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The Vermont Transcript from Saint Albans, Vermont • Page 2

Saint Albans, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Mttrolt 10, 1H5. The Fourth ofMnrrh, 1805. On Saturday last tlio inauguration of Abraham Lincoln ns Prosidcnt of the United States, was celebrated nt "Washington with the- pomp and glorious circumstauco common to such events. Tho inaugural of President Lincoln is published in another column, and will bo read with great attention and interest. It can hardly fail lo bo impressive, uttered as it is in tho midst of momentous events.

Ono of our best exchanges properly says that the people- ro-clectcd Mr. Lincoln from an instinctWo feeling that in no way would thoy bo well express their determination utterly to suppress tho rebellion. It has been so interpreted by tho South, and has had great influence in producing weakness and confusion among tho rebels. Mr. Lincoln ontors upon his second term with every pros poet of seeing peace restored, freedom established as tho fundamental law, nnd a new career of unity and pros pcrity opened to tho nation before his present term closes.

It is a proud day for him and tho people. Tho rccont victories of our armies, tho successive fall of tho strongholds of tho rebellion, nnd tho prospect of still greater successes closo at baud will givo zest to tho usual festivities of tho day. Aside from tho rejoicing throughout tho country that Abraham Lincoln is reelected and sworn in, for tho second term, tho Chiof Magistrato of this freo country, tho fourth of March was sot apart in many places in tho loyal States for public demonstrations in honor of tho cheering successes of tho National Arms. Meetings also woro held in divors cities and towns and prayers offered to 'Almighty. God on bohalf of tho men who havo been -set npait to'guido tho affairs of this Ro public.

In several cities tho day was duly celebrated witn military and civic display. Salutes, ringing of bells, and other demonstrations were inoro or (1 1 less the order 01 tlio day in many towns in each commonwealth. In Bomo appropriate way every patriotic heart manifested its gratitude for tho blessings vouchsafed to ub as a nation and for tho success which had crowned tho efforts of our bravo armies. On tho fourth of March, 18(55, tho "coiling serpent of bayonots" is tight cning its folds around Richmond, Grant watches and waits at Peters burgh. Sherman is hurrying through tho Oarolinas.

Schofiold advances from Wilmington. Shoridan is roady for another dash in tho valloy all bent upon reducing tho strong hold of rebellion. President Lincoln, with his ablo cabinet; takes tho holm of Sates for another four years. All tho aniens for tho futuro are auspicious. Tlic Inauguration.

Ihj Ttiegraph to (he tyrltigfltfd Jtrpuhllean. President Lincoln was inaugurated for his second term of oflico nt noon on Saturday. A heavy rain Btorni in tho morning cleared off just in tint" to enablo the procession to bo carried out according to the programme, though tho mud in tho streets and around tho capitol was fearful. But this did not prcvont tho presQiioo of a 1 tT ThiB is tho last number of tho first volumo of The Vermont Tiian-sciupt and with tho noxt issue will commence volumo two. Our subscrip tion books aro not so well filled but wo havo room for an additional number.

"Will our friends who havo kindly encouraged us horotoforo, stand by us nnd speak a good word to their noxt neighbor. Our terms aro rcasonablo and efforts shall bo continued to prosont a live paper, and ono worthy of general patronage our The Oil Neics and Mining Journal is tho namo of a newspaper just started in Pittsburgh, printed on book paper in largo eight pago form nnd entirely dovoted to oil and mining interests. Mr. F. Woods and Mr.

J. A. Blako tho former publisher of Trade of the West, and the lntter from tho Cincinnati Petroleum Gazette aro tho publishers. arge crowd to witness the progress of tho and tho inauguration ceremonies. A few minutes before noon tho Vico President elect was sworn in by Vico President Hamlin, and took his seat as presiding officer of tho Senate.

Before taking tho oath ho mado a brief speech, which was almost inaudiblo on account of tlic talking of the women in the gal leries. He said, in substance, that, by the choico of the people ho had been mado presiding officer of tho Senate, and in presenting himself there, in obedionco to tho behostH of tho constitution of tho United States, it would, perhaps, not bo out of placo to remark just hero what a striking thing tlio constitution was. It was tlio constitution of tho peoplo of tho country, and under it, hero to-day, beforo tlio American Senate, ho felt that ho was a man and an American citizen. He had a proud illustration of tho fact that under tho constitution a man could riso from tho ranks to occupy tho second placo in tlio gift of tlio 1 1 1 ii 1 American people, ana 01 tno American government. Those of us who have labored our wholo Jives for tho cstnb- ishmcnt of a freo government, know how to cherish its great blessings.

lie would say lo tho senators and oth ers beforo hun, to tho supremo court which sat beforo him, that they all got their power from tho peoplo of this country. Turning towards Mr, Chaso Mr. Johnson said, and your ex altation and position depend upon the people. Then turning toward the cabinet ministers he said, and I will say to you, Mr. Secretary Seward, and to vou, Mr.

Secretary Stanton, and to you, Mr. Secretary (to gentleman near by, sotto voce, "who secretary of tho navy Tho person addressed replied in a whisper, "Mr. And to you, Mr. Secretary Welles, would say you all derive your power from tho pooplo. Mr.

Johnson then remarked that tho great element of vitality in this government was its nearness and proximity to tho people, Ho wanted to say to all who heard him, in tho faco of tho American poo pie, that all power was derived from the people Jlo would say in the hearing of tho foreign ministers, for ho was going to toll tho truth hero, that ho was a plebeian. Ho thanked God for it. It was tho popular heart of this nation that was beating to sus tarn cabinet olncials and tho presi dent of tho United States. It was atrango occasion that called forth plebeian like him to toll such things as these. Mr.

Johnson noxt adverted to affairs in Tennessee, and the aboli tion of slavery there Ho thanked God that Tennessee was a State in the Union, and had never been out. The Stato government had been discon tiuucd lor a time; there Jiad been an intorregnum, hiatus: but sho had never been out of the Union. Ho stood thoro to-da' as hor roprcscn tativc. On this day, sho would elect a governor and a legislature, and sh would very soon sond senators and members to Congress. President Lincoln has been at tho capitol all tho morning, signing bills, and consequently did not come in the procession, which embraced two regiments of tho invalid corps, detachments of cavalry and artillery, several companies of colored troops, (a most unusual spectaclo on such an occasion,) and numerous civic dignitaries and associations, including liroi'non from Philadelphia and Baltimore At noon tlio president elect, justices of tho supremo court, members of Congress and other oflicials, proceeded to tho Senato chamber, whero a procession was formed which proceeded to the east portico of tho capitol, whero tho oth of oftico was adininistorod to tho president by Chiof Justico Chase, nnd tho inaugural address was delivered in tho presenco of vast con- courso of spectators, and was pro-ceded and followed by music from numerous bnnds and tho firing of cannon.

Tho procession then moved again up Pennsylvania avenue, tho i i preKiucui uemg convoyed an open barouche, accompaniod by his son and Senator Foster of tho committee of arrangements, and on reaching tho White House tho coroinonies of tho day were ended. Everything passed off pleasantly and ordorly, and not an accident occurred to 0110 of tho thou sands in attendance. Tlio following is prccaled war, but ono of them would mako war rather than let tho nation survive, and tho other would accept war rather than let it polish, and the war came One-eighth of tho wholo population wcro council slaves, not dimi-nnitou generally over tlio Union, but localized in tlio southern unit of it. These slaves Constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All know that this interest was sdmehow the cause of tho war.

To Btronjilhcn. perpctuato and extend this interest was the object for which tho insurgents would rend the Union by war, whilo tho government claimed no right to do moro than restrict tho territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for tho war tho magnitude or tho duration which it has already attained. Noithcr an ticipated that tho causo of tho conflict might cease, oven before the con-Uict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph and a result loss fundamental and nstounding.

Both road tlio saino Bibio and pray to the same God, and each invokes lis aid against the other. It may seem strango that any men should daro to ask a just God's assistanco in wringing their bread from tho sweat of other men's faces, but let us judgo not, that wo may not bo judged. The prayer of both could not be answered. Hint of neither has been answered fully. Tho Almighty has his own purposes.

"Woo unto tho world be cause of offenses, for it must needs bo that offenses conic, but woo to that man by whom tho offense comcth." If we shall supposo that American slavery ono of these offenses which, 111 the providence of God, must needs come, but winch having continued through His appointed time, Ho now wills to remove, and that Ho gives to both North and South this torriblo war as tho woo duo to those by whom tho offenso camo, shall wo discern thoro is any departuro from those Divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribo to Him Fondlv do wo hope, fervently do wo pray, that this mighty scourgo of war may speedily pass nway. Yot, if God wills that it continuo until all wealth piled by tho bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil slinll bo sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn- with tho lash shall bo paid by another drawn by tho sword, as was said thousand years ago, so still it must bo said, "the ntdgments of tho Lord aro true and righteous altogether." With malice toward no ono, with charity for all, with firmness in tho right, as God gives us toseo tho right, lot us strive on to umsh tho work wo aro in, to bind up tlio nation's wound, to caro for him who shall have borne tho battlo and for his widow and his orphans, and to do all which may nchievo and cherish a just nnd lasting penco among ourselves and with all nations. mini, according to tho rato of taxation in various parts of tho country. It ts a National Savings Bank. While this loan presents great advantages to largo it offers' special inducements to those who wish to mako a safo and profitable invest ment of small savings.

It is in overy way tho best Saving Bank; for overy institution of this kind must somehow invest its deposits profitably in order to pay interest and expends. Thoy will invest largely is this loan, ns the best investment. But tho gross interest which they receive, they must deduct largely for the expenses of the Bank. Their usual rate of interest allowed to depositors in 5 pr cent, up on sums over $500. The person who invests directly with Government will rcccivo almost 50 per cent.

more. Thus tho man who deposits $1000 in a private barings J3ank rpeuves fu dol lars a year, interest; if deposits the ii nuuiu huiii in uns imutn.iu Bank ho receives dollars. For thoso who wish to find a safe, convenient, nnd profitable means of investing the surplus earnings which they havo reserved for their old afo or for tho benefit of their children, there is nothing which presents so uiar.y advantages as this National Loan. Tim UioiiEST Tho war is ovidontly drawing to a closo, but whilo it lasts tho Treasury must have money to meet its cost, and ovary motivo that patriotism can inspire should induce tho peoplo to supply its wants without delay. Tho Uovernment can buy cheaper for cash in hand than on credit.

Let us see that its wants are promptly and liberally satisfied. N. i. Mi.ramincr. Facts About the 7-30s The Advantage they offer.

Turin Absolute Skcumty. Nearly all activo credits aro now based on I enrolment bi.l was taken up and COTVCS Fr.n. 25. The U. S.

Sonato was in session until nearly twolvo o'clock, tho principal subject of discussion being the reorganization of tho Stato government of Louisiana. Tho Senate finally adjourned without taking any action. Tho House adopted a resolution making the inquiry if rebel prisoners had been enlisted and credited to the quota of any State. It also adopted a resolution inquiring if ordor had been issued to prevent colored men loaving Washington without a pass. The amendatory enrolment bill was discussed and amended.

Feb. 20. In the Senate, a communication was read from tho Secretary of War in reply to a resolution declining to present information in regard to tho number of troops furnished by each State under tho different calls of tho President. Mr. Lano of Kansas i limn utv'iuu nuts kill; t.iui) uuu i liniir wnfc sirniiT hills.

navv. The iiofttiionod tlio con-1 i i sideratiou of tho Louisiana bill, and took up the tax bill, which was discussed until a late hour. In the House, tho amendment to tiio fortification bill, reducing tho appropriations in it one-half, was concurred in. The House refused to concur with tho Senate in adding the deficiency bill to tho legislative bill, ao the Senate omitted tho extra compensation for House employees. Tho amendatory pedicnt nt present for Congress to ap- propriato money for tho Gettysburg cemetery.

Mr. Grimes presented tlio credentials of James Guthrie, senator elect from Kentucky. Mr. Doolittlo presented tho credentials of Micliaol llahn, senator elect from Louisiana, which were laid upon tho table. A new committco of coiifercnco was appointed on tho army bill.

The House pension bill was passed. Tho bill to consolidate tho tribes in tho Indian Territory, and establish a civil government therein, was passed. Tho report of tho conference conimitteo on the postal law was concurred in. Tho bill incorporating tho Frccdniou's Saving and Trust Co. was passed.

In tho House, tho report of a select conimitteo providing for appointing certain new committees for tho Hoiibo, waa concurred in. Tho civil impropriation bill was taken up and passed. Tho report of tho conlcronco committee on the bill relating lo postal laws was concurred in. Tho Senato bill concerning collection of direct taxes in insurgent States wan passed. The House non-concurred in all of tho Senate amendments to the internal revenue bill.

Tho bill amendatory of tho national banking law was passed. Senate joint resolutions in referenco to tho appointmont ol Chief ol btall for Gen. Grant, and concerning the employment of disabled soldicis and sailors, was passed. Tho select com-mition reported that the charges of I fraud against tho Commissioner of Patents were found not sustained. Mabcu y.

Both houses of Congress transacted a large amount of important business. In tho Senate, the tariff bill was passed, after somo amendments were mado to it. Tho usual voto of thanks was tendered tho Vice-President. A bill in referenco to intercourse with tho rebel States waB parsed, after being amended. Tho report of tho conimitteo of conference on the freodmen's bureau was agreed to.

Tho Houso bill to provide for a national currency was passed. Tho report of tho committee on conferenco on tlio internal revenue bill wns-adoptcd. In tho House a bill wns passed to prohibit tho enlistment of criminals. Tho report of tho conimitteo on tho freodmen's bureau bill was adopted. A bill was passed providing for issuing thrco cent pieces.

Tho Senate, bill incorporating tho freedmcn's saving and trust company was passed. Tho report of tho committee of conferenco upon tho army appropriation bill was adopted, as was that of a similar committee on tho in ternal revenue bill. Tho usual rcsolu tion of thanks was tendered to tho LATE WAU NKWS. FllOM 811KRWAN. 111 llir s'nildlr Apnln.

Cavalry reinforcements and pon- Tho President at a late Action of thk Consociation. At a special meeting of the North-Western Consociation hold in Swauton, Jan. 21th and 25th, 1805, tho following resolution was adopted with but ono dissenting vote: Jleaolvcd, That from a caroftil examination of the facts in the caso, wo are convinced that tho proceedings of that bodyat its spcciul meetings, hold-en February and August, 1859, in ro-gnrd to the nffairs of tho Congregational Church in Swnnton, and its Pastor, aro null nnd void, bocauso of tho fact that tho matters upon which it acted wcro, in reality, never before it for its consideration. VSf Judgo Smith of Montrcnl.beforo whom tho St. Albans raiders aro now undergoing a trial, is still "indisposed" nnd a further trial of tho case has been postponed a number of days.

If this indisposition continues much, longer our peoplo will bo strongly inclined to tho belief that the trouble is an "indisposition" to surrender up the men. Tlie Aililrro. I'ellow-Uountrymon: At this second nnpenrine; to tako the oath of tho presidential oflico there is less occasion for an cxtendod address than there was at tho first. Then a statement of a course to bo pursued seemed veiy fitting and propor. Now, at tho ex piration of four years, during which public declarations havo boon constantly called forth on overy poiufc and phase of tho great contest which still absorbs tho attention and ongrossos tho cnorgies of tho nation, littlo that is now could botpresontod.

Tho progress of our arms, upon which ull else chiefly doponds, is as well known to tho public as to mysolf, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hopo for tho futuro, no prediction in regard to it is ventured. On tho occasion corresponding to this, four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impond liitr civil war. All dreaded it; sought to avoid it Whilo tho inaugural address was being delivered from this placo, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents woro in the city Booking to destroy it without war; Booking to dis-fiolvo tho Union and divide tho effects by negotiation. Both parties do- Government securities, and banks hold thorn as the very best and stroncrest investment thoy can make If it were possiblo to contemplato tho financial failure of tho Government, no bank would bo any safer.

If money is loaned on individual notes or bond and mortgage, it will bo payable in tho same currency as tho Government pays with, and no better, lho Govern ment never has failed to meet its en gagements, and tho national debt is a first mortgago upon tho whole property of tho country. Whilo other stocks Uncinate from ten to fifty, or oven a greater per Government stocks aro always comparatively firm. Their value is tixed and roliablo, be yond all othor securities; for Vhilo a thousand speculative bubbles rise and burst, as a rulo thoy aro nover below pur, and aro often above. Its LiiiKitAi, LiTUiinsT. Tho general rato of interest is six payable annually, llns is seven and three-tenths, payable semi-annually.

If you loud on mortgage, thoro must bo a searching of titles, lawyers' fees, stamp duties and delays, and you will finally havo returned to you only tho same kind of money you would receivo from tho Government, and less of it. If you invest in this loan, you have no trouble Any bank or banker will obtain it for you without charge. To each note or bond aro nflixed five "coupons" or interest tickctx, duo at tho expiration of each successive half-year. Tho holder of noto has simply to cut off ono of theso coupons, present it to tho nearest bank or Government Agency, nnd receivo his interest; tho noto itself need not bo presented nt nil. Or coupon thus pnyablo will ovorywhoro bo equivalent, when duo, to monoy.

If you wish to borrow ninety cents on tho dollar upon tho notes, you havo tho highest security in me maruct to do it with, it you wish to sell, it will bring within fraction of cost and interest at any moment. It will bo very handy to have in tho house It is coxvutTiDi.E into a six por cent, gold-bearing bond. At tho expiration of thrco years a holdor of tho notes of the 7.30 Loan has tho option of accepting payraont in full or of funding his notes in six por cont gold-interest bond, tho principal pnyablo in not less than fivo, nor moro than twenty years from its dato, as tho Government may eloct. Theso bonds nro held at such a premium ns to mnko this privilege now worth two or threo por cent, per annum, nnd adds so much to tho interest. Notes of tho samo class, issued thrco years aco, aro now solliug njj at into that fully proves tho correct ness ui iiiih Biiiiemum.

Its Exemption most State on Municipal Taxation. But asido from all the advantages wo havo enuniorntod, a special Act of Congross exempts all IxnuU and 'JWasury note from localtax-ation. On tho average this oxemption is worth about two per cent, por nil passed, after adopting some amend ments and rejecting otliora. Tho committee of conference on tho disagreeing voto on tho amendment to the navy appropriation bill mado a report, which was adopted, and tho bill passed. Tho balance of tho session was occupied by tho mx hundred million loan bill, which was considered in committee.

Fed. 28. In the Senate, tho bill for tho purchnso of a picturo to be painted by Mr. Powell, was passed. Mr.

Wilson roportod fiom tho military conimitteo a bill to incorporate a national asylum for diF.ibled soldiers also a bill to pay cortnin colored volunteers who enlisted in South Carolina. The tax bill was considered until tho recess. In tho evening, Mr. Sumner introduced a joint resolution, authorizing Capt. Henry Stellwngon of tho navy, to receivo a sword of honor from tho British government, for relieving tho ollicers and crow of a British vessel in distress.

Mr. Wilson mado a report on tho freodmen's bureau bill. Tho amondatorv tax bill was considered and amended in ref erenco to savings banks. Mr. Sherman offered nn amendment, which was adopted, in reference to collectors of public mouoys and their salaries and expenses.

The Houso went into committco of tho wholo on tho six hundred million loan bill, and after acting upon somo amendments offerod, reported to tho Houso. In tho Houso tho bill as originally reported, was passed with somo amendments, which do not change tho loaturo ot it ro-gard to tho amount or interest Tho Houso then went into committco on the tariff bill, but took nrt action beforo tho hour of recess arrived. In tho ovening, tho Houso passed bills introduced by tho naval committee, to provido for a solicitor of tho navy department, to rcgul.ito tho transfor of men from the army to tho navy, for punishmont of desortion, nnd for additional legislation concerning prize monoy. Mr. Bico of Mass.

reported a bill to pay Capt. Winslow and his oflicors and mon Of tho Kcarsargo $192,000, tho supposed value of tho Alabama. Tho Senato bill concerning paymasters in tho navy was passed, and somo action was taken on tho claims of contractors, lho bill to compensate Capt. Winslow and his crow was roferred. Mauch 2.

Tho Sonato continued their work upon tho now tax bill in committco of the wholo. Tho coin- Maroii 1. Tho report of tho commit tee of conference upon tho amendatory enrolment bill was concurred in by tho I benatc. lho civil appropriation bill 1 was taken up and amended. Tho conlorenco committee on the army np propriation bill were reported unable lu tiiuu.

a-uu otutiLu luaiaiuu itwii its action, boveral pnvato bills were passed, and at seven o'clock tho Sen ato wont into executive session. At ten o'clock tho Senato recommenced business, and tho b.ll authorizing tho coinage of three-cent pieces passed. Tho bill to regulato com merco between tho Stales was taken up and amended. At quarter to twelve tho Vice-President elect was escorted into tho chamber by tho Vice- President, Mr. Hamlin.

Tho latter made somo remarks thanking tho sen ators for their courtesy. Tho oath of office was then nd ministered to An drew Johnson to support, as Vico-Prosidont. tho Constitution of tho U. S. ho previously making a short speech.

Mi" Hamlin then declared tho Senato adjourned sine die. Tho Senato thou mot in extra session, the proclamation calling the session was read and the senators elect sworn in. Tho procession was then formed, and tho President was escorted to tho part of the building where tho inauguration core-monies were to tako placo. In tho Houso, tho report of tho conferenco conimitteo on tho amendatory tariff bill was agreed to. Tho roport of tho committee on several military subjects including tho enrolment bill, was adopted.

The bill to disposo of gov ernment coal mines was passed. The report of tho conferenco committco on tho bill for reorganizing tho subsistence department was agreed to. Tho Houso at seven o'clock Saturday morning took recess. After rocess of two hours, tho Houso ngain assembled. Tho committee of conferenco on tho civil appropriation bill reported that tho only point in it remainiug unsettled was in referenco to tho trial of citizens by courts martial.

As no agreement could bo arrived at, that important bill, involving an appropriation of millions, was lost. Tho report of tho conferenco committeo on tho duty on paper was takon up. Whilo tho clerk was calling tho roll upon tho report, the hour of twelvo arrived, and tho Speaker, after a fow remarks, declared tho Houso adjourned sine die. THIRTY-NINTH CONOHESS. Tho Sonato of tho Thirty-ninth Congress of lho United States reassembled March Gth in special session, Vico-Prosidont Johnson presiding.

Tho usual mcasuro was taken to inform tho president that tho Senate was pro-pared to receivo communications from him. Tho President sent to tho Sonato about thirty nominations, most of which were for internal revenue oliices. Ho also Bout in tho nomination of toon bridges arrived at Winchester on tho 25th and on tho 27th Sheri dan started with 15,000 cavalry to operato against Lynchburg. The possibility of Sheridan nnd Sherman effecting a junction at Danvillo or in that vicinity is hinted at. Gen.

Hancock assumed command at Winchester when Shoridan left. Official dispatches from Gen. Grant, dated Sunday, stato that rebel deserters from overy part of tho rebel lines who camo in on Sunday morning, and also rebol refugees reported that on Thursday last Gen. Sheridan captured Charlotlsvillo and completely routed tho rebel forcos there capturing Gen. Enrlv nnd some 1800 mon.

nearly his 1 wholo army. Four brigades of rebel I troops hud been bent from Itichmond to try and reach Lynchbuigh beforo Gen. Sheridan could get there, and hold tho nlaco if possible Tho latest reports from Shoridan direct placo him at Staunton. Coniili-nr to Titltr Slict lilnn. Tho expedition up tho valloy, which captured Early at Charlottesvillo, started on the 27th of Feb.

It was commanded in person by Gen. Sheridan and his subordinates, Gens. Mor-rit, Custer, Dcvins, Forsyth and Gibbs. A few days ago thrco Which ester families, by tho names of Shnrrnrd, Leo nnd Bunch, wcro sent within our linos on tho chargo of disloyalty. It is alleged thoy conspired together to got up a sociable ball, to which Gen.

Sheridan was to an invited gucst.and that during its progress a dctaehmont of Mosby's guerillas was to seize tho general, tako him captivo and convey him to nichmond, a In Kolley and Crook. Tho plan was frustrated, and the ladies who concocted it aro now in full communion with thoso for whom they havo exhibited such warm sympathy. he Itichmond LnvuiYr of tho 2th ult. stated that when tho captured generals Kelloy and Crook woro taken to Gen. Early, ho said t3 them "Tako I presume you arc tired after your ride, and thon added, "1 oxpeet sonic enterprising innkeo will bo stealing off with mo in tho samo way ono oi thoso days, bhen-dan has fulfilled tho prophecy thus mado in joke.

FllOM "SHERMAN. Sherman's advanco is reported, up-1 on what is doomed rchablo rebel authority, to havo reached Fayottovillo, N. which is at tho head of navigation on tho Capo Fear river. Porter's gunboats aro also reported thoro. Another report brought by steamer from Smithville, N.

reports that a part of Sherman's army had arrived thorityr Tins probably nllifdcs to ports ot tho intended ovacualion of tho City. New Yohk, Mnrch Tho Herald' a Wihningtoil CorrL pouubut i inu says: Beports reached tlmt place confirm ing tho Btatemcnt that Sherman had reached Capo Fear Hirer, 00 miles above Wilmington, previous to tho 1st, thus bailling tho rebel plans t0 concentrato their forces against him and to forco a battlo near Goldsboro with tho ndvnntagcs ih their favor Tho Wilmington Journal in nn nrti clo just previous to our occupation of that place, admitted that unless Sherman was speedily checked Biclitnomi would havo to bo evacuated. Tho Herald's City Point dispatch says thoro wcro rumors in tho aimy of tho Potomac that Shcrmnii had defeated Johnston in a heavy battlo nmi captured 15,000 prisoners. The Hrra'd'x Oth corps correspond dent of tho Oth inst says: There arc indications mat ojco win mil back to tho lino of the Boanako, as largo numbers of negroes havo already been uent there to throw up fortifications. Tho soigo guns of Pctcrsburgh and

mond havo been sent in that direction xim iin ii iiiiiuiiuii tuirespon nt of Fob. 23d makes no allusion to at Wilmington, and was marching through. Tho former report is tho more credible Various llebel lttjmrls. Deserters from Leo's army state that when ho made his late visit south ho took with him two divisions of Anderson's corps to reinforco tho army confronting Sherman, and that heavy sicgo guns are being scut from Pctcrsburgh to Greensboro, N. C.

Richmond papers talk of Shorman as stuck in tho mud somewhere Gen. Wado Hampton reports Sherman's forco at Ito.OOO. The lf7nV; thiiiks ho has Tho Enquirer of tho 1st says: "From Charlotto wo learn that the anxiety which had prevailed in that quarter for several days had subsided. Columbia advicc3 state that the fire which occurred thcro on tho evacuation by our troops extended from Main street to tho Charlotto depot, a distance of three-fourths of a mile. No public property was destroyed.

Tho city is now in tho possession of Gon. Hnniplon's troops." It is reported that Bragg brought bchoheld to halt at iSorthoast river, ten miles from Wilmington, and it was thought Schofiold would then tako lho road to Faycttoville. Tho rebels de stroyed tho pirate Chicamauga nt tJ.apo jeoar river. Washington, March, G. Bebcl deserters report that Sherman flanked Florence, S.

and moved on Fayettcville, N. 0., thus confirming previous accounts. Richmond papers of Friday say thcro had not been ovon a rumor from tlfo seat of war in tho south for two days. Our naval foices havo captured Fort White, a splendid establishment, mounting 17 heavy guns, just below Georgetown, S. C.

Tho sailors and marines then landed nnd captured Georgetown. Tho rebel cavalry mado a chargo on them in tho streets, but woro gallantly repulsed, with loss of sovcral killed, wounded and prisoners. Our loss, ono man. Admiral Dahl-gron's flagship, tho Harvest Moon, on hor way down, was sunk by torpedoes. All hands wcro saved excepting tho steward.

FllOM GRANT-Gon. Grant ntatod on Friday that tho recent rains had mado all movements impraclicablo for a week at least. Richmond nanors sav that dent tho reported liinction of Srlinfiptv. forces with Sherman. Gen Srhofickl was busy perfecting plans for tlio continuance of his campaign in N.

C. New Yoiik, March 8, Tho Herald' City Point correspondent of tho Gth says rebel deserters and refuges coming into our Imps beforo Richmond, confirm tho reports already published, that Gen. Sheridan had captured tho rebel Gen. Earlr and nearly his entire army, on Thursday and Friday last, in tho Shenandoah Valley, between Charlottesvillo and Staunton. It is believed that Gon.

Sheridan is now well advanced on his way to Lynchburgh or Itichmond, in which-evor way ho may design. Tho Tribune's Washington dispatch says it is reported from Hancock i headquarters at Winchester, that Shoridan has defeated Early, but that Early is not yet captured. Newiiehn, N. March 1. Intelligence from North Carolina papers indicate that both sections arc gathering their forces in her border fur tho final struggle A Raleigh paper savs the people of that city will hear tho guns of tho groat and laat battlo of tho American rcbolhon; and that tho traditionary grounds of the old North Stato will bo tho common grave yard of stato rights and stato lines, without which no attempt at secession could have been made.

Tho Raleigh Progress says; Tha Federals aro concentrating a force if 10,000 men nt Newborn, which wu soon bo ready to strike Leo's army in conjunction with Shermau's forces. culullont mi tlic Million of Grn. ftlcUIc. New Yonx, March 3 Tlio Panama Mercantile of February 13, has a report that mission of General Sickles is tu cure from the Columbian govcrnm-a concession of lands on win form a settlement of tlO.OOO of the n. groes emancipated by tlio great secession war.

Tho report says- but tii Chronicle doubts it that ono inwna dollars would bo paid for the prnileg' NEWS SUMMARY. Baldy Smitli has established commission nt Now Orlenns to investigate frauds. Ex-Vieo President Hamlin goes homo to Maino and private life. Nino thousand bales of cotton arrived at Now York Monday from Savannah. An overland camel express fron Missouri to California, via Nebraska, and Colorado, is talked of.

A distillery at Stoubenville, Ohio, worth $200,000, was lately siczed tj government, on account of internil revenue frauds. Thoro is a dry goods panic at New York. A. T. Stowart add other largo dealers havo been Belling domestic goods at ruinous sacrifices for couplo of week's.

Thoy fear lor prices. Tho Raleigh Journal says it Haygood's rebel brigado that was captured by Schofiold near Wihningwjj when our troops took tho city Si our prisoners at Raleigh havo Wf" sent to North-cast Ridgo, near mington, for exchange. Gon. Sully is organizing a coJ of regiments of repentant rebel pr oners, who havo been confined ntrw Island, 111., to fight against tho dians. In answer to tho appeal for lf i ior tno rouei army, a a Richmond paper, who 6igns himself "Pntnruliiiwr QM.rocta that tl)0 Grant roeoived GOOD troops from Alox- necd to bo paid as well as fed, and oj anuria last week.

Ihoy also stato that to bo ono of twenty-five to UllUUU cive Yankeo deserters arrived to- 4i.m,cn,i ilnllnrs lo GenW Hon. Hugh McCulloch as Secretary of of tho Treasury, and thoso of O. Bono- mittoo reported, and tho Senato con- diet for Judgo, and Benjamin Silliman sidered tho bill, which, aftor somo I for Attorney of tho now imlininl iliu. change was passed. Tho resolution in regard to servants of officers was passed.

Tho Houso resolution for continuing tho committco on tho conduct of tho war aftorjtho adjournment, was agreed to. Several Indian bills wero passed. Mr. Sumner prosontod a memorial from tho West Virginia Legislature, asking aid to emancipate slaves in that State Mr. Wilson ro-ported on a petition, that it was inox- tnct in Eastern Now York.

A motion was mado to confirm that of the Secretary of tho Treasury, but it was withdrawn on tho statomcnt by Mr. Fessenden that Mr. McCulloch do-sired that it might lay over for a day or two. Mr. Harrington is Secretary ad interim.

Thoro being no committees in the Senato yot, all nominations mado wero laid on tho table, to bo referred when committees nro organized. Hnv Incif on1 nnul It, mi onni xjco nrniY. xnis bcoium ur wna nf. niflcomn .1. ii thaV 1 iiuuua iniiniiir'nncn limn nnn it two bo gether ono that Grant on thoir right; it was only now recruits comming in.

Leo's troops now got whisky ration overy day to "firo tlio southern heart An attempt lias been mado to firo the Btato tobacco warehouse, at Richmond, supposed to bo by an incendiary. Tho Dispatch of tho 2d says: "Owing to cortaiu groundless reports, which havo gained circulation in Richmond for the past fow days, a largo number of country peoplo have boon deterred from bringing thoir products to market, and, as a consoquenco, but little is offered at thoso places for sale That further inquiry may not ensue from theso rumors wo hereby contra-diet thorn upon tho very highost ou- 1 oxtrftordiuWT robol dollar is worth only now, and presently may not anything. -In tho high steeple of St. MigJ at Charleston, may bo seen tlio e'' fc9 of tho officer appointed to coiw number and effect of tho sbclK dnn tho siege In caso tho tower iw struck, ho had a ropo ladder which to mako tho dizzy descent- lo r. i tininra I 11 nuiw gontlomon for tho at Washineton.

would lie, caused sucn a the first circles that tho court i( tho Chronicle, was obliged by authority, wero sold w'lA A ropor.

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