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Vermont Watchman and State Journal from Montpelier, Vermont • Page 3

Montpelier, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ClUtcijmrm State nv wamon. MONTI'HMKU, JUNF. 20, 1802. MA88 CONVKNTION.

A MA.aOoKVB-itiowo, th.KreeWenof Wntm! Con8'" no "ok for mlm-hc held at Mmtliiir, on ihe 9ih day of July nnt, lo uS kept fotever as tlielr prlvato prop-m nnmlntocndtdt or Oot. erty they muat buy tholr Own looks, nnd einnr, Mrnt. (lofathor and Treaaurcr, to be aupportedat en-,.lnf.,of..uh.l. Wllh tllcIt 0Wn 80 the Conatliutloti ihe llnlon, nnd of auppoiiinR ihe ullon InMats that Ilts plan of Olirn buytng Nall.mal Admlntetratlon In tho preaeftt rtlsi of tho ono litinilteil aota for llio Houao library, lo bo cottiilrr arc eordlatly In.lled to attend. II.


UrrmUlean (luteCnm 1'HOM WA8U1NOTON. Wabiiinoion, Juno 13 TKIAfj I1Y JUItV. Iloth lloutw linvo tbU woek ncted npoti trtul by jury. The Sonato lw u.mci a liill pr.n i(litK tiattia wliich will c.xclude rcbeli and dwlnyd fwirnoin ftOm the jnry box ln Unlted Hiatm coiirt; mcaaur introduoed by 8en-ntr lvi df Kcntucky. It pteparea the miiv fnr Ihe eonvicilon nd puniahmtnt of ri'licla, nnd hm that the objrolton to jury haa Ixcn prraard, on the confiction iiicllnti, altogethcr fariher than the occaaion wnrmiiu.

ln the IIoukc, jury tiial caine up in diffierent ahapc. On Monday a rciolii. tton of Mr. Julian, of Indiana, for the ral nl tho fugitive elave law, eame np very untx-prcicdly, in thin llooae, and ni rejected by tifircn majority. Immediately lliereupon Mr.

Colfax of Indiatm introdurpd a renolutlon lor juiy trial to peraont arrcatrd aa fugitivea, whcncver they mikc oath that they arc not alaTsa, and it ni adopted by a handaotne majority. Tho prlnclple ia rlght and thoroitgh-I)' runntitiitional. Henry C'lay and Uaniel utged. it when the fugitive alave law was paaaed. Slavpn arc, by the C'onili-tution, "pcrson" and the eame initrumcnt pmtiile that no "peraon" ihall be deprived if hfc, libcrty or propcrty without due prnecei of law-Hind tbat tnvolvei trial by jury.

Tbtt wm Uy good doetrine in Vcr'nont, and ought tu be enetywhere. l'ardon tno If I Hougrst that I do not ree the connitteocy of initlg upon trial by jnry for alarea and re-jcriing it for tbcir tnaalerr. Tbryarc all per-rnina albeit lthink the lae generally bare tht' advantago of being the moat loyal, and thrrefora tbe mot raapecteble peraona of the tntlai(. Rnt the law, like tho divine l.iw-givcr, ia no rrapaeter of peraona. I muat innat, tlirrtforp, tbat thoae ltepublicana who tiiut by jury to poraon accoacd of rr-lii-ilinn, nnd plcad for it for tlieir lae, are noi i'unMiini.

1 ruc, the tirnt arc eriminala, il and tlic Ut aic not lnit thut only in iki" the cac ihu trongcr. It i in that thc rpqmaition of jury trial ia iii'iit impcrolivc. liut 1 rrjuice, a I think n-niier vill do, that C'uDgreaa haa affirmod thc rijtht of trial by jury for Afrieana who wrar tiivy are not alavea. I am thaultfui for that little. Bot it i not euough.

Tho fugi-luc ouKht not to be rcquircd to inr that ln- nvt a alavc. The preaumplion ahould h- thut he ia not, and the claimant abould be, liirrd tu prue title to hi aervioe. Kren if tir to be trested a criminal, onght to Ih- nilricicnt for him to aay he 1 not guil-ty in thc form chargcd, aud be abould be treati not uiltv il he atanda mute. IIOIIACIt OBKKI.KT I'l. K.

r. Wil.VOB. Tlni N. Y. Tritmn uitcbeu into a com-pin) of ita poliiical frieoda for oting to pur-ilii', for thc lihrary of Congrcaa, onc huu-dn of thc aiiiiala and dubatca of I'on-gtoaa, an invaluablc work for I'ongreaamcn who iti iri' to ierlorm their dutica intelligent-Il and l.ilhfull) and morcotcr a nurk hich -oon be raic.

Thc aupply for aale ia now ut'arly fibauaied. WVII, Waltun, and a'ma-jortty of hi commitlcc on pi thouht )i wi-f. ttud, in liiu long lun, ccononiical, to tlinc The accrct of Ihu 7ii-'-. 'i hoattlit) to thi ia thut it h.Tca tlit-m nciablK mid orlhy publiahcra of the S'a-vr ml IiiltlliyeH-fr. They wcrc thc uiuipitcra iunl publiahcra of thc ork.

Thi) werc Na-tional Republicau in pi.litica aa tiroeley Wbig, Orelcy waa and een now nrcc wiih tne Tribmit iu nianj tbm(a tht prnfutire policy for ini-tance. But they are not qiiiii' up to the Tnhuw on tho alavcry (pi htion they faiorahle lo (iiianciHatioii, I lo roraing to the rrrnlilent cl mc they urp very nioderalv, ret) alow, Compnrcd with thc 'trtlitnn in fact they arc old logica," uo'ordinglu the Unlmnt, aud acc irding tu Wnltou, too, if he ahould indulgc in tpitbcta ol ilmt kind. Iu ahort, (Jp clvy and Walton dou't diaagrcc much abuot tho liittllnjt iner hut Wallii) lliii.k thit Ima nolbing to do miiIi the book iiueaiiou. 11c tbinka tbnt ua thc publiahcra of tho lidcliiycucer compilcd and printcd thc work for ('onroa, and nevcr imhiIiI hc iiut by any brdy but Coniircaa, good lailh rtijuitca Congreaa to purchaae their Aud it would aeem, from the reeent changc booka when it nerda them. And in that I in thc boundariea of doparlmenta, tbat tho am authoiuud to aild that one uf tbe moat Preaident and Hecictary of War are prepar-cxcellcnt nnd einincnt of old Cungrcamen ing tn give him back McDonell' forcc, and hting, and now, a of old, thc watch-dug ol thua imtke aure'at llicbniond what it i now the irraaory, agreea ierfi'otly wiih Walton liconceeded ho would havc ai--oiiipllhtd at mi an litBt Coniptioller Whittlcaey.

lle baa Yorktown, bad nut -10 000 or 60,000 of hia aolhotir.ed aml (iietcd me to aay ao. been allowed to "alcep on their arma" (Jroeley baa a Cimpjreaaipnel rocord un the on tbo Happaliaunock, while, witb an inauf- book queation, and Wallon tbinka it ia ricb very rcb, nn4 eapeeially refrcsbing about tbiaudaya. Oiceley waa in CongteaB throe ntba, and in that timo made two apeoehes 1 in fuvor ol bujmg tho booka, votod for tbolfaro on Gen. McClellan. now bowaila paat booka, (by miatake) and flnally l(iokunehiiu-niiatakea aod injuatiee dono to tho gallant drcd and tua olumo uf Cougioaaional booka aa hia own privute property, and umong thcm thc very annula Jinl debuloa wliicb Walton piupuaed to buy for the library of tbo Houae, 1'irhapa (iteelc) put them iulo public libru-ly when bo gol heme Wultoti agrcca with I 1 .1 (.

hun pcrfcetly on that heud.und hopoa tbat llO dul doit. Wullun would nut Btraln a nuii.t itlv Imit. bowever would nut much com pl.iiu Ol him lf put them intQ tho library ol il.c 'Jrihnne w.urutiun an4 murked thcm on tliucuvor "Stulen from thc Trihunc oinco." ihe riouHfi a iuuho inntltution, nnd tho hooka will be uaod lor public purpoaea, though ihrniy ia nut exactly a public librurj Mmi Willtun knuwa uf thia pnlnt, ox- i (ii from iumur. Mic ia lyiug jadt Oreeley ia eiilitled to ihu bcnefit ol ihc doubt. J'liiuury 10, 18 JO.

Hurace Orcclej, tu hi place ua Mcinbur ol Coiih'lea, aatd 11, (Tiiold niMle. HOti ii Ii r. ii i oii t'T in, intiera ot Coiig" Oiil fi- oid nio un ji cf the book' I 1 avenrfhnn to ihf mia it O'li' pnrchaaei -(f tho liaoka aair Irlill II 1 II il ili' wrre aloi a lh nfc-d tinmc ii tmr ii voliKlf of 11.1 I'o il ao'i und hniu in fireeli'x''. ily, nyo, "fair and lioncat to buy thcao book fnr mombcra, and to (tlvo thcm to pub- lic librarica at homoj in thnt evcry Congroaa i had to tepeat tho purcliaae for very now 1 momber, as tlitl for twcnty yeara. In Wal- publio propcrty, to bo usod only for public purposea, nnd to laat for all futuro timo, la only a grcnt deal rnore fair nml honornblo," nnd moro cconornlcal nppropriationof llio public inonoy tlmn wna adrocated by Orco- loy liimaulf.

Again thn ipioftion eame up on the 2Slh of jJanuury, 1HI0, and a accno occurred wlilch Mr. Oreeley will roinember to bi djing day. I will not deacribc it, for fclt for him tbeit. a 1 do now, iiotwithatanding hia attacka on Walton. It ia euough to aay that Mr.

Oreeley claimcd that be had voted by mietake, and tlier, added tho fnllnwing declarntion 1 9ii nnw ii, I dnl thf othrr dnjr on ihr-11 mr of thl IfoiiBc, I nf Ihf nppriitMliin for thr bootta. proldrll lv) ttc riillirtlji rimiKmrd of nrrnnlirm lo tttr hili.nt of approprialion." Chhj Ufu't 2 1, 'r Tbe appropriation waa made, nnd (ireeley took tbe booka. Tbe difTcrcncoa in of Walton are preciaely theae be takea no booka for himielf he propoaea no annual appropri-ntion for booka for membera.or to be diatrib-uted to librarlea at home aa Qreeley propoa-ed to do but he propoaea a limited and ain-gle purtbaae, for the library of the Houae, and for the aole purpoae of facilitating thc buaincaa of tho Houae. Oreeley would apend for emh Cougrmi what Walton would apend but oni-c. 8o much for Oreeley v.

Walton. The Trilmnr cannot give full reporta of the current prnceedinga of Congrra, unleea it likea tbein of courae not the prcceedinga nf 1810: ao you will hnvo to put thia into thc Wntchman. Jvvw 13, 1862. The box, ao promptly provided by the ladiea of Montpelier for tbe benafit of aol-diata in hoapllal, waa received yeaterday, and to-day a eupply baa been eent to tbe arroy before Richmond, under the peraonal earo of Mra. l'alea, and witb injunctiona to keep the wounded and aick Vermont boys in apecial remembrance.

Mra. V. one of the too few ladiea who giro all their lime and riek their livea in acta of ehriatian charity. She baa jnat returncd from 1'itiaburgh Landing, where, with the wifo of a Henator of the f'nited HUtca, (Mr. Harlan,) ahe haa laborcd in all aervicca, from cuokii.g for and nuraing thc aick, to prcparing the dead for the grave For fourleen montha ahe baa given bcr aervicca to tbe aick and wounded aoldiert in Waahington, and to-day ahe haa atarted for Richmond.

Takb NoTiot I lly order of Adjutant Oeneral Waahburn, Capt. Mnwcr publiahca a liat of tbe towna in thia cuunty, with tbe number of raen in each liable to do railitary duty, tbenumher tbat each tonn haa furniahed and the cxceaa or deflciency in each town. Aa tbe company now reeruiting ia alow in fill-ing up. each town can aee where the drafting would be tbe heavieat ln caac it becomea nec-eaaary lo roaort to it. We hope for the gool name of the county that a draft will not be DMMtarf, bal to woid it tbe recruita muat befoill.cominK.

Hutland and Franklin eouu- iraiuiwiG(nnig. iiuuasu mau i ranann e.oun- i ttea have nearly iilied up tbetr companiea and i acveral othera aro about half full Ijet Waahington county reapond at once. Tnls Statb Conventiom. So far aa the Hepublican papcra of the Stato have cxpreaa-el tbemaelvea reapecting tho State Conven-tiun callod by the Hepublican Statc Commit-lec, there ia unanimoua cxprcaaion nf of the lerma of the call, and, wiih onc exreption, unanimoua deairc thnt the pria- ent Oovemor, Licut. Qovernor aml Trcuaur cr ahall be rciioiiiinatcd.

The ilrndforil Tuu-jrayh inlimntca ihal Hon. 1'au! Dillingbam niu) hc aelccted for Licut. Oovcrnor. Kor orio ive object. Tbc peoplo of Washington County will uudoubtcdly givc bim a acat in tho ScnaU', and niutl prcfcr hh

thetr ropreaentative in tbat body, inatcad of aa pre aidlng officer, although hia tapabilitica for that 'ilion oaniiol be qaeationed by any one. flie oa thn nrraotit Stule lielo.t nti.l we doubt not the bonatc be honored bT Hon. I'aul Dillingbam aa one of tho Kepre eutatitea from thia Counl). AHoVT Fack -It ia romaikoble to aee the cvlerity with which the furmer inalignrra of thc pLna of Ocn. McClellnn arc ihauging front about bcao daya.

Some of hia moat Iraducera urc now comptllod to ao-knowledgo that hia original plan for atUoking the rehela at Yorktown waa "all right," and ahould ncvor hv bcen interfered with by ia rneeting witb the beat of aucceaa, aa the I tuC Hpanith Oeneral I'rim, to Oen. McClol-the withdrawal of any part of hia forcea un veraally favorable reporta Irom there go to i', hcadquartera on Sunday, aaya ficient force, Oen. McClellan nu acut to be-eige thd rebela at Yorktown. The coiroa-pondent uf tho N. Y.

JViVmHe, papcr which haa taken tho lead in tho unjuatifiable war- loader of tbo urmy of the 1'otomac. Ho aaya lf 1 eould ao httk far tbrra er four mantha. wlili tbe advantagea of my pratnt mlUtary eiprrleiice, I ahould mumhhouiki' ibciiolioyif aireimthniiog JloClallau. I ktmw new tbat thU ladirv a lie. Ihe divinon of ariuiea and la multlpHeailon of eoinmaiuta haa eier Dcru rot 10 tlie lnr (if nar.

II cn any lleil.c Ul th adeneo xhlcb be iraa waa the ooneentratloii of forcea, and ihe airlktna aa incmy WHll inriniiBlllllllB ll'lllluriB I'l 1(0 a rapiOKV (1 iUC white they aurpnae It ouM Bf" and to liave i uiven to McOtaJlan all the dlr-ooaablo troona north and 1 ei nf ihe Oblo, wbm nnnmeneed the lnvfrabf Virnlnia. lla oould llien htve broken Ihrooah tb een ciu.uUr dtftnara atrnrbiaiJ from Voik Lu KV. tu funitlr enrmy on U.o nmd nnd ia tbrir impeiffctly oc- tujuii Ucftusf at AVillmiiii'bur-liae chaml them i 10 ItiLhtiMHid. ht dni not twaiter them faiewt te r.iicihm,. u.rful nolulcal hi neary nrrka Haati'd in an unrqual ilrnfigie miio ihc rmii aii.i oiuil lliv oi.miih.ilAF hw iiiiI'm.

aml Hnlllil lllivi' kept iu life and beal'b. under lliihinodd'a tbelicrh'M i rooi. lur luouaaooa 01 tkiiqiera iino aiikened and died in thia uiihralthn'at iod iudi diltteutl C'Kiiiiiy ihal a u.lled aioiy rieropt'raltil tn iht'iiaat Uot (be pri't'ii((a hkIi and ll an) put uf (1 i-H ln ti-t il Iti i ofy tli fr.irrol muukr of U( tli.1 uiUh nt ii'Kl luim h( b( lo u(d. and u(d un t'lC iiit ml A cid.ired pn athtr Waahington, nanuJ Hoaa. whn rfc ivud moncy from aeieral clrci104 und mdividuala tu purchaao hia viTuj i UllU CUIIU HOlll aiaici, oaa ao tton to bo couiponaaled for lhm under the THF, 8111 ATION.

Thinjja aro anmewhat tnl.xrxl up of latp in noarly all tho dcpartments of tho army i and from Iho indcfinito roporU wliich reaeh iu caught In tho bclt, thia (Monday) morning, from all qiiattcn, it almoat tmpoaaiblo to and carrlcd ecvcral llmea around tho aliaft, rcckon our oxact poaltlon. Yot, ao far ai wo tiipping hii clothcs from bim, and mangling can judge, tliare ta nothirg rttcularly unTn- hltn tnost borrlbly, thc blooi! ln lng apatler-varablo to thc tncceaa of tho Unlon fore od ln nll dlrectlnrm. at nny point. I Caihu.mii DmviNn. -A little daiighter of Slnco Ihe ovoctmtlon of Corinth by tho rob- J.

Warreh llailoy of thia village, ni run ovr ela undcr Oen. haibecil Monday tfwrnoon by erilo of ter of na tn ll, lnt. rll army at Corinth bavo gone. Aocflrding lo tho hetit Inlonnatlon that cnn gathcr, it ia no longer a grand army, but aplit into vnrioua amall detachmcnta. a part of thBm-aome nnn i ii i ii IA bcen capturcl by Oen.

l'opc. and about the aamo number deacrtcd anoth- cr part i. atill retrcallng towarda tho ccntralj part of Mlialaaippl and Alabama: nnd alill nnothcr part aont to tho roinforoenmnt of Charloaton or Hlchmond pcrhapa bolli. Ocn Ilallcck thcrcfnrc appcara to bavo no i i formidablo rebel forcc to contend again.l, and haa commenced to repair the railroada from Corinth north thrnugh Tcnneaaee to Kun- tuckv. and woal to Mcmhbiv Sincc thn nc- cnpation of Mcmphia by thc forcea of thc Mias-laaippi (lotilla, tho wholo of eatcrn 1'ennoa-eco baa becn ncatly clearcd of rebel troopa, and what few are retnaining muat depend for aafety rnore upon their flcetneaaa of foot than their akill in arma.

Although but little ia henrd from tbe Miaa- laaippi flotilla aince thc aurrender of Memphia yet cnuugh ia knonn to render it ccrtain that Nintii Ui i i Hixiy Ucrruita have aapeedyjunction will be made with the fleet 'rly ccn ro-nnied ia ihia county. Dur- ofrommodnrc Karragut from New flrlcana, mcn. She 8 ought to do hctter. 1 ho Hutland I'ounly and that grcat thoroughfare of tnland naviga-, cornpny nearT or quite futland wi tion very aoon be opened aa an outlet to the very aoon be orgKniced. The Lamoille Coun-productiona nf tbe Wcat.

Thc heavy wotk 'yl'nmpnnj hml Oii on Saturday. Hecrnit-of tbe campaign in the Kouthwcat ia cloaxl, r. 'i in Addiaon nnd Orange i i i i countiea. Otr, ruOO havc been recruited in and ai fat aa our naval nnd land fmren can ull, aml oluntrcra are prcaentinK tlicmactvca advancc and givc protortion to the rcturntng morp rHiaiy thun ot lir.t. It ia hoped thc luyalty of thc people.

ao far do we cxprct to Kcgintenl will be full in (he courae of a week aee the laat ctidencea of aeceaaion wlped out. companiea, na aoon aa organi.ed, will Miaaouri and Kentucky have freed tbemaelvea mmediately go into camp at Brattleboro. i Snrgeon harlea AI en, of the Ninth of rebel rule. Ark.n.aa, and a hgs treMj J. largc part of Miaaiaaippt and Louiaiana aic al- ccplcd tbe dpp nt of Uriga.lo Surgeon.

ready prepating to follow their example, and It ia cxpeclcil that hc will auccccd Ilngadc the rebcllion will very aoon be confined lo sutgoon 1:. 10 1'hclpi in the charno ol the the interior portiona of the Atlantic and Oulf Vermonj Bnisade Dr. I'helpa on account of o. if ovcrivork fctling ohlig'd to reaign. 8tte, from Vtrgtnta to

Th, AITaira in Virginiaappcar to hang malmoat ant Surgeon II. Wnlter Carpenter, of the every ecule, though tbe bcat informed mili- Sccond Vermont. Hia fcllow citizena here tary men who have beon madeacq wiih wl" "joice to hrar that hc haa thia appoint- Oeneral McClellan'a plana, exprcaa Ihe n'cnl' l' mre bf- atowcd. Ihc hecond Vffrmont Iloya fairly utmoat confidcnce tn hia abillty to captu.e Little Doctor," and aic almoat tlie rebel capital. Tlmt tho rebela at Ilich- indignnt that hc haa to leave thcm.

Sur- mond have been largcly reinforccd from "ii 'm nter Im- aeen much aervii on the aomc quartcr moat likelv from thc late arni) the N'mth" on of Corinth-i. not.loubtc.1; and it i. knovw, rc- alao that Oen. McClellan haa received larc rcinforceinenta a patt, at leuat, of Gcn. Mi-Dowell'a corpa having been aent to bim.

Tbe opcrationa of Stoncwall Jackaon in thc Sbenaadoah Valley are undoubtrdly deaiKncd to prevent reinforeamenta being aent to Ocn. McClellan, by tnakiog a feint of attauk upon Fremont aud llanka. He baa ttied tbat ame and will do honor to thc rvice. once, and eacaped capture only by ume of' A Fkhitino 1'abson. Thc Vt.

Cavalry tho talleat kind of running. To believe be haa nbout aa plucky a chaplain aa tbcre ia in vrtU bj allowexl to repeat tbe operation ia to i He frequcntly acoompanies i acoutinj? pailiea, and aa hia horse ia one of tbe onitati Imputatloo of weakrieaa and blindneaa 1 tleclcat in the regiment, he often in advaueo npon Uie War Departmont wbich we are not iof when there arc rebcla to be chie-prepared to grnnt. Tbe rebelltcn in Virginia cd. Not mg aiuoe in the Hhcnandoah Val- D0Ut Pta)etl out nnu aoon be enacted in a i uu -(. anolber rebel cvacuaiion.

a puia proved nowerful at Yorktown, and we doubt mcaai uger olter a fl)ing it-bcl wlio would not I if thapatient ia in any better condition to hced lna aummoua to aurrender, tho Chaplain i with.tand them at lticbmond. Kracuation hu'' th" no'k- Tht 1 aa not very aertouaiy wounded however.nnd ordealbw.ll be the only altcrnativo to thc li)C rotiimont, bringing i rebela and none will diacover the fact soon- us two cuptivea witb him. )W Vc. er 1U( Collina uriued lu.ine on Oen.Kuriiai(learcccntviaittoahinton,lj, in fi ht to conault witb tbc I'rcaidenl, ia ominoua ol.gnd canls which hc apoedy movo in North Carolina, what aa wc liavcno meuna of knming. Gen.

Ii. ia not a muti t'l rcinain idle whon crTctive blowa lruck, and wc shitil expcct ti hear good ncws from hia depurtmcnt very aoon. Chnrleeton, the birlh-ulaco of treaeon aud thc ramp ground of the rebel- tubc about to mcetbcr d.aerta. O'lr forcea arc alreauy wilhin a few milea of tho city, and none cun be more reaigned than we to bear that what the oontlagration of a fcw montha ago failed to do, baa been accom-pliabed by the buruing ahella of Oen. Uunt-cr'a fjrcea.

I'rom bavannah wo have but little that ia reliable, and nitbing to ahow that wc below hia houae at the top of hia making any lutther progrcaa towarda thc oc-tapecd, thiowing Mr. Ilownrd from tho wagnn cupatiun of that city. hruahin ao acverely thnt he died on Thc capture of Furt Morgan AXukilc. ihJl.llowinK WnUy lliadaugh-, 1 1 tcr lumped from thc wagon and eacanod with leave, that c.ty at tbe mcrcy of Com. lorter a hurt tho hp.M'h WaM.

fleet, and we may at any timc hcar of ita oc-1 jorj cupancy by tho t'nion troopa. I Ihe Vkbmoktsm om I'akads. Tho Ubh. ltiltler a maungement at Aew Orleans ino of thn viaif proe. Onthe whole, tho aitiution aeoma to be ro-1 duced'to cracking a few hard nut at Itich- i i mond, Char caton and perhapa havannuh, und tho rcbell.on ia dead.

Ocurrillaa wo bavo no faith in. They will do lor tho rebela talk ubout and lall back upon, out prac tical willauiouot tu very little. A New Kr.ciiuir. The demand for vol-unteora to fill up the 9th Hegiment ia urgeut, and feara are entcrtained that it will be necea-aary to roaort todrafling. The 'home editor" of tho H'afeAman, baa the aalia'action of aa-auiing the reeruiting ofliccta that un Sunday morning a bearty looking recruit mado hli appearance in our family eircle, nnd from ull indicntiona tbua far ho poaacaaca tho bost of nualilioa I qullu" Ho will, bowovcr, rcquiro conaidern'ilc drill in the "tnnnual otcrciao, (r f.

o.i, Will not oirer llia BCrVlCOS for tllO Uth Hegiment uuleaa he can bo aaaurod uf coni-miaaion aa Captain. Let ua aco Capt. llrown wcll, tbat will do. pSThe atatoment furniahed by tbo Adjutant Ocnctnl of the number of men who bavo gone to thc war from tbe towna in thls ooun-ly cannot bo corroct. 1'or inatanco, tho town of Montpelier it repurted as having furniahed 38, when a llat of over 100 baa nlrumly been nuide uut.

If tho utliur towni are no moro ro-liablc than thia, we doubt if ft draft could bo applied iu thc county. I'KTKiisoN'a MAoAitNi; furJuly, witb all thc of aummcr fasbitm plaloa, paiterua for cinbroidery, family rccipca, ia tbo firat tn great uur tablo. Thia num ber aiinmcncei a now volume, and now la a favorable liitu for subacriptloii. 82 pct ycar. Suhacrihera to the Wntrliman furniibcd for Sil i pi app ln-aiion to thi oflie I.UMiiNT 1T1M.S Arrmrtti --Htpplirn llurm.

a workman J. 11. Langdon'a atavo maclnriery, waa inuogi. 1 he clilld, thotigh aomo ttrHnt l.tii.n,f I. what hrlliaetl.

thniltrht nnt to ht aArfmifettf nJuretl. The wtm thua put In jeopardy thc lifc of thc clnlil ilhln't 0f ni to turc, liow- rver. flir fate, but drovo on without atop- l'in ,0 mn what 1,3,1 Wo rogrct that wo cannot givc lin namo and Wpli.f indiHlllllll. I'rttman. ABll mMoUtn.

of ro. markahlc acnaon waa vaHcd laat nigbt by a aharp froat thrnughoiit thc larger part of Ihia count). In thc towna lying back from the tblek w.ndow glnaa.and K'owing cropa of potatoea, rorn, bcana, Sic, crp cut l0 tue Rround. ln lhi, vil. lage, which probably auflera lcaa from froat than any otbcr placo in tbe county with two cxc.

ptiona. ft waa gcn-nlly not ap- crc cnougli to do any apprtc ml.lf d.iiuagc. Jltirlltntitn 'Vp I'rris of ntlny, Jack lound lime during the nightio via-it Montpelier, and iho blarkcnetl tomatoca, bcana, corn, iVc, on Monday told a aad tale of hia dcpredatunii. I'irat pircbod by tbe drou.h. and tinw nippod In thc bud by the Iroat, our gardcni are njlhin(r hut prnmiaing.

in. uohi iiili I IIHJtOH )ie. Colouel Stannard orn' ii.ixcd tho Firt (lom-pnnj tor the lth Itegiinrnt, recruited undcr Ihc Mtpetintciidciice uf Licut. A. It.

Jewett, at Swanton, SatiinLiy. the 12th. There as cnlisttd. V. K.

Ilarnc), ofSwan-ton, ehtiid Captuin, Iv. Sherman, of Moniuomery. lat Lieut If, V. Jcivctt, of St. Alljan-, I.aut.

Tln 'ompany ia coinpoacd 1 ran "HUml twu.oi Aabby a Cavalry, and would have baged a third if it had not bcen lor the unfortunate circumstance that whilc drawing hia piatol lo acnd a leaden ihc 'onfedcratc aoldiera by their tliti r-, whilo hc a- their priaoncr at Strnf liui-h. Hc ay8 th it on the day nftcr hia di.patchca wori rcad to the regi-mcit. and circuiarcd among thc campa, that McClellan had heen dcfeatcd at Kicbmond, with a loss oi' in.000 that McDowcll waa eompieiciy cut up, o.nK i.uuu and waa re- Xek. root and hraneh. And the foola hclired it, and chcered for tbeir great victoriea 1 '1 hia ia the way rebel eourage ia kept up ianuer, Accidkht ASii Dfath.

On Friday aftcr-noon laat, as Mr. Sylveater Howard and his daughter Almira, woro ooming to thia vlllage, the horae driren by him, which waa uakittiah onc. took friubt at aomethinir and ran down nc waa rccciveu uy aevcraioi ourieading Oencrala, and aubaequontly rcviewcd aoxcrul among whom wore the ftno troopa of Qon. Smith, to wbom the eood looklnc iPpanUrd accorded much pralae. Tboy turned QUt jUJt minlUo, notico." Accidbni and I'lscAm fbom DfcAiu.

A littlo aon Charlie of Mr. Setb Cobb, of Wet Stockhridgo, aomo fivo yoare old, fell from a load of ore a few days aince, and the wagon, containing about hundreil paumls, pasaed ovcr hia body. When taken up ho waa aa if dcad, but thortly re-corercd undcr the treatmont of timoly medi-eal ald. Although now qtiite low ho ia ox-pected to recover. liannir.

TtiB Oi.i) Scco.nii Vt. Ono who ia fully qualifled to judge by knowlodge of it und oth-cr regimenta bcforo Richmond, aaya tbat tbe Vt. -il, ia tbo largeat, hcalthiest, nnd toughcat Voluntccr rcgiment in McClollan's army and if nny oxcued it much in diaciplino aud spirlt wo don't know which they aro. Tho yuurly oxpcuto uf kceping abecp in Vermont ia stated by writer in the I'atont Heport at Sl 30 pcr hoad. ln Wiiconain it ia put at tlO couta ycar.

ln Minnouri 10 conts. ln Maino 1. In.Vlrglnla 16 ccnte. The Shakcr Soeioty in Kentucky ratu Ihocost thero from 50 to 75 centa. 2d Lieut.

Joaeph W. 1). Carpenter, baa bcon promoted to be lat Llout. of Co. '1th Vermont Itegimenl, vico -Henry 11.

lllll, do-oeuaed; and Commuaar'y Sargettnt QeorgoN. Ilarvoy to bo 2d Lieut vlco, Carpenter promoted. Tbu blacUmlth aliop of Meaare. Millcr At Trult of Ljuilon touk fttv nnd wua cunaumcd on Thuraday ufieruooii of luat wcok. It only by llio gru.ttni cxcrtlona that othrr bulldinga ln thc uciully aavod from tho dovouring ulcmont.

Fiuii anii l.una of Linj.Lait Wedtiea-day ntgbt tho dnollins houO of Mr. Wlllard T. Iliown, in Peacham, waa burned. Two cliildren, ono 10 and unotbcr 12 ycara old, iiamcd Ali and I'orry, pcrlahcd in tho flamoa. An h'i ihild iv- r'viitd tulh difli.

ull) I if Tho Adju'ant Cicncral a lr mcn I furniahed from thia County accma t-i atir up thc ptuplo a little. A corrcapondcnt at Waterbury wtitca ni that tbat town baa already furniahed 08 mcn for tho varioua Vermont Hogimcnts ln tbe ficld, betides aomo 8 or 10 that have gone into reglmenU fFOVn othrr Statea. We flnd that in almoat cvcry town in the County tbe actual number sent far ex-ceedj ttbat ftre reported by thc Adjutant Oen-crnl. Are tho Ilatcra of thc aevcral towna ac-counUble for thia i lf ao, they mnij yt eauae much ttonble from their Imperfect ro-tutna. Tnr.Asi'Rp.ri's OtrrrK, Hutlaud, Junc 1 1802 Aaaigncea nnd othera holding otdcra fnr allotlni pay of Vermont Volunteeraj arc berc-by notiflod tbat retorna for ibe Seeond, Third, I'ourtli, I'lfth and 8ixtb lltgitnenta, for the tnonlba of and l'ebrnary, have been received at lhi i llice, from the I'aymnaier of ihc t'nited Mtntca.

I nm adviacd thnt thc allotted pay for montha of Maroh and Apnl will be rcmitteil in two or threo weeka lor tliuc llegimenta, and alao for the Cavalry Itegimcnt. It ia hoped that an angementa arc now made that will in tbe future ineure more prompt pamcnle. .1 II. l'AUK, Slnlr Trramrrr Among thc ilcatha roported at Waahington ia K. U.

Jonca, Co. Kourth Vermont Itegimenl. tyC" Michrcl Caateloc of Poultney, waa in-atantly killed at Weat Hutland on Tucaday evenmg, by driving off a atecp cmbankment. lic aa intoxicalcd When foiin the daab-board waa acroaa hia neck and hia neck brokcn. Hnrhrts IIOSTON MAKKKT.

WIIOLRHALK ritltKS THl'RaiiAT, Jonr 1 Hia AailKft. i I'KODrCK It. H00 a Oil 0 1 (l 0 0 0 rrurl, II Ii 1 4 hidl 7 ii.ll a 8 (1.0 Fl.Ot'll iIUl pt 10 Weatera, com 4 2-5 i 4 do faocy do axtra do uperlor tiencaara, eoin do fajiry do rfttra do aupcrtor Cauada.coiii do fani7 4 Vl a 4 unn, bul, rroiont tu a 17 0 Drlu "nn. Kaalial. datry 7 a i i Wwtern 6 a I fcaa, pr ouh- 10 0-0 7 0-0 0 1 2 01 00 00 13 0-0 (lo Pllra Polatot-, pr bl Itja Flour 3 a 4 Cbcn.nio..

01 a toniMeal 2 7o a 3 12 4 ORAIN. Bgga 12 a Corn, 6(1 Iba 8TAHUI1. oo uorrnjei aa a wi Prarl, ner Ib 1-S a 7 1-2 do white AVcalain nilx'd 54 a IUm .57 a a ii i 1-ouio 3 1 IHU 1 AI.I.OW. 01 Rendercd, IU Hl-3a8o- Bb nn.CIH It lO' 1 3'i ine ai a 3 0 aCl-t llarlajr 00 0UI I Oata 41, a ni.VvU hlnod Mrrlno 4 a 47 i febottapcrlon 11) 01 a 30 (Ml. ,11 do 41 a 4n 1 mr Fi'id 'JH 00 a -2 0" I do 43 a 41 11018.

C'ommnn 41 a 43 1 Flr.i nn lll 11 ia miaed 34 a 43 Mrat anrt, IWII 13 a 18 cccc rilOVISlONS. I W.hed a llnwaahcd a flcar 13 0 ll 1(H) Pitlled Meu IJ.IUOHJI Katra rume IDIHlalOoO Huparflne Urd, bbl, IU a 8 1 2 No 1 lloia, auiokcd 6 a 7 0 0 No 2 4 a 43 a 40 30 a 4o llemarka We hao but little clianne to nnte, ibia neek. Ilu.ioea, ntodiratr. The maikcl in flour haa been gradnaMy inerraatnii ln ftrmneaa nrar ih- clnae, aa Ihe reuelpuate hnht aitd thc itnek amall for Ihe aeaaon i 1 he alock of corn la-elry ligbl p-leea nomlnal. Sup-pllea are nn lonkad for.

HMir vrr llrm. and rontln-ua lo adf anee Kraduallv ln i.rloe. ghoila, Hne fted, and aiiddlluaa dull and lower. pork rtry qnici, and a ahadc lower. Bif Srra and ateadr hard qutet.

Cbaiee bul-terlaware and readily nther kindi dull. No ahaege in ahaeaa. W'hitt bcana are qufe tiim, and o(p a' an adaaaoe. Urau aeed quiet. Hogar la dull 1 aad prteea durlnf thc week fatored bujrra.

Io- meatlo w.ail hia been qulle acllve, and prlcea are Brin aud well atia ataied. The aalea of Ihe wrek havc lireli 400,000 Iba neeee and onlled, Includlim about 201.000 Hia. of (be lallei, alll loMc for deeoe, and to No. ancor aatra aad pqtled, Ihe latter prloe for choke lota. Th atook cf Ueoe la qul'e amall.

Dealrable klnda of furrlrn co(oTuaiMl full prlcea. Bji TthfnfA to thi IfWcAmdn Jmnuil. CAMurtlDOP, AltKE'I 1S. Whola nambtr of Oatile at markrt 118 about 340 1 Deevea aud Mor, 63 oonaiaUng of Worklng Oien, I MlUh Cowa, and ont, two and Uiiee year old I'ntta of Mrk Heef Kma, a Hut qualuj a 0,09 Boeond qualily, 1 a 0,00. Tldrd quality, (11.00 a 0 01, U'urkiop Oien, pr palr.

fdj a 140 Com and Catvea. 37 a 4'i. YoarHlMja. SJ.OO a 00.03 to rrar. old, SOH.IW a 00, 01).

Ihreo veara old. 2I Oii 11 i hhi.p and Unibav 1810 at inarket. prioea inlola a eacb eatra, $3,011 a 1 Si'nuy Lauiba 2,00 a 3 76 Hidea, l-2c pr Ita. Tallow, 6 a 3-4 pr lb. Vnl Calvea, 3 a 6c pr lb.

Calf Okioa, 8 a Do pr lb. rlta, a 0,74 each. l'EMAKxa. Caltle aol I from 2A to oO eenla per cwl. lower than taal week.

Thc beal qualii) of aliccp aolo rater biuhfr tban laat wetk. I i flcto Hubcrtisnnriits. KKAUY! NOW HKADY! PARSOiY 0 Ar IsT 0 AVondorlul Hook. One Volume Containing u.warda of 4fi0 pagea. 12 auperior, an ncellent Stfel l'ottiait, c.

Ucautifully pdnted, on fiue white paper, and haudionie-ly bound in mualln Sentfitt by rtiurn matl on rttwjii uf prict. A0BNT8 WANTBI). In every Cily, Town, Villege and County, to ttU thia Ibrilling and remarkable work Addreaa OGOllOK W. Cllll.DS, Publkher, G2H and 039 Ctteamut 1'liiladf Ipliii. Ai ruauata uu uinnnnaii, Publlahrra for ihe ITT Papera copym will reeeivo (he work ViniKHHAS, "'0 I.cgialature of thc State 1 I of Vermont, tn the ear 1H30.

uaac-aeil a tas of two dollara on eith lot of laud, and ihf aaine uroporiion on (acb pait of a lot of land, iti Ihe lown of Lowell, ln ti-e county of Or) ana in aald State, (tauda afuueaterad to public, pt'iua and vharilable uaea esceptea) for tbe nurpoae of making a public or niarket road from Jameil Kour Cornera to Ihe ilne uf tbe town of Iraaburgh Theae are to warn tlie proprietora aud hnd ownera of ihe lown of I. well, who have not paid (heir propotllon of Biich tax in Ubor or otherwiae, te the rommitlee appalntcd to an-lierlntend the expenditurc of the aame, or to the aubacrl-her, th't ao mu-h oflbelr landa wilt be aotd at publio vtn-due, at tbe dwelllng-bouae of Sllaa Worka, ln tbe town of Lowell, in tre county of Orleatta, on the 4th Monday ln Attgtiat, A I). 1802 at one o'dock in the afternoon. aawitlbe reiuiite to dlacharge thtir reepcedve taxaa with eoata Daled at Lowell, Ihia .3.1 dty of June, A.I). 1362 A.

J. DOIIOK, Uu'lfrtor. rPHH FIVE CKNT MONTHLY MAC1A- i. ZtNR Ihe Cht'iiMt Litcmry Ugie iu tbe Worlil i'iif)niii tlioii urigtDl aiuolv ui'i vtrifly of nubjpcti, iketobe, pottry, Ac and i junt tht thing for Umy tading. ONLY FIFTY CKNlfi A YJ.AU8 to auUacrlbrn- VC bt tn anr aJdrf-i 1W one year ujwn lecripl nf flfiy rrntt in cath ttir cr ntM auip Speeimfn oojih? aent lo any addrtt Unm rerftpl of firr rmti.

Now ia the tlme tn aulH-vrlb? OooU AkiU wntfd lo tTjr tnwn lii JingUnd to eatnva fr tht pojmlir Maasuic. rrtons making nnttlrtta will rMffitf prorept attrntiti hj enclnting tw tbrtf centlUmpi. All eoifimiitii'iion-i abould ad-dreaardto WOOHHUUY CO PublUhert H.e fni, 0-5 t) No. 3 Trpmont Uw, Iloaju.n, I TUo Htockholtlor thv MA8 Liuai LUMl'ANY ar ltcii-Lv iujiifiiil tu mrrt ttt tiu- OtUte nf tlit iiuont lu tuall'ire Ina. Co, iu MontjM-Hcr, Monday, tbe 7'ti day if JmU lwjit, at 0 o'ckwk i lh afwinooo, for lh tlvi.Uoii of Dlrevttna fnr thr jrar I'liaultm, arcMbly to llit' aet liittiriioiatlog Ctuupuv.

JAHK8 T. TJIU1U5TON, Hec'y. MontptHtr, June 18, iSffit. dAwl i I) tj I MHS. BU0KNAM, No.

H. SUtlo Sti'oot, Would reapeolfaUy ibfotnt tbe Laillea of Montpelltr aad viebilty, tbatalte haa juat iriurued 10 OltK, i iu a UN Aaaolll hNT Millmoi'y Goocls, WMt'KIHlNU MAT8. KI.UWJ.UK. ItUtHIlW, KllHtUNti. A Nll I.AIMHS CAl'M AM) llhAI) llliiiS8M) M.A wclUilauid aciik MOl'llNINO OOODS, whith ab oni'ra a' un lowt rao yntr eep "inat oilly haud Trl'in'i inrt raoay llon- ncUainJ l)al AUo, aml making uapea, uir-eulara.

Xc II II niaaail I Mhb J.llttCKNAM,' II Slalr Flrrel, no tn Ni i l'a' -t' if I' il 1 wint i. i-Ur 1 ttv Oi' A 'i al of 1 1, a v), ii i in, ao di ln i ot in ili' i 1 1 i no On -h uld hare fiirnihfii, arid of r'nirac will iini hr lr'd upon ln raiaofa dtafl Thenifn to fill up llie Company thm County tiiHit bi furnilhtd from thou fownf which art dqjtritnt. Irft thc Toluntreri come fomard atonoe, thr CoxrANT Mcaf rir.taoix- MrflATll 1 (iT Nl 4 t3 i A ..9 6-3 Towsa. I r. A t)()K il llarrr, "ai.i'i-lo' it I 1 1 llerlm, Vtttl 4(i 31 1 10 fralit, I31H54H1 30 01 25 'falala, 'HO-IIM1 42 II 31 iD'iabnry, ll'HO 140! 30 I 21 6 1' Monip.llir, I'l 27 13 'Kaiaiuii, Wm li' 12 I 12 Mai.hll.ld, 3'i I 20 I Mldiliaex.

I3SI 1J4.I. 1 1 Muiopi lur, 12411 7-' 1 3t Moieii.wn, 141" IH2 12 t'l 7 (Virititclil. I.W 4d n.iillulil 122 Ul 2'i 23 2 It l(il' 1 'Waitsfield, HKl-i 141 31 Ii I i II in, 31 42 11 'VWerhnry. AO 1 13 I. "Wi Ull 44 14 BM I411 21 33 1 A MOWKIt, Itecrulting Olflaer.

Rhodos' SupcrphosphatG of Lime. THE STANDARD MANURE. Ah at'plication of 150 to 260 Iba. f-r arr of thia dard Maiiute will furi.Uh tuiffteietit Pulubl add (rhf ln-ctipt'nablf nutrimetit of pTanta) fwf atiy erop. Rhodcs' SUuidard Manuro itK prcared far appHcAtion, ean uteil thrr broadnatt or ln thf hill or drlll, In no inatanff la 10 be ptowed under- When AgrlcultuiUia ItArn thf truf tahir of thi Standard Mantrtv, the will not auiiVr to bc without auipty, aa tn oaae of rrpUnlfng or ha ktvaid growth, flhoUca' Manan iiUrd lop dra in dviMH Rpftd) ri.wth 'Ihe maniire doea not (tre.

foU tmrticuUr of Uhodea Htati-iljr'l M.imirp, rnn obtailiru of (jiiM-lt liANcnoi H0L1K, Mcnlpdier i lo cerufy thnt I bavo of hia rnirt'rtt) anri nhalt cliim tiftne of hia nrn.iiK, ttor nuy iit" rnnirarunf fter thi Utp I'AUKKlt CltOHS. nnu. Mny 0301 CTItAY Cainf into the encloutc K) of Uip aubncriber, in Brrhn, on Ihuraday, June flth, dark brntro Mare, blark manc and lall. nitppoaed to be ttirrc orfrtnr yra and haa tecn ahml on the fote frci Thr- of ihc nm 1 to prote prop-r y. I a chrge aitd takc her aa (HOfi OBO 1MIATT.

I'. LAMSON, ATTOUNKY ANI) COUNSRI.LOIt AT 1UV, AND soi.inrun ciiASciaty, 07 49 CanilT. Vt. SCIHN'ITFIC SCHOOL. DAHTMOUTII COI.LV.OK, 'Ihe ncl Kall I'erni of the Scientilio Departmet of the Collcffe cnninience l'rlday AtiR.

20. 1 be cnitrae ef aiody f. tbe Flrat Dfnri la four jeari. Ihe elementa of fill and Mililarv KnKineertng are Inclndeil. Terma aiid i iraoona thc aann' ni in the Aeademieal Deparment.

ror rnrinrr parttcnlua addreaM JOI1N WllODMAN, I'rof Olv. li Uannier. Jone 1892. 0-1 00 rnnrt "nniiuuN hohsk." Tim aub- 1 aeribrr wonld infortn tbe nublic that thia wtll Vnown hotae wilt be found the preaent aeaaon at their atable ln Cabot, where all who dcaire uood boraea can eaamlna htm aud hia atocb Ilavinu been kcDl out uf tbe clate the laat acnaou, thc proprietora have rifoaed trioptlnp otfeta for the pteaenl aeaaon, Ihal the farinerain Ibia ci'tton may uave tae uenent ol nia acrrii ea, i ne uo-burn Ilorae wai airi-dbv the Old l'eck Uoiae. ia 10 leara old, atauda piuiup 13 hanua ht(h, and wvlgha 1 273 Iba.

lerma lo wairalit jti tVc baie at our Stable alao a fine anecimcn cf the tiock of the aboae huria, Mhirhia now 4 jrata old, for nlueli we ahall cliarge onir 4 ti wairani. 11. 11. 1. COIIOHN.

Cabot, June 1, 1582. d.l.3w.04 03 AM HlllOA 110IJS lloaTON, latae largeat and lieat arranged Hotel ln thj Neiv Kngland Sratea la eentrallr located, and raayof aeeeaa feoin all theroutea of trarrl It eontaina all the roodern Improl-ementa. and erry eonienlence for the enmf itt and arooirrtiioastlon of the travcUinK public. 1 he tTVdnr veoohT are lrge and well ventTlatedi Ihe auitea nfrooma are wtll arranffed, aod eornplctelr furniahed for familiet and large trarelinR partlea, and the houae will conttntte tn tie kept aa a tint elaaa itotrl ln crery reapect LUWI8 KIC'K, rreprletor. lloaton, Jan iwi AMIilUCAN HOUSH, Ci.KVr.rAKi, Oino.

Hnttrelv rcntted and (cfurniab'd, it la rmw one of the largrat and brtt arranoed publio houaea in the Wcat, di'ilaii triK evtry modern ImproTetnelit aod conenlenre for ihe comfort of the travvltlng publio. i'reah vrtjta-blea, Ac, aitppliLd dall) from tbe farin connectrd wiih Uie liouie Thc proptlelor, an Katlern inan of long ex-perience aa a landlord, eordtallf aoliclta the patrotiage of (Imac viattlnir Clcielaud oi 13 rrop'r. II A I Dlt. I.KI.AN'D'S ANTI-KUEUMATIO BAND PHHMAN HNTLY Ol'HKM UIIKUMATISM IN ALL 1TS VAIUOU8 FOKMS, Acute or Ihflatumatnry Chrftnic, Lumbaso, lSeUtfea, rieurodine, KfllTnesa of JoinU andC'rampt, Oout, Nrurl(ji nd all Nervnui AfffctioBa.j Brjtiprlaa, 8lt llheuin udF. rofiiU 1 of thc Imdy Ndutraliaea the luipinte of Tlir.l DLOUI) aud Fluida of thc wbUc i t(uauaea their cUvuiaiiou and mieeiuaity ismt, tir.ictit Mercunal auJ otlifr pouoLoutiufluenuea 1 It ia a conTctjicntly arranged UKI.T, ouulaln- UttL tnedlcattad Com pn und, to be worn aroiind, I thr bodr.

bnut llio w.iat,KUUALI.Y AFPHCT- ING AlX rAllTS, tha dmea.e may ba. ii oau oc woru wiuwui lujury to me nioai aeit eate peraon, aud po cbanne in Uie proper ibiU l-l a oi ivmf requireu. it erjureiy rentorra wie: ataeaaoirom ine aysiem, hiuioui ine ot pow wfiil medlcluea, which, waaken tbc tuatii ut-iun, aml giic ttuiporiry relief only by atupifjing the nyatctn, and deadouln( itft titality By thia trcat-tnent. the medicinal Dronertlca ronUinrd ln thr B.VND, beiug of a btaltly aromatio aud rolatliei naturo and caoable ol beitn: readilv abanrbcd througU the i-orta of tht akln, come into dirrct conlict with the 1JLO0I) and ueneral clrouU tion, without tlrat having pi through thr toruiieU, which would trnd nut only to detractj i uam tuetr curaure powtri, Wii 10 impir tue in-i ternal oraant aad aeranfte the digeatlon alao tbiiM avotdiug the injurl jus tfTutt, ao often ihe, reeuu or mwrnaj reruetuca, aua euecung a per-; I fert eu re by nut iiving and efjualixlntf the eircuU I tlon of tion oi tli mai amu anq reaiorina idc naru ai i fected to a bralthy cotidill'm thiallANI) ia aliu luoat iNwifuf ANTI-MKllf'UHlAL A fJHNT." Calumel bcinir tbo Drhnarv canNe of a -4 large pMt ofibe Siitfneea, Neura'uio I'aina aodj I Rlieuiuatiea. eo prevalant tid wfM entlrfly rc-j A Hte the ynteiu fnim Ita wrmeioua tffeota uj caar arv eured iu ff daya, and wc are cuiiatHiitly reui'lving uudoiiltted teatlm a niAla to wtaeli wc in.ite iuntrvlion at ourifj fiee of tbt'lr cthuauiy ia aggraatvd caae of ioug, i tiiiding I'UU'K TWO DUl.IaAHS.

May be had of DrujjgUU, or wdl be aent by mall upon teeeipt of $1 24, or by ex-rew everywhfir, wtth all nruea-ary tuairueU na ff'Jnt the pnncipal utiioe of NallTil CU cmle l'joprittora, 4V1 Uioidnaf, near Uraora New VorL EL7 Illuatrated I reAiuo witb ewlified Tettimnniale aent free Adopted to 6oldurn. 0 Tj ii Ii i li i i 11 KKTun.N and uack. Hrat t'laaa, TbiidClaaa, GO 4--kk H1KAM muio aa: A llBTW'ltBH NKW YOIIK AND Landina; aml I'aaaeunerM ul (Ji'auaaTowN, llrelaltd.) Tbo laierpiml, New Vnrk aml riilladilploa Rleaiuahip Ootnpaiiy oit( iid iltiaiiali-'ilna tl" ii full powrr-rd OlYile-baiH Iroo KleaNiablp- aa followa (7'f'l- llf ir.lMlf.VO'd.V, Suturtluii. K'l'tVA, SuiurttMi, Jwm'iH. IWI.XIIUHUII.

Jnij) amlay Haturdar, fnim I'nw 41, Norlh IUier, at nooi mo'- ul I'AaHioK nitHT CAtllN. 71' SI'hKIIA'ili. 5fiW.ini ibi tn K100 il" Wt'O .1" 1 1 llioniiiira, Vidil l.ivrc. Hri-ttii'n, llottrrdaiu, do. iu Iu I'aria, ilu.

ln II -'i 0 l'aaarliui'l" O'l' 'I Aotwern. al iunilll tm ate. II f'rrainia wial'ioix (o b(itt( oul Iheir fnrtfda eau tnty lli ki'la berc at llte foll'iwlttK ralea, ln New Vorl Khmo l.ivtrpii'il nr (Itieenalown rahin. HA.nd hiiernue Oout l.tulpool $110). I'niio S'ui i i 'I'hrm htianioi ai't'iiinmiidaiioni' for j'Aiai tiKcra, and oair? eaperlcnccd SurueoiiA Tbfi are huilt ot Waler tlahl Iron aud naie ratcul Klie Aonihilaiora on Cnaid V'ii futlhtr liifniinalion appli l.ncrpool INMAN, Waier Kiicii.

In OUibow to tt INMAN.A ft Kucib o'nrr In guetnatoaii ln W. ll aiUYMOt'lt t0 in l.ondon toKIVCSA MAUI'iY, Iti Klni WIMIam hi. i ln 1'aila to JUI.K8 IIIU'OIIK, J'laee de Ib.iiiae Iu riilladclpbia to JOIIN O. IIAI.i:, III Walnin Sireei or at the Com-I'any'. oiB.ea JOIIS ll.U.K.

Aytnt, ln llrmifttriiyt. Sprclal Hotitcs. N. H. IiDWNS" KL1XIH.

We ora hapoy mi irtn "iir readera ihit tha lawauit JAaieni i RTiata Downe Hksrt. a perpetoa barlnii beeh granled auaimt aald Cottla, which Hrtolathii o' hlaHlltlr. 110W.1V nuina)la oneof tha beat Kapectoranta nowlnaie, and we are ilad to hearof thia deciilon of IbeCourt. JOllN F. IIKNIIY Co Snociaoia to Dewoa ItenrTi M.4i)dw vfaierburv.A't.

TIIB CONFJiSSlONS ANI) OF AN INVAl ll). I'uHHhe'i fir the benrflt and aa a wtrnlnft atiil a can-Hon lo joiintr men rtko autrer from Nettotn lieHllta, l'rfmitaie Detay, aopjiljlng at the aame tlme tlSe meana of Bplf.tMie. I) on who haa cnred hlmitlf afier beinj( pni to Rreat eliene Ihrough meitlcal Impoaltlon atnt qnaelierr. Itjr fKf loalng a addrfned en-velone, Kinte roi ia.a mnvriehad ofihe abihor, A TIIANtKI, Iledford, Kfnir Cornitr, Nrw YorV. PO 42 I-1 1) I FF07t 'H HOMKOI'ATIIIC O'UitATlVKS.

t-Ova'a, ravaa, (ra i llon a4 f-JO-Coaia WHeorimi tovaii 1 -Otait uoaa iaia. Eu liuiaiuii j-Otaai Oone, rjcililii.l ln im llaaa. lw llrtwfb, iiid l.tMe Ocaoltli, Knlaritt niat rnfaala. I tllaita aait Toama. 4-0aa uitaaoaa.

oaaiaat Haan.iti. -Ceai nralataar raiaaar Dlaaaaaa. r-Ceaaa uig ir.stiit Knio. llearaeeeafl. loielanurrlHaeliariteaid a Cvaia Artae- eeqMitaantertrallonalMl tutaa.

H.MIii,. Cvaaa Ilaaaarna. aaaa faiviar laoaatl- i-(aaa orartran, iieart aaici, WftHnaiiheliH. born, Aeldliv and IVeakill -Oeaaa ralaraL Mlai ta. Btuiitch.

jl-c a a a HiiKooaaiaa, aa II I (tn Hiimnn tau.if Arellla Uwtnaa Maaaaa. JplftW J.B Mlt, IM l.aoeaaaaa,, royalton, nl Uttr fom- ti'Caaaa a.t, Ij-Vaa kaaemtiaa. H-ceaia latcraai KlM'Ml. -L'baia Haurnfn. or ira-urrh In tV Ilrtd In-Unt.

diii UnieTiTtiTioaiL it-Oaaaa (Jat aaaa, aeaie or UHittltn ta rtaett At taels nf flea4la(he. mrontc, drv or llowleg, Taa llllSM Msltw Bn ikIuI.1. -1 1 -I 1 Hajiaileil anjrar Ptn, a-llb Ml dTrerlb'ai or fatlait, aAoni-eaannt nVan, vrlee eeota, Vll whlVh arr JlnrM-eOjOaaMln 40 frlca ara lrn The )4aihioaia IMo-aae anit Malaod cf TraAlairiit ar alt, nlnaWiac.i ihc ttrdlelac, eratifth Bf be faralaw) ntttKoa aaplMMttoit. I'nionnjinit fou.oits, Oaiw ct rontt VIAL, wlia.K.,1. tnarf, aoj namWr il.

Oaa. ot THIBTY Y1AIJI, with Tlya bca, with Bk of dlrto-Oook. 7 go tlen-, 10 OarTWBWTV VtAI.S,THh Twrln-laiiea, witb llaek ot III. t'aat'jf ltV'jieaiaallord''rlo f.lta IM Wllllam Rreat, vatf Torl, tneleitaa tlie nrlee, In bank Mi-a er peauaa-ataiao, aft-l lb OuraMea, will he arnt to Aoy partof Ibi-cAnn-try raaa or cataua Or caii b-- hnA or KKHII SMITH, n.l K. PIIKUK Kgntpelkr, AarDla, at iha abott erl, Ji3Q IMI'OHTANT TO FF.MALK8.

nn. pills Tbe enml'lnallnn of Inaredtenta in Ihete I'llla are tbe reault of a luna and extenaiie practite. They are mlld in their oieratlon, and aertaln in eorieetlng all Irregu-lartiira, Painfol Mrnalruarlona, rrmovlnt; all nbatruc-I tlnna, whether from cold or olberwtte, headaehe, paln In tba aiur, paipllallon of iba heait, whitea, all nertoua af-feetlont, byalerica, fatiane. paln intltebatk and llrabi, Are diatttrbrd alrep, whlih ariee from In'erruptlon of nstare. 1)11.

CIIBKSBMAN'S waa the cnrotnencanient of a new era ln the treatmrnt of thote irregnlatllle and obatructlona wbleh hate conaigo edaomanrto a rnitWATVUK No frmale can njoj itood health unleHabe lareaular, aml wltencetan Kkatruetion takea place tbe aeneral ItrallU bcgina to de-ellne. I DIL CHKUSKMAN'S 1'ILLS are tbe moat tfifctual reni'dy ever known for all com-plalnta pecullar to Frmalm. To all claaaca they are In-valoable, imiiaeir, xsith rrifainy, jieriodicat rrgularity 'lhcy are known to thonaanda, whn have naed thcm at diirrrent peeloda, throughout tbe eountrj, having the aanelion of the moat emtnent 1 bvatciana ln Atncrira. Hxt'lidt direelianf, atating when they hould not be uaed, whh each boi the Prlee One DollarJ er Ho, containing from (0 to 00 I'llla. Pilla aent by inail, promptly, bj rtmlitin to Ihe I'ro-prleter.

8old by Drnggiata genera1y. II IIUTC111NS, 1'ropiletor, 120 Cedar New York, Kold by 8. I'. Itnllleld, and V. Pirree A Montpelier alao bv J.

V. lloby Uttrliouton. Ma)27dtwly HATCHHLOR'S IIA1K DYK. TI1E DKST IN THI: WOULD. Wm A.

llATCilcboii'a Ctlebratrd Uaik Dtk produc-ea a colornot ln be dittinguiabrd from naturr warrant-ed not lo Irjure tbe Ilai( ln the leavl; temcdlealte 11 efTecta of bad djci, and intigoratra the llatr for lifc OUEY, UUD, or IIUSTY IIAIIl Inatantlj turna a aptrndid lllaek or IJrown, leavingthe Uairioflandbeau-tiful Sold br all Diuggltti. Xc. HI'Tbe Oenttlneli aigocd WH.LIAM A. 11atciiei.ok, on the four aKlca of each bot. 1'AOl'OltY, No.

81 llartlaj Sirfft, (Lale 10.Dond8t.and"33 Broa'lway.) New York. (Zl (TT We eougratulato our rcadcra uport the diicovery of a Cnre for llheumatiam, Oout, Neuralgla, and all Nertoua Allerlkma.Stiu'neaa and Crainpa. ecrofnloua Hryaipclaa, tialt Itheuni, and Mcrcurial nnd othrr poiaonotu inflitrneea noiinietaclcd wilbout Ihe uae of noxtona medicinca ln fart il iathe only Vuown rcmcdy, etfeeting a pcrb'ot Cttrc, and we fcel warrantrd from ita reeooiinendatiooa proofa of ctlieWncy. tn calling the altelttlon of Ibeadli'Ud to tbc advelliicmcnl tn auolhtr coluranof th. AN ll-UllKUMAlli; 11ANI)" 01:07 LIST Jtlaclc, CWni'On, Uurk Jlrown, Satmon, Scarltl, HvJ)' Jtrown, Lighl lltmim.

Daik lllue, Lxijhi lllue, Dark Green, JAght Qrem, Pink, Purple, AVnfe, Dark Drab. (' Liqhl Dmb, XtUow, Irt'jAf Vellow, Urange, 7l(ije(a, and Solferino. FMIIV DYE COIaOTtS. rot ilirmn Stlk, Woolcn and Mixed Gooda, Bbawla, Seaifa, IJreoaea, llibtiona. Uluvca, ltonneta, llata, Feath eia, Ki'l (Jluvea, Children'a L'lollnnil, and all klnda of Wraring Appaiel, with ptlfcct faat cilora.

A HAVINd OI' KIOU1Y l'KIt CKNT. Theae dyea are mixed tn the fornt of jiowdere, coneen ttatcd, are ibnr itmbly lcatrd, and put up in neat packa-gea Por twetily.tive centa you can eotor aa many cooda aa would otherwiae eost Hie liuica that auni 'Ibepro-eeaf ta aimple, and any one can uB the Drta witb per-feel nteceaa. Ilircciiona tna'de of each packaire. Manufactured br IIOWH A Ml-liVKNS, 2SH Broad-war, lloaton. Whnlcaale Anenta In lloHnn, WHHKSA VOTTKlt, OBO.

OOOI1WIN It CO CIIA8. V. l'OOIt CO. (rrl'or aile by UrUKaUla Rencially in eicrr citj and lown 03 0.5 ILcijnl iloticcs. UA AUMS' KSTATK.

Tbe aubacribera, liATing been appolmed by the honrrable Tiobate Court for thc dlatrlet of Waahington, corutniaaioiiera, lo receive, examlne, and adjuitallchlma aud drtuanda nf all peiiona, anint tbe eatate ef Ira Arma, lalt of Uuaburr, in aaid dlatlltt, deec aied, repre-aentea Inaolvent, and thc 'erm of aix tnoniha from iheitib day of May, IWJ, being allowi by ull court to tbe cred-itora oraahldeeeiaaed.loeiMbft oodpiorelbrir reapectlTe i l.ona brfom ua Olte no'ke, that we will allend to tba dtiticaof our appftli.tincnt at tbe dwelllnp.bouie of Mra. I'ainclia Ainta. lo Duxbury, In aald dlatrlet, on the tlrat Tuemlay uf Juljr and Noeember at, at ten o'elock, ln on eadi of aald data GILMAN 11UNTI.KY, I.U'I HKll OltAVKfl, Duxburr, May 30ib. A 11. IS83 n.

HOUUKN'a ESTATE. Tbe aubacilbera, hnion been appointed bj tbe haMiable Tiobale C'outt fer Iho Dlatrlet uf WaiMrigton. Mxiinilaaionita, lo ificlve, ciantine, and adiuit all clalma and drniiuda n'all peiaotta, ailllttH the eitate of Hiihu II, rrpreaenii-d innulicni. and the term of lx roontba fHiui the 7tli day of Juue, 1802, belng aUownt br aaid court tu tbe cridiiora of eablbll aud proe their leauecilic tlaima Ufnre ua. OIe noilte, tjat we nlll aitend 1 1 ihe dullca or our apiiotaioitat it Ihe lale of Mra Weallby A.

IMdrii.ln North-lield. ili aaid diatrul, ou ilu li Satutday nf July aud l)e-cenibarueat, al one o'tloik, In tha nfumoim, on tacU wllAa U1wlS. i I.OIIKN U. Wm.

Ooi.o, Aetiu'r. Nottblkld. Jpu 1 li, UOX 07 Iu Williaituluwa. mc I7lb, tbe Onneregalloiial I'arxmaae. fcy l(e I' I' llnrnard, M.

Uldeoii Stod-i4 tfaUaflald ainl Mlaa Kln a r1. IioJjie of Bcihu. IuIhWi, Juue Aaron UdJ. Kaa. M-WiIHb ll.

I' oeli.roiiil Mlaa Olena Bcaicr, boih of Htoae. Oratlis. lnUiuu.1, Juue 7. ai'' JwepU Watauu, agcd 08 folim iljr re.uleoi llmii Iu, Juue ib Apnjlft. KHaa, wlfetif Nea.ouiu.

kwI eat, 't ifiuilu awt lu.Sbunl'ii. MkV, (Ji'bold lem.tiamuet Vi-' fnioieil) o( WoUull, edT' I'Hia. a monlba and Juiw Oili, of Dihtt A.1aio.lphe ir.lli je.r.f hia a. lle waa a I'leaaent jouth, quitt aod eoueej in hia de-poitmcnl, oouuant In bt aiiendance ai Ihe e.abbah ii, hoo(, alfectiiuaic jnd duii'ul aa a aon, and pate teeit pioml.e of ftituif iiarfuluaM Ihe fjmllj aie lllicted by hia d'alh i but Ihiy are much eonnded hT the-ItilHfat li fdlin rrfrieniato hl eoul. lhe loobdrnt eiuiiinlilal of hlmaclf 1" f'hriat, and a wlllti gneaa to ro lf audi abould be Ihf will of tbe lioJ ln Uaria Juue 14, Mia Uwy, wlfe IllehaM Talne, Vc'( aid74 vara.

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