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Boston Evening Transcript from Boston, Massachusetts • 12

Boston, Massachusetts
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LATEST TRAFFIC MODIFIED. Too Rigorous for Railroad Presidents. J. Seligman Co. iMES STREET GOINGS We plate on sale about fifty (50) imported models Ladies Street Dresses in the newest fashionable fabrics and purchased by us from the two most eminent costume makers in the New York and Paris markets for cash at very much less than the actual cost 'to manufacture Your choice, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00.

SUiK YlMSTS $3.50. Down Puff, 6 ft. by 6 ft. or 6 ft. by 5 ft.

This is a Puff which wc had made to order to sell as a special bargain at $5. It is covered with a fine grade of Sateen. The design ana colorings are good, having been made to our special order. NOW a manufacturer has copied the design and colorings but filled the Puff with inferior Down and very much less of it. In general appearance the Puff is the same as ours in reality it is very inferior.

So we propose to Close Ours Out Tney are a bargain at $5.00. PRICE TO CLOSE, $3.50. We call your particular attention to our new Silk Waist Department, which contains a full assortment of Novelties in Velvets Dresdens and Taffeta Silks. See Oar Striped Taffeta Waist, at $5i98 See Our Scotch Plaid Taffeta Silk Waist, at $7.00 WASHINGTON ST.f OPPOSITE ADAMS HOUSE. possible.

The meeting this afternoon will simply take measures to secure an advance in freight rates, which had been reduced during the last few months. NEW HAVEN'S ANNUAL MEETING. Directors Report Accepted Without Opposition Old Board New Haven, Oct. lv The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the New York, New Haven A Hartford Railroad was held this afternoon in the office building of the company In this city. President Charles P.

Clark In the chair. Comparatively few stockholders were present when President Clark called the meeting to order at noon. The first business considered was the annual statement of the directors, as announced last week. Its acceptance 'was moved by Judge A.Heaton Robertson of this city, and the motion unanimously prevailed, to the general surprise, ss It was expected that there would he opposition by parties who have criticised the policy of the railroad during the past winter. The next matter taken up was the annual election of directors, which resulted in the re-election of the old board, as follows: William D.

Bishop, Bridgeport; Henry C. Robinson, Hartford; Charles P. Clark, New Haven; Joseph Park, New York; Chauncey M. Depew, New York; Henry 8. Lee, Spring-field; William Rockefeller, New York; Lev-erett Bralnerd, Hartford; Plerpont Morgan, New York; George Macculoch Miller, New York; John M.

Hall, New Haven; Charles F. Choate, Boston; Nathaniel Taylor, Boston; Royal C. Taft, Frovidence; Charles F. Brooker, Torrlngton; Carlos French, Seymour; George J. Brush, New Haven; I.

Dever Warner, Bridgeport; Arthur D. Osborne, New Haven. All the directors except Chauncey M. Depew, William E. Rockefeller and J.

Plerpont Morgan and Mr. Choate were present. The vote for the directors was unapi-mous for the old board except in the case of Henry C. Robinson of Hartford, whom, it was raid, Henry C. Goodwin of that city opposed and declined to vote for, Mr.

Goodwin representing 130 shares. The number of shares which the other directors received was 275,224. President Clark then read the report on the finances of the road, details of which have already been given out. He also announced that the outlook for the future was very bright. The road's gross Income for the months of July and August, actual, and September, estimated, was a million dollars greater than for the same period last year.

For this period the amount to be applied to the payment of didvldends would approximate the president said. The act of the Rhode Island State Legislature giving the road power to acquire the stock of the Stonington Steamboat Company and the act of the Connecticut Legislature allowing the road to absorb the Tomlinson Bridge Company and Union Wharf Company in this city were accepted. The meeting adjourned at one o'clock. It was the most harmonious ever held here. It was thought that something would be said si bout the much-talked street railway policy of the road, but no one brought the matter before the meeting.

The slim attendance was due to the recent order of the company refusing to accept stock certificates as transportation for stockholders coming to the annual meeting. Injunction Against Arbitrary Wheat Rates. San Francisco, Oct. 16 A temporary injunction was granted yesterday by Federal Judge McKenna, restraining the State Railroad Commission from putting Into effect today the proposed eight per cent reduction of lie local wheat rates, and directing them to show next Monday why the should not be made permanent. This action was taken as a result of complaint filed by the Southern Pacific Company.

Switching Charges Are Illegal. Oct. 16 The Illinois Railroad Commissioners have decided that the $2 per car switching charge made by the railroads at the stock yards is iliegaL A similar case has gons to the Federal Court of Appeals. The charge Is really made by the Stock Yards Company, the roads acting as collecting agents. If it is Illegal the Stock Yards Company will have to abandon charges equal to annually.

Reading Traffic Greatly Increased. Philadelphia. Oct. 16 A Pottsville despatch aaya that the Reading Railroad Company Is hiring additional trainmen and yardmen to handle the largely Increased traffic over its many branches. Needed for Defence as Well as Commerce.

Views of Admiral Walker and Chief Samson. special dispatch to the traxscript. Washington, D. Oct. 10 The plan offered by the New York Herald, calling for the Improvement of the canals and the establishment of Interstate water communications for the requirements of our commerce has found response In the minds of thoughtful men here, and the strong presentation of the advantages to national defence that would accrue from such an enterprise received cordial commendation from men in the naval and military service.

"It Is a stupendous undertaking to deepen the Erie canal," said Admiral Walker, "and its success will depend largely on the character of those having It under control. It would cost many xnillions.but If eamest.practlcal men were put In charge, who would expend the money honestly and with wisdom. It would be a profitable Investment in more ways than one. If I am correctly Informed, the proposition that seems to have met with the most favor In relation to establishing deep-water communication between the lakes and the ocean contemplates a widening and deepening of the Erie canal and other necessary waterways, so that vessels of fourten feet of draught will be accommodated. In such a case the benefits to commerce could hardly be estimated.

Vessels could be loaded in Chicago, Milwaukee, Duluth and other lake ports In the Northwest and transported with their cargoes direct to New York or across the ocean, for that matter. "Then again, the aid it would give in Improving our means of defence in time of war would' be enormous. Such canals would not only carry torpedo boats, but the smaller men-of-war. As long as Canada remains an English possession there would be a necessity for protecting our Immense Interests on the Lakes. England already possesses canals through Canada In connection with the St.

Lawrence River that enable her to send torpedo boats and gunboats where she may please on the Lakes. Of course, there is an agreement now between the United States and Great Britain regarding the armed vessels which each Government may maintain on the Lakes, but in case of an unpleasantness It would disappear chaff. There is no doubt that we should have some requisite means of communication with the Lakes from the ocean for the better advantage of our commerce, and to give us power for defence, and I heartily hope the enterprise and means will be rapidly forthcoming to accomplish it." Captain William G. Sampson, chief of the bureau of ordnance, who has given much attention and study to hte question of the Lake defences, said: There Is no question of the necessity for such a means of Interstate communication as the Improvement of the canals would secure. The commercial advantages ar.Bing from such a work are too apparent to need attention.

In enabling this Government to protect Its cities on tne Great Lakes and the shipping that covers them, the enterprise would be almost beyond estimation In value." TRAINMEN CRUSHED TO DEATH. Fatal Railroad Accident at Altoona, Fa. Altoona, Oct. 16 A wreck occurred on the HollidaysbUrg branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Allegheny Furnace at the southern end of this city this morning. A passenger train came dashing around a sharp curve in a dense fog and into the engine of a water train whose engine was at the rear of the train acting as a pusher.

The two engines were telescoped. The shock was a terrific one and all the passengers were thrown about In the most violent manner, scarcely any escaping without some injury. J. L. Woodring, an engineer, but at the time acting as front brakeman on the water train, was caught between two water, tanka and crushed to death.

Fireman G. H. Good of the passenger train was caught in the wreck of his engine and also crushed to death. Engineer David Arthur of the passenger train received fatal Injuries, and was taken to the hospital. The seriously Injured among the train men are: H.

M. Blackburn, fireman; Georgs Tate, brakeman; H. 8. Barnett, conductor, and B. S.

Hoover, baggage master. MILWAUKEE'S SEMI-CENTENNIAL The Governor Reviewed the Great Civic Parade. Oct. 16 The semi-centennial of Milwaukee, as an Incorporated city, was today celebrated In a style beyond anything ever attempted here before. The Incoming trains last night and this morning were loaded down with the visitors, and It is expected that fully 50.0U0 strangers are in the city.

The city was gaily decorated. The public buildings. City Hall and Chamber of Commerce were almost hidden behind streaming banners and bunting. At sunrise a salute of forty-five guns was fired by the First Light Battery and the United States revenue cutter Andy Johnson. At ten o'clock the civic parade moved.

It was composed of the police, fire and health departments, members of the National Guard and of the Grand Army of the Republic, Light Horse Squadron, First Light Battery, old settlers and pioneers. High School pupils, and pupils of the seventh and eighth grades, and various civic societies. The parade was reviewed by the governor and other notables present, from the grand stand erected on the corner of Grand avenue and Fourth street. NINE PASSENGERS DROWNED. Details of the Loan of the Freddie off Carosal.

New Orleans, Oct. 16 The steamer City of Dallas, from Bellas, has arrived, and brings details of the loss of the Freddie a brief account of which was given a few days ago. The boat capslsed and sunk on Oct. twelve miles from Corosal. Nine passengers were drowned, while the re-manider of the passengers and crew clung for nearly fifteen hours to the wreckage before they were rescued by a small schooner.

The cause of the accident was a sudden squall. Maine Sunday School Teachers Adjourn. Winthrop, Oct 16 The convention of the Maine State Sunday School Association concluded Its final business after the opening of the morning session today. There was an address ths Sunday School Needs, by Rev. Dr.

Winshlp. Rev. G. C. Wilson of Deertng represented the Interests of the Mains Bible Society.

General Secretary Garland of Portland spoke for the Y. M. C. and short reports from delegates giving account of the progress of the work In the State and elsewhere were submitted. The association elected the following-named officers for the ensuing year: President, B.C.Jordan, Portland; secretary, B.P.8now, Yarmouth; treasurer, E.

8. Everett, Portland. Her Nephew Had Moved Out the Day Before. Foxcroft, Oct. 16 Early this morning fire consumed the dwelling-house, barn and out buildings owned by Carrie E.

Jack-son, with eight horses and two cows. A nephew of the owner moved out yesterday, and the house was vacant at ths time of the fire. East Weymouth's Next Postmaster. East Weymouth, Oct. 16 Doubt as to the successor of the present Incumbent of the East Weymouth Post Office seems to be ended.

Peter B. Hughes claims all the members of the town committee from hla ward, and fourteen out of the whole town committee. In his favor, which would give him the position. FIVE OCLOCK. L.

A. W. AGAINST RACING. Chief Consul Potter Wishes to Abolish It. New York, Oct.

16 The Times says this morning: Chief Consul Potter has a bomb to explode at the coming session of the National Assembly, League of American Wheelmen, to be held in February, 1800. It Is composed of a motion qpd an argument for the abolition of racing under the sanction of the league. In the movement It Is expected that he will receive the backing of New York State delegates almost without division. Mr. Potter's argument Is that the control of cycle racing should be In the hands of some other body than the league, because It Injures the reputation and perverts the true character of that organization.

He says: "Nine-tenths of ths league members care practically nothing for the racing. No one Joins on account of the racing. It is for advantages In the way of special hotel rates, the good roads movements, free maps, guide books, that the league exists, and It is only because of these that it is able to exist. As It Is now, the league is made to centre about a feature which Is of consequence to but a tithe of its members and, as a matter cf fact, this keeps many from Joining. The League of American Wheelmen Is not a sporting organization at least It never was designed to he such and should not be made one.

By devoting Itself to the government of racing it has been turned from its true purpose. By Its rulings on the professional and amateur questions It has, moreover, been a burlesque se an organization of amateurs, and it is today the laughing stock of genuine amateur bodies. When asked what body he thought should control racing, Mr. Potter replied that the Amateur Athletic Union was the proper one for it. GIVE ENGLISHMEN A CHANCE.

Captain Pamuels Favors Holding the Ainsr. lou's Cap Knees In October. New York, Oct. 16 ISpeclalJ The new cup committee agreed, after Its meeting on Monday evening, that no one was to know a word about what would take place during the season. Ex-Commodore James D.

Smith said that the cup committee would probably hold another meeting late In the week to draw up a set of conditions for the consideration of Mr. Rose and the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. He said that It was not likely that these conditions would be made known, as it would be a lack of courtesy to let people know them over here before the challenger had been Informed. The conditions will probably be the same as governed the last series with one exception, and that is the time of sailing. There is talk of the races being sailed In October instead of In Septemlier.

Captain Samuels, who sailed on the Dreadnaught and other crack yachts In by-gone days, said there was nothing easier if the English insist on a clear course than to give It to them. Only," said he, "we shall have to give them a little bit of weather with it. If they don't mind sailing their races in October after many of the steamers and excursion boats are laid up for the season we can give them as clear a course as they want. Have the cup races In October and then the little boats will be afraid to go out and face the seas. Captain Samuels does not think a new yacht will be built.

He thinks the Iefend-er. still unbeaten, will be good enough. When asked if the fact that the Defender's measurements are known and that a possibility Is thus opened of her being copied and perhaps Improved upon, would not make a difference, the captain said that It would only be another concession to make, and he thought It better to let the English have that chance. SOPER IS INDIFFERENT. The Designer of Distant Shorn Does Not Care Mht the London Newspapers bay of Ills Abilities.

London. Oct. 16 Special J. M. Soper, the yacht designer of Southampton, who has been selected to create Distant Shore, the challenger for the America cup, had a conference yesterday with challenger Charles D.

Rose. Later he said that nothing had been fully determined regarding Distant Shore's lines or the time when work upon her would be begun. In answer to the Tall Mall Gazette's statement that he, Soper, was not the equal of Watson as a yacht designer, the Southampton man remarked: "I am perfectly indifferent to newspaper comment upon my abilities. No effort will be spared to make Mr. Rose's yacht a cup winner.

Walter Camp Likes Rngby Football. New Haven, Oct. 1C Walter Camp, the Yale football coach, has inaugurated a movement In favor of starting Rugby football at Yale. Mr. Camp claims that nearly even man In college will play It, whereas only comparatively few play the American game, and that by playing the Rugby style of football athletes would be Indirectly trained for the regular 'Varsity teams.

Mr. Camp does not recommend Intercollegiate Rugby matches, but champions the game because it is excellent exercise. New World's Record for 3-4 of a Mile. London, Oct. 16 At Catford yesterday T.

G. Brooks, the bicyclist, vainly attacked the mile record, but covered three-quarters of a mile In lm 24 8-Ss, making a new worlds record. A. E. Walters covered fifty miles on roads north of London in lh 55m 50s, and Wheelock and Walloon on a tandem covered the same distance In the same time, making two new records.

Dates of Yale Freshman Football Team. New Haven, Oct 16 Manager George Sheldon of the Yale freshman football eleven has announced the schedule of games for the Yale 99 team, aa follows: Oct. 19, with Hartford High School, at Yales field; Oct. 26, with Hotchkiss School at Lakeville; Nov. 2, with South Orange Athletic Club at South Orange, N.

Nov. 6, with Phillips Academy at Andover, Nov. 9, with Wsterhury Y. M. C.

A. at Wsterhury. The data for the annual game with Princeton la not yet determined. For the Worlds Sculling Championship. Sydney, N.

8. Oct. 16 Stansbury, the Australian oarsman, has accepted the challenge of "Wag" Harding, the English aculler, to row a race for the championship of the world and G00 ($2500) a aide, the contest to take place on the Thames. Sin Francisco Has a Bloomer Restaurant. San Francisco, Oct.

16 Special This city has had bloomer balls, bloomer marriages, and now a bloomer restaurant has been opened In the very business centre of the city. The restaurant Is called "The Bloomer Cafe, and has been a success on the start. Four girls attired In neat-flttlng bloomers attend to the customers, and have proved such an attraction that more girls will have to be employed to take care of the increasing trade. Chinese Barbarism Near Braden, Tenn. Memphis, Oct.

16 Jeff Ellis, charged with assault, who was brought yesterday from Mississippi to the scene of his crime near Braden, was taken from the authorities by a mob of 150 men last night. Hla ears and fingers were cut off and he was otherwise mutilated In a horrible manner, and then hanged to a telegraph pole. Bank Bnrglars Secured 83000 atSeotalown. Quebec, Oct. 16 Burglars last night blew open the safe In the Peoples Bank of Halifax at Bcotstown and got away with $2000.

Silver Market Uncertain at 31 1-16. London, Oct. 10 Bar sliver, market uncertain; quoted 31 l-10d per ounce. Manhattan Beach Line May Be Sold. Alabama's Coal Output Will Break Records.

sriCIAL DESPATCH TO THE TBAESCEirT. New York. Oct. 16 The committee of ten appointed at the meeting on last Thursday of the presidents of the trunk lines and their Western connections has completed Its work, and Its report will come before the next meeting for final action. It Is hoped that It will be possible to hold this meeting on Oct.

30, hut a postponement of date may be necessary, as this is inspection season and the directors and executive officers of most of the lines have Just started on their annual tours. Two of the radical propositions made in the original report of the committee did not meet the approval of the presidents, and do not appear in the revised agreement. One of these was the clause authorising the directors of the Joint Traffic Association to offer rewards for information that would lead to convictions for violations of the Interstate commerce law or other law. The other clause was the power given to the directors to examine under oath officials of a road accused of violating the agrement. In this clause the words "under oath have been stricken out.

There have been several changes in the arrangement of the articles and sections as they appeared in the agreement as originally submitted. The agreement as it now stands provides that It shall be executed by the following railroad companies, which shall constitute the Joint traffic association: The Allegheny Valley Railway Company; Baltimore A Ohio Railroad Company; Baltimore A Ohio Southwestern Company; Iicech Creek Railroad Company; Camden A Atlantic Railroad Company; Canada Southern Railroad Company; Central Railroad Company of New Jersey; Chesapeake A Ohio Railroad Company; Chicago A Erie Railroad Company; Chicago A Grand Trunk Railroad Company; Cincinnati Muskingum Valley Railroad Company Cincinnati, Saginaw A Mackinaw Railroad Company; Cleveland Belt A Terminal Railroad Company; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Louis Railroad Company; Cumberland Valley Railroad Company; Delaware, Lackawanna Western Railroad. Company; Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwaukee Railroad Company; Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley Pittsburg Railroad Company; Grand Rapids A Indiana Railroad Company; Grand Trunk Railroad Company of Canada; Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Railroad Company; Lehigh Valley Railroad Company; Michigan Air Line Railroad Company; Michigan Central Railroad Company; New York Central Hudson River Railroad Company; New York, Chicago A St. Louis Railroad Company; New York, Lake Erie A Western Railroad Company (by Its receivers); New York.

Ontario A Western Railroad Company; Northern Central Railroad Company; Pennayl vanla Company; Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Peoria A Eastern Railroad Company; Philadelphia. Wilmington A Baltimore Company; Pittsburg Lake Erie Railroad Company; Pittsburg A Western Railroad Company: Pittsburg Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Louis Railroad Company; Pittsburg. Fort Wayne A Chicago Railroad Company: Rome. Water- town A Ogdensburg Railroad Company; Syracuse, Binghamton A New York Railroad Company; Terre Haute A Indianapolis Railroad Company; Toledo, Saginaw A Muskegon Railway Company; Vandalia Line; Wabash Railroad Company; Wall-kill Valley Railroad Company; West Shore Railroad Company.

The board of directors is to consist of not less than nine members, of which each of the most Important nine systems shall designate one. AFTEB CORBIN'S RAILROAD. The Flrnn Syndicate Has Offered. It Is Kall. 810.000,000 for the Jlanhatt an Beach Line.

New York. Oct. 16 The Tribune says It was learned last night that the P. II. Flynn syndicate, which controls the Nassau Electric Railroad.

Is negotiating to secure control of the Bfanhattan Beach Company, of which Austin Corbin is president. The Flynn syndicate, it is said, has made an offer of glO.Ouo.OuO. The stock of the Manhattan company consists of 56,000 shares of common stock, par value tun a share and $650,0110 in preferred stock. The Manhattan Beach Company controls several branches of steam roads, hotels and all property at Manhattan Beach. It was said that Mr.

Corbin favored the transfer of the Manhattan company to the Flynn syndicate. The proposed purchase of the lines of the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company and the present deal. If made, will give the Nassau Electric Railroad Company the control of all surface roads In Brooklyn, with ths exception of those controlled by the Long Island Traction Company. FROM CANADA TO PATAGONIA. Report of the International Railway Commission Almost Ready A Grand l'rojert.

Washington, D. Oct. 10. (Special Within a few months the work of the International Railway Commission for a railway between New York and Patagonia will be finished. The reports ore exhaustive In ln- formation, and have been prepared, lllus-t rated, engraved and printed with the greatest of care, and will be valuable additions to the scientific literature of the country in regard to the zotilogy, geology and ethnology of portions of Central and South America never before definitely explored and described with technical accuracy.

The International Railway Commission was the outgrowth of a general Idea of Colonel Hinton Rowland Helper of New York city for a line of railroad which would connect the two continents and bring them closer together, both fraternally and commercially. The late secretary of state, James G. Blaine, also interested himself In the project. The length surveyed by the commission is about 4500 mlles.but It will be possible when the railroad la an established fact to travel from New York to Patagonia entirely by rail, using the railroads already In construction, those completed by the different governments and the projected trunk line. An idea of the magnitude of the survey and the amount of difficulty to be overcome la had when the length of the maps of ths parties Is figured out to be 707 feet.

The reports of the engineers are glowing and apeak of the wonderful fertility and great resources of the entire country through which the road would pass. ALABAMAS GOAL OUTPUT. Estimate Reaches a Total of 8,000,000 Tons for tho Year, an Increase Over 1803. Birmingham, Oct. 16 State Mine Inspector HUlhouse says that the output of coal In Alabama this year, from figures at hand and close estimates on the production for November and December, will be 6,000,000 tons.

This will he 750,000 tons In excess of the production of 1803, which was the largest production In the history of the State to that time and almost two million tons more than were mined last All the old coal mines and many new ones have all they can do. The furnaces In the district are booked for three to six months ahead. The Indications are that the manufacture of Iron will come up to that of 1892, the largest yet reached. NO FOOL 18 CONTEMPLATED. Executive Officers of the Western Roads 8ay Thera Was Too Much Opposition.

Chicago, Oct. 10 Executive officers of the western roads say no pool, either by division of earnings, division of traffic or money penalties is contemplated. So much opposition was manifested to arrangements of that kind ss to make their adoption 1m- CRAMPS WILL COMPETE. Anxious to Build Warships for Japans Navy. New York, Oct.

16 John A. Cockerlll, special correspondent of the New York Herald, sends the following from Yokohama, Japan, Sept. 27, via San Francisco, Oct. 15, 1S5: By the China, sailing today. General George B.

Williams returns to the United States. Before leaving he said: "The Japanese Government favors an increased navy, and at the next meeting of the diet, which will begin In November, such Increase will undoubtedly be authorized. Several battleships and first-class cruisers will be ordered from abroad. Cramp A Sons of Philadelphia, will compete with European builders for the construction of the same. The object of my visit to Japan was well known to the Japanese public that I was anxious to secure a contract for a battleship for an American firm, the Cramps.

"The exceeding courtesy and consideration shown me by every member of he Government with whom I came In contact, convinces me that when the time comes for a determination American shipbuilders will receive recognition. In Japanese naval circles there has, of course, been a strong feeling in favor of English-built ships, but the splendid war vessels of the American navy are now spoken of in terms of the highest admiration. The commercial side of the question strongly favors the United States. As Is well known, the Japanese export to our country more, by a large percentage, than to all Europe combined. We take nearly all the Japanese tea exported, one-fourth of her manufactured silk anil over half of her raw silk.

The Japanese thoroughly understand this, and, as a consequence, will favor our shipbuilders when the opportunity occurs. WEST CRIES FOR WATER. No Rainfall for a Lons Time from Indiana to West Virginia. Cincinnati, Oct. 16 If there is not a rain, heavy, persistent, long-lasting, in this section, comprising a portion of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia, the losses will ruin hundreds of persons.

There has been no rain for weeks, and water Is almost an unknown thing In all these parts, except in a few holes In the Scioto and Miami, and the Ohio Is only two feet, six Inches In the channel. In the southern part of Ohio, along the line of the Cincinnati, Portsmouth Virginia Railroad, the water famine Is so great that that road has generously donated two tank trains to haul water to the people. A score of small towns are without a drop. The reports from Kentucky describe much suffering for lack of water, which has in some esses to be hauled twenty miles. The Ohio River cannot float a single boat.

At every landing spot from Pomeroy, Ohio, 450 miles, to Louisville, lie all sorts of produce rotting In the sun of day, and the frosts of night. A competent river man said In this space on the river two million bushels of apples, a half million of cabbages, a quarter of a million bushels of potatoes, untold quantities of butter, eggs, and other farm products are spoiled. All of the little stores are short of groceries, and the losses to the steamers, to the produce dealer, to the shipper and buyer exceed CHASTITY AND HEALTH The Ruling Themes at the Purity Congress in Baltimore. Baltimore, Oct 16 This morning's session of the Purity Congress was marked by a large attendance, and the speakers were received with great enthusiasm. Rev.

8. S. Seward of New York discoursed upon "Purity How Preserved Among the Young." His article set forth In outline the means to be taken by parents to guard their children, from infancy to adult age, from all Impure habits and thought, and to Instruct them In what they ought to know. Ths second part referred briefly to some of the reasons why we should resort to this course, the encouragement there Is in It, and the effect it will have In furthering the cause of purity. Mrs.

J. M. Kellogg, M.D.. of Battle Creek. read a paper on "Chastity and Health.

She divided her subject Into two parts: first, the physical deterioration resulting from Impurity, not only In the Individual, but In the race, by heredity, as shown by physiologists and scientists; and, second, the physiological law of purity and the hyglenlo advantages of chastity and demonstrated by modern physiological researches. Dr. M. L. Holbrook, editor of the Journal of Hygiene, read a paper on "Alcohol and Chastity.

The Bible and historical observations, he said, told the story of shame caused by strong drink, and he should not go over that ground again. What he wanted to show was that alcohol diminishes man's self-control of himself, and self-control was what distinguished him from the beast. Ths sexual impulse Is one of the most powerful In man. It is necessary that It should be strong, but It Is equally necessary that It should he under right guidance. There are no such checks to Its abuse In the human being as there are In the animal creation.

Its wrong action must he prevented by self-mastery, guidance. In the normal man. If he knows the benefits to health and happiness which result from chastity, he will take this part of his nature under the dominion of his reason and his better judgment. But the experience of the ages shows that Intemperance, drink, alcohol has so lessened the Inhibitory power which is slowly growing up In man that this Is Impossible. Mr.

Aaron Beaman, of Holbrook, a nonagenarian. Is dead. For many years he was well known throughout tho Old Colony district as a repairer of clocks, and one given over to scientific pursuits. He became greatly engaged, some twenty-five years ago, in the matter of perpetual motion, and gave to the subject much of his time and means. Machinery constructed by him in the loft of his stable by which he hoped to discover the secret of perpetual motion, excited much Interest, and people from far and near visited the same.

Several children survive him. LIQUOR DEALERS INVOLVED. Smuggling Disclosures at St. Johns, N. Extending.

St. Johns. N. Oct. 16 The smuggling disclosures, which are growing, now Involve nearly every liquor dealer In the city.

It la estimated that the loss of revenue last year through the1 operations of the syndicate was 560,000. Prominent officials. It la alleged, have been in active collusion with the smugglers. The whole customs department of the colony is demoralised. The hoard of revenue will prosecute every person Involved and the magistrates threaten to cancel the license of every liquor dealer whose connection with the scandals Is proved.

TRUTH PICKS ON BAYARD. In Reference to the Kackville Pamphlet, His Action Was Questionable, Says Lnboiirherr. London, Oct. 16 Truth says: Lord Back-vllle'a pamphlet has raised an altogether unnecessary storm In the United States. Its secret history may he told In a few words.

It was published on the 3d of the present month, although one or two advance copies were distributed among very Intimate friends a few weeks ago. At the time It raised the storm in New York, only a dosen or two copies had been presented by Lord Backville to old colleagues in the diplomatic service. The pamphlet only relates to actual facts connected with the now historical Sackvllle-Bayard incident. Anybody at all acquainted with the diplomatic service would be mightily amused to hear that even a combination of all the members of the service could affect In the slightest the position of a foreign ambassador In London. Not even the best friends of Lord Backville will deny that he was betrayed into an unfortunate Indiscretion.

It cannot cither be denied that Mr. Bayard availed himself thereof to excite an anti-English agitation for the purpose of assisting the candidacy of Mr. Cleveland. It reflects great honor, therefore, on the English people that their Government has been so dignified and magnanimous as to welcome Mr. Bayard as It has.

BACKVILLE ON HIS PAMPHLET. Bays It Was Not Intended for Fublle Distribution. London, Oct. 10 The Dally Telegraph prints a letter from Lord Backville In which he says that only a few copieB of the pamphlet relative to Mr. Bayard were printed.

These were meant for distribution privately among friends, and the writer never intended the pamphlet to be published. He Is at a loss to know how It became public. WONT LET SERVIAN FLAGS ALONE. Riotous Actions of Croatian at Agram Annoy Emperor Francis Joseph. Vienna.

Oct. 16 The rioting which began at Agram on Monday was renewed yesterday, Emperor Francis Joseph having ordered the replacing of the Servian flags, which had been removed. The riotous Croatians, who are Catholics, attacked with stones the Servian Orthodox Church and the bank, which displayed the Servian flag. The gendarmes cleared the streets at the point of the bayonet, wounding several persons. The riot was proceeding as the emperor approached the church, and his majesty seemed greatly disturbed.

MURDERED IN BRUSSELS. BI. Bolque. Head of the Water Department yttaot Down by an ex-OMvIal. Brussels, Oct.

10 M. Bolque, the head of water department of the city of Brussels, was murdereil this morning by an ex-otficlal who was recently dismissed by M. Bolque from the water service. The murder was committed in the avenue Lulse while the thoroughfare was thronged with people. The murderer lay in wait for the victim, knowing that he was accustomed to pass through that street on his way to the water department, and shot him before anyone could Interfere.

The murder created a great sensation. REWARD FOR 8AVINO LIVES. President Cleveland Sends Silver Cup to Captain Krech Who Rescued the Crew of an American Schooner. Berlin, Oct. 16 President Cleveland has sent a valuable silver cup to Ambassador Runyon, to be presented to Captain Alfred Krech, commander of the Hamburg-American Line steamer Suevla, in recognition of Captain Krech'a act in saving the crew of eight men of the American achooner Mary E.

Amsden on Feb. 26 last. The schooner wss bound from Lubec. for Barbadoes, and when sighted by the Suevla in 1st. 35 North, long.

54 West, was dismasted and drifting helplessly. The crew of the schooner was taken to New York. REDUCED NAVAL ESTIMATES. France Thinks to Save 81.500.000 Second French Atlantia Submarine Cable to the Antilles Proposed. Paris, Oct.

16 The Budget committee of the Chamber of Deputies has decided to reduce the naval estimates 7.500,000 franca The Figaro says that the minister of commerce at the next meeting of Parliament will Introduce a hill authorising the laying of a second French Atlantic submarine cable to the Antilles. STRIKE LEADER IS A DEPUTY. BI. Janres Will Be Arrested for Complicity In Murderous Assault. Paris, Oct.

16 M. Resseguler, manager of the Carmaux Glass Works, whose employees are on strike, fired upon with a revolver while passing the rendesvous of the strikers committee last evening, and slightly wounded. His assailant escaped. The Journal des Debate says that BI. Jau-res.

Socialist Deputy for Tarn, In which department Carmaux Is situated, and the chief organiser of the strike, will soon be arrested for his connection with the affair. Kslaer Visits Old Battlefields. Mets. Oct. 16 The emperor rose early this morning, and at eight oclock1 rode to Noveant and Corny and visited the battlefields In the vicinity of those places.

The empress in the meanwhile took a train to Amanweiler, where entered a carriage, and was driven to St. Privat and Grave-lotte. The emperor met her at the latter place, and the Imperial couple took luncheon together. WHY THERE ARE LESS SEALS. Great Britain Has Violated the Paris Regulations.

Washington, Oct. 16 Governor James Sheakley has submitted his usual report to the secretary of the Interior on the condition of affairs in the Territory of Alaska. Governor Sheakley says the extinction of the sea otter and other fur-bearing animals in this region Is inevitable, and the natives will be left helpless and destitute. He suggests that ths United Suites Government take steps to assist them to learn new Industries. Speaking of the rapidly diminishing seals Governor Sheakley says that the official Inspection of skins taken by Pelagio sealers last year showed anywhere from 55 to 80 per cent of female skins, thus confirming previous Investigations on the point.

So long as buckshot is being picked from the hides of young males killed In the Pribylov Islands, and maimed and wounded seals limp about the hauling grounds, and so long as from 55 to 00 per cent of the Pelagic seals sent to London are females (none of which are ever taken on the islands), it Is needless to Inquire further for the cause of the demolition of the seals, both upon the hauling and breeding grounds. He sees nothing in the method of handling seals at the Islands which would warrant the viavs as to decadency presented in the British case. The rehabilitation of the rookeries would bs an easy matter if adequate protection were afforded the females. He states that better protection will be necessary for their restoration than that afforded by the findings of the Paris tribunal. The catch along the northwest coast of American vessels the last spring.

Governor Sheakley says, did not reach one hundred sklna per achooner, while the British average was about two hundred. Great Britain gave to the Canadian sealers increased facilities by availing herself of a technicality and violating the clear Intent of the Paris regulations relating to fire arms. He recommends that the Treasury Department Issue such Instructions as will Insure the taking, between the first of June and the tenth of August of each year, of every marketable sealskin on the Prlbyloy Islands. LEFT HER CHILDREN TO PERISH. They Were Burned to Death While Locked In a Room.

Magnolia, Oct. 16 Mrs. Miner, living south of here, locked her two children, aged six and four. In a room, while she went to a neighbor's home last night. While she was gone the house caught fire and the children were cremated.

The mother, it la thought, will lose her mind. Exciting Fire In a Laundry. Birmingham Oct. 16 The Southern Steam Laundry was burned last evening and seven employees were more or less seriously Injured and burned. The fire was caused by the explosion c( 1 gasoline generator.

There were twelve persona employed In the bullding.most of them women, who were compelled to jump out of the second-story windows to save themselves. COLORED CHILDREN BARRED OUT. Test Case In the School Controversy at Ferry. Will Be Made. Perry, Oklahoma.

Oct. 16 All of the colored children, accompanied by their parents. went to the white school yesterday and demanded admittance, but Superintendent J. A. Augustine ordered them to their own schoolrooms The president of ths school board has been served with a mandamus petition and the case is set for hearing for Nov.

11. At a meeting of the B. A. A. governing committee last night, William Cumston was chosen to succeed J.

J. Souther, resigned. Exclusive. Designs- IN liWRC CovrcniKnol AND CjUS futures R. Rollings Manufacturers and laiportera, 523-525 Washington Street S.10.10U0 LADIES I STRAW AND FELT HATS Made Into the Latest Fall Styles at i Storec's Central Uleaehery, 47K Washington street, opposite Teanplo pises.

I SWflUOj flit I TOWN SITE LAWS IN CHICKASAW. Congress Will Be Petitioned to Help the Indlao Nation. Ardmore, I. Oct. 16 Representatives from all the principal towns In the Chickasaw Nation met In this city yesterday in general convention to devise plans and means to procure legislation by the next Congress in the way of a town site law for the towns throughout the Chickasaw Nation.

The dtdegates decided that a memorial should be be drafted to Congress submitting the needs of the Nation, and that a general conference of the Chickasaw Nation be held on November 30, at which final action will be taken. The principal objects to be gained are schools, police and sanitary regulations and means whereby United States citlzenns may acquire title to land. BURGLAR SCARE IN MAINE. Washington County the Scene of Wholesale Drpredat Ions. Bangor, Oct.

16 The burglar and tramp scare In Washington County Is about ended, and the determined efforts of the authorities seem to have had In a large measure the desired effect. However, depredations are occasionally reported, and there are likely to be others, for It Is not believed that all members of the gang have been driven out. The operations of the burglars have been profitable, and a rough crowd which has been attracted to that section by the construction of the Shore Line Railroad, has been robbing and terrorizing in some places. Mr. Walter B.

Drake, an old-time stage driver and hotel keeper, died at hie homo In Northwood, N. lest night, at ths age of seventy-four. For many years he drove the stage coach from Newmarket Junction through to Concord. For the past twenty years he had owned and controlled the Harvey House, at Northwood, a summer hotel. At one time he also conducted a hotel at Pittsfield.

Paderewski, the pianist, sailed from Liverpool for New York on board the steamer Teutonic today. Most of the commercial cream of tartar varies in strength, some is adulterated even as high as 90 per cent. The best cook cannot have good success with materials that vary, because, not knowing the strength, she cannot get the right proportions every time. Clevelands baking powder always gives uniform and perfect results. The reason is, each ingredient is perfectly pure and it is carefully tested before compounded, and just the right proportions are used to bring out all the strength of the powder.

Cleveland Baking Powdsr Now York. I I 1 i I.

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