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Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 3

Deseret Newsi
Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DESEKET EVENING NEWS Tri3SDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1900 LOOKINC WORSE IN FACE OF lATE FACTS I Dreadful Fatality at Galveston and Vicinity Dead Being Found by Scores Awful Scenes I nTMlsliptUl 4ad II kHjWng iity of OfJvseton I ins na ot tho lafsst facts out Ull of men who reported liert dead bodJa bsini found In a block that UM or ywfl or one luilon is almost Irresistible reater number than a thousand been lost They tell that jr forty or more were lost by pal of a slAgl large house the having gathered there for ut they are unable to say nny Out hundreds of small house ro swept away Porn vacant occupied but without a mark Ir a memory to oall the lost DEAD NOT AVAILABLE of Ualveston and her peo industriously devoting them i relieving the dlstrssssd peo business men are losing not nl mts and two teams containing and disinfectants have gone from Houston Last night icons jostled along the streets xfs of prepared food to load KJHts or cars The mayor has call to thu larger clUes of the Immediate help I 400 liODIBS FOUND i Aniloy a well known cot I i pf this citY received mforma alveton today saying I tKtlmated that from MO to 600 ave been drowned or killed by I 11 Nearly MO bodIes have been i the beach All English cotton Iro IlIIf 1 awful Not a complete house tty help urgently needed iilfi are homeless Food Is be llmtfd to the destitute but lots ill he neded par writer who got through iivfston today made tile follow emnl ondltlon at Galveston li heart In the extreme The lIt of II nut be fully known for week i of miming will swell rapidly the people have begwn to re I Ir hets to the authorltle and i this list of inlMlng will I Into the Hit of dead aa the bod rwovitrd from the rulu In till arc Picked uv on the each I mainland where many of them J4 llpved EL1KK OF THE SEEDY I pUnK wan held at the Twnpnt I ma at this meeting measures nsld re4 for th relief of the ii Thi concliulon was quickly I that the cltfsent are not equal iink do what they may mlM of Laporte track Just Texas City Junction were tub during the storm All the draw i iitKr Virginia Point and 1 are gone TIle county bridge rt IWOOO and which was the witon structure In the world 4 lfforv the storm got under inUvuy An ocean steamship 1 118 way through the piling In her bridge Aa far as It Iii th bridges tenders are dead SBW8 FROM TUB SCENE urst venel to leave Oalv tonne morm contained the jwrty I id to Infurm the outside world itartinphe and to uk for help I i utiii Iiput Delaney of 1 uhrn Pacific Cox of the i Th nmn Taylor A Co I OIf Wiiih Porch South ail oori milcnt of the Houalon ml 11bard Splllane of then Tribune Their boat was mi ji ht Ih ralie owned by I Moody and the crew wasp nr voUmipeni lawrence iprlntmlrnt of the Galveston illl itt hog engineer and hiM stokert rip ra the bay wa cj oft xnipntuoui imaginable Many tnu the by just the got out kf the channel from tn wharves to Texas City wn on time pointed toward 1 ml the next moment down 4 Th nrlnetr declined to take an further than Texas City ll I IK iiiit the could not live In i i AN VTIT1 STOlWr 1 iniy who was an officer Inn I and commanded one lilpn In the battle of the I ni waa later a lieutenant nil I stntia navy mid the trip Ii 1 Will a far more dee I i I for life than that dur I I MITIC nf the night before I Il that In all lmIs expert I i i Jn never know of a craft ugh SUCh a ntntln In mi rxal City he said iiak way Into a lot of MI then bad to make our walking on wreck uld tet to thire From I tf Ia Marque the party th tiVde prairie in a bug I train on the Galveston II inlcn railroad was be lu tiward Virginia Point tn Ixiiird title train to get Tii conductor would pay II i 0 inir ilgnAl for him to brutal Indifference sig iiincr to BO ahead falter I trot a railroad hand i 1 our way to about liver i IHoldnnon where Just at i Mln from Houston This I lj mrl to Stop INDRBCRIHABIJ iin tptll0 I Rues iirintur on the Interna 1 Northern railroad was i nf ro fugi eii who reached mldnlRht Mr HUM Midi i uttcmpl to tllrrlbe the ill that In impoiialblc i 1Itl1n Infll vmod with I fl4 were standing over I I aril at the point of Illlnr them to load the I i wu to he hauled to bnrgen arf towed Into the Gulf 1spi4 into tin MR I saw a targe freIghted I II Journey to the Gulf imir of Imrial Imperative inii tv protected tllry wa cfjeflrmed nera1 Scurry Is who now Ii itee It hr opinion that mllltla will be called out Ind ivoHton to Pre Pllt looting II nd other lawle aitn IWfo OP TUB IJTOTtM Tx Sept 11A srirt al to from Olves Texas I houston tin ts ruris the flllow1n additional par lb Inn Th tnl II tank of the Wllhru Pierce 01 company WM ploktd from the 15th jtreet Pier and farrl 10th airatt Ale eld Uriton TJtp in recent firs used at the office of the superintendent of the wharf yards was dashed to plecea at were numerous imall frame building along the wharf front Men were tent out Sunday morning to report tbe condition of the bridges across Galveston bay but were unable to reach them Telegraphic communication was alto cut ore on Saturday The linemen who went out Sunday reported that the railroad bridge were all wathed away and that there was not tutficlent material In Galveston to rebuild the telegraph lines The cable under the channel are gone The line will have to be built to the city from the main land Strenuous effort were made on Sunday to repair the damage to the Mexican cable but on account of the tea being high It was Impossible to pick ui the lost end of the cable Thousands of telegram were filed al the telegraph oltke during the day with the expectation that they would be rent to Houston for transmIssIon but the captain of the only amall tin available would not venture on the trip with aneW crew hit engineer and fireman having been lout while tug which might be hired were too deep draught to go up the Bayou nVUKY HOUSE DAMAQKD In the business district not a building escaped Injury The Grand Opera house II caved In and the fourth story of the Hotel Grand a part of the tame building was blown off The third story of the city hall was blown away The three story building of Hitter Cafe was demollihed and crashed Into the rear of the New building The fourth story wall torn from the Ioody building at Twentyaecond attest The Masonic Temple at 21t street and 1oit street was partially unroofed and the tower torn away The upper stories of the Harmony Club building were caved In and a frame building across the Street wag demolished Among other prominent buildings damaged or destroyed wa the Gaits ton Orphan Home all the children being reported unhurt the Sacred Heart church one of the largest churches In the city Ii a total reck St lUrya church adjoining It ii comlrierably damaged and the athletic buildlnX was destroyed The First Baptist churh II a wreck the parsonage adjoining St John Methodlit church was wrecked although the front part of the building stands Several small church were wrecked The hall high school buildIng It badly dnmaged OUIcer Wllllamton and a force of men did good work rescuing a number of people from the frame portion of St Mary Infirmary PATHETIC SCBNKS Over thirty persons were rescued but quite a number perlihed A mother ROIl child a Mexican woman and child anti an elderly lady while going to fhe Cotton mlllg were drowned While the mill was crowded with people the tower fell In killing and Injuring teveral per I lone OVer 1000 perion sought shelter I In the county court houte A lady ami I child from St Louis name not ac I talned who were visiting the family of Police Officer John Howe were lost Mr Burns mother of Motorman Hurni and daughter also iixriher Motorman Parker wife and children wore killed Mrs Ben Hill and child I were drowned Thrie unaeitaninx ei tabll hmenlH are all being utilized ag morgue and a fourth morgue was In the opened a large building on Strand THUILUNQ KXIKIUKNCBS I Many of those who escaped tell ot 1 thrilling experience Mr and Mr James Irwin got out on the roof of their dwelling They were Mated on the tide of the comb and Whll the building blew over they floated off separately Mr Irwin wan on the raft alone all night Mr Irwin who had found refuge lathe Untullne convent and who despaired of seeing his wife again heard a cry for help hoping to rescue a human being he pulled out through the water and was overjoyed to find his wife still HSoat on the roof The pilot boat Kcllpae hA been out since Saturday and unheard from The American steamship Pentacola reported to have foundered has arrived safe arid sound The city In not only without I water supply but It Is In total darkness The city street railroad has suspended bust new much of Its track being washed out I will be a month before car can lie operated by electricity but horse I car service will substituted at the earliest possible moment The plant of the Galveston las company Is partially demolished and Is out of communication Those who used pan for fuel are practically helpless Firewood was wept away but there Is plenty of driftwood to had Several member of the police force were lost and other lost their fumllle The force is greatly reduced In number and at prevent In Irwuitlclent to meet the demand upon It SIXTRICN KILLED Houston TeA Sept llAt Hitchcock sixteen liven were lost Two Italian families of thirteen people lost 12 of their number by drowning The following were killed by falling tImbers Mr anti Mm Hlnnan Johnson William llobtnwm A child named Domlnlco MILITIA TO OK CALLED Dallas Tex Sept liAdjt don Scurry who reached Galveston lat evening by boat from Houston today sent a courier to Houston to notify the mllltla companies of the State that he would call on them for detail for serVice 11 Ualveiton Capt IVoache of one of the Dallas infantry cotnpantee was notified to have him men In readiness for orders Information leak out that the horrors of vandalism and general looting have been started by the vicious and criminal element at Galveston I la expected that the city will placed Under mutt law TAKING CONTRIBUTIONS Han IYunclKco Sept UMayor I he Ian announce that lie will receive nt the city hal contribution of money or goods for the Galveston suftervs and forMin them to 0 Houston relief committee Ills penonal contribution la flw All the theatrical nmrnirerx In the city have announced their Intention of giving the gross proceed of one performance each to the relief fund CONDITION IS DEPLOHAIJLK AuBtln TXin Sept llI Hoy Trie aenemi maiMnr of the Inter nntionai ill Great northern railway jclugittnlKd Oovwnor Sayara aa fol I have Just returned from Texas Ity where I went tltl mourning un a special train Prom Indications on this i aide of the bay and from what we can I learn from Parties who bad ore over on drift condition In Oalveiton ar liploiable The loa of life and property Is exceedingly heavy The Southern Pacific Galveston harrisburg Houston Dud Santa Pe bridges are wahe away We have all the men we ean get and arc doing everything that can be done to get track retialred to Texas City Junction and hope to get this wOIk done by tomorrow We can then get supplies anti react OlUveston by using boats from Togas City to Galveston FvMrmiy all boat at Oal eaton are disabled as Mono them have shown up The steamboat Lowill left for Galveston ut its progress will be slow A It will have to cut a way through the debris which has btown across the bay The governor today reoMred a Ire or more telegram aacUtance offering mor teleral ltanee one from Governor Null tit Ohio and Governor Thomas of Colorado IMIEF STATEMENT OP CATASTROPHE Chicago Sept 19The following ttateinent of the situation at Galveston and along the coast WM reealved tonight Dallas Tex Sept i0Zo Charles Dlfhl General Manager The Associated Preaa ChlcagoProm the lat reports which arc considered reliable the dlaaater at Oalveaton and along the coast ha not been eraie tel The water ot the Gulf and bay met cover ing the Island to A depth of alx to twelve feet During title sudden Hood a mOt terrible storm was ragtns the wind blowing about eighty mIles an hour Many of the dead nav bsqn uncovered others are still undir the debris others were carried out Ma 1600 TO 5000 L1VHS LOST I I not possible to Hive at this time a reliable report aa to the number of death From estimate made tiy reliable persons who have Just come from lerll that not lei Galveston It II believed than 1500 and possibly aw raauy as tOOO people were drowned Of course the wounded are numerous The damage to property Is moat shocking Some of the beat public buildings and private establishment were lr kl1 Thousand of home wept entirely away I quUe safe to set this down as one of the greatest disaster that has ever visIted the Unit ed State The low of property Is Irreparable the loa of life Is appalling I DIMLY Manager Dallnt New STATEMENT FIIOM C30V SAVKI18 Austin Tex Sept 10When asked tonight uy a representative of the Associated Press for an expression as to the flood situation along the Gulf coast 01 ov Savers said I think It Is the moat deplorable catastrophe In the history of America and I feel that every powlble aid should lent to sufferer their hour of great need From Information received here I am led to think that hundred of families have either lOll their dear one or have been bereft of their homes and the cal one that will certainly appeal to every one I have taken active steps to raise relief for every one that can possibly looked after I have wired all the city mayors and all the county Judges asking them to secure all fund and provision possible and their replies tonight are very gratifying The assistance lent UI by th Fed eral government In the way of 50000 rations and 10000 tents will aid no little In eating the situation at present The first duty of course will be to look after the living those thirsting or hungry without either water or palatable food to eat but I think within a day or two we will have the relief cot working In good order I will give the late my personal supervision and am confident that we will see to I that everybody Is looki after I will require considerable money however to do 1 thl I hare located several assistants and the adjutant general is near the scene of action and they will personally supervise the distribution unite I remain home to answer all Inquiries STOl IHSASlUll Great Cnlnmlly Told of by Associated 1rosn llrprc cntatlvi Houston Tex Sept 10 Illchard Splllane a well known Galveston newspaper man and day correspondent of the Associated Ire In that city who reached Houston today after a terrible experience give the followIng account of the disaster at Calve tonOne of the most awful tragedies of modern time has visited Galveston The city II In ruin and the dead will probably number one thousand Im Just from the city having been commissioned by tile mayor and citizen committee to get In touch with the outside world and appeal for help Houiton was the nearest point at which working telegraph Instrument could be found the wire as well aa nearly all the building between here ant the Gulf of Mexico being wrecked When I left Galveston shortly before noon yesterday the pie were organising for the prompt burial of the dead distribution of food and all necessary work after a period of disaster TRnn1LH TKMPBST The wreck of Galveston wa brought about by a tempest so terrible that abul temPl 1 terble words can adequately describe Its Intensity and by flood which turned the city Into a raging sea The weather Blood tells But we rarely recog niie the fact except in tints of stress and strain A home which looks like a scrub I may beat another horse which Fceins thu ideal of a racer jut by that one quality of good blood Similarly men who seem in the pink of condition drop down under the racing strain of business Why len Men reckoned perfectly healthy start out for business I IUine they make a run for the train a and collapse I Heart failUre they tl call it Blood failure would A 0 often the I better name Take care of the blood and the body will take care of itself I is the blood which builds the body The blood indeed is time body A sound body must be based on sound blood I i one of the peculiar properties of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery that i eliminates from the blood the effete and poisonous matter which i antagonistic to health I also gives to the blood those elements which are necessary to its strength and vitnllty Iecr the use of Golden Medical Discovery I purity blood and power of body have been attained by thousands of sickly and Krofukmi men and women No other medicine purifies the blood and bid the body a do the I Discovery Accept no substitute 1 pus me much pleasure la tefllfy to the iaesiW of Ir tttnf Medial lit OoMtn Melct liw wy wittti iltw Annie Will of hiergaseons Wiser Ms of Wlf hi I can Jay hoe nan candidly that It Ii the grintot i o4J dM em cxmpowMktl for purifyW the Woxl th 101 I uted me rl iira thia nod pit piton th WH sad strrmnx 1 knre and hit that I could MM wU I itxat abt IwnHy tPI AolUr MyiBK 4aeten bill bet mtited ne hr neat A year or two ego I was reusing cot ef year Unnaraiihmi DooV and I dwUed to try an tr 1 lUrceaOvkka Ne nueery and Fa torte Prrsrriptioo slid am tnUrelr cured Dr Pierces Pleasant PclleU are grad natal th requirements of delicate system They regulate the ttoinacb liver and bowels rs3t 444 Shoes for Men Shoed the boys and girl and women 1 Now for themen 2 Hulldlng batter shoes for men I than ever Altd one sTt satisfaction to Ul usBulldlon Bulldlon man than ever Wv shostfci low as 7 And up to 1001 Weve time best fUG shoe thats 4 raadi today Tl leather II tie best the 1 trlmmlnss RN the best and th building Is the bet I ROBINSON BROS1 CO SHOE BUILDER 04 Main St 4 I bureau record howl that the wind attaIned a velocltv of eighty four mile an hour when lie meuaui Ing initru menl blew away 1 It II Impossible to tell what was the maximum The storm lon about 2 oclock Saturday morning Previous to that a great norm had been ratting In the Oulf und the tide Was vi high The wind nt drat came from the north and witS in direct opposition to the force tom the Gulf While the storm In the Ojlf piled the water upon the beach side If the city lh north wind piled the water from the bay onto the bay part ot the city DISASTKK WAS CEKTAIN About noon became evident that non I the city was going to be visited with I 1ln disaster Hundred of residences along were hurrlidly abandoned the bach front we ahD doned the famlliM fleeing to ilvelllngs In higher portion of the ilty EVCT7 home tHs open to the refugee black or while The wind was ililng constantly and rain fell In torrent Th wirl wa so fierce that the rain out like a knife lke knie imy oclock the waters of the Gulf and bay met and by dark the emirs city wo submerged The Hooding of the elmric light plant and the plans left the city In darkness To out Into the street was to court death The wind was then at cyclonic velocity roof cistern portions of buildings ttiegrnih pole and wall were falling nnd the noise of the wind and the clashing of the buildings was terrifying bin In the extreme The wind and waters rose steadily from dark until 145 oclock Sunday morning PEOILB IN A TRAP During all this time the people Of Galveston were tk rats In a trap Th hlgheit portion of tit city was four to five feet under water while II the great majority of cup the streets were lubmurRed to a depth of ten I fet To leave a house as to drown To remain was to court death In the wreckage Such a night of agony hOI seldom bell iuailed Without apparent reason the water began to subside at IMS a Within two minutes they had gone down two feet anti before daylight goe streets were practically freed ot the flood waters In the meantime the i wind had veered to the soot heast AN AWKUL SCENE VII few If any building escaped Injury There hardly a habitable house in the city When the people who had escaped death went out at daylight to view the work of the tempest and the floods they saw the most norribk sight Imaginable In the three blocks from Avenue to Annul pIn Tretnont street 1 saw eight bodies Four corpse were In one yard The whole of the business front for three blocks tu from the Gulf were tripped of every vestige of habitation the dwelling establishments and every structure having been either carried out to tea or Its ruins piled In a pyramid far Into the town according to the vagaries of the tempest The first hurried IInc over the city showed that the largest structure supposed to the most substantially built suffered most The Orphans home Twentyfirst and Avenue fell like a house of cards How many def children and refuges are In the ruins could not ascertained BUT FEW SAVED Of the sick In 8t Marys Infirmary together with the attendants only eight are understood to have been saved The Old Womens homer on nOn erg avenue collapsed The Rosen berg school house Is a mass of wreckage Tbe nail high school Is but a empty shell crushed and broken Eel church In the city with possibly one or two exception Is In ruins At the forts nearly all the soldiers are reported dead they having been In temporary quarter which gave them no protection against the tempest or Hood nod HoodXo report tise been received from the Catholic Orphan asylum down the Island but It teems Impossible that It could have withstood the hurtrcane If It fell all the inmates were WIthout doubt lost for there was no aid within a mileWUBCKAGB WUBCKAGB EVKRYWUKKE The bay front from end to end Is in ruins Nothing but piling and th wreck of the great warehouses remain The elevators lost all their luperuorks and their stocks arc damaged by watrr The lifesaving station at Fort Point was carried away the crew beliiv swept across the buy fourtan miles to Texas City I saw Copt Ilaynes yi terday and he told me that his wire and one of his crew were drowned anl The shot at Texas City contains enough wreckage to bulk a tit Eight persons who were wept across the bay during the storm were pickup there alive Plv corpses were al picked up There were three fatalities in Texas City DIBlNTKRRKn THE DBAD In addition to the living and dend whieh he storm cast up at Texas City caskets and collins from one of the cemeteries at Galveston were being fished out of the water there yesterday dayIn thd business portion of the city two large brick bulMlnRs one occupied by Kuapp Urns nn the other by tin Cotton Itxchsnge saloon collapsed In the Cotton Kxohang saloon there wt about fifteen persons Most of them escaped el rails the hgmeing factory the BM works the riertrlc tight works and nearly all the Industrial establish nta of the city an either wrecked or crippled The Hood Itt a slime about one Inch deep over the whole city and Unless fut progress Is made in burr lo corpses and raimase of animal there Is danger of pestilence STOIUKB OF ESCAPBS Some of the stories of escape arc miraculous William Msbett a cotton man wa buried In the ruin of tl Cotton Rxchsnge saloon and when lu out In the morning had no further injury than a few bruised fingers br Young secretary of the Cotton Hxchan was knocked sns less when his house collapsed but I revived by the water and was carried ten blocks by the hurricane A woman who had Just given birth to a chIM was carried from her how to hoes a block dlatsnt the men who war carrying her having to hI1 her hHUs above their beads as th water was five feet deep when time was moved roMAn IlnrllA uirent of un falling and Inmates escaping Clsr IHT ouiHV editor of the Evening MMiiir hud his family and the fain ilix of tll neighbors In his Iou ho the lower half crushed and the upper iiart slipped down Into the water No onl II the house was hurt the Levine family its out of seven lire reported dead Of the Bur Iprte dC nett family only one Is known to have been sliced The family ot Standlsy Hiwnccr who met death In lb Cotton Kxchaugc saloon Is reported to dead HALF THE CITY DBUTROTBD The UUtrot house hi the west end was turned into a hospultal Of the new Southern Pacific works little remains but the piling Half a million feet of lumber was carried away and Engineer Hoschk says that ns far as the company Is concerned it might as well tat over again Bight oiein steamers were torn from their moorings and stranded in the bay I will take a week to tabulate the dead and missing and to get anything hear an approximate Idea of the loss It is safe to assume that onehalf of the property of the city Is wiped out IUd that onehalf of the residents will have to face absolute poverty TKXAB cm SCENES At TeA three of the residents were drowned One man stepped into a well by a mischance and his corpse wa found there Two other men ventured along the bay front during the height of the storm all were killed There are few buildings at Texas City that do not tell of the storm The hotel Is a complete ruin The office of the Texas City company haa some of the walls with all of the laU standing lie upper wall stripped off Nothing remains of the pier except the piling The wreckage from Galveston Utter the shore for miles and Is a hundred yard or more wide For ten miles Inland from the shore I la a common sight to see small craft soch as steam la1 che schooners and oyster sloop Th lifeboat the lifesaving station wo earrlet half a mil Inland while vessel lat was anchored In Moses Bayou lime high and dry five miles UD from IA Marque The Galveston New aiked to have I it announced that all the men of III I staff are safe ltl IAUTIAlj MST OK II5AI A 1cworTlwo Known to Unto lor Islitd At OnlvoHton Galveston Tex Sept Following I Is a partial list of the dead as gathered oy the News 1 was sent by a tug to Houston handlny a Spencer steamship agent Charles Keller Sr prominent cotton man Ulchard Lord raffle manager George iKPadden lire cotton exporters Daly agent for Charles Ort wcln and company Richard Johnson truck by flying timbers and Instantly killed Fred Day Mist Mabel Sttekloch Nephtw of Shaw t4Otfl member of the Wenamore family resldlm In the east end one member was saved of the family an old man ve Mrs Wsttman and two children drenMm Mm Jack Delstay wife of bridge oUk of the port and two children Mr Majrta grocer two daughter and a semi Mist Id Schofleld Mr Baxter and child all lost in all store Mrs Dudley Bell wIt of a Oalves ton News com oltor Will Rice proofreader of the News and child Claude Ford Iran and sitter Miss Helen Btomers i George Well mother and sister Mrs Tread well and Infant 1 Mrs Clark and infant Mrs A Longnvcker Mn George Schroeder and four children and the mother of Deputy Marshal Wood Mr Amundaion mother of Deputy Chief of Police Amundason Joseph A ARllo chairman of the Democratic county executive committee tf teeCnarles Castles Mint knocked from dray nhile attempting to carry his family to a place of safety and killed John Dale and wife Two children of Capt Ellison one of them drowning In its mothers an Mr I Jones and child Mrs Clarence Howth Mrt Mrs Schuter and five child renMrs Hotter and two daughters Mr Davis Wakelee I Fix Fisher wife two cblldnn two sistersinlaw and a niece Mr and Mrs Jones and daughter men John Ckmand and two child renMr Mr and Mrs A Compton Mr and I John Ilroecker and two children 110 childrenHorbeck chidrenHorbk and boy Mother inlaw and sisterinlaw of William Thompson of the fire department Thomas WebMer ir iiretuy of grimm of four Inspector of th port and fimll Mrs tt CoreliWd family Mrs John How ud three children MIIl Johl Iolleman John Bow attempted save his fatally on a but they wept off and droWned I Walter Bstt a prominent ctt I produce dealer and wife prur Masterson and family Policemen Charles Wolf Tovrea and I Richards Families of rolleemen Rowan Bird and Howe Ulchard Swalis Ilchar Peek city engine wife and tlO children I Mrs Mtinn Sr I Mrs Chart Walter a three children I Mrs narnoa nDoa Edward Webstsi Mil two alters wal I Harris Mrs RebMca Harris Barney Kelley Bessie Quester Mrs Harris cot Joe Schwartsback Mew 8b Quester ion 4ntf daucWaJT Roll wife and loa chUdrtft Joe url Katls Kvaus and two daughter Kate and Pined Iharle Sherwood Palmer aid baby bb Mr and II Oars Burnatt and Mr Durnett Molds Parker Miss ole WoN Harmon PilOt flit Mr Peter Hamburg amid Mr children drn drnWoOII Mrs Murray Houdaoux Thesis Davis Mamie Quest Mrs Gordon Gon Mr Mamie Smith Joseph Ubbatt Mr Jannle Dons DrK dten John Oeraud wife and two eWl John Mary Lynch Ann Wilson and baby Wallace amid tour children Wlae ctlNn Munroe colored and Ohms chtl dren drenr Taylor colored Mrs Bessie Cramer Mrs Charles Senator and tour children drenMrs Abe Gordon and live olhlm Miss Mordon I Burrow Miss Annie Anie McAulay MculY Sharp Mr and Mrs Sharp Alls Annie William OHarrow Mr and Mrs Schultz Ltabony Paul Delay Mr and Mrs Harry Poster cuM three children Mrs Mortln and two babies Violet Kr4J rlckson Mil FrederIck son and baby bbJ Mr and Mrs Walter Fisher and three children Sarah Summer Mrs Sylvester Mrs Claude Pordtran of 119 Trsmont street found clinging to root Henry Rlpley son of It lllpley William Flash and daughter of Twentyfifth street and avsntie Mrs Flash was saved Entire family living at Twsntyslxtb and QVi avenue consisting of Angelic Parker and grandchild Tommy IAe Sullivan Parker and his wife Lilly and Alfred their three children Music Harns and Patl Toss lathew Hawkins Mrs neb Harris Mr and Ir Davenport and three children Franclos well known waiter reports port the loss of twentytwo persons who took refute In Imis house six them members of hit family The bodies of four white persons and len colored were found In the aral story of Iteltmeyers residence In the morning Itellmever and family were In the second story and escaped Thirteen were killed In one building 0 Eighth and Broadway Dominick Pormtl la the only one of the party who lives to tel the tale Among them were Joseph Porrettl James Wren wife and six children Mike ngnn wife and motherinlaw Mrs Cline wife of Dr I 1 dine local forecast odlclal of tho United State weather bureau Dr Cllne and his brother Joe dine and three chll dren drifted about In the raging torrent for three hours on a roughly constructed raft They were all lirulssd and cut from their struggle with Ilylog debris Col Pok manager of the Gulf Colorado A Santa Fe railroad had been In the Cotton Exchange saloon a short time before I collapsed and was reported that he was among the dead This however was untrue He has been active aiding the suffering MORB OF THE DKAD Houston Tex Sepl llF llowlng additional names of the dead at Gal veiton lave been received hr Mrs Sam Nolle and four 11 sm Nole ane fOlr children and ten other women and children In Mr Nolleys house on fourth and Avenue Mr Nolle and another man were saved utter a bitter experience Mrs Irne Hess at her home on Hronduay anti Sixth street Mr Its wife uf fomirilsHarv Srr nt Fnnklln Rose 1 the IM in th same house with the Nniy I ICK fru retii berO with 0 a the neigh Itet and two bldn meta efltyf munhtt 4d chIld at Uflb ouband Avenue OSIii th Oar at llam A 01 ewl 3 111 a114 two children thldr 1 war lt the Oalve of Uwte of George Gr i llr omlsstun 11 rnd 1 ritwjsciup at tbtlr rDrlth I It aDd Avenue at ret Dtlr at Twenty 41c Ale 8evententh Ivel1nU end I lbr It th Isiik Sr flllk McRenns tlklnIM I or MrKenn snj VO Cthrr TV nll thalt home on Avfe amid a Tbirmye ThlrYft Ntrctt ii C5 tet I Irownj th1 llWIPd lad II 11 re at01 11 ro tWtlt other I pin a Lh1 tlnl lt I bO111 aim Ruler is RhY wtf and two tt aij ad wife I I I trl cr IiOtorman ra I I tora Zlt Irkal two children iI utWVfl hirtib and Thlr I Thlrl tr IotL slid her dltlt from lt I In the 5 when the I 1 slrok tb Be Ile and te bU ad washed It I furlstio5 tfro fVUMltl Ocr HUle ma to ttlr sare the women an4 Irn and lmen waes hiI la rashiss partly ICCee MNIC Sri dmoIh lnlbe the raft upon lth prJI Wen battling with the MVn btlnc wih te 1n OltP Bw was married swaT BI1 11 by clutching Cf a 14e1 Mkif to Which he lung UU NIii sistained to broken lne bfkln rIh SP I num of fIl severe irutses Ivre a4 on th ad body 11 Mrs Ilrlln 11 fly children anll sine 1 lrions Pral flames roulll wh OIl not 1a1 ii trtmI hjg Tt hid Twentyssvrh Dmel reug 1 I Avenue TWlntlwnth hams hch sj desert wituitutl wltbttll the i I while the noose where th frtgIi1lPi corner sad cUeD sought refu I 1reke lliV Odeli sad brother aldn Oelll ter daugb tin In 1 James Qdeij Oe Mt Ja aou heDlant street and Aven I I MJ Itlco kept a grocery store or and SSI uo stain I was reported by iiISti PI of lb woman that therein ancAl twentyflve persona In the bu ahn it eoUaMtd and they were tied In a man of debris The BSinarOf the Prl of the house other llun Mrs Uaocea could not be learned TVy were refugees whop In the store building iiwfiI Ktehtn Tldrletnth street and Aiu ITIi body was found si iilay afwrMion at Nineteenth strait lAiueN IJIia I roMri Collin Porn a talk Eighteenth tNli I AienueP A I Pbuler mother and live liii Thy left their own house tblD It would not withstand the storm 55l IUIIrhl refuge In a home which Wm crushed to kindling wood Their 0 home wai not wrecked unM for and atelng Ubbatt and dauhter Dr kpole and family hey ft dllArdl lid family II folium and wife Ii rhn MrI hn and Miss Minto Rhea of OlIN sty Tennessee 1Ira Bergmaa and daughter Var Unilrr noUtr Name Pret1a Sent UOCB lUdenPow 13 been tppalntfd chief of the rtnmai roller Knlsfr catlerelecgriiori rll4 Sept IITIte IWch antle er ublMp i liv of JW decorations and titles jfetif rfj by Emperor William upon Mf mi in Pomerani In coranwrn uratiof 01 his visit Whr Thej Are rretsd IJerIdL Sept llfl rr Von Encteln chief tict of Mr Maam on the YAnal moist recently foOfht a blond lees dm 1 II haD apothecary named Wilma oth ate now In Germany to Mpr for the ofltMt JOHN nriiiTnovr UKK If 3 Ilrltlsli Ships iii DKlancwl lir Oemtn ets Lcii4 Sept 1LTW remarkable run of thr Hamburg American line st4anssIj vuivhlwMl It excltlnc un tllUal Liret In Rniland and there is inuc rimplalnt becauseBritish vet eels ai thus distanced la the speed cotapetiti The Day chnnlrle potett out the anmr tIm in tlm of war Rrltlsh trade woi1 be 5 i the merry of such swift ooriir rr trufr arI MV that the crnmcn lid natlii must look to I Tli Cu piiiaiir whin In tinit i is 1 Timer i hat Ji rnrinv OJ alive to the 10 ihj a of In such last ves the inst lj altIUde of fl war and II DtVIII German been iur IJ ennan fhemment hail Jltltrtlllltal ing theit In IIrmt penduuo iln ot It I alt II Il that there It Qniene I I Yelopmebt IInaltty In 1I 1d eyes fully fbi Cnnard line h1 11 Opeli to the IIltIlIon 11tned lb Helping tlte DttrrI Port rbl The Veph Sept 11 ih steamnhU Thomas hI I from Nome I whith with HO tlOet as IIMII than hr aiiq bee owner hall be ftlt tu curry 111 Iir the I ty Lt CUStoms aillh a fjd Inr fjm Norm rnr I i I I sji Arthur of tin ThoillVn i II 100 PMHBgeriV I ti f11 ry plftll nCI LmvIm lat her of dwtlnti Li tM I 11 1 matter WlU be nmlh I ment at WaaIIlnrtlin I ItWaaIIlnrtlin bt pr the 4 ecllon of 0 tltl One is enforcj Plottd to 11111 Arneilciins ScatHe Wu Sept 10Ihe Samoa leA Nom tor th Ilin out early 10 AaIUllt with flan rII1 matPra for time operation cession la Ruaata of 1 I by London capitaillta territory rite sociij 111111111 was In Ibarp of O4Iorp noLII and he had BUlan associated with him I civil elltor Daml1 td oUDltlvltch tulC1l lathulI1 thirty Russians who had btto ngall1 laborers and six Americans tile Shortly atter the vesl put to eta thirty labors began tn IlII In a manner that aroused the UlJildun of the AmerlCIIII and the UneaHlntllll wall luamentlJ by the allred diseorr that the HuuIna with the lrellll of the civil engineer were all Cussai IOlelIPII Roberts put a watch upon them ILI1I on learning what he belllfd to Is plot to cuss the vessel and marllvn or murder the Americans be decided on a plan of action On night hon the Huulanl weN usleen the I lll was turned and beaded for Nome 1 on the arrival of the vessel Roberts toraalll the local military tortes of tie affair and a liqUId of soldiers wu III once hrl1 out to the boat and 1laC1 In charge of the Russians The affair 11 i will be thoroughly sifted HM luTw In Ariaowi Wilcox Aril fcptFor the last ten days nlllneroWl heavy rains have vltlted this section and the rtmushi in completely broken The water holes all over the country arc filled and the grace Is about four inches tall The cam men who Ire making preparatIons to ship out the bulk at their cattle In order to save thm will not hP Any this year This now premise to be the bent season for tIM cAttle Induatry that we hare had for many yeses Otabnn News Havana 8 pt 11Oen Maxim Ooran and Senor Salvador immense Beuncourt have been In frequent con ultaUou since the lattert return from the United Staten and it II understood that the object of thcU conferences to convert General Comes from a lethl angle to an awewlve attitude Havana will consider the advIsability of a quarantine against Vera Crut where the mortality from yellow fever It sixty per cent of the persons attacked The disease here la not markedly on the Increase but the recent heavy rains are conducive to its spread All the United States troop have been removed from La bana to TriMornla Camps rime customs receipts at the Ort of Havana lilt Saturday were I74MO AinorloHH Ship In CltlMte Vaten Washington Sept ltTh navy de partment hat been Informed of the arrival of the battleship Oregon at Woo BUM The department was alto ad vlted of the arrival at Shanghai from Cite Poo of the gunboat Nanhvllle Woo Sang II the port of Shanghai and here the Oregon will remain as her draft will not permit of her going to Shang haiThe The war department hat been informed of the arrival of the transport Oaronne at Manila on thll1tb Init with eight trooM of the First cavalry aboard Tbete troop were originally Intended for service In China and wen among the first to be diverted to the Philippine In accordance with the tit partmenti deotalon to wad ao mor troop to Taint 8 XII Ortiew Washington Sept LBy aa order issued by the navy department Bear Admiral Wataoa lately In com rnand of the naval forces on the Alt atlo station la detached from the cruller Baltimore and ordered to proceed to hit home and await orders Commander Pendleton baa been detached from duty at the naval war college and ordered to assume command I or the cruiser Atlantk on the I 1Mb inct The Ailnntn la tn take the I I luf th NfuntionKiy vhlch goes nut of ci iniiii un he Ith Inst She I iijv txwt having IHMI iillnl ritltttj n1 eUipped I House II It Work I IDJf I A I 0 IIIII IIbf 198 hard tiIi iiitbii 1 IAt1JI Work tTrzIr ii 1JkgIt without 1 IHtM IWLW2f iiau i 0 J1Powde DUST 4w.

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