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Keowee Courier from Pickens, South Carolina • Page 3

Keowee Courieri
Pickens, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Columbia Vcspondcut of vho Republican says Magrath and Superintendent Tylor, of tho South Carolina Kuilroad, and President Johnston, of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, havo been iu our city for tho past two days. Humor bus it that some important arrangements havo boon made to socuro to tho public increased traveling facilities. A part of tho beneficial result of this meeting of tho "railroad kings" will bo that tho Greenville Railroad will shortly put on a night train in addition to tho present day train, by which passengers leaving Charleston by tho South Carolina Railroad in the morning will reach Walhalla tho next morning. Tho people of tho up country will no doubt bo rejoiced at this, and in the distribution of thanks should kindly remember President Magrath, of the South Carolina Railroad, who is in heart and soul with the new management of tho Greenville Road in thus joiniug with the iron link tho upper and lower of tho State. COMMERCIAL, New York, May P.

1420 141. Cotton dull; sales 310 uplands 22J. old, 90 now, 82. Cm a May quiet and fcT.lc3 100 bales; l'ccoipts 103 stock 8,804. Aoousta, May 138 fcnlos receipts 00; middling 21.

Liverpool, Muy dull und Orleans 11; sales 10.000 balos. un xi ts. Wc arc authorized to announce EDWARD P. STOKES, of Greenville, a candidalo to represent tho people of tho Fourth Congressional District of Sonili Carolina in tho Congress of the United States, at the ensuing election in October. Vhc Friends of JAMES T.

11 KID, respectfully announce him a Candidate for County Commissioner, for Ooonco County, tit tho noxt election. iC3T IM Friends RICHARD j. respectfully announce him a Candidato for rc-clcction lo tho oflico of Judge of Probate for Occncc County. TBac Friends fit. 3.

PORCHER respectfully announce him a Candidalo for ro-oloolion to tho ofiicc of School Commissioni for Ocoueo County, at the ensuing ci eel ion. Friends off USev. FhETCIlER SMITH, announco him a Candidate lor Johoo) Commissioner. good whenever you can and j'orgct if," but do not forget to toll all who sutler from ivcak und impaired digestion that SUMTER BlTTRR8 will cure How lkti.i) one who ban any experience iu building, knows to his sorrow that the thousand and une little items dulled in the word Jinishing, mako fully half the cost a, and that ill-advised expenditure in this direction oftone runs the bill far above tho estimato. To avoid such troublo and disappointment, buy your blinds, doors, sashes, mouldings direct from P.

P. Tonio, Charleston, 0. Sec advertisement. May EiiTlgo IF. A REOUL'AR COMMUNICATION of Ulne ilidgc Lodge, No.

92, will be held on SATURDAY, Juno 4th, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brethren will tako duo uotico, and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Lodge KORBER. Soo'y.

WuJImllu Pio. SS, It. M. A RECULAR CONVOCATION of Walhalla Chapter, No. 28, will bo held at their Hall, in Walhalla, on MONDAY, the Gth day of Juno next, nt candle light.

Companions will bo punctual in their attendance. By order the Chapter ROUT. A. THOMPSON, Soo'y. Norfolk Daily'Journal of Dec.

11, 1809, says This medicino is rapidly gaining tho confidence of tho people, and tho numerous testimonials of its virtues, given by practitioners of medicine, leaves no doubt that it is a safo and reliable remedy for IMPURITY ov the uLooj), disbasia Tho lost Medical Journal contains an article from Prof. lt. S. Newton, M. President of tho Medical College, city of Now York, that speaks in high terms of its curativo properties, and gives special recommendation of Koskoo to tho practitioners of mcdioino.

This is, we believe, tho first instance ero such medicines havo been officially ondorscd by tho Faculty of any of tho medical colleges, reflects great credit upon the skill of Dr. Lawenco, its ootnpoundor, and also puts "Koskoo" in the van of all other mediemos of the prcsout day. March 4, 1870. 20 Gin The Air-Line Coming -0-0GREAT EXCITEMENT THE? NEW STORE, DOWN STREET! Jf. Baiiknight, JlgL, WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of Walhalla and surrounding country, that ho has oponed, nt tho above namod place, A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK JDry 2r? d.

Ghrooeries, All of which will bo sold as low as any othor house in town. lio may bo found in tho Sominary building, (old American Ilotel.) 0ty 'MZtfoMMKi WjunjAUA, S. Juno 3, 1870 ICEP WATER, AND PURE, can bo had evory day at M. LEE'S Confectionery. LATEST aUOTATIONS OJf SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, S.

Corrected Weekly by C. KAUFMAN, Broker, No. 25 Broad Street. JUNE 8, Stati: Carolina, ohi, OUT?) do ucw, do, registered Block, ox int City S. Stock, ox qr hit, do, Eire Loan Ronds, Columbia, S.

Bonds, Kaimioau ltidgo, fust mortgage, Charleston and Savannah, Charlotto, Columbia and Augusta, Choraw nhd Darlington, Qroonvflle und Columbia, 1st mort, do, Slate guarantee, 08? Northeastern, Savannah and Charleston, 1st mort, do, State guarantee, 70; Soulh Carolina, do, 73 Spartanburg and Union, ItAIMiOAl) Columbia and Augusta, Croon villo and Columbia, Northeastern, Savannah and Charleston, Soulh Carotina, whole shares, half shares, ExciiANOE, York Sight, off par; Cold, Silver, oarol1na uank OILI.s. Rank of Charleston of Novrborry Bowk of Cauulen Hank of Georgetown Hank of Carolina Hank of Chester Hack of Hamburg Hank of Stato of S. prior to 1801 Hank of Stale of S. issue 1801 and 1802 Planters' and Mccl attics' Hank of Charleston bank of Charleston Union Hank of Charleston Railroad Hank of Charleston, old Railroad Bank of Charleston, new State Rank of Charleston Farmers' and Exchango Hank of Charleston Exchango Rank of Columbia Commercial Rank of Columbia Merchants' Iliink of Choraw Planters' Rank of Fairllcld Siale of S. V.

Hills Iteceivablo par. City of Charleston Chango lulls par. marked thus aro being redeemed at the llnnk Counters of each. 18, 1N70. 22 ly To Sliopl ics.

The. almost daily receipt of voluntary testimonials from every part of tho couutry, from Physicians, Clergymen, old and young, male and female, sufficient to convinco the most sceptical that DR. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT Ks the most valuable LUNO BALSAM of the age; many wonderful cures have boon performed by it, us may be seen by hundreds of certificates in the hands if the proprietor. Try it and you will doubt no longer. EMIGRANTS COMING! rpiIE undersigned takes pleasure in infornvrag J.

the citizens of OooilCC and the public generally, that he haj of bred GERMAN A CURRIElt, (with thirty years' experience in ilio as Poretnan in his Tannery and Currying Shop, and is now able to offer for sale the REST and CHEAPEST l. Til Ell to be found in this country? wholesale or r.Mnib Call Skins equal, in every essential, lo the best imported, at from $30 to $00 per dozen. Kip Skins, equal lo the best importod German, at from 10 to per dozen. Forty Dozeu Kip and Calf Skins now ready to finish. 150 Sides Light and Heavy Upper, finished and ready to finish, at from (10 to 75 cents per lb.

Harness Leather our Principle sides finished and ready to finish, with 51)0 to be ready in from 111 rly io ninety days. Wc will make every effort an 1 uso every means in our power to produce as good an article here and as cheap as can be done anywhere. A trial from Harness-makers, ami others wanting II arno i Leather, is respectfully solicited. Wo quoto at from to 50 cents per lb. Good Solo Loatlior always on hand Fancy Linings For Salo, Pegged Shoes and Boots Mado to OrderTerms ('ash.

Orders from responsible parties filled on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. XV. A. LAV, Proprietor.

G. W. Foreman. -A- 1ST 9 100 HILES, per menili, clear of culs, and well talion caro of, for which 1 will pay, delivered at my Tannery, cents per pound over the Charleston price for tho same kind of slock. Having ample facilities for tanning and currying lour or five thousand sides a year, I will tan, this year, for mei chants or other parties desiring us to do so, and who will furnish us hides in lots not less than twenty-five hides or three dozen skins, on tho Allowing very low terms: Tanning, and currying Calf Skins.

00 cents per pound; tanning and currying Kip Skins, 50 cents per pound tanning abd currying Side Upper, 28 cts. per pound tunning and currying Harness Leather, 20 cents per pound. Rough Leather curried in the best stylo and on the most liberal terms. Givo us a trial and seo what can bo dono at home give us a trial and encourage mechanics to como into our country, Tannery near Rluc llidgo Railroad, thrco milos below Pcrryvillc, and seven miles ubovo Pondlcton, S. 0.

W. A. LAY, May 20, 1870 82 3 IJoivn Toivn the Place -(o)3STow Time NEW GOODS! Ptirchasod Sinco tho Declino in Pricos. is receiving, from market, 1 a largo and complete slook of SPUING AND SUMMER GOOBS CONHISTlNfl, IN A FOR LADIES' WEAIU-Of Muslins, DeLaims, Poplins, Rarcgcn, Organdies, Cal10008, ko. FOR GENTLEMEN'S' or ce, plain and fancy Linens, ROOTS, AND GAITERS, for Ladles, Misses, Geiitlomou mid Roys.

HATS, CAPS, SUNDOWNS AND BONNETS, (rimmed, untrimmcd, and in great variety, stylo, and Buggy Tiro, Iron Nails, Horse Shoos, as Suger, Coffco, Symps and Molasses, Salt, CunJles, Soda, fVosh and, good. My Stook is Largo, Well Assorted, and lias been purchased sinco tho decline in Prices. I can, thoroforo, sell at. rcasonablo pricos, ami will do so for Cosh or Rurtor. Givo ino a call.

No chargo for showing Goods and giving pricos. WESLEY PITCHFOBD. Walhalla, May 27? 1870 ORDINANCES VOli TUR GOVERNMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WEST UNION, FOU THE YE Alt 1870. following Ordinances, for the Polico I Regulation of tllO Village of West Union, worn rutiliod in Council and ordered to bo published 1st. It shall not ho lawful for any person to Uro ft gun or pistol on Main Street ot tho Village of West Union, and every person so olfonding shall ho hablo to a fino of Two Dollars, to be recovered by tho of the fine to the informer, and the other half to the uses of the incorporation.

2ud. It shall not he lawful for any person or persons to bitch a Horse, Mulo or any other animal to any lonco, tree, or public property in tho incorporation on Main street, but may hitch to the public hitching places erected for that purpose, and every person or persons so Offending shall bo liable to a fine of Two Dollars. Hitching Stallions or on Main street is prohibited, under a like penalty. 3rd? No person or persons shall repi csent, for gain, any plays, comedies, tragedies, or shows, without having first obtained a license or permission from the Council of tho Village I of West Union, and any person so offending, shall pavdoublo tho fine imposed by law. The license for any vhuw or oxhibitiiou, as above, shall not be less than Five Dollars nor more than Scvcnty-Fivo Dollars, for one exhibition.

4th. To improve lito Village of West Union and streots, lie il Ordained, That tho side walks or pavements shall be six feet wice, and tha? the own ers of lots, who have ornamental tre OS planted on the side walks or pavements, in front of their respective lots, do give them a uniform appear ance and that the Intendant order out all the men, between the ages of eighteen and fortyfive years, to do all tho necessary work in the incorporation that the law requires of them. And be it further Ordained, That the Sabbath shall be observed as a day of rest, as tho laws of Coil ami the State of South Carolina demand therefore, no work shall bo done nor tiny business hatsoever no store, tavern, wagon or stall shall sell or oiler for sale any fruits, goods, wares, or merchandise, on the Sabbath, and any person or persons, so offending, shall be liable to a tine of Timi Dollars for the first offence, and Twenty-Five Dollars for all ollbncos committed after the first. To onI force the foregoing regulations, the Council and Constable arc hereby empowered to suppress and to apprehend all offenders er to the true intent and meaning of the law and to hold all tho powers and privileges which are vested by the laws of the Stale and Village of West Union, and to bring all offenders beforo the Indoudaiit and Wardens to be dealt with according to law. Under the following conditions tho Council of the Village of West Union will grant Tavern License said Tavern House must have an entrance from the Main street and must also conform to the laws of the State.

Persons obtaining a license will have to give a bond to the State in a sum of One Thousand Dollars, and an additional Bond to the Villago Council of Union, that they will not allow tiny riot or disturbance in the tavern house, nor on their premises, nor allow any games id' any kind in their tavern on tho Sabbath Dhy. Any person or persons so offending shall Jjie' Imbietto lino of Twenty Dollars for the first offence, and a forfeit of said licenso for the second offence. These Ordinances shall take effect immediately after their publication. J. P.

MICKLER, Intendant. I. Ks, Clerk Council. Iii a 27, T.S70_32_3_ JOS. WMTMllll? AH NOW RECEIVING 1" il SII Stock of DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, A A E.

II A COFFEE, A FLOUR, AU of which llioy oller for sale as low as any of the same quality of Goods can or will be sold in this market. The public generally are invited to call and examine our stork, and satisfy themselves as to prices and quality. No charge for showing, and polito attention guaranteed ovory customer. JOS. WIIITMIRE CO.

Walhalla, S. May '20, 1870 Tho Stato of South Carolina. OCONEE IIEREAS, Wm. M. Brown hatll made application to mo to grant him letters of Administration on the Estate ana Effects of F.

C. Brown, deceased: Theso arc, therefore, to cite and admonish til! singular tho kindred and creditors of the said F. C. Brown, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in tho Court of Probate, to be held at Oconco Court House on tho Gth day of June, at 11 o'clock in tho foronoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this the 24th day of May, 1870.

Richard lewis, j.r.o.c. May 27,1870 a Notice. IN CONFORMITY with tho requirements of tho Internal Hevonuo Laws, I hereby jt'ive mitico to all porsons claiming ono COPPER STILL, CAP and WORM, seized by H. 3. Knight, on tho waters of Shonl Creek, Pickcns County, on the 12th day of May, 1870, as the property of Benjamin liases, becauso of being used in violation of the said Internal Bevenne Laws, to make such claims, before me, within thirty days funi first publication this notice.

A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. 3d District South Carolina.

May 20. Notice. PERSONS indebted to the Estato of TIIOS. I). MORGAN, deceased, will mnko payment to tho undersigned without delay and those having demands ngninst said Kstato will present tho saine, legally ftttostcd, within tho timo proscribed by law.

J. M. MORGAN, Ex'or. May 20, 1870 3 1 3 A Clothing and Hals, COMPLETE stock at waller, watson NOTICE GO TO WALLER, WATSON "Look on the othor sido of tho piotnro," aud square your accounts with thorn. May 0, 1870 29 ORANGES and LEMONS AN always bo bad at J.

LEE'S Confoctionory Pickons Advertisements. I'll IS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, in l'rouate county. Muirlos Durham and wife, Rohocoa Durham, ve. Pierson yncld und wife, Juno May? field. order of I.

II. Phllpot, Judgo of Probate Court, I will sell to the hiebest on Salcduy in June next, tbo Real Ks? ato of JOSEPH YOUNG, deo'd, lying und in Pickons County, on waters of lice's Crook, viz TRACT NO. 1, Ion tabling ISO Acros, more or less, adjoining LVnct No. 2, Amio L. Young, Jumes M.

Roid, ind othors. TRACT NO. 2, Containing 112 Acres, inoro or less, adjoining L'raet No. 1, Jumos M. Heid, and othors.

TOS On a credit of Twelve Months, villi interest from tbo day of sale, except he costs, which are to bo paid in cash on dny if suie. will be required to give jond and security, and a niortgugo of the lremises, to BOCUro tlie purchase moiioy uud pay extra for titles and stamps. JOAB MAULDIN, s.r.c. May 13, 1870 30 4 Il virine of.sundry Writs of Vitri to me directed, 1 will sell to ilio highest bidder, at IMckcus C. on Salcduy in June next, the following property, to wit One Tract of Land, situate in Pickcns County, on both sides of Twelve Mile Kiver, adjoining lands of F.

Robertson, Ransom ind others, containing ODO acres, more or less to be sot off before day of Levied on as the property of Win. Ander? son, at tbo suit of Robert Kirksoy, fur J. K. Kirkscy. Tcums cash.

Purchasers to pay extra for titles mil stumps. JOAU MAULDIN, s.r.c. May 13, 1870 00 Final Settlement. "NVTOTIOE is hereby given, that I will apply 1 to I. II.

Philpot, Judgo of Probate, at Pickcns Court House, on Wednesday, the 8lh lay of JUNE next, for linai settlement of the ristate of MARK Fit AN, deceased, and lis targo tliorofrom, Parties interested will on that day. A. J. ANDERSON, Ex'or. May 1870 30 4 PAY YOUR On ici: County Tkrasuhf.r, May 12, 1870.

DELINQUENT Tax payers are hereby notilied that on the 20th of April, last. Hoarding to previous notice, a penally of 20 por was added, und that on the 20th day of luuo next, tbo books of this cilice will be dosed, ami that executions will be immediately' ssitod. Partios who have not paid their taxes if last year arc likewise notified that executions diali be issued against thcni on the same day DAY ID SANDERS, County Treasurer. May 30. 1870 31 5 JYoilcc.

IN CONFORMITY with the requirements of the Internai Kevernie Laws, 1 hereby givo notice to nil persons claiming one COPI ER STILL, CAP and WORM, seized by R. S. Knight, near Town Creek, Pickens County, on iho 18th of 1870, supposed to be the property of Saunai row becnuso of being used in violation id' the said Infornai Devenue Laws, make such claims, before me, within thirty days from first publication of this notice. A. L.

COL 15, Dep. Col. 3d Distriet Soulh Carolina. May 20, 1870 31 3 If you Havo tlio Eluos, AND TAKE a Drink of Soda Water, flavored with Strawberry and Pine Apple, and if thut don't rallevo you, take another hink. At J.

M. LEE'S Confectionery. Don't go to a Dry Goods Storo CONFECTIONERIES, whon you can get anything you want, and at very reasonable prices, ut J. M. LEE'S Confectionery Final Settlement NOTICE is hereby given, that I will apply to Richard Lewis, Judge of Probate, ut Wulhnlla, on the 18th day of JUNE next, for linai settlement of the Estato of PIULE MON CRANE, deceased, ami discharge therefrom.

Parties interested will appear on that day. PHILEMON CHANE. Adm'r. May 13, 1870 30 4 A Largo Stock of ITRENCH AND PLAIN CANDIES, at the CON Fii i'lONEKY STORE. EVERYBODY TO LEE'S CONFECTIONERY xJT STORE to get their Confections and Soda Final Settlement.

"VTOTICE is hereby that I will apply JLi to Richard Lewis. Judge of Probate, at Walhalla, on the 18th day of JUNE next, for final settlement of the Eslato of MESSIAH SMITH, deceased, and discharge Parties interested will appear on that day. W. R. MOORE, Adm'r.

May 13, 1870 30 4 IF YOU WANT CONFECTIONERIES, WRITING PAPER, Envelopes, Paper Collars and Cull's, Cravats, Perfumeries, Pomades, Hooks, Music or Soda Water, go to J. AI. LEE'S Confectionery. A BBSS' GOO LADIES will find a nice assortment of PrintM, Dress Goods, White Goods, Glovos, llosiory. Huts, Trimmings, anil many other articles, which will be sold low for Til CASH, it AVALLER, WATSON Settlement TVTOTIOE is hereby given, that I will apply 1 to Richard Liw'is Judge of Probate.

Walhalla, on Wednesday, 16th day of JUNE next, fur a final sottlomont of the Estato of UENJAMIN AGEE, dee'd, and dischorgo Ihorofrom ns Administrator. ILM C. MAOEE, Adm'r. May 13, 1870 30 SODA WATER IS THE DRINK FOR LADIES. It is hoalthy, pleasant and refreshing At J.

M. LEE'S Confectionery. REMOV A L. -HCARTER VERNEK HAVE REMOVED to the store formerly occupied by Mr. A.

Taylor, und otfer to their customers? A LAUGE AND DESIRABLE STOCK OF? Spring and Summer Which have been bought sinco the dccliue in Gold, aud wo can afford to sell them at REDUCED IS IC SI and examine our Stock and Prices. WE MEAN TO SELL RIGHT CAKTEK VERNER. 1 STO 25 TOBACCO FACTORY. WE HAVE erected a Commodious Building fur a A A il Which hope to have in operation this Spring. Wc arc now prepared to pu rob aso 10,000 lbs- of Loaf Tobacco, At Richmond Prices and pay cash, or Goods a a Low Cash Price.

Intending to establish a first-class Manufactory, wu request the farmers and planters of this section of the Carolinas und Georgia, to co operate with us, by raising this profitable staple und we pledge ourselves to deal liberally and fairly in buying their crops and selling tliciu goods. 11. NANCE Dealers Dry Goods and Groceries, West Union, S. C. Maroh 25,1870 23 Sheriff's Sale.

1)Y virtue of sundry Writ of Eieri to me directed, I will sell, to the highest bidder, within the legal hours.ot salo, before the Court House door, in Walhalla, S. on salcduy in Juue next Ihn following properly Ono Tract of Land, lying on waters of Concross Creek, containing lot) Acres, more or less, adjoining lands Beaufort Burns, W. W. Slribling, and others; sold us the property of R. P.

Landrcth, at the suit of Joptha Norton. One Tract of Land, situated in Oconcc Coun ty, on waters of Rnmsoy's Creek, containing 400 Acres, inoro or less, adjoining hinds of David Dickson and others also, ono othei Tract, containing G00 acres, moro or less, adjoining lands of John Dickson, Joseph Rothcl, and others; also, one other lion so and Lot, iu tho town of Walhalla, containing ono nero, adjoining lauds of Biennio, Chambers, and sold us tho property of Lewis Werucckc, at the suit of Robert Maxwell. Homestead to be layed off before day of salo TERMS CASH. Purchasers to pay extra for titles und stamps. JAS.

II. ROBINS, s.o.c. May 13, 1870 30 4 Notice to Heirs-at-Law. THE STATE 017 SOUTH CAROLINA. IV common county.

Samuol Knox Bill for vs. Construction of Will, Hoirs A. P. Knox. Partition, UNDER Decree of tho Court, made at March Term, 1870, the brothers and sisters of ANDREW P.

KNOX, dee'd, now alive, and the heirs ut-luw of those deceased, arc required to appear before me, at Walhalla, within Three Months from the publication of this notice, and establish their claims to the share of money of the said Andrew P. Kuox, dee'd, now in this Court for distribution. J. W. STRIBLINO, cc r.

Clerk's Office, April 8, 1870 dlxsignce's Sale, BY Virtue of an order of sale in the matter A. J. LOO NEY, Bankrupt, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Walhalla Court House, on the Oth day of JUNE next, for Cash? THE 15ACT OF Belonging to said Bankrupt's Estate, situate, lying ami being in Oconct O-mnty. S. C.

on Colonel's Pork Creek, adjoi lands of Win, Steele, Win. Dickson, Jenkins and others, and containing Forty Acres, more or less. THOMAS J. MORRISS, Assignee of Anukbw J. Looney, Bankrupt.

May 13, 1S7 30 4 ENTERTAINMENT, IDepoi: THE undersigned has open, for tho reception of permanent and transient custjin. a COMPORTABLE HOUSE, ut the Depot of the Blue Ridgo Railroad, near Walhalla, S. C. His table is supplied with tho best the country affords, and every attention given to guests. Tho salubrious climate, with the line mountain scenery of this region, makes it very desirable, pleasant and attractive to visitors.

Charges moderato. A call is solicited. H. M. PHINNEY, May 13, Waller, Watson Cy WALHALLA, S.

DEALEns IN bd GOODS, GROCERIES, COMMERCIAL MANURES. A Roofs ami Shoes. COMPLETE STOCK, for Ladies, Gents, and Children, at WALLER, WATSON A GROCERIES FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, suoh as Sugar, Coffee, Molassos, nt AVALLER, WATSON A ND NUTS, of ovory kind, at 3i M. LKE'S. WalWiVtt, May IS, 1870 24-ly QU'ALITAS NON QUANTITAS." DR.

LAWRENCE'S Highly Coucontratod Fluid Extract of 02 THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER. No Quack Around the Mottle. PREPARED SOLELY UY DR. J. J.

LA WHEN CE, NORFOLK, VA. Strikes tit the root of Discaso by purifying tho Blood, Restoring the Liver and Kidneys to a llculthy Action, and Invigorating tho Nervous This is tlio secret of its Wonderful in curing Syphilis, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, LU or Complaint, Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Affections, Eruptions of. tho Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Diseases of Kidneys aud Bladder, and all Discuses caused by a IO STATE the Or a Diseased Condition of tho LIVER, KIDNEYS, NERVOUS SYSTEM, do. It thoroughly ERADICATES every kind of Humor und Hud Taint, nnd restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Thousands have been changed by the use of lids Medicino from weak, sickly, Buttering to strong, healthy and happy men and women.

No Medicine has attained such a Great Reputati.m as this justly Celebrated Compound. Approved by the Highett Medical Axdhorily. Endorsed nnd recommended by tho President of the Faculty of the E. Medical College of tho City of New York. Professor U.

S. NEWTON, M. Professor nnd President of the Faculty, lato "Proi'essor Tacory and Pi ice" of Medicino, Cincinnati, One of the most eminent medical men of this ngo known as the author of the foliowiug standard medical works "Newton's "Practico of Medicine," "Disensos of Children," "Newton's Syuioa Surgery," in December number of American Medical Review, page Among the more recent efforts to introduce popularly, some of the new medicines, wo notice new preparation compounded by J. J. M.

of Norfolk, which is furnished to tho profession nnd the public in any desired quantity. Wc recently examined his Laboratory, and became fit l'y satisfied that all his work is dono in tho best manner, hy tho most approved processes, aud from the best materials, giving as a result a medicine meeting the confidence of tho physicians and the public." koskoo cures scrofula in us WORST ronsis. From A. W. Mills, a promiucnt and well-known merchant of Norfolk, Ya.

No. 11 Main Noi folk. Sept. IG, 18G9. Du.

Sir; Koskoo has worked wonders in my family. My daughter has bcou a sufferer from Scrofula eincc She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her auklo, several from her aria, besides having ulcers inseverai purls of the body. Whilst in this condition she commenced tnkiug your acted like charm on her undor its use tho ulcers gradually healed, and bor general health greatly improved. It certainly saved her much suffering, aud perhaps her life. 1 regard Koskoo a specific for all scrofulous affections.

Your Koskoo also cured my wifo ot dyspepsia, from whioh she suffered grouLly. Sha is now in better health than sho has been for Ilvo years. With tho highest regards, I am gratefully yours, A. W. MILLS.

Koskoo is endorsed by the best physicians everywhere. Head tlio following from Dr. Tillcry, successful practitioner of many years standing ia the Old Noiih State Rocky Mount, Edgecombc 1 September 10, 1869. Dir: J. j.

Sir I have used your Concentrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo in my practico with the happiest results. I find it to bo powerful Liver Invigorator, Hlood Purifier and Nervous Touic. Iu' all diseases of tho Liven. Scrofulous, Syphilitic, nnd Nervous Affections; it is a remedy of immenso value in fact, in almost every variety of Chronic Diseases its use is indicated. Honing you may meet with the success which you deserve as a manufacturer of medicines, 1 am.

sir, with much respect, Your obedient servant, H. C. TILLER M. D. KOSKOO cures cuuonio RHEUMATISM.

Norfolk, Sept. 7, 1869. Dr. J. J.

Sir 5 My eon has received so muoh benefit from your wonderful Koskoo, that 1 cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude. 1 had tried almost everything without benefit. I believe, in all sincerity, that your Koskoo is an infallible remedy for the diseaso from which he has suffered, and, so far as I can learn, has never failed. If you only know the immensa amount of sulTering that he has undergone, then you co ild conceive the value such a remedy as surely Tuo great amount of good it is now doing among us is With muoh gratitude, lam, respectfully yours, Mrs. M.

E. A. NELSON. ttend the following from Mr. Womblo, a incut Hardware Merchant of this city: No.

13 Markot Squaro, Norfolk, October la, ibbU. Dr. Sir To Iho largo sumber of testimoni. which you offer of the great efficacy of your I take pleasure in adding I my own. 1 suffered greatly with Nervous Debility, Henducho, Loss ot Appetite, Two bottle.1) of Koskoo restored me to health.

Yours truly, J. Q. From Rev. W. II, Christian, Pastor Dlnwiddio Street Methodist Church.

Portsmouth, Oct. 25, 1869. This is to certify that 1 know Dr. Lawrence Well. Ile is a gentleman of cultivation, and worthy of (he fullest confidence.

I have used hie Koskoo with advantage to myself, and have adopted its uso in my family in oases of nervous debility and depression. W. H. CHRISTIAN, From Dr. Lloyd, a physician of largo practice.

Great Rridgo, Oct. 8, 1869. J. J. L.vwuENCK, M.

Sir I cheerfully endorso your Ko3koo as being a most preparation. Upon examination of the formula, 1 find each ingredient highly extolled by our best and most progressivo clinical investigatore. I have tested its effects In my own praotico, and have no hesitation in recommending It, In my opinion, it is the bent compound of its olass ever put before tho by far all tho various compounds of sarsaparilia, over invente I. is a deoided Nervo Tonic, and Invigorator of the animal forces, aiding digestion nnd assimulatioh. and thereby producing healthy blood, whioh should bo tho basis of treatment in all chronic diseases, Hoping you will reap tho reward you desorvo from tho public as a benefactor, am, sir, yours truly, CHAULES LLOYD, M.

After reading tho above high recommendation. Invalids oannot reasonably hesitate to glee KOS KOO trial. For Additional Testimonials from Eminent Druggists, Merchants, see KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year. Price, ONE Por Rollio For sale by Principal in ike United Slates an-f British March 1870.

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