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Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 1

Deseret Newsi
Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 1 Crfo jIT EDmON DES lit Erf1rE VEN INO NEW Si A COPI I I i 28 PAGES TRi1 A1 TmImTY SATURDAY JANUARY 1 910 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SAT 11 II 111 I com LA rYF TYNI1H YEAR PROMINENT MEN VERY OPTIMITIC i Urnost Unanimous in Their Pre I ldicton for Greater Prosperity for theyear91 i I EACE AND PLENTY PROMISED OcIConldcncc WltlL Constaut llinn ton anti Correctve ColuIe Jtellln the Danger I I I I Kw York Jan ipronineL men in York city are opt nistergardIng he outlook for the ear 1910 GreH I rospilt Is their unanimouS preUte Jon Here II what sOme Ir them ty WILLIAM Lorf William Leb Jr 91ector or the Jiart I greet 1910 wiy hope and satIsfaction It will be prosperous If th Jsfaeton1 prsprous resenti increase 11 volume of busie3D I ontnues and the Indlclons are that I it wi 1 SENATOrtEPEW Senator Chauncey Depw This Iew Years day ISIDrlwd by less unrest dlssatsfactqh mental dsopla and crankiness than any other In my recollection I is run or hope for peace osperlty and plenty 1 BnOWN WC Brown prsident or UJ New 1Yor Centra11n general prosperity J1o will excee1 the record of any previous year I look for a goneral Im Iprovement ad development of riways jor the country MAYOR JCLELIAN 1 Mayor George 1L 1IcCIelnl TIN cIty and the country are both beto oft than they were a year ago The car 1910 wi see a stead advance anent In morals and education as well ns In material prosperity TIMOTHY WOODRUFF Timothy Woodruff I w1 bo a lnnel year for the nation Republican I policIes prevail and a stanch Republican prosPerity will fill the air with good thing UDG uf GARY The outlook for tho new year In the iron trade which Jll been called the Si barometer of business in general Is plnounced firm rind hopeful In a state I meat given out today by Judge 1Y chairman or the United Sates Steel corporation Overconfidence ft with con euent inflation and a correc tvc collapse remain tho dangers he IIPS oC any period of prosperity but IWJ have al learned something by ex ljericncb In the last ow cato the last eight months new 01 I dCrs recelyt1 LhsJU2rycqn 1 Ralie oC the United Sktes Steel cor florat1on have bon gratifying says liraton TudS Gary In December the book lilSs ot these companies combined 1 I lLC been 60000 tons per day while 41000 tons day their capacity is 4100 per he only concern at the mills Is to tSfY customers In regard to del cries Following the Jl oC 190i which Was the result or lack of confidence from various causes there was 0 Uml ton In buying ordinary and regular upplc and therefore the necessities of the purchasing public particularly accumulated to such the railroads hd aumulatcd an extent that order could no longer bc deferred CnseQUnly their olume sUddenly developed Into abnormal proportions ThI with the growth otthe country creasing uses for Iron and steel and fnancial resources or the people have brought about the prosperity Which now Is In evidence There i nothing In sight to II1cato tat there will be any great reduction In the Iron and steel trade In 1910 Lan makers administrators oC the law and active business and financial member ot the community arc Interested In working together to Improve conditions 01 the people We have Irarned something by ex tow I think perlence In the last year there 15 no ono more desirous of maintaining prosperity 80 mr aq thc same Is consistent with good government than himself the lNsldenthlmBlf FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE CHICAGO A Chicago Jauu lAs a result or the Young Mens Christian association collecting of 600000 towards subscriptions lecting fOOOOU ubscrlptons wards the 1000000 anniversary fund John Shedd yesterday sent a check 4 for 50000 to offl ers of the association Mr Shedd was one or the orlslnator 11 for collecting a 000000 the of plan colcclng and subscrlltiOn fund by popular sUbscripton of first svn talked nhcn the plan lrst taled to contribute 00000 One lomlsed this sum was to be given I half of 001000 subscrIbed and first when the I the remainder after the full amount I had been collected GOV MARSHALL WILL NOT PERMIT GAMBLING Chicago Jun ChicagO gamblers Chlcgo to descend today upon are In reldlncs poohoom which old has Dearborn been refitted at Clarks station In Indiana said Marshuli It IndianaPolis Gov Marshal at telephone midnight over the lone that distance ho would nol permit I gambling In Indiana gamblng however HIs remarks made It plain I operations of the tho actual operatons that interferremi would not bO Intertelret gamblers be For one day with by him today to the proper the situation local vIli leave I they fall he declareS sternlY and lie will act at once sterl TO IAYE ZERO WEATHER Chicago Jan 1Siich mid wcaUter enjoyed yesterday ot course Chicago 5 enjoye and Weather last was too good to rorecaster Cox says that Its duration Zero low or uvIl1 ho limited to a day cr hi Prot Cox grcdiction for Chi i cngo the drop coming Sunday morning OPIUM SMUGGLING SYNDICATE DISCOVERED Vancouver CJTan lAn opium smuggling syndicate has ben brought to light her headed by a wealthy corn Jlonyot China that sends out opium on the Empress hlnerz lhio Chinese no board the boat arc said to Hhar In Id the profits lc audlng that drug in Can Mda Indyd In can 1tls 3 7 7 across pnu tlvdy easy matter to get It the UtISS thL lIne Into the United States Detectfvts csterda a Spaniard Tomaso most In captured al mOlt the act of I ato selling oC oplIr1 to two slng seven cans Chinese Welj IIcco5 Chinee The later tromn the tCCO theocl Chinese lIe form1eble I It which has joIned witii th eUlt9mR department tlo to I opium smughlng stamp out smugglng Fol Information frnished Chncse the deteeti5 bv these ti ln which gnned Informa oro started a lfi stred Ii was found Uiat wilo China investigation several teaithy eathy smugg give the hlnoo abomd opium to lion abolld attamels a a specula and tnJo spcu1a tae a chanc on the mane that Is getting half this side receied for It un OC the water A can oC opium Is worth In halCpound China ancL 35 In Chicago China tn an effort to efort stamp the out smuggling Chinese Rcfo smugglng Tetol league Is offering rCWard or 10 a rlay for ch day a smuggler serves In jail up to 500 a substantial jai and substantal amount over that do ana how upon the charter or tho case long posed sentence has ben Im MULTIMILLONAIE I JERMYN HIT BY STREET CAR San Fancisco Jan 1S Jermyn lputed to a multmllonalro and one of the Wealthiest wealhiet coal mine opera turs In the tiflhted States Hnled was struck cown and Probally fatally Injured by a street car at 215 oeIocl tlls 11 Jog lernmyn wih several frIends at ot tempted to cross between two cars which were goIng In opposite directions opposie di1cton His frIends flCnds had narrow escapes but escpes the millionaire was hurled several feet and picked up unconscious At Central Emergency hospital It was found that his skull was fractured and that he was probably internally Jnjured Lite hope was held out for his recovi early this morning Jerniyn Is about 50 years old and has daughter studying music In Berlin He was a guest at time Fair mont hotol where he has been slneo his arrival In San Francisco rubout six weeks ago INJURED MINERS LIFE SAVED BY HIS DOG Mancos Cob Tan llendered help less from injuries caused by the premature explosion ot a blast 1n his mIpo on East lIncs river William Schubert an aged miner was rescued after having gone eight das without food and with only two drinks of water He Is now rapid regaining trength and attending physicians say he will be abut again In a few weeks Schubr Ifo wami led by his dog which appeared at tho cabin ot A Flynn neighboring prospector In a halt starve coditon Investigation disclosed Schubrts absence from his cabin and further search resulted hi finding him unconscious In the tunnel of his mine FInn returned to Mancos 1 mIles distant through a driving blizzard time journey requiring all or ono night and half the following day any organized a rescue party which returned to Schu bers min nod brought him to this city over hills covered with four feet of snow MRS HARRIMAN OFFERS LXNI TNEW ORK STATE Newhurgh Jan 1Mrs Edward Harriman ha offered to theI state of New York for park purposes 10000 of the 3000 acres included In time famous Harriman estate In Oral county One of the cherished intentions of the into Harriman was to givethis sve property to the state to be used forever people as a great public park free to aU the RAY LAMPHERE Tev A StImuli Refuses to Illc Public ills Confession Mount Pleasant la Jan IThe Rev Dr Edwin A Schel president of the Iowa Wesleyan universIty refuses to malw pUblc the confession he obtained I from Ray Lmphero when the latter was In jai at Lporte lad I was believed that In view ot Lam pheles death In the Michigan city prison Dr Schel would tel what the GU1C suspect conndcd to him thus clearing up much of tho mystery surrounding the Indiana murder farm I WISE COP DETECTED I I THE WILY DESERTER Now York Jan lA wise cop who knew the dIfference between New Yorks eo and midsummer eye dr sIn tho United States army was the cause or Private Raymond Rays return to Governors Island today after three montlms desertion from the Pwent ninth infantry The soldier was ono or seyeral pro mature New York eelebremuts athere1 In by the police and the maglltmt wns about to discharge him with a JJlmaml when Patrolman Leigh who had served In the Philippines cale the courts attention to the cotton kluld uniform Instead of the regular Inter khaki which time man wore He woullnt be allowed off the mad ervaton In that uniform at this Um of the ear the policeman told the court CommunicatIon with Governors Island authorItes brought SOst Low don who Identified tho deserter A lIC MANS ESTATE Indianapolis Ind Jan IAn estate of the estimated value of about 33000000 Is dbJposed of by the terms of the will or Stoughton Fletcher the IndianaPolis banker who died at Cahiatin Tenn Dec 35 The will was flleml In prohate court yesterday hy Edward Gates attorney for Stough ton A Fletcher the son Time Will which was executed Feb 23 1904 leaves the entire estate to Stoughton A Fletcher the only son and to the three daughtenl1rs Julia nnl Fletcher Barnnrdof Pasadena Fletcher Louise Lattrel Cal Mrs Lurel Tarldngton wife or Booth Tarlln ton of Indian Hilda Fletcher and Mis Hida apols NEW YEARS CELEBRATION RESULTS IN WOMANS DEATH ChiCAgo Jan Ielebraton the In the resulted neW year a4vent of the year rsued death through the accidental discharge of a rvolver of Mrs Frances Gardiner Cardilmer wife of DithC time lrdlner wIth his we who was 20 bCfl spemiding the evening old had spnding years bn ot her parents reHiiiCUCO nlng ut the rMllcnce prents Mr and Mrs IV Nolwlr At midnight otwlS tried lire a failed to cartridge first revolver rho crrld fled explode and 115 he wn exminin explOe dis cicciiCntahlY It was etaltI the weapon 1 ncc I chmargoci The Imulicut truok Mrs Grdlncr lodging in bul jugular vein and Infctnga wound 1rm which she died Notwlc wss anted 4 i ATTORNEY GENERAL ON ARMORY MAHER I I I Advises Taking auestion of Lo Before Supreme I Court I 1I i WOULD BE DEBT OF STJTE QICt Ion Is So Considered In Ils Ol1inion to Secretary or State Land Board I AttOraeyTjner Barnes hiS JflS retturned an opinion to the state lana board as to whether it can legl accept a note fol 3000 from the Armory board stating that In his opinion there Is grave doubt as to the authorl t3 of the land to loan the funds i as requested to the state armory board The document In full Is as follows I am In receipt of yotur favor or the 2nd inst with enclosure note executed to the state board or land commissioners or the State or Utah by the state armory board by William Spry governor TIngey secretary of state and A Wedgoot adjutant general constitutIng said corporation In the amount of 300 under date oC Dec 10 1909 together with the written request by said armory hoardacjdresseml boaraddressed to th state board or land commissioner ers that the said state board or land comml6sloners turn Over to time state armory board the amount of this note You have asked my opinion as to whether or 10 the board can legally honor this note The note 15 made and presented un del the rovIslons of section 4 chapter 75 Lams of Utah 1909 the state armor board act By this act there Is created a stao armory board which is constituted a body corporate I is provled that such board may sue and ho sued anti contract anal he contracted with ant board Is authorized to acquire ground upon which an armory shal be con stllted and Is 1urther authorized em powered and directed to cause to be constructed and equipped for eccupan 03 upon tho lands so acquired a state armory and arsenal and the said armor board Is by said act amatimorized authorzed and empowered to borrow from the state board of land commlsfloners th sum or 500 or such portion therof as may be required for the erection ereetoh of such armory and to execute al dplvor Its promissory note for that I sum so borrowed and the said atntt bard ot land commissioners Is by the 1 provisions the net authorized and empowered to accept such note and to loan to said armory board the sum ot S5rOOO or such portion as may bo required for such purposes OBL1 AJ NOT ATE I is further provided by this net that said body corporate shall be deemed a public corporatIon and Its Property shall be exempt from aU taxes and assessments I Is further provided therein that such loan abovo referred to when made by the said board ot land commissioners to the state armory board together wIth all sums of accrued Interest shall constitute and remain a frst prior lien upn the lands and build ings by said ing act nuthorlzed to bo purchased board and constructed by sa II armory it wa held In the case of tto vs Candllnd Utah 104 Pac 285 whero the constitutionality 01 an act passed lW the legislature or 1909 Tfroydlng for a loan of 50OOO by tlmetstate board ot land commissioners lV the University of Utah UPOn notes to be executed by the regents ot the Urher shy of Utah was attacked that the obligation authorized by such act whll In terms made a debt of the universIty vms In effect an obligation of the tate pure and simple and It was held In that case that such act was In direct conflict with the provi dons of Section 1 of Artimile it of the Constitution In that the indebtedness which would be created under the provisions of said act would be In excess or the borrowing capacity of the state lho state armory boird Is a state Insttuton und I would seem that undel the rule which was laid down In the case above cited the obhiga ton which will bo created providing the provisions or this act arc carried out will be an obligation of time state alhou It Is not so expressly provld cd I the act the unlversl case so In this ealothls obligation could be met only bY appropriation made hI the legislature In act the oct itself there Is provided fOr an annual appro prIaton of 0000 out ot the moneys of the state treasury for the purpose oC paying Interest on any sum hor rowed by the state armory board for the crerton of armories I Is my opInIon therefore that this loan It made Will be a loan to the state which wi be all IndebtedncBs of the state But further while It would ho an I Indebtedness or the state it could not In my opinion be considered I bond Or a properly Issued and authorized obligation ot the state such as would hea proper investment of the funds hel by the state board ot land com ml loner NO APPROPRIATION As above stated there is no provision for nn appropriaton In this net to meet time prIncipal sum borrowed I would bo necessary therefore to depend upon future legislation for such appropriaton The funds which the state board of land comnlssloners have at thoir disposal for investment are funds de Ihe from the sale tumid rental ot lands granted to the state under the provlslons or the enabling act which funds arc to be safely Invested and held by the state for the purposes for which they were granted Constitution of Utah Act 10 Section 6 I ha been provided by law In what manner theso funds nmav be invested by the state boar ot land commissioners Section 2357 Compied 13W3 ot Utah 1909 1909Under Under the provisions ot this section the state bard ot land commissioners Is authorized to invest such fundI In government state county city or other district bond or in script Il rrnlB Issudd against time funds to be raised by special or local taxation aI assessment under the provisions of the laws ot the State or Utah or note oC the tate made under time provisIons of ecton5 U3 and H23xl or In first mortgages on Improved farm within the stto or otherwise 1 provided bylaw SHOULD GO COUnT Now calnG attention I the wording oC Bcctl 4 of chapter 75 JAW otUtab 199 that 19 the state aruiory NO REOGNITIN INSURGENTS I Disappointed That United States Has Not Formally Recognized Estradas Government rnment EXPECTED IT FROM KNOX IOIIC That Val Would ba Brought to A Clo Through This Actloit cto Ahammtloiacml muofehls Nlc Jan lHope that the war would bo brofshto an cni through the reCu1nlt on ortho p1vl alonal gOwnment by theUnled States has ben abandoned 1lan1 belee that two more battles Inustbe fought no in the state of luontOl san the other near Managua There Is a popu iar feeling or gratitude toward the United States because of time attention given tIme wounded th physicians from the cruisers and the supplIes sent for the relief of the halfstarved prls onel of War Thcre Is howerr Rome disappointment hat time United States has riot formally recognized the gov rnment or Estrada The Impression was strong that Secy nox awaited only I decisive victory Gen trda beforegiing him he moral suppor ot thQ Washington overment Such a victory wris won amore than a weel igoan still no CI ul3glng word Is iceehclrOl Wash hgton Ilf anothel battle is foughit It Is like I tat no fewer than 1t000 men wIll engaged Preparatiomm for time cam iln In the Wlst contnue The next lQ lays will be deotedto obtaining mbre rifles with a view to equipping 2PO additional oldlels ThiwJ bring the provisional stenth to 600 mnkn A slhooner has ht1 sent to Cape Graclns and will bring horses and mn4lcs to be used on the long march tottard Managua i The insurgent generals have signed a spiemnmm pact that they wilt stand ama a Unit with Estrada untIl the last vestige of Zelayaismn Is blotted from Nicaragua The peace commIssioners which Pres ident Madriz announced he wus send Ing to negotiate with Estrda hao not arrived Time mOlcan gunboat Eagle haM gone to Bocs del Toro to make ob servatons The British cruiser Scylla which brught a duplcate or the letter sent by ladrlz to Estrda on Dec 221 also has departed frlm thIs port TO STANDARDIZE BOARD OF EDUCATION ACCOUNTS Angeles Cal Jan 10 stand arJze the accounts of boards or edo caton throughout the United States time atonal Association of I duc1torU Auditors ha bt1 launchcd In Los An gobs Joseph A McBride auditor of the city board of education Is the 01 gala lzer The mmlsloner or educatIon In 08hln1n Is said to be In hearty accord wih he alms of the associatIon hie the educatIonal departments In Chicago Clexeland Boston New York Denver and other cities have taken up the project The object of the association will to standardize the varioOs charges which should regarded as iegltinumtte legtmate chlms against school funds I is planned to do for boards of education what the associations or railroad accountants lmate done for the railroads of the country In establishing a unl formlty of accounts SEARCH RENEWED FOR DOROTHY TAFT I Los Angeles Ca Jan IScareh 1 renewed today for Dorothy Taft the earol ado tt daughter of Rev Taft cousl or the president who disppeared yesterday while coming here on a tmln from Pomonrl Police officers here and hi Dolgovle the only place the train stopped after leaving Pomona eanhed all night last night for the mhlln child but without sue cess cessI am sure that somebody has stolen our lte girl said Mrs Tar after all Inquires in Pomona and It the mall road offices here hal elIcited no information formatIn TIme cast is a mystery so far Time lit tie girl was placed on a Southern pad tic train yesterday by Mrs 0 Bowen ot Jomo at whose home the child had sPnt a wek No one has been found whQ saw her after that 11 and Mms Taft adopted DroUI when she was a baby According to Mis Tart the real mother Is In lea 11 Tar Is pastor oC a churh at Saw tole where th soldiers home Is lo rated I board act It 11 be seel that thee Is to bo found no provisIon made mm I to what fund or funds the particular loan there provided for shall be made flom ly the state board of land com mlsloncs The net simp1 aWhorlzo the statJ armory hoard to borrow from the state board orland cQnlnlsloners and the state board oC and commissioners Ic 10an to said armory fOard the 511 of 8iOOO Outside of time fund prldc fur undel the reservation hand grant which canlot be contidered lam this mater Ule state board or kLd commlsslorwrl have no minds 10 imvestnmcnt CXCIpt funds which arc receI0ml from the sales and rentals ot pUblc lands ssuming then thatsuoh an lilebtNl nes would be In cbtetnes of the stele but not such ccurlty as Is provided for under the provisions or see tlon37 I woull seem that therc oull 1 grave doubt a to whetMt or mao this Is or im1d be a roper investment or these trust funds and in my opinion there 1 grayitlnui as to the authority oC the board of IUI1 commissioners to lQln any of such funds to time state rarmol board iUI provided In tho arxOry board act TIme QueUol fjone of J4a Importance and c8n beireadily determined In tIme courts and in 1 opinion before the Iand lmnmrd lnnccl ally money to the staq armory boned all takes any stop um1r the provisions ot this armory bor net the mnttcr should be adjudicated In the courtS anti you are SO dIS AdjGcn Wedgnod himslf a lawyer of experience does not agree with thO nttornoygenera1 anll says the mato tl wilt crloJ up the supreme 1 eourtfortlnal determination FEW AMERCANS WIT PROVISONALS Many Who Fought With Nicaraguan Insurgents Claimed Citizenship for Protection TOO REMOTE TO CONSIDER SO Far 5 scertlined Les Than a nozn crt 1ronm Unltell Slates To Fight 7ell Bue1ehs Nicaragua Dce 25 tia New OriCamma Jan lo meal I mericaI there have been a hand ul nm time ranks of the provlslonals so far aid these have acquItted themselves with credit Many In the fight ho clalnec American citizenship for the protection It affords but investigatIon ha shown that this claim Is too Ie mote tn be seriously considered FIGHTING AMERICANS So far as at prcsent nscertalned there were but six who came flom the United States to Bluefelds for the purpose oC aiding the revolt against Zc laya These were Ralph Less or New Orleans Mathew Flnnesan or Denver a Philippine Veteran Fowler oC 1oxls and also late or the Phlpplne Ptt Dolan who hailed many years IQ frol Nebraska Phi Craven a trlcle pistol shot who for 15 years wa a demonstrator for one of time words best known arms manu1aotoles and Gabriel Sonrd oC New Idera La who ha a medal for aiding the Englsh against the Boers and who before that chased the Apache Ildith time western regulars some 12 01 15 yeaas ago JAMES BRANSFIELD AME 10 these may be added Jmiles Dram feld said to have bee a member or tIme Panama constabulary and the only foreigner wounded at Recreo and James Edwards an American who has been so long In central Amerlcl that he pronounces the letter a as though I were short 0 the same being a distinguishing mark In the various methods of handlIng the English language on this coast Bran feld Is oC the opinion that he was shot first by exiled natives amongst his on men but at the hos pitl established by Capt Shlple where lrnsOehl was scceSfu1 cared for It Is believed from the Dature of Imis wounds that he was in the lIne or a small caliber automalc Three flesh woundR allclastiiether in his right leg seemingly Indicate that ho stoull In the lilac of the gung sweep and received three bullets before the sweep or the gun pnssed him His Idea Is however that ho was shot accidentally from behind and that the other two wounds were received curiously In the same place from Zelayans However that amy be he now has the best cot In the hospital and by lying on his left side 15 able to play endless soil taire with pack ot cards furnished by Finnegn Vhle the combating ot the army steam to have been proportionately to thc men engaged one of the most bloody In hlstor squads or enemies met each other without enggIng Bransfolt for Instance was passed by a number or Zelaans who seemed content to spare his lIfe seeing that he was Incapacitated Da tl agua pleaded Bransfeld him feverish for whose wounds made fevcrsh or water tO one of the Zelayans or Para ono para ono peso suld time Zelayan who wanted the money for the food It would buy FINNEGAN GOT LdST LS1 The peso was DOt fortheomln and neither was the water as a conse quencl but It Is to be noted that the Zeloyan did not rob the helpless man I who was completely at his mercy As mercy for Finnegn he hns been In the PhilIppines Small blue eyes that show keenness or sight a short cropped parU gray mustache shoulders like i wrter and a mouth that Is grim except when he smiesthats Finnegan Ills stOI Is Rlmple HI lugged 0 riOe with some natives thrugh eight miles ot knee doria clay bushes over fallen trees and tl ca under them Ieabiten antbiten footless and tired rlosqultobiten fodless 111 tred only to mist the bate Tho native guIde mlsluk a creek runnIng Into I the Sefula river for one rUlnlng Into I the Mice a very easy error to fall Into and missed tIme light which was along the llo When mmigiit fell In retracing their steps Finnegan and the others came eparattd lam the jungle The Den yea adventurer however captured a Ze IUJ who In hiS starving condition was glad to be a prlsonor anti made a guide or him back to the base with Rau Jhe Zetayan Is a god Estra Snan now ald Finnegn has promised to get him job The are thehst or frhmds CRAVEN Craven Is prematurely gray but his 00 Is aim nnachlnlsm I Is young aiHl shoots sparks As a pistol sales mal for earlt was his bUlness thow what could dOle whim the short ar from shooting off the ashes ot a cigar to doing other trek corn mon to time tage By preference 11e uses Iblg shooter that was more coinnien a generation ago than now cmmon a gneraton He was given charge of a rapId firer but being unable to keep the bearers of the various part barrel tripod and cartridges anwhere near mach other he gave UP thc nrtler job and welt to work with his pIstol It is related to his ctedlt thnt although he handled this arm wih an expertness seldom seen he never Idle his man Most ot them he shot In trIgger handaR general that was all that was visible about the cover al My life work 10s been the handlnf of pistols said Craven before going to the front can do all the tricks but I dont belIeve too much In may self ut them A man aria and eye are good whim a target shooting at wih mon Who Is gunningfor you Is a dif fcrent thing dont wont to kill anybody but 1 do wnilt to lelp these eopJe beqaule I think they need I I Iprove true to target form I wont hnye to lel These poor Indli8 that Zelaa has sent out only want peace they are forced Into the fight and dont want to take their lives Zell TJronnlb would be I different matter Craven doc nt 1fe tho trigger of his pistol but shoots on the drv from his hip by snamppiimg back the hammer This ac owits for his use ot the ld4 i I RtIe gun the big hammer or which lends Itoelr to the manlpuluUon Lees and Dolan came down together Lees beeame he saw chance under anew Oorlnent of working out min hug claim tnt Delan excowboy nod exanilor because nothing better was engaging his attention at the time Lees and Dolan became separated during the light Dolnl attaching hlmselt to Craven with whom hue stayed t1roulh thIck and thln while Lees fell In wIth nntN flrlngJmls rIfle with an accuracy tlught him years ago at limo Universl 0 Alabama at which school he was captain hb company ot cadets CONRAD AND FOWIEn Conrad and Fowler arc two of the 10st soldierly figures who joined the Hstrada forces Both had been fighting In the Phippines and went Into the brush without Illusions Both were In charge or quickfrers and nccordln tQ Gen Chnmorlo handled them wIth skill which went far In attaIning victor In this conlecton I many be stated tlnt accordumg to Dr PUlh surgeon of the UnIted States steam shlr Des Moines practically eveiy wound dressed In the Amerian hospital among the first batch or Zelaan wounded brouht hero was due to automatic gun lire Conrad however had anolher dis tncton and a better one for It was he who acted as Gen Chnmorros mes songer to Gen Menu who Is admited everywhere to have turned Impending defeat Into victory for the provishonaiz 1 UNDECISIVE FIGHTING As his been cabled and as Is now conceded by Estda Chamorro For sDlnz Matuty and others the fight tag of Dee 20 and 21 lund been undo clshc The Zans had beendrlven Into their main cntrenehments nt Re creo on the Rio lico whore the resistance was or a desperation scarcely justified by their cause as viewed on the east coast However they were battling 1 salrdefcnse which probably explains that Mona known otherWise as Montana Tigie Mountain I Lion lh GO men had been sent from a point down the llama river to cut off retreat to the west As planned on the first day he cap tured Tatumbla hill and the telegraph station there On the next day of the battle however he encountered roads or the lack of them which had not been counted on His arrival In the rear oC Recreo therefore was delayed and the other generals outnumbered were merely able to hold their own Iind 1lena and tel him we are bet en unless he can get here wIthin two ho He cant be Jore than a mie or two las the bush now said Gen hamorro to Conrad In some way Conrad forced his way thmugh the jungle with Its bogs and tough interlaced vines and tree JIH message threw Mona and his men Into afremmzy or energy Brush which had ben deemed necessary for the mnchet eros to cut was Ignoredthemen simply swarmed over them Not even wastdeep bogs haltd tem They were ncrl exhausted anti perspIring from every plO when the sIght of Recreo lent them fresh energy They gave vent to theIr Viva Estrada and sept up the his and from the thicket came the answering cry or the other companIes This assault quickly brought the battle to a close FindIng themselves stir rounded Gonzales and his men surrendered ChamolTo left the boat at lueOe11s today wIth his arm about Conrds bload shoulders and later told the story DU PUGH CIIALLENGED Surgeon Pgh of theDesMoimmes was also In the limelight fora short perIod yesterday having been challenged to a duel by a local Spanish physician The Spaniard who had been celebrating the Victory rather freely passed the guard on duty at the hospital and 0 gao conversing wIth patients whom Dr Pugh desired to remain undisturbed Pugh did not know the visitors identIty and requested him to keep quiet but a neither undersood the others language thoIntrudor continued talking whereupon Dr Pugh I gently but firmly ejected him from the i hospital lnter PuSh was waited on by the Spaniards seconds who formal 13 proposed 1 duel Puh still Ignorant or time ofended mans identity de elmod that he was bus operatIng at that time but that when he had concluded he would take pleasure In knocking the Spaniards head off Today the mater was cleared ub the Spaniards apologizing Dr Pughs conduct throughout te incident Is admitted to have been exempla he ha Ing shown selfrestraint and tho gen teness with which he jecter the Intruder probably prevented the dcath ot several pat louts which excitement would have brought on 1VIhout exception the AnOlans mentoned In this dspatch declare that the Nicaraguan natIves have In them the makIng ot soldier the peer of any They can live on almost nothing mid they can carry time burdens or a Chinese coOlie STUDY OF FORESTRY TO BE MORE SYSTEMATIC Washington Dee 31tudy of forestry Is to bo mado moore systematc In the United States through the closer association of time schools or forcstl and the stoncardlzaton or the methods of instructions This was the principal decision reached today at the conference of proCessors of forestry with Chief Forester Clifford Plnehot A committee was Instructed to draw up a constitution for a regular orgrmiii zation oC the tOest schools anti to zaton ant prepare a plan for standardizaton In study Among the speakers today was Pror Frank Miller of time UnIversity of Yahlngton PR SIENT TAFTS NEW YEARS RECEPTION Washington Jamm 1Tho event which from almost the first days oC the am public has distinguished the celebraton ot the advent the new rear In Wash Inbton the prsldents cepton at the mie House took on a now interest today as the first public receptIon plannelt for the administratIon ot Mr TaCt On New Years day the White House door swJng open to ni the world anal during the appointed hour ot the ceptonot citizens the poor amid umble 1a88 II review ad rtclve the clasp of tIle chloC executive 01 equal footing 1 with the ricllest of the omluII The early period of time reception was mado maw und Improin as uNunl today by gy apptRancof the diplomats in the full dress uniforms their rank aimci distinction in the co1nUIe ftommi which time are 1ccredlted Thero were macny tle faces In time diplomatic line smimiclI was heamicmdby Baron Dcs planchet the Hllnn aapbassador denim In Washington of tIme corp Tho introductions were made by Col Specer Cosb of the army major domo or the White House nlslstt by Capt I Butt LleutComimmaimdcr Palmer antI otlmer Mrs Tnttjolned the receIving party durinb he carl part of the eptQn She remained In line until the cabinet time suprerne court and the diplomatic corps imitti paid tlmejr respects aimtl tlmen retired leasinr tme remainIng women of JheotIcI frmJl odothe honors I i lIr NOW BELIEVED TO BELEVED aBE GRAF SGEHME Evidence Indicates Dynamilg Hotel Utah Was I oldup Game WILSON OUT AFTER COIN 11IonchcI1 City Editor Jr ccret Xcs Vitl Otter to tC chf fOmatipn Glten to the lolc Time arrest oC Prank Wilson and Jame Delaney Friday 01 a charge oC dnamltng the foundations and equip mont ot the Hotel Utrh early Vednes day iimorning last has Icd to what Is a considered by the poll a9a graft scheme tt lIke or which has never been experienced In the country As evidence develops It seems as If the plot to dynamite hind nothing behind I but the hollng upof financial I interests I which arc concerueln the crectionof the hote1 concerec erecton it 1 The vly mOllng after the explosion 1 hieh did plctlcal mao anleand mnrked time attempt as the work ot tyros Wilson approached Jones I munnger or the Jones Construction compan which has hO contract tOT I the erection of all the steel work on the big hotel and told him that It he would produce 10 he WOUld turn up the men who did the work Dlreet after that he made eonnec t0l1 with the Hotel Utah company und mude a simIlar proposItion to them guarnteeing that he would give abso lute proof in regard to the dynamiting reart cnamltt how It was done and who the men a snore who did It I In the afternoon he entered the ofce of The Deseret News and told the city 1 editor that It he gave him 25 down and 11 50 afterward he would tel the news 1 1 paper who were the gui partIes and describe In detai theh in thod or op 41 oration erdton I Im after the coin he saId but I want ou to know thall am no crook qi I have accepted nmoimey 1101 to mmmiiOii with the unlerstandlng thntI would help to pull lie mater lhroughI got the lnforiimrmtin I wanted and now Imn selling it I i 11 eUns 4 ChITS OLD FEEr WilsOn mmas put OIl by the city editor but aim arrangcment a made with hm for thc following da Tlmursdmmy 1 at 1 ocock But he failed to make lila appearance lIe cvltlently had ac 1 Iulrcd a bad cast of cold feet ip The Deelct News Vlct1 all of the 6 1 Inrormaton which it had aCluired In il the hands of the polc nnc the result 0 was the arrest of Wilson and his rOommate Delaney The attel has confessed 11 enouIh to enable the polke to work on lines which are expected to 1 develop enouh evidence 10 convict both men Frdn morning letter was received 11 by The Dcserel Nows as follows I ou woulc like to leallsomc thinS abut the men who itemptcd i to blow up the Utah hotel lure 1 G21 Judge building time GloboIlspcC lIon company I JAMES GISON i 1 Camps Tnc Cty Cl fhts letter was also red oer to the police Mr James Gibson Is a sery much wanted man hut he cannot bc found A lime Globe Inspecton company know 1 nothing ofhmlm and the police hove not I been able to locate him 0 WORK 01 IATEUR The first OUght that time dnamtng had been time outcome of the light of the American Bridge Buiiding company amgaiimst union labor has glyen WC to a theory that Wilson with Delane as lila tool enginerod a crude attempt at holding up bushmmes corporations foc what Ime could get out of them WhO work wIth tlme dymiamito was very amateurimim and looked either like I bluff or an interrupted attempt on its face Evidnee is in favor of the former theory UNION CONDEMN AFFAI1t Time union Iron workers of time citP unite in condemning time affair amid there is much iimtIigimnthnn auimong theima because of time Implication that or gafli7eml labor has imnt aimtlulng to aiim wltii It TIme police cut present arc busily engaged in tiylng to linmi GIbson who is timotmgimt to able to tell where time mneim got theIr dyammmmmilte and also in a fem reaching imivestigatloim of tIme past of both nicim under atrest MRS KIP DIVORCED THURSDAY MARRIEDAGAIN FRIDAY Tteno Dcc 11Frances Costor Jones svlmo was divorced yesterday afterzmoomm froni Ircnry SplOs Miii of Nm York cIty was married last mmigimt In timis cIty to Little minIng icprezenta 7 tire of Wendell Phillips a New 1rk operator Mr emid Mis Little iett immediately after time marriage for San Fmanchsco Mrs Little is the daugit ter of Mrs LewIs Quentln Jones of Nest York city Mr Litth is a son of Capt Williamn 11cC LIttle 5 Not Newport I A bmothem is a captaimm In time Marine corps and lam aide to Pmomaklent Taft AUTO STRIKE AGAINST ITAUANGOVERNMENTm Fl atmiace Jami 1Aim automobIle strlku against lie government woiit into effect todity lIvery owmmei of an automobile in Italy will retinae to takeout a mmcmv lIcense Thousands of cimauffmmirs will be throwim out of work Time governrneiml if it prslsts in its course will deprive itself of l00000D revimimue Flue obJectioiia of automobIle owners arises from a now regulation which besides Increasing time tax imposes a floe of 0 lire fbi a Ilrs offense against time speeml laws MRSIJALOGANANNOUNCES DAUGHTERS ENGAGEMENI New York Jan 1Mrs John A 10 grimm Jr lies annotiimcttil the engage Mar11 mnent of her alaughter Miss Lbilmme logaim to lleimri ale Slimca 01 a lirumameis Bejgitiiii do Sincay Is lam son of GastOn do Slncay of firusseis who is at thi a Imeac cC time chic inalustrl of Belgium do SIrmca caine lmoic iast malimniel witim excellent letters of introdnctrOt mammal suns in Newport for the semmanit dance mat Iiergaars in where lie gmtve a return for nanny codrtesie recclvsd a i I a.

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