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Albuquerque Citizen from Albuquerque, New Mexico • Page 3

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MtMM THK DAILY CITIZEN KID FAMce5 THESYSTM OVERCOMIS 0 E)UY THE C-tNUiNE -MViT'D BY Tfrml of grjbscrrlptlon. Dally, AT mall, one year 46 00 Daily, by mall, sli mnntha 00 Dally, by n.ill. Ihreemnmas HO lally. mall, one month RO lll ty carrier, on month 7B Weraiy, by mail, per year 00 Tun Daily C'itiisk will be delivered In the -liy at Ui low rate of 90 rents per week, or lor 7 rents Pf month, when paid monthly. Theae rai-a are leM than those of any other dally rsrrtn the territory.

avav --waawak. s- New Railroad to San Francisco Santa I'd Route, by it San Joaquin Valley Extension. The only line with track and trains under one management all the way from Chicago to the Golden (iate. Mountain passes, extinct volcanos, petrified forests, prehistoric ruins, Indian pueblos, Yoseinite, Grand Canon of Arizona, on route. Same high-grade service that has made the Santa F5 the favorite route to Southern California.

Fast schedule; l'ullman and Tourist sleepers 0 4 4 4 4 daily; free reclining chair cars; I larvey meals throughout. Beginning: July 1. I A. CONMAI), Ag-ant. A The At(hin.

Torwka Santa Fe R'y, Albutjiiarqua, N. M. 4 is the Swl of Wit." Wit is Blood 11 Lfe, faxpurt blood is living llcMlh di-fvnds on yood IuhkJ. Dejsc due to LjJ blood. The blood idn be funfkd.

Legions My Hood's America's Greatest Elood Medicine, purifies it, A brief story but it tells the tale. ilF YOb ViSK TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS ANVWMCfca AT ANVTIMI ken a. wrrte B.C. DICE'S ADVERTISING IGEICT 4 a a Men Hants' Escheat LETIfcR LIST. Is a lint of letter renialhlDi 'ncalliMl fur In the inmIoIMm st Albu- queriUr, Nrw Mexico, or tne wottk cui! tug Jul; LADIES1 LIST.

Andt-rMin Mm Murine Jory Mra A ti ll'irtiin MreMalile Knap, Mra Kiel aipnlti'r, Mia Mlaa NonaO) imiirlly I. Ill Lurraa, tteuora I) de tiitiLnna, lira Dell Manning, Mlaa Madgt IIhII, Mra Jua 1 reilijrr, Mine Anna Hasina, Mra Rachel kr, Ui car a Maya OINTLBMEN'I HIT, Amiiiva, Paul (lama, Key, Sylvestra ADilt Holi, ueiillfv iireuc, ArulKU, Jiiar iiriitiia, Dan lleiiaiiilca, Srilillu jr Severo UrliitJii. Kuurll MiKire, (ici'iiie (3) Dran, Jai 8an liei, Cljavea hvdiy. tif'i Sumloval, TiMlntiu Oarcia, Kf bemllo, Kelugiu I'lT-uiiiti crklllnsr fur tha ahoy iiKaiid IhUvm, will ple "AdTHrtlDed J. R.

ABatlJO, f. Mokt Tea pcalUvely cures tick hta.4-ache, in.liK'-auun nj cortKipatloa. A delightful herb drink. KemoTM 11 crupiloni of the ikln, producing per. L.inii'lexlon, or money refunded, 25 1 cU.

Window hdet In ilxe n) col on. Albert Faber, Grant bulldlnj. Old pMperi for avt Tk ClUuo 11 'Jl ACTS6CMLY LBVEH ON Akin OtDo. WIN5JL0W The Nation'i Anniversary Properly Observed by Winslow People. TWO ONE-SIDED BALL GAMES.

From the Mill. Th Fourth celebrated In Wtnt low with more than uaual pomp and ceremony. The racln waa cood and closely contented, the beat boraea win ning. The wheel barrow racing- waa eomlral, ao Waa the aack racing. There Were three ronteatanta In tha foot race and good time waa ma do.

But the event of the day for the boy, ai well aa tha older and more aedata, waa tha ball playing, the. Wlnalow boys winning both games, hands doan. tn the forenoon our home team playej Flagstaff and made monkeys of them, scoring xf runs to a gousa egg. In the afternoon they came near do-lug the same thing wrth the Uallup nine, tne score 17 to t. For amateurs.

Winslow has the best nine on the line of the road between Albuquerque and Los Angeles. Our boys were right up on their mettle in both games. lly, the prtoher, was In fine form and did some clever work, and waa ably supported by Sampson, behind the bat. in short, tha whole team played ball. and played gaod ball.

C. H. 3. Denton umpired both games, and his decisions were fair and Impartial. If anvthln favoring the vlaltors.

The balloon ascension by Professor Skinner was grand success. When tha ropes were cut the air ship went almoat straight up, there being but lit tie breese. Aa she ascended the oro- fessor gave an excellent exhibition on the trapese, and when he had reached the height of about 600 feet, he leaped from the basket, his red umbrella slow. Iy opened, and lie landed in safety about a quarter of a mile from his starting point. Aa an aeronaut the professor is a success, but as a Judge at ball players he la a dismal failure.

The ball In the evening waa largely attended, and waa a success, socially and financially. Taken altogether the celebration was a auccess In every particular. IS IT RIGHT For aa Editor to Raeommead Patent Medlelneef From Bylvau Valley Iews, Brevard. N. C.

It may be a Question whether th tor of a newaoaner has the rl-ht ta publicly recommend anv of tha proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as oraventuHve of aufrr. ing we feel tt a duty to say a good word tor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. We tutve known and used this medicine In our family for twenty years and have alvivi found It reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would hour nt suffering while a physician is awaited. we ao not believe In depending implicitly on any mediolne for a cure, but we do believe that If a bottle of Cham-berlain'a Diarrhoea Remedy kr on hand and administered at the Inception of an attack much Buffering might bj avoided and in very many cases the presence or a physician would not be required.

At least this has been our experience during the past twenty yeara. For sale by all druggists. LAUl'NA. Special CorreapondaM. Laguna, July Dr.Hedllcka and W.

Orchard, representing the American Museum of Natural History of New York, have been making an extended stay at Laguna and Acoma Indian pueblos. Tbey have also been among tne Moqui and Zunl Indiana. Theae scientists, In company with others, ara making a study of physical anthropol ogy from each Indian tribe. Tbey ae. lect representative types snad by a careful aystem of measurement, gen eral physical examinations.

photographs, by comparison they expect to finally reach some conclusion as to the relationship of the various Indian tribes of America and possibly find scms clue as to their origin. They are of the opinion that the Moqui, Zunl, Acoma and Lagunas come originally fiom the same family. After stopping at Isleta. they go to the Mescalero Apaches and then to the Plmas In Ari-sona. Klmon Hi bo and family picnicked in the San Mateo mountains, at Water canon, They report a pleasant day and vote Water canon a fine place for a holiday.

A Fourrh of July picnic was held by the members of the Laguna Indian Presbyterian church. Iced refreshments were served free, and Indian games furnished amusement for tha day. Dr. C. B.

Lukens made an ad dress on the origin and meaning of the holiday. It waa a unique celebration of our Independence day, and probably the first ever participated in by Pueblo Indians with full knowledge of Its ob ject. Dr. Lukens and family were the only white people present. Mrs.

Kate W. Cannon, the government school teacher at Pajarito, left for Newkirk, Oklahoma, last Monday on a visit to her son. Dr. Cannon, of that place. Miss Fannie Dennis, govsrnmsnt teacher at Paraje, aiao left laat Monday for Harper City tha horns of her parents.

Miss M. A. Bingham, of Laguna, will leavs for California next Tuesday, hers she will spend her vacation. Bhs will stop over a few days at the petrified foreat and Qrand Canon. iion.

Kalph Collins, superintendent of the government school at Albuquerque, visited at Laguna on Friday of last week. Mr. Frank Crane la visiting for a few days at Laguna, being entertained by the Ounn Bros. Mr. Crans has just finished taking the census of a portion of the Navajo Indians, lis reports tbs Indiana aa generally ready to answer all questions, though not fully understanding the reason for the count.

Dr. C. K. Lukens aud family are home from their eastern trip. Besdea visiting the general assembly of tbs Presbyterian church at Ut.

Louis, to which he was a conimieaioner, the made addresses before representative churches In Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. Mrs. Lukens also visited at Olney, 111., with ber father, Kev. O. Hough, pastor of the Presbyterian church at that place.

Mr. Desiderio Sandoval, of Seboyet- ta, is receiving a carload of lumber, to be used In h.e new building at that place. Mr. Richards, government Indian farmer, Is busy taking the oenxue of the Laguna and Aooma tribea. As soon as finished be expects to begin his work teaching the Indians more scian tlflo methods of farming.

CALIFORNIA HEAaUOHK IlKSORH. Special low rates will be made by the Santa Fe route to Ban Diego, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Monlna and Redondo on Thursdays of each week from May lath to August JOth. Tick ets will bs good for IrO days from date of aale and to stop ever at any point west, of Ban Bernardino. The rate from Albuquerque will be fU.M tor the round trip. The California seashore resort will fit unusually atlrwTOTeT rViTTAI (air coiooatio a aetf real'Urt Iks bssa vigauiaeo.

'lenia ars iau yul 14) tlf'yuUI aiuug tne aun la uvoi ute del coruuaoo. ihe city Has eleulMe ignis, groceiy aivre, etc. Largs srehes tia in auemianue at pavilion every evening. 11 I aud Ouid plunge. Core nauo water piped to all parts of lent City, ami water, aurf bathing and Dsniug ara at hand.

Tents) ti and unfurnished oaa be rente! st a reasonable charge. At Laguna ateacft may be found a quiet famny resort of summer homes. Cottages ars for rent. Oveanalde has a Una beach and is sur rounded wltn points of Interest.

At Hedondo extensive improvements have been made and the famous deventh Kegtmcnt band has been engaged tor the season which Insures the best of music at this delightful resort by lbs "Bounding Bea." Thla la the resort of moss, agats and shell hunters. Fishing from ths wharves is ewwaya good. The summer Chatauqua at Long Beaoh will be fully up to the atandard; while Ban ta Monica will have Its) usual crowd of pleasure seekers. Los Angeles, the busy metropolis of southern California, win be allvs with visitors who nuks this their headquarters for aide trip around the "kite-shaped track," the beaches, Mt Lows, etc, eta. Spend your vaoetton on the Paoino ooesL.

Agents of the Bant Fe route will cheerfully give) you all the desired la formation. A IMILlr I.NJOf Ths pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effect of Byrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be oostivs of bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; ao that it la the beat family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig elyrup company. UV1B14 LutsX. Attend our special sale Hoeenwald Bros.

Attend the big ribbon sals at the Eoonomiat. Attend our midsummer oleavraooe gala Roseawald Bros. Attsnd the big sals In all department at ths BoonomisC Prettiest line of parasols In New Mexico at ii. llfeld Co. Bummer dress goods at remarkably low races at the JBoonomlst.

Ladles' neckwear at leaa than whole- eale pnoea at the iucODomiat. Li -bes from (0 eenta upwards at Albert fauer'a, (Of Railroad avenue. Your choice of our slock of ladles)' neckwear for 2t cents. Kosenwald Bros, Ladles kid gloves every pair guar anteed one dollar per pair. Kosenwald Bros.

Klelnwort's Is the place to get your nice fresh steak. All klnda of nice meet. Do you need a shirt waletf If so attsnd ths special sale of ladles' stilrt waists at ths oonomist. The largest line of all kinds and styles of oar pets to be found only at Albert Feber'e, Grant building. Black velvet ribbon widths, satin back or cotton back Just cams In a few days ago, B.

llfeld A Co. C. A. Grande, aoi North Broadway. One liquors and clgara.

Fresh 11ms foi sals. Furnished rooms tor rent. Men's, ladies' and children's low shoes at extra low prloes at C. May a popular priced alioa store, itos West Bailroad avenue. When In want of Job printing, bork indlng, remember The Cltlsea baa ths most oomplsts outfit In the territory.

Coyote water from the springs oan only be had from the Coyote Springs Mineral Water Co. llVi north Second street. Bpecial sals this week on fine wash goods. All our fins Imported silk or-gandiss, Psau ds sols and to be olossd out at a big loss. B.

Ilfsld Co. Remember ws carry ths Albright shoe for ohlldren the best wearing, most oomfortabls and nicest looking shoe mads. Twenty styles to select from. B. llfeld Co.

Neglect Is ths short step so many taks from a cough or oold to consump tion. It Is ths only harmless remedy that gives Imedlate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers sndorss It. Berry Drug Co.

and Cosmopolitan drug a tors. Holloa lor Publication. (Homestead Entry No. 67U6.) Department of tha Interior, Land Office at Banta Fs, New Mexico, June It, lvoo. Notice is hereby given that ths fallowing- named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of Ms claim, and that aald proof will be made before Probate Clerk of Bernalillo County, at Albu querque, New Mexico, on July 13, lMO, vlx: Clifton Hill for the lots i and and ot JIW(4 of Beet, T.

I R. 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, via; Mason hi. Croasan, of Albuquerque, N. Joseph Farr of Albuquerque, N.

M.j Manuel Lopes, of Albuquerque, N. William Farr, of Albuquerque, N. M. MANUEL. R.

OTERO, Beglater. Tupllaiu'e loe Cream. Is what aplcures an dthe "00" want It Is mads from Matthew's Jsrsey oream and has ths rich, smooth flavor that Judges of ths purs article Ilka. Bold at O'Reilly's and Matthew's drug stores. Can ba had In bulk ot ths Co yote springs mineral water company.

Wa ars also ths only bottlers of the genuine Coyote Springs mineral water from the Coyote springs. Office US north Second street. Phons 471, This afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock, the funeral of Miss Stella Sandoval, whose death was mentioned in The Cltlxen yesterday afternoon, took place at ths Church of Immaculate Conception, and was largely attended by friends of ths bereaved family. The remains were burled In FaJrvlew cemetery. The nominations are made and the campaign will soon open.

To hear all the latest news, and to discuss ths political situation drop Into ths Zelger Cafe; the best of wet goods will be found st the bar, and a One lunch at the chefs counter. Ward Harrington, who worked In The Cltixen otfli-e a few years ago, came In from Bllver City this morning and la around among the local printers to-day, He will leavs to-night for Victor, Colo. II. I'. Owen, district court clerk, who was at Chicago enjoying a few heated weeks with old chums, returned to ths city last night.

He stopped over a day and nlht at Las Vegas. Misses Wallace andFaber, two teach-en at the government Indian school, who were at Santa Fe on a visit the past few days, returned to the city last mght. J. H. Bearrup, member of the Albuquerque Wool Scouring mills, was In Santa Fe yesterday on business connected with the mills.

Rev. T. A. Bendrat is going to Belen to-night in order to oonduct services tbsre to morrow morning. roll tax Is due, and Clark Roy Mo- Donald Is out collecting the taxes in this city.

SftsM Imsrevenw" tporeorHf -J-f)jrk Jaly fsrSoaa. APPOINTED RANUU RIDER. W. Belden, of Juliet, 111., who has been at Santa Fe aeveral days, has been appointed by Forest Superintendent I. B.

Hanna a range tkler on the Uila River reaervation. He leaves for hie post of duty, fifty miles west ot Bllver City, Mr. Belden will have special charge ot the cliff dweller ruins within ths Ulla reserve. INCORPORATIONS. John A.

Jones. Andrsw J. King, of El Paso, and Henry L. Rynerson, of Las) Cruces, notified Territorial Secretary Wallace of the Incorporation ot a mining company, of wmch they are the directors. Capital, headquarters, Las Cruces.

Incorporation fee, J0. The Bhutt Improvement company of Pueblo, filed Incorporation papers at the office of Territorial Secretary Wallace. The Incorporators snd directors are C. F. ethutt F.

M. Shutt and K. W. Shutt, of Pueblo, Colo. The company Is carrying on a contracting business.

Its headquarters ars at Pueblo; Its New Mexico headquarters st Albuquerque. Its New Mexico agent Is B. 8. Rodey. Capital, fji.oog.

Incorporation fee, fit. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS, Kie Oldham, of Little Rock. ape-cial attorney for the confederated Ute tribles, In charge of Indian depredation cases, Is at Taos and will bs officially engaged theieabeuta until the 14 tn la.H when he returns to Santa Fe, FOURTH OF JULY PARIKN. In accordance with an established custom. Governor Otero, on the evening ot July pardoned one ot the inmates of ths penitentiary.

The fortunate convict was Magdalene Oarsa, of Sierra county, in the penitentiary since In 185. He hsd been sentenced for life, but sines his trial mitigating circumstances have come to light. Oarsa was sn exemplary convict. Governor Otero at the same time ordurcd that Robert Shaw, ot Bernalillo county, who had served 21 months of a two years' sentence for larceny, be given an extra month oil his sentence for good behavior. Beware of Olotuiante for Catarrh that Cob-tela Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces.

Such articles should never be used exoept oa prescriptions from reputable physicians, as ths damaga they will Uo la tea fold to the good you oan possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. i. Caesey 4k Co Toledo, contains no msroury. snd is taken internally, acting dirsotly on the blood and muoous surfaces of the system.

In buying Bail's Catarrh Cure be sure you tret th genuine. It is taken Internally and la made In To ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Oa. Tes- Umoniele free.

Sold by druggists, price 7to per bottle. BLAND BREVITIES. Batch of Heraonal and Kewly Notes rrosn the Mining Town. Ed. Shaw, bookkeeper tor the Cocbitl Store company, has gons down Into the iBlack Range country on a proa-pecting trip.

He expects to return In a short time. Mrs. Mary Finch and her charming young daughter. Miss Helen, who visit sd in the metropolis tor a few days, have returned to their boms In Bland. T.

P. Wilson, who occupies lbs post-tlon of stors keeper for the CochlU Gold Mining company, has returned from the Hoaedaie region. Where he enjoyed a vacation of ten daya. J. D.

May, vice president of the Crown Point -Mining company, and largely intereatsd In other valuable properties in ths Cochiti, oams in from Albuquerque, via James Springs. B. Creager, a former Instructor in tbs government Indian school at Albuquerque, and for tbs 'past three years city superintendent of schools In Phoenix, came In on the stags on a visit to his brother, J. G. Creager, and family.

Miss Sadis Kirkland, a waltreas at the Thornton hotel, has been summoned to the bedside ot her mother, who is seriously 111 In the Sisters' hospital at Bsnta Fs. Mrs. Kirkland Is quits well known hers, and her many frienda entertain hopes of her speedy recovery. J. E.

Clement and R. M. Weimer, prominent young business men of Port Lavaca, Texas, are among ths nsw arrivals In Bland. The latter Is a nephew of Daniel and John Evans ot this place. They will locate here and eventually expect to engage in the mercantile business.

George P. Leamard, Junior member ot the Arm of Hall A Learnard, territorial representatives of the Chickerlng pianos, made a brief business visit to Bland and returned to Albuquerque. He la making new territory for his firm and expressed himself as well pleased with his trip to the golden Cochiti. Last week Oliver Marsh and wife sold their residence in South Bland to George Reed, the consideration not being made public. Mr.

Marsh has Invested a portion of his money In a fins ten-acre tract of land Just toeyond the city limits of Riverside, and will turn his attention to the fruit Industry in that locality. The sparks from ths smoke stack at the pumping station In Peralta canon started a blase in the cord wood nearby and before the flames were extinguish-ed a large amount of damage was done. About one hundred cords of wood and the bunk bouse were destroyed. The employes at the station suffered the loss of their beddingand some clothing. It Is estimated the lose to the Cochiti Gold Mining company will be about J500.

Bland Herald. Arrival aad lepa -lure of Malls. Malls arrivs from tha sast and north at I it p. distributed. 10:10 p.

south, tilt a. distributed, 1:10 a. west, 1:06 a. distributed, m. Mulls closs for ths north and east at 7:11 a.

west, I p. south, p. m. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely Information given Mrs.

Oeorge Long, of prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. Ons bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medioine also cured Mr, Long of a severe attack of pneumonia.

Such cures ara poaltivs proof ot the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only too and 11.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J. H.

O'RIelly aV drug stors. Company Financially luvolved. We are informed that many of the men who bave ben working on ths Grand Canon railroad have ceased to work on account of not getting their pay, and many are offering to sen their pay ohecks at 10 cents on the dollar and even for less than this amount. The company seems to bs Involved to a con sldersbls amount. Flagstaff Gam.

Attend special sale of parasols at the economist this week. I- teller Positive waan. A woman hat a right to he prerlUve on matters which are matters of personal knowledge ami exjiericnre, Kvrry woman who has osarl Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for iliarssee of the womanly orgnns is rmsitlve as to Its wonderful curative vaiue, and confidently recotn- vanof ko eimuar surjerers. Women who suffer from inflammation, Iceration, female weakness, or nervous diseases raneeri by disease of the worn nly organs will find romplrte rare br tbs use of Fsvorite Prescription.

smral yeara aan an (fared severely Irnra rmale waakaeaa, prnUMua, aarl aaenrerbaaHe, and eeed Dr. rterce'a Faenrlte Preaerlptiea arittl Splendid writes Fannie Shetrna, or Waahlnslon, Iowa. "(Had I a.reaol aaaJait It a few yeara paat. but If 1 ahoeM have any retera of the oM Iroeble aarely try Pe yorite I have ruiaamenrlas II to a avmher ef my lady frtmda. I always ted then is try a bmtle.

and If they are ara Sana filed by II I will ray for Ihe aaerllclaa. la aa ihey have spoken la praise af k.e HAf wtAk vvohi a aie)aji AN SeTI WOMfN Will. PATENTS 0F8IGNS Tltnc UiDk-l NDCnrVNIUHIt nm flint- AOVICt AS T- FAFErVl FfSEE Not tn rnttrt Book "How i ouLm 1 1 wene-yr. r.r ei IS! BlllaTtUa 1 rt'ftl. Aat-tTfal, 1 sL 0.

Pal Mi! tta.t A 4 Cnntasiona hlnori polinm, hltrlit li-xa, oermna debility and allied trniihlea treated miliar a leaal gnarantee, orrejtpnmUrwe etrlrtly rrivata Beware of Imttat.a-s who are eonylng after aa tWrileforuue.rlMnl.t.) ia Caril rtenvee, Ceta. Notice of bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Second Judicial Dletrtrtof the Territory of New Meilco, sitting lor the trial ol cauare arising under the Conetitulloo and laws of the United Htatee of America, In the matter oft (ieoriie L. Roltnn A "1 Co I and Matthew So liar, bankrupts.

In Bankrupts No. 1108. Nntlre nf Hnrf meetltia nf f-redltiira. To the creditors of Ireorae L. Holtnn A Com-pany.

(in, rue Holtnn and Matthew Dollar, all tit (iailup, In the County ot Bernalillo and dlsiilct sloresairl: Notice is hereby giyen that on the 6th day of July, A. 1. I woo, the said parties shove named, were duly adjudged bankrupts; and that the Hrat meeting ol their creditors will be held st my nrbre In the city i( Albuquerque, N. the illatdav of July, A lvon. at I o'clock p.

at bleb, time aald creditors may attend, prove their claims appoint a trustee, eianilne the bankrupt, and transact autu other business ss may pioperly come belore said meetlug. B. S. Hodbv, Referee in Bankruptcy. Albuquerque, N.

July 6, lwoo, MoUoe for Pabllealloa, Preemption D. 8 No 1110) Deuattmerjt nf tke Interior. Land Otllce iiaania le. N. June ll'a, lvoo Notice la hereby aiven that In fnllowlne earned settler bas tiled notice nf his Intention to make tin al proof Id support of his claim, and that aald Drnnf will ba made befi-ra rjrcibata Clerk of Beinailllq county, at Alkuquertiue, New Mexico, on July IW, loo, visi Kill nit Croaean, foe the V4 of and lota and of Sec 80, St- lie names uia following witnesses to prove his enntlnuciua residence utxin and cultivation Of said land, vlst Slieldoo 11 Mulligan, of nana, ana William srr, Hamas a luboell and Wallace Burke, of Albuquerque, at.

MAMT7IL OTSRO. Register. Kale of guhool Ikruds. Notice is hereby given that I will on the lth day of July. I), lwoo.

oiler for sale snd aell to the hi-heat bidder for caah, twelve bonda of tueacboo! dlairlct of precinct No. 01, of Bernalillo county. New Mesico, of the denomi nation ol one noriarea uoiiars earn, bearing Interest at sis per cent, which have been issued accorditiR to law for the purpose tit building a tcbool bouee In said precinct, J. 1.. fkat KA, Tteasurer of Deinalillo county sale of School llonila.

Notice la hereby aiven that I will on the laThdav of July, A. I), luoo, otter for sale snd sell to the lilg heit bidder for caah, an bonda of the achonrui'trtrt of precinct No. ue, of llernallllo county, Nrw Mriico.of the denomination of one nundred dollaraeach, bear- ins interest at all per cent, which have been Ikeued Becoming to law, for the purpose of building a school houac in aaid precinct. J. Tteaaurer of llernallllo county.

I cr.tiuili wliicli uilht ro i (, cntisinu the onliu.u f.4. "l.l. ii iiiR itilialviti, 1 i w.a'.. ami aso lint si brals, lUy'e Cruk.a i i anil will cure cutuvli or 1 ni hcud easily ami iileaHuntl v. A li r.

will tie niaileit for 11) cants. il ncl! tlic COo. size. Kly Urothora. tt N.

V. The Halm e'lre 'licut docs imt irritate or cariHe It md iUulf over ao Irritated ami unpry am fnco, roller, lug Immediately thu painful iiiHauiruation. With Kly's t'rcain ltalra you ars armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay 1'erer. lilauutrek'a Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health.

Indomitable will and tremendous snsr gy are not found where Btoinach. Liver, Kidneye and are out of rrder. If you want these yualiaee and the suo-cess they bring, use Ur. King's New Life 1'lils. They develop every power of brain and body.

Only 26, at J. li, O'ltlellly at drug stors. MKAIKJUAUTKUS FOK Leather, heavy work naroeaa, buggy barneas, express harness. Uaddlsa, oollara, aweat pads, saddlery, hardware, eta. Oak and hemlock cut soles, Diamond Bronss shoe nails, to.

Arnold's rubber heels. Whale ax's grease, coach oil, ham mm oil, oast or oil, axis greasa etc Uuggy whips, luo to 11.60. Uevoe'a ready paint, cheap paluts cover 200 square feet, Devoe's oovers loO square feet under any oondillooa, two coats. Our prices ars lowest market vatea. Our motto, "Ws will not be undersold." THOU.

V. KKLEHEtt. iOt Railroad avenue. Reports show that over fifteen hun dred Uvea bave been saved through ths use ot Ulnuts Cough Curs. Most of these were oases of grippe, croup, aathina, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Its sarly use prevents consumption. Kerry Drug Co. and Cosmopolitan drug stors. l.VRti:' HOSE In a. verul grades, svary grade the ULT uf Ita klud at Whitney Co Ktfrigeratois We have in the largest line of first-class rcfrieiators tvtr placed on sale in this tity.

per cent off to close out. Donahoe Hardware Company, alattbsw'g aatlk; try It, eKftAai MEAT MMT. All kind, of Fresh and Salt Meatt. -i- Steam Sausage Factory. MASONIC TEMPLE.

THIRD STREET. EVIL KLEINIORT, Prop. Tho Rider-Ericsson IIOT-AIli PUMPING No oil NoKaaoiino. No steam. No aofrs of any kind, Ton have only tobollrl tbs flrs and start it Bams ism than aba ot coal per day.

A. D. JOHNSON, Agent, S10 Seat a. lmi Street, INSTALMENT PLAN Goods ooM oa My paymgnta by tbo weak or month j-i BOlUiADAILE CO. 117 WEST GOLD ATBNUB, Keit to Wella-FarffO Btpresa Offlea.

J. E. SAINT, Real Estate and Icvestmenti. Will Sell Anythiag, from a Lot to a Land tfrant. Temporary Onlce, Hear stoora Mu tual ure uiuce.

ALBUajUKRQUK. N. M. MELINI EAKIN Wlioltsals Liquor and Of ara. Ws bandls orsrrtnltig In oar lino.

DlsttUtm' Agents, Bpoelal Distributors Taylor A WUl'ains, LoulsTaUs, Kentucky. Ill South First Bi, AlbnqturqtM, R. II Atiantio Beer Hall! B0H5KTDRB LXX, Props. Cool Keg Bear oa draagnti lbs Bnsst Native Wine snd ths veer best ot Srst-slass Llooors, Oleeossesll linsnin Avsarrs. Alscodsboos M.

Dealer In 8 ROCK RIB 9, CIQAR8. TOBACCO. No. 800 Broadway, oor. Washington Art Albuquerque, N.

IL THE ELK AS ons of tho nicest rasorts In ths elty and la supplied with tbs best and Oil ant liquors. HEISCH A BBTZLEB, Proptltton. Patrons and friends ars eordlaUy Invited to visit Ths Ilk." SOS Woet Railroad Aan. PIONEER BAKERY! siasr rrsasr, BALLXN9 PrsOnuiTOM. Wedding Cakes a Specialty I Ws Desire Patnoairs, and rs SnarantM Flrst-ClAas Baklog 107 S.

First St Albaqusrqos, M. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially dlffeeu the food and aids Mature in BlrctiKtlionlnfl and recon structlnK the exhausted dlnestlve organ. ltlsthelateetdlscovereddlRestr ant and ton to. Ho other preparation can approach It In efficiency.

It In stantly rullevosand permaneutly cures) DvspoiiHla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Btoniach, Nausea, Blclt Ileatractie.QrMtralgla.Crnmps and all other rcsu I of 1 per ect dlgeutlork PrlreUV.anrllt. fjirge sltePontalnstS4 times stnallaiae. Hook all atutlyapeuelaBiallel free repored by C. DesVITT A CO. CMcase.

0. Bwrry and Cosmopolitan drug stong raUFBSSIONAL CARDS. rmrsiviAag. r. s), bucs D.

FriCB UOUHS-Untll Ss. 1 iSO lo and from 7 to and from p. en. USlce snd residence, SS0 west Uold avsooe. Alba- e.uawiue, h.

asTKKUAV A ASTMRDA g. OFFICK and resldrnre. No. 4 IS West Oold svenue. I'elephoue No.

38. ORlce hours to s. in 1 1 iSo to snd 7 toe p. m. U.

8. haaterUay, M. D. i.H. Kaaierday, U.

L. liMMTIHTS. SI. J. Ata-er, U.

S. HHIJO BLOCK, opposite I Hold OtHi hours a. m. to lliSO p.m. I 1 180 m.

to 5 p. m. Antomatlc teleDbone No, J. 1 Appointments mails by mall. BKHNaBU S.

BODBY, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Albognerqae, N. M. frompt sttentlon given to all boat. neas pertaining to the profession, Will prsc. tice In all courts ot the territory and belore the United Utaies lane1 tfflce.

1. HOMO. ATTOKNEY-AT-LA 4a street N. Washington, O. C.

fenaiona. lands, pat. sdisl copyriKUle, caviaia, letters patent, uatle maika, claiina. Mr,, Altoroey-at Law, Hocorro, New Mesiro. Prompt attention given to collections and patents lor mines.

WILLIAM TTOHNKY-AT LAW. OfUce, room 7, N. T. Armljo bullillug, Will piaclloe in all tha courts ol the territory, t-INIUAL, ATTOKNKVS AT LAW, Albnqnerqne, N. at.

liaics, rooms tends, Flrsi NaUonal Bank hnlhllng, BL. W. O. HKSAM, TTOKNhY AT LAW, Alboqnerone. N.

M. Oftlca, Vlrst National Bank balldlng. SHAM IK W. OLANOV, ATTOKNKV-AT-LAW. rooms Send T.

Amino bulldlug, Albuquerque, N. M. m. w. no into TTOH NK Y-AT-LAW.

Office over Hob. erlaon'a errwrery More. AlhrMuevane Itllt i a slU-Viila uuu riul if (juuuriUujss tii, pti oi nor Hiniia, uuiieslurtsl tit i brnfet, ur ur iu04iiii flnlll MliaVliSaS. tf 111 DU II I Oiatll General Merchandise mm Ml 1 It a lrs VI 2 First National Bank, ALBUQUIAQUK, It. M.

Aatbortaed Pald-ap, Capital, Borpfoa and Profits MMrMa.M THE ST. EXjIvIO SAMPLE AND CLUB ROOM. Finest Whiskies. Brandies, nines, J0SXPH BAKNKTT. fKOFBIITOl, ISO Waat RalLreasl TOTI O-TtLlDX DIALUt IS) FLOUR.


The largest wholesale house in the southwest. Agents for Letup's St. Louis Beer. Agents for Paloma Vineyard Wine Co. of California, Agents for the Celebrated Ml Vernon and Bdgewood Whiskies.

Finest goods, lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Bar stocked with best goods and served by polite attendants QUICKEL BOTHB, Proprietors. BAR and CLUB ROOMS Finest Whiskies, imported and Ths COOLEST as HIGHEST ORADB si LAGER SERVED. Finest and Best Imported and Domestic Cigars. ElTABLItmO H71.

L. B. PUTNEY, "Old Reliable" Wholesale Grocerl FLOUR, GRAIN PROVISIONS, Car Uts a tssdajty. Ts tnmt ImUtn), Farm and Freight Wagons RAILROAD AVENUE. I ALBUQUERQUE.

N. NatlT and Chicago Lumbar Balldlnc Pspei aiwsvsln BVaok SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Covert Morel Looks Bcsil Tsars LoncstJ Most EtODomksJl Full Measure! First St. and Lead AMERlOAKi SILVER TRUOO. UGHT. COOL, latiil SAMPLE ROOM.

"The Metropole" The Best and Finest Liquors and Cigars, Imported and Domestic, served to all patrons. WICKSTJIOU APPLETON, Proprietors. Albuquerque Foundry R. P. HALL, Iron and Brans Oaatlngs; Or Coal and Bars, Babbit Metal; Columns and on Mining and Mill rODNDBT: BIOS BATLBOAD GROSS BLAGKWELL CO- (INCORPORATED.) WHOLESALE GROCERS WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS.

We handle K. C. Baking Powdn, Wool Saoka, Solphar, cusuce canned uoods. uoiorsdo Lard and Meats, and Friends' Oati. Houses at Albuquerque, East Las Depositor? tor tke Ruti Ft) Pacific nj the ska Hani a Fa aUilway Coinpuiica, OrriGBBS AND CIRJCTOBS.

JOSTHTA R. RATN0LD8 iTewtdoat M.w rinrrnvn- ii TPH WrKHK Osatitor A. A. fjhAM A. MoMlI LAN.

Araasiev. iUkamraa. and LIQUOCO and 217 NORTH THIRD 8T Domestic fines and Cognacs ESrKiri STAPLE QE0CEJUE3. Sua, DOM, Iliads, riuUr Um, Ciiat Hut hlitt Iti Albuquerque. B.

RUPPE, PRESCRIPTIONS! Ii.ipbm til, Ulitivin CLUB ROOMS and Machine Works Propristor. Lumber Oars; ShAftlng, Pulls rs. Srads Iron fronts tor Balldlngs; Bspalrs Machinery a Specialty. TRACK. ALBCQUKKQDK, S.

U. Vegas and Glorieta, New Mexico.

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