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Bennington Banner from Bennington, Vermont • Page 4

Bennington Banneri
Bennington, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Dr. II. C. Day has boen in Greenfield, thls weok. Mrs.

E. H. Moore has returned from a few weeks' visit out town. Mbe. Long of Clovoland, Ohio, 1s visiting her Bister, Mrs.

Dwight H. Gates. Miss Tufft of Troy, N. is tho gucst of Miss Katio Itocho on Union streot Miss Oarscallen of Phlladelphia, has been visiting Miss SaraHawks this week. Don't gulp cold water simply to cool yoursolf off.

Pour it on your wrists and sip a little. John Robinson, sheriff of this county, has boen ill for soveral days, conllncd to his hcd, but is better. See bargains in housekeeping lino Saturday, in Graves, Root Comprny's spaco in anothor column. The Rovs. Goo.

D. Silliman of Hoosick Falls, N. and E. Tibbitts of Hoosick. wero in town Monday and Tncsday of this wcok.

Miss Minnie Buher of Troy, N. is visiting her parents for a fow days. Sho is accompanicd by Miss Jcssio Richards of Troy. Ciiaklks Bradley supplcmerfts tho raislng of his walk last -wcok by a now awning in front of tho Noycs block. prop-crty on Main street Edward E.

Lono of tho Lotus Gloo Club, Boston, with his wifo, is passing tho suramer vacation in this villago with Mr. Long's parents. Miss Sophronia Collins went to" N. for a. vacation.

Hor mothcr has been there sovoral weeks and will return with lier daughter. W. C. Hitchcock is taking a for a fow weeks among tho Adlrondacks. Miss Mabcl Hitchcock returned with him to her homo in St Regis, N.

Y. Walbridge is cleaning oiit his stock of furnituro and is oftermg somo good bargains. It will bo worth whilo for anybody to stop in and soo his prices. It is requcntly remarked outsido theso days, how deflcient in local nows tho -lie-former has been sinco tho Banner changed its pitblication day to Friday. Sixcouplcs of young pcoplo onjoycd themsolvcs on Thursday last in tho woods near Camp Comfort This picnic giveri in honor of Miss C.arscallen.

The Sons of Voterans camp of North Adams. whicli was invitcd by Camp Ray to bo present at tho celobration, has ac-coptea and will bo in camp hero at that timo. WnEN tho now walk on East Main street is complcted it will bo a good ox-hibition of individual opinions upon tho merits of tho difleront kinds of sido-walks. Miss Fannie Siiierly has returned from a two weeks' visit at Melrose, N. and will mako her homo during scason with Mrs.

G. A. Wattles, Main street. TnE Citizcns' band was out on parado Monday night and playcd "a number of sclcctions in front of tho Futnam House. Thoy are improving rapidly and mako cxcellent music.

Miss Rutii Squire gavp a progrcssivo euchro party Thursday ovening. Thero woro nino tables, and a nlco party of young ladies and gentlemcn passcd a pleasant ovening. Melvin Wadswokth lost his purso Monday morning, contalntng about $3.75 in silver. It was found and restored to tho ownor by Georgo Remington, clcrk for D. S.

Packark. It will bo seen by our East Arlington items, today, that tho Rev. Z. Martcn is abscnt for a weok, camping in tho Green Mountains, accompanicd by his sons and tho Rev. C.

C. Cook. Carrol D. Partridoe is making a short visit in Burlington. Frcd Fergu-son is again fllling tho position tompor-arily of assistant secrctary of the Y.

M. C. latoly held by him. The Tiffany IIoso company has se-cured tho sutlers' privileges on tho grounds during Centonnial weok. Tho mcss-tcnt, for officcrs, has been sub-let to James Smith of Woodford.

F. Corbiere of Now York is in'town. IIo will remain in tho country during tho heated term and expects to pass tho grcatcr sharo of tho timo hero, of courso being-in Bennington during tho great week noxt month. A new dental offlco is to bo addod to business Intercsts of tho villago August lsfc J. J.

Reardon, D. D. announces to open an offlco in tho Sibloy bu'lldlng at that date. Ho will do all classes of dental work and 'will tloubtless a good patronage. A local corrcspontcnt sonds in tho following noto for publication: "Unlcss the pig pens which aro near tho roviow stand aro sccn to by tho board of health beforo tho 10th, wo aro afraid tho Prcsi-dcnt and guosts will think moro of What thoy 8merthan of what they see in that locality." The Bennington and Rutland and Lcbanon Springs railroads will run thcir annual Pr.ovidcnco Island oxcursion from Bennington and Chatham Saturday, August 8.

Tho spccial train lcavcs Bennington at 7:40 a. m. and roturning reachcs hero at 8:15 p. making ono of tho most enjoyablo trips of tho wholo summcr. Tho patronago thoso cxcur-sions to Providcnco Island havo recoived in years past attest their popularity.

Tho prices are as usual, $1.25 for adults, and 05 conts for children undor twelvo ycars old. The act that Commissioncr Valontlno is so roundly dcnounced by somo of tho paperS strengthens our conviction that ho did somo good, and had ho boen al-lowed to keop to work ho mlght havo accomplishcd mucn more. Ho was iust getting things into running order when his plans were nipped in tho bud. There is no doubt but that if our real es-tatos has advanced any in markot prico, orif there has been any marked ad-vanco in tho amount of sales Valentino had considcrablo to do about it. West Randolph Ilerald and Nevos.

The follow who givcs.hls namohcro as James Howard, and who is in iall await-ing tho action of tho Grand Jury, is qulto a charactor in crimlnal annals. His offence in Bennington is that of sneaking in and stealing a lot of silvor-waro from the rosidonco of Fred O. Graves of this villago. It soems that his recoriied namo is james tvoicn, ago 32, and was born in Worcester, Mass. From thero ho was sent to tho Houso of CorrccUon for ono ycar in Dcccmber, 1889, for larcency, and for which ho was arrested October 10th, provlously.

nis noxt sentenco was from Pittsfiold, under the namtf of John J. Wolch. and now is in limbo hero, What othor history ho has wo aro not informcu, but Stato prison would appear to bo his only saig placc. A DAUOirrEn was born to Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Worthington Sunday. The "World." as noted in our North Pownal items today, will exhibit during the Centonnial on tho vacaut lot just east of tho First National Bank in this villago. An addltion is beinir built to tho Tif fany Knitting mill, to incrcase tho ca- Eaclty of the washroom and drier.

It is uilt of briok, two storics high, and lOx 48feetin size. Durinq the absenco of tho Rov. Clias. R. Soymour who, with his wlfe, is gono on a briof vacation tour, his pulpit will bo supplied by his brother, the Rev.

J. M. Soymour of tho Flret Presbyterian church of Norwalk, Ohio. The Odd Fellows aro to hold an im- portant meeting next Wedncsday ovon-ing. Tnoro will bo work in tho degrees ana a consuitauon on uontenmai mat-tors.

Wo aro roriuestod to ask that all mombers of tho ordor attond. Joiin S. Holden has already becan preparations for tho Contenial. Tho handsomo ovorgroen arch over tho drivo-way to his flno residenco on West Main strcet attracts attention, and is woll set off by tho flags waving thoroon. The famous "Ethan Allcn souvcnir spoon" as will bo soon in anothor column, is to bo on salo at tho Walloomsao houso, during tho month of August.

Tho euterprising Troy jewelers who got up this spoon rcport a large number of salcs. The Soldiers' Homo is noted for its collcction of nets. It has now on oxhi- bition 2 tame oxes, '2 raccoons, 4 crows, 1 eagio, anteiopo, wmto rats, aoves, rabbits, otc. Sovoral applications for ad-mission havo recontly Deen recoived at tho Homo. The citizens alontr tho lino of tho street improvomcnts aro.

most of thom, showing'considerablo diligenco in rais-ing sidowalks to grade, but wo suggcst that if overybody had a forco of mon at work to-day, thoy would havo little timo enough beforo Slxtconth week. Henry A. Bowman of Worcester docorator, was in town making arrangcmomcnts to furnish dccorations tho wcok of August 19th. By tho notice in anothor place it will be seen that G. B.

Sibley, tho old and reliablo Freo Li-brary clothicr, is his agent here. A Ficnio partv from Hoosick Falls camo to tho Soldiers' Homo grovo Wedncsday. Thoro wero 400 in tho party, from tho Hoosick Falls Presbyterian church. Thoy woro accompanied by tho 32nd band of that placo. Thoy came in fivo coachcs, and spent tho day very pleasantly.

Rev. L. C. Kihdai.i,, missionary of tho Vermont Misssionary Society, was in town this week and ou Sunday morning mado a briof addrcss at tho Second Congregational church in regard to tho Sunderland Congregational phapel, now almost complcted. Subscriptions and oifcrings wero at onco taken and tho wholo $200 asked for was secured at tho timo.

R. A. TlooTir has nurehased tho in- terest of Wm. H. Bradford in tho knit-stooking factory, and takcs posscssion Januarylst, 1892.

Wo also learn that thero will bo associated with Mr. Booth tho invontors of tho machmery uscd by this mill oxclusively, Messrs. Frank Lasnor ana unarics iicacn. tho now concorn comtomnlates tho oroction of a now brick building for thcir enlarged factory, tho sito of which has not yot bc6u detcomined upon. The Selcctmon and othors havo noted.

as well as the villaco trustccs. that ground is being rentcd in various parts of our vicinity, ostonsibly to placo cating houso tents thoroon, but really in which to sell intoxicants. Tho town and villago fathers authorizo us to announco that saloons will not bo iillowcd to bo run hero either as adjuncts of eating-houses, or othcrwiso, during sixteeiitli week. Thoy should rocolvo tho support of all good citizcns in this detcrm-inatlon. Tnp.

Vermont Association of road and trotting horso breeders, announces to hold its sovcnth annual meeting at Billings' Park, White Rivcr Junction, tho last week in August Threo raccs and a grand cxhibition of horscs cach day. Fifty horses and colts to bo sold at auction during tho meeting. Six thousand dollars in stakcs and for promiums closo August 10, with F. H. Farrington secrctary, Brandon.

Writo him for cntryblanks. Thoso wishing stalls should apply at onco to E. F. B. Brownell, Burlington.

Sccretary Rusk says ho will attencl least tho opcning day, tho 25th. ItwHI bo seen by referonco to our "Monumcntand Centennial today that tho polico supcrvision of tho procession will bo in charge of Sheriff Rooinson as-sisted by Chief Nash. Tho selcctmon havo arrangod fbr a number of uni- 1 1 Al T. luruiuu pujiuu, wnusu tiiiu uuiu wm uu either special constables or dcputy shcriits, or both, and havo provided for tho protection of the peoplo from tho possiblo liordbsof ascals, plokpockets, that may coaib horo. Wilh Sheriff Robinson to direct our forco and'Chiof Nash to soo to thel vilago, and with ox-pcrts dctcctivos on tho train, wo predict that tho eflicieiacy of 1877 will bo dupli-catcd this year.

Fi.ans havo boen shown us for tho ro-viowing platform to bo crectcd by tho Rov. J. S. Michaud at tho St. Francis do Salos old church, near tho railroad cross-ing.

Tho stand extends out into tho "fork" from tlio front of tho church, and contains 893 sittings. It fronts on tho main road which is on tho lino of maroh. Tho wholo is to bo covorcd by a tent SOx 40 fcot in sizo. Each location of sitting has its pcculiar advantago. Thoso in tho rcar for sovoral rows back can soo the procession almost as it passcs from tho arch, and as it movos to tho grand stand.

Thoso in front will bo favored with a near view of tho procession as it passcs. Theso seats aro already on salo at J. Ed. Walbridgo and will bo rcady, rain orshino, and can booccupiod in comfort The nnion tempcranco meeting Sunday ovening was woll attended, tho large audicnco-room of tho Second Congregational church being comfortably filled. Rov.

Charlcs R. Soymour was the first spcakor. Ho was followod by Rov. A. D.

Heaxt Dr. H. J. Fotter, being called upon, mado a propoBi-tion to the effcct that -if tho names of 200 peoplo could be secured who would agrco in all ovents to stand by tho law and soo it through, thon ho would put measures Into oxocution to see tho trafHc stoppcd. Sovoral persons wero called upon, who, howover, decllned to spcak-lllss Anna O.

Fark was tho noxt spcaker. Rev, Z. Martcn mado tho cloaing addrcss. A commlttco of soven was then appolntedio securo tho names in accord-anco with Dr. Potter's proposltion.

Tho commlttco is composed of MIsjcs Anna C. Park, Mina Mogan and E. M. Hutch-inson: Messrs. Cnarles H.

Coopor, Er-nest B. Griswold, H. D. Fillmoro.and Dr. Potter.

A fow remarks wero mado as to the prdvision for llquors at the celobra tion banquet Tho meeting then ad-journed. to be called together wben tho commlttco shall havo unishod thoir la-borsand'bopreparedto rcport progrcss. Canton Bennington has a drill this ovening, proparatory to tho Contcnnial. The Commandery has a drill on Tuos-day ovening noxt for Centennial preparations. Mns.

Dr. F. G. Pettee of Brattleboro is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

C. D. Gibson. Mbs. Geo.

B. Seabs of New York is visiting in town, and is tho gucst of Mrs. H. L. Stillson.

Manseb Encaupment holds a spoclal moeting next Tuesday ovoning for work preparatory to tho Centennial. Mrs. D. A. Corbiere of Short Hills, N.

formerly of Bennington, is passing tho summer at Bennington Centre. Dr. and Mrs. F. S.

PBATrand daughter Hllda, with Mrs. S. S. Pratt, havo been at Ocean Grovo, N. for tho' past week.

Mrs. Georoe Baker and Mr. Hugh Campboll of Ninth strcet, will spend tho summer at Bennington, Vt Troy Tele-gram. Mrs. Wm.

H. Hawkins and child woro in town this week. Thoy returned to thcir homo in Schaghticoko, N. Wedncsday. U.

S. Inspector Spauldino of Jaek-son, accompanied by his wifo and daughter, havo visltcd in town this week. Thoy wont to Brattleboro to-day. Miss Maogie Riley, daughter of Mr. Frank Rlley, Prcsident of tho Villago of Hoosick Falls, N.

has been visiting hero, roturning this week. W. D. Lane of Rutland, tho flower decorator, who i avorably known to somo of our peoplo, has a word to say in another column that is opportuno at this timo. Enos Adams is laying a concreto walk in front of tho building occupiod by J.

T. Shurtleff and Millor Williams. It is of tho same goneral structuro and sta-bility as that in front of tho postofflce block. In addition to our apology clsowhoro, wo havo to say that wo oxpcct, when our folder arrives, which has oeen ordercd, tho pages will bo cut so as to opcn liko a book. It is hopcd this may be tho caso noxt weokt but wo may bo delaycd until tho issuo latcr.

It is oxpectcd that Mrs. Edmund Sov-ern, whoso oxcollent nerformanco in tho Second Congregational church at tho timo ot a iormor visit was so pieasing to thoso who listened, will play tho organ voluntiryat that church noxt Sunday mornincr. and that Mr. Severn mav also rcudor a violin solo during tho serviccs. Mns.

Geo. W. Coi.lins, with hor son and daughter, aro at present enjoying a two weoks' visit with hor own and Mr. Collins' relativcs in Now Hampshiro. Mrs.

Collins. who for manv ve.irs lias been an invalid, has visitcd hor child-hood homo but onco beforo sinco tho year of tho National Centennial, at which timo Mr. Collins camo to Bennington to rcsidc. Wm. H.

Ward, contractor of tho Bat-tlo Monumcnt. was in town to-dav. Tho last car-load of iron for tho stairway camo this morning, and tho job is oxpectcd to bo complcted next week. Mr. Ward will como to the dedication of tho monumcnt in a narlor car.

accompanied by a party of riends. Mr. Ward has rea- son to do prouu oi ms joo ana tiianKtui that so great an undertaking as tho ercc-tion of this suporb mouument was ac-complished withoutany serious accident About noon yesterday Will Babcock, being slightly indisposed from unduo contact with poor rum, attompted to lond to himself H. D. Fillmore's safety bicyclo, which was standing unhitchcd.

near A. Y. Adams! on Main strcet. Fill-moro at onco procecded to recover his Eroporty, and only succccdedafterit had con considorably injured. turned his attention to- P.

Norton's machino, which was jusC theirla tho hands of Fred Packard. Ho unscated Packard, but Julius apnearod at onco with "blood in his and forcibly domonstrated his property rights. Babcock was carricd away by a passing team. Thoro wero nolcgalprocccdingslordam-agcs in tho matter, as that part of tho af-fair will bo settled among tho partiescon concorned. but tho other offcnso will be prosccuted.

That Bennington is onjoying tho suro and steady growth which indicatcs solid prospority, rather than "mushroom" in-llation. is apparent to any ono who walks about the town. Now industrics aro com-Ing forward each weok. Among tho latest of theso is a company which is still no-gotiating for a location in our town. Tho business is that of manufacturing flt-tings for stoam and wator pipes.

A now valvo, tho invention of a promincnt Co-hoes man'who is a membcr of ono of our best-known families, is tho prominont featuro. Tlio valvo is a great improvo-ment over tho formor stylcs of such fit-tings, and combines simplicity of con-struction, caso of managcmcnt, strcngth and cconomy in a large measure. A stock company of $100,000 is contomplated. Col. Olin Scott will probably tako a con-siderablo interest in tho company, which will insuro both onterpriso and business ability.

Tho organizors havo boen om-ployod in tho Ludlow Valvo Company of Cohoes, nnd are thorough machinists. It is to bo hopcd thencgotiations mayprovo succcssf ul and tliat this induatry may bo added to tho many raanufacturing'intor-csts now finding a prosporous homo in our villago. A musical trcat which was all tho moro pleasurablo ou account of its rarity, was onjoycd by a number of the musically inclined of tho villago on Wedncsday ovening, by invitation of Mr. and Mrs. A.

P. Childs, tho occasion boing'a musical rccital by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Severn of Spnngfield, who aro making a briof visit at Mr. Childs' on tholr way to tho White Mountains.

Tho moro mention of tho names of theso colcbrated artists will bo sufficient assuranco of tho cxcellence of the cntortalnmcnt Both aro artists in tho highost dcgrce. having a raro powor of oxpression and internrctation. Mr. Sovern nlays tho violin with tho touch of amaster, and under his sklllful hand that most beautiful of all instrumonts gives forth a sweet and sympatlietic tono which holds tho rapt attention of an audionco during tho wholo prc-grammo. Sovoral ploccs of Mr.

Sovorn's own composition wero played, most notoworthy, of which woro "Romanco" for violin and piano and "Gavotto" for piano alone. Tho sclcctions, intcr-spersod with music of an oxcellcnt charactor by somo of tho guosts, was as fol-lows: "Romanco" and "Gavotto" by Franz Rlcz; Mr. and Mrs. Severn; Godard, Mrs. 8evern; by Sovoro, and "Mazurka" by Wieniawski.

Mr. and Mrs. Sovern "Gavotto by Severn. Mrs. Severn; "Scene do Ballet'' by Saurot, Mr.

and Mrs. Severn. Tho piano selcctions playcd by Mrs. Sovern show hor to be a thorough muslclan in all pointe. Her playing exhlbita a pieasing combination of strcngth and dcll-cacy.

In view of tho oxpectcd appoar-anco of Mr. and Mrs. Sovorn at tho Contenial, this introduetion to somo of our local znusicians, in advanco will. doubtless bring most pleasant rcsults to all partios. Mr.

and Mrs. Childs aro woll known for their hospitality and dcservo hcarty thanks for their thoughtf ullness in this instanco. ES3E3I3 NVtNUr i.tbA'rr HnJI 1 Lj; MAP REFERENCES: 1, Monument; 2, Sito of Catamount Tavem" Old First Churcli House; 5, Park Block; 6, Depot. MONUMENT AND CENTENNIAL. Tho Provlilonnl Order No.

3, Subjcct to Revlslon-Gonoral Newi nnd Notes Coucornlns nenuliicton's Great Dar. Dedication of tiie Bennington Battle Monument, and Centennial of the Admission of Vermont into the Union. Chief Marsual's Office, Burlington, July 20, '01. General Orders No. 2.

For the information of officcrs com-manding organizations invited to partici-pato in tho parado to bp held in connec-tioh with tho dedication of tho Bennington Battlo Monumcnt, and Centonnial Celebration of tho Admission of Vermont into tho Union, on Wednesday, August 10th, 1891, tho following rcgula-tions rclating to tho parado aro an-, nqunced ORDER IN COLUMN. riatoon of Mounted Depnty Bherlfls. Commacdtd- by John Koblnson, Sheriff. Flatoon of PoIIce. CommandeJ br John Nash, Chief otPolica Chief Marshal, Brlg.

tien. Wm. L. Greenleaf, Commandlni? BriRade V. G.

Chief ofStaff, Major Marcut D. Qreene.V. N. O. Chief Qaartermasttr.

Major William Smltb, V.N.G. Provont Marshal, Major Robert J. Coffer. V.N. Q.

Ralph W.Iloyt, U. 8.A.; Capt.Hrbert8. Foster.U. S.A.: Lt.F. Klm- bafi.U.S.

Major Charlci E. Nelson, V. N.G.; Capt.Max L.PoweU. V. N.

O.jCapt. Allen II. iTabln, V. N. O.

Uonorary Aldea from Prlnclpal Organlzatloni. Jleadquarter Flac Red.Whlte and Blne. KScortto Chief Marshal, John A. Logan poBt, No. 101 A.R..

Mounted. riBST D1TIS10N BSD FLAO, Autitant Manbal, Col. Julius J. Ester. V.

N. Q. andfitalt. Amotkeag Veterans ot Manchester, N. etcort to rerlewlnK party, Eerlewlne Party Iq Carrlnses, conslsttna; of Prea Ident Harrlton, Gorernorg of the New Edk-land States and their Adjatants General.Cab-inet Ofllcers, Presldent ot the Day, Orator ot the Day, Vermont Deleuatlon In Contrrean, Flret Re'giment Vermont National Gaard, Lieut.

CoUS. C. Klnsman, CommandlnR, Battallon New Ilampshlre National Guard, Other VUltlng National Guard Organizations. Btttery fourth ArtUlery. U.

S. Brt. Maj. Harry C. Cushlng, Commanding, FuUer'a Battery, V.N.G.

Brt. Col. Leyl K. Ful ler, Commanding, SECOND DITISION WOITB FLAO. Asst.

Marhal CoU Albert W. Metcalf N.U. N. G. and BlalT, CorpsofCadets.U.

8- Mllltary Academy.West Polnt, Department of Vermont, 3. A. and tlslting Posts, Vermont Veteran Atsoclation of Boston, Mass, KnightsTemplar. as escort for Captared Cannon, Putnam Phalanx, ot Hartford, ot Guard of Honor, Detachment ot FullerV Battery in Contincntal Uniform with tho Cannon, captured by Gtn. Starlc at the battle.

Sons of tho American Revnlutlon, Society of the Sons of Vermont, Chlcago, 111., Bennington Camp Sons of Veterans and Visiting Membera, Other Civlc Socletles. THlnD DITISION BLUE FLAO. Asslftant Marshal, Col. Wm, M. Struchan, 8th Regt, M.

V. M. and staff. Underwond Huzzars. I.

O. O. of Boston.Mvs,, os Mounted Escort, Commander-in-Chlef Undcrwood, Patriarchs Mllllant.ond Staff. mounted, First Regiment Patrlarch Milltant, Col. N.

M. Pufler, Commanding, Carrlages with VermontSute aovernment, Bennington Battle Monument Association and other lnrited Guesu. F0RMATI0N of divisions. Two guns will bo flred by Fuller's Battery at 8:00 a. as the signal for divisions to bcgln thcir formation.

Tho first column will form at Camp Vermont on tho grounds of tho Soldiors' Ilomo, as directcd in spccial orders to tho Assistant Marshal in coramand. The special escort to tho reviowing party will report to tho Assistant Marshal in charge, in front of tho Homo, as soon as practi-cablo aftor tho signal for forming. Car-riages belonging to this division will report at tho samo placo and tako positions assignod them. L1NE OF MARCH. Tho hcad of tho column will movo from Camp Vermont promptly at 9.80 a.

m. Tho signal for starting will bo ono gun from Fuller's Battery. Tho column will movo through North streot to Oage, Oago to Safford, Safford to Main, down Main streot, passing1 under tho grand arch noar tho Futnam Houso. When the head of column reachcs Dewoyjitroet a short halt will bemado to Presidontand roviowlng party to tako their positions in the rovlewing stand. Tho column will thon pass in ro- On arrivingat tho Battlo Monument.

tho First Division (except tho batterics) will bo masacd on tho wost sldo of tho monument, and tho Second and Third Divisions (oxcopt the carriagcs) on tho east sido, as directed in spccial orders to their respectivo Marshals. Tho batterics of tho First Division will tako the position specially assignod to them and fire a saluto of forty-f our guns. Tho detachment having in charge the guns captured at tho Battlo of Bennington will placo them in position in front of tho grand stand ana tako the limbcrs to the grounds north of tho monument Carriages as unloaded will pass down tho road leading west from tho monument, and remain in charge of tho Chlof Quartormastorandhis assistants. Horses of tho staff and mounted organizations will bo at onco taken to tho grounds north of tlio monumont t-T M.AP.OF 3, THE RETURN MARCII. At the conclusion of tho ceremonies at tho monumont, tho soveral divisions will reform in thoir proper order.

with carriages of each division in its rcar, and march through Main and North streets to Camp Vermont, whero tho tho excoption of tho special escort, will bo dismisscd. The escort and carriages will proeeed to tho banquet tent near tho Soldiers' Home, whoro dlnner will be servcd and the ccromonies of the day corapleted. Organizations composing tho Second and Third Divisions may bo dismisscd on arrival at tho Putnam Houso, or march to camp, as their sovoral commandcrs may elcct. Such organizations as do not march to camp will march' up Main or down South streets, in ordcr not to ob-struct tho passago of thoso in thoir rcar. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.

Tho Frovost Marshal will proeeed with his guard to tho monument grounds in season to arrivo not later than 8 a. and will keop the grounds and approachcs to thom, and the road on which carriages aro to bo parkcd, clcar of tcams and spec-tators in ordcr that tho column may not bo delayod on its arrival at tho monument Tho Carriago Committeo will seo that all drivors aro furnishcd with a listof the guosts assignod to thoir respectivo carriages, and ojl dircctions as to whero cach guest is quartercd, in order that thero may bo no delay in tho formation, aathecolumn must andtolllmove promptly at the hour appolnted. As a di8tinguishing badge, Marshals will wear thcir sashes across tho breast from right shoulder to left sido, buff for Chief Marshal and rcd for assistants. All mounted officcrs will weir white gloves thread or kld as preferred. By command of Brigadier-General Greenleaf, Chief Marshal.

Marcus D. Greene, Chief of Staff. Brig. Gen. Greenleaf, Quartcrmastcr Gcn.

Gilmore; Col. Smith. tho Post Quar termastor, and Licut. Fuller, tho Kegi-mental Quartcrmastcr, came down on tho flyer Saturday af ternoon and went out to tho Soldiers' nomo, whero thoy woro tho gucsts of Major Coffoy for homo on tho train Monday morning. Thoy visited tho camp ground and comploted tho arrangoments for tho en-tertainmont of tho visiting orcaniza-tions.

Most of theso will have thoir own special cars, in which thoy will slecp. Somo will havo tents, and tho location of theso waa dccidcd on Saturday. Tho Odd Fellows will havo a largotent, which will be uscd for sleeping quarters and hcad-quarters. Thoy will also sprcad an Odd Fellows' banquet on tho ovening of the 19th. Canton Rutland, No.

0, Patriarchs Milltant of Rutland, is ono of tlio organizations which was unablo to sccuro a spccial car. Col. Puffer has secured ouar-tors for them. Odd Fellows' Hall will bo the general social headquarters for all visiting Odd Follows. The Fitchburg Railroad advertiscs ro-duced rates into Bennington, tho weok of August 10th.

Wo learn that their trains aro to run ovor tho L. S. R. R. and tho Hoosao Junction branch of tho B.

R. in a way to bcst accommodate tho crowds ezpccted. Tho rato from Fitchburg is $4.23: Worcester, Athol, Millor'8 Falls, Groenflold, North Adams, Williams-town, Pownal, North Pownal Schuylervillo, Mcchanicvillo, $1.10: Eaglo Bridgo and Hoosick, Hoosick Falls, Lansingburgh, Troy, $1.20. Tho ratcs from stations wo do not namo aro cqually as favorable, Tho Lebanon Springs railroad givo tho rates quoted below: Chatham. Berlin.

Petorsburgh, North Petersburgh, Petorsburgh Junction, Lebanon Springs, $1.14. Tho tickets aro tho rcgular round trips, good to uso any day of tho weok of Aug. 17th. B. F.

Proscott of Now Hampshiro, President of tho Battlo Monumont Association. accompanied by General A. D. Ayling, Adjutant-Genorafof tho Stato. Major F.

O. Nims of Keene, who will command tho Now Hampshiro National Guard hero on tho 10th and A. J. Farrar of Laconia, visited our town on Tuesday to pcrfect arrangoments for tlio coming celebration. Tho Saratoga correspondont of tho Troy Budget says: "Now that it haa been definitely settled that Prcsident Harrison will spend soveral days in Saratoga during August, various ofHclal and political clubs aro arranging to givo him a proper andfittlng rcception.

Tho programme will includo a parado by tho mombers of tho Grand Army veterans, tho Saratoga Citizons' Corps and tho Sohonectady Corps, who will bo in camp at Saratoga Lako at that timo. A grand stand will bo crectcd in Congrcss Park, from which the Prcsident and staff will view tho parado. Frosldont Harrison and staff will arrivo hore on tho mornlne of August 18 in a special car. At tho ucpot ho will bo mot by Senator A. J.

Arkcll and oth-crs and escorted to tho Mount McGregor statlon, whoro a spoclal train will con vey thom to tho top of tho mountain. Af ter inspccting tho Grant cottago tho party will return and go to the races. Return-ing, they will havo dinner at tho Grand Union. Tho party will lcavo in tho ovening by special train for Rutland, Vt, to attond tho dedication of tho Bennington Monumont, August 10. Following the dedication, Prcsident Harrison and staff will return to Saratoga and' remain sev-eraldays.

Hewilldivido tho timo be-tween Saratoga and Mount McGregor." Canton No. 8, P. held itstcg-ular cantonracnt Thursday night-Tno usual arrlount of business was traSactcdX, was received from Colonol N. 2JK Puffer of Bennington to attond the dedication August 19. Arrangemonts havo been wim iuo raiiroaa company xoreany trains to run to Bennington at reduced rates and return trains to accommodate tho public at a lato hour at night, that all may witness the pyrotechnlcs in tho ovening.

Tho cantons of Goneral Wood-ward's division will undoubtedly turn out with full ranks. Captaln E. F. Orms-bv of Canton Leo No. 8 rcquests ovory cnevalior that can do so to turn out in full uniform on that day.

Troy Press. Troy, N. July 28, 1891. To the Edltor of the lianner: Dear Sir: I am reading overy week in tho Banner of tho approachlng Vermont Centennial and dedication of tho Battlo Monumcnt, on tho 19th of August. I havo not noticed any observanco of tho roal "anniversary day," August 10.

Al-though quito young, I dlstinctly romera-ber tho union servioo hold at tho Old First Church on Sunday afternoon, during the Centennial of 1877. I think that on Sunday, August 10, tho pcoplo ought to meet in union servico at ono of tho churches and return thanks tb tho neav-enly Fathor, who has crowncd tho cen-tury of Vormont's history with blessings and happiness. Hoping that tho celebra- uuu wm uu a grunu succcss, i remain, yours iruiy, it. xsahan. Tho Vermont LifoUnderwriters' Asso ciation havo with charactcristic onter priso issued a circular of invitation to tho exercises.

In it thoy announco tho rogular business meeting of tho associa-, tion on Aug. 18th, and also a concert at 8 p. m. on that day by Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Sovern and tlio Ilonsehcl Malo Quartctto of Springfleld, also Miss Julia Schlatter, tho youthful pianist of that city and Prof. Bradford of Bennington. Thoy announco a rcduction of ratcs ou railroads, as well as the figuros for tho banquet, concert, etc. Tho Committeo on Pyrotechnies, A. P.

Childs, chairman, announco that arrangoments aro making to have $2,500 worth of firoworks oxhibited on tho Soldiers' Homo grounds, aftcr tlio Presi-dcnt's rcception. August 19th. The Stato has appropriated $400, and patriotic citizens will cnntribnte tho balanco of what-ever theso cost, tho manufacturcrs thom-sclves making a gcncrous donatlon. Thoro is but ono sentiment expressed hero, and that is tho proprioty of linish- ing tho day with such a dispiay. Thero aro to bo battlo scenes, maiestic pieces, otc, as woll as tho usual fusilado of crackers, whcols and rockcts.

Tho Troy Telegramot Wedncsday says: "At a mceting'of tlio Twcnty-first Sopa-rate Company held last night in tho ar-mory it was declded toaccept an'invitatlon to partlcipato in tho exercises at Bennington on August 19. They will leave on tho 8 o'clock train on tho morning of that date, arriving at Bennington about 0.45 a. m. Thoy bo quartercd at Clark's Grove. iust outsido of tlio citvllno.

Tlin Hinlforms worn will bo gray coats, white pants, wmto iicimet anu wiiito enulp-ments. Another meeting will bo held noxt month just boforo tho ovcnt, when instructions as to their placo in lino will bo civen out This lias not as vct been -detcrmined. Thoy will return in tho ovening of thoamo day. Dorlng'sBand will furnish tho On Tuesday evcnlng, Post Willard of Troy, N. voted to come to Bennington, August 10th.

Tho Ladies' Relief Corps will also go. Their headquarters will bo on tho grounds of tlio Soldiers' Home. Thoy will occupy tents. Captaln Cusack has decllned tho invitation for tho Citizon Corps to attcnd tlio Bennington celebration in August. Troy Sunday Budget.

Tho literary exercises attho monumcnt will bo substmtially as follows: Intro-ductbry remarks by tho prcsident of tho day, Judgo Wheelock G. Vcazey, Unitcd States Interstato Commlssloner; prayer, Rov. Charlcs Parkhurst edltor Ziou's Ilerald, Boston; addressof CaiToll S. Pago of Vermont; addrcss and formal transfor of tho monumcnt to tho Stito of Vermont by ox-Govornor B. F.

Prescott of Now Hampshiro, prcsident of tho association; acceptnico on bchalf of tlio Stito by Govornor Pago; music; centennial oratlon, Hpn. Edward J. Phelps of Burlington, Vt; remarks by Prcsident Harrison; music; bencdiction. At tlio conclusion of tho cxorc.ises at tho monumcnt tlio banquet will tako placo on tho Soldiers' Homo grounds. Tho postpran-dial cxerclscs will follow, with rcsponscs to toastsby Prcsident Harrison, mcmbers of tho Cabinct, tho Governors of differ-ent States and other distinguishod guests.

The Prcsident it is oxpectcd, will liold a recoptlon at tho Soldiers' Homo aftcr tho cxorciscs at tho banquet tent Tho North Adams Light Guard havo acccpted Gov. Pago's invitation to bo prcsent August I9tb, and will bo accompanicd by a flno uniformcd drum corps. Tho Bennington and Rutland railway company announco tho following schca-ulo of ratcs to tho Centonnial; tickets good August 17th to 24th, inclusivo: From Rutland $1 75 JMarendon 1U Vallingford 143 South Wallingford 135 Danby 1 20 North Dorset 105 East Dorset 100 BarnumTllIe Manchester 80 Sunderland 60 Arlington 5i Shaftsbury 49 South Shaftsbury 25 North Bennington 15 White Creelc 23 Mrs. General Custer, who is to bo tlio guest of Vermont August 19th, has just returned from Europo, whero sho madoa favorable imprcssionjon the literary world of London and has been fetcd ana cnter-tained in a flattering manner. Goneral Custer's namo is a watehword of praiso ln England, whero peoplo speak of him as ono of Amcrlca's 'grcatest soldiers.

CustorPostof thls viHago was namcd aftor tlio gallant Custer, and tho G. A. R. will givo his wifo a rcception whilo hero. Tho nbove is based on what wo flnd in our exchangcs.

CmcAOO, July 27, 1891. EDrrort of the Banner: Tho Banner was received this morning. In look-Ing over its columns I seo railroads aro giving a conslderablo rcduction in rates, but from Chlcago I hcar nothlng of tho kind. Can thero bo anytliing dono in this dlrcctlon? I prcsumo qulto a large delo-gation will go from hero If rates wcro Bufflclently low. Will thero bo anythlng dono? I hopo you will havo a glorious tlme, cvcn If I do not liavo tho privilcgo of attonding.

Yours truly, Corp. W. E. Sheldon. This lotter is roferrcd to tlio Contcnnial Committeo on Transportation..

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