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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 8

Charlotte, North Carolina
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Payanonammtaktrorausomma noda4 INowammua NT tonoirabOkinewiliMMILVINCEtturNIAMNwk011EMONROIMPOIL lomeiramo 71Lotivil 11 CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVI 139 JANUAllY '239 189S t) yomoomdiumoboommotonamil mos morl IN'41 ItJ NI4 TAX KNocKED orT (Ot Itt 11111I1114 NOrt SO 4 (l thi iiprr litu tit litad 4)1114 in I Willowy liver Volum licit ttratimen 111114V Ir i (11)1 11V411 ft TIONU I otmoo MIL 'Xitpititigt41 1311 bIll to au SPECIAL 110TICES th toioi tr ril cfIti From tHol buittiot tiny( 111 titI' licr till act of July It l110 arot tilt ri ll'ilillitVf 'Iwo! i '11( M11114111idry Kilvir vilill ill lb )' 1" k)Vull 111-1" DR I Al PXANIIElt iluee1 lit th 1 twitto by Nit' rtui A NV I PI 1 4yisittia Ai aniputit tit No South Tryon Street Tr lisal ate4 Iwa 1 Iniler that lirt 4111i1 ti hi i ot 11 1110 titiliIMI mi u4it1 t'llailotte 0 Is to 1e alwt II' 1 itatt lit 111u1 Tutellihnfl No 112 1 illt e1 fosiN(1 ()t-r ALI: 41 A 101d1190 en iti title Nil ttl)itlt VaStilnK1011 Jt11 tills Tin way the 14 nre voilig liurt h-rtass ImmtwaotIm ithvt been fait woubl 111 Ince ulto41 peoPle that Iiiipiont41 virotibt-inxam RI( tittnI tkur box lo tees arr (blirg the 'ork NV Siollerpt KIIter I 0 '1' Stilt kloy Nvo havv hi t4tock iu know many MI 8' l'''Irli' A' 11111'11" tw'etttl gotab4 awl yloill ints4 an op-Tindall NI ett Sallie I aollata North ritridllitt- Poplar NI Volt' litoltinity to buy chollp soblow off trutt 11114'11'011 I As isoll amigo Ilithiamiti I Is 1)1tritithl'AIh Ikliter 41n111160'y '1'110101ra lii 4 IiIi hitt" the '1311 th" "Prun'e A Piiilety Ito 31irr) I Iii I idle Willi 1 ii lis Skim lint lie lo lit a flail I it -the (1 tv ht unit lIi iit ile 1ranil 11 Wry it ttttt the thlrhittli t11 11 heeler ILirtin to he 111r tr the ttf the hit 11 0: 1111In4 IirT dime 1itirilft 1)IIV 11 1 11441 i he iS ill of leek th supreme the rth mot I tv tip tourt iiiti 4J4IId $4 ikitter 1110111r ita 4 IiIi Isi Pi 1 The coot I fst lt! V1! hi nally 111-114 or iTlir aro! decoration I to lino 11011(NuY Ity tti tvrtn coin rvial papor 104 mvant or neviTttineci given tu PCttltnttlit ftr guIi urchatogt NVo nto tit nit littleti ttiiivimlit 1104 1alpvr on I he tvrtno Corrispott1tom or it iwnrit nI frituiiew Merchants Farmers' National 35 East Trade Street JNO 7111I1 IL t'dittlivr JNo 1 I Plumicktit Va Farming land For See 41)'1 acre tract six miles from titY ticar tliaat church: tiwellMg houst 111P-1 14041(1 sta11 vivinht-iy ois) like ywny: $6o() Inilanu( 12 munths Utile 19) acro tract heavily Ilinhrvil seVen Intl)) filirn city tka Statesvillo rwol 1116111am ithin low ntp or N1111 vcry clote tto prompt buyo" otie-half ot the ptice tan be wade frum rale of the thither 162 acre tract three iniI vest 04 (ity) six room dwelling go9d stablo and two tenants on premises Tills is one of the most desirable tracts orterod near the city ALEXANDER Ora GeolVillOrahaffil OFFICE 7 WEST TRADE ST OPM01MmiiwoONNIS Practice limittd to ear eye nose and throat FOIL RENT Three six-room houses with modern conveniences on North Pine street be tween Eighth and Ninth FOR SALE Enough fire policies to insure all in the city and pay for It tf duaroyed by tire Sold without discount Try me Office in First National Dank Building Cochrane Insurance and Real Estate Agent To Those Who are in Need of the Keeley Treatment: We respectfully invite your attention to the following well-equipped Inst1 tutes which are under the management of the North Carolina Institute: THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 1418 Madison Avenue Baltimore Md TIIE KEELEY INSTITUTE 105 Street WashingtonD THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Greensboro DIRECTORS: Geo Watts Leo IIeartt A Umstead Rev Alexander Walker Durham OSBORN President Greensboro BUFORD HOTEL -AND Belmont Hotel Annex First and Finest Elovator Ever Placed In Charlotte House completely overhauled paper ed and painted New dining room on parlor handsomest in the State Belmont Hotel newly frescoed and decorated EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS POPULAR PRICES ECCLES BRYAN NOTICE I have this day sold in' entire interest in the Magnolia Webbing Co to A Summerville who will collect all outstanding accounts and tIPS111110 all liabilities Wm ANDERSON A SUMMERVILLE January 22 1898 Central tioul -AND NEW ANNEX XT-T-IX7- 1-IJ 1 111A hx LEADING IIOTEL OF CHARLOTTE Superior in Location and Equipment to any other in the city omit (0 Ilitt Shut lotontrutnit toptaloa Jan 14 to Inc if 114titL 144 4 ts411i0rt AtaxImo (11 it rotiatntiolcrl(1 11 two tern teiere1 tqt the (how It 01101 that 14 ntrt1 rahnnZ tihnt thi tti rulr 41 t'41 tnIn Alvan 1441it 111 S111111'11 VPii4lint fit the I hav0 in1101 110 vo ti0hn1 lwrtritst(lou to LI Fpillikti p1turIllit 4f tef 111 dont Ut cal utin ii! itro! I'Llmos lit II El In Siothit11 Irtiom (I0 surr14 I 1110 Ii wnits including (l kI" 11 klottr 111t i11111) ctioulitrue hero hum the Villotn nu tr11014 1411frmilfut Avith tho view tt upint rit lal ter to 11411 1400 fro'111111J t(knititni NvIth the tint 'iL ttlitt 0 A It It Occur It Will be Directed Againta Amyl-1(4114 Ney Volt Pa Jan is learned friiu pa4girerts by the sleuner hiol arrlvefl roin ItaVana that (icitoral Colixto titircht cclitly entered the town of (tuln and now ()could( that place rt learned rom the Fume Htirce that another outbrenk In Jlavana i trnallmtnt v1)1(11 if it oevurs will probably It (11- (Tete(' ItKaltnit Arnerietins (lenrold it IA Hall has concentrated bht forces In Havana to be ready to immediately put down any 6uch demonstration To AVENGE ALVRFZ'S DEATH News of Comes's Doings as Reported by Augustine Roman Who Wants to he Allowed to Cet Company of Guerrillas Washington Jan Dupuy de Lome the Spanish Minister to-day recck'ed the following cablegram: Habana Jan 22 insurgent officer Augustine human and five men Of the Second squad of Imo Gomez have surrendered at Santa Clara They declare that the chief of the squndron Nestor Alvarez has been killed by Maximo Gomez because he intended to lay down arms and accept autonomy for the same reason the officer Andres Alvarez and 20 men are in prison by order of Gomez Roman and the five men with him ask authorization to ferm a guerilla company in order to avenge the death of their captain "CONGOSTO" 31asso Pledges realty Havana Jan 22-1 governor general has Just received the following telegram: "I Fend you my greeting and remain at your orders Avithout condition praying you to forward to the president Of the cabinet Secretaries the following telegram: 'After having accepted autonomy and reeognized the sovereignty of Spain with the brigade at my orders you can count on my deekied aid to help you In the great work of peace now ffo advt need (Signed 'JUAN 1TASSO' "CONGOSTO" Blanco to Conduct the Campaign Havana Jan is positively announced that Captain General Blanco will go east on llonday mxt to conduct the campaign against the insUrgents A WRECK AT ASHEBORO The Cara Ran Into the Engine IVItich Bad Been Ent Away-Engineer Brown Penned in the Wreck-Fireman Burns Rescued-- Ms Leg Broken Special to the Observet: Asheboro Jan was a wreck on the Asheboro Aberdeen Railroad here to-day The train stopped on a hill and cut loose the-engine In order that it might go to the tank for water The brakes failed to hold the cars engine backed to get the cars a'nd met them coining down the hill at a rapid rate The signal lights on the engine and cars went out Engineer Brown is pinned between the tender and boiler with his leg against the boiler lie is in an upright position and his face is somewhat bruised lie is suffering much from heat 'ilrernan Burns was found in his rogular fastened doNri Ile was released by cutting the WOOd Nvork away One leg is broken: tlm other mjlired No one else is hurt l'ic engine and cars are badl' wr eked The wrecking train wi-11 Frge is on its way to scene of the wreck with a sim-eoh end competent force to give the best attention The wreck occurred at Got Enoogh of the Fight Philadelphia Times Colonel "Foghorn" runston of Lawrence Kansas burning with noble enthusiasm to obliterate the Spanish ha3 been lighting for "Cuba Libre" with somewhat unsatisfactory results if the following letter from him expresses his sentiments: "I am more than glad to be out of that hell-hole 1 wish to arise In my seat and say with an earnest-MSS hordring on profanity that It is gaod to again be in the United States What a fearful price I have paid for my boyish folly of mixing up in that lvarl I am a battle-scarred and inalarla-laden wreck of my old self and 1 am out of pain only when asleep" South Carolina Dispensary in Russia rhiladeinhia The introduction of a State monopoly in Russia for the sale of spirituous liquors which is shortly to take place Ns- i 1 necessitate the closing of 351 restaurants and several hundred wine-shops in St Petemburg It is computed that it will have the result of throwing about 12000 persons out of employment and of ruining many licensed victualers by driving them out of business The owners of lirenAA houses and spirit merchants will also suffI verely realer Bisruarek's Condition Not Serious Berlin Jan 22---Dr Schweninger Prince Bismarck's physician In an interview to-day with the of the Axzociatei Press said tin condition of the former Chance was not serlouti provided tio Is caut Iou In exposii1 himselt to the woathor and follows strkt bygenie rides Luelgert TaM4 of nip Pot aKh Chicago Jan Luctrcrt occupied the stand to-day in his trial for wife-murdcr The most hnportant purchased feature of his testimony was his explanation of the larsenee of the rolash In the factory He said it was to make soft soap and NVIIS tri the factory two menths before the day WIle'a disappearance Nithil tho ipV knirhia tho Eitwo oro ca giy viIg tlie abuee of th Emire-s Jill I the preval to iorol oLt I Th rt Intir ftr out el licite-r of iv oratns (orrrri1 11an 11111111)-: idtUifthi 1 1111(11 coano ut Iii Itelin elta irees tLe Ilfrl Pit! LdL or tid! infl4a-14 matrimonial Mnitivtfea Grand Polc an cratal writ( Lonin fortnight og te icti thl t-i! hetwoal tio end epitio wl re 114" I 11111 HIV trooliie Is tiatt-d In the cit and link laying 114 "Tull IiI Ift4 ii WI 1114' her from the riimo The Imike -cchaN and (Thalia has be( 11 repeatially appiatiol to t)y 4latti4-hter Itnertt or Litter ((flf)lI nt have tocoti FeRt Victio la but both Puke viol Der Majesty prof their Inithillly to cure Cue trouble Tit (zarina who VtIS O) ppl'WLeilOd ubj4'rt IM s'd1 to side vith her brother The quarrels 8re Kahl t) to largely due to the national rrejmilocs I he Germans and English and vlell VtlSit The announct mcnt Of the Minister of Dr Miguel in the Diet on VttliktldaY that not withstarpUng the itnroased taxed receipts and the largo surplus new 'Prussian Ftat loans are necessary has created a synsation The Liberal-Leftists of the Reichstag Ftql11 to have been rh4itt in LISSIIMIng that Count Posadowsky the Minister the Interior means to further curtail the coalition rights of Ivorkers The otJects are to rendwr extended strikes more difficult and to enable the authorities to have more strict control over strike leaders and labor delegates io 118 to gradually drive the latter out the country Prom Information which has reached the Foreign 0111ce it appeal's that the German missionary troubles la China are becoming widespread and are leading to new complications between the two govermnents The Protestants 83 Nvell as the Catholics have been attacked The Colonial Society as perfected an organizatim for sending young German WOMen to Damara land with the view of marriage The flist batch sails from llanihurg in February statistics Just published show that rrussia flourished in N46-97 The number a incomes over 900 marks has risen to 2163905 nn increase of 1114S0 over 1S05-56 Only seven Berliners have incomes of over a million marks The largeA is three millions In the Prussian Diet Count von Limburg-Stirum discussing the budget speech severely blamed the government for selling potassium from the State mines so cheaply to foreign cOuntrios especially to the United States which "treats our products so unfairly" MR STAGG AT CHAPEL HILL The students Appreciated Ills Presentation or the Truth-Miss Stoekard to Cet Dipioma-Judge Fuller to Address the Law (is Special to the Observer Chapel Bill Jan series of services flt the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev Stagg closed last night They have been attended by large and appreciative congregations The students were particularly pleased with Stagg's clear-cut forcible presentation of the truths under consideration The first Ivotran to receive a diploma from the University will be 'Miss Sarah Walker Stockard who graduates with this year's class Miss Stockard grad-wiled at Guilford College last year stood NNTII in hor classes there as well as here Miss Stockard is a cousin of 'Henry Jerome Stockard The annual address before the law class in June will be delivered by Judge Thomas Fuller of the Court of Private Land Claims The soviety representatives at commencernent will be Bowie Pearson Swing of the Di and Connor Cu Broadhurst of the Phi Edmund Patterson of Salem was to-day elected chief marshal for the coming commencement Mr Patterson has appointed the following assistants: John It Carr Durham: Francis Osborne Charlotte It Kittrell Kit-troll Dozier Tarboro Grimesiand and Thomas Hume Jr Chapel HUI MED OF HYDROPHOBIA A Woo Negro's Awful Death from Dog Bite Lincoln Journal Fulton Herndon colored died in Ringdom yesterday morning in terrible agony from hydrophobia Last Alt-gust Herndon was bittPn by a (40g which was supposed to have been mad The same dog on the same day bit a cow which a few weeks later vent mad and had to be killed Herndon was noted for his fondness for dogs and snakes and cild not believe in hydrophobia Ile was a remarkably strong and healthy man Last Sunday night he left his home here In his usual perfect health and walked to Maiden whre he was emloyed ZIA wood-cutter Tuesday he complained of net lydng well and eime home t'n he noon train Ile continuod to grow worse raving snai-pIng and biting at alrythIng in nitch and bit hinislf sevcral timos "When he saw water he would bc thrown into convulsions Dr Saine attended him and could admin istr no medicine in a liquid form In his brief Weld moments he said that he had wreilgd no one and Intl-meted that he had 1)1 poisoned The grew more frequent and violent until he diod in greet ag Sairp r-Ivs at 4 o'cloryk yesterday morning Dr that was a typical (3 -r 1-irmhoLia not a symptom of tlt awful 11'eas absont Fire at Mt Airy Fire nt ApArial tho Airy 22--171ro dostroyeti th! mlidonoo of Dr Iloiling-sworth thlsi aftorroon OlrVCk Ttlf 10S4 $21Y)0 11Furanr WO The origin of the fire was probably a detective flue ttliserver iturealt "'-'t Ilargett SIre Esti' igh Jan II2 The Antri-laloen Lsseue the t4 here to-rnerrow I Iterl'ocn II4I NJ iljVt gland ratty it is ssid that a too I teirnest 01011 ill let mad- to inj et the touperance ant tido monk ipal polities at IL euttasts The Central Slatht Csid Storage Compday ss I istritos ti here tfiday ex-Oeptity Vt'artleo 1i11tA or the penteittlary beibg 4 'IC' Of HO porators "rhi (311tt1 it win pot in a plant lo re Ntramse to RtleisS has had slily cold rt-ttst talitlen Dimple the olso time of 1tv nue eolliwtor tr ss0 bib it its-Merles Inive teen dt titeteti Tills certainly it vt ry Sne rsoael It 18 out CoVerLor 1 111 rot id hastry In the co 111noor4 but N111 bInt tkle IgWert ittlidavitt retell Miss Abhott's relatives in New llatostels an ri4 IL will be hard to disaittse tis Governor's mod as to Ito le's-es relations 11? 01118 are In fact oven heimingly against Ifatteoels so far as Ohre IS concerned It seems om the returns to the la1or bureau tit the oyster the State dot 8 net now yield over SEA- 000 a year It can hs wade to do ten times as Well There are admirable oysttrs in this Stitss The beds are larger than anywhere else It is saul that it nmnis the Durham "rafTlers" indlotet1 are the Mayor and the foreman of tid- grand jury Raffling has been very corwse-st having no-'Where been looked upon 83 gatablings Once a judge charged against it here and for say two years very little of It has been done in Raleigh Judge Robinson decries that the section of the revenue act which imposes license tax upon those hotels which ch IL business of over $1101) a year but none on those Under those figures is discrimination and henve unconstitutional The State vill appeal to the Supreme Court Though It was quite positively Ftated a few days ago by Superintendent Mewboorne that it was imposable to furnish any State convicts to counties this winter yet it appears 15 are to bo furnished to Cabarrus The Governor and Attorney I Harris of the penitentiary appear to have agreed to furnish them It Is nOW ascertained that at the Halifax farm on the Roanoke river not one but five convits were permitted by a discharged guard to escape The penitentiary gets more unfavorable comment than another State institution It is cesting the fusionists many a vote and they are certainly Sick of the business Next week tlie railroad commission will be the center of attraction The question is how will the commissdIn "punish" Col Andrews and other officals for contempt? Another question is Governor Russell be a 'Witness against the Southern Express Com pony Idis evidence against Otho Wilson was it flat failure Attorney General Walser says he has not advised the railroad commission to compromise the telegraph rate case but has advised against the withdrawal of the case and against any compromise The Governor will appoint Wheeler Martin solicitor of the third district vice Claude Bernard who it is expected will take the oath as district attorney next week 1-TherifT Jones of Walre to-day 'made return to the clerk of the Supreme Court of the latter's writ to put Caldwell and Pearson In possession of tho railroad commissien office The shesiss stays he made diligent efforts to obtain the key and that his counsel told him not to force the door but to Wtlit until morning 1Mean-while he NvtIR advised that Caldwell anti Parson had broken in Mr John SoFfslImou to Marry Mr John Sossamon of the North Carolina Gil Mill and 11 i 1laggie Duckworth are to be married Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at the residence of Arr Henry Duckworth In Seversviiie Rev Mr SINT perform the ceremony The bride-elect is a sister of Mrs Sam Maxwell and a niece of Mr Duekworth The bridal trip will consist of a trip to Edgedeld Where relatives of the groom live On their return Mr and Mrs Sossamon will hoard at Mr Lung in Dilworth At the Presbyter Inn Colleze The lady teachers of the Presbyterian Cie will be at home to receive their friends hereafter on Tuesday afternoons The faculty of the college will one day next week receive the faculty and pupils of the Lutheran College the faculty of the graded school and rtudents of the Presbyterian College The collexe has registered 161 pupils $0 far and more are expected Famed by Fire Mr Cochrane of Manic Creek says he and Mr Elam Query break the record on tires File latter has had two lately Mr Cochrane has had six Every sixth year lif Is bui-nel out of house or barn or or saw mill He says there is a fatality th tixth year Tranquility Still Prevails in 'Janina Waahington Jan '22--List evening Conaul General Lee cablp(I the State Department that tranquil! prevailed In Havsna but be made no mention of the important engagement reported to have taken place in the Cubitas Mountain resulting in the carture of the insurgent capital The orly reports Of an official character en point that have come to the notice of the Department are those received by the Spanish minister here The minister himself is confident tof the accuracy of his dvices To Amend the Inter-State Commeree Law Washington Jan Cullom Introduce1 a new bill for the amomlment of the Inter-State con-mer" The bill Is lfltcfliil la eov(r tlic fects of the prescnt law I the courts It gives tiw intPr-StatI commuffe cow i -7--1on authority t9 pro- 1-Chit any raliroal company or Other common carriers from charginz more for a long- than a short-haul over the same line The JapnP9e cruin-r Chitcne wan launcbel front Vie rhion Iron NV41in yard at an Franciso yesterday It II of of of 'W EA TH ER l'OR EC A ST Nurth nIK111: Twit Sunday: Sutulay iIit Huutlivrly winthq twcomIng Nrusturly Onemloi Weather condition tenlvrature procipitution 8 IlL Jan I I etnpI Max il'r'cip 18 ITe1npII2 hrs chariot teo loudy1 rt Augusta (ld ou) 70 I Augusta cl(udyI 71) -1 11': Jacksonvill clear 74 80 Ou Wihningt Ja ra In1 62 CI 01 Cha lit ston crdy 68 61i 11aleigh ciondy 1 68 CO 00 Savannah cryI 66 '74 o'l cry 66 711 montglnicry rain 5'1 74 10 Atlanta rain 64 64 I 02 Norfolk rain 12 17 Ho' Wcst 713 o) 01 Jupiter 72 78 Tampa clear 2 SO 00 Ncw Orleans clean CO 71 13 Onlveston cicar-1 66 CO 02 Corpus Christi erl 60 68 00 Palestine cicar 1 48 t8 00 Ponsavola cloudy 66 I 01 Whin Mgt Ja min' ston crdyi Ealeigh clondy1 (4 Savannah 6t montgomery rain 54 Atlanta rain 64 Norfolk rain Ho' Wcst 76 Jupitr Tampa clear 72 Ncw Orleans clear 60 Oalveston 66 Corpus Christi erl Palestine cicar1 Pensacola cloudy' fi6 LOCAL WEATHER REPORT Maximum temperature 114 minimum temperature 41 mean temperature 48 normal temperature 40 SAME DATE LAST YEAR Maximum temperature kle) minimum' temperature 30 GRANT Observer Weather Pureau fl Small Farm Wanted A Northern customer 'inquires for a property consisting of five to fifteen acres good garden and fruit land with house and Ntrn pure water supply and in desirablo neighborhood near the city Who Has It? Let me know your price and terms ABBOTT Telephone 37A 2 Hunt Building NOTICE Ambrose Costner of the firm of A Rhyne Co has this (lay sold his entire Interest in Mount Holly Cotton Mills to A Rhyne and A Costner All persons having claims against the said firm NVI 11 presnt same to A Rhyne and all persons indebted to said firm will please come fg-Award and settle the same with said A Rhyne This the 12th (lay of January 1898 Signed AMBROSE COSTNER A RHYNE Dr Henderson DENTIST Hunt Building Charlotte Will be in his office every day except the first week in every month begining with Monday and that week at Davidson DENTISTRY PRACTICED IN ALL ITS BRANCHES All Work Fully Guaranteed 1 LUDLOW CE SANITARY AND HYDRAULIC -E-iN1-FN-E-E-1i 434 Summitt St Winston Water Supplies Sewerage Systems and Street Improvements: Reports Plans Specifications Estimates of Cost and Superintendence of Construction Water Supply and Sewerage Disposal of for Isolated Institutions and Plants Water Power Surveys Plans and estimate of Cost of Developing and Utilizing Available Power and Commercial Value Determined Br II Wakefield Will be at his office 509 North Tryon Street on all days in January except Wednesdays and Thursdays His practice is limited to the Eye Ear Nose and Throat BUY A HOME IN DILWORTH WITH RENT MONEY -THE60111111CM Ndt1011(11 Bdilk OF CHARLOTTE Organized 187 DEPOSITORY United States State County and City of Charlotte Let us have your deposit also SPENCER President A6 HEVER Cashier STYLES IS ARE l'ittFCSE at l'alamiuntainh Cur tAtcok of rings PRA to the uf th faAtia loos Coies In and lot ItS tit your ingot l'ALAMuCNTAIN DIVA IN TO-DAY Al' SNINNEICS IIESTACIIANT an give your order tor anything that your aupetile may Fuggust Oysters in hbundanee And PlcritY Or birds Next to) 11 I Andrews Phene OUlt STItONO WAO9N 11A1tNESA Win Wear well They have bea testol by strong "pulls" an1 were found durable and wen put together 1N't make a specialty of all classes of harness Itepairing at low Woes 0S1301ZNE SOS 32 East Tra1e street WE PRLDE OURSELVES ON OUR coffees and teas and we are fully aware that Chase Sanborn's 7NI(K'ha a mi Java coffees and Tetley's India and Ceylon mixed tea3 bear reputations that place them foremost on the market MOORE ZIRKLE 301 Tryon St "A BREAKFAST There is nothing nicer than fish roe for breaafast And we have the best quality to be found VAN NESS BRO Telephone 68 13 Tryon St FRAGRANT DENTIFOAM IS ONE of the best preparations for cleansing preserving and beautifying the teeth hardening the gums removing tartar and perfuming the breath Price 25 cents at WOODALL SHEPPARD'S WE HAVE FINE AMERICAN GUIars at prices ranging from S4 up mandolins at $150 up: toy drums at 30e up and everything in music and musical Instruments to be desired "We make a specialty of fine strings for all kinds of musi7a1 instruments WHEELER WALL PAPER Co A BIG FIPLE INSURANCE COMpany is The Glens Fall Its net surplus over cash capital and all liabilities ls $17U266009 I also have other good companies and want to write some lire insurance for you ARTHUR HENDERSON Agent DRS KEERANS BROOKS LENTISTS No 7 WEST TRADE ST TELEPHONE No 15S-I WE MAKI' the handling of feed for all classes of stock our main business We buy in such enormous quantities that enables us to sell the retail and wholesale trade extremely low We have corn oats hay bran cotton seed meal hulls etc HMS BROS 'Phone 1390 West Trade St WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FILLING VINAIGRETTE'SAND SMELLING SALTS BOTTLES ANY KIND ANY COLOR ANY oDon BRING US Yourts JORDAN CO Treseriptionists tamps to-day A Big Fire! In accordance with our usual custom we burned yesterday every paper of seeds left over from last eason Not a package of old seed left We have just received a fresh supply of Landreth's Garden Seed guaranteed fresh and genuine from the old reliable house of Landreth Sons Burwell Dunn Co Wholesale Druggists Assignee's Sale of Stock of Goods g111b By virtue of the authority vested in me as assignee of Blankenship I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Thursday the 27th day of January 1S9S at 10 o'clock a 111 at the store house lately occupied by the said Blankenship in the town of Pineville that stock of goods wares and merchandise consisting of dry goods shoes hardware and groceries lately belonging to the said Blankenship and conveyed by him f)r the benefit of his creditors to the' undersigned trustee Said stock will be offered in lots first dry goods and shoes see ond hardware third groceries The stock will Olen be offered as a whole and title and possession given to the highest bidder An inventory of said stock can be salt in the office of the assignee Private bids for the whole strek will be considered JAS A BELL Trustee Charlotte' Drs ft Gs fli Bid NI DENTISTS 2 1 NI Tryon St Charlotte Public Sale Of the 61obe Cotton Mills of Rock Hill on Monday Feb 7 1898 7500 Fpiniles and all accessorto3 for making No 21s to Zl6s yarn and warps 321) Crompton 4 and 6 box looms with Dobbles Dye Ilou 3e complete Operatives houses etc For catalogue and particulars apply to JOHN LONDON 'Receiver Jan'y 1 1S1 flock Hill LIBERALLY CONDUCTED AT POPULAR PRICES 4t6 Campbell Sperry Proprietors SPERRY late of Macon Ga hotel Manager THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL RANK Comnieneed Business February 'rota! Assets now $1355000 Loans 255004t Capitol 01111 Stockholders Liability 500o1) 31ininitilli Estimate Stoeli holders' Worth Five Million Dollars Berin with the new year and give us 7our blisiness and deposits If you have hothing to deposit we 111 luau it to 'ott Call and see our burglar proof sites and rent safety dep)sit boxili at f2 i atai ppr a nuttm HEATH President TWITTY Cashier We have just received the finest lot of Mules and Horses Ever brought to Charlotte We offer them for sale on terms to euit the or C3511 Vie are reliable dealers and handlo tte best Etfrk obtainable lit Widswo igth's Suss Dealrs in Bnggies Ilarnoss Farm Wagons etc 1044e 0) nwoor'14 wa1P 4 To leneAns.

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