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Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 9

Deseret Newsi
Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PESEHET EVENING XEWSt TIIUHSDAT TTEHHUAIIY 8 100 0 1 I NEWS OF THE STATE I LAYTON rARTXNO SOCIAL 155I01fARY IiitiLIL Elcclrl 1lahls ment II lolrll1III VMt County corrponderA Epeel 1 corrt CU Feb 1A 1M4t1 larIOIt given KMerJoineiiK l3S roAI2I IrtdaY nlKht In the Union ifl 1 ilimn leaves for California tL 3ji LrOiM been called Lo do hb caled III ife he ha tcdY A will mle JIm wort 1 cllw wlKroi IIt JJt 111 bvsinMH i fly Jitcmllnp iiccommodtt teflttttg I lot ltcdll Iccormodll 1 nulf llld THM 1m to wlO lullEc Frt Naloll Tbd dlretors MId a Iu ln nwet I 3k Of Lrtol ytter11Y aferoon snUetting ru 1t Whll ldcs I solcllnr tM propowd Uavli County or tie tMD find Power coinpiny I Lllnt ElctrIc th0 the town will have I flOW IS thouA II flr A mee iectrlC lights next ectrlm held In Fannlnsrton lexl tEE I be orVanUe this company to lar olnhlo taken fiwn ono ile 1 IInc going through 1t power ci thO twO Jn Pivicfw In California wherq he IB wlUQ Snhelllth tradition papers for Vth nlrdltlOI wept wlh 116rS IltgeI blllml5t jit te altr nnd potltlvo an Pi li little si pleasant Early Risers These wWI little Il Is tire so mid and rwii i Utie children dellcnta ladles ecttve chidren eak people enjoy their deanlnj 4 they are a peoplo ay itronB ay wtdI atl whie VII 10111 Never Irlpi but liver lvl pi druggIst hV Schremm Fold bY Schrnm druldt Blop blr the elr3 SPRING VILLE FULLMEB DEAD JIBS AGATHA Lecturo irot roihVur Morn Iur ea4 of nUIJll idt Cerre pond nce i iprlnivllle Ttah Co Fob flM iUa Fullmtr widow of John 1ulm was killed In the mlnn TIer ven irt ORO died Feb 6 nt Ibut the result of tin upi iniProvo hoijillnl rUllt Ir ni lt ITtIOfl which was performed loUt 1 tatlon leaves sU wk lie Mw Fullmer IctvU iMdren two at whom ftr lurrle younjwt II about seven years of MW1sy evenlnr Feb 2 Prof on I American Fork addressed Iorb Of rer can Or HfEUhth sriit pup a and vlsllorn of Elthh In the Civil iooT en hl experlmtce lie 11 iar rhe Spring rie war veterans were pluent Tedt Fprlngvllle peopte had 11 peep it tot wn which was quit a treat i ThtrJ ut four leI cases of email I Tere the furl nllyi Mrs Kills Curl ii Mrs Vai Curtis and her two ihllJrtn have all cole down with tho i dun th three old canes ire gutting iloct nicely CROUP Bttti with the lymptoins of mmon mltols Ba tttre Is chflllnfsi nieeilim sor ttttit lm skin oulrk puli hoarsencus ltd tattM rfipirfttlon Qlvo frequent Jaill i lows of Hallards Horohounit lyrap the child will rry for It and It ehld ii the fill ljn of a croupy cough apply ftwaistly Bullarda Snow IAn tnflt tIt ludn Inow rnlment tti lluoil Mr A Vllct New Canter urttti MRrlh 19th IWli I think BiSitAa Horthsunil Syrup 1 wonderful Blru Iorohounll tmit mil to pM ant Itc COo and 11 KM Iy I Drug Dept in Ill fcuth Main Street FAIRVIEW THEEE BENT TO HOSPITAL fffaracrlcs llrln firnrral lYoiicrlty To the Icoplo of North San pyle EptcUl forrcspondcin Kalrvlew Sanpet io Feb 7 With li lh uit month the community bus teen unJer th necessity of sendliiK ire perioni to tl hoipltat ti Salt Lake City to undergo operation tionThe The drat nat the lon Sander pfl who went to the capltil about I uonth jjn to attend to Rome liuilncsa rertly healthy und aound lint 1n Wit Inere wal stricken down with spenilcltls an4 hAd to go to the hoi riot tu unforgi an operation which 1 rcrformeiJ very niccesafully lp Pt ilony 80 well that In two ve ks lr fe nen walking tho streets of Vn elderly rentlenmn named William rntenlnn lamed Httrwr underwent an operation for rtur The operation was Nuccessful fi Is doing tine but the hospital el dau 110 Vhiiai Nunley runt 10 th L0SItal Wilam removed I rowtt 01 hl1 right houlder bIRd in Tbe U1ul ntif lo far Iuui hotightt with It ahoiinptte ot lallolnt4 nmusemcntB of tjro rounTeht nPton Komedy bi forth erl Monday aol rtia Ynlintortt rl LyDIi2tt the li anti 61h loft 10 full OUlt rul Vtves oil nigh IS lrUcntllr The Ils ew York and the Ilitie Inl lei ral the i4ttfaetIet Gty both Inc gaVe lusita iii geor al Is Mtisfaetory tore tts ti Mtsflctory I year The ko 10 10 Ill proHperlty In tho three creameries uiluii fjiiulult euveral Uuiixanil dol Urn every month among the people aiTthu nunrly every home LEVAN SOHOOLnoUSE ON FIRE liiliuifi to KYcut of f000 or Sl20t IiiMtml lloMiToylur WcildliiB Special Corretpondence Ievan Juab Co Feb Yesterday thn dlAtrkt schoolhou wits greatly damueed by fire At nliout 1150 smoke was noticed coming up thrutiRh tho Hinall openings In the lloor Ipon quick Investigation by Phil lie pa I ChrlHtenscn I wes round that thri had started In the uAtement und the iiuplU Wero dl mb ed In giOfl order Thll news upreud nnil POll peoplo wer there from all corners of own and 0 buckot brlgndo wan organized to flfjht the Uro which fN Whih WIH mnkliiff Is wiiy up through the Hour The room iern MO full of emoku that It 11 nlnioat Impoulle to enter them After nliout two hours Work the tIants were HUbdiied but not till thiy had burned the hld two north ITIOMIH of tlu I building and did much 11111111 II jig hnllst and other roontn The Humes hul otler rool lle did not reach the roof nt all No unn WHS I hurt I estimated that the damumi will reach between l000 to 1200 The bulldlpK WI Insured for 100 It If fixpenifd that school will be commenced again In haut three vookn The echool house wan 1 modern build Irff constructed two WH ago bulih cost of J5000 Thr work of recon etructlon Is already begun IIOdHTKYLOIl W1CDIO A wfcildln reception II honor of I JUIIH Klla Hash and Mr Tiiy lor two of Jxvuna ln much respected lecte1 yotinir people will lie given In the Le vnn Opera House tomorrow 11 tllrol evening VISIT QV THE STOttIC During tho month of Tnnuarv tho stork visited the home 1 of the follow lug Mr nod Mrs Victor Stephen a Bill Mr And Mr Brig Dufttti I girl Mr uiul Mrn Vllford Kofml a big boy Mr and Mini ChrUtensen a girl Mr and Mrs Hlchard Gardener I loy Mr amid Mrn Peter Boronscn a girl The last named lived but 1 short time For the last week tho weather has bcn very coM nnd foggy A HABIT TO BE ENCOURAGED The mother who has ncnulrcd the Ivibll bl or keeping on hand bottle chamber Inlnn oiinh Hemdy navta hernelf 1 Rreat amount of ineiialnrri and anxiety Coughs cole and croup lo which chi dren are susceptible are quickly ctiroJ Iiy Its tme I counteract any tendency of I cold to result In pnnumonln and it given RR noon as tho rtrnt yniptom of croup appeir I will prevent the uttncU This rinedy contalni nothing Injurloui and mothirn nlve It lo tl one with eoiinsr of perfect security Bold by all drug ists I RICHFIELD IVIECOLBY NUPTIALS nlor Connty AITnlr Venice School DMrlct Will Not bo KnlurRcd Special Corre pondenc Ulchflcld 8vl Co Feb SAt tlv tneetlnfr of the county commlsi lolclt yesterday the following business wiw trniif acted The ttusteM of Venice school district petitioned for the enlargement of their district by the extension of their north boundary line DO as to embrace a quarter of a mile trlp now a part of thin HlRiird school district claiming the property was practically It I owned by Venice people The proposition was opposed by tIme tmiHtees of the Hlnurd district nnd upon careful consideration the commltsloncrx denied the petition The application of tlurr and ttbers for I franililne to construct toll road up what II known as Hilda canyon was granted upon the condition that the road should bo completed anti approved not later than Jan I 1907 The object of the road In to obtain lire wood wooc Thu county rlerk Issued marriage license today to Eugene Colby of HIchtKId und I Meda lyle 12 cf Aurora nnd nlco performed the ceremony which made them husband and wife wifeA heavy fop ban hum over our valley for a number of days I SEVIER BRIDGE DESEEET IRRIGATION COIn llol to I I rein I tim I Small Km plrc HoniOMcUnv Iiultnl fipoclal forrespoinlence vr Hrldira Juab Co Feb 1Thc Dp Pet IrrliTitlou company his been Iticoriximted with capital ftook of S2CWOOO In water Block Tho company OWIIB the reservoir site nt the old rievler litlilKu and propojes to develop 1 1 trantio irrigation enterprise mind power Iilant Tlic site la 1 Menl one for Armours Extract of Beef That delicious Pan Gravy taste can be given to every savory from soup to salad by adding a trifle of Armours Extract of Beef i When you cook a Juicy roast the rich brown pan gravy Js just the gavy same as Armours Extinct Amour Extct 01 Beef except that the Beef Ex tract ls lice from fats and highly Conletrted A small quantity smal will give flavor quantty I gve favor and color to SUPS sauces recooked i meats and teL game vegetables and bee and For sale by all druggists goes A Weak Heart Seldom gets strong again without help Awake or asleep it never stops and consequently has no period of rest or relaxation pcro reaxa tiqn in which to regain lost vigor You should avoid exertion exerton excitement and worry as much as possible to relax the strain ant take Dr Miles Heart Cure which is a heart tonic to strengthen and restore vigor to the heart nerves and muscles musces The symptoms of a weak heart are shortness of breath palpitation feeble or too rapid pulse hungry spells hot flashes dizziness smothering spells pain in heart or side etc I had been treated for heart dlaeate by dlflerent pbynlclana without any Improvement Ph1lrlan my doctor In formed me that twn win little hrpi tf1 hI of my over Mm able to do I day work acalii About that lime a gentleman called upon me und ad 1 heard or your condition and liivn conI to tell you that Dv Mil Heart Cure invert mi life and I want you to try It I did 10 and of tor I ieM or in I went to my phy loan and told him I had beun taking Jr tIM Heat Cure He exarnlnid rni and raId Oort bleep Miles Heart Cur It hu made you better In 1 few djyx than I ever expected to lae you again I am now well having fully rcjutnMl my health by the use of thlc remedy I I IANHINO HniUer Dr Miles Heart Cur li sold by your druqolit who will guirtnte that the nnt bottle will benefit If It tall he will rotund your monty Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind 0 both purpose A Jam will be inquired to Impound the ualcr which will bo 340 feet long SW feet wile nt its hose and 30 feet high On each title of thin hug Oain yet In Its Infancy lire solid for mutlonn of Iline ntone with a broad basin extending far up the Hevlnr The MIC li cvntrul the mighty ehoj lofty nrlKlit alnioat chudc the wntem of the gloat reservoir A tunnel of mora than 8W feet fhlnelecl by tho toll uf mat lends the overflow water from the VM ervolr to a point below where It emptlon Into the old river bed This flow In ontrolleil by two nuiilve Iron irates In steel flltlnir Tine water ns It oiiKTKea from the tunnel and dashes Into this Kvcr will furnlith ower sir llclent to light up thin whole of MllUrrl county with power to pllr for Industrial purpose rue climate and coil ar Meal for flit nnd nuintr beet raisin and Jill lard Is nlready celtbrattxl for UN alfalfa eel No richer soil can bo found this Hide a Illinois Homo seekens are especially Invited to look Into tlf Inducement thin district offers MS their help and the acdstanco of cnplUIUtn lire needed to complete the biff enttr prlsc which will reclaim thouKanrti of Cte of rich land now lylnr leST VALENTINES DAY Will soon be here buy now and mall Inl to your friends Postofllc In the Btoro Immenw dock and great varlo ty Trlcfo 1o up DKSKUKT NKWS BOOK KTOHE 6 Main Ht BEAVER BEAVERS SEMICENTENNIAL 1Ionrcrs nml Veteran file Itrincnls remit AildrcMCM llHiiqtirt nnd Itnll Special Correspondence Heaver City Denver Co Feb 6 llty years ago today 1 little band of men culled by hp late President Ceo A Smith name to thin valley and pitched tent Under tine direction of Mayor John Harlon tisslnted by aim olio exiPtitlve committee supplemented by a corps of eager imbcommltteef today hftD been drteiI to Huccct ful celebration of Ihp eml centellnlal anniversary of the settlement of the ell and county The iliiys proceedlnps commenced with the firIng of gun one for each year nlnce the establishment of time i colony At 9 oclock the band from the heaver Ilrnnch of the A paraded the streets and foremulcd tho WI under the direction of Conductor George Woodhouse At 10 oclock an Immcntc aseemblaea gathered ut the slako tnbernocl to tako part In moat enjoyable nnd Interest Inp program Wilson owen who hold the distinction of being the only HUrvlvor of the pioneers wu the loC honor 101 those who rnme here ns children received duo attention rfI the opcnhiR exercises which consisted of slnslng by the choir and jraycr by the clinpbiln Oldnnn A Murdock Kldnr Nowers addrftntd the audience recitIng the history of the frt colonization of the settlement rhowlni In an InturectlnK manner the hardnhlpi which characterized their pioneer life Mr Mary A Vhlte vho came with her parents Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Greenwood few week after the first pioneers dwelt pathetically upon the privations Incident to the curly history of Heaver and the heroic struggle Jior parents rnndc to combat the forbid dim conditions the time giving nlti fnrno of her personal experiences as 8hi grew to womanhood Jflihop Wllllnm I Anhwnrth 1 the ne npwAker lie RAVB nn nmiifilnK narrative of bio boyNh Itt In the wttlt1 ineiil nnd the nrdunun and In Inn npr ect utremmus life led by him nnd bin companion the late llahop Jane Oreervoo Franklin KHnifworth paid hU reo seeds tn tite heroines tvlui took part In thf Hettlfment of thim valley fftellnf that while the men did their phire or the labor the women were equally active thpProC ProC Mneer In few word drerr MrlkltiR comparison between the nIl vntlons the tiiat and the preinnt proiperoun condition of the people of Heaver rrhe pnveMlniM wer enlivened with inuulf from the oholr anil hAnd At the close of the mornlmr service nil repaired to the opera home nod purlook of I banquet which would do justice to royalty Helf KvoryhMy cecnied to fee nt home and to enjoy the occasion 10 the utmost After tine dinner Mr Goodwin sAve an original recitation written for the ooca inn and Sinks President Charles White nindn Hi rlnolnp nildres giving In pont de tall the nrcrtied advantages the people of neaver now enjoy A dance for the younnaters In the arte noon and I bill In the evenlnr the adilltii broutht the event to I close nnd inadn It I matter of htor In tine nnnalii of rteaver nncoito OF GRIM nnArnn Marwret Patterson Smith relict of the late John Smith died Feb 3 1906 of I complication of dlienie and pneumonia She Aa i born at Clack mannan Scotland Dec 1 UJI Her par ellis Joined the Church of Jeaus Chrlit of Latterday Knlnta In early day and emigrated to Utah In US3 goIng to Cedar City upon their arrival She was married March 21 18S5 And moved to heaver with her husband In 115 wbera nine ince reside Funeral senrlcti fro held on the Mh hint Eider It Maeier lost hIs little ion Hudfrer Jan JJ 130 and Hlupherd Tanner a little girl the same day BAT NELSON MUST BE VERY CAREFUL When He Meets Terry MGovcrn In Philadelphia Next Month A WAY OF BEATING THE DANE Oncn Tcrrlbld Olio Thlnkn Ho Plus It All IlKurpil Out Jlow III Will Win time Cue imnpiomiln I pIn plilidelphU an March II muling NcUon and Terry McOuvern will meet In tho Muar circle 10 be sure thf buut will bo one of those dxruund nffHlrn with no decision rendered Thf IOIRII ot the mill or rather the ihortncsx nr it is anything but advantageous to Ih Durabla Dune and Hut will have to be miguty curetul or hero will bo a ban hum lila record AlUioililli Mcduvein nnn tuii bonten by ounc Ooibut unit ti lattor twice tifiucn liy tScivoi the ulie lunhle UntO atlll tUi to UO ItCnUlliil Wltll It bent hinilo ilUDIQii ill inucii mop ictti i HHinmr tniiii inn SiiituI all inn iiji wiupnnl by eiwm wa mil IIKU tile I ur bull mat knippcl Mill Itiemt jit Liuvcrn nan OIl aqvmnuct itiOI tIt liKni JUIiI sOlO Ole iiiivimi Ht iu nu It wiU Kuuwa tOut sinoil uiely tu aturtcu uulii ultrr 1110 mm ur nixiii lUUIll uiiiovern has It all llcured out how tie will beat NcUon unit limn Kgnia tnu eiiuiini8ii4 Ill Cliiclnimtl tiC nidi tnu luuuHHu Cult lIcllt tiny or utu uK Ito a a Otn ono and no niiMUKv but lie wunti IOU ciiuiiipi iimip a I tin vu imni iiy il IIUMI to viiiiit tj nmii Pfedlll to get It llilllt 1crryu calcuUtiuiiB on certiun vtetiuy aro Illlen inuniiv on two ot nm knucK outs tno nt Kddlfi llaiilon aiul llm iiexican wonder Aurtllo llrrrcra Uutn df lutpu lads viiu iJwwn In too middle uf trill ninth round but Hcrrcra stiiyid lilt limit twcity ruuiid With Selrun woo was Given me dcvldm It tonK KcUi ciniitKcii rounds to tuw WilY HanlDiii tiiue ierry mureit out mat mo better man of tue two lUlU ho cumut in utrsiKaij tg this iuy liOns ho cnnie to lab tw ounn torbctt tlther time Ihvy luught ny I ought to have llcatd him both tlmef1 kald ucrry It Iou ked to inn like II cinch but nom thliiK wont Monj annulI mlsBtnl tho cumliliiatluii limc IU light me tliD only tiioth on my icujro TliU Mexican IKircra Is a great ntiU er but Ho can bo wailoixd it you KM at him In tho rieht way tile lroxibl with liiOKt lads who meet tho Ureajier Is thiit they KO after Ins heaJ and ho cant hum tnei It took me Just three roumiH to Und mat Ut when I uuKiPil him Iii KM pair of huinpeilup miuiiiKis Iiird till livii and all lift hlAi to rto ls to ilinu them ii lithe when no WBIUH 10 uaid hiH jaw hen 1 faunit him tkurC wim a vail uf coin bet that I would put him out III tnrco rounds I tiled to no It by mm mliiR at his noKgln uul eveiy tune I ant a sleepproducer Ills wny Up wtlU init Irotfliutiua liuulder lull theie na nutii liiff doling Ho ttwu came back vitn that irilii of his on MM fate tint wnlced Hkc lie wanted to euu Never touched mu in hpanltih Thoro wan another tmncii ot money bet that I would tnaKe Hen era take ilio count In llvu rounds ami 1 tiiauo up my mlnu 1 would win 111111 Ii 1 suirt oa iou iho tulcanI lody and In few oii lh 1 know I was on the rUrtt romi I Kept coins for the heart anti Momtob lint it tiiDK mo Just ft round nmt a halt 10 send him out tor IO 1lth aau over tine art ON THE RACE TRACK Tint 2000 llnndlnip at Axirt AVus Cnpturcd by A ilusknilii1 Lo Angfles Fob 70 Muikotiay Ion tho Itwj nanrilcap nt Aecot ndiy covti Inc UN mile in IM 1 niul Muting good tieiu Orllene the invciltc was KCOMI and Chlmndy aep third 1avorliej hart good day four or the nix win nlnr wnlle two third cholcen took thu others Weather clear track good Filet race short comas stecplfchJM Cazador IW Narvaex 9 to won Ircn iCing 13 Tully I to 2 second JJeclin 17i Bulllvim 7 to 5 third TinteWll Potrero Chlco Cowboy and Dexterity also ran Hecond race four furl Kf Allerlon 107 iMnclcton 6 to 1 nOflh Handmaiden US Aubuchon 13 to 6 second Blue liottle Ill Miller to 1 third Tlme IJj Tom Ollro Vin Loan El Tovor Kay 17gan Ed Tracy Adla and FUe away alto ran Third racev one nlttKhyleno 105 Grande 5 to i Ion Chaciai lIen rill 13 to 1 errand Ilnta Hudilnl a to 1 third TtmelMt Vrlnce Chltis Cherlpe taro Stedcnkp Quliidarcl ItauhK Tangible Hue Clieitcr and llllln also ran Fourth race one mile handicap Muokodoy 112 JleUanlel to I won Orllene Miller 13 to second i Chimney Sweep Otter 1 to I third TlmflWi Olltiln itMitlan Cutler Morlta Rnl her Hoy Ilho ran infill race Brooks course Bbony IW Jackson even won Miss Hetty SI Unrs 9 to second The Hutu not 10 Aubuchon to I third TlineiiWU Ullnful and Hill curt a also ran HUth race flvo furlonifsDaruinJ 100 McDnnlel 4 to 5 won Silver Wrdillnir 10 fiwaln to I jMond Neatness 103 Miller 1 to 1 third TlrocMi Alma Gardla Sandstorm Lady Walker Hnllna Lady Travers and Uiabolo lot also ran CUI RACES Hflhiilfi Will bo 11 111I1 It Idled If hal ICIIBO li rlccrhril Vtvr York Feb ito clUcuaalng the iiojlblltlps of a chnllenge for the Amor leas cup from Slv Thoman Iplon or nother for lun tuurce nndthe probable couiSo of the New York Yacht club on ifroipt of such a challenge my todays Times tOil astonishing statement was mad by prominent member of the Nits York club yesterday that the Uellanco would In1 wet In all probability ua tho dQ fender of the cup eviMi thoush the clui vntv raited fnr a rice with fcliooiift ns hilS In in Diijtcntcil unit tlmt to IIKOC these nondlilonc Iho vsould he converttJ It li a perfectly practlcul iiKk stlon and meeti Hlr Thomas and any other challenger nt every point Il TOfool Bloop as itierestnl by Sir Thomn a nameil ns the challenger lilt chitllenRe nlll bo accepted nnd the Hell unmet bi used ns tho cliilldige boat III hpito of the bit allowance she would nave to give If tine tchooncr In Mill ed nellancn will be converted and will still be tho defender If a ifoot loop Is named It will of course bo Itellaiuc which will cross the line na the defender of America ptlcele trophy llider old rule or under new HelUnco Is looked upon ns capable of successfully defending the cup and will remain the clubs reliance KANTAKA HANDICAP 8n Francisco Feb 11M Ktnutui handicap resulted In A routing rtnlih when three horses came homo In a heap tlannockbello Olle of the outriders overlooked In the betting at to 1 cams from lilt tear and In a nard drive won by ahead Ed Berldan who clime second Interfered with several horte and the judges nltiio disqualified him llnetti was out In front all the way and only lost tho race In the last few strides Weather Itnei truck fast Heaults First race four lurlonirslloot Man IHS Clark to 1 won Ilmkln IK litigant A to 4 vecond Ialndlnl Ill n3pp to 1 third Tlmell 1I1ag Hylvan Dixon ArraRnii und Jasien all ran Booond race futurity course Forerun nr 113 Dugsn 7 to 2 won Hector Drupel 6 to I second MassndA oiled to I third Tlm lMi Judge Kd Ulburn IioUtlon Klia Duelist young Pilgrim and Iod Anderson ols ran Thlr mce mllo anfi fifty ysrdsH Caul Cap 103 Treubel It io I won Pront 12 11lrll to I second lIar her Ii Walsh 7 to I third Time IHJi Meloillftus nupreme Court Cor rldiin fiandafffixxt Htmrth and Playbill also ran Fourth rare the Kantaka handicap ore mil Curse 1 Ollonnorkbelle 10 I SvJih 13 to 1 won Kd ShtrtJan lOr I The Wheat In HUSLERJ FLOUR 111 Is Against the Grain of Anyone With An Inferior Article XV Hmlth 13 to 1 Bfcond ninotte Clark 19 to 3 third met i Ilam meniway Ihalunx Ttfupco Ituliy ond Uatewty alto run Ilfth race mllo nnd nuorter Ilnnar tW Funntaln i to wont Iras li 7 tOrte liiim 9 to I Dccnild II Oaten 1M Knapii 15 to third ImrIIJ Ar rahKuwiin IXJlII 11 llftjor Jfimy Lovea Uibor Kilo IlilgiinU Miild of rT fly coil Tarrlgan also rail tiixlh lace live unit onnhitlf furlong Iloyal llocuv 101 fj Kelly 2 to I won Hin NlchoU us Knapp i ly 10 second Kl Dcnlro tS XV Killy 9 to I third Tlrno lw cocksure unO Iur na lino ran TOUTS RULED OFF Now Orliant Feb 7Chrlii Martin nd Kim Men vero ruled oft hi tutf at City Park today for an attempt tu bribe Jolti li Hmlth The eaiwMiiiH been timlei InvKtlKntlfln by tin Dfiwiirdn for tome tlil punt 11 I tnndoi pin aOl IInnlll Jun vhnrtd the unii fatft on htr8 of iiiT nslV loiitlng and other pruning fiintrT to the but lnterent of tIne turf BIO BOWLERS 1ROJ1 BUTTE Monliinii Jail Ilil UnlliiiDlii th VIl1 Send One Team iohlnI To matte Feb 7fi far wowHion boa ben made to tend onu fatn ot Iho in from Huttn to the tirect or the Vtmern Howling COHBICJH ihcduld fr thc mrli part of intuit muntn in Salt Utl Ion a while It wee hoped the copper mfllI nIbs would nnd It puculbw lo jmt a I st ten nn in th Hold aunt thls may b9 InTrfcil later 1ho majority of tint other elites uf tine noithntst will be rvprewntPd by two tiim accoidniK to Ihu auvaiio Imports 1111 the tinvelimr iliimnco for nil lit lh Is creuttr than tnut of tin IMilto olllllllnl livu llutto bowler hiive ettinug Into hapB llioriiRhout the wlntor tor trw coming competition rractlfe has been ronatant In lucal tournnmvnt and now the rlnal test due ThIn will coma In trio furm of qualltlcttllon match In which nil bowlers tie emgnno am en tttlil tu entrance That flvn ccorlns the highest marks will bn ellfilblo to tine team to represent lluttn in Silt 1ke lliy to HIM end will begin lute thm Iviog or the tHrly ptrt of next fiocretury MlonUl Hhiclun uniiounctd last might WITH THE BOWLERS CriMccnlfi fapitnvd All Tlirix1 imir Prom tIm It 111I rum 1 MOW TJIliY STAND Name Ic Crscent IK lli luxejH JW 7 as ll1Uilllu Men II iOu 8IIIJr Ii bit Itliltronrl ID 111 Mlesuuimn1 i 16JtioJ The Croscents mud the lUllrouds worn the bouilni umn to Infl43t on the IUKKUI allcyi last nlgnt nnd tine lenileis tuOk nil three Ramos In easy tyl Irooert tOk thin hunoio fur high man flits realms follOW Jti rHOADll Wetzel 131 H9 1Wi1 Dunn 16 4 Ij7 4iJ hritz 101 iii 1241 Mnuln iH sJ xiii Williams 151 lIlt 135 II I Total 769 sw Mi zisi I CJtiSCBNTS Kvan a2 1M HM I rce 161 len Kl Ml VllHon 111 189 m4 it Whitney IKS ISO 1IotA Probcrt 3D M3 tGt rs lllnb 11 S7G1l BASKETBALL CONTEST li Tciim ims Xorlh III Ilny Aifules und It Tciiin The leiiKU5 baik tball team line irons to Iopaii whuro It will meet the Amngiee ami JfRII tarns In nB tilar Iriifue ifninef Tho Midgets will play thit UriBlwm Younjc College tomoirow nliht and the AKKlea on Patunlay night The team Is aid to bo In excellent condition lint expects to will both pitne1 The buys are accompanied by quite 1 croijd of loyal rooteir LA GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIA Inevmonln often follow In rtrlpp but never follow tho UNO of Yotey Honey and Tar It cures la grippe cough ana prevenln pneumonia and con umplon Auk for Foloyi Honey and Tar and refuse any ubtltut offered Mr fl Cachet of 1ST Ongood St ChIcago writes My wife hud a severe ease ot la trlppe three years ago and It left her with i terrible cough 8ho trlfd a bottle of Fo leys Honey and Tar mid It gate Immediate relief A cent bottle cured her rough rfll llefusw substitutes for sale by Illl Drue Co NEW HYMN BOOK AND PSALMODY A new edition of the I Hymn Book the twentyfourth revised under the direction of the Church Authorities hu Just been limed by the Deseret Notre Many Improvements will be observed Tho names of the authors us far ns they could be ascertained have been appended to each hymn Special typo WHS elected for the edition to fiteuro linte plain and bold print without Increasing the size of the hook Thirteen new selected hymns haIl been added to the collea Ion nmunc which are Onward Chris lion Soldier Peace He Still Hock of Age Abide With Me tho two National anthems Amorlcn and The ftar Branded Banner und uv eril others NEW PSALMODY A new edition nf tho 8 Pal mody has been issued ti correspond with tins revised Hymn hook It alto contains the mtiflc for the additional thirteen hymns New plates have been mnde throtiKhout The hook though Bnlixrced In Its number of pages has been somewhat reduced In form malt Inr It more convenient for choir use The price has also been reduced In he various binds ns follows Cloth 5123 half leather JlM limp leather Jlil 1 and full mororco gilt 250 Doth Hymn Book and Psalmody lire now ready at HIP Deseret News Book Store THE CROWN BOWLING PARLOR lost Phone 3K lird Ho St 9 nm ntsuiatinn AI es mvt AUe fur Iirty lItI lili I KKKK Irsruiiluts lo Nsn nn IAIITH HMH I i Salt Lake Direct Vir For MlbporllDj u7t Event California ItM Eurn Ra Exchange 208 MAIM STREET DRUNKENNESS CIGARETTE AND T0UACOO HABITS CURED DY TRIB Mr Icnls exchamrlon mlddl eIght wrestler of the world writes It Is a pleasure for me to be 1 bit to write and recommend THIIl ae liquor and tobacco cure and fts a treat mcnt to cleanse the entlr system InvestIgate this remedy while we ar offering you an absolute OlTAnANTKFl i with eveiy treatment PrIce 112W per treatment Schramm Doul Drug Co I Cur lei Po and Owl corner next Main Sts wher door ton the cars stop I Iostoniee Sol Arenta DELINQUENT NOTICE I Gordon MIning und Mllllnp Company NoUce1herl are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of flUlnfat levied on thin 14th day of Dn cembvr 1110 tha several amounts set on posit tti names of the respective shore holders as folow oot oot Name Ctrl Shrs Amt Poague i aw Ii POBKUO 2 1 1 i li PoaKiia 3 lM IW Cl POOKU 4 lV l0 Poague 6 ia0 ir 0 IOflllUB Iu 100 ft llonley inii ttM William MclCenn 3iM fjo Annlo McKein 10 110 Uteeves Ill loo 1005 Percy Iturrldce JJ istw riO lorry Ilurrldtc VJ UCi 15ii Watkln Kdwards Sr SO Watkln lldwiirds iM tC co John Kdwards 12 3u SI And In accordance with law and an or der of tho Hoard of lreoton made on the lUh day of Itorembrr Iftr so many shares of each parcel of nuch stock as may be recesjary nlll be sold at tho office of the Secretary JIS Smith Main Street Salt Lake City Vtah on Tuesday the tIth day of February IXM the hour of 1 oclock of said day to pay thu delinquent as imtnt thereon together with tho costs of aJvertlHlrit und opensg of nIt AIRXANDRR FOWM5II Secretary of said Gordon Minting and Mill tog Inmpany 21S Poutli Main Street Hall luke Cltv I tah I 1 7 The Ilitul You Havo Always Bought nntl vhch lias been in uso for over HO yearn lias bomo tho filirnaturo of f7 mitt lots been iiintlo under his per soiinl siipcnlsion slnco its Infnncj I Allow no ono to deceive you In thin All Counterfoils Imitations nUlu Jiistnsffootl arc hut Espcrlinciits that trlllo with nnd endanger time health of Infiuitrt itntl CliililrcuKxiierlonco ii iiatnst Experiment What is CASTORIA Oastoria Is harmless Mibstttitto for Castor Oil Paregoric JJrops mill Soothing Syrups It is IMeasant It conlnlns neither Ojiluni Morphine nor other Narcotio stibst nee Its ago Is Its guarantee It destroys Worms mill allays Pcvorishiircs It cures Diarrhoea und Vltul Colic It relIeVes Teething Troulilcs cures Constlputlou nml Flatulency It assimilates tho Food rouulutos tho Stomach and Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children1 Imincca Tho Mothers Friend CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I Tho Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years fltC CUfaUN COMPs5 5 NUAV CISCIT NrwosS Iin I I I Ilk lgrrII NEW RUSS HOUSE hAN FHClilCO CAr CJlAI lW I Lrovs Convtmlciit to all ran lilies nlacos ot iimu em nt and primlnent bulliilnifi A motel of imexiclleo service Kuropoati HO per day upward American lift per iliiy upward HpeclRl HUM lo famlliM The famous lima a la riirto dinners I The lalilfi In supplied with prodnotK dl rert from Ml Zew mans Much PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or na retlv sign era for further infornmtlon IX Till UISTTUC counT PRO Bute Division In tumid for Halt Lake Coun ty State of Ltah In the nutttr of 1M eclair of Alfred i1 lyiIr Dtcedted No tlcpThn petitIon ot Annl Meyer ad of mlnlMratrlx of the estate of Ufred 0 jl Jleyer dfceuetl prayIng for tho uttle went of mm account of said nrtmJnl trlx anti for iho distribution of ttte rclduo of mild rstatj to tho person entitled hoi been set for hearing on Saturday the nth day of February A 1 1366 at It oclock moo at the County Court holisM In the Court Boom of said Court In Bait IoH City Salt Lake County Utah Vltncn the Clerk of wale Court with the seal thereof aftUoa this Jlst day of January A 1 im Seal EL nrDafi JH ClerIc Uy 11 Farnworth Ocputv Clerk 1alll1 Hmlth Attorney for fcsUte ix Tin wcTitTCT counT mo bill nivUlon In until for Bait Idkl conn ty Htato of ttAh In tho matur of the mate of AVIIIUm lark ec imd ellIh petition of Jflnnette Park nraylnr for the liiuanet of William 0 Park 0 Jo Ptlh 0 Jarlc of Ltttors nf Adrnlnlttrntloii In the entate of William Ii Park dtaad has hun let for hear lilt on Hntuulay tho 17th day of Febru nry A 191 at to oclock a in at the County iutirt Ilouie In the Court Hooiii of NHlrl Court In Halt Iaks City fiHlt lkt County Vtali Wltnee th Clerk of said Court with the siul thereof affixed this Itui day of February A ItMi Mlh lY 15Inr Knai Jit Clerk Hy 1arniworih Deputy Clerk I Moyl ft Van Colt Attornw for lell loner IN run nisTHtoT COCIIT pno luau Dlvlalon In amid for Halt Lake Cotm ty Stain uf Utah In the nutter of tine estate of Kmintiel lUuch Deceased No ICfI1I netltlon of the ttah Sivlnm 1101 Cu admltiUtrator of thin estate of Kmimiei Unuch Uweaseil for ccatlr nmttoii of the sale of the following de crltitil real estate of tall dcctdent to will An undivided I1flethlrll interest lu i and to tho mouth 1Ilq 1001 mlnlnc claim omit an undivided ontfourth In term In and to the tMt Lake lode mln Inc claim each of whkh ell mll In pat etiifd and eixoh ltimt In the Vftit Mountain mlnlnjc district Salt Like Coun tv rtah for the sum of JWw Anti upon the following terrew towit Cash upon confirmation ai appears from the return of sue niad In this Court mm been Mt for hearing On Fatnrduv the 3th day oj rebmary A 1M at 10 oclock a i at the County Court house In the ourt Boom of said Court In Salt Lake rity Salt Like County Utah AVtnem the Clerk or sail Court with the neal thereof stilted this th day of February A JJ 1904 Seal ELUnnOOB JR Clerk Hy 11 Tarniworth Deputy Clerk llooth i Ix Attorney for iatat IN THE DIHTniCT COURT PHO bate Division In and for Bait tik County State of Utah In the matter of the estate uf John Bhrp cea ed Notice The petition for approval and tvttlcment or tht annual account of thn executors of the estate of John Pharp deceased htm boen pet for hlarlnp on Haturday tine 11th day of KfliriiHry A at 10 oclock nt the County Court house In the Court Itoom of mid Court In Hilt LaKi City Halt Licks County lelah WItness line Clerk of saId Court vrlth the seal thereof affixed this lit day uf February A F5 Seal ELUHKDOB JR Clerk Uy II Farnsworth Daputy Clerk i Young I Moyle Attorney for tate i NOTICK TO CUED1TOR8K9TATK or Jededlnh Hheen Dnceimed Cr ttl tors will preK ttt clalma with vfluchem to the undersigned nt the thIn of Young iloyle nepers National Hank Build log Salt lp City vtah on or before the lill day of June A I 1M EDWIN flHKETS Admlnlnlrator of tho Estate of Je drtlah fi 8hel l1erenprcl Date of first publication Feb A 1S06 Young ft Mon Attorney I IN TIlE DisTiiicr coLUT PRO bate Dlvltlon In and for Bolt lake Count State of Utah In the matter of the estate or Nephl It Sheets Deceased Notice The petition of Ella dhettt pray 1 lag for thl1 Issuance to herself of I Letter of Administration In the entatn of Nephl Wheel Ilereued has mien Ketn for hearltiR on Saturday the lith day of February A 10M at 10 oclock a I At the County Court house In the Court Iloom of said Court lit Bait I uk4 City Salt Luke County Utah Wltnrnn the Clerk of laid Court with the seal thereof nfllxed this ltd day of Ftbrtl nry A Wii Hal I KIDUFIX3K jn Clerk By li Karn orth Deputy Clerk I Moyln A Van Colt Attorney for Lei tlontri 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PHO tate DlviKlou In and for Salt Lake County dIals of ttalu In the matter of tine estate of Hjruin Vahlitroin Deceased Notice The petition Qr Bnnni Nelson ndmlnlMrntrlT of the estate of Hyrum Wahlitrom deceased rl111I1 tor the set tlcinont of final account of tall ndmlnUtratnx and for tine prim mar dlttrtbutlon of tho real dUd oC laid citat to the pcruon en tiujJ nun teen not for heailnu on riitur dny the 17th day of February A 100 Rt oclock at the County CutirC lousi In th Court toom of sail Court In Putt aka City Salt Lake County Ltah Ultnisi the Clerk of ild Court with the seat thereof aflKtd this Jnl day ofF lruary hit Stali I IPII POE JR clerk Hy 11 Parnsworth Deputy clerk 0 nichardi Attorney for Uitat NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the Third Judicial rutrlet Court fa end for Salt Lake County Slvto of Utah Iqmt Dlvlnlun Danlul II Morton i Plaintiff vi llary Motion Defendant Notice of Sal of Real KatatoNotlc li hereby given that by trtue of the oCr In me vested by tho decree of the bird DIstrict Court In and for Salt Lake Court nah on the Jrd day of February IMS In the Bd cats of Daniel II Mortor pialntlff vt Mar 1 Morton defendant for partitIon and pursuant to ald decree I Philip Maycock referee In sill case will soil In one parcel real as tate Tllti Improvements hereinafter de i cribs at public auctIon at tIne went front 1om of the City and Count Building In fit it iaku City Bait Lake county tub At 12 oMock noon on Saturday of ebl1o nn Mlh 1805 to the lIghe bidder upon the fillmiine terms towll Cacti twontv 1M per cent of mid bid to be paId ti int the sAInt rduet at the tlm of IUd ale ami the balance upon the continua Lion nf ald sal by laid Court and thu executIon and delivery of a proper de for Mid property to said purchaser me aid reCtne that at said salo elthr of the parties to said action shall hrH thin right to bid for and purchase iai properly The said property to be sot at aforrtald In situated In Ialt Lake county Utah anti described ta follows towlt Cominenolnir rods west from tin NB i ornr of lecuqn township 2 south of range 1 east Bait Lk meridIan and run nlnir thence couth rods thnc west rod thence north to rods to the north line of the quarter section thtnce north 3 reds feet more or less tn thn enter of a county road thine easterly uloiiE the center of sid county road rods mute or Ictfs to a point due north ot the pile of bKlnnlnt ttxtncr south to the point of beglnnuif being In and rut uf the northeast smarter of lection Ii and the noutheKit quarter nf ccllJl11 township and range aforesaid contalnlnef HX ucttt moro or hems together with nil the nppurtenancea thereunto bMonx Inc and the Improvemtnti thereon are briefly dn rlbert as follo sOn I good new IlIrt room rustic ret dence enclosed by fence anti surround cit by onumrntM rhruba lawn and shade I tress water nipply piped from sprlnir I house for rullnnry purposes ore small inrn the entire purfotet fenced and subdivided by fences Into boom pasture and orchard siibdUltloiis there Is nn acre rcore or less In young fruit bearIng trees IMtM nt Salt Lake City Utah thIs Tlh day of Kebrtian A I IW riuwr MATCOCH Mttttef Hay Van Coll Attorney for IUlntlff Zitie ft atrlngfiliow Attorneys fir ftndant.

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