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The Sault Star from Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada • 8

The Sault Stari
Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SAULT DAILY STAR SAULT STE MARIE CANADA'' WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3 1926 Algoma News III EAST KORAH'S Ths best dail marks In spelling was obtained by Annls Clark For dally health habits Marjorie Triplett Thelma Jannison Annls Clark and Roland Knight had perfect marks Steamer Tenyo Marti Hai Been Refloated Tokyo Nor The sletmehip Tenyo Mtru which went argound pff Yokohama has been Holmberg Stsven Vablonskl Percy Sltrgo Sr Cecil Marshall Marjorie Triplett Rosa Meisomo Wilbur Hill May Clargo Jr Ronald Knight Annie Clark Lorns Jannison Thelma Jannison Annie Ruxyckl Vera Jannison Arthur Marshall missed several examinations 8r Steven Ruxyckl Pete Dennis Bull Garniss Jr Carolina RuzycHH Gertrude Clargo Ethel Holmberg George Clark Agnes Manser Henry Salisbury Leslie Clargo Archie Manser Jack Garniss Four Sets Kept Busy Dancing All Evening Dick Moore Violinist 'El Each of L2 Indian! of the Kls- math Tribe of Oregon will receive $300 from the Government for sale of Umber belonging to the Indians Ina ClarkH DorotLy Clargo Nlcholus Ruxyckl Mlrlan Marshall Evelyn Garniss Hugh Manser Jack J-nnlson Lily Hayes Is reported to be This continent steadily sinking Fire Reels No Use So The Bucket Brigade is Busy Webb wood Tire of unknown origin eompItly destroyed the home and contents of Mr Ben Berjeekl on Tuesday morning at six o'clock Mr BorjssU who has been living alone In the bouse was oot of town at the time The fire reels did not zeach the scene of the fire which waa at the southwest end of the town and eeveral times flying embers lighted on the home of Mayor McQuillan which also helped to keep the backet brigade busy as there wts quite breese blowing at the time Rev and Mrs Walker spent Thursday in Eapanols calling on friends and members of the Preeby-terian congregation there MrJ Lerochelle end daughter Miss Kathleen Lerochelle left on Wednesday for few visit at Toronto Mrs 6 Llttlewood end little eon Manley have returned from North Bey where they were gueita of Mrs mother Mrs Ballsy and other relations Mrs Mark Smith spent Thursday East Korab Oct The East Korah Women's Institute had a most successful muquerade ball last evening In the Community HalL The at? tendance wss large and the hall wu crowded with people from the surrounding country and from the city The costumes were many and varied and made a brilliant appearanca on tbe floor Dancing was the chief feature four sets being kept busy throughout the evening Mr Dick Moore of West Korah wss the violinist far the occasion and furnished plenty of excellent music being ably assisted on the piano by Mrs Johnston and Mies Viola Kendrick At eleven o'clock the maskers formed Into line and marched round the hall while the Judges Mrs Paulin Mrs McQueen and Mr Gibbs made selections and awarded prises as follows: 1st best dressed couple Mr and Mrs Johnston 2nd Miss and Mrs Kendrick 1st commie Mr Bruce Longstreet booby prise Miss Ella Reid The ladies of ths Institute kept good order end served a is sty lunch at twelve o'clock after which dancing was resumed until two thirty perfumed bill of his dream lady lore To say ths least everything was Just splendid The party pulled up at midnight sharp when a dainty lunch wm served to an estimated crowd of 300 It sura was a corker Thursday evealag ths Expands choir took part in ths second annual musical festival held in the Sudbury Anglian Church under the leadership of Mr Davies ona of Sudbury's lead lng musicians Caprsol Sudbury Copper Cliff Gornistoa and Espanola were repreeented About 150 singers took part and ths spacious church waa packed to hear the beautiful render ing of the combined choirs Last year waa the first tryout and It waa so suooeaeful that it wee decided to make It an annual affair Rev Mr Turner new rector for Espnnola St Church had charge of the local contingent who travelled in au to mob lie to Sudbury Mis Margaret David ton of Mead Boulevard made a flying trip to Cop per Cliff to attend the funeral of Mrs Warmsley mother of Mice Davidson's friend Elbe who died In the hospital Tuesday "Wlggey" Warmsley the Copper Cliff star catcher on the ball team la a son of the deceased The ladles have organised elx teems In Bowling League They did the same last year and eventually played a game here with the Soo Ladles besting them at that time Our ladles are very enthusiastic aa they have to walk out to French town te piny the me about three quarters of mile there often and there are several un official teams chief of which seem to he the Electricians who era never beaten Pity there Is not a bowling alley in town Saturday night the kids of the town went on their annual pilgrimage to pester the residents "trick or treat" being the password Everywhere one saw gang'a of three or tea boys and girle all out after the elusive copper and all dressed la their glad rags to ay the least original The candy tores did extra business too Some of the hunters who hare been out the last week are returning home some with prises end some with vivid memories of ''herelt-comee and hut that Is said about they have got The deer teem plentl ful enough hut we believe that the said deer In the closed season here been practicing the art of life preser ration such aa Jumping dodging and most of all running otherwise we'd be off wed more chunks of venison Still there la the holiday and good 'eats all Records Placed In competition with any tubes in any radio set you'll find Peanut Tubes leading In performance Change to Peanut Tubes now and you'll never change to any other Amateurs get them for that set you are building 1 1J am per economical Jfopanola Choir Took Part in Musical Festival at Sudbury Espanola Oct 30 Dave Alexan dor's big Hallowe'en party tn lb Com mualty Hall tonight wind up Espan round of Hallowe'en partial There hare been this year more parties than ever before Starting Thuri day nigh the Bepamda HUh School kM a party to which the parents were larked Thii wie held In the Community HalL On the same night hi the Masonic rooms the Espanola branch of-the CQIT held another wonderful affair and Friday evening whet might be termed the "'Scotch Hallowe'en party was held in the Odd lellow' mome This wat one of the funniest end most enjoyabls affairs Ail formalities wore ewept away end beeldea the many gamee etc there were Binging duets solos community singing and everything Then Satur day night's party in the Community Hall was the climax Tnera was a full orchestra in attendance and prls as offered for original fancy and ramie costume There were gorge ous getupe representing ever cen Bury country comics that would ne with the big shows dainty Cappers In flimsy rlgouta the rogue cow of eourse Then every one masked the cloak of reserve was lowered and folk did not know with whom they were talking a good alibi for father many a fllrUtlous squeeze could be pulled off and no one any the wiuer antes mother knew costume hnd vice verca It's funny to look In the park' in ayes of some ladr behind the comely mask only to Cad out It was BUI Smltn masquerading as Sally Potts or eomocne of the fair damsels Then of cou the eheiks and sheik esses hoboes end shebjs ill endea voured to pick the lady or gentleman of their choice It wasn't always a sura thing though The Community Hall wag filled with hsppiness nnd Dash and hli sdy assistants worked herd to mak the party the hugh that it war The music was en trancing loo Many guy had the chance of a lifotliae to get within the $300 each Victor Northern Electric at Espanola where she was the guest pt Mrs Trowbridge Mr Nonnas Fisher left a few days ago for Fort William where hs will be employed aa a fireman on CPR-llne I Mr Douglas Connell of North Bay was a visitor In town on Thursday last Miss Annie Douglas end little Miss Nellie Beardmore who underwent op rations for appendicitis at the Ee panola Hospital have returned and are convalescing at their homes here Mr Maynard Mooney la visiting relatives at North aBy Mr Hands of Webbwood whose home office end repair shop and garages were recently wiped out by fire has left for Detroit where he will reside In future Mr and Mrs Valequette and daughter Beulah have returned bom Mattawa and Eau Claire where they were celled owing to the Illness and death of Mr Vslequette'e mother Their friends here sympathise with them In their bereavement and regret to know that Mr Vslequette Is now laid up with blood poisoning in his right hand The many blonds of Miss Norms MoLandraae an pleased to eea her home again after a lengthy siege of Illness While training aa a nurse at Cochrane she contracted pneumonia Her mother Mrs Arthur McLandress was called to her bedside and has been with her several weeks Both returned home on Bunday Mr John Kennedy has gone to Fort William' where he is employed with the Mr John Doyle wss called to Fol-yet on Wednesday Hie eon' Mr Doyle who la employed there having met with en accident which neces-setated his removal to hospital Mr MoCann returned on Wednesday to North Bay after a short visit with friends In town Mr John Lerochelle has returned home from Parry Sound hospital where he has been receiving treatment for Injuries received while on duty he being a trainman Mrs Field and three children of Chalk River are the guests of Mrs slater Mrs Mosley In town Mr Albert Mann of Worthington visited friends In town during the past week Mr Percy Hamer has moved his family and household effects to Stanley where they will reside Mies Gladys Mannah visited blends at Cutler on Wednesday Miss Ada Myers and Mr Harold Meyers returned on Tuesday from the Sault where they visited friends Mr Ernest Lauriault who has been employed at Bairn during the past year la at present visiting st his parental home here Local Oddfellows entertained at a card party and dance In their hall on Thursday evening it was well attended and proved a very pleasant vent A number of Webbwood' fair sex have organised a five-hundred club (males excluded) end are mapping out a series of weekly games to add to their season's enjoyment The first evening of the club's meeting was held at the boms of Mrs Smith Following the evening's game the hostess served refreshments The olub meets st the homes of the members In torn Mrs Collins of town has been laid up for some time suffering bom a serious ailment In her left ankle She went to Espanola several weeks ago where dhe has since been confined to bed Local Anglicans era again enjoying services In their church here regularly on Sunday afternoons Rev- Stephen Turner who le In charge of the pariah at Eepinla with branches hers end at Nairn and Mrs Turner and eon have been made welcome by their congregation here and already are making many blends la this vicinity Rev Mr Turner has exp re Med a liking for Webbwood because of its resemblance to certain places in their home land England Previous to coming to the Espanola parish Rev Turner was in charge of a large mission field in Nipigon The usual Influx of hunters has started This week parties have arrived from Mectler ennd Toronto and have left for the wilds- north of the town time attached end most of all the expectation that Mr Deer la just around the knoll awaiting the pleasure of the hunteieometlmee? The scribe whole duty It Is to record the adventures of near and far "missed by a miracle shot at one and hit three" etc le get ting hie quill freshened up be lots as the deerless ones arrive Provincial polHlos hereabouts Is working It started off with two par ties In the field Then three and now It looks as If there will be a fourth The outoome la assured if thero are two dry and two wets which Is the way It has been rumored but before the nomination takes place we bops it his dwindled down to two candL dotes Otherwise it will he farcical more or less The ladles have been out having a little basketball practice but so far have not really organised Ths radio can he blamed for many of the winter ports losing coma of Its patronage even hockey for we can alt and hear the kick Instead of seeing som poor showing of any game Even basket bail Is now broadcasted next wa ex pect a marble will he the vogue Those who have an after their names passed with honor Those marked with an asterisk had perfect attendance for the month The names are in order of merit: Sr IV Bert Marshall Jr IV-r-Ruby Clark Arthur Peanut Tubes 55TfSvn-yii j-'-v-v i- BUILT IN CANADA TO CONDITIONS MEET CANADIAN ra fo: i' -Tfc hi gU art MtrmilWklkeilrS SM hU A JMft 4 Jr M) uujmUi JW md MM EXERCISE No 6 FDR THE ABDOMEN TING down place hands on thighs Raise head and shoulders up sliding hands along thighs until fingers touch the knee At the time raise lege stiff Now return to 1 This is very strenuous so go slow at first It Had To Come- SalesSay Has ANOTHER day has dawned in radio day of realism in- tone simple operation teal beauty and surprising values 1 It has came through the foresight of! Deforest ft Crosley in designing and building' aets to meet conditions end in them! ability te offer jbese models at to-day's prices 1 -rwj The public have been quick to appreciate the merit of this policy and arc expreming their approval in a wave of sales sweeping that country from coast to coast Everyone' ntalLing' about DeForasc Crosley performance everyone is admiring Deforest ft Crosley beauty everyone is mar-1 veiling at DcForcst ft Qosky values Go to the Deforest ft Crosley Authorized Dealer see and hear for younelL SERVICE SUPPLIES LIMITED Ottawa Ont Yois? Sealer has Enterprising dealers stock this famous underwear because they know it never fails to give long wear and the utmost in warmth and comfort Penmans 95 is a light-weight garment yet provides all the warmth of heavier underwear It is famous for quality standing the hardest wear and giving as good service after numerous washings as when it is first put on Made for men women and children in two-piece and union suits Look for No 95 on the label WATCH FOR THESE Keeping fit EXERCISES npHI la one of a series 1 of eight Penmans Underwear exercise ad wertieementa Clip each out aa it appears and yon will have a complete set Do the exercises every morning and you will get wonderful results A luks-wsxm sponge should fob low the exercises Chicago Gangster In Italian Prison Chicago Nov 1 Chicago's liquor gangster learned today Vlncenxo (Jim) Gen ns who fled to hie native Sicily after the third of his flve wealthy brothers fell In reprisal warfare and of whom little or nothing haa been heard-since la fighting to cut abort a prison sentence eer-ving In Italy for a jewelry robbery according to a cable to the Chicago Tribune from Palermo Italy Jim Genna waa the oldest of the six brothers who In fifteen years rose bom the status of Immigrant laborers to he chieftains of a powerful bootleg clique Ths family fortune was put at Uvs million dollars C-5 Console -ttmom C-S Cirtmlf le FcfM Ctnuolt BidSt-m tfttktr RejttU wanted xletiesj CutrolUi by Asad Vnnrfssti torn fih ity ifttatr jctjkm $115 LIMITED Out PENMANS Haris CANADA'S GREATEST RADIO VALUE Mrs Laura Jones claims $2751 damages agalnsh Mr Katherine Lennon tor injuries sustained when bitten by an Airedale dog In Catas-anqua Pa Elmer Holland 39 cashier of Minnehaha Connty Bank which failed to open recently in Valley Springs SD committed suicide by shooting hlmselL MUloina of dollars a year have been saved Ohio by organization of farmers says A Dyer leglslatlre mt osio iw iPhone 1625 Queen St 2 doors east of Port Office HEAETH UNDERWEAR.

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