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The Weekly Gazette And Stockman from Reno, Nevada • Page 2

Reno, Nevada
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WOMAN Article from the fen ol i. A VIRGINIA LADY'S IDEAS. KENO AKD -THUBSDAV DEOEMB.B 1894. BEAL BSTATB SWINDLE. California a EDITOR I do not know a reason why women should not rote if they desire to do to.

Six years ago in the Nevada Anembly I took tliia position, and offered then to vote for Buch a bill as would provide election at which vote, so that as women only manv de TUtUi sired might Rive legal expression to their opinions on that one question. II at such election, a careful census having first been made of all the women, a majority ol all who would be entitled to vote should favor woman then I would support the movement heartily. I was confident that men would generally take the game view, The lino of action which I had suggested was approved in public on the same day by Speaker Coffin and other members of the Assembly. There were then present Mvernl active advocates of woman suffrage, who heard all that was said. A bill to carry out the suggestion could easily have been passed.

Had tliis been done we would long ago hav known whether or not a majority of Nevada's women deoire to vote. For iome reason made public no such bill WUB introduced. While the inaction of 'he prppon- onto of woman suffrage at that lime led uio lo doubt the existence ol a general desire on the part ol women to vote, my opinion as to their right in the mutter remains the same, no new light having come to prove it ThS' principle of equality in the raartrtffiSfc; now. We are to move yet further, faster. woman suffrage a I Kicp? Shall wo try it? to know what will Work and A real estate agent, representing real estate dealers in San Francisco, visited Keno and Wadsworth last nuuiraer with a scheme to sell town lots, situated in Southern California, on tho "Installment" plan.

His scheme was this: Purchasers paid $10 down on each lot, and agreed Uvsn ll i -pay per week on every purchas until they were paid for. The lot being valued at $126 and $150 each, One of the victims has been investigating his purchase of lots and from hm been satis- Kaling IllB u. Fellers he has received has been fled that the scheme is the rankesl kind of a swindle. Another violim IH now down there and writes that the lots are practically worthless. The agent represented an electric street railway running through the tract, wlille the truth is the street railroad not built at all.

Another inducement made was that tho new main overland East ran through the town and a big hotel was to be erected on the town site, all of which wan false, be- 'cause this line does not come within two miles ol touching the town, and the '-hotel" is in the aim future. The agent, so it is said, succeeded in Belling quite a number of lots in Reno Wadsworth, Bodie, Grass Valley and other towns His victims were quite Ulve Woman the of All Will Be Well. The following article Is by one of VirainialCity's most prominent ladies: KDITOB It is evident lhat law must have a source and that God is the master of all. and while we are enforcing laws that are contrary to His divine will, it is not surprising that we are made to hear the discon tent and see tho Buffering and uores that is in our nation. We need not wonder that woman Is pleading for the right that the di vine master intended she should have We turn to the second chapter Genesis, there we are told that God created this globe and bung it i IKwt I trv Iliwelll creae pace; then He gathered up the dun es, the very coarsest material of al creation, and out of it He molde nd fashioned man, breathing in hi living soul then He took from him rib und made woman, and she was placed beside man as a helpmate, a Dap II WUUioii I thai women have an equal right with men to decide what shall be the duties of urtch sex, where, if anywhere, are to be the limits for each in the world "Wt before giving the so-called boon to women we should know that they want it II the privilege be given to the duty will be imposed upon Therefore a majority of women should decide that they desire to If not it would appear hat at least the wammi would either op.

POBU woman suffrage or he indiuarei 11 women are i i to accept Unburden what man will oppose it I II they arc Indifferent, utill worse. We liavo too many indifferent voters now. In our political ByBttmi indifference IB one ol Hie greatest An cut voter i vote either carlessly, ttiid badly, or will se UIB vote, thereby destroying the political oquiiliiv ol men, and tending to do- ilroy the only kind of government to which true Americano can ever sub- nil. Women--female men--no worse nor better than male nien, are under similar circumstances liable to similar TicoH, Should we, without their for- expressed conBenl, impose upon them this duty, place in their hands, require them to use the Impu- nientot political work? As to the ability ol women I make no question; any aB lo their right. Tho only qnoHtioii IB in Iho mutter.

Tlmt lft the bi aiiddloand Ihe end of it. "hen a majority of women say to men we want to share with you the public work which you huve heretofore done there Rhould beunquoBlioninu and imiuediate compliance. Why not? Is it that we fear changes? Wo cannot avoid them. All things are ever changing. II wt, do not g') ahead, we go back, Wo mnstriao or fall.

When we cease to we benin to duciiv. Perfect sla- billlv unknown condition, an ah- death compared with twini! of the cold dead moon 18 filled with lifo and tiro und youth. I'oUJADK, TUB INDUSTRIAL AKMY. tMcraiurnto'M Mayor Correct Klcu of Clinrat-tt-r. Oakland Tribune says; The Mayor of Sacramento 1ms a correct com prehension of tho charnctor of Iho Industrial Army that has been diverting thu course of charity from its loKilimate channels in this city for many months pant, and ho Is taking time" by tho forelock to resist the threatening Invasion.

He has decided to grant tho Chief of I'ohoe al the tru special officers he will nee. to tak. "haw of them. The merchants Isi citv have ttnally discovered tha the ariny of tramps and ox-convict unworthy of help, ami wiU not ac cept honeBt hire, and they have shu downon supplies in the way ol clothing and money, which they con ttlbnted toward the maintenance 01 the vagabonds for weeks, under the erroneous impression that they were wving the cause of charity. Justice Mams to have leaden heels in this city, or the camp of organized ex-convicts and professional vagabonds would fcaveboon broken up long ago.

roronn Water IN the natural fragrance of flowers and therefore delightfully refreshing for Ihe lollei bath. This new mnd exnulBlt tollut water Is mucnmore agroeahle than tho artificial used und Isj-apldlj'su For sale by i I' numerous in there now, writes that the lolB are not worth $6 a lot. The land is messi while tho agent represented it ai comparatively level. said that this enterprising man had to "lots" to green horns for the people llvinc in that section would not bu Ul This a should be a good lesson fo people aniious to become property unlderi to buy property at home. HAKD ON IOB MKN.

Mtorm of ThI. Wi-efc CoBHlilerable WorU Saturday's Truckee Republican Bays: The weather for the past week has been rather hard on the ice men down the river. At Boca the were frozen over several inches when the storm came and the result been that the company has had to Blulce their ponds, At Prosser Creek The WOMAN PICTURESQUE AMEBICA-FOUB COUPONS A TEN CENTS. wife one to be respected. H.Opfu), not only in the domestic relation, but all that emulates to his and intellectual pursuits.

In the darkest ages woman ever been expected to manage and help govern her family, and in naliona affairs she has a grand record, and Woman should never rat or have denied the liuht of the ballot. When we stop lo consider that His wisdom, has ack nowls Of that rulhlcM lyi man. EDITOH how In the name of all that is great and good could you expect, in a community in In which the sentiment is evidentl) overwhelmingly on one side, any in dividual to dart take op the cudgel defense of the windom of our fore in granting sufftaiw th "sterner" BCX Or is it hie that yon "had it in" poo fellow, whom you knew to be oppose to lernalo euirrage, expecting him rush into print upon the first oppo tunily, and then get your reveng by seeing him a most unmercifu drubbing through, the columns your journal, it not subjacted lo pe Booal violentie al Ihe hands of an ou raged public sentiment, because I dared flay aught against, what present, in HUB State at least, jndgn lythe communications which eared in your paper, seems a irt of vox populi, vox Dei" sentiment, Alter this introduction, and under ex Hling circumstances, you cannot ol ourso, expect me to sign cognomen to this com His woman's intellectual and moral worth sending with tho glad tidings that son a she physical a Jehovah proclaimed to all intellect and he, rarity of mind, and that she was am niwi'B equal, and with His roya liadein He set His seal upon sluice their pomis, i Saperinlendent James McDonald has had a large nuinber of men employed and thus far hetas succeeded in keeping the pood clear of snow. J. Moody has done the same at his pimds.

About twenty men were taken to Cuba from here to clear he snow from the ponds there, and it is with great dilMimlty that the arebekoK kepi clear. 1 the storm eontinues few of the ice men will be able tu save the present crop, AB it is some of the pond- around Oiiba and Florlalon have had to be sluiced out. Nearly every idle man in Truckt-e has been given employment at the various ice ponds on account ol the storm this week, Mr. A OppuHCd to It. ST.

CI-AIU, Nev, Dec. 8,1894. EWTOK GAZKTTK: Your circular Inquiring of tho members of the next legislature of Nevada, how they (eel on the paoposition of woman biiffrage. I can only answer for myself, and that IB that I shall never favor such a proposition; that I have to much respect for Ihe sex; believing lhat woman was crested for a nobler and higher place on earth, than to dabble in the low pool of politics. A woman can never hold a higher position, than to bo a true mother and wife, and her influence can be used wilh much more power and boiler results in advising those that come uu- dar her immediate associations, i also claim lhat ID all the BUtei and Territories that have adopted woman suffrage, it has proven to be a failure.o the rcBiills that are claimed by those favorable to the proposition.

You can put me down as positively against the right of woman having the right to voto, and other duties attached to thorn by that right, respectfully, LKM AI.I.KN. that she was callfd upon "on of Uod to redeem this sinful or hi WueVe woman's refloinglnflneni! more needed then in the poluica "'TheVess is constantly sending new over the country of tl. Irauds that have been committed our elections, and men are being ar rented and sent to prison, Me hi lhat every mother must be Genuine Steel Eograiing Worth 50Cts, WithBwi "Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said This is my own, my native land?" tne iijiiuwutu MDUU i erase, nmu --r- I consequence of the superiority con dowVwTtfi sorVow'when she hears ol the arrest of her son for dome fraudulent act committed on election days. Oh, why is this? I taught uiy son by precept and ample lo be ever, yes ever, honest and truthful. Why is it lhat a mother's influence seems to end at the la Oh, that it could go to the tial ol box with him, this shame and grti-f not be upon UB bolh.

Oh. often I have heard boys say they reached teens, Moth," you should not talk of polito, vuii cannot vote." And that imprewii grows growth, thai ire the legal lordB of mother, and wife. Is it any wonder thai crime is growing more rapidly than Mr nation, when we have nled one half of her children the right of citizenship and the other half loon- act some laws that are as and humiliating as the iron bands It i a a common expression i men that "all men their pricf. Surely that is not without its eilec upon the coming voter. We can safely Bay that eight-tsnths of the women are above price, that being the case she will not be contaminated by any of the vines that are liaLgini over the political economy of 1 has'never been a time when woman was aw well educated and qualified for the right oli the ftt th(3 prflSBIlt.

VVC ii MI "ft many responsible positions that hitherto she has been debarred from, and where we find a good woman, tier influence has a purifying effect upon her brother man. We realize Ihe influence of MiwU'. Willard and MissUordan.and we huve many Miss Wlllards who will come forward to help in the noble work she has tolled BO earnestly to lay the foundation (that is cemented on nt laironymic UUKIIWHOU municiitionforyouknowitisacommoi, liing for hard names such as -'golil "Wall Btreet and the like, to be used against all who side with thu minority, and to assert views not held by Iho ma i'lrliy; yes, more than that, how oocial oslraciciu in sometimes the fut accorded darinu agaiiiBt, not principle, bat party. I frankly confess, therefore, that Demi: vuKDixaot of all tins, I dare not tak, the chances ol allowmg my ideutits to become known. i a i i i a grave one.

Hit Scriptural arguments against Ihe pe, niciouB innovation in our polliiica and suclal systems, Hcoms lo been lost siuht of in this materialwth aw' and rani's injunctions to ih women to "keep silent in eburehei-'-and to "learn of then hnsbandsat home" areanachronUms Even tne most zealous adherents the belief that It is our duty to accep not onlv the spirit, but the the lette the Buiiptures, wanderioKawaj am and disregarding them in tin and advocating granting women free and unrestricted rights iml limited only by thi-conservaiive of our iwlnic should ask in all Bim-vr Iv the verv perllneiH, ind oiijeclionahlo only bscausn to the slang vocabulary, i i a i a i 1 The world has jirogresKeil, and i uontiiiuu to advance, but the ail age, "The more haste, the U-ss ie a familiar one, wppllcahle to social and palilical ull'iurs as to --i i i i a THE KA7.RTTE HAS SECURED IT! Grandest Literary Work Ever Offered by Any Newspaper. The Great Art Work of America The most Magnificently Illustrated Work Ever Produced in this Country, Or THE LAND WE LIVE IN. "nrnij-L Kdited by i i a Cullen Bryant. Revised and Corrected to Date. HOC HI aim r8 of personal and

u.l con cern Is better to boar the ills we have than fly to others Hut we know no, ol sung Ihe Prince of 1'oets, and matter of character of the one in hand, directly affecting as it does (lie very Inundation of society, that upon which ti.e very existence and perpetuity tf our government rCBts- Uie home-the thought contained in this quotation should be ponderen long and well before rushing madly into the adoption of legislation which most of nc.osslty affect this foundaiiou of the structure wo call society. In the loam, recently offered at ver "To the Women i Oiloradoj Ood taleis 'em; formerly our superiors now our equals," thore is more truth than poelrv, and, although intended 0 be humorous, it contains much food for redaction. It is a fact that so far aB legal rights and privileges are concerned in this is man's superior; not only that, but in with Iho pobllnhliiB A I'Plii? TON A arl and lller.ry publication, KK.SUDK A A ku i weekly parU, at and 4 Coupons Cot from the house PIC- 30 FULL-PAGE STEEL ENQRAVING8I 400 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS ON WOODI 700 PAGES OF LETTER PRESS! dation (that is cemented on with tears lh(J )0iue ,,,,,) of joy and bles-ingB of the rescued i or; more than a through ylid tlmt lme or Btoruis will never nuen ce which she in Ueno Chapter No. 7, U. A.

on TM Theo acknowledge her right onm h( part will conslsfof quarto panes, and 1 oll l1n1OMI Br 1f i with tears hol iu society, she is also readers at Mined I timn all. through I 10 tats anil 4 Gazette Coups tor Each Part McOormack, II. 1'. i I- Orockott, 1C John Horn, It. 1'.

Krause, rroasurar, and W. L. Bcchtel, bocre- "sa'tnrday night Keno Ho. 18, F. and elected officers an l- I fVI 'Virginia, Decembers, 1894 0f DOlll society, to exert over tho minds of her boys, her influence to-day in the uffaiis of State fur man's, with all the privileges and rights for the possession of whiiih some of women of our day HO envy him.

It ia well therefor- to consider be- Secretary Beport. 1 Secretary Stoddard has made up i Jt ia we tberetor- to cousiu.r U.W., hibit at the fore the nature fjto a nothing will be Sale of State building 2 Sale of hay Sale of two cases lu ily'mers, Treiwurer, Jamison, Secretary. DAIRY-MEN'S UNION Wet It. KI.ITOB "Bposon" get woman suffrage, and your wife IB called on tho they have a hard case and disagree; they are locked up all together, men and wo'iion in a Btnall room a week. What wil she say and who will take care of Fred.

MRS. Keno, Wee. 9, 1894. I Keno, December UoNO-PUHLICO. 0.

UKALKKS IN-- Hs If the Buli.v utUBfclTecth, lint old ftnd wcU-ttied TtfUt-ir. Aunttfti Tho Directors of the Agricultural Society met last Monday and elected tho following officers for the ensuing vear- General C. C. Pnwnmg, Presi- aent; K. S.

O.bnrn, Treasurer and Frank Eromitt, Secretary. W. 0. H. Martin, tho old President Stoddard, Secretary refused to act this year.

Whou Whether on pleasure bent, or business 0 ri 0 on the kidneys, liver and druiglsU- Manufactured by the Call- Total $12,43285 DIBBl'llBBMKNTS. Salaries, labor, etc 90 Furniture Bureau of 500 OU Freight charges oM gu Officers expenses vi Klectric i OJ7 uu Kzpense Nevada Day. Building and Tctal $12,01251 Overdraft at bank 170 Ot, Outstanding bills Total 23 4i)AlninK (Around. The free coinage sentiment for silver Is mid to be making great strideB in Michigan. A meeting was held the other day in Detroit, which IB but the prelude to a more gigantic meeting lo the Independent.

And still Michigan went Republican last month by a bigger majority any time since the War of the Ke- bellion. Produce and Provisions cry I WOIIIB Very The discussion on the question o( woman suffrage, which the has invited the public to lake part in through its columns, is becoming very interesting. From now on we assured of being able to have one or more articles for each issue. There were more came in to day than there was space to give to them, and they will be printed to-morrow. Hut the imn requests timt those who Sntemplale wrltinn send in articles at their earliest in order that there may be no break nUiediecussion.

We hope lo make this the most interesting and in- argument ever had in a 1 1 3 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 9 DAVIS L. TOMASINI, Manager, MANHOOD RESTORED ttotl 0' II IVA itrtruiiH. KU njr. Mijnliood. ot newsoBper in the State, and the proa- rS are that our hopes will be more ihan realized.

Ihe PUD- llOOB lie will be missing something of inter- AM vol. .1 thnka articles I Wi DKN 0 1 of i--o. rnl. i-' I I i UW nut if they fail to read these on both sides of this great questwo. A NEWSPAPER!.

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