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The Sault Star from Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada • 2

The Sault Stari
Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the sauLt sas Make caHAdA Thursday November i 1917 I ft ant Ads Attractive Coating Materials FOR 2ND HAND RANGE NOTIC first class condition Apply 561 Par-t POSTIN'! Lament street Steelton lDl-Stx List 1 TOR TOX TERRIER1 -PUPS City of Sault Apply 122 Kohler or phone 563 191-2tr -y Ncttlce is FOR A FURNISHED ROOM jfrani rnitted orj for young lady Apply at 33 Birchsons mentioned street 192-2 fi Onta 1o 1 requ red by aatd FOR SALE-ONE TEAM OH HEAVY mitt 1 or defivei horses also two light horses VFheap pUrs anf The better grades of Coatings are notably difficult to get and what may be had is high priced Because we have kept in doso touch with the markets jrfufthe advances of raw wool we confronted the manufacturers early with oar orders and the result is very attractive assortments at prices quite within the reachlof every purse In this showing of wool Coating materials your attention is parti larly called to ALL WOOL VELOUR Very high grade coating of finest velour of dark royal bine and heather mixture Length of 3J4 yards for CHINCHILLA COATING Beautiful Chinchilla coating in new shade of choc( mixture of Burgundy Length of 3 yards for chocplate witbdull C50 4 i ofVikst TS Muniqfcaiiiy of the Marie District Algoma -y given that I have livereft to the per- 1 8ection 8 of Ttvfc sta Act prtrbppies list made all persons retised Assess- Municipality to be entiUeiltervoteliCe AaiiFMun-ipalityagrelectiona for'Jlunicipal ilectimre nly andthavthe said list was frrsC posted up! atmy Office at Citydialg on the 25th -nay of October 19171 and remains there for inspec-tlon Jr Anf-JierehirtaB upon all voters to take immediate procsedinga to have any errprs or omissions corrected ac-cording to law' day of October 1917 CAMPBELL Clerk Oct 26 Nov 1-8 appeal mem 7- NOTICE dancing classes will com1 menca Sat Nov 10th Tambourine caatanet elassie -and toe dancing taught- by professional teacher Apply Mrs' Hughes 191-Stz 186 Spring 8t mmmmmtmtmt 8--- 8 ft LOCAL NEWS 8 81888888881888 7 navy Very attractive a moderate A 75 FANCY COATING Smart coating of grey with overplaid of purple doth and would make a most luxurious Fall garmentyai price Length Vz yards for le and ienK at 1SOME COATING dark olive with overpjaf tely pricedi lens VERY me wool cloth lue Very modern IJ4 yards for vei-j attractive co! oth velour doth very Length olVz yards -for i LCY PLAID ecoating of useful material iq irk shade of chocolate withhold and clar overplai ery moderately priced forength of 3 yi rds 9 IMPORTED COAT LEN iTHS jrk useful InijlUre and plaids good service 8chooTVeavr--ery specially priced len fth -of 2 Yz yards for HO IN RAI Kng of plair urgundy 17 of roj 0 )UR chosen -as their friend in place of Great Britain would be quite unable -to help-them Possibly the quickest way to bring the dupea of the Sinn Buenos Aires Nov Reports from Fein to their sense would be to allow Juniero say that the artny Is mob-Inxiami freedom in Southern Brazil-no prevent Ireland freedom gibfe the uprising of the large German colonies there Highly censored despatches Indicate that there ia serious trouble with th Germans In localities They believed 'rising against the i enmeift under the guise of trikes was done several months ago (The Bystander): Where are the following places and what do yon know of them: Wellington-? Winchester Calgary GraUM Waterloo: Vancouver Cheddar Villa Quebec Copse Alaska Leinster Mlaa Winnie Cheer of Landing is the guest of Mias K7 Sherwood 315 John attest Mrs for boys and girls will meet tomorrow afternon at 439 in the -rectory of -St church i Five and seven passenabr autos tor hint Phono 317 and Auto Llvsry 88 stroet- e-o-d tf Mr A Tees left yesterday for Bruce Mines where' he will Join a hunting party who are camping at Caribou Lake Miss McVlcar will haw' appecial collection of velvet and jvajdur hat at 8550 for Friday and Saturday 192-2t Mrs I jBmrtjii 183 Denis street and her daughter Mrs: C-Willett- and her little daughter DaW othy left yesterday for a visit at Cleveland Sandusky and pother points in Ohio VProfc Holgate wiU Piano" at th given by the choir Meihodist Church Qf tjier Young Mon1 evening Nov 8 ceeda to pack A overseas Admfw There- will 'bi'iikii union ttitta those prsyermeetlng sf'the hObie of Mr WTfl you help tl and Mrs 258 Altmrt street west tomorrow veningat45 O'clock AH returned soldiers Mfrtlcularly those-'fprmerly in lour ydmploy who jars looking for employment should call on Mr TV(6helll Treasurer Algoma Coporatlon Limited corner1 of Spring ft Queen 8t 20 Among the parties given -last evening to celebrate were a hard times masquerade party given by th chofir of- 8t proUathedrat in St Hall in aid of the new organ fund a very enjoyable party given at the home of Miss Beryl Meeshaw St- George avenue under the auspices of the Tukabatchee club Prentice-Boys hard times ball -r in Orange Hall and parties given at the home of Dr and Mrs A A Moody Bruce street Mr and Mrs Taylor Grace street Mr and Mrs Livingston Bay street Mr and Mrs Joseph St- Michael street by Miss May McNabb Mts St sister Miss Annie Haft Brown street Miss Evelyn Dyson St George ave trimmings dresses large different colorings good Mrs John went to hunt Mr -Earl and Mr John have gone to moose for a couple At the outbreak were one hundred In the Young Methodist Church funds to pack boys If so -Tuesday evening Methodist Church Miss May number of her the borne of her St Michael Bay cards and fortune of the were served those present Evans Mrs Wight Lucille Florence Sims Annie McLcajJ Pickett Messrs Vanglian Shier Robert Rood Ray Lines Leonard IlQae McAllister William Knott Bradshaw and Oswald Barbfcr Northampton Cameron Farm Toronto Surbiton Helles' Inverness Copke Claphion Junction Armagh Winnipeg Tower Hamlets Anzac Shrewaburg Forest and Stirling Castle? It would need a map of the Have Year Coat Tailord Here these coat-trials can be here as we tailoring de-nt in connecr nth the store rk thoroughly Fanteed Come in let us' giye you 'estimate on your winter coatr BRAZILIAN ARMY 1 WATCHES GERMANS nee treat NovC 1 3 6 4 4- ALFRED HILD Phone 938 Expert Electrician 9 a gg Jg gg FARM) i PRODUCE at Less than elmwoogAf We wlN Veil APPLES CUCUMBERS BUTTER LAMS CORNJEGGS etc I at the very lowest Friday afternoon The Latest Trimmings Buttons are being used extensively for on coats skirts and suits- We Have a assortment of styles and and in a range of prietbj Thompklns and ton Glendale yesterday to Cartwright Gore street Nesom John strett Wawa ACR to hunt ot -weeks of the war there and fifty young men Class ynf Central jine hundred and overseas left to raise Xfqrfs boxes for those the concert on Nov 6th In Central Admission 25 cts 191-lt McNabb entertained a friends last evening at sister Mrs Joseph street Dancing telling were features programme Refreshments at midnight Among were Mr and Mrs Green- Misses Minnie McCutchen Ada Gder llkrgarct Roberts Mabel Peterman Mildred Winnifred StepDvnsun Hardltpan Harold Dorraqce Ray Roc Leo william Shearer Lech Belangqr Charles Elgic William Findlay McNabb ITALY'S HEAD NOT ON PUTTER TO BE War Will Not Be 'Decided in Italy Declares General Smuts y-j WANTED WANTED EXCELLENT OPPOR-tunity for energetic md trustworthy men position permanent Experience unnecessary Apply box 14 Star office 189-6U 3 OR 4 ROOMS OR FLAT unfurnished by end of Apply Box 17 Star Office BAKER Speers phone 678 WANTED MEN Falla Brewing Co PPLY SOO 191-St AT ANT TIME BEFORB December first seven or eight roomed unfurnished house Moderfi Apply by letter to Box 20 Sault Star Office tf DINING ROOM GUCL AND porter Apply Algonquin IlopL 192-tf A GOOD Gift FOR GEN-era! housework Hlgheiv wastes No washing Apply 964 Quern SfT 191-tf TO BuV A CASH ter in good condition Fnonc 484 REGIS-lone 851 or l2-3t ROOMS WITH yBOARD by two young gentlemens' Central location Apply by letter to Box IB Sault Star Office It GOOD to do plain cooking small children Apply S3 Catbcart Street ER 'ages No Freidman 191-tf A BOY': ABOUT 14 years of age to deliver route in east end of the city Beat paid cdhte in city Apply Star office 184-tt WANTED TWO dOO men Apply struction Co BENCH WANTED A COM! ral servant Apply street GEN- Church 157-tf STOVES AND FURN-ihi to repair or Install I also put on storm windows Have your work done before the cold weather eetym Call McKay for expert service Phone 154 Shop 120 'March-street 166-Tues Thun Sat PARTIES WISHING TO have new furs onadeup o)4 furs-remodeled in the latest fa anion by a Ihodie furrier oflong experience can hate same attended topromptly by bringing them to Mr McLennan and furrier 904 Queen cor of Church or phone 716 DISTRICT REPRESENT-atlves wapted at once fojr Marie and district Good opportunity for a live salesman experience not necessary Big prqspectator the buslnesw noip storting Write for further particularsr Stone ft Wellington Old Reliable FonthiU Toronto Ont 180-12t FOR RENT FOR FIVE ROOMED HOUSE In Bay View Apply 26 Wellington St 191 FOR A WARM DOUBLEBED ded room suitable for two gentlemen Apply Box No 32 Star Office 192-3tz FOR FURNISHED JfOOM TO rent All conveniences Fh one 1356 or apply 159 Wellington street 18141 TO THREE UNFURNISHED rooms and one furnished bedroom All modern conveniences 'Steam heating Apply 141 Tanered- 192-Sts FOR A WARM DOUBLE bedded room suitable for two gentlemen Apply box No 32 192-Sts FOR RENT FURNISH IijjD Olt UN-furnished several house keeping apartments Modern Centrally located Ipply Queen's Hotel QuetayBt 8' rOR BAKERY ttOMP lutfit with delivery wagonl To4m in rood condition Sell l20d bivad a reek good customers Addrep Charles louge Sr baker Espanola nt Box L74 178-15t TO I ROCfclS FOR GEXTLE-nen Apply 1H Stying St- 1894f TO FURNISHED ROOMS either lady or 'gentleman Alood location Well heated atad cheirful Apply 146 Pirn street 190-6t FOR SALE FOR SE frame house on 245 Cheap for quick sal Call or phone 1562 ROOMED ace Terrace Ford car 189-6t FOR HEAVY SLEIGH 2V4 IN runners Apply 783 Metzger St Bay View tz FOR SIX ROOMED HOUSE 65 St are 80a Lot 125 feet-by 50 feet Cheap for quick sale Apply 65 St ave 191-3tz TOR LIGHT f0USE 4 YEARS old also harness Honse suitable for driver or delivery ApblJ 338 Albert street between four anAightp 191-8t FOR AT A BARGAIN $3000 buys a brand new brick house on Morin St Sneltn Jot 40 125 Good basement modern cmvenlences Apply 119 Huron or phone 1393 187-tf JL FOR SALE OR THe TAY-lor and Pringle Co property Bay 8t east Suitable for munulheturing purposes or storage warehouse For enquire phone 1475lS0-tf Apply Scott and Maglll 192-3t FOR TWENTY FIVE LY-horn and barred Rocks hens Call 1546 or apply 384 Northland street ton 191 FOR SALE GURNEY Opt coal range 1 oil -stove living and bedroom furniture Pirn 192-St FOR A DRAY IN GOOD CON-dition No reasonable otter refused Enquire at 350 Queen street or phone 1613 tf FDR 'SALE ONE HOT AIR FUR-nace and one small coal heater: Will sell cheap Apply 31 Grace St 189 FOR SALE-HORSES A goma Agency and Supply Limited Corner pf Albert FOR BALE -r ONE DELIVERY wagon with top almost naw ona delivery 'sleigh with platform oae sanitary cheese cutter ona McCaakoy register one spice case dye case one heater stove one small cook stove A lot of other goods must be sold Leaving city Apply Trudeau 827 Korah Road Steelton 182-tf FOR HOR8E3 FOR SALE Apply to A XL Wade 129 Brock street s' 156-tf FOR ONE LATE MODEL Ford touring car with Yale lock cut out speedometer- In good running order 250 one heavy -Bain wagon 3 in (Ires nearly1 new 45 one lighter wagon 2tt in good repair 820 One cottage at Gros Cap ecreened-in porch dear fir floor- shingle roof used one season would coat 8400 to duplicate: In addition to summer use may be used for fall fishing duck shooting and deer season Terms cash or part cash with short term bankable paper Herbert Stiles Algoma Hotel 182-tf FOR BABY CARRIAGE IN good condlton Suite Tara Hall 191-2t LOST AND A BMA tween The Leader ery store Finder Star Office 'ARCEL BE- Jewel-return to lt ON TUESDAY OCTOBER-27 one pair of gold rimmed spectacles Suitable to' finder phone-803 or call at 635 Queen street 192-2ts A YOUNG FRESH MILK cow color red wltha loUgrope on her horns Finder pleasFuutily jUnner and Taylor phone 492 or night call-1292 A PQCKETBOOK CONTAIN-lng sum or money between Gore St and post office Kindly leave at Indian office and get 1 191-tf A WHITE BULL DOG with spots Owner may have same by writing at once to Box 18 Sault Star office giving-size color and number of spots and a general identification and proof of ownership of dog 191-2t MEETINGS AND (This la Public Crli Regular meeting will be held in the street -Friday even in Machinists local jueet tonight at upstairs of McCormi Visiting brothers TAKE When You are costs nothin date th visit twh town It appro- Jones 312 QVEEN STREET From a Belgian source it is learn- ed that the Germans are insisting on the employment of the FlemlsU language iji all ports 6f Flimlsh' gium for all administrative purposes-including the distribufhm and istratlon of Belgian relief The edict means the entire paralysis of the arrangements for feeding the fSm-4ue-etrioken and destitute Belgians 81 Chris1 these places In -their proper positions friendsHighe where you make your mistake write Everyone of them'ia situated on the iculars lon 10-mile front of th Menin Road bat Albert A-t tie And they throw as clear sni bright a light on what "The British Empire" means today as that sun which never sets upon ft Australians Highlanders Canadians New Londoners Irish meg and "I9 "S1 But Those Out Night Seemed tb Hav Good Time Snow and together la -a combination that the gods do not often vouchsafe to the youth of the Sault and last night they made full use of it and while there was some rather teroius damage such as the breaking of shade-trees and of street lights the boys (and the girls too) were on the whole pretty orderly Almost everywhere you went 'last night particularly in the early part of the evening you would meet gang3 of youngsters out to celebrate Some of them would have adopted various forms of such as masks or would appear in long trousers and big hats or with long skirts But others again Soap waa used plentifully as many windows or window cleaners witnessed this morning and most of the old time minor tricks were brought into play while the presence of the snow added -snowball bombardments to the usual armament or treats" you could hear the gangs call out n(l if the householder passed out tjic for the his establishment would be immune from attack until another gang came along tht knew not of or had no part in the agreement Some of the hoys however who were a little more destructive feftind their way into the police -court this morning Jfr a 4- 4 Views of the Press 4 S-5 4 4 4 4 4 A "The old county regiments The regiments of the have one and all the names nf the places they love to the names of their faraway omea or- of other places dear to them in memory--ron the little broken villages and firms of the LIEUT-COL JONES' DAUGHTER DEAD At the General Hospital at an early hour this morning the death occurred of Gwendolyn Kennedy Jones little daughter of iLt-Col and Mrs II Jones 17 Summit avenue following au operation for appendicitis Lt-Gol Jones has been in France since June TWO TORONTO MEN AMONG THE KILLED Toronto Nov 1 Lleut-Col Irving of the Canadian Engineers and Major Jaffray Eaton Canadian infantry were both killed in action in the recent Canadian advance in Flanders according to private cables re-(Detroit ecived here today Irving'was a proni-Some inent engineer and Eaton was a news-disgust paper man grandson og the I ate Sen-island a tor Jaffray president of the Globe Cardiff Wales Nov Speaking in regard to the Italian situation here General Smuts said: i The German c-ffensive against Italy Is a repetition of the history of previous Autumns You remember the first Autumn of thiy war when Germany crushed Serbia She had to offer her -people some encouragement to go throug the Winter on and like Salome and John the Baptist she brought the head of Serbia on a plotter In the Autumn of -1916 s'he -brought Rou- mania's head on a platter and now Empire subject to the restrictions of we see the onslaught against Italy snob a eounection and in enjoyment of "Italy's position is serious but advantages and protection result discouraging Italy already knows that ingrom IL lt wouhi rats as a neutral the allies will stand by her fo the end with -distinctly- pernicious pro-German Wc shall not Bee her head on a platter leanings I not be to see this thu boomerang come back on the der- obllg tr the new sov mans The war was not decided in Serbia nor Roumania and will not bc h'iJJv nfZto Sd doriilori in iniw with the enemy Tlio couuiry wvuia In JwLi tel nf subject to embargo and blockade In the F-locipal theatre of tc war 0rsi car3 would be taken to isolate it from its patrons in Berlin Nor and 4 IF IRELAND WERE SET FREE Free Press) of the London newspapers in with Ireland suggest that the be abandoned to its fate and al- lowed to go its own way Suppose heir advice were taken Erin would become an independent county It no longer would be a part of the British patrons Our sample bookbPateClutfinas Greeting Cards are now rcdyajid Wwait your Action msr Thuradny Friday and Saturday we are showing a wide range of all is newest in misses and children's fur -sets- stoles and muffs You are cordially in- vited to come in and see them Holiinrake The lines this yar are of exceptional merit and embody manv new and original -ideas in dcsigif and greetings then foodsiuffa were left over could the Entente be expected to g5ve Ireland any favored commercial treat- m-Tit otherwise The Entente would of necessity take care of its own people firsl and of Its friends among if any Ireland might get a share But jt is likely there would be little left over The result would necessarily be dfa aetrous to the land and people of Erin Their business would be ruined their food supplies would become exhausted and the Germany which they had Germany lias been beaten by the French and British armies "Germany sees America rushing in with tremendous weight Therefore she is trying to dodge the issue and catch some advantage in a minor theatre of war It will not help her will only prolong the war a Jew months The Issue Is no longer' In doubt" The corner stone of a new Rutben-ian church to cost 830000 was laid in Hamfltofi hy Bishop Budka Satilt Stationers Limited.

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