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Nebraska Advertiser from Brownville, Nebraska • Page 3

Brownville, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ijHiiiiMiwiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiMiLiyjMiiijjtjpiii i iu bjbbbb niipinpii' pi. npji -vsj-bjhjs-sbw ymjj, i Jijms la ho s-swsnsugpB-uBBsiwiBBsj- I I I 8- mrteAMan.Z'.i THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, FEB. 28. 187S. TIME CAHXfS.

Dally Stage Line KeUtn. From BrownTiHclo Areso. Fills City ard Bnlo via Aspintv-11 and 81. Dsroin. coa-tttcU-c -witb conveyances jo all other palp ta.

laves Brewjrffllle dallrai 1 o'clock p. r. J. 'ir- ruipuciui. Railway.

-JJro-favU! 1 7'SO Pera I r-. jcUiBwiuy 00 Icel-'l York 9ar WIL IF.VLXG.Snp't. Brownvllle Bum Line to Plielp. Lave BrtrBvUl 7Ja. WOp.

ra. a. p. Publishers' Notices. rleric-s.

eet as rflaary re-di-s matter, win' be charged tea cents per Use, each Insertion. la Jlspr type. Slteea cents a line. Authorized Agents. Tiros Baas are o-r aatborized agents at Nemaha City te receive and receipt fer rao-to due as.

TitQi.s BUXR266 te ocr -Bt-ortoed spent In Glen TUxifc precinct to -receive and receipt for monies dae bs (m s3crtpti. A J- Rrrr zat. at St. Deroin. Is ear actberlxed -sent aad adver- tfetsz.

ami to collect asc receipt monies TBS ABVKETIBKE. 8. SUxicx to receive saSscrtptten and advertislns, and collect receipt for ao-ies due ua. FAIRBROTH-Ol HACER, Pabnsbers Advertiser. I L.M I if I I 1" J' rWi Z6CAL MATTERS.

Stevenson advertisers. Cross are the boss Tuesday was a lively day for big boge la the city. If yoa want anything, first cull ou Sieyensoa Cress. Dr. Matthews, Dentist, ie here and will remain during this week.

The best and cheapest plows for sr.l and will soon be sold by Stevenson Cruis. j. A. Hawley returned Saturday from three weeks vibit to his old home in Wiseonin. Tis a pleasure to trade where you nave a full stofc to seleet from.

Thi-you oaa always find at Stevenson -S Creee'. Hawley hasri back and offers the larset stock of garden seeds ever ofered ia this market, at wholesale or If you want a poster for your "finer Woodd" hor.uallou The advertiser. We have good outs and are well prepared for such work. Dr. Craw has rented two htin- dred acres of his farm near London to Viekers.

John says he has force to tend it all, aud do it well. Dr. Matthews. Dentist, writes us tltat be will be at hia offiee in this jolty on Wednesday or 1 hursday of titis week, and remain the week out. U.

Colhapp ha rented the property belonging to Mr. Lett, acl-ioinittg iiis reidenee oa Nebraska street. He took possession Wednesday. We are to welcome you to hollor." Dait. Roods are setting pretty od again, and business the city has revived within the la-t week.

A gT-t deal of wheat and eorn are atiil beintr marketed, and hogs ia im- uifne Mat iters. Jno. Q. A- Smith, drove from his farm two and a half miles south of -th city, on Tuesday, thld wefk, and sold to TJ K. Bailey 27 hog, the av-ernjre weight of whieh was 406 founds.

TuU lot of porkers is hard to boat. II. F. Sawders and Ed. Rich, of the Pern, Herald were in town Sun- dav.

They inform os that on account thoill health of Mr. Banders, they will retire from the soon, and -that Mr. Freere, the former editor, will again take charge of that paper. If vow want big onions from the seed, plant early the earlier the bat-tar. Many kind of hardy vegetable? -eanlti planted daring this genial weather and would be the batter for it -even if the apriu is not so early as it now promises to be.

Tomato seed should now be sown in boxes that the plants may be ready to transplant immediately when the growing days of spring arrives. A week or two ago we inadvertantly, and very thoughtlessly, we rn-st confess, conceded that some neighboring county's 0 pound hog bad boaten us on the big hog question. This was an egregious error on our for oar attention has been called lo an item in oar own local columns of serae weeks ago, making a record of a 730 pound hog. This is correct. and gives us our due the biegest hog.

It was purchased by Mr. Bailey from Mr. Trawbrldge, of Aspinwall. The gentleman who had his bridle borrowed out of his wagon on 3tIonday last while in Ui3 city, when jhe wasn't present, is correct no doubt in iiis inference that the bridle was not stolen but taken by mistake, be--es-se bridles look so much alike, and lire apt to set away into some other wagon. Any one well versed in these peouliariJies of bridles might make a mistake.

Some men would never think of looking anywhere but in his own wagon for his bridle, but the gentleman who took the wrong bridle in the case under consideration, no doubt was, determined to have hisj bridle if he had to lok into every wagon iu for it. Nt. that bridle wasn't stolen, obaiiy'fn Brownville or that er to BVownvi'Ie paid rfc 2. enm 7.24am ar 7 -me 4 t2pTn fcttpis Graham Floor, atflnddart's. Corn Cross.

Shelters by Stevenson Hand-made harness at Bauer's, cheap for cash. The xsourt room, as now being fitted up, la a great improvement over what it has been. arge variety of notions and boys' clothing, and a new inToice of shoes, just received at McPherson's. Cheap Sulky and Gang Plows, by Thomas Richards. Found, on Main street, a lady's fur collar, which the owner can get by call on Wiis.

jore, at county clerk's office. Stevenson CroE are doing a business in plows and stoves. big Garden and field seeds, by the ounce, pound or bushel, by Hawley Douglas. If you wish to know the price of any article of produce you have for sile, examine our market reports for the information. We take great pains to have them correct.

We thisweek stuck out a couple of the nobbiest signs in Brownville. They were painted by Col. Sam. Rich, who. as a sign painter, has no equal in this western country.

We always find Stevenson Cross busy waiting upon customers. They advertise judiciously, and receive their reward in increased patronage. Read their new advertisements. D. B.

Colhapp has moved into the property recently purchased and repaired by H. C. Lett, on Nebraska street. The manner in which Mr. Lett has fitted up this propert' is evidence that he has full faith iu the future of Brownville and her prospective railroad the Q.

M. and the Validca branch of the B. M. Farmers, buy your agricultural iruulements of Stt-veueon Cros. Gfeneral Order No.

1. For your Dress Goods. Fanc Goods, Notions, Prints, Sheetings, Muslins, go to LOWMAN'S. A large, rich vein of coal forty inches thick, of the best quality, fifty feet below the surface, was found last week, on the farm of L. Holt, Nodaway county.

They went through nine feet of rock, then soapstone, then FevenJeen inches of flint rock, twenty-seven inches- of potter's clay, six inches of fire clay and four inches of slate. Si. Joe Herald. Our Nemaha County Coal Company may draw several inferences from the statements of the above. Nodawaj' is the second county East of Nemaha.

True it i in Missouri, but we don't see wli3T that should make much differ ence, riiiy ieet ueiow tne suriace nine feet of rock seventeen inches of fi'mt etc. Farmers, buy Deere's Sulky Plow, the best in the market, by Stevenson Cross. In looking over the "State News" in au exchange we find this item: "Nebraska Citv ships on an aver- Lage ten car lotids of slock daily." This, of course is taken from the Nebraska City paper-. The papers of fhat dilapidated viilxge claim all the stock that crosses the river there car loads from towns west of the city and from Peru and Brownville as "shipped fi-om Nebraska and thus they make a big blow and false impressions. We have noticed this till we are disgusted and propose to call a halt, and attention to the facts.

Nebraska City, while it undoubtedly does a very good business, does very little more than her neighbors, and does not "average near ten cars of stook daily. We would like to know the names of the dealers the City who do ueh an immense stock business. This information the papers do not give. Stock is shipped from where it is purchased and put on the cars, aud for a "way station" through which tje stock cars pass to claim everything as shipped from there, is a dis play ot cheek beyond endurance. C-eneral Order No.

2. For your Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, go to LOWMAN'S. Broad-cast seeders cheap, bv T. Richards. Garden, field aud hedge seed by Steveusou Cross.

Notiee is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the primary or common schools of thin county, at the Superintendent's office in Brownville, on the first Saturday in March, ISIS. Philip Crother. Co. Supt. Harness, saddles and whips, by Steveuson $: Cross.

Farmers siveyour orders toThos. Richards for Plows, Harrows, and all goods in bis line. The best evidence in the world of the superiority of the Singer Sewing Machine is that it alone has been made the subject of imitation, and that agents of other machines have'to use its name to draw attention to their spuriouB wares. The genuine Singer can only be obtained of the authorized agents of said company. E.

M. McWilliams, Agent, 35w3 Brownville. Sugar oured hams at H. C. Lett's.

KelJy Barb Wire, by Stevenson Cress. Bacwiiea At HoJcrt'F F-mfly Grocery Store, Canary Seed, at J. I. McGee Bro's, 15c. per pound.

Three-foot show case for sale cheap. Enquire at this office. Number of scholars at the Normal School, Peru, is 143. A email grain field seed drill for sale. Apply to J.

Carson, or Robt. W. Furna3. Mrs. J.

S. Minick, of AspinwalJ, spent several days last week visiting friend in our city. The ducking season has commerced. Ducks are very plentiful on the creeks and ponds. The editor of the Kearney Tress evidently didn't get a d.

h. ticket to the Nellie Boyd show. His vengeance is terrible. The "local" of the State Journal was startled one day last week by catching a man forcing the season. He had on a linen coat.

Do you wish number one Con-over'- Colossal Asparagus plants? Furnas has a few thousand choice plants at one dollar per hundred. Rev. W. P. Shorkey, of Aspin-wall.

we see by the York, Neb. papers, has an appointment to preach in York on the 10th of March Mr. Shockey is a very able preacher. The experience of old farmers in Southern Nebraska is that earl' sown wheat always makes the best crops. Grass wheat cannot be sown too soon after the soil becomes dry and tillable.

"Pull up your dry goods," is the latest slang in Lincoln, says the Journal. This was no doubt suggested by loafers observing the ladies trying to keep their skirts out of the mud on Lincoln's dirty aide walks aud crossings. Brownville Lodge. No. 69, I.

O. G. is growing. If it continues much longer to grow as it has since its organization, the Lodge will have to remove to a larger hall. On last Friday evening nine new members were initiated.

Mr. Joseph Loveless who has been sojourning with friends here aud in the vicinity of London for several weeks, started for Laramie City again, and the eold regions, one day last week. The Advertiser wishes him the best good luck. 3 za 3 3 13 CO -H-, a 23 h- e5 i -2 3 r-j 5 S3 5 hO 2 hD3 2 to f- 2 Oa r-J 3 3 CS es 0 3 fcD 3 ci 5 "cc JE 3 We renew our suggestion in relation to the Old Settlers' Association of Nemuhu county. Dr.

Holladay has "riz" and partially explained. What does Mr. Hoover aud others saj-? We see that the county associations throughout the State are getting together again and having pleasant times. Let our old organization be put on its feet, tnat facts and remines-ceuces now obtainable from eye and ear witnesses may be made of record, and mayhap serve as important future historical items and features. Washington's Birth Day was not unanimously observed as a holiday in this city but the silver coronet band happened to think of it and under the Stars aud Stripes played the streets several popular national airs.

But for this pleasant feature with a tendency to momentarily attract attention from corn and hogs to more poetical patriotism, the fact that a babe was born 146 years ago whose name we all revere and delight to honor, when we think of It, would have entirely escaped the thoughts of many. The Cass County Chronicle as been removed from Louisville, Ua-s county, to Plattsraouth This move of the Chroniole was brought about by the temperance element of Platts-mouth. The Herald and Watchman, it seems, not entering into the spirit of the temperance reformation with satisfactory energy, the Chronicle has set up and Is recognized the tem perance organ. Those old papers of Pialtamouth have made an important mistake as they doubtless niready realize. We enter the Chronicle on our exchange list and wish it, and the temperance cause in Cass county the greatest prosperity possible.

State Journal: For the purpose of collecting information in regard to the number of acres under cultivation in Nebraska and the amount raised thereon, the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, Maj. D. Wheeier, has prepared, aud is now distribu'ing a circularand ruled blank fer the benefit of precinct assessors. The blank is very complete, aud a wayfaring man. though a fool, could not err in making the proper entries.

The Major has simplified the work, and we hope every assessor in the State will see the necessity of asking the necessary questions and putting the answers down in the proper column. If they will do this the Major will give us some valuable statistics at the close of the year, that will prove high ly interesting and give onr State an other on its career to prosperity Mr. Wm. Bants says his grass wheat sown last fall is looking jnst splendid. The State Journal says the emigration westward through Lincoln is unprecedented.

I will' sell a Singer sewing machine, or any other, for cash, at half the old list prices, for the next sixty years, more or less. B. G. Whitteore. ool Here Farmers I have the the best thing in the shape of a Horse Collar ever sold.

It i3 the Turley Patent Rope-rim. easy adjusting collar. Will not Lreak into. I warrant these collars to give satisfaction or money refunded give them a trial. B.

F. Souder. J. B. Finch, the famous Red Ribbon man, will ere long deliver a series of lectures In Brownville.

We do not know the precise time when he will be here, but due notice will be given. Members of the Nemaha Coal Company should bear in mind that an important meeting of the company will be held on Friday, March 1st at 1 p. at the Larkln School House. We met our old friend and patron, Milt. Long, of Sheridan, in town on Thursday.

He iuformed us that last fall he sowed twenty acre3 of grass wheat and that it looks splendid aud promises a big crop. The weather the past week was so mild and the spring sun so seducing that on southern exposures peach blossoms are so far advanced as to distinctly show color. If the ground hog sign be correct, vegetation better look a little out about an earlyt venture. The undersigned hereby offers his three work hordes, wagon und harness for sale cheap for cash also a fine lot of shoats. If you want a good bargain, and like "match team," come and buy before March 10th 1878.

Dr. A. Oppermanx, 3Gw2 Sheridan Neb. a Ha a 3 i 3 3 in ti a a 3 r3 za c5 a a 6 i a A 0 5S or r1 1 50.000 bushels of apples were raised and sold in Nebraska in 1S77. above the amount consumed by the producers.

Paivnee liopublican. Of this amount Otoe, the banner county of the State, raised two thirds. iVeo. City Next to the oldest paper in theState is mistaken. Nemaha was the banner apple county at the State Fair.

Wiil the News please make the necessary correction. The following regarding bees we copy from a sj'nopois in the State Journal of one of Prof. Anghey's lectures before the Farmers' Institute The number of bees in a hive in the spring varies from to 4, 000. They cluster near the top, aud the queen commences laying, at first nUo'ut -J eggo per day, increases to 50. 100.

3KJ. until she reaches from to 3.000 per day. As soon a drones appear 11 is a sign that t-he bees are preparing to swarm. By smoking bees, they fill themselves with honey and become so docile a to be easily managed. The workers are hatched from the egs in twenty-four days, drones in twenty days, and queens in sixteen days.

had abandoned the plan of natural warmlng, in favor of the artificial method. is a oe iw Q4JJ At NickH' and Bok Store. Di-ea-e and Death, when thev reach our owu households, are too serious for jesting. We use our best endeavor? drive off the dread messengers, and are only happy when we feel that the' are at distance. At the first approuch of that fell destroy-ey, Consumption, iu the shape of a conch or slight cold as well as more -evere Bronchial or Catarrhal complaints, we should at once extract of Tar and Wild Cherry.

It ha no superior in such cases. Every ttle warranted lo cive satisfaction. Sold by A. W. Nickel I.

U. C. LETT Keeps full and complete liue of DRUGS and GROCERIES. Mothers will find Dr. WinchellV Teething Syrup ju-t the medicine to have in the house for the children.

It will cure cold's coushs. sore throat, and regulate the bo wells. Trv it Sold by A. W. Niekell.

AW''y to loan on long time. For vi! terms apply to Wm. 5, HOOVER, Fre-h DruKs and School Books, full supply alwavs on hand at W. H. McCreery's.

33. If you want a comi. square meal, for 2o cents, go to Mrs. Rauschkolb's. Money to loan on farms.

T. L. Schick. Fairbanks Counter Scales, by Stevenson Cross. Oranges and Lemons, at Hnd- dart's ncau ami Liiee.

Full line of sample piece goods at Marsh's. Choice line of Pocket and Table Cutlery, at Em a Lett's. thine in the family grocery at Huddart's line at tt APPles cooking and Hundarf 5. eating, at Charley, son of Odem Zook, Nemaha City, on Tuesday this week, while rFding was thrown from his pony, causing one of his legs to be broken aboot half way between the knee and foot. Dr.

Kay set the broken limb. Wouldn't Howe Pasha make a splendid Judge for Utah? "Anything, good ord an thing!" Forage is short! The pork speculation buret the corn profit! The Union Pacific Directorship gone where Jim Fisbe's woodbine twineth Gen. Deven come to the rescue, or my organ perisheth A few days ago a hog man of this city shipped seven car loads of hogs through Nebraska City hogs purchased and started east from this place. On the same day two car loads of hogs, purchased by Nebraska City dealers were started east. So there were nine cars of hogs shipped from Nebraska City on that day, according to Nebraska City papers, but they neglect to say that seven cars out of the nine were bought and shipped at Brownville.

Hon. T. J. Majors, Contingent Congressman has returned home, and was in this city last week. He will return to Washington within a week or two to continue the contest for Nebraska's recognition as entitled to another representative in Congress.

While the Col. does not appear sanguine that justice will be done him and his Slate, he is not at all despairing. Col. Majors has too much stamina to desist in a just cause as long as there is any chance of huccsss. Davenport Iron Sulky Plow, two levers to regulate on sidling land, the best mode, by Thomas Richards.

2 CO 53 fc 2 ti 2 ra A gentleman of Sheridan, who was in town Monday last, writes us as follows As we were unhitching our horses from the spring wagon a loose horse came near and was endangering the safety of our horses. With the assistance of a few bstanders we were able to secure tiie horse, and tied ito the wagon from which it broke loose, thinking we had done nothing else Imtftir (luir tnvsHcd feJlnvvmarj After We were trying to start for home, bnt our bridle was missing and we had to buy a new one. The person who had the gray and bay iu town on Monday very likely did not know that his horse had been loose and probably lost the bridle by prancing around town. Bridles look very much alike, and I he only thought to borrow the bridle for a while from his next neighbor. Whoever willingly or uuwlll iugly took a bridle from a spring wan-on on Mouda3' last, is requested to leave the same at TlIB ADVERTISER office.

TEAS, at HiekeiTs Drug and Book Store. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by A. W. Pure Apple Cider at Huddart's Nice fitting drawers for gentlemen cut and made at Marsh's.

Cash paid for butter at Huddart's. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually preventing the entrance of dampness, dust. and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at the same nme increasing its durability. Sold by A. W.

Nickell. General Order No. 4. I am making room for an Ira-monse Spring Summer tock. Now is the time to get itargaillK at LOWMAN'S.

Tiiere id no eurthiy boon more precious than good health, and it behooves ils poff-essor to endeavor tore-tain it. If you are assailed with sucli provoking ills as sick headache, tnrptd liver, sour stomach, and a genera; feeling of weariness and don't co and commit suicide, but take Eil-ert's Day-light Liver Pills and be cured, cold bv A. W. Nickell. TIjc Wonderful Success Which has attended the Use of Brown's Liver Pills has demonstrated the fact, that medicines prepared for eastern diseases are not adapted to the diseases of the western climate.

The people of the west would well to beur iu mind that headache, bilious ness. pain in theside. indigestion, constipation, result from an inactive condition of the liver, produced by the miasmatic influence common to all new countries: A speedy relief i-nbraiued by the nse of Brown's Liver Pills. The creat remedy for inflammation is Arnica. Brown's Arnica Salve is conceeded to be, the moct reliable preparation before the public, far curing cots, bruises, hums, frost-bites, and old ores and ulcers.

All of Brown Gret Western Remedies for sale bv A. W. Nickel. H. C.

Lett and W. H. McCreerv, Brownville, Neb. 27tf. Extra oojiies of The Advertiser for sale by A.

W. druggist book-seller and stationer. SCHOOL ITOTICE. RlnfriQ Tt1-e Tana Ponoila 1 and everything you need, atNiekell's drug and book store. stra copies of The Advertisbr can hereafter be had of A.

W.NIekel.lrwta ism- A Book Everybody Needs. We have before us a copy of Rid-path's History of the United States, illustrated. From a casual observance of the work, we would pronounce it excellent, and just such a history of our country as should circulate universally among farmers and others who have not time to devote to the reading aud study of more complex matter. The reason for this opinion is partially given In the following in troductory remarks by the author: "To every American citizen some knowledge of the history of his country is indispensable. The attainment, of that knowledge ought to be made easy and delightful.

This book is intended for the average American for tiie man of business who has neither time nor disposition to plod through ten or twenty volume? of elaborate historical dissertation for the practical man of the shop, the counter, and the plow. The work is dedicated to the household and library of the poor. It is inscribed to the father, the moth er, the son. and the daughter of the American family." This history is splendidly adapted to the needs of the classes indicated by the author. It is elaborately illustrated with maps, charts, portraits and diagrams, and contains 891 pages printed in clear, bold type.

Mr. S. F. Penny, now located in Nemaha City, is agent for the book, and will, so soon as the weather and roads become favorable, begin canvassing for subscriptions, and we hope his success will be commensurate with his eff irts and the merits of the work. TIae Best Sewing Machine in the world, to be had cheap for cash, can be seen at B.

G. Whittemoke's, Maiu'street, Brownville, Neb. Distempers, coughs, colds, fevers aud most of the diseases which horses-, cattle, sheep, hoes and poultry are subject to are readily overcome and cured by using UneleSam's Condition Powder aecording to tb1 plain directions. Sold lv A. W.

Niekell. General Order No. 3. For vour. Hen's YouiiiS', Boys Children's no to LOWMAN'S.

B.M BAILEY. SHIPPSa AST XJ2AX.BR IS VE stock: 3ROWXV1LLE, XEBRASKA. Farmers, please ctl and get prices I want to handle oar stock. Offlee Mata street, Hundley lOMHERCIAL. THS MARKETS.

BROwsniij, February 27. 1S73. Trade, in all branches, has considerably increased during the week, in consequence of the better condition of the roads. Groceries remain firm at last quotations. Flour is on the decline, and quoted 15c off.

Wheat Arm. bnt corn bas advanced S4c Hogs and cattle are arm at lagt week's prices Tne shipments of stock for tbe week are B. X. Bailey, 10 ears one ear averaging 400 pounds; John Bath two ears cattle and one of bos; Thomas Bath, oae ear cattle. Following are the quotations yesterday LIVE STOCK.

CORRBCTEO BY B. X. BAJUEY, STOCK BSAX.KK AS 3K1PFSH. Hog? Steers. Snir to ehoie.

750S 00 SgM75 Cows, Jt rl 2 GRAjy MARKET. COKKKCTEn 2V W. W. HACK2SXV, OXAIX nZAIX. Wheat, choice iall spring 7S( 9D SS 15t SO 16 1 Barley Corn in tbe ear, new shelled- STREET MARKET-PRODUCE.

COKXSCXJCn BY J5 HTODAST, DE.U.KR ZS 6KOCSKXBS AX3 7JMDI7C. Corn Meal, 109 801 00 Better. 15 Eggs 1 10 Potatoes S0 75 Apples 7ZQ I 0 Onions 00 Chickens, old. per dozen 3 002 25 Cbickenf.oressil,11ftt Turkeys, dressed. 7 8 Wood.

cord I SSo 0o Hay, ton i S06o RETAIL XAREMT. Flosr, Hannibal fa.l Wichita fall irneat- Ssle -till ftvll wbcos. Glen Rock fall wheat. Glen Rock spring wheat Sheridan spring wheat. Ifeinana Vatlley Graham Apples.

Bran and Shorts mixed, par Corn, per hnshel. 3uar, eoifee A. 84 (or Exura C. SJJ browa, M. O.

9ja CntL.r.7?i. Powdered, 71 Coffee, Rio. 4 to O. G. Java, lbs Tea Cranberries, per Dried Corn, per Si ja 30 96 99100 Dried Pescbes.

1 Dried Apples, 9 to. Pared PcUe. "9 Pitted Cherries. fS ft. Dried Pie Plant per s.

Syrup, per Lsrd Coal Oil. peraallon WbHe Pntb. per ktt SU, per barrel Coal Ft. Scott rert. pe: 10 -002E .00 ton Mack, per 700 CHICAGO fiAKKIT.

Chicaoo. February WHEAT Less act i ve, and prices wesJt and lower; No, 1, S1.09; No. gilt edge. CORK- fettet and lowor o. 2, -iB; HOGS Receipts, 23.C70.

Marks on decline. (ied pmckia? quiet and weak, wttb sales at llabt, tSMffi ebcsce bea-y iOiippin--. HftomKM; some last over. CATTLE Receipts, 454; marks doU and anenanaed; shippers, 3.80L; stoeks-S, n5Ua.A STArAIl WSI6MTS. Tbe followlnr table ows the number of pounds in a bntUHri of toe various articles mentioned Apples, dried sf I Paachs.

Barley Pos es, Irisa castor I Fotatocs. wet 50 1 Beans, wHe P-m Bran I Rye r-. Burkwn: Jtttt. 1 Corn, eSBlKS. 7" i Bine 3ras orn.

shelled. OITJ Ml Fiax o-y. strd. jcal12 Lime. I alWBssir Tursds lOwtosts Onion Set -tBBajiTlia wheat a TO SO 3 1 1 BS OfHSMBS 1 SZ A h-Htl.

SB 3T y7 yn y3 t3 si3 e2t- 3E EE5 ppepBH-jp rf 3 a STEIGEBOBHOOD NEWS. Pnrxlshed by Special Correspondents for The Advertiser. London. It Is time to sow the seeds for tomatoes, if you would have early oes The voice of yoaag chickens are beard in Loudon. The usual spring moving has commenced there will be many changes.

Mrs. Winters fe still sick. Mr. Samuel Hayden is sfek with lung (vvtr. Mr.

David Pierson has joined with the Methodists to prepare with them for the "belter oooatry." May his spiritual training be such that he will have an "abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom" whan his earth work is done. Henry Ward Beecher says, he has noticed that the better a man was before conversion the better christian he made after. Then we may expect to find more than an average christian in Brother Pierson. Large atoek of Farm Implements will arrive In a few days, for Thomas Richards. General Order No.

I am makirs- room for an Im- rvifinco. rv r. 1 jr JLJI3 jl A iai f. Jem uv ia I. ne nine iu t-i BiiiiiiM ai LOWMAN'S.

tCTjy.ii'- t.irm-r, nrff1 11 I '1W1 A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of yootb. nervous weak- neac. early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will ears yoc. FREE I OF CHARGE.

This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in Sooth America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev, Joseph T. Inman; Statioa Bible House, New York CI ty ly 1 THE OMAHA IP hi I bill Daily, $10, Weekly $1.50 PER YEAR, POSTAGE PREPAID. The DAILY is the best edited Newspaper Lin JlSabimiilra. anfipotMns latest tale- graphic, state and commercial newt.

The "WEEKLY contains the condensed and ostntste news of the week, and is the cheapest paper of its stse yiwuUu. SPSGIAL BATES TO CLUBS. Remit to C. S. TOT, SSmS Manager Republican, Omaha.

Neb. Krp ctfuillmeol Orn.i.nieu:eilar!d Plain. AlaBrinii is for mr. lndi-s snrl lnf.i;:f. AIT order left wlih beeai.n will ic-elve prompt attentitm.

5 Main Street, i25 Mfin Street, Frt door e-st uV Ric-arda Usrdwar sore. MrsimuiUe. JFebrmskJi. p- J. li-VC OJtiiea es faTiTMlt ft- -fHa ononm-in.

Vv ftavSdQ4 QE J-? fe-s-Pyii iiH sai iih nuRrBi i EC Irfe SBIeS if Zj. boy, tans- sa i sif4 sm dB ass ttjs mm. sv felt z- 4 50 rft I 4rt 9-fl 3Btk SO ZJSf I fl CT 275 lit fe-ifS tr I tlA i ou i ICO l.vJKtr I I I i 1 SB 4 SM TS-? i nire SSil-5 w. xies-aura i v. rep.o.

w. datio-i of te public. w-ti m. i B. M.

WATSHS. Old O'oa- BHtrsef- az prepttred to ftumisii 1 k7, tTcs. al. Warm Meals tX all Hours Han't go I when you come to town, the i b-sn Rest-ur-aU -nd i-y sIm- craving toe inner man by procuring Jt A-9CJARE XEAL" lor only 3EL, 5ig-tt-tt. eTosep-bi Sekntz, IV LiOCKSi WtCil65i f9CirY -J Kcep -jnsrsrui; aLargadw jrgkKepainnc- ni Waccne aad J4rt UllkraHSCKUI JITXi.

Mr. Itrt .1. ALL iroriT La so.e -cent u. for sale cf Xa.ZiU.rjS St MORRIS' CXLXBBATXB 3rFECTD SPKMES I IE SUM JwjjiiSsS 14 TMPy j-nir sy 1 Cs.r-fate9k.sai, RlfOW vvrr t.f. y5 5 ws 9 li23S3rirsri 2 3U feKf a Fria3 e5 aa tss Wtxi'i' A2TI) 123" 1S5.

X- If ESTATE AlG-EInO'V XTS" NEBRASKA. M. Hggtf er Boas a piU RxU taa Staaac. SatM Lamts on CoatiataUon. exaia TiOas, makes Deeds, Mortgag, and all Instruments pertatntg to to transfer of Seal 5a-tate.

Has a Complete Atetract of Titles to all Heal Estate la Caotaty. ZROIBZSOI-T. DEALER oots 4 Shoes I mi 3J4JD3 TO ORDER. Repairing Heatly Bone, JWkwusfca. CO fcD 3 "EE rtf r- Hp "2 CO S3 -5 r5 x.

2 "3 r- I 3 A PHYSIOLOGICAL seiy of Marriage lyitirif-icj tfi ie WMoci ii i i Iiti ci. i. -f Bcr-rener' cf Vim-1 -nmtlM. PMtV AOVTScH! WT -j-rof iifc. mr stmn to e.

ic.ta. cr a vnoi -He an xzic r- IV i twK p-K-p- ri mt" Ss WEST END i jjli IfiJilin. I wih to inform the putlfctlat have opened tbe vest xn-MA ariyp. bn will at ail time I found FRESH K.Tr a 33E, 3PO UX.T3E3LT-, o. hich will be served to ensiomer.

at iiMr.jj prices. Bo'iritinc of 3 our I mat your obedient servant. T. BGere, Sfmlv Choice Flower and Garden Seeds a mur-wirrtua. Fcsurkes.

-Votpv leJoki-t-j, try Mil. rlants of tb hkm end finest tsiptnvK psrswl and prf-uat tr mJ. Vr w. tm of -trawm Uvti'4 prvesnuc --t at tht Jhow o. 1 iiruuum -CH-y.

nosxirn. I frow orer 1 Pti-s. ilse most ess.stei. i cut.r I T-r't-' n.all. AKi.

Buibs KritTr lN- Fwn- rrnw )at i-r Fi'wr Uden.Trrf.j;TPrKrfvn. lrr 1 omn i paca-iso: xorf. tv.s TreTre Case CoS Crr.r i I ri 1 P10 twknd. r.r Gmslen rr nm. IIeOi.f, 5.

Tiis hnse is now eondne'ed in 'vle. Lrr rooi icr riA.VEL.ERS. Billiard parlor and room ntHrct-d wttli tn Th p-t-L. -of Sonthm lerasta a io vmu rUutlag Lincoln SSTTiTrstu-si- I I but it ran I --J of sfS there k1 in nit. of -(tfeersea.

fa 1 who wLl Wl st tbe -wy fr ot-t sigftt. "yooo btv cr nrr iLr u'entflntiu it: A W- at. Hnt t.B rtk-jnt i w. Icosu noc-inc to Uk Tvrn r- WK, lrU-nd, Jg-l-e. 1 r-m.

a A t-i-x. vvi hs t. tvi AGENTS i 150 LOW Frc dt FAT IHIK 4 i tH ftl ATlO FROKFfff TI -ample aces tr-dlBsm, etc -v -r pcfoUu' we-- r-r rf. anvassers. 'rllntns 11s 111 ml si 1 njnsi jii 1.

CAM-TXXI, dt CO- ST. IOFIS. ii OT7EE HEADS, BILL FfEiDO I I I 7 rt? rL rg i flfi I 1 fit rTD Hll i RMr'Hf Itufl iiTliilfUI ULHisIf i I or lae 4 9 work ceaditv imm fni Cnd Fish, at' Hnddart's. -nnn 1 offf.

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