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Spirit of the Age from Woodstock, Vermont • Page 3

Spirit of the Agei
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Woodstook, Nov. 7, 1903 WOODSTOCK RAILWAY. 'I I TAIII.K. In I'ftVet Oct. 11.

100H, I' IMNN (lnfMI KAHT. Nn. 2. Nu. i No.

fi. A. M. I. M.

V. M. in 2 r.o 20 10 40 2 S7 5 27 in ii ii.i 35 10 a no so 11 in 2t wi 20 a -a oo Wllll VtlM'li, TaftHvllli', Di'wuyn MIIU, Miirtl'nril, Vv It. J. Timinh (lniNd Wkmt.

No. 1. No.fl. No.0 A. l.

)'. l. M. 7 4.1 1 40 4 2r 7 f.0 1 4(1 4 211 2 00 4 41 10 2 0r 4 8 20 2 15 4 f3 .10 2 23 00 V. llllltfoill.

Mill. Ollt'l'lllMI, Tlll'lKVillC All triilii Niunliiyn exceptpil. Flnc Hliition. 'I roliis Nim, li iiinl (1 ntoii on "'V'l'i-' iiiiinimny riwrva tlie rlulit toeiineol c.i(ii-i uitlmiit iiotii'A. J.

O. rOll'J'EK, Oeuern! Mnniurer. JOST O'iUCIJ NOTICI1 MAIliS CLOSB. sr.m. Nmv Yorlc.

North imil Fjist, 10.00 a 11.00 l. M.8.30P. M. Ildil 'I'Wiitov, ltiitlnml, nml Ludlow C.lfi llllll 8.0J 1'. M.

iillli WooiNtonk iiliilFfllpliviHe, il.OOr. II tlllllVll llllll IMllfl. 0.10 A. M. iiVici! Iiimr I'roin H.iM m.

tnli v. n. ttu i iv-. 1 to 1 i M. KIIKMIKIUK OHAVMAN.

M. News ot Woodstock Mrs. 12. A. Kpenr nnd son have been visitiii" in 1 (iii llnnil.

V. 1). Clouli Vei ennes Siniiliiy. Tickets for 'Durno" are nn sale Moigiin's ilmg stnrc; 35c nml 12. F.

Wnrdwell has secured the cnnlrnct for plunihiuy: tht- llteh ehool building. Dr. aml Mis. C. X.

Ilaskell returned to Hridgeport, after p.isMiug montli here. (invcin McCullounh has ap-pninted Thuisdny, Nov. 26, ns Thnnksgiving ilay. The legular mcct'uitf of tlu- Kinn's Daiighteis will ht held with Mis. DeaneC.

Sherwin tliis ovi'iiinj; al 12. C. linrnard been granled a ptMision ol $14 per montlt, i'loni Mnv 20 last, through Aitmnev J0I111 Mis. A. If.

Wctmoie and son I'lnience, who linve been visitinjj nt V. DcnihnrnV, have reluincd to Toi'onto. 'J'hc W.II. S. ba.sket hall tea.n will play the White River Jnnction boys on Vsiil Held thissuter-noon at 3 o'clock.

11. H. Danids hassold the lot and J-Wse on Rjvcr htrcet adjoininf; liis M'AC-ta nn tTTc west to Mrs. Jucy Vlsoin for $400. Mrs.

Blossoni huild a new house 011 the lot. The kitchen nnd sewing rootn copnected with the Consregsitii na chnich parlors are to he cnlaiKcd and woik on the cxtension of the buildin will hegin at once. The Octoher rcceipts at the post-ollice for stamped paper ol all kinds, including the sale ot 16,357 two-cont stamps, were $704.47, the largfst nionth's lnisiness cver done liy the ollice. R. D.

Itansoni has hought John F. Winslow's place 011 Lincoln street, formerly owned hy Judgc T. O. Seaver, and will move thcre soon. Mr.

Winslowand his faniily, it is iiiulerstood, will move to I.eba-non, N. II. The River Strcet sewing school will open today 5it 2 o'clock. Mrs. M.

li. Vaughan will be in chaige with the exccllentteachors who have long been herassistants. The school has done excellent work since it was staited sevenil yeais ago and the interest of new friends as well as old is askcd in its behalf. V. 12.

eighteen-months' olil colt, sired by Owen Dnninore, Viiil Thursday of peritonitis. The cfiU was a handsome and promising V'unster of excellent pedigiee and iiniei the care of his owner was de-velonuin into a fine horse. The loss is a severc onc to Mr. View. Dr.

and Mrs. F. t. Kidder and Mr. and Mrs.

F. S. Rillings re-tmncd fro 11 a nionth's outing in the Maine woods Thnrsilay, the head-qiiaitevs being at Camp Skooknin, I'mhagog lake, nenr the New Uainp-shire line. The party captnrcd a nomhcr of deer, loxes and mink.but no nioose is on the list of killed. The inonth of Novemhcr opened wiih an amount ofsunsliine and gcnial waimth, but the spell was broken Tlinrsday by rain and jower temperaturc.

Weather Rc-cnrder J. S. Eaton repoits 3.69 tnchrs of rain dtiring the nionth of OcliiWr. The highest teniperature was 6S and tbc 1 west 18. The first snow scnall ofthe seasoncame Oct.

2ft. The funeral of Owen T. Marsh was held nt the home Moiulay aftcr-110011 at 2 o'clock, nnd was nttended by inembers of Woodstock Lodge, No. 31, F. and A.

Quechee River' l.o.lgc, No. 46,1.0.0 a cninpany of Knights Templar being the escoit. Rcv. C. F.

Ptit-nain and Rev. C. F. Partridge were the attcnding clergymen. The Mn-Minic bretluen took charge nt the cemetcry.

Mis. L. C. White of Windsor is the guest of Mrs. F.

A. Wilson. Gcorgc, nged about tsvclvc years, son of Pcter Chnron. was milking cow in his father's barn on C'hurch hill sevcral cvenings ago when a yonngcr brother went into the barn with lantern. In some way the smaller boy brokethc lantern, which set fire to the straw on the Hoor, and Gcorge without ttirning in a fire nlarin dumped the pail ol.

milk on the blae nnd extinguishcd it. There will he no service at the Congregntional chnrch tomorrow, Rev. Mr. I'titnnm havingbeen callcd to Btiffalo from New York, where he went Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. C. II. Deso have taken Miss Fairbanks' house 011 Cen tral strcet for the vvintcr. W.

N. Campbell closcd his house Thur.iday nnd with his niothcr left for Chicago. Mis. Fredeiick Hillingsand fnmily expect to go to New York for the wintcr the lirst of next week. 12.

P. Ashley ot the Inn ofllce is taking a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William F.

llridge returned to New York Thursday. Mrs. John F. I'orter of Hauover, N. innl Mrs.

John U. Dcnlson ot New Bedford, weie at the Inn Wednesday. 1. 11 111 I III IIMIIIHIIil IIM III llllll UMU. III.

it JJf, llllll II. 1 1 inrfn'iirii'Ult li" F't' i'iW1' if mwu A the: day Clapp-Powers. Mr. Alfred Sylvester Clnpp and Miss Maiule Powers of tliis plact' were united in marriege at 9 o'clock Wi'dnesday inoiniug nt the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mis.

II. L. Powers, in the pies-ence ofalew i'liinediatc relatives, Rev. 11. L.

Canfield peiforniing the ceremony, the ling service being used. Dainty preparations had been made for the decorations, which con-sisted of evergreen and potted plants, the couple being inarricd under an arch of evergreen. Mnny beautiful and costly piesents were bestowed, showing in what esteeni the couple nre held. For the present Mr. and Mrs.

(Jlapp will make tlieir home with the latter's mother. WEST WOODSTOCK. Miss Abel Shattuck, who has been iil for ahout a year, has gone to her daughler's home in Brattleboro. SOUTH WOODSTOCK. -The Ladics' Union met with Mrs.

Levi Merrill Thursday nfternoon. The next niectiitg of the Ladics' Circle will be held Nov. 12. Shitley Stearns is quite ill at the home fif her aunt in Potsdam, N. Y.

TAFTSVILLE. Mrs. L. II. Morgan, state deputy, was prcseut at the Grauge uieeting Saturdav cveiiiiiL', and the South Woodstock Grniige was i also rcpre- scnted.

Merton Spaulding, who acciden-tally shot himself in the right knee lecontly, is at the Hanover hospital. PLYMOUTH UNION. Miss Adn llall is at nome from Ludlow for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs.

Ilenry Bcnham nre to livc with Mrs. P. W. Sanderson. Aldcn Johnson and his mother have moved into Mrs.

Mary Sum-ineis house. Mrs. Ilarriet Earle is l.elping Mrs. Johnson. Peter Picrce, his sister and a lady friend visited at Carlos ohnson's Tnesday.

BRIDOEWATEE C0ENER8. Mrs. Will Rice is gaining slowly. Mrs. Johnson, who has been caring for her, has refumed to Burlington and Mrs.

Lnyal Little of Plymouth takes her place as nurse. Mrs. Myrtlc Ciutis of Barnard is with her cousin, Mrs. Ilerheit Shattuck. Mrs.

Warren Blanchard of Plymouth was al Mrs. Allen Vaughan's Wednesday. Mrs. S. O.

Rohinson nnd Mrs. Josie Davis are repnrted a little bet tcr. QUECHEE. CRANOK OIIOANIZKH. A grange was recently organized here by Mrs.

R. II. Morgan, stntc ileputy, with 44 mcmbeis. It will bc callcd Qtiechee Grauge, and the oflicers are: Master, Alexander Mclnnes overseer, Dr. II.

M. Montefiore; lectmer, Mabel Alexander; secre-tary, Alice M. Rogers; chnplnin, Mrs. Ilcnry Gilman jsteward, Frank C. Biown; trcnsurer, Mary M.

K.ine; nssistant steward, John II. I lead lady nssistant stewnrd, Mrs. Eugene Cowen gnte leeper, Jesse Jenningsj Ccres, Jcnnie French; Pomonn, Annie Lewin; Florn, Mne Chiirch. Next mceting, Nov. ir.

Selectman Tinkham owns the biggcst potnto. It weighs three poimds nnd grewon Riverside fariri. DEER SHOOTING SEASON More Bucka Than Ever Killed Thls Year Echoes of the Hunt. The retiirns troin the deer shoot-ing sc.ihon will nothe inbefoiv Nov. 10th and the nuniber of bucks killed in tliis county and the state cannot be given before th.U date.

Fish and Game Comniissioner E. A. Davis of Bethel says, however, that judging from figures already received the slaughter has been grciiterthan ever. The numbcr will undoubtedly bc very close to five humlred. Mr.

Davis is strongly of the opin-ion that the lawonght tobe clianged to allow the shooting of does, which he thinks would lessen the total niun-ber ol deer in the state very little. A large iiuinberof does have been killed tliis season, whit were left where they fall, and only in rare in-stances nre the guilty hunters dis-coveied and punished. It Was Mr. Blanchard's Bullet. An iiKpiest in the case of the Plymouth buck which fell before a vollcy flred hy six hunters devel-oped the fnct that it was killed by a solid lead bullet.

The only one ol the party who used tliis kind of 11 bullet was Clarence Blanchaitl of Plymouth and the credit therefore goes to him. The other inembers of the firing squad were Geoige T. I 1. II 1 vw aftci; Gilheit of Northaiiipton, Ilowaid ol Springlield, Gcorge M. Bradley of Biidgewater, Lconaid li and CailStoryof Woodstock.

Three Days on a Bear Trail. Del Deso staited a bear while deer hiinting 111 Biidgewater Chat-eauguny and followed him foi a good pait of three days. Ile only got one glimpse of the animal and that was when the chase began, but there wns nn inch or two of snow on the ground nnd Del could follow A BkM- Hw in pVK-p the tracks about as fast. as hc could run, which was not cpiite so fast as the bear got over the ground. Ile has a high opinion of tliis beai's sprinting abilitics.

Del staited the hear not far from the Daniels mill in Chatcauguay Tuesdny forenoon, the trail leading him over into "No Town" and back over Bald hill, and m'an nnd bear went ovei tliis route twice. Del ri'tnrnt'd to camp Vs m. Inte at night and hit the trail ngnin Wednesday iiiorning, following it all that day and Thursday until 110011. Over towards Lakota lake he found that nnother party had taken the tiail and hc gave it tip. Lucky Local Hunters.

The list of successful Woodstock hunters, so far as learncd, is as tol-lows: E. II. Blossom, Dr. R. W.

Boyce, Clnrcnce Djy, Carl Story, Leonnrd Bradley, Ilollis Perry, E. A. Colston, A. F. Wood, Miles Wilder, Henry Rice, Ilenry Cobb, Hirnm Johnson.

Fourteen Slain in Sherburne. deer were killed in Sher burne according to an unoflicial rc-port nnd nnother naine or two mny be ndded to tliis list of successful hunters: R. Mavnard, Allen Scv- erance, Charlie Bradley, II. WiU liams, H. Townsend, Will Davis, 'W' Ncd Donbleday, Ilnriy Wilson, C.

Esty, Rollo Rowc, Georgc hcel-cr, U. Mincr, V. Allaid, Wm. Wheeler. Netl Donbleday is cied-ited with 275-pnund buck, whilc fieoige Wheefer's and Will Davis' deer weighcd only 250 pnunds which is considerably more thnn the avernge, however.

Jumped on a Buck's Back. W. J. Cai pcnter of Roxbury shot a big buck deer twice without kill-ing hi'TJ. Seeing him about to rise and bc off Mr.

Carpenter gavc one big jump, landing on the back ol the deer and holding him by the horns. This didn't suit his majesty who coolly liftcd Mr. Carpenter and tlnew him over his big horns into the river. Mr. Rice then shot him again, this time killing him; weight 306 pounds.

Plymouth's Record. Plvmouth, the banner deer town of the state, keeps up the record with '24 bucks killed. The fnmily of Julian Mcsser in that town te-poiistluec taken by the fntlier and two boys. T0 ASCUTNEY'S SUMMIT Two Windsor Men the First 1o Go With Horse and Wagon. L.

C. White aml Dr.Dean'e Rich-niond ol Windsoi drove to the top ol Mt. Ascutney recently, and Iheir wagon was doubtless the lirst one that ever leached the siinvnit. There are stories of a gig, with a colnred diiver, going up in 1S5S, but Mr. White, who kindly gives The Agc few notes ol the trip, hiisn't been able to verify them.

It was a hard job to leach the top, but Dr. Richmond and Mr. White wanted to see if it could be done, and they accomplished it after sonie pushing, pulling and liee-cliopping. A number of Windsor people have siibsciibed loward a fund to re-paii the path to the summit and Nlr. White has had four or tive men at work there for some weeks.

Ile sn The path is in excellent condition for snddle horscs, but was not and is not intended for a whceled vehicle, as mauy ofthe tuins aie too short, and some of the grades are too steep. Since vve drove up the path has been wiilened in the plnces wheie we had the greatest diflicully, but it is still uiisnfe and impractica-ble. We had tocut a few trees, lift the wagon over a few rocks nnd nround a few tuins, but we did not unhitch the horse from the wagon uor did we break or injure the wagon or harness. Last Friday some foity men united in "bce" to rebuild tiie old stone house on top of thc mountain. About twenty boie loads of mate-rial were taken up and the house is now nearly compteted.

The waUs are of cut stone, 6 ft. 6 in. highrr 20X14 feet wjth a rtr, nnd shtittcr covered with tin. A large east iron box stove is set up and a fairly comfoitable, diy slecp-ing place will be available for pnr-ties who wish to spend t'-e night there. BARNARD.

A Mr. Charles Frank has rented the II. O. Clnpp place nnd will make a new farm of it. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Fred Borden left for Marion, Monday. Mrs. Ela staited Mondav for, Nova Scotia to spen I the winter with her sister. J.

W. Adams died Friday with heart disease. Ile was in the woods cutting tiinber and dic'd before he got to the house. Ilis funeral was held Siinday, Rev. Mr.

Fortier of Bethel olliciatiug. Will Soule has gone to Bethel to work. Mrs. S. B.

Aiken has gone to Bethel to work. Leniuel Wheelock ol Tunbridge Wiis in town a few days this week. The mauy friends of Alhston Patch were made sad to learil that he died Monday night of heait fail-ure. Ile was iiephcw of the lale Iliram J. Luce, and wns about.

51 years old. SOUTH POMFRET. F. C. Perry was in Montpelier Monday on business.

Charles Ordway is giving his bnildings two coats of paint. Miss Addie Paul has returned from a weck's visit to Lowell, Bolton and vicinity. Mrs. 11. N.

Baicennd Mrs. Ennn Adams took advantage of the ex ctirsion to visit New York. Mrs. Frank Morse of Woodstock was at Wallace Brown's Sunday. Charles R.

Marcy of Woodstock called on friends heie Sunday. Henry M. Finnegan and Frank Brown were in Ludlow thib week. SOUTH ROYALTON. The South Royalton house served game supper to about one hundred people last week Friday evening, thc banqueters all having taken part in a hunt lnr sevcral days.

captnined by IIot Knight and Willinm Bel-knap, the latter's side winning by 400 points. Besides much smaller game, two deer were killed. FOH OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mss. WlNSI.ow's SOUTniNO yrop basticcn usel for over sUty yers by mllllonn of motb-ersfor tlitlr cnlldren whlle teethlnK, with pcrfcct nuccess.

It sootbei the cbllJ, softeiiB the gums, nllajs all paln, cures wlnd collo. and the leat retnedy for Dlarrlmmedlt will rellcve the poor little sunerer lumcillatcly Solil by rlldrugKtsts In every part of the. world Twcnty-Oveccutsa bnttlo. Bc 11 rc andask for "Mn. Wliulow'f Sootblm mn." nnil takono other kind.

A man in New London, gave iis wite deed for lot in a ccmetery as gift on the 13th anni-versary ot their wedding. WRIDQKWATER. Lewis Ilubbard is nble to hc on thi'sticet ngain aftcr his long con-linement to thc house. Mrs. John O'Conni'll of I.cbanon has been visiting hcr brotl er, 12.

A. Davis, and sister, Mrs. G. M. Bradley.

Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Lacount have gone to Pittsfield for the winter.

P. L. Wondwnid nml fnmily were in town last week. Frank Tavlor is woiking in the mill. D.

A. llawthornc has rented pait ol the John White house nnd is soon to hegin liousekeeping llieic. A delegntion ot Woodineii from Quechee paid thc local ciinip 11 visit last Tuesdny evening. II. A.

Cole nnd wife of Ludlow spcnt Sunday in town. The local hunters who were for-tunate in securing a deei and not mentioned in last week's issue were F. S. Snow, James Sheldralie, Ben Sinith and A. R.

Weeden. II. Gill wns in Burlington pait of last week. Dr. Bovden visited his son Charlie in Nortliampton, Mnss thc lirst ofthe week.

Ile also went to Readsboro, and Mis. Bnyden, who has been spending severnl weeks with her parents there, returned with him Thursday. Ralph nccompaiiied him On his trip. Schools closcd here Fiiday and we 111 plensed to st.ite that Mr. Bil-lings and Miss Bradley have I een eiignged tor the winter terni.

M. Iludson is very ill al the pi'eient writing. Ilis son Charles and daughter, Mrs. Salgcr of Bos-ton, ariived Thursday moi iiiug. BETHEL.

Elbridge F. Spaulding of Gaysville died Monday at the Brnttleboio retwnt, where he wis taken last itiiiiiuer. A Masonic I'lineial was held at his home in Gaysville Tliurs-tlnv, Rev. (J. F.

Fortier, pastor ol' the Univeisalist church, olliciatiug. Probate Business of the Week. Oct. 2S. Estate of llem Ward: Renort of commissioiiers rctin ned.

Administrator applies for liceuse In sell real estate. Ileaiiug oidcicd for Nov. 16. In the mattcrof Ilallie 12. Adams: Guardian settles his accoiint.

EsUte ol Geo. W. Benlon: In-ventoi leturned. Oct." 29. Estate of Louise A.

Amsden: Report of commissioneis returned Oct. 30. Estate of Sarah W'ood-btir, Bethel: Will presented for probate IL II. Daniels, Wood-stnck. Orilered for henrirg Nov.

20. Estale of John II. (iniiilu'll Ad-n)inistrator's accoiint scltled. Besi-dne decreed. Est-itc of Ilarrit Riiniuv: Ad-ministintion account setiicd.

Resi-due dccrecd. Oct. 31. In the mattei of Ilattie E. Adams: Guardian settles his account.

Estate of Mary Manchester: Li-cense granted for sale of real estate. End of Famous Railroad Case. The supreme coiu has jnst rcn-dered a decision in a faihous clian-cry case, which has been 011 the docket ot thc Caledonia county court for 23 years. The case has been stuhbornly lought. and is 0110 ofthe inost importaut railroad cnses that has been before the courts in recent years.

It was cntercd at the June ter.n of the Caledonia county court in 1SS0 as Jsmes D. Bell and others against the Vermont division ot the Portland and Ogdensbiug railroad (now the St Johnsbury and Iake Champlain railroad.) Judg-ment has been rcndered the orntors for their claims, amounting to over $19,000, which with taxable costs and interest since June 7i 1S92, will amount to neaily $30,000. The orntors were foi mer employes ofthe Poitland and Ogdensburg railioad, contiiictors, and farmers along the line, whn furnishcd supplics when the road being built 30 years 'ago. Soon after the road was built it went into receiycr's hands, and claims to the amount of were paid, but the orntors in this suit were not allowed to comc in. The mastei apprnved 51 claims, two of which excecded $2000, and only disallowcd one.

Since tlie suit was first brought all the lawyeis have died, manv ofthe claimants and sevcral special masters. The case reached the supreme court in 181X5, but was remanded, and is now linaliv decidcd. N. T. Whitehill President.

The closing session of the Vermont Tenchers' Association at St. Johnsbury wns held Saturdav. The clection of ofiicers rcsulted as fol-(nvvs T. Whitehill, White River lunction. mesident F.

E. Prichard. f.IIKIWIII, VlCl. ll I SIIK III lv. VI.

Ilnm, Montpelier, secictaty; W. Parsons, Bellows Falls, treasurer; W. A. Beebe, Morrisville, W. P.

Abbott, Proctor, C. II. Dempsev, St. Johnsburv, executive commit-tee. iii.

Reappointed Deputy Marshals. United StatesMarshal Ilornce W. Bnilcy has announccd the nppoiut-ment of L. D. Millsof Newport and Luke Parish of Randolph as dep uty marshals.

Both served under the former marshal. Frank H. Chapman of Rutland was appointcd ofiice deputy; HORSES AND HORSEMEN King Charles, the bay gelding owned nt the Pnrker fnrm in Qtiechee, has been sold to New Bedford, man for $1000. Death of a Centenarian. Mis.

Achsa Allen of Stowe, aged 102 years, the oldest pcrson in Lamoille county, died Oct. 30. Shc leaves only a few relatives. A billposter at Chicago fcll from laddcr last week and wns fatally injured. When hc fell he spillcil pot of paste on thc sidewalk and wns tincd $3 for his cnrelessness.

Farm for Sale. I wWi to xi'll my farm hiWyst Ilorlln. hllimtt'il 011 Wot hill, mio nilln froni iIcimh iiiut iMwt nnioiMiiiil iinn.lmlf inllo mvpj roinl. i'nnslini: of iilniul 7 m'roH. 80 of whlAi li-vel illllni; ooil iinliirrt nnd MiKnr oiclmril, pli'iily i'f, womlliiiul.

I'uriii will lii-i'ii cows nml i.ilr of lnnis. l'or rurlln imrHi'iiliirs iillv lllv ll. I'. l.F.ON.Vim. Wost lli'rlln.

Vt. Taylor's LUNCH ROOH, FISHRIi HLOCK, Central St. OPEN AT ALL 110URS. Quick Lunch and Qood Service. Taylor's.

FIGHTING FREE DF.LIVERY East Barnard Pooplo Want to Re-lain Their Postoffice. A pctitiou of about 100 names has been sent to the postollice depait-nieiit protesting ngninst the discon-tinuance of the postoflicc at East Barnard and thc stago running daily to South Royalton. Ncaily every resiilcnt of I2ast Barnard is oppo.sed to the change, which followed the eslalilishnient of the rural frce de-livery rotites p.issing thinugh that villagc Manv people in the villagc and neighborhood have ordcred tlieir mail s'cnt to Sharon, where they lake tiirns in going for il, South Royalton, whcie the mail arrives, ami thc usiinl ollice of supplv, being ignorcd. Al South Tunbridge the poslinaslcr lesigned severnl weeks ago on ai'coiint ofthe rural frce de-liverv nnd 110 one wiints the ollice. but the depnrtment has not yet seen fit to iliscoutiniie it.

EAST BARNARD. Arlliur DeusmOre has tnken a luinber job at West Ilnrtford and Cieorge Di'iis'iioie is woiking for him. Mis. Liike Parisli ol Uandolph has been spending a few days with Mrs. Frank Gravcs.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ilolt gave them a surpiise paity Mondav evening. it being Mrs. Ilolt's 'birthdnv.

F. I.Grnvcs lias just linislied a new heiihouse 40 feel in length Mr. and Mis. Alono Baker of Bridgewaler have been visiting their daughter, Mis. Lce Ilolt Dr.

W. L. Paine of Royallon will deliver a lrctini; at llie socinl lc Friday evening. Rev. Wesley Wilkins from the New Ilnmpshire conlerence preached here last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Billings have returned from Kcene, N. IL, and nro now livtnp at l. II.

HillttlK' in Biiriiard. Luihcr Fiink ol Quechee recently visited at Albert Chtirchill's. 12. S. Brnilcy is cpiitc sick and has a quinsy soie in his throat.

ficorgc Ciogston is to live with his daughter, Slrs. Cln.s. Dow, this winter. L. L.

McAllister, who has been visiting iViends here, returned to Springlield, Monday. B. C. Laucey returned from Bos-ton last week. Frcd Mosher nnd wife were in Sharon the lirst ofthe week.

EAST BETHEL The Ilallowc'cn cntertainment, given at Orange hall Friday evening, was well attended and nettcd a snug siun for the public library. The success of thc nff.iir was largcly due to the painstaking efforts ot Miss Fowler, Miss Abbie Fowler and Mrs. Perrin. R. II.

Buck has opened a ncat barber shop in his block, a decided iiccil iu the place. 'Mrs. Carlton Stevcns is the owner of a new and large Edison phono-graph. With the Inte puichase of the granite propcrty liy the h. li.

Lllis Co. on the Wateruinn place, the granite is prctty well coi ncred now. One large trncl, however, is vet 1111- sold. It belongs to J. Buck of thifi place.

It is callcd very good grade and is situated not far from thc Woodbury qunrries. The railroad from Bethel village near the lumber shed to thc 1211is q-iany is surveyed and a gang of men are cutting out thc trees, etc, pieparatory to grading. It isthe in-tentinn to complete and have it in opcration this fall. Our gcnial merchant, W. P.

Smith, has returned from Boston greafly iinprovedin health. Ile has bccn treated by a noted osteopath there. PLYMOUTH. Mrs. L.

I. Walkcr, who has bccn visiting her sister, Miss Mcsscr, met mauy nt hcr old fiiends at thc hall last week Friday evening. Shc was a very active mcmhcr of thc Social Union and her removal from here was much regretted. Mrs. B.

L. Pinncy entcrtained her fathcr, Mr. Davcnport, of Mendon, at Camp Dot recently. W. R.

Spaulding rcports that 30 deer have been killed. Three deer were killed by Mcsser and his two sons, Mvronand Eddic. WHITE RIVER JUN0TI0N. W. C.

Rcnehan returned lrom wcck's deer hunt in this town without getting a shot. E. E. Nnsh, a brakcman 011 thc Concord division of thc Boston nnd Maine railroad wn'sthrown from the top of frcight cnr in thc Centrnl Vermont jnrd Tuesdny moi ning nnd severnl ribs were broken. DANA'S New York CashStore 1802.

New Dress Skirts, New Walking Skirts LADIES' FLEEOED UNDERWEAR, A special value in Ladies' Jersey Vests and Pants, at 49c Outing Night Robes, For Liulios and ChiMren. Tlie "Bostonia" Pompadour Comb, New Side Combs. New Wool Gloves, For Ladios, Mifws nml Childrcn New York FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, HUNTING SUPPLIES. Fishing Tackle. Guns to rent by the day or week.


Thc Sunsntlun ot 31 Btates aml Cnnaila; TIio orlil tireatcst Afngicinu MYSTERY and FUN H. r.USlONS, MAdlC. MIItTII, I.MI-TATIOXS. IK-STltUMKNTAI. AND VOCAL JIUS1C, MY8TIKVIN0.

ASTtlNISH- I. VQ AND SHOWINf TIIK l'OWKIt OF JtAtSNETISM. Seats on Sale at Morgan's. DIED IN THE WOODS Barnard Farmer a Victim ot Heart Disease. Adnms, Hnrnnrd fnrmer, went into the woods last week Fri-dny with his son to chop wood.

Mr. Adnms complnined of fceling ill on thc wny nnd snt down to rcst. Not getting up his son nppronched him nnd found thnt he wns dend. Thc doctors pronounced the cnuse of denth heart tiouble. Mr.

Adnms wns nbout forty-live venrs old and leavcs a wife nnd severnl childrcn. For November $1,00 Year 15c Copy. Cash Store B. H. PINNEY GO.

FurnaceS; RANGES AND STOVES. Coal and Goke. Oil Heaters, A hoiifielioM iicfc.sstty. Como aml Kco tliem. B.

H. PINNEY GO. QL0THIN6 FURNISHINGS, f. wTbTsmith. BootsANoShoes AVe atp now ready to show yoti anything in Shoes and Lcggins.

If you want a good Rul)-her, wc have the Wales-Goodycar and the "Ball Band." For Shoes we have all grades from a dollar work shoe to a frt.OO patent leather. We have a good lino of Boys' Shoes from' '85o to $2.50. Ifyon want to know what we have for Oltfth-ing, como in and decide for yonrself. Wc'. are alwaj's glad to see yon.


Shriners at While River Junotfon. The special mceting of Mt. Smai Teniple, Nobles ot thc Shrinc, nt White Kivcr Jnnction Friday evening wns liirgcly ntfcnded nnd inost enjovnble, ns the dcjJcrt sands were. hented to just thc right tcmpcrature. A clnss of 28 cnndi-dntcs rodc the cnmels nnd had knowledge nclministercd to theni in chunks, so that they know moro'now than they did previous to their cn- Hghtenmcnt,.

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