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The Sun from Biloxi, Mississippi • 2

The Suni
Biloxi, Mississippi
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Mississippi Gulf Coast Monday October 1 1984 GM to OK nationwide pact Detroit said the plant was the first to vote on the new contract The remainder of 850000 UAW members are scheduled to vote before Oct 14 They have been working without a contract At Ford the meeting was scheduled today at the main bargaining table between the chief negotiators for both sides Peter Pestlllo for the company and Stephen Toklch for the UAW which represents 115000 Ford employees The separate national contracts between the UAW and the two automakers expired Sept 14 The UAW Is seeking to replace concessions made when those contracts were struck In 1982 By THZ ASSOCIATED PRES! DEARBORN Mich Workers at a General Motors plant in California on Sunday became the first to approve a new nationwide pact with the Nol automaker and bargainers for Ford Motor Co and the United Auto Workers union prepared for formal resumption of contract talks Members of the 4200-member UAW Local 845 at the Van Nuys Calif assembly plant approved the pact despite the urging of the president They also approved a contract dealing with work conditions at the plant Workers at the plant one of 17 GM units that were closed earlier this month during six days of spot strikes voted 684-887 on Sunday in favor of the national pact and 849-205 on an agreement dealing with local Issues said Sal Menchaca secretary-treasurer of the Local 645 After the tentative contract agreement was reached Sept 21 the Van Nuys workers walked out again for several days but returned last week to finish work on 1984 models The plant was closed Saturday for retooling for 1985 production The local contract calls for improvements In working conditions seniority rules production quotas hazardous working conditions and wage negotiation rules Menchaca said addresses such things as how we apply seniority on the plant and the other Issues that management agreed to correct" Menchaca said The working condition improvements Includes better ventilation Menchaca said Menchaca said national UAW leaders urged members of the Local 645 to approve the national contract which be ratified until voting Is completed by all 850000 UAW national members Local 645 President Pete Beltran urged the members to pass the local contract but reject the national offer according to Baltazar Martinez a local member who is also an international UAW organizer Jessica Katz a spokeswoman for the UAW In A 2 THE SUN- Talks Working the graveyard shift A maintenance worker mows between the rows of headstones at the Veteran's Administration National Cemetery Mountain Home in Johnson City Tenn Continued from Page A-l they would try to scuttle it In televised interview Sunday Robert McFarlane the president's national security adviser said it would probably take a couple of months for the Soviets decide their response to Reagan's proposals for regular high contacts focusing on arms control and other issues Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger questioned on the same program said serious -negotiations probably could begin late this year or sometime next year Shultz predicted there will be follow-up consultations at the ambassadorial level in Washington and Moscow to decide plans for specific meetings on specific Issues David Aaron senior foreign policy adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale told ABC interviewers he was that something tangible wasn't accomplished" in the Reagan-Gromyko talks Mondale himself told reporters Sunday that the Reagan-Gromyko session was an fall-'tire In arms control" and disappointing and a basis for apprehension" because it raised doubts about Reagan will we see" If he wins a second term ASSOCIATED PRESS Prison the building of 1000-man units in Jackson and south of Hattiesburg to deal with the growing prison population get the qualified people we need to work in an area like rural Sunflower County" Moore said Parchman is located in Sunflower County board of corrections has a problem in hiring adequate personnel to supervise prisoners and provide medical attention" Smith said Is hard to get adequate personnel when they have to drive 25 miles to get a hamburger" Moore recently announced the institution of a new policy that "Is going to cause our office to try twice as many cases because of stiffer rrcom-mendatlons In drug cases" Moore said his office handles 400 to 500 drug cases a year have to have a place to put them when they are convicted and sent to the penitentiary" District Attorney Cono Caranna of Biloxi believes a regional facility would save money and help rehabilitate prisoners "Having a regional facility In this area would not only save time and money as far as transporting prisoners from Parchman It would help rehabilitate inmates by allowing them to be close to their families" Mike Chance executive director of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce said his board has not discussed the proposal In detail has been no discussion on putting it in Biloxi" Ocean Springs Police Chief Kevin Alves seconded Gill's suggestion "Anytime the state wants to build something controversial it should seek Input" are non-violent persons Authorities say many of the people out on bond pose a graver threat than would the people assigned to the prison Pass Christian Police Chief John Dubuisson noted that the medium-security prisoners who would be housed locally will be mostly property offenders at Parchman has resulted in some criminals coming back to town through an early release With this facility they could be housed there The people would know they were locked up rather than on the streets" The economic benefits a prison would bring In the way of jobs is another advantage Thigpen said the prison would pump about $89 million yearly into the local economy The payroll alone would amount to about 928 million a year said such a facility have a good economic impact on the area We are looking at It as an Industry" Pell also sees the prison as something that "will create new jobs" He said he would like to see someone from the Department of Corrections come down and make proposals to county boards of supervisors and city officials Smith said there are now 125 prisoners 78 from the Work center anrPSO from the county jail working in the community dally is refreshing to ride around and see prisoners working picking up trash and doing other community-service Moore Jenne and Smith talked about the need to decentralize the prison system with regard to hiring qualified jail personnel Jenne advocates be put somewhere suitable to all entities then there shouldn't be too much opposition to it" Pell said he would recommend a prison not be built In a downtown area Harrison- County Sheriff Larkin Smith said Woolmarket residents didn't want the community work center In their area When it was agreed to build it by the Gulfport police station the opposition died Fearon Jenne chief of operations at the Adult Detention Center in Pascagoula said that when the federal courts ordered that prison built two nearby schools and a church expressed concern However "there were no outrageous protests" he said are enough uninhabited areas in the three-county area where a prison could be built" Jenne said District Attorney Mike Moore of Pascagoula said the people In George County are in favor of a prison One advantage of the prison Is that It would cut down on the number of inmates being turned out at archman to make room for new prisoners we're going to complain about early release we have to support building more facilities" Moore said Thigpen said the prison will be like Parchman but smaller However It will not house dangerous prisoners who would require maximum-security settings Thigpen said some people convicted of murder are serving as trusties at the governor's mansion Evaluations have shown that although they committed domestic murders they basically Continued from Page A-l to see some details on it We haven't had one minute's trouble with the new community work -center in Gulfport I would want to have some degree of control over any other facility in Gulfport" The location of a prison will determine public support or opposition A survey of officials in Harrison and Jackson counties Indicate that there is no widespread opposition to a prison But in Hancock County where supervisors refused to approve a community work center after area residents objected the attitude remains unchanged Hancock County Sheriff Ronnie Peterson said the county and cities could have used the manpower of non-violent prisoners If the people had endorsed a prison None of the officials interviewed wanted to suggest a location but most agreed an uninhabited area would be the best choice Wade Jones executive director of the Gulfport Chamber of Commerce said suggest a site until we know what the needs are It is too premature to think about a site now" going to have opposition from people depending on where it would be located" said Long Beach Police Chief KM Pell Jr it can Bond Congress difference between Walter Mondale and Reagan" he said "whose finger would you want poised an inch above the buttons launching an atomic bomb?" The Republican party la counting on apathy among blacks Bond said want you to think It's just two more white men If you think there's no Reagan leads Mondale in early polls in the state along with most of the South A large black turnout would be a key for a Mondale victory In the state Bond said especially since Reagan- won the state In 1980 by only 12000 votes He stressed the Importance of individual votes In the race where traditionally only about half of those registered cast a ballot through Tuesday would buy some time to avert a disruption of government operations it does nothing to untangle' the mess In the Senate Before Senate activity came to a complete halt during an unusual Saturday session Majority Leader Howard Baker Jr R-Tenn lamented are In deeper and deeper procedural trouble" TP mSetiirjf r'fr Continued from Page A-l today While the stopgap measure keeping the money flowing Continued from Page A-12 slipping away Reagan has substituted mineral rights for human rights" administrative record based on of self-righteous swinishness" makes him an unsavory choice for blacks Bond said black who votes for Reagan Is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders" he quipped He encouraged blacks to register and vote on Nov 6 for Mondale on Senate arts COMPLETE CAR CLEAN UP SPECIAL Got big plans Want to clean up bills? Talk to Fleet Whether you want to dean up bilk take advantage of sales paint up fix up add a room pay for education cover back to school costs get a new car-even go on that special oner in a life time vacation-see Fleet today Fleet for immediate action competitive rates plus payments to fit your budget Why Fleet? Because we want your plans and dreams to come true Because whether you want $1000 or $250000 or any amount in -between wcaie ready and anxious to serve you promptly with dignity and appreciation Phqne your Fleet Manager or come in today to apply for the full amount it takes for what you want to da Fleet is an affiliate of Fleet National Bank which has a long history of financial service to Americans since 1791 Fleet Financial Group is in 33 states and five foreign countries Assets over $5 billion COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SHAMPOOING ALL VINYL AREAS DRESSED WITH ZIEBART'S VINYL GUARD ALL CARPETS SHAMPOOED COMPLETE CLEANING OF TRUNK AREA ENGINE CLEANED AND DRESSED ALL CHROME AREAS POLISHED TIRES CLEANED AND DRESSED COMPLETE EXTERIOR WAXING AND POLISHING voter turnout Is held down by a perception that Reagan has Illinois wrapped up every 10 Democrats who fall to go to the polls eight or nine would have voted for Simon" he said Texas Republican Rep Phil Gramm Is conceded the lead over Democratic state Sen Lloyd Doggett in a state where the Reagan coattail effect could have the biggest impact of all From George Christian former White House press secretary to Lyndon Johnson and now' a political consultant In Austin: there Is a landslide for Reagan In Texas Gramm probably will win If the gap is narrowed Doggett has a chance" New Hampshire Republican Incumbent Gordon Humphrey Is battling Democratic Rep Norm Amours In one of the few Senate races where the trend seems to be toward this Democrat Mississippi National Democratic leaders once thought Republican Sen Thad Cochran was so vulnerable they practically drafted outgoing Democratic Gov William Winter to challenge him The last independent poll showed Cochran ahead by 18 points and Cochran's campaign claims to have a poll showing him ahead now by 22 points In a state where Reagan's popularity Is soaring Continued from Page A-l utslders to the slugfest between esse Helms the conservative Lepubllcan incumbent and Jim lunt the popular self-styled New South" governor Polls showed Hunt ahead by learly 20 points when the contest tegan to unfold last year Now 10th sides agree a dead heat a state where Reagan holds a ommanding lead over Walter Mondale at the top of the lcket Iowa Incumbent Re-wblican Roger Jepsen recently lulled ahead of Democratic shallenger Rep Tom Harkln afar trailing consistently In larller polls by as much as 17 Mints GOP state chairman Rolf 3raft said he sees a battle to the irire Illinois Sen Charles Persy beselged by conservatives as no liberal to carry the Re-mbllcan banner is In a nlp-and-uck fight with Democratic Rep Paul Simon But polls show Reagan well Lhead of Mondale in the state ind James Nowlan head of the nibllc administration program it the University of Illinois suggests that could hurt Simon If WAS $7050 EIQuarter Begins OctriberSdj i i Call Today 896-6465 Phillips BQlCollege The Career College' Elidible bwiHiNion under the federally I mured Student loan Program Licensed by the Mis Commission of School A College Registration license 0206 NOW Rtf SUMO 2122 25th Ave at 22nd St 864-1985 Gulfport 864-1988 55 Fleet Finance A FM National Bank sfWait GUUPORTM4-7S81 2307 Pass Rd MSCAOOUUV76M181 1420 Danny Aua 5sTi.

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