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Vermont Watchman and State Journal from Montpelier, Vermont • Page 2

Montpelier, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lllntcljman 0iatc jfournal. T. WAIiTOS', JH.i V.HITOK. TluirSiln) iiily 21, INM. ELI'CTIWV, For Governor, ERASTUS FAIRBANKS, or St.

JoiiMsni'nT. For Lieut. Govttnnr, WM. C. KITTREDGE, or I'Aimuvi or Treasurer, GEORGE HOWES, or nortTrnm.n.

WASHINGTON COUNTY. For Senators, E. P. WALTON, JAMES GREEN. For Assistant Judgts oflht Co.

Court, DON P. CARPENTER, ABEL K. WARREN. For Slate's Mormy, HUMAN CARPENTER. For Judjc of Prolate, OSMAN DEWEY.


Tickil. Tho following lias been sent tu us for publication, accompanied by a note stating that "the call liar been signed by about nine hundred legnl voters." Wo cheerfully comply with tho request to publish tho lnrgcst liberty" of tho press being our motto but in consideration ot our liberality we venturn to add word ufour own. Though Una seems in tho enption to be acallor" Me perceive tint a very large portion of the people to wit, the friends of nn efficient law to prevent the illegal traffic in liquors arc excluded from attending by tho very terms of tho call. Of this wo do not complain: every party has tho right to fix tho terms of admission but wo cannot help ob serving that thai cannot well bo tht jieople's Convention," whicli excludes at least ono lialfof tho pcoplo from attending. There is one way, however, in which this can convention merit the title of the people's convention.

Let it discountenance ul! connection between tho liquor question and politics and recommend that tho elections be conducted entirely without rcferenco lo it, with the understanding on all hands thnt any ml repealing, or materially modifying (he late shall It submitted to the people of the Slate. The constitution itself provides for such a course, pari Art. IX. Should such a course be taken, no new ticket would bo necessary. Should it not bo taken, there will remain an important question lo bo decided by that portion of tho peo ple who happen to.

neon tho. other side of tho li quor question. Ry the way if tho gentleman, who sent us the call, will also send us the names, Mid residences of the signers, wo will publish tliu ltt. The People's County Convention. Freemen of the County nf Wnnliinirtnt, c.

i uuu einuou es nu sets lorth oroad. ile.en ami ill favor of sustaining tho natural and conatitu-1 "e.epanu tionul rightH or the peoplo of Iho Stato; and nlll80" nalionil government and opposed to a statue authorizing unreasonable I which, in thoir prevalence, will exalt tho searches and seuurcs, and confiscation of the natiun. The other rings the chutes upon the i 5" Incut of tho Democrulic mttv and statute to pre cnt physicians from IicBliri" the! "iCK.caiieu tiie nininc haw, which pro- bir, or guebi, at his on family board, a glass or cider, wine or brandy, or furnishing to his sick neighbor a glass of spirits to suitain life or restore health; and all who are nnrvian.l in ftm tut. irum giving 10 ins arbitrary and despotic ruloof men who seek to disturb tho quiet of tho domestic firo-sido and iiivquu vuu eancuiv oi I no lrnoinnnV Hvnn in I I i J-earch liis bureaus, bods and ui cider or and favor of defend-1 OKNCU, from the bigoted, tyrannical and I uve iTw VeVrlCrt.a''Va',CCd by P-fflcd atho'cZ Sh2 aa V1. confidently imito our readers of for ('In I nom tlm principles and po hcv ZwV'ntFn ll'0.

our yesterd y's inoaiaiiio Law, so culled, Democrats, Whigs aynops We Unit tho time is fsi 'off wln.ii IlKNPr fnini itin i uiatsucli and pa -i 1 i concur in any code of public morals at all in coillt "7 1' A ,0 -nbS 1 he firs County Montpelier, July (1, A. I). I8.TJ, The Hour among tht Locofoco Presses. The last 1 atnot is down upon the N. II.

Reporter and Edmund Rurko in a leadar of two columns. The WoouVock the llcllows Fails Standard" and tho Uuriington Sentincr'aro al-o mingling in tho fight tho "Standard" sup. porting JJurkc. Wq quotp from Uio Patriot an item or news In wit, the llashiagton Un-toiUs responsible for ihe coalition gf 13 in Vcrinorjt; NotwithstandingaU UiU from Jho or us, old lino democrats, who had supported ben. Css and opoed the Free Soil wrty lie.itatod about going into the coalition." To netlltjour iloubta hesitation, the Umok of 5 season for our election, issued tlie foil, wing order, to wit Vermont trembling in the Wind.

We learn with tome surprise, that the leaders oriedeMlism are alarmed al their prospects, en in ermont. TJic Postinwtcr Generul Collamer has gone home to arouto the faitiiful to action and even tho tremendous eloquence of Horacu' Cireelcy uaibeeii enlisted in Uio liesperato cau.e 'f Vermont Tayloriin. Wo I nut our friends there will heal all their differences. Ut correct tlie supposed errors of their State Convention another year. It is VHjnrtant that iriig.

gtry duuld receive a death blow in the Gittn Mountain State." 1 Ins order copied literally, from tlie Uni Italics and all. No to us, here Vermont, tho Order of the Union looked like a command to go it blind." oi ociiij a direction from Lnc ue'Ocracy or Vermont to put the coalition" through, al ud all wh i obeyed by thousand w. M.U UM l)r course. TJio order" of Uiu Union was obeyed" and tlie democracy did go it blind" How remarkably complimentary the Patriot is to the democracy how considerate. Were they slaves under tho lash of the senior editor of the Wash! -in! IllUf iucunoivoailis UUllcnlmo miller 1.

1.. ington Union in old Virginia, they could not pos-aibly do more than blindly obey. The llcl'oies lath Standard, A week or two Bincc, tho Hollows Falls Standard contained an article commending Edmund Hurko in his attempts to cenurc tho President, and abusing the Patriot for sustaining (Sen. Pierco against tho attncls of Purkp. Lst week tho Standard contained nn equally foolish article upon the Democratic State Convention, and by divulging the secrets of the omimittco room, attempts to produce tho impression that the democracy were seriously -livided.

We regret these attempts of the Standard to aid in traducing tho President, and in sowing discord among tho dmocracy of this State. If tho peoplo about the Standard office have any of them been disappointed, they have a right to their own feelings, but ii they think to injure tho President by following and sustaining Ed-ni'ind Hurke.thcy willcommittan error of which they will have ample time to repent. Mnnlpe-Her Patriot. IVhnl's in the 'iW. The leading editorials in tho two last numbers of tho llcllows' Kalis are under the chargo of Mr.

A.G. Burke, wo hive road with surprise and regret. Two weeks since, it attempted to defend tho base and cowardly attack of Edmund Ilurke of is cw Hampshire, upon j'rrsideiit I'totce and his administration. '1 he last week's issue contains an attack upon tho action of tho late Democra-tic State Convention, and some of its prominent members, who succeeded in Imrmomiiug the difference of opinion that atono tunc existed in tho nominating committee. It has been equally unfortunate and unsuccessful in both cases, therefore wo shall not reply'to it.

These however, look as though it intended to follow tho footsteps of its editor's notorious namesake of New Hampshire; but if it does, it can do very littlo harm, except to itsulf and its supporters. Tho Democracy. of Vermont arc now as united ah any State in Iho Union. nnd it "ill be im possible for tint paper, even with tho aid of two nf three ilmppomtod ouiKc-sockcrs, trnm cither or both of tho former wings of tho croato dissension in our ranks or any appreciable disaffection toward tho administration. Hui-livgton Sentinel.

Tho people about tho Relloiva Falls Stnndard attempt to justify Burkes irraFon and to sympathize with tho band of disappointed olllco-seek. crs who aro seeking on opportunity fur mischief. "A fellow-feeling makes us wondrous" smart. Montpelier Patriot. We think the above is tu.t very magnanimous in the people about the Patriot, who seem to be governed in the fulfilment of their political overtures only by the dictates of self-interest.

As fordefendiiirr treason, the nonnlc in this rcsion. hod thev been disiwsed to ennnei. in such wont, would nave enough to do, in tunes pisi, wii noiit going cast ol Montpefirr; and we woiiki rospecttiitly. as becomes our vnuth. siur- gest to tho Editor of the Patriot tint ho hid better direct his shot, however small thev max- he.

upon iho enemy at homo, und not ho firing into the bosom of those who would bo his. friends over the river. lle'lows Fulls standard. MortXetrs! Tho Patriot assures tho nnblic that none of tho men, except three, on tho lice soil ticket for Washington County nro to ho claimed by the free soil party, oilhcr now or after the election. If this bo true, it is somewhat surprizing that tho gentleman implicated by tho Patriot permit their names to stand on the free soil ticket.

If they do bdong to tho old line democratic p.irly, nnd do not belong to the free soil p'lity, somebody interested Ind better invito them to defino their position. More Compliments, hist week we quoted the remarks of tho Washington Republic on the resolutions of the Vermont Whig Con vention. Hero is an extract fiom the National Intelligencer The Rcsolutionsof the late Whig Statu Convention. The National Intelligencer (says the Mercury,) designs no unmeaning; comjiliment in tho following iiotieu of Juno Sdih. Nor will any ring in inornate lull ol reading it with cmiii- cut satisfaction.

It cannot hut bo nolici-iblo to every considerate reader, what lias impressed tho editors of the Intelligencer, viz. tho diifcroiico in substance and tone betw ecu the resolutions of tllU W'liifr ntifl lit' fill, nnrii.ii.riti.. PI its leuderij. The fonnor rila on subuntial fuels. The latter rejoices inti'oii, not to say falsehood.

I Me'" re characteristic of tho p.irty nliich puts them forth. The Star that Never Sets. Having pubhhhi-d yesterday a summary of tli Resolutions ailoptcd by the Moto Jlnnomit niiiii dBubn i ZuyXXZZ principles promulguled in the rife UnCn ulu, uunreriiv even lo uiicouragc tlio fstabliHhmentof doclnno which would lead to the destruction of our public t'ailh and national respectability, and to nets which ditfrr from palpable crime just as Alexander differed from tho robber brought boforo him the ono took countries by wholesale without a shadowof right; tho other took a purse in viohtion of tliu law. het us obey the injunction of tho second clause or that resolution, and wo trust and beliovo that practical advocacy of its first clauso will seldom bo required in our future history. irmithVCeuiirr Whigs adopted tho resolutions of the Wahngtun Countv Whi? Hnti.ti.n anil .1...

Convention, and nominated tho followin" tick et: Senators. S. I CARPKNTKR, Richford, ORLANDO HTF.VFNS, tit. Alb J- K.TKNNKV, Franklin. Albans.

Assistant Judges. AGUSTUS VOI'NG, St Alban, PRES'I'ON TAVhOlt. Sheldon, High Slterijr. ADDISON IJU It It, Sheldon, High llailif. P.O.

Albans. Judge of Probate JAilKS.DAVIS, Su Album. HEMAN H. ROVCB, Highgatc. Htnnivglon County' Whig ticket: -Tho following is tho For Slate's Attorney, ll.

II. BUKTON, of Manchester. For Sheriff, JASI'lIRVIALUof Dorset. For High Ilaihff, SANFORD M. ROlltNSON.

of of Seiners, ISRAEL N. KVKto, of For Judges of I'mlnin. SAMUEL II. IIROWN.of Rennington IJESIAN MORbT, of Dorset. ii i nifl oiiiii of H''fubury, IHRJIAN CANFItJhD.of i or Assistant Judgej County Court AIAJOR W.

POTTKI offw Tho opponents of tho Liquor law hold a Convention at Woodstock, on tho -1th Tho Temperance Standard thus describes some of the company! "Wo noticed as a leading spirit among their number, one, who had once on a tinio not long remnte, graced the walls of our county jail for a period of lii months, another, ngainit whom there oro certain suspicions, nliich if well grounded, would consign lo the manufactures of scjtiia snaths, another, and a principal wire-worker ninongtho herd, one of a Tamily or eight brothers, six nf whom, together with the father, havo filled drunkards' graves, and the surviving brother is now tottering on the brink of similar ruin, and he himself, with a barrel of gin always in his cellar, not entirely free from danger, another, who a few years since broke his leg while in a fitof intoxication, and lay stretched upon his back more than six months in consequence, at tho expense of tho town, and now limps about with a three inch shortening, another, who, a short time since, while drunk, hurled a sled Stake at his wife in tho door-yard, hit-ting her upon tho head with such terrific force as to mangle her faco and scalp horridly, and lay her senseless at his feet, another who has nith-a few years run a four thousand dollar farm through tho nose of a rum jug, a half dozen or more who hate been repeatedly fined for turn-selling, several from the poor-house, besides some fifteen or twenty others, hose interesting looking countenances dilapidated unmentioni-bit gave unmistakable evidence that tho dflinon rum sits there enthroned, and that tho griinmcs scugcr had marked them as his victims." United Slates Stnnhr from Let it be borno mind that a U. States Senator is to he selected bv tho General Assembly at its next session, to fill the pNco made vacant bv the death of Hon. in. Upham, and which is temporarily filled by Hon. HamuBlS.

Phelps. Vermont Whins, we feel certain, are not yet roady to seon Whig Senator fail of nil election by lhcir t-i .111 oi. The Democratic press is beninninir to sound the alarm. They aro sensible that the cry that the Whip party is dead, is sheer delusion. I lie INuw lleillord Standard, a coali tion paier, rebukes some of their presses, in this sensiuie manner: "Wc have ticon somon hat surprised at the course taken oy a majority or Free Soil and Democratic journal, in publishing elaborate arti cles since last November, to show that the nigs have passed oil tho stage or action and have not left evon a name behind them or a sin gle monument to commemorate their mm.

luliee. Thu may nil be very well as a joke, as a sort of harmless satire, but it is by no means true, and we trust has not been believed by the opponents of the party. is father 10 the thought, no doubt, with all these who havo thus prematurely chuckled over tho decuase of their ancient foe. The Whig party is not dead: but it still lives and is destined to play no mi-cniHpicuuus part in the future, as it has done in tho past. The full vote al the last Presidential election was ns follows: For Pierce.

Democrat, 1 i07 -Ti-2; Scott, Whig, UWiU.O; Hale. Free Soil, Webster, Union big, I ni'ip, State Rights. llroomo, Native, uoooeii. ADoimon, total vote. The ioti which were given for Mr.

Web ster ennic Inim the lug Putty, added that thrown lor Gen. Scott, make the arvr. gate ot the Whig strength th-nwn nt tin: list election, to be, l.Ir.M.IJIW. The idea that mh nn organization ns this has ceased to ex mt, is prejiostcnous, and) it would be well for thoso journalists who jump Ht their conclusions to weigh tho lacts presented by tho tignrus. It is nljo well known tint thousands ol disaffected Whigs did not vuto nt all, while fnwof them in Massachusetts at least, gave their suffrages to Gen.

Pierce. Any party ornrganizition which can number a million and a hnlf of men in her ranks is by no means a Ijl'eless uffur, and Uon what the assertions or the death or tho Wln'gpirty oro predicated, we nrj nt a loss to determine. It ought to bo recolluctei! that a change or lew thousand votes in three or four of the largo States, would have elected (Jen. Scott. By referring to the popular vote it will noticed that tho do-tnocratB lead tho whigo but a vcrv few votes compared tho whole number given, but by suncs of fortunate r.iieunistanctw tho majority was very remarkably distributed in the States, (it Pierce had no icrv large majority in any one State, but wits firlmmte small insjoriiy in each ol the V7 states which ho v.n..,, .1, Kiv1.

L'iiieimpreesion at a mi- 1 unexpected, as tho departed had been nlllicted perht ial view ot an almost total annihilation off uith Uio caused his death for a iho Wing party. It has buVeral tunes occurred I long time. Of kite the quantity of water accu-in our Presidential elections, that candidjtea mulaling in his system was mmieii.o, and ho had huvebcen chosen by tho Mates, when there i been tapped by his physicians several times hut ws an immense majority ,0 vote 1 without effect. He hid a large number of doc against theni As ncll might the whigs IMS 1 tors, and some aro mean enough to say tint that h.ivo predi. led the disbtndmeM of tho Demoera-1 hastened his docea-e.

I lis km be seiniblv lie trty. and with more show of reason could fell by his many friends who were accustomed they havo done it in ItJlO-atler Mr. Van Ilureu's to see him daily in our streets. dH.Ht,, is defeat. Also, oil tho'same i ny, R.

G. Brandy, r.nn the kiitimrt .1.. 1 1.. 1 1 1 1 time, j--.

But one thing in closins. we would im.o upon those who nre opposed to "higgery to ie-collect. Tho big party 'atill lives'5 It pusea bes all tho elements trn large and powerful or-gmiz-ition ealth, lalents, numbers and a determination to fuccood. It may seem to sleep for a tune, hut it is only that rest which precedt a tremendous effort for place and power. .7 good1 Joke.

The following interview is said to have Uken placo between Gov. Inrcy and a prominent politician from this Slute, who went ui tvusiimgiuu lor an omen Widl friend 1 -i-i Whl'v Wuh'' how nr I tlnnl- I I 1.1V- iTr Eitum. l.ivo in no a jllll- lster. I don't mean of the Gospel, but 0110 of them ministers of foreign 1 I am very sorry indeed, there is no vacancy just now. Would not something else suit you answered the apple-hearted man, 1 1 1 1." -1 nuuiuui inuencaro 11 1 took a situation 111 ono of tliu Departments.

I nouldu't mind much ucnig a ompiroiitr, Auditor, or something of ma; sort. My dear sir, I am sorry, very sorry indeed -but it happens unfortunately that all theso sit-nations aro al present filled would you not take something elsof Our friend strolltd his chin, and seemed struggling to bring down tho soarings of his high urn. bitiou to the present crisis. At last ho answered, W'y-y. yes, I don'icare if I get a good Collectorship, or Inspectorship, or Surveyorship or Navy Agent, or anything of that sort Reully, my good said tho Secretary, I regret exceedingly that not only all these places, but uvwry -other place of conKOqumiee in tho gov-eminent is at present occupied.

Pray sir, think of Miinething else' IIo then, after fomo hesitation, a6ked for a clerkship, and finally the pUc jf mesi.on''er to uno ot tlie.pubhc offices. Finding no vrctiticy, ho seemed in vast perplexity; nnd looked all around tho room, fixing his eye at length on the Secretary, Hnd measuring hia lught from head to foot. At last, putting on ono of tho drollest looks that ever adorned tho faco of mm ha said, 'Mister, you and I soem to tm much alike, luvn't you somo old clothes you can spare Washington, July 111. Tho luuuniu new consular appointments aro announced: Lima, J. Caleb Smith, of California; Pornam-buco.

A illiaiu LUley, of Ohio; KU Johns', P. John Parsons, or Florida; MaUnzas, Edward jork; liUi.Jained McD'jwt'll, of Ohio: Wnn uviiiru, 11 iinrvianu; nt.Jagoue Cuba, htephen lochrun, or Pennsylvania; Suina- ira, commercial Agent, Robert R. Purvis, of 4u uniruiiier yet. A awann ofbeej recently In upon a young man us lie was walking the higlm ay at Whttoling, wuhuut by ygur k.4V0.. "hung upoii his accenU," roosted on hu nose, quitted on his chip, buwed about his eyes, and the old ladies do when they go a visiting, took oil their things, and mado themselves at homo," pretty generally.

The chap coolly brush-rtlhiss-iuitlersintoanail keg, and sold them lor two dollars, and was onjy atung twlco dur- The Crystal Palace. On Thursday the craud exhibition of the in dustrv and mechanical genius of tho United States, and of such of iho countries of Europe as have sent their products hither, was inaugurated in New-York mth appropriate ceremonies. 1 lio Courier and r.nquirer says Uiif 1 he ap pearance of tho ground lloor just before the ap-pearanco of the President, was extremely beautiful anil interesting, from any point commanding a view nf the whole scene. In the centre was the scaffold for the speakers, surrounded oy a denso crowd of eager observers. The regu lar row ot tho military guard, tho brilliant uniform ortho stafToffiiers thn variegated dresses or tho tadies and the fluttering Tans, gave life and vivacity of appearance to the expectant crowd.

1 he wings and naves oi me urst noor were comnirntivclv deserted; few strolling observers, or an active watchful policemen, might occasionally bo seen moving down or across the long vistas stretching away to the far ends of the building. Heavy boxes, carriages, ma chinery, and other large objects, gavo a liimoer-ing appearance to the naves, singularly contrasting with the wavering mass of life collected into tho centre. The second floor was also densely crowded the railings around the separate naves were thronged with gaily dressed ladies and gentlemen, sitting stmrfmgor lounging, wherever a skjI was found giving tho smallest promise nf an opportunity to see or hear what was to pass below. On the cast side, between the north and south mves, was situated the gallery, rising gradually upwards, with seats arranged for the choir "ho worn to join tn tho opening ceremonies. In the rear of tho choir was a handsome organ.

Generally speaking, tho exhibitors Ind nude more progress in arranging their goods ngon tho second lloor than upon the first, and portions of the upper naves presented a wry finished nnd beautiful appearance The CTcrftisss wre eomniciiced by a prayer by Rev. Dr. Waimvright, when Hon. Theodore Sedgwick delivered tho inaujuration address, in which he eloquently referred to Mr. Webster, to "liich President Pierce made tho following reply Sir, I return you, on behalf of my constitutional advisers who arc with me, and on my own account, my warm and cordial thanks for tho reception you havo been plciised tocxtend tons.

I havo come, sir. to testily the interest I feel in, and tho respect I en'crtam for, this great industrial exhibition designed and calculated to promote ail that bclones to the interest, ot our country. Yon, sirj nnd ihu gentlemen ho have been and are associated with you, have imposed upon all of us a deep debt of gratitude for your energy and perseverance this great enterprise. Whatever the shortcomings whicli ytm have sioken mav be, I can only lemark tht they do not appear liere and to far ns I have been nblo to porcrivc, they aro lost in your complete and transcmidant success. Loud and continued appliine.

around us reminds that we live in a utilitarian ago, where science, instrnd of huing locked up for the admiration or thn world, h.m become tributary to tho nrts. manufactures, agriculture, and nil that goes tn promote our donios'ir comforts and our universal prosperity. Sir, if you Iwid achieved no other good, but that winch vou have in bring ing together in this metropolis citizens t'nsu ull 1 you would ue fulfilled perhaps one ol tlie most uniiorMiit mio-ione- ttint of strengthening and perpetaiting that bps sed Union. Groat applau-p. Hut you h.ivo done more, and you have nobly aliudeil tn it.

Your exhibition has been the means nf bringing hero, from nil the civilized countries on tlie fare of the globe, men most eminent in all the walks of life and tints you duue mora than wxild be done in almost any other manner to promote thnt great object dear to you, dear to me. and dear to my venerable friend m-nr me, lliehop Wninwright, pbnee and good will among men. Applnuse. I have nut the voice ut Una timo to address you at anv greater length, and conclude by again returning to vu my thanks I'or your gnnerou? reception, and tendering my heart's best wishes for tho success or your praisowurthy eiiti-rprine. Applause.

Nu furthcr'addremes were mide and tho cere monies closed. OBITUARY. The Maino Liquor Ivw was adopted by popular vote in Michigan on tho Whereupon TTir Detroit Tribune publishes the following l)u tho votli Pure C. llrmidi-. of dropsy.

Thn rvent is not altogcth- ininiuariy Known 115 uiu biiunuilet ol ltoi nuu orotueroi r. wuoao death wo chronicle aboc. He took a largo quantity or poison (by mistake it is supposed) several years ago. No bad etlecta were realized Rt first, hut for Tow years past it has been spreading through his oystetn, and Ins finally caused Ins death. It is to bo hoped that his death will bu it warning to those who hato been 111 tho habit ol" taking poison for a medicine.

0 Also, on tho su liy. H. (jln, TJ1U deceased was a member of tho Brandy fiimilv. and a relative by marriage. He was a native of" ll.l IT lu uiiiieu mates severs of having been ac eiiageu one 01 ll.o revolutions tl lilt rharactcrizo that country.

Ho was pursued by uiu 1 now, uiu ewiti iiimsen 111 caeK and landed safely iu Now York. Since then many or his family havo made thoir escape in Ihesiino manner. He left a largo family of children, moat of whom were born in this country, but aro aorry to sty are not characterized by any of the traits of their dtinguished father. Also, on tho same day, Ryo Whisky, Eq. Mr.

W. was one of tho first settlots of Michigan. In enrly life he was an industrious, hard working man. He has done much to build up our railroads and public and many peoplo could not harvest their wheat unless Mr. W.

was with them to cheer up their hands. How they will manage to do so sil cu his death, wo aro unablo to say. It may lead to diaa.trous results, and it is feared by some that our farmers may cease to grow wheat, which would inevitably raise tho price of llour. Of late years, howercr, Mr. W.

had grown shiftless, noisy and quarrelsome, snd any neighborhood that ho visited was sure to bo the cene or disturbances or every niture. Tho too frequent occurrence of street fights got up by Mr. W. was the ultimate cause of hu death. IJq was killed by blow on tho head with a ballot box, in open daylight.

The perpetrators of the deed ure not fully nowu, but suspicion rests upon two men whose unties we believe ure Mr. Law and Mr. Order, Several mon from tho reo Press office aro on the watch, and ero this no doubt they hive apprehended them. It is seldom that wo have to aiinounco tho ueaui 01 an entire) family, thus swept away at ono fell swoop. 'I hey were all men well known in our Stato, and have acted in many public capacities somo ono of them hu been a member ol every I.egialurq since our organization as a otate.

In prinnry ineotings and caucuses thoy havo succeeded in noininiting their own friend to office, und afterward in electing thorn. There is hardly an officer in tho State but what owes to them his election. At tho requeot of tho friends of thu deceased, their remum will not bo interred until December next. Tiioso who wish to tako at fond look" can do so at moat of the groceries and saloons in town. Irttltr don Correnpondent says that Dr.

Duff, the Calcutta missionary of the Free Church ofScotland, asurcd tho General Assembly at Edmburg, tho other day, that for the first timo smen ilm rf. Mruction of Jerusalem, his tu-t Utter ram" ro- lunieu, laatautuiun, tQtlia tioly land; and us this is predicted by tho prophet Joel, 111 connection with the return of Israel, and is, indeed, to bo tho one meat desideratum' for th of Uio fertility of tho soil ofPalettiue, it is regarded with intonse interest by the students of I prophecy. CHINA. THE REBELLION AND THE SECRET ASSOCIATIONS. A writer In Tht London Daily Xtics has the following: At the present crisis of affairs in China it may bo well to call attention to tho secret associations, which are the prime movers in the rebellion.

John Chinaman has been eminently successful in mystifying the 'outer barbarinns' with retpect to these societies. Titn-Tth, Tan-Tat, or 7'Areti 7VA, (the last term being the most correct,) is a llttuy, or so eret association ol the Chinese, nnd according to their account is of very great antiquity in deed some of their ancient writers say, tint it originated in the earliest nges of when well disposed pcoplo found It ncressiry to com bine for mutual protection again the ill-disposed, who, hkc the wandering Tartars of the present day, had a very indistinct perception or tho difference between meum and (inim, olid for "honi nothing was too hot or too heavy. Confucius, the Chinese Solomon, is their great philosopher, nnd this circumstance led Drs. -Milne, Morrison, and Modhilrst, to consider that the as sociauon was identical with tlmt ot Iho masons, and certainly their avowed principles of. mutual assistance and duty toward their neigh- Latest by July 2 Tcl- bor very closely correspond but there the re- cgraphic despatches from Paris yesterday, state semblance ends.

7'AW or signifies i that news or the rejection or tho ultimatum and 7Wi' stand for so that reached St. Petersburg on tho filth. Tho Em-Mr. Tien Teh would be Mr. 'Ifenren and poror had inado a personal declaration to tho i in- Bigniiicaunn oi uio name is exhibited nt length in the motto of tho order, which is insenh ed on the badges worn by its members We regnhte our conduct in conformity with Heaven and from every region of the earth wo call forth When tho present Tartar dy.

nasty obtained possession of tho throne of China, tho following addition was made to the motto 'Myriads look forward to the overthrow of the 'Mnnrhus' and the restoration or tho Mirtg beingine nime of tho old Chinese dynasty now sought to bo restored. The association does not seem to havo been noticed by Europeans until Dr Milne, tho Principal of tho Chinese Collcee at drew up a paper embodying the information he received from his Chinese friends, all of whom were probably members of tho ussociation, although not fully aware of its ultimate objects. This paler was brought home by tho late Dr. Morrison, the great authority in Chinese literature, and was published in the first volume or the quarter series or the Transactions of the Asiatic Society in In China itself great secrecy has been maintained respecting ihenssociation, which his been nided materially by tho cunning expedient of dunging its name occasionally. Rev Mr.

Gut-hff was tricked in this manner when tho regalia of one of tho branches of tho associ ition fell in to the hands of the llntish at the taking of Hong Kong, ns Tram the interesting account whicli ho has given in tlie Transactions or the Asiatic So- oiety for 181(1 (p. he nas uudently not a thiu inn uir Hssue.iiiuon was uio same ns that described by Dr. Milne, and which ho himself must havo met with in tho Strniu of Malacca under the name of Ait 6'm and Ghee in'. In fact, the real nime of the Society, is scarcely ever mentioned even by the initiated among themselves. Mr.

Uutzlull calls it the Hecret I nud Society, nrobably a translation of 1 the name by which it is known to the Hong 1 a MulIiiu Icates, to enter on his functions, at 1 Kong Chioosr nunely, Ho liter-1 'he end of the present week. In the two camps I ally 4 three in one in allusion to lleav-1 there are apout 0.000 men under srtna, and be-jcn, Earth, nnd Man. the 'three pre 11 principles of fre lug from to lU.tK'O rodifs wdl join the Society, and of which its rml name is an a- 'this army. dsption. 1 The Turkish tlet will be in the Black Sea I The irreat objact of tho Society, the overthrow cither to-morrow, or the day after.

Tho Atnori- the I'artar dynasty, has nover been murlinr a sterol. It was a common topic of conversation nt Singapore 111 1812. Every individual Chinese in the straits and neighboring countries, indeed (it may pretty safely be said) every individual Chinese out of Chim, is a mon.ber of the Asso-ci ition and ns their intercourse with Europeans is much oloser than 11 in China, wlnlo at the same time, they are further removed from tho fountain head, they are less scrupulous a- bout maintaining secrecy, and anybody in their confidence can obtain ample information should he feel desirous of seeking it. Tho confusion I Ins been assisted vastly by tho igtnranco and I prejudice of the huropeau news caterers in Chi-1 no, who seem to tske delight in ignoring tlie la-I bars of the Straits philologists, or they could not have overlooked Dr. Milne's account referred to above.

I Tho association does not seem to havo had a-ny prospect of immediate success 111 iivorthrow-, ing tho Tartar dynasty, until tire Enghdh inva-t sum of Chun howed the weakness of tho 'I ar 1 tars; since which time it has been believed by tinny who have Mudiid the mailer c.Tefiilly, their downfall became certain. The members do not seem 1 1 havo offered any active assistance to our troops, except in the instance mentioned I by Mr. Gotzlaffin tho piper already alluded tn, when they offered to act as fencibies with the English army 111 the capture of Hang Choo I but every ooldier und sailor employed in that ox-I pedition, luuit have often been made aware that the bulk of the people to thu south atleastuere by no means unfavorable toward their enterprise. 1 In tho Straits their friendly fooling was shown by the rapidity with which the stores for the licet were collected, which would not have hap-I pened if tho members of the Association, who I constitute about nine-tenths of the entire popu-J lation of Singajwc, had been otherwise disposed A gentleman who has had unusual opportuni tics of acquiring information, nnd hose pursuits I have especially qualified him for forming a correct opinion upon the subject, As to the ultimate succcsh or thu revolution there can be no reasonable doubts, even should the Euro- pean Torce in China be eo unwise as to interfere, wmcn oy no means prounuie, lor Europem terests aro identified with tho succecs of the The Chinese, who charter twenty or thirty European vessels year to carry timber to the northern parts of Chun, indeed," nearly every individual who carries on the outside trade, is connected with the association, and is, therefore, deeply interested in the extension of! I commerce, which will be "ciua Jly adva, i to us and to nee the above was I written thu accounts received from China have continued the opinion of this gentleman, as ro-gards tho interference of the European forces. The proclamation in favor of Christianity is, most probably, only a nue on the part of enco on behalf or the Government tu prevent i.uropean interler- it is hv nr.

1.., I tlio Association would liko to strengthen their position by introducing Christianity, andso great is their influence, that if eo inclined, they could probably make thy ciiliro Donulati wuu. uiu licuun Ul il. .1 i 1 1 I "I uiey migiu oe restrained ......5 w-w 11, jucuiu Biiuuiu ante mat 1 crl snoiild overcome their own. But Buddhism and all other idolatry, which they evidently connect inseparably with the Tartar dynastv. may be luii.iugicu uiniiMi ui mi enu 111 unuu; and as there arc many men umong their leaders who would bo considered highly talented in any country, they may seo the necessity of introduciii" a creeo lint win tuke inoro hold or the foelincs of "'su -tuo ineoiogy 01 Uonlucius aud their early philosophers.

Kossuth ami Mazzim. Tho Glasgow Post of a lito datosays "We read 111 tho Assemble Natiouile: 'Kossuth and Mazzim left liOiidoti fortuight since, and no ono knowd where they now ure. The London journals mike no mention of their departuie." Kossuth in his last address delivered in Hall, stated in substance tint Turkey was making such rapid progress in adopting thn mil itary tactics of the West, that Russia would not allow her to remain long at pence, because eight or ten years peacu would enable her tu become too well organized to be easily subjugated: War, therefore, he contended must occur, or, what was very improbable, Russia change her policy. In the event ot such a war he said Hungary would not bo idle and it is probable that ho has now gono to Turkey, ready to enter Hungary and call Ins countrymen to arms, the first favorable opportunity. Mazzini probably 111 his beloved Italy, once more to try the fortunes of war.

Our neighbor of the Democrat says the Whie party can't work well without a head. Thu is more lhan wo can say of tho Democratic party. I ho aoxt pr work they do can be done just as well without a head as with Joitrnal. Arrival of the Arabia. THREE D.1YS LATER FROM EUROPE.

WARLIKE NEWS. Tho Royal mail steimshlp Arabia, Capt. kins, arrived at Now York at o'clock, ud- A. ,11. She piscd the ship Sovereign of the Seas, from Now York 18th for Liverpool at 0-10 on tho evening of tho Ud, and the stcamshin Ca.

nadu, from lloston, at 10 -)U of the same evening. Tho destruction of tho city of Shiraz, in Persia, by an earthquake, on the 1st May, lias been fullv confirmed. Turkey Tho cream of the Turkih intelli-genet1, is that every thing is yet doubtful. Nothing has yet resulted from the Porto's rejection of Russia's ultimatum. Nothing in fact can be dorm until about July 1st, at which dato it was thought tho Russians would cross tho Danube.

It was reported that Turkey had formally demanded tho armed intervention of the four powers, but the statement was not confirmed. Things do not look, on the hole, so peaceable as thoy did. I ho French and Knglish fleets were at Tenedos. ronrli ami English nmhussnlors. and expressed himself in the strongest luiiL'iiai'e.

Ho statod that even the destruction of his fleets would not prevent his invading Turkey, nnd obtaining tho reparation ho bolivcd his due. Tho fourth division or the Russian army is ordered te cntef Moldavia. The Russian force on the lino of the Black Sea amounts to men. The Emperor complains of the conduct of the British Premier, and is said to have forwarded peremptory instructions to M. do llremont, to confine luniseir to official intercourse with tlie English Secretary of State.

Additional Foreign News. England. Tho debate on India has terminated in favor of tho Government by a much larger majority than was anticipated iti against 140 in the proportion of more than two to one. Russia and Turkey London Times nf tho fid inst, had received positive information from St. Pctcrsburgh, by the packet which left that capital for Stettin, on the evening of Jho Will of June, that on that day, on the return of Uio last courier from Constantinople, the Emperor of Russia dispttchcd immediate orders to his troops to cross tho Pruth.

It Was expected tint this determination would forthwith bo announced to the Russian nation, and to foreign states, by a nninfesto. A letter dated Constantinople, June IGtli, gives the followinu intelligence: 1 "Couriers havo brought despatches by Bel- grnuu. wnicu assure uio rorte oi me union and complcto understanding wmch aiimmate tho western powers. The English tlect is in llesika Hay, the French fleet near Mytilr no. I he staff of the army of the Roumolia left on Saturday for Varna.

Omer Pasha will couimnnd the army ofShumla; that nf Ruhbuck will be under thn 1 orders of Mohcinel Redschid Pasha. Thn 'can trigate Cumberland, under the command ul Commodore Slnngham, lias obtained permission accompany it. is now certain that tho breakwaters of Sulina have been destroyed by the a ussians, in order to the mouth of the Danube against mercantile ships, and unfortunately more than tiro hundred vessels are caught within rut 111 a trsp. Tho Chiefs of the Patriarchates have made a declaration to Lord Stratford de Rudcltffc, recognizing thu clemency and the good administration of the Sublime Porte, and hivo nrotuet-ed ngamu the agression of Russia." The Jena ship of the lino, of guns, stiled from the t'oulon, on tho 14th, tojom the fleet 111 llesika Bay. Letters dated the tfOlh from the Danubian Provinces, speak of the preparations for tliu pas-sage of the Pruth by the Bussians.

1 he French War Office has agreed to furnish Gu.COO muikets to the Turkish government, and orders have been sent to havo them despatched forthwith to Constantinople. The Turkish tleet is concentrated at the extremity of tlie llosphorus, from 'I Iiernpoa to the Black So and consists oHJ'isbips (two of them three deckers,) 10 frigates, 1 corvettes. 8 and a steamers Tins forco will be increased bv ships recalled from other stations, and other's which aro 111 the course or equipment at the arsenal. The mercantile shipping is more wanted than ever at CousUntmople and the Black Sea sirl. The Paris correspondent of tho Chnmiclo slates that tlie Porte, encouraged by Iho presence of the French und English "fleets, had followed up their rejectiun of the Russian ultimatum by a demand of the armed intervention of thu four great powers of Europe.

Nr.w York, July 17. The following nows was brought by the Arabia to this port, in a private letter which reached us to day, via Boston Liverpool, July Jjst as the Arabia is leaving her wharf, it is telcgraohed from London, on the authority or an extra of the liidon Times, that 12,000 Russians entered Jassy on the 25th of June. It is not mentioned whether they were opposed or TF.nrtnai: Steamiioat Disaster. At a-bom two o'clock on Saturdav morning, tho steamer Empire, when about fivo miles below Potighkcepsie, N. on her down passage, was run into by a sloop with such forco as lo knock 0110 of her boilers and some parts of her ma- 7 "vrrooaru.

caused the ktcamcr "'y 'e. the cuinery ovemoaru. i tus caused the ktcamcr no were roused fiom their umbers hv force of the sloop running into them. They were, however, all rescued safely and brought lo Poughkeepsio by a schooner the same morning, cxccDt some ten or twelve who wcro badly scalded and three or four killed. Among thu ero mo oar-tenoer, two lemales and a "Oy, IiaitltS not KhOWH.

I'heru wcro also uv- oral bodies, taken from tho river and placed on a sloop bound for PouphkeetHio. Amm, wounded woro J. D. Scott, book peddler; Edward G. Surtan, tecond eni'ineer: Mr third engineer- Charles Cushmaii, fireman Mary Beedes and Mary Wooster, two Bquaws fruni Canada and Robert T.

Cunningham, of New Haven, badly scalded and leg broken N. S. liuhtt, of Washington, D. two deck Marv Beedes iMiiin, inmeii jumes Johnson and Peter Van Feulsn, and G. Parritt, of New Jersey.

All of tho above nro badly scalded and probably seven or eight will die. It is feared that home of the passengers leaped overboard during the con-tcrnation and wore drowned. The firo on tho boat was extinguished as speedily as possible, but she is badly mutilated. Lvtkb Fiiosi 13. The southern mail, as lute as due, has arrived.

1 ho Charleston Courier announces the arrival or tho steamer Isabel, with Havana dates to the Bill inst. There is no political news of imiw-tance. Tho reported landing of more negroes is confirmed. I hu insurrection among the Chinese and tho murder ol tho overseer, is also confirm- 1 rno' New Orleans, Jii. I l'ter advices from Mexico stato that M.

halazar announces his determination to main. t'" right of Mexico to tho Mesilla Valley, and threatens to resign, should the concession bo made to General Lane. The I rait d'Umon doubts whether Alexico will entertain any proposition for the purchase of the Mesilla Valley, A Chief of tho Marquesas group of Islsnds ha lately arrived at Honolulu, for uid, stating that "the peoplo aro tired of war and and having heard vague reports from seaman, of jho civilization enjoyed in the Bandwich Islands, is noop.0 are anxious to enjoy Uio tame JIo was very delirious that a missionary should accompany bun to his home. ocal 2STctuu Notices. On a recent visit to tiihTbcti Ufol and romantic village, amid the mountains and in tho rich valley of Connecticut Rivcr, 0 wrero much pleased to witness tho improvement, which havo been mado within tho last two years No place of its size in the stain i.

rapid strides in tho march of improvement." us excellent water power, diligently nrj providently used by manufacturers and median ics with tho Asylum for Iho Insane, located in a fertile and beautiful valley, nnd the excellent and venerated DocL Rockwell at its wilL two Water Cure Establishments, well by invalids from all parts of tno country i t. 1 unii men 01 Health and mcatis in pursuit of pleasure; and with an industrious' II "'I inviiijjeiH nun uospiuioio population, Brattlebo-ro' has become a place of popular resort, in the summer season, for ladies and gentlemen from the South and the cities, and bits "nviiie. ono or tho most prosperous villages in tho stito a prosperity which it richly deserves. The cemetery, a city of tho dead, is located on an cm- inencc, south 01 and commanding a fino view 0f the village. Its location and tasteful mcnts are nn honor to the good fueling and fine tasto of the peoplo of Th lit.

FT nnd extensive buildlcj. tastefully finished and lurmsncd, erected ly Mr. of tho c.ty of iew 1 orn, lor 1110 l-awrcnco ir well filled with boarders, who aro apparently much pleased with the arraritremento .1... iiiy house, whli their excdlent DocU Gran, as oiLian, uiiti mo unwearied attentions of Mr Winger, tho gentlemanly Superintendent of the Establishment. Would that our own more ccn-traland equally romantic village amid the moon-tains, were blessed with a similar establishment.

It would bring more wealth nnd nrnnnenti. i.v.' village or Montpelier, than two Slate House, with a session to each in a year. Wo arc thankful for what wo havo got! but a little energy and enterprise on the part orour "men of wouio give us abundantly more. Madame Ratkai. sister of Governor k'r, and who was banishod from Hunrarv rived at Saratoga Springs with a fine assortment of Laces, Embroideries, Mantillas.

she is very anxious to dispose of, as she is com pelled to earn her own livelihood. She would be happy to receive the calls of ladies at h.r rooms on South Broaday, one door below Van-dcrzee'd Temperance House. Visitors fiom ermont will do themselves justice and Ratkai a favor by giving her a rail. We invite the attention of our reader. Prof.

Young's announcement of his 1 1 11,,. evening (Wednesday.) at the Odd H.i' to be illustrated by very rich Di-solving I he Montreal and Quebec papers speak of in very high terms, and ae they embrace quito novel subjects, The Passion of the Mind, and The Times of the Reforovalion, wo have no doubt he will havo a respoctablo audience. Mr. Walton, I saw your last papr an account or a cow belonging to Nabum Rn.e which gave :17 lbs. of milk per day forOiree days, and a wish to know who beats I have a three year old heirer which gave in ten days, from June 1 1th to the 25th, -110 lo-lli lbs.

of milk, or II lbs. IJ ounce per day. Sho now gives about 10 lbs. par day, notwithstanding the dry weather. Wo liove made ono pouud four and a half ounceR of butter per day from 'r milk.

I havo also two small four year old cons, which aro only threo feet and ten inches in height, that gavo during tlie same ten days 111 iJ-Ki and IKW U-liJ lbs. of milk, and still they are not worth bragging about. If you or Mr. It iwce win come up among the fulls of our town, I will show you cows without number that wul boat lheln- A. D.

Arms. East Montpelier, July 10, I8551. 7'Ae Rlustraled Record of the Industry of otfAV fi'oin New Yurk, G. Putnam Co. No, 1 (a double number.) has been received.

It is got up in degant style and is every wiy worthy of she subject. It is itself a specimen of the art or printing fit to bo executed (as it and exhibited in the Chry.tat Palace. Montpelier. A quintity 0r cider was seized lat week at Fuller's grocery. Thu trial hu been adjourned till after thn ndmnr nml (Aim nf the Supremo Court.

Gntn Up. Tho liquor consigned to "a distinguished opponent of Uio liquor law residin in and seized at Rutland, has been given up to tho owner, it having appeared that he purchased itor Ait oirn use, Ludlow. Harbot Chapman of Ludlow par-chased two gallons of cider wherewith to ctle-brato the glorious fourth. Ho got gloriously drunk," and so abused his familv that thev obliged to leave the house for safety. Thereupon Chapman was arrested and kept imprison ed until he became sober, when ho voluntarily coniessed Ins wron.r.

and disclosed where he got his liquor. Upon, man who sold (Jit cider was informed that ho mmt be lined. At first he was rebellious and blowed up the prosecutors and tlie law. and threatened an uppeal but upon tho advico of the inagi- aio ne visited the ramtly of Chapman, and when he learned the consequences of selling two gallons of cidor, he at onco returned to tli magistrate and paid his line without further opposition, fully convinced that it was not right tu sell cider for such consequences. Rutland.

Sundrv oerson.s rtnhlieil Mfpthtr .1 e- and furnished money to Virgil's Express to get liquor herewith to celebrate tho -1111. When tho Express arrived, an officer was ready ana auneu 1110 liquor. Un tho trial it was decided that tho liquor belonged to tho Express agent until after delivery tu thnso who ordered it. anil ie was nncd and tho liquor destroyed. Jhe.orth The linnnr law trna nt nn- I'upuiur.

vve learn that tho current of ep.nioa has been decidedly changed. Mansfield Mountain. A Wflv .1... 11 1 ir uiu iruriu nuu up in are many spits of beauty, whore the foot print! of nature can still bo seen, unuurred by tbu-provemenu of man. The grand old woods uU .1...

I uio ureen djountains, ana arc hi of thn fnrt ell l.l.l rhl- in. iiuiu iuiu 111 111.111 uy dell, and 011 many a mountain side. Tke sparkling springs aro not all yet forced into iron Pipes, from their fountain heads, nor do all th busy, gladsome brooks, yet toil at iho groaniof wheel. Nature still remains mifural in the us uicuiaiu vicinity ot our mountains, and a oij ramble in tho wood a possibility, without encountering ntlnht li tl.n fNrjC a fciiim unw wi Mv wii iuu variii. In no epot in Vermont are there more attractions: for one who loves tho beautv and erandeu' of nature, and natural scenery, than can be around Mansfield Mountain.

weaving tho Vermont Central Railroad at terburv. a rrno.1 ntir.l- In. tn il.a reuterOI fstowo, eorse six sevsa cilca fross tic tus.

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