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Spirit of the Age from Woodstock, Vermont • Page 3

Spirit of the Agei
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

at irs N19i NS, ni 1.5 UKli. 9 1- in kln iuinl imorJ.1 nll. 11 1 vM worM or 111' nml 1 'alionl vo a 1 fiunill rr. to al. yral ipioiiW t(l tll' I ll tCl'li Srar v-winM lor.

il rotlior of 2.41 IIICO. l.aliilJl iicst w4 L14. iiuirk lll lllljl alrr i)f ini pn 1 ii. iiiiipM Miiss. Sptvit of tl)c OVcic, VVoodstook, Aug.

0, 1904 WOODSTOCK RAILWAY. TIMK TAItl.K. 1 II WlVrl July l'l, 11X11. rnAiNN (joisn No.fJ NM III I'. M.

10 30 10 50 530 '3 'J3 A. M. A. I'. M.

I'. M. 3 3o 3 50 lllllHWIle, 5.57 (luicliw. 5 45 5 ft. ui-nM 10 S7 12 12 I101 1113 103 403 1101 fi 07 1120 10S 4 0H II 0I TKAINS (ll)IN(i NVI'Sr, No, 7 Xo.

1 Nn. 3 Nn, A. M. I'. Mt I'.

M. 1130 7 ,5 1 40 4 5 1I.1HI1M1I.: (34 ffoo I 45 2i) qjl iirni.yH.Milb, 5 200 441 ') tlm 50 f)20 5 4 45 9 50 r.ilhUlK 658 S3o JI5 4 53 9 5X iMuil, 703 S40 223 500 1005 Niw. 1 ti 8. ilicluHivo. tlnily Siu- LinifM'i'iitcil.

Fluc Htutimi. TiniiiH li llllll HtOl OI1 Altrlllll. Tram N. I'nnor uar 10 jhimoji, Tiam fi lmK 1'nrlor Ciir from ltnstnn I jir Siu'dul ItuleH, me Imnk of JtuH'H 11ml ll'iilalioiis. 1 iiv ri'servn uiu rjjjin iiiriiiiriu ltllH WltllOllt.

IHIIK'O. j. o. roitTi'it. Gonern! Munnerr.

POST OViMCU NOTICI3 MAIliS CLOSE. Nuw Yoik. North uliil Kust, 111.00 A 1 U.OIIV. M.8.30I-. M.

I'water, ItiitlHiut, aiul iauunw u.iu lllllt .11.) p. M. mlh Woodstock uliil l'flchvillf. H.OO p. mul lU'tlipl.

li.lfi a. M. iillii'f homv trnm a. m. 10 v.

m. liiMilayM, 12 to 1 v. m. 111 r.l'l'.K IHIA I'AIAft. H.

Wngonsnnd SIcmkIis lainted niiil vainished lower rates Ijiiu ever. iipwiinlsi P- iiin's. Call and see us thc old ingslcy shop, Barnard rnnii. GINSENG WANTED Will buy 11 cini hring. Smilli llodues, Uith Pomfret, Vf.

News of Woodstock Mr. aiul Mrs. V. Saliin of iiiiiKliiiL, at tho Inn. Tlie WiHidstock Military Uand ie anothcr cnjoyahle concvit in rt 1 1 1 11 lepaiK 1 ucsiiay iuc uuui-i i- 01 inciiKiiuK a ti.uiiK' "i (iifctor II.

G. Davis and a coniut liy Clarcnce Day. These con-eits liirge atidiences and llu-inil's improvcmi'nt slmuld hriitfr to Komc substantial snppnrt. Tlu" nivursalist clunch will he dming tlie montli of August, 111 ll llli; llilMKI nmi .1 ifrvii-fs will be ifsumt'd tht' first iiml.iy in September. Tlio public library slill sufffis oc- Iwonallv fiom thc mutiiations of joks and magazincs, and therc.have (cn onc or iwo insiance uit iccently.

Abusc of the privi- ot tne norarv is a scuous 1111115; ml all patrons are occasionaliy to sutfer tlirougli tbe acts ot a iw undesirable visitors. A Washington dispatch says In iciidjustment of thesalaiies of 111- in tbe postal service lifcn (U-cidcd tbat all carner.s ho are I'ntitled to tlie niaxinuim iy of $600 under tbe rulcs wbicb loM'ined tbe establisbnu-nt of ronU-s lliat time, sball reccivo tbe maxi-m iuy ol $700, but tbat tbe fMule vvbicb became effective I11 mni in1 icrrMitlv 1 1 yvn 1 I ill prevail in fixinfr tbe conipen- ol all carriersappoinieti 1MU' O. Ri'x. Dr. S.

F. Jones of Ilanover ill preacb at tbe ConKrcRatuinal hiucU toniorrow ll.irry Rakcr, accompanied by Kcar Sunbm of Pomlret, stnited Los Angelcs, Wednesday, of iinproviiifr bis liealtii. Woodstoi'k plays Hetbel on Vail ild tbis alternoon. J. Woods of Boston is visiting isielatives bere and in niide- 'Kcr.

Auivals at tbe Inn II. II. Ilarper, Miss DcWit, R. (ioodvvin, Miss Ruth C. Dins oie, Moston; U.

lv. i-anee, it. u. iili'e, Mrs. C.

R. Uernent, Miss meul, Mrs. I. L. Lockwood, Mr ul Mis.

Wilson Ilcaton, Mrs. I. L. oynolds, Mrs. S.

A. Goldscbnudt, llk; Miss Ann W. rierce, Jnsepb I'iorce, Mrs. Wm I'leree, I'oitsmontb, N. Mr.

Mis. C. Sabin, Mr. and is. MDeit Mason.

Miss Martba ason, Urookline, Mr. and. is. R. Ilownrd, Detroit: Mrs fi.

Mvers, Miss Alice Myers, i'iton Lenter, Mass. Mis. I'. A hcney, Miss E. W.

Cbeney, St. Uharine, Ontario; Mr. and S. B. Chase, Misses Louis'e, enevieve and Florence Chase, Fall iver: Miss E.

M. Brown, New oiiilon; Mrs. y. II. Cook, Brook S.

I). Davis, Pbiladelphia. Hcccnt arrivals at the New Park II. S. Ilarwood, Dr.

and "Mrs. Stoddard, Boston 1 Enj'ene Aver I.nn, Mass. L. Pcrry, rucker. Melrose, lIass.

llllOll Russ. Franklin, N. W. A ewton, Buffalo, N. Miss U.

1 ctcalf, Boston; P. M. Lrane, rsew "ik city; Rev. and Mrs. Walter idan, Miss Eleauor B.

Jordan and nster Fiancis Jordan, l'liiladel lia Miss Louisc Morris, Monson ass. G. F. Robmson and W. II.

Ab dealers in flour and grain, bav olyed partnersbip, and Rob on will contimie the busincss John Boyd ol Pomfret, wlio tis bcen well known in tlns section a cattle buyer for several years at tbe Ilanover (N. II.) hospt Weilncsday forenoon of lockjaw luiltinir from a brokenirm. Ilis Nicr, Mrs. Thomas Boyd, and her, Eugene, survive bim. The service was held Friday at his Pio Pomfret.

C. JACKSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WOODSTOCK, VKHM0XT. Olllcc in tlie Ilalcli iiliick, fonuorljr Cliandltr. Olllco lionm iinlll a. 111., I to nml 7 to I) 111, Rcnlilcncu Xo.

II Unliiii Dtrcot. cull rctclvcil at ufflci'. 'lVlcplionc Rev. A. Lanibert ot Ilanover, N.

will preacb at thc Cbiistian cluirch toniorrow and during tbe re-maindcr of thc montb. Erncst W. Gilman has returned from Hartford, Conn, where Mrs. Gilman is tindergoing hospital treat-ment. Kobi'it LaMountain and Miss La-Monntain are visiting in Fitchbing, Mass.

Woodstock's tbird leani went to Bridgewater Saturday and was dc- feated iu a close gamc, 13 to 12, ainiiing up against some heavier nien Tbe Woodstock battcry, Dar-by and Taylor, did good work, Fiink and Copeland doing siinilar setvice for Bridgewater. For Woodstock Prior playcil first, La-Mounlain sccond and Bean of the "All-Americas" third. In tbe lield were Bucknian, Gilman and Wash-lniin. Jnsepli Feiguson of South Reading has bcen granted an increase ol ifinUni I'cr ttioiulli naiing' from April 13. 190), througb his altoini'y, John Gilman.

J. D. Littlebale ol Fitchbing, ontiactor for the I'omfret library, was in town Wrdnesday. Ile hronght six stone ma'sons witli him and expccts to have tbe stone work in a few davs. Mr.

Littlebale says tbe building will be eoclnscd early in September. Those having old base ball snits used by the Woodstock leam will please tnrn thetn over to the Clerk's cam. E. B. IIOWES.

The sale and entertainment held under the auspices of tbe ladies of the llniversalist cluirch Thursday evening was largely attendcd and very successful. The articles sohl Well and tlu: town hall was madc verv attractive for the affair. In Miisichall thcfarce, "Ilunker's Post Oflice," was finely presented by home talent, Dr. 11. C.

Jackson, Miss Bes-sie Kiilder, Hal Payne and others taking part. Several recitations and songs by Dr. Jackson and others were interspersed, and tbe piecc won imich applanse lrom bcginning to end. Work on tbe two new bouses on River street, onc being built by E. A.

Spear and tbe other by Mrs. Lucy Blossom, is goiug on fast. Plasterers are now at ork 011 botb bouses. Thev will be hands'ome ulditions to the residcnecs in tbat street. Ilon.

Charles J. Bell, the Repub- 1 lican canttldate for governor, aiui Mrs. Bell of Walden will be the guests of Georgc Aitken over Sun lay. Tbis alternoon Mr. Bell ancl Mr.

Aitken will speak at a grange pienic at South Woodstock. l.AKOTA CI.UIl MEETINO. The Lakota cluh held its annual neeting and ate its annual dinnei at the club house on Friday, Aug. 5th. rhe reports showed that thc club was in a neirer 11na11c1.11 puMiiwu than ever.

The pationage tbis sum- mer has also bcen better than in past vears. Several new mcmbers weie elect- ed and tbe old oflicers were re-elect-ed. The Lakota trout, after several ears of vegetarian diet, has bccome carnivorous and is now a sound and edihle fisb. Death of James H. Lconard.

lamcs lf. Lconard, who lias lived on his Hartland hill favni for the past twonty-five ycars or more, diod it Ifartland Four iirneis cdnes- dav morning of heart trouble. IIc was in his 77th ycar. llc was ono of tho substantial rcs- idents of this section and well known and popular iu this placc, to which was a near neighbor. Lcoflard ninrricd Jfary Marcv.

sis'tor of L. S. Mnrcv of I lartland. Sho died some years ago. llesides a sistor, Mrs.

Sarah White of Lakevillo, ho leavcs thrci hildren, S. W. Riehavdson of Wnodstock. Frank B. Lconard of Hartland Four Cornors and Androw M.

Lconard of Clarcmont, N. both thc sons being woll known liiu- sicians. Tho funcral service was held Fri dav aftornoon at thc church at Hart land Four (Jonierfl. Lorne Elwyn and Com- pany, Including Miss Gladys Grey, will nlav all ncxt week at Music liall, prcsenting an unrivaled repertoire of new great plays never oeiorc given at popular prices io, '20 and 30 cents. Almost a continuous per formance.

Specialties betwcen each act illustratcd songs and acrobatic wqrk. Tjckets are noy 011 sale at Motcan Ladies' coniplimentary ticketb 15c. limitcd to 300. Thc plays of the week are 1 Crossroads oi Crimc. Tbe Fatal Likcness.

Cavalier of Francc. The Gamblcr. Rcsurrection. Cindcrclla. Saturday niatinee Jesse James.

Subscribe for The Age. $1.00. BASE BALL. Bridgewater 7, Woodstock 2. Safunlay wun Ih-itlKowntpr'u day to plav ball.

nnd wliilo loal du Romo rooiI vnirk, a littlo balloon trip in 0110 inuiiiK lost the game to tlm v'mitorn. If tho lattcr liadn't lot up Konm in thc cighth tho home team miglit not have scorcd. Howover, tho team from up the rivcr uhvays iuakcs mattci'H iiitercHting, whatovor tlio ro-sult of tho trrcat iiinual bat- tlc, nnd tlio sncctators aro urenorally patisfietl. Bridgi'wator's battiug was tho fcatuio of tho canic, aiul otlier iijiplaiTsc-Avinning acts worc Griflin's of a loul and IVntre-lioldcr C'uHliinc'K trood work. Now tlmt tho now uniforms of llic lwals havc gathoicd littlo dufit, tlio local vootors will bopo for better Iuok today iu thc gainc with Bethel.

Tho sooiv: IIBIDGF.WATEH. a I) Ii. Soulhgatc cf limery fi li. (Japron Davis 1 "i po 11 Polwin 2 fireaves lf C'arlinlo ss fi V. SoutliL'ale rf 5 T.acoc ii Tolal -ia 7 WOODSTOCK.

a-b -1 1 I -I -I I 0 (' i 0 OuHliing Wvatt Ilamillon 0 ,) I 0 I 0 12 1)('S0 SH Grillin Zoebiseh Woods 0 Tolal. 22(1 I I fi (1 7 Bridftcwat'rO I) 0 0 0 0 1 Woodstock, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 l'olviii hil by hattcd ball in -4th. Stolen hascs 1. Southgate, Cn-jiron, Davis, Lacoc, Haniilton, Deso. Doublo plays Cushing to llnmilton, Lacoc to Davis.

Bases on balls By Wyalt 1, hy Lacoc I. llit by pitchod ball Bv I.acoe, Deso. Struck out Bv Woo'ds 1, bv' Wvatt 4, bv Lncoe 7. I'asscd balls lly Mitchcll 2, by C'apvou 1. I'uipiro Jlowcr.

Seorer Tlio Bridgt'H'ator Cornors team dc-feated the Woodstock I'lcrks Thursday al'tcrnoon, 1 (i to li. The features of 'thoganie were thc visitors' batting and Soguin's basc-running, twico gotting eaught, and and both times making his score. Thc fiillowing ganies aro soheduled for Vail ficld Aug. 13, White Riverr Junction Aug. lli.

Windsor; Aug. 30, Bridgewater; Aug. 27, White River Jiinutiou. BARNARD. Mrs.

Sara Churchill and Mrs. E111-ily Chiuvliill of KiihI Hninaid wcro atMrs. Frank ChurchiU's a day last week. Bcii f'adynf Lcbanon was in town ovor Sunday. Mr.

Mardcn an'd Mrs. K. C. Ellis of Kecne, X. are at their cottago at Silver Lake l'aik.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, Mrs. Jennio Stickncy or Springfield, 0., are at Franklin Whito's. C.

D. Cushing has just put, in a line fouutaiu sit Silver Lake Park. Miss Gladys Sanders of Barre is at. Rev. Fred Daniols'.

1 Mr. and Mrs. KngenoChainberlain of Worcester, aro visiting riends in town. Charles Marev of Wnodstock is at Silver Lake Park. Afrs.

llolmes and Mrs. A. A. Had- l.v were ni Woodstock a day tlns week. lfnlind Liu'o of is at 1 15.

llndloy's. Rohcrt Green of Holyoke, 1 is visiting uis. gvaiiiiiiniiiiui, Walker. Edmuiid Snow of' Dorchestcr, is at W. Paige s.

Tho ladies of tho M. E. church will hold a sociuble at W. R. Paigo's Vidav aftornoon nnd ovening.

Icc ncain nnd ctike will be sorvcd. All 1 110 inviteu. Rov. Fred' Daniels, wifo and Miss Gladys Sanders were 111 lletliel a dav liist week. Mrs.

Langston and daughter re- ttirned to Brooklyn, N. Satur day. Tho Bridgewater base ball team nlavs the Barnnrds 011 tho liarnara irrounds Aug. 0 at 3 p. 111.

A drag parly of ten from Wood stock dined at tbe Wayside 1 ucsdny ovening. Miss Emcry is working nt the Adams House, Woodstock Mrs. Asa Perrv died Sunday, aged about 80. Mrs. 1'.

Chamberliii has re turned from Randolph. Mrs. of Bethel is at Frank Thayor Rpi-nni arrivals at Silver Lake Iloiuse; John Tanchey, and ssiva, A Martin. iliss M. II, F.ilmir.

ITonrv Colton, Now ork; Geo. II. Kelloy, Plymouth, Dowev Tatre, Salem, w. Lr. Perry, Bournc, Miss C.

Hub linrd. Orancre. Mrs. I. Hub bard, Rochester; jMiss Alico u.

rage, Ttnatnnr "Mr. and Mrs. L. Waito Jl- dor, Denvcr, Soth Faunce, John Swift, Wjirohnni, John Brooklyn, Y.j F. S.

Blosr som, Bethel; II. P- QliM'k rty of fivc, Woodstock. FOR OVER SIXTY AEARB, nrivm nu'K SfiOTIIIVQ HYntlP has bcen ul for ovor slxty ycars by mUllon ot motb-Srafor their cllllilrcn wlille tccthlng, with nnrfoct sucoess. It soothcg the clillJ. sof tcni the Riims, nllayfi Palit circs winu coiio.

sml tho best rcmetly for Diarrlramedlt will rellcve tlio poor iiuie suuerer 0.I1I lv KlltlrULnrtsts In everv oart ol tue. wnriil Twcntv-fiveceuts a bottla. Be ure Mdart for Wlnslow'g Soothlng Sy up," and takcno other klnd. BRIOGS. It was it jilcasant gathcring at tlio home of Mr.

nml m. hllsworth wlien tho fricnds aiul kin- Ired asseinbled to reniind tliem tlmt thcy had rcached thetwentieth milo-stono of their woddod life. Willing hands had Drenarod a tablo of choico nnd raro ileliencics, to whieli about twonty did tunple justice. Aftor tho rofreshinentH, tho pnrty ns-somblod in tlio parlor, wlioro J. Y.

Br'iL'CR. iu behalf of tho donors, prc- sontod tho following to tho wortliy couple: Ono dozen silver kmves nmi forks. J. Coolodce. IIudRon.Mass.; 0110 dozen cujis nnd saucers, Mr.

nnd Arthur I'utnniii, Marnnni; 0110 liucn towcl, Mrs. EllnOtterson.IIud- son, tiress gooos, mt. auti Mrs. Ernest Briggs, I'lynioiitli; two silver dollars, Horlierl Ilownrd, Woodstock; two dollars from the agod father, K. 0.

glass warc. Mr. and Mrs. U. L.

Welib. Shorburno; glass sot, Mr. nml Mrs. llormnu Jlolt, Micrbiirnc; Douo nml pickle dislies, Mr. and Mrs.

.1. Y. Briggs. A pooin iiropared by oiir local )oot, whioh apjiears below was road, afler wh'udi tho eoni'pany dc- partod wishing tlie pair uiaiiy yeiun 111010 of hnppy life. Toiluv cinints 11 it veur sciire Since pMitron liuudrcil and Wlien Kll.sworth ntoml bv Auna'rt slde, And filin liniinnui liis lawful bride, IIow (Hlick fi'lllCfl tlien tlio vuars lwivn flntvn Aiia sun iiHiny iney navo noi cniwn Tircd of tho union iniulo that ilav.

Tlnni''li mixcd with eares alinm.iJ"' the sun, Whlle two (Idoadon lliH jnurney'n ruii. WIikii rttor and anon thu.v fparod. A Milver liniiiK hooii apeaiml. Tliu rich mav iiimnt tliutr L'ain and woaltli. But 110 cninparisun witli hralth.

I.ifo is 11 ot nioasurod liy its Uut Itv its lovo tlio years liavi' tnlil. I'liis iiair liave bcoii. Biii'k-in a fair andquirt glon, wnorc I'lty's stnte, poiieoiniiirs aent, Have not molcstcd tnoir retroat. i'hn Him Hbinos iust as fair aml tirii'lit. Nn whistle breaks tlieir droums ut nitjlil Niitlilnc distnrbs tlieir ipiiet.

ne9t, Unles.s tlio lioot owl tliiukn Jt liest And stn tlio years have come and (toiio, Wn meet tliem on this tweutletli's dawu And may tlio vows of eiuhty.foiir Keop true for yoars another scoro. And wlien at iast lifo's toils Bhall end, No oartlily Batlinring with frlond. May wo wlio inoet touay be tounn Where eudless ages roll arouud. NORTH BRIDGEWATER Mrs. Georgo Mnxlium has bcen 1 1 111 very sick and is uttendod ny ir.

Jackson of Woodstock. She is now 011 tho gain. Her motlier, Mrs. Perry nf WnoilHtock. ir tnkinir raro ot lier.

Miss Anianda Nailor of ter. N. is iil' at Chas. 1'eo- plcs'. Mrs.

Caroline lluntoon has rc-to her son at South Bar- turned nard. Ashley and Miss Anianda Nailor attended tho circus at White River Junction this week Friday. Dr. Boven of Woodstock wasat G. A.

Slocum's Tucsday on professionnl business. Ed Peoples and wifo nnd May Xado of Northferry, were in town last week visiting old friends. C. S. Franois is building a wagon shed.

D. W. Boyd of Royalton was at G. R. Mnxhnms the tirst of tho week.

S. D. llouKhton and his haymak ers did G. A. Slocum's haying in a few davs this weok and last.

SOUTH WOODSTOCK. Mrs. Maria Perry has ne.irly covered from her recent illness. C. Periy's improvements are still progressing on and around his oremises llo is nnw nnttinnr ill tne tiling for his drain Mrs.

II. Rood has six city boarders and more waiting tn come. Mrs. James Sleeper is improv- ing. The three and one-balt'pound gu srranddaimhter of Mr.

aud Mrs. Al- bert Kcndall, still suivives and is gaining. Mrs. Carohne Bcniamm is very poorly at tbe prescnt time BRIDGEWATER. Tho local base ball team went to Woodstock last Saturday, winning an i.iterestiiiggaine from tho Wood- stocks score to i.

ihe went down Thursday nrternoon and id tho Clerks up to the tuno of 10 1 10 II. rm 1 li A. Davis returned Thursdry from a ten days otiting at Vrk Beach, Mc. Free Ladue of Conn. is visiting in town.

W. II. Lmerv and wi. were Woodstock over Sunday. Clint.

C. W. Freiicll of Nortliamp- ton, who has been the guest of Char- ie Bovdon for tho past week. re- returned homo lnst Mondny. Henrv Davis, who has spent tho uist few weeks with his father, 0.

jn favor of the latter, tho scoro stand-W. Davis, returned to Cambridge, jng 18 to 13. lnst Saturdry. churchill is sufferiiig from Miss Prince returned to North- ampton, tho first of the week after spending the past week as tho gncst of Roma Carpenter. Mrs.

E. Es Furber and iro visiting friends in Springfield, Mrs. Peter Kincl Victor King and Marion Kingvisitodnt Northampton, after a few days stay at tne lake. TAFTSVILLE. Mrs.

Mcad and daughter Laura of Burlington aro spending a few days at W. II. Robinson s. Mrs. A.

K. Seavor ond son, Cedric are at- lipr liono jn Berkshire for a few YoekB' say Elmer Strong aiul wifo retured to honio jn Lplmnon, Saturday, Mrs. Lucv iStrona wont to Mon- don', N. lnHt weok for fow days stay, There a lecrcnd that the 'first lnrn wns mmlc bv a firl. who nre- servcd a bcautiful bit of seaweed ly attachinE nll the dainty parts of le.ives and stems to a Diece ot inen th fine tbread.

BRIDGEWATER CORNERS. Miss Bosaio Ilugbeo Marslinll town, ln lins been visiting relntivcs uiul friends liero tlie past week. Mrs. S. 0.

Robinson wns in Wiiu sir part of tho week. Mrs. Fnirbanks and chihlrcn, uhn Imve bcen stopping nt S. 0. Rohin- Ron wcro joiued by Mr.

I'iiirbankH Mondny nnd will rotiirii 10 their I101110 i'n Boston Saturdnv. Mrs, L.A. Ilarrows is sneiidinc tho weok 111 Bollows rnlls. Will Riee is in Runcrt helpiiiL'his father-in-law, Mr. Loveland, witli his lmying, C.

Capron cnrried the local hall team to Sherburne Saturdnv. wlioro tliey wero again benlen by the Shor-bitrncs. August 13 Sherburne vs. Bridgewater Cornors will nhiv 011 the fiold. Miss Sara VatiKhan was nt Pcrkins' in Woodstock from Fridnv till Mondnv.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis CuniiniiiKs of Woodstock were at Arthur lyn's Bert Chase has been 011 the sick list the past week. Miss Lillinu Wevnioutli went to the White Mounlnins wlioro sho has a position for tho sea- son. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Nclson Wood ar- rived ul Fzrn Rohinson Saturdnv forxthoir annual vacation. .1 wuu an cxirti siagc 1 uesiiav nigut 10 iiceoiinnodalo his l.S passcngors, niostly pupils of tho sununor school. Mrs. Hcnrv Shattuck of Chictigo arrivcd at II.

Shaltuck's Wednos-dav. PLYMOUTH UNION Ilonry Willard, who is scriously ill with heart. discase, is failing. Two 111011 have bcen boarding at Daniel Cilson's for sovond days, looking aftor tho telophouo liucs. fohn Pierco went to Rutland lnst week Thursilnv.

I'he rcninindcr of Nelson Moorc's hotisohold goods wcro inoved lo Ira last week Fridav. Allen Hadlov nnd Mr. and Mis. Nelson Mooro went to Rutland M011-dav. Dr.

Pierco is (iuite busv. Wc aro pleasod lo hnvo a good doctor hcrc, 11 1 -'s siuau geu unr "om uuiiiuw ur ijriugewauM Miss Elsio G. Brndlov, who has been visiting relativos and friends liero for several wecks, returned home Wednesdav. WEST BRIDGEWATER iurs. .1.

i. iiuu I'loieiifu I -V-T II .1 .1 .1 returned from their visit at Rutlitnd Monday. Mrs. Ella Perkinsof Gaysville was at A. J.

Pinnnv's several davs last week. Alieo Mack of Woodstock and lady friend were nt G. E. Pcarson's Satur day. Mr.

and Mrs. E. S. Colton of Lud- K.w vlulio.l II. II.

Wednesdny. Willio Pierco nnd Marion of Shrewsbury were ovor Sunday. ITazel Johnson went home with tliem. Clarence Pinnev of Rutland canie over to help in the Noyes mill a few days. Dr.

Pierce of Plymoth wns called to see Minerva Butler, who is not as Wfill. JJO I1IBO caiictl ll tivr 1 1. D. Spaulding. Tho funeral service of Rodncy Ellis.

who uassed awav Aug. 1st, aged 0 niontiis, son of Mr. aml Mrs. Lewis Madden, was held at llie iionse Wednesdav, Rev. J.

C. Carnahan ofliciating. SHERBURNE. Clarenco Prior of Woodstock is visiting his brothcr's family in this place. Clifford Cary of Wallingford is spending his vacation with Harold Alica Kthnl West of Hritlcewator Ar a Xnmw umn ,1 li.tllll in.

iur fi-ui. 1 l. SUIICl ll iroiU lllllUlllllliiry 1 iiuiuiiii- i. Mrs. Fiiiuna Roundy of Bethel is visiting at neriatner wm.

doudic-dav's this week. .1 1 1IT T- 1 1 Mrs. E. M. Cuimnings is visiting in West Rutland and Pittsford.

Her rniwram, Ttnrrv Johnson is with jjer I1nir rw ners bovs and Sheiburno's resulted an nttnck of erysipelas 011 his riglit lmnd. Grac0 fjurrier is with Mrs. J. C. Carnahan this woek, TT Ci Snmilflinrr lmc trndnd one work teams t0 Qein, Maddcn f0r a voko of oxon.

Mrs. Eunico Townsend of Wood- stock WJls wit! jier f.lther and brothor here part of last week. Rollo Rowe and wifo are stopping with his mothcr, Mrs. Alfred Rowe. An Assislant Postmaster Arrested Moses Jones, assistant post master at Poultney, is under bonds of $500 for ns appearanpo at the f)ptnlirr tnrm nf tlio TTnitnd Stntes court vm 0 nnswor to the chargo of taking monoy from lettors.

llo has confossed to tampering with letters In several Instnnpos, His father Is his surety. lames Bemis of Cavendish was badlv b'tttcn by a doc Sundav. It is believed the dog became crazcd with the heat as it had been running a ii -i. lionc distance in ine sun. mr.

tmis will recover. TWO VETERANS AT REST. Samuel Ward Cox. Saniuel Wanl Cox, wlio was better known ns "Wnrd" Cox, died Hudden-ly nt his lionie iu Prosper Mondny night, 11s wns iu tho villnge iSatur-dny nnd wns ut work iu the hnytield Mondny. I le hnd been troublod witli neiiiiilgiu of tho heart for sovoral wceks, but thougli hc had fniled somowlint, his fnmily was unpropared for the sudtlon end, llo wns 07 years old.

Mr. Cox wns born on tho farm where ho died, and lived and worked thero all his life, with the oxeeption of few vears in Mnssachusotts and New Hninpshirc. During tho Civil Wnr ho sorved iu Conijiany Twolfth Vermont, the Woodstock Light Infantry, his com-pany being nt the battle of Gettys-Iniag. In LSIIi) ho marricd Miss Sarah Smith of Woodstock, wlio died about four vears ago. They leavo threo children- Marv M.

Cox, Charles Ward Cox and Waltor E. Cox, all of whoni resido hcro. Mr. Cox was an unusually wcll- read lnan and took great intercst in national and nntionnl alTairs. Ile was nlwayH 11 welcome visitor in this villagc.

where ho wns known nnd great ly rcspected. ns a wnrm-hearted, goneroiis inaii, ol kindlv speccli III, II I. nian helpful to any coinniunity. I ho funcral was hold at tho houso Tliursdav inorning at 10 o'clock, Rov, II. L.

Canfiold ofliciating, about twonty coinradcs or Randall Post, G. A. of which Mr. Cox was a inember, attonding tho service. Salmon W.

Heath. Salmon W. Heath, a native of Corinth, and a rcsidont of this village for the past 10 ycnrs, died it his home bere 1 ucsdny inorning, igcd 8S venrs. He wns civil war veterau, nioniber of Co. Sccond Vermont, and was 111 thc battle of Bull Run, the Wildcrness and other engagcnients.

Mr Heath was thrico married, his third wifo, who was Mrs. Mari-itta Obor Carpontor, surviving him. 1 he funeral service was held at the Methodist church Thursday after- 110011 at o'clock, Rev. Haniilton ofliciating. Mcmbers of Randall Post escorted tho body to the ccnietery.

Just one hundred years ago the freemon of thc town of Royalton, at the Mareh meoting, voted to raiso a ax of sovou niills on the dollar on the list of tbe vcar 1803 "to be paid iuto the treasury by the first day of lulv ncxt to dofray the expenses ot the town, aml that ten dollars of the iimo be laid out for the repairs of tho bridgo over the river 'nigh tho meeting house' The tax rate this yeai" was 1 Ltist ycar over 10,000 new mcm bers were added to the wonian home missionary society. The growth in young people'scircles and childrcn's 'hands has also been un-usuat: German medical ioiirnals are rec- ommending a remedy for appen-dicitis walking on all fours 20 min-utes four times a day. The exercise sttengthcns thc abdominal muscles. J. B.

Reinhalter a leading ranito iirm of Barre, has secured a SSTfi.OOO contract for a Pitteburg bank. It is tho largest contract ever rccoived iu Barre, aud the firm havo until Decenibcr 1' to complet its contract. Wliips, We have a lot ot good whips that we are going to close out at winning prices. Call and see the stock. You will ftnd what you want.

C. H. DESO. TnAcv Bi.ock. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Tlm Tiix Hills for Town.

Hichwav and School Tnxes on tlie 1904 Grand List of Woodstock. have. bcen for collection and taxpayers are called anon to pay tlieir resiective taxes withiu niiietv dnv8 from date fbv Oct. 11. 1904).

Tho deduction providcd by law will be allowed on tnxes paid during that time. Taxes not so paul will oe couectea uy the Constable with costs I will recoive at my office every day and till oight o'clock Wodnesday aud Satnrday evoiliUBS. U. HUUXHUAXfc, Town Treasurer Woodstock, July 1B. 1904.

Millinery. 1TT 1 VVe navo on our coun-ters the. baiance of the Prior millinery stock. Trimmed and untrknniet JIat, Laocs, Yeilings Ostrich Tips and a large scloction of Flowers. All marked at a fractioii of former prices.

j' L. DANA A FINE LINE OF STATIONERY in tints and colors, Marked "Woodstock, Vt" 25c a box. A. B. MORGAN, Woodstock, Vermont DANA'S NEW YORK CASH STORE, 1802.

Ladies' Wrappers. "ood titiiiiir ki iiuls, 98c, 1.25. Grlove Fitting Corsets. The cnsicst. to wcitr, no "hroaking in Militnnt shupo, strnight JVont, 1.00 Sonnette Corsets, A sliglttl' lieavior oorsot and vevy popular.

1.00 Jmbrellas. Fast blacsi. The best frames, plain and fancy handles. 98c Dress Skirts. Blacks and greys, well-made and perfect in fit at much reduced prices.1 Sporting Goods.

Golf and Lawn Tennis supplies. Wright Ditson Tennis Balls. Ha8kftJLGolfBHo. "Wizanl C4olf Balls. BOOKS loaned at one cent per daj'.

L. Dana, Woodstock, Vt. QUECHEE. Z. L.

lleichant of Randolph spent Saturday aiul Sunday at Kdward Fushev's. Mrs. Frod Benson canic hmno from the hospital Tucsday. Miss Maud Perrin of White River Junction has bcen the guest uf Flor ence Wright for a lew Col. Dowev is spending the week in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of Hartford havo been recent guests of ouis Bordreau s. Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Parker are spending several days in Boston and vicmity. Several from here took advantago of the excnrsion rutes aud visited the Hub Saturdav. Mrs.

ClementCator is visiting her brother 111 Gaysville. T. W. Gilson of Ohicago joined his wife at the Gilson homestead Tuesday and both returned to Chi cago Wednesdav. John Boyd.

who was taken to the hosnital at Hanover last week tohave an arm amputated, diet Wednesdny of lockjaw. Boston is spond- inc: a few days with his sistcr, Jfrs. Daniel Badger. The mills wero closed Friday to give tho help a chanco to attend tho Foropaugh Sells Bros. circus at White River Junction.

Miss Marion Stovens of Chicago is with Mrs. Osie Sanders for a week or two. Georgo White has fmiHhed workat the Riverside farm nnd gone to Braintree. Willis Ij. Shattuck, who has been ill with cancer of tho stomach, died Wednesday evening.

WHITE RIVEIl JUNCTION. A number of tramps have lately been arrested and sentto the house ot correction, and for this reason, per-haps, the local police tailcd to iind any of these travelers on the last weekly rounu-up. In police court Tuesday morning Frank Tracy, charged with breaking open a tool box belongin? to George H. Fuller, one of the contractors for the building now under way tor the White River Savings Bank, -and ap-propriating a pair of ovcralls and several iron burs, pleaded guilty to the breaking and taking the ovcralls, but dcnied stealing the bars. Justice Davis will impose sentence later on.

6. H. PINNEY CO HOUSEHOLD RAN6ES Thfl Rugby Household has thc scnsiblc, simplc and strong con-structlon ot every rangein thesplen-did Ilnusehold line. It is "Built to Bnke," it has all uewcst featiircsthnt muke cooking c.isier aud plcasanter. Its castings are tlawless aud per lectly linished its ornanient.ition is rich nnd bcautiful in lact it has nll the appeatance of the highest gradc rnngcs.

Bnt we want to call your aiten- tion to the things you can't see iu pictures or iu any other way than by making a cnieful examination ol'the rangc. First conies the oven -the most impoitant partol any range Ruijby ovens, like those iu every House hold Rangc, are full sic nml so evenly heatcd on all sides, that perfect results are e.tsily secured in nll buking. The tire boxes are txtra large for stovesof thisgrado and aie tittcd for burniug either coal or wood. Tbe handsonie uickel steet cdges cnn be liftcd off without both- ftiing with screws aml nuts. A choice oi iriiiiiguiar or jiiain grates" is offered.

We ask the favor ot'a call that we may show not only The Rugby but our entire line ol' "Built to Bake" Household Rangus. Just Arrived. Large line of trunks to sell from $3 to also Dress-suit Cases, Extension Cases and Grips for $1.35 We have a 24-inch case with leather covers that is a dandy. Everything for comfort in light weight goods with Drices that are right. F.

W. B. SMITH We sell the Waukwell Shoe for Men. AT You will find an up-to-date assortment. Chickens, Fowls, with all of the vegetables for a nice dinner.

Cranberries, Celery, Lettuce Cauliflow-er, Squash, Pumpkins. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. NATIVE BEEF at low prices. WESTERN BEEF alvvays on hand. HOME-CURED HAMS AND BACON, None better to be hacf, FRESH FISH every Thursday and Friday.

Low Prices is, our Motto. T.J.&G.A.J. WHITE VERMONT WILL GET $155,453. Tho comptroller of the treasury has settled the claims tho United States against Vermont for ordinancc furnished the state and sold by it to outside persons, and of Vermont against the United States, for elothing and other iiiilitary supplies furnished by tho stntc to its "extraordinary militia" in 1804 and 1805. The am'ount involved in tho ac-counts are found to offset each other so that thero nowremains duo to the stato which is tho iuterest paid by the stato on its bonds issued to aid th.e United States in tho Civil Vai.

A warrant in favor of the stato wll jpe isaued for tbJtamoiuit. Ii Bei.

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