRAIfl, hlftf for the offloo of Count.r County, nt tho WALHALLA PRICE CURRENT.

OOKUEOTED WEEKLY HY B-flUPUK LOWUKY, AiMar.s-Oreen, per bushol, 1.25 -Dry; pound, 3u5 BAOOINU-Dundy, per yurd 80a33 -Bulo Roping, per pound, 15 25 -Mnnilla 44 35 -Cotton GO.itiO BUTTER, per pound 20n25 BEESWAX, por pound 25 BEB per pound BACON, per pound-Ung round 15a 18 BEANS-White, per bushel 2'00 OAMOO, per yard, 10ul8 COITKE- Kio. per pound 25a33 --Laguyru, per pound 35a40 per pound 40u50 CANDLES-Adainnutinc, por pound, 30 40 CHICKENS ANO FOWLS, per head 15a25 COTTON-per pound I8a20 -Yarn, per Hunch 2.00 C'oiM'KUAS, per pound Dycks, por head 25 por dofecn cu, per Sack, (08 pounds) 5.00aC,00 per puuud 00 Mixed, 35 GRAIN-Oom, per bushel 1.75u2.00 -Wheat, 2.00 ve. 1.75uL75 -Oats, 75al.OO per hoad, 50a75 Hi DEI -Pry, per pound 1XU15 -(j reen, 7a8 INDICO-Spanish Float, per pound 2.00a2.25 -Carolina, 1.25al.50 LION-English relined, por pound 7Jo8 -Swede, 10 -Hand, 12JI -Hoop. i2j Fol ware, 10 LARD, per pound 20 lo.MI:, per barrel 3.75al.OO LUMUKU, per thousand foot 12.50 bli per pound 15al8 MOLASSES, per gallon, 75aJ.20 MADDER, per p'ouftd' 30a IO NAII.S, per pound 7iaH N11 pe.l: .25 per 75aS0 2.00 1.50 -Taniier's, Straits 1.50 BORK, poi pound 10al2.J POTATOES-Irish, per bushel, lOOal.50 -Sweet, 75 LICE, per pound 1 On 12 per Sack, 2.90a3.00 Sn per pound I5al8 SIM it irs. Oom Whiskey 2.5fa>.00 do-French Brandy per gallen 5 (lOalO.tit) do -Bye Whiskey 8O0.nft.0O -Holland Oin 4.00n8.00 do-Ol'Turpentine por gallon 100 Sn A per pound 12a20 Sr MI, Crushed, per pound do -A White por pound 20 do -0 Yellow per pound I8n20 do --Brown per pound 15a IK STARCH, Whiteand Hine por pound 15n20 SODA, per pound tier pound ('hewing 70a 1.OH do-Ber pound smoking 00a1.00 per pound I0al2j TURKEYS, per head 75a TUA, (Lin Powder per pound 200u2 50 do Oreen per pound I.75n2.00 do Young Hyson.

Black per lb 1.50a2.00 Witched per pound 35a40 YAIINISIIBS. Coach Body. No- 1 pergal 5.Hf) do -Oopal, Furniture, per gallon 4.00 FAINTS, While Lead, Chionra, per lb 2a 13 LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN S. Corrected Weekly by A. 0.

KAUFMAN, Broker, No 25 Broad Street. AUGUST 5, 1870. STATS SEOUIUTIBS-South Carolina, old. do haw, 71 do, registered dook, ex int t'rry WKOUUITIKS-Augusta, Roads Su i'harleoton. Stork, ex qr int, do, fire boan Colutubht, S.

0., bonds, -(?) dil. Ilvu.unvn BONUS Kine I I o. morl page. Chnrloplonmid Savannah, Char Columbia and Vugustn, Chevuw and Darlington. 84; Greenville nod Colina IM mon, li do.

Slate guarantee, urlheasioru. Savannah und Charles. Isl morl. Slate punrnntoo. Souih 1 do, 73; Spnriuttburg uni Onion.

UAH.HOAD STOCKS-Charlotte, Columbia and iijsusla -Ci. lo Greenville lind Columbia, Northeastern, lift-? Savannah and Charleston, South Carolina, whole shares, do. hall'shares, York Sight, off par; Gold, 11(10122; Silver, SiltlTII eVKOl.l.SA DANU IJU.t.a. nf Charleston til'Newberry of Canidoti Hank of South Carolina ol'Chester ol'Jhimhurg of $tal? of S. prior lo 18U1 of Slate ol' S.

issue and 18C.I? Blamers' and Mechanics' Bank of Charleston People's bank of Charleston Union (Sank of Charleston Railroad bank of Charleston, old -(ft Sout western Hailrond Hunk of Charleston, new bank of Charleston and F.xchango Dank of Charleston bank of Columbia of Columbia bank of 6'horavv 4(a)IMantcra' of Fairfield Slate of S. (j. Hills Iteceivablo of Charl, atop Chango Bills Billa marked tluis aro being rcdocmod nt (he Bank of each. March 18, 22 ly ir hicmkvM Sf AND BET AIL GROOEKS, G59 King Cor. of Spring, Oharleston, S.

DEALERS IN COUNTRY PHODUCK OF ALL Orders from thc Country Promptly i Attended to. HF.M KEN. F. W. PIEPEU.

August 17, 1870 41 ly $iu REWARD! TWILL pnv Howard of Ton Bollar- for tho a OX KN. hM by mo this Kutrlmcr. Tho Oxon ard nbout 3 yours old, ono of them ls blnok and tho othor lod pitlod. 1 Any otto taking Up and dollying thO'samoVto nie, at nty bo paid tho above1 rewawL JAOKSON HENDERSON, 1 Aug 17, 1870 44 DISSOLUTION. HpiIK COPARTNERSHIP herotoforo existL ing between PIEPER A LOWERY, in tho Morcantilo is this day dissolved by mutual consent? All persona indebted to tho Firm, by note or account, will immediately make pay so that we can promptly mee? our indebtedness.

Wo need money and must have it. II. W. PIEPER, A. J.

LOW KUY. Walhalla, August ll, 1870. Aug ll, 1870 44 4 CHEAP-GOODS. np COPARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PIEPER A LOWERY haying been dix solved, tho business of tho old I'nm will bo closed up, anti thc Stock on hand bo disposed of by the labor of both parties at Private Salo at Cost Prices, FOR CASE AXE A A CC'I11 OX, Neither of the parties possessing any other power, than necessary to this end. 1'or thu purpose thc Storo will bo kept opun, end tho actually Sold out at Coil for AXD OX EVERY WE EXE SD Al AND FRIDAY AT Begining 2 lt Distant.

IN THIS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE mean business, mid ibo people will lind it profitable business to heed tho notice ned avail themselves of this opportunity to supply their wnntH. Persons desiring particular articles will be best supplied by culling timi buviug nt private sale, us wc will SELL AT COST to every ono. Oui Stock ou baud is worth I 3, OOO, AND COMPRISES A GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF DRY DOODS, HARD WARE, CROOK ERY WARB, PAINTS, OIL Ac, And every thing usually kept in an Upcountry Store. ll. PIEPER, A.

J. LOW KUY. Walhalla. August ll, 1870. Aug ll.

1870 41 tf ji ire TI JV. JX A DD TI OX TO SEL LING DA TL 1 AT OCR CO EXT FR, rr COST, AVE WILL AUCTION OK TO TUE IO ll EST ll I DDE ll AS 11 fri Wednesday Friday, Begining on Wednesday, the 2 Ith instant, OUR LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, AT OUR OLD STAND IN WALHALLA. This is no humbug. Our Partnership has boen Dissolved, nd we intend to sell, pty our debts and close up the business livery one eau see the Goods, und every, iy itt eau buy what he may need at Auction or ut Private Sale, for cash at cost. Every Wednesday and Friday morning, rome to ber i hel? is un Auction of Standard Gonds in Walhalla.


Thankful for past putronogc. I respectfully solicit a call from myoid friends and public generally; All work guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. SHOP Mit RIEM ANN'S Now Building on West side of Main-strcot. AV. August 1870 44 ly WANT To get the best and Cheapest Harness, Upper, Hole Leather and Calf Skins, for cash or produce, go to J.

OSTENDORFS NEXT DOOR ABOVE MEMA NX'S August 29,1 43 ti Sheriff's Sale: IVY virtuo of sundry Writs of Vlcr't Ftic'utn to me directed, I will sell, to tho highest bidder, willi? in the legal hours of salo, before tho House door, in Walhalla, 3. on salcday in Scptombci next tho following property Ono Tract of Land, situated inOcnnoc County, containing 300 Acres, moro or less adjoining lands of Spencer Chambers Ephraim Cobb, and othors.levied os the. property of Wm. II. Phillips, at tho snit of Robert Jarrcttand others.

Ooo Tract of Land, containing 85 acres, moro or loss, and adjoining Lands of M. S. Mespor, T. SlVolor and others, levied on os the property of O. W.

Martin, at tho suit of Janies A. McKee. TERMS CASH. Pttr'ohnsdrs to pay oUtrrt for titles and stamps. JAS.

H. ROBINS, s.oo. August 5, 1870 43 4 ami COMPLRTE STQ2K at. WALLER. WATSON Fickona AdvortiSonionts.

Final ON Monday, tho 12th dav of September, 1870, I will apply to I. ll. philpot. Judg? of at I'iukeuaO. to make a Final Settlcmont of Ibo Estate of William Hamilton, deceased, and bo discharged, therefiom as Administrator, according to mw.

lt. E. HOLCOMBE, Adm'r. August 0, 1870 43 4 Instate JXotice. ON Tuesday, tho 6th day of September, 1K70, I will apply to I.

H. Philpot, Judge of Probate, at Pieken? 0. IL. for leave to mako a final settlcmont of the E.state of K. IL La thom i deceased, nod bo discharged thorefrom as Administrator.

O. W. LATH EM, Adm'r. August 1, 1870 42 4 ri MIE Hoirsatlaw of HARRISON MANJL SELL, deceased, oro hereby notiticd to como torward and receive their distributivo shares in said Estate, as we will not bo liable for intorost' MATHEW MANSELL. 1 J.

G. FERGUSON, Adm August 5, 42 4 'A lie Clitic ol' Mouth Carolina, IN PROBATE COU UT-l'ICKEN? COUNTY. John L. Raekley Petition for Partition, Sale. Payment of Debts, Ac.

VK. Reddin Raekloy, et al. IT appearing lo the nalisfnction of this Court that the heir? of Warren Rack ley. dee'd, lo wit, W. Bongon Raeklcy.

Melissa Raokley, lt. T. Riohoyds nod wife-Elirai Richards, re side from and bevond the limits of this StateOn motton of Norton Hngood, Pro it is ordered, that tho Defendants do plead, or demur to the said Petition, within Three Months from this date, or an order, confen.v>, ill be taken ns to them. Given under my band and seal of said Court, at Probate this the lilli of July. IS70.

I. IL PHILPOT, July I 40 3m Tho State of South Carolina. IN l'ROUATE COURT-F1CKENS COUNTY. Williamann Prince "1 Petition vs. I fur Margy Prince, Sarah et al.

Sale, Ac. appearing to my satisfaction, that Margy Prince. Sarah Prince, Narcisse Prince, and Lena Prince, defendants in this case, reside from and beyond the limits of ibis Stato: on motion of Norton Hngood, pro. It is Ordered, That the absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or- demur to complainant's said Petition.within ninety days after hereof, or the same will bo taken pro Ooiifessn as lo them. LB.

PHILPOT, j.e. r.e. Probate Office. -June 10. 1X70 C.

G. SIMMONS, DENTIST AND ARTIST, tenders his services, in either capacity, to the citizens of (lourt House ar.d surrounding country. All persons needing work, in either line, will olease call and examine my specimens. BfA- Office and Gallery over the store of Messrs Mc Kal I Thornley. Iv 15, 1S70 Moth npilE m.dei-i-ned will apply to the Lewis':) turo of this State, nest session, or Clouter tn construct ii Turnpike Carriage lid in PiekOns county, loading from Pomp stintown to Toot of Stool Mountain, and a bridie way froni that place to the base of Table lb ck.

MARCUS KEITH. June 27, 1S70 'Vi Grr-onville and Columbia itailroati. OX and after Monday. August 1, tho following Schedule be run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Road, up and down, also with Trains South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Ur THAIN. Leave Columbia, 8 15 a Leave Alston.

0 IIS a Leave Newberry, ll 03 a rn Abbeville, 3 Ott Arrive at Anderson, -1 tn Arrive at roo vi He, 00 in DOWN TRAIN. Leave Greenville 7 00 Leave Anderson, 7 IV) a Leave Abbeville, 0 a Leave Newberry, 12 17 pm Leave Alston, 2 30 Arrive at Columbia, 3 -li) ul JOHN H. MORE. Gen'l Sup't. July 1870 -12 tf Change of Schedule on B.

R. R. Ii. ON and after Monday, August 1, Trains on this Road will run every day, Sundays copied, connecting with tho Greenville nod Columbia Railroad ut Anderson, viz: Ur TRAIN. Leave Anderson, 4.20 P.

M. Pendleton, 6.20 Perry ville, 0.00 ArriventWalhalla, 7.00 DOWN TRAIN. Leave Walhalla, A. M. Porryvillo, 6.45 Pendleton, 6.30 Arrive at Anderson, 7.20 Waiting ono hour after usual timo for arrival of the O.

and 0. train, except on Saturdays, when it will wait until tho other train arrives. W. H. 1).

GAILE A BD, Sup't, August 1, 1870 42 tf Honesty and liefbrm. A MEETING of the citizens of Oconoe County will bo held nt tho Court House on Saloday in September noxt, for purpose of organizing the Union Reform Puny, und to nominnto County Officers. Lot nil who favor a reduction of taxos, a judicious expenditure of tho same, ami a fair, impartial and honest administration of tho Gov ornmont, olect Fito Delegatos from each Township on the Saturday previous to Saloday. and pond thom to tho Court House to nominate County Officers. HON EST If AND REFORM.

August 1, 1870 42 tf FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, such as Mohissos, nt WALI? WATSON Blue liidge Twolvo Hundred Acres of Land! IJBRUYVILLli DEPOT is in tho cqnlro bf tl)o Tract of Land. Eleven Hundred Acres in forest, and as finely tim 1 us any land in (Iranien County, which is ibo best bored County of land in tho State, outside of tho long leaf pine. I will present some reliable facts, that I will vouch for, and others of my neighbors will do thc same. The 1st day of May, tho entire crop of wboat of this of country wus almost entirely killed with tho frost. My crop wa? ont injured in tho lnost.

Another proof that is known by my neighborhood-that there never has been an entire failure of thc peach crop or any other fruit, oven my chestnut orchard never tails. An old gentleman, spending a few days with mc. that bad travelled over the United States and Ku ropo, said ho hid never nf a chestnut orchard boforoi He be heard one gentleman in Washington City say he was going to Kentucky to plant a chestnut orchard, ami lie cadd cet a bushel for them in New York, 'lhere is an agricultural paper published in Baltimore, from lSlO to the present day; there is a Northern gentleman writing in that paper, -ays lie lins purchased land fifteen miles below Augusts, lund, at ten or fifteen an acre. His object is fruit, and be ce." pot from twenty to twentyfivo dollars a bushol fur them in New York.Mr. Poll's (of Now York) crop of apples brought him ten thousand dollars annually.

Col. Singleton's (nf South Carolina) crop of pi miers brought bim ten thousand dollars annunlly in Now York. A neighbor of minc, a Baptist Minister, says wheat weighs seventy pounds to the bushel. This grows out of tho fnet that the lion. Mr.

Mi, Tourney, State have informed you What thc fertilizers of the State eau and will accomplish if used. I got Mr. Clemson to test the rock off" of my farm. I will sell from Fifty to Ono Hundred Acres of Land, or more, in a linet, each ono commencing on tho Blue Ridge Ituilroud. 1 want purchasers to come to my to look at tho growth of cotton for themI selves.

I have between Six and Seven Thousand Dollars worth Monds, which were originally predicated on mortgage of twolvo thousand dollars worth of land. 1 want lu sell tho lund and bonds. H. is my nger.t and attorney. His residence ls Walhalla.

J. OY HUTON LEWIS. P. wnnt to draw the attention of thu public mind that we shall have to give up the cultivation of cotton. Julv 22, 1870 40 2 A.

A LL AW, WALHALLA, S. respectfully inform the citizens cf IT Oconee County, that he will attend promptly to all business in his line entrusted to his cure, on the most reasonable terms. All work warranted. OFFICE--On Main Street, above thc sloro of Messrs. Pieper June 37 tf MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Two Dollars per Annual, G4 PAGES 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS.


July 15 30 PAY UP! VUE, Urttievsignedi lake this mci hod of inM forming our creditors that the copartners lip existing between us will by on tho ll'h ol August nvxt. and thal wc aro obliged to have money by that time. Therefore, we call on nil indebted to us to come forward puy up OH or before thal day. PlEt-RR LOWERY. Walhalla, Inly 27, 187? 41-3 Final NOTIC ls hcf'cby Riven, li at I will apply to Riobard Lewis.

Esq of Probate, at Walhalla, on MONDAY, the day of SEPTEMOKlt next, tor filial discharge us Administrator of tho Kst.uo of Vi. REEDER, deccaecd. M. S. Adm'r.

July 20, 1870 41 4 Final Seulement. undersigned will apply to Richard JL Lewis, Esq, of to, nt Walhalla, on Monday, the 12th day of September. I.S70, for leave to make a Final Settlement of tho Estate of Wm. M. Haddon, deceased; and bo discharged therefrom as Administrator, according to low.

KORT A. THOMPSON, Adm'r. Aug 2870 43 4 i Final NOTICE is hereby (dvoir, Dint I will apply to Richard Lewis, Judge of Probate, at IV.dhalla, on MONDAY, tho fttli day of SEPTUMOKU next, for flnil distiliftrjro ns Administrator of the Kstato of A BIRI. FOSTKJVdoeoflsed. A.

A. FOSTER, Adm'r. July 29, 1870 41 4. Air-Line Coming EXCITEMENT -A TUENEW DOWN S. liait WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of Walhalla and surrounding country, that ho hus opened, at tho named place? A LARGE ANO WELLSBLECTEP STOCS? ID ry Q-oods, Irlsbrdweire, Q-rooeriee, All of which will be sold as low as any house in town.

Ho may bc found in the Seminary building, (old American Hotel.) WA MI ALU, S. June 3, 1870 33-Zak REMOVAI. -t-tCARTER VERNER II AVE REMOVED to the store formerly occupied by Mr. A. Taylor, aud offer to customersA LARGE AND DESIRABLE STOCK OFSpring and Summer Which have been bought since the duoliad iu Gold, and we eau afford to sell them at KEDUCED PK IC EUS Jfc-ST Cull and examine our Stock Trices.

WE MEA TO SELL HlGIlf CAKTER April 0,1870 25 TOBACCO HAVE erected a Commodious Builds iug for a. TOBACCO FACTORY, Which wo hopo to have in operation this Spring. Wo aro now prepared to purehuso 10,000 lbs of Loaf Tobacco, At Richmond Prices and pay cash, or Goods a. a Low Cash Price. Intending to establish a fir8t cla6S Manufactory, wo request tho farmers and planters of this section of the Carolinas and Georgia, to co-operate with us, by raising this profitable staple and we pledge ourselves to deal liberally aud fairly in buying their crops and iug them goods.

R. NANCE Dealers Dry Goods and Groceries, Wost Union, S. Cv March 25, '870 23 Here Everybody! TAYLOR CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, and now tog, A NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OB1 G-OOD3, At their now stand, on Main Street, Waller, Watson store, which will be? offered to tho publio at LOW Goods boiug purchased with Cash, we eau and will soil as low aa tho lowest and ns good goods, as can found in tho markot. Call ano amino our stock before purchasing elsewhere; and save irioncy.

Country Prnduco taken in exchange for Gooda at tho highest markot price. A. TAYLOR 00. i Juno 21. 187? 30 ly Watter, Watson WALHALLA; S.

DKAI.V.n* IN 'ifVtrtj DKXT -ANDCOMMERCIAL MANURES. South Carolina. MONUMENT ASSOCIATION: a meeting of the Board of ors of the Sonia Carolina Monument Association, hold ou Thursday; tho resignation of Mrs. Louisa; McCord r4f, Pjosidont was tendered Mrs. Wni, Wallace, of Columbia; will ndt rts until tho annual election of officors, in November.

Managers aro requested to go ri earndsdj with their kork end have their qdartcrlv reports ready for tho rr gular quarterly tho 20th or I. lb MARTIN, Recording Socrctnrh Columbia. 8. Juno 24tb, 87 Final Dischtirge, NOTICE ia horoby Riven, mat I wm ripely Monard Lowis, Esq, Judge.ot Frente, Walhalls, orr MONDAY? the 6th dey Qf.SB?^M?BEB next, for final discharge es Guardian bf tb? Estate ft. JAS.

0. July20jl67O 41.

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