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The Red Cloud Chief from Red Cloud, Nebraska • Page 7

Red Cloud, Nebraska
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vHH el i inmun.iMiifctoMaass..- A tt 3 rf lSAJVVS DIE By FLOOD AjVD WIJV7). Coast Cities of Texas by West Advices regarding the awful effects of the storm which raged along thu gulf coast of Toxhb began to arrive. Sunday and the story they told wan frnught with horror. First In Import-anco was tho news that Galveston wifl struck by a tidal wave and that tlm loss of life there wait between and 3,000. The water was fifteen foot deep over Virginia point, livery effort wan made to got telcRrnphlr or 1 cable communication with the wrecked 1 city, but to little avail.

From the Red river on the north to the gulf on the south ami thioughout the central part of the state, Texas waB RtorroBwept for thirty hours by West Indian hurricane, which laid waste property, causod great loss of life, and effectually stopped all telegraphic nnd telephone communication south of Austin, while the operation of trains was Horlously handicapped. Starting with the hurricane which visited Galveston ami the coast Saturday noon, and which prevailed there to such an extent that no communication was had with the Island to ascertain what tho loss to life and property were, the hurricane made rapid Inroads Into the center of tho state, stopping long enough Saturday night at Houston to Ret the buildings of tho city and to causo lo3s to property interests there. Advancing Inland thq storm swept Into tho towns of Hempsted, 50 miles above Houston, thenco to Chap-pell Hill, 20 miles further; thence to Brenhatu, miles further, wrecking all three towns and terrorizing the peoplo beyond expression. The storm 1 was so destructive at those points as to blow over quit, number of houses and several persons were killed. 3,000 Peoplo Drowned.

The elty of Galveston, flooded many feet deep with water, with half Its buildings wrecked and perhaps 3,000 GALVESTON JETTIE. of its inhabitants drowned, Is the chief sufferer In the liurrlcnno horror of southern Texas. Port Arthur, its rival further to the east, has escaped with 11 drenching from a foot'of water In tho stroets and with tho loss of a few piers. Hut many other towns and villages and cltlca have suffered as well as Galveston, and, In proportion to their size, suffered almost as severely. The situation for all of southern Texas Is a terrible one, but for Galveston It ono of horror.

The bridge across the bay from the mainland to tho Island on which Galveston built aro either wiecked or too badly damaged to use. Tho only ono that may by any chance bo atand-iiiR Is that of tho Galveston, Houston and Northorn railroad, and It cannot be used because tho drawbridges over creeks to the north are gone. As to the country noith of Galveston It is thought that every town on tho Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad SUCTION OF TEXAS DEVASTATED MY III MUM CAN' 13. 1 x. aMstin A.MwtoM 1 XflB toman DOuot 1 I 7 jHPV3Bn iTjJbA tjET.

Historic Hurricane in fhe Southern State. 1840 Adams county, Mlsslbslppl; 317 Henry and Saline counties. Missouri; killed, 100 injured; loss, J1.2CO.000. 8 killed, 53 Injured; 247 buildings do-1R48 Adams eountv. Mlsslsslnol: 500 stroyed; lose, $300,000.

1883 Kemper, killed; groat property loss. 1SS0 Harry, Stono, Webster and Christian counties, Missouri; 100 killed; COO Injured; 200 buildings destroyed; lass, 1880 Noxubee county, Mississip pi: 32 killed, 72 Injured; 5.1 buildings loss, $100,000. 1880-Fan-, $300,000. 1884-North and boutn uaro-jilu county, Texas; 40 killed, 83 In-' Una, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, -Jurod; 49 buildings destroyod. 18S2 Virginia, Kentucky, und Illinois; 800 "i-nail yiHMlftWOIiftfljiWM i Indian Hurricane.

south of Waco, every town on the (Julf, Colorado and Santa Fr south of Tom-pie, and every town on the Houston and Texas Central south of Heine has been bady Injured. Early telegrams were received at Houston from most of these places ex- cfipt thoBe still further south than I Houston, and hardly one failed to re port some deaths, along with a story of many buildings wrecked, In some eases oven to the destruction of all the buildings In the town. The only serloiiH railroad acoliUnt leported as dun to the storm occurred south of Houston Saturday night. A Santa Fo train was lifted bodily and blown off the tracks about two miles north 6f Alvln Mrs. Prather of Rosenberg, Texas, wa killed nnd half a dozen people, were Injured.

Tho train was running slowly at the time of tho wreck, which accounts for the comparatively small loss of life. Tho car In which Mrs. Prather was riding was thrown Into the water and sho was pinned down with her head out of a window In such a manner that she drowned before help came. Not Home KIuiiiNiik. Among other towns south of Hour- imcncocK is reponeu 10 nave 1 suffered severely, while Alta Lomu, a little village, Is said to be without a single house still standing.

Pearland met the same fate. At Seabtooke four persons nro HRIDGE OVER GALVESTON HAY. known to have been killed, but as only two houses nre still standing there It Is supposed that the loss of life was greater than this. Seventeen persons aie missing. A Laporte relief tra'n that got as far as Scabrookc picked up three bodies on the way.

Suffer Very HraUly. A( Drookshiro also four deaths arc reported, and there four houses nro still standing. Towns further north add to tho stories of horror. Cypress, Hockley, Waller and Hempstead aro thought to have lost about 20 per cent of their build ings. At Taylor the Missouri, Kansas nnd Texan depot was destroyed nnd several lives arc reported lost.

Uastrnp, Smlthvllle and Temple also sutfercd very heavily, both In lives and property. Galli'itnn llrniltlful Cllj. Galveston, the second largest city In Texas and tho commercial metropolis of that state. Is situated nt the northeast extremity of Galveston island, at mouth of tho bay of the same nnmo. It Is a beautiful city, laid out with wide and straight streets, bordered with numerous flower gardens, magnolias, flowering shrubs nnd trees.

The streets aro only a fow feet above the sea and havo been frequently swept by surging waves stirred up by cyclones and tornadoes. Tho city Is the third cotton shipping port In the United States. Its foreign and domestic trado Is large, its total THE COTTON DOCKS Copiah, Simpson, Newton and Lauderdale counties, Mississippi; 51 killed, 200 Injured; 100 buildings destroyod; loss, $300,000. 1883 Izard, Sharp Clay counties, Arkansas; 5 killed, 102 Injured; CO buildings destroyed; loss, lllf Qlflll HB 11 I III Jnli 1 1 trade In 181)2 ex. ot tied $70,000,000, and since then Iiuh largely Increased.

It bhlpped to domestic and foreign port more than 1.000,000 bales of cotton In IHH3. and these llguruK have Mince been greatly exceeded. According to the census of 1890 It had a population of almost 110,000 and contained 187 man- Hfaclurlng establishments, represent ing a capital of almost JS.umi.OOO. and nn annual product of about the same amount. The population In 1100 Is J7.

789. W. S. Wall of Houston, who has a summer home at Moigan'H Point, relate the escape of Wall dining Saturday night's tidal wave: "My wife had not been long at tin hotel, where she was taking supper," said he "James Hlnck, a mei chant, ushetl Into thu dining room and call ed upon all to lice for their live. The ttdul wave was on tnem In an Instant, and almost befoie they could leave the hotel to go to a higher point, the rushing wateis were all about them more than three roct deep.

Mr. lllack.Rtrug-glliig against the elements, bore my wife In safety to the Vincent home. "Returning Immediately to the hotel, Mr. Hlnck in a like manner brought safely to the Vincent home his aged father and mother. Ills next act of heroism was to rescue Mrs.

Hushmore, HIT OF WHARF AT HOUSTON. her two daughters, two grandchildren, and woman whore name I cannot recall. "Louis Brnquet, manager of the Ulurk hotel, was engulfed In tho wnves and gave his life up In the successful rescue of his wife und a colored servant girl." Among the refugees which the Galveston, Houston Henderson train picked up at Lamnniuc, four nnd one-half miles south of Virginia Point, was Pat Joyce, who lived In the west end of Galveston. "It began raining In Galveston Saturday morning early." said he. "About 9 o'clock work was discontinued by the company nnd I left for home.

I got there about 11 o'clock und found about three Inches of water in tho ynrd. The wnter rose and the wind grew stronger until It was almost as bad as the gulf Itself. Finally the house was taken off Its foundation nnd entirely demolished. People all around mo wero scurrying to nnd fro, endeavoring to find places STRAND STREET. GALVESTON.

of safety and making tho nlr hideous with their cries. There wero nine families In the house, which wan a large two-story frame, and of tho llfty people residing there myself and nleco wero the only ones who could get away." AT GALVESTON killed, 2,500 Injured; 10,000 buildings destroyed. These storms constituted an unparalleled series of tornadoes, there being over sixty of them scattered over the territory nfter 10 o'clock the morning of Feb. 9. 1890 Louls-vlllo, 76 killed, 200 Injured; 900 buildings destroyed; loss, $2,150,000.

Storm cut a path 1,000 feet wide through tho center of tho city. 1891 Louisiana and Mississippi; 10 killed, 50 Injured. 1 IWIW-lrtT iW-M A. Sacrifice To Conscience 1 l'V CHAPTER 11. (Continued.) She hesitated.

And be saw her bare hands they weie very small hands he had noticed, wlth'slendeiiy-shaped lingers wring themseles together as If In overwhelming (listless or peiplex-Ity. Then she spok in half stilled voire: "1 think I shall go home to him. I am afraid to bring another doctor. I 1 shnll do what I can for him myself." A thought struck Knderby and he suld quickly, with a shade of' "If you are afraid of Doctor How-artb's chaiges. Miss Lloyd, I think you can let your mind be easy about that.

He la, I believe, a ery kindly and generous man." He saw tlm till klart and flinch a little, as If bin words had stung her. Then she said: "It Is not that. 1 think I had better go struight home." "Very well." Endcrby stopped the driver and stepped out. The gaslight fell full on the girl's face as he turned to look at It. What 11 ghastly, pale, troubled young face It wast Yet It struck I1I111 that It might under certain clrcum stances, be beautiful.

The features were small and aquiline, the brow childishly smooth and white, the month and chin softly and roundly formed, Hough the former hud a strange expression of self-repression now; the eyes were wolrd and dark, though the hair seemed auburn, the brows above them of startling blackness. And what a child she looked! Hardly sixteen, he thought, us he looked ut her. "What uddiesH shall 1 give the he asked. "Bunion Mansions," she answered. "They are only about five minutes' walk from here." Endeiby knew thorn well by name-small flats, mostly occupied by needy clerks nnd poor working women.

He stood still for a moment thinking. "1 hope your foot will be all right," he said then, "and that your father may be no worse. May 1 cull In a few dnys nnd Sho gavo him quick, utmost terrified glnnce, then suddenly her lips began to tremble pitifully, and she turned nsido her head. "How kind you have been!" sho faltered, "nnd I hnve never thanked you." She put out her hand as If Impulsively, then drew It back beforo ho could touch It. "It Is kind of you to wish to call," she said.

"Yes, I shall bo very grateful If you do. We llvo two stories up." "How will you get up with that pralued foot of yours?" he asked. "Don't you think I had better come with you nnd help you?" "Oh, It 1b not much," she said, her voice faltering; but without another word, Enderby got In again, and thoy drove on to Hurdon Mansions. They were pile of dull, dreary looking buildings. Enderby paid tho man and helped the girl, who limped painfully within the buildings.

Hut when they attempted to climb the stairs, ho saw that It cost her terrible pain, and he turned to saying quietly: "Will you nllow me to carry you op?" It Is the easiest and speediest way. A llttlo crimson patch suddenly showed on her cheek, like the mnrk of a warm linger; she put up her own hand and rubbed it feverishly us If It burned. "No, no; you musn't!" sho said. But Endcrby had already stooped and taken her in his arms. How light sho was not so heavy as many a child of tent Endcrby had never had a woman In his arms before, nnd he was almost astonished himself to find how tenderly they enfolded this girl.

Hut for tho Bake of one woman Endcrby was tender to all. They wore soon at the landing of the second flat. Endcrby set her down, and sho stood leaning on the wall, her face deadly pale ngnln, but her eyes shining strangely. "I cannot thank you," she said, her lips trembling oddly and uncontroll ably, "uut pernnps uou will repay you for your kindness to me a stranger of whom you know nothing. They say London Is full of wickedness, but It must be full of goodness, too.

Now I must go." "I ahall wait for a moment here," said Enderby, with sudden resolution. "And you will come out and tell me If your father Is nny better. Perhaps I can do something yet to help you." She turned away and opened the door on the loft with lachkey, then closed It gently, Endcrby remained where he was. In a few minutes the door opened again, and the girl stood at the entrnnce, "He is sleeping," she said, whispering. "Perhaps he will ho better now." "That la good," Enderby answorod, heartily.

"May I call In a few days?" "Yes; but ray father does not wish anyone to know whoro he Is. You won't tell anyone about us?" sho fceslUtJa, Ll jf imtiltlit H. 3. Welsh i I fil "You may depend upon me said Kiulciby. hraitlly.

"Good night" llo put out his hand, the glil laid her smalt, slim one In It. and Einleiby gave It a friendly phvkuic. Then he went uwny. As he eiueiged Into the open nlr again he fancied a shadow fllttod uolse'essly inuiid 11 coiner of the Then ho diew himself together with a short laugh, for a disagreeable thrill had nut through aim at the fancy. He bad hidden the hansom wait, und ho went up to tho mnn, who was kitting drowsily befoio him.

"Did you notice a nun go round the mansions as I came out, driver?" Cabby shook his drowsy head. "No, Mr, I haven't. W'y. all wise folks In In their beds In this 'ern locality bouts ago, I should sny," he retorted, with a touch of personal feeling. Endcrby got In, and was noon being driven to his rooms In the West End.

Somehow, the strange Incidents of the night had oddly unsettled him. Even when he went to bed his di earns were disturbed by strange, uncomfortable reproductions of these Incidents, grotesquely and even horribly deformed. For so inattor-offnet a man Paul Endcrby was oddly fanciful over them. Still, undoubtedly the experience had been rather a peculiar one. He felt sure tlm girl was refined and or gentle birth; It Is not dltllrult to detect the signs of these.

Her accent wns not exactly an English one, yet It was not peculiar enough to be' pronounced un-English. Who wan she? Who was her What reason could she hnve for absolutely 1 ef using to allow another doctor but this Doctor Lyndon to see her father? Who was this Doctor Lyndon With tin; morning the Incidents of the night before seemed to have drift ed aft Into the same region as thut In which dreams are mnde; hut ono romlnlsccnco of them remained with Enderby, nnd oddly annoyed him. it wus the memory of the mnn who had passed In the hansom while ho was speaking to tho girl who called herself by the name of Lloyd. Enderby sauntered along to the Couitfl, where he assumed gown and wig, and listened to tho cuscb. Ho was not absolutely a briefless barrister and he was coiiHldored very clever.

But, besides that, Paul Enderby came of a very good rnmlly, nnd was not, though he himself wns poor, so very far removed from the Barony of Eglln, hnvln'g only llvo lives between him nnd It, So that Endcrby was somewhat of a spoiled child of Hoclety, being good-looking, stralght-llmbod, hundsomo fellow enough iftcr thepuro Saxon type, and without a tulnt upon his name. He wns coming out of the Courts when Homo one tapped him on tho shoulder. "Ah. Enderby. going to tho club.

nre you? I'm due there at live and havo one or two engagements after dinner. I suppose you will put Injin appearand) at the lMnnlngtons tonight?" Enderby's pleasant, frcsh-complox-loned face had been overshadowed by a look of annoyance as the newcomer nddressed him. He was a man llttlo older than himself not above mlddlo height, and slender with it, with a p.ile, dnrk face, cycH placed rather close together, and a smooth, straight, unpleasant mouth, which had a disagreeable habit or curling upwards when ho laugbe I. He was Dig-by Dalton, and was by profession also banister. "I dare say I shall look In at tho Ponnlngtons," ho answered, drily.

I have another engagement." "Miss Ixmnox's reception?" smiled Dalton. "Yes, of courRO, you will bo there, Endorby. What a man you aro ror being asked out! By the by, had you anything on last night?" Enderby looked straight Into tho smiling face. "Perhaps I had. May I ask why yon Inquire, Mr.

Dalton?" "Oh, nothing!" Tho other shrugged hit shoulders. "Only curious, wasn't UT I was driving over Westminster about half pnst one, and 1 saw a man with a girl on the bridge, I could havo sworn It was you. Curious, wasn't it?" "Not at all," Endcrby answered coldly. "It was "Oh, Ibeg your pardon! I really would not havo mentioned it If I had thought thnt was the case," snld Dalton, ns If with regret. "Of course, wo men of the world don't Inquire too narrowly Into each other's affairs; but you know thore nre a few men whoso lives seem open to every one nnd whoso slightest action will hear Investigation.

I don't require to tell you, Enderby, thnt we all consider you nro ono of those. In fact, your membership at the Bayard Club Is sufficient proof, Well, I shall not detain you, I have a llttlo matter of business to settle In the Strand." And lifting Ills in 11 jj. hat with elaborate politeness, ho dLv appealed. Eititeihy knew every word he had spoken had been armed with Vf.u-omed tip. Dalton had hated him from the llrst time they had met.

That hatred had heroine deepened Into something vindictive und malignant when, through Enderby, though moro by accident than choice, Hilton had been dismissed from the club, which was sometimes mockingly called tho "Bayard," on account of having been found cheating nt enrdo. "Ho iccognUed me. of courre," Enderby ssld to himself. "And ho will go to-ulglit to Mlns Lennox, and toll her. Well, she hns moro than nn ordinary woman's sense of fairness, Sho will let mo speak for myself.

And will sho believe him? Or will her heart have something to sny on my behalf? Cecil, Cc( II!" He whimpered tlm name to himself c.s a devotee might whisper the name of sacred slnino. For to Paul Enderby, to whom nil womanhood wns sncied, Cecil lenunx was the Incarnation of nil that was noblest, purest and fullest In woman. So llttlo docs the simple, stialghtforwnrd nature of a good mnn understand woman. CHAPTER III. was two days nfter tho reception tho West End mansion of Sir Henry Lennox, tho well-known Queen's Counsel, who wns considered ono of tho wealthiest men connected with tho legal profession.

Enderby had seen Cecil Lennox hut for a fow minutes, hut she hnd then hoen able to utter the words that thrilled Endeiby through ns 110 other words could have done, "Come to see me on Friday. It Is not my tiny nt home, hut I shall be at home to you." Paul Enderby was thirty, was a bnr-1 Inter, mid was prosaic, yet his heart nnd pulse throbbed like those of 11 M-nllnicntal boy of twenty as he wns admitted Into tho presence of Cecil Lennox. She was certainly a very beautiful woman. Ah she came forwnrd to greet him, her tea-gown or palo sen-green and billowy lace railing In graceful folds nbotit her, Enderby thought thnt no woman who ever lived could havo excelled her In beauty nnd grace. But there were otheifl rho might have thought thnt the beauty of Cecil Lennoxof the soft, exquisitely tinted face, of the lounijed chin nnd throat, the ted-llppcd, smiting mouth, the deep, changeful, soft, violet eyes had something sensuous nnd voluptuous In it.

Enderby did not think so. He loved tho woman or was It tho woman he linnclned her to be? and that was enough. Cecil let her soft little hand lie in his for a moment, then'sho drew him towards tho silk-covered couch from which sho had rlBen. "It was good ot you to como," sho said, In her low, caressing voice. "We shall hnvo tea presently.

I suppose I needn't ask you how you enjoyed my crush? People never do enjoy crushes. Why do wo give them at all? Oh. I orton wish I had the courage of my convlctlourt.nnd could throw off this yoko of Hoclal fashions and conventions, and bp what I should like best to he a simple humnn being, asking to my houso only those I really enrod for, and being nble to change thought and friendly kindness with thorn!" As 11 matter of fact, Mlns Icnnox would not have given up her "social fashions and conventions" for anything that could have been given her In oxchnngc. But slio was emver enough to suit hor tastes, ns well ns her conversation, to tho Individual chin actors of her companions. (To ho Continued.) How riant Onlu Wrljlit.

As far as Is known tho first botanical experiment ever poriormod was conducted by a Dutchman. He placed In a pot 200 pounds or dried earth, and In It he planted a willow branch which weighed live pounds. Ho kopt the whole covered up nnd dally watered the earth with rainwater. After flvo years' growth tho willow wns again weighed nnd was round to hnvo gained KM pounds. Tho enrth in the pot was dried and weighed nnd had lost only two ounces.

Tho experimentalist, thorerorc, looked upon this experiment as supporting tho theory that plants required no rood hut water. But ho was wrong. Liter It was discovered that much of the Increase in weight of was derived from carbonic add gas In tho ulr. Vcgc'tnblo cells contain a liquid known as "coll tap," which Is water holding In solution various materials which Havo been taken up from without by tho toots and leaves. Thus It is In, the living rolls of the plant that those "digestive" processes aro curried on which wore onco bolleved to occur tho soil.

In Coa cli urn 11 Olieytil Order. From Downs there is reported an Instanco or "carrying a message to Garcia," which did not result so satisfactorily ns It might. G. W. Young telegraphed his coachman at Downs to "meet me tonight with team at Salem," Salem being a Bmall town fow miles away.

But when the coachman received tho message It road, "Moot me tonight with team at Salina," big town nlnoty-six miles away. The coachman naked the telegraph operator to havo th measngo repeated, and It camn "Salina" again, whereupon he started for tint pbco nnd reached It by night, though ho ruined both horses In tho finest team of Osborno county. Kruisiia City Journal. L4 U. fr i 1.

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