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Boston Evening Transcript from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

Boston, Massachusetts
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trg with ffaltenag aneece. The ebjeeta nf the awocietlM are wo eemmeadabw, their emteevore should meet with response, and ready suipoit lioa the member of lh trade. DRiRFUim Tim ioaiatci of the city iimtiUitiona number imtiing np af grand Maud, prims. paHeesM niv, printing and tenvma sarplua el 152.71. Tha rereipts iff the reading room fine the year arciegjulv 1, 1K7S, wcia; ixperdifaie, 9472AX: cash id basils of

lie officers of ih. rrsouic roam are a follow: Pramuent F. C. McDaffie, Td; Ite'ietery and Treskarea-B. C.

Rmrr, 77: Director H. I. Kit-irroge, W. R. Page, J.

K. Ruty, H. Barrows, 1C; h. K. Byrne, U.

K. Hykes, H. it. Iluilt '77 J. A.

Mead, L. B. ltoou, W.N. i'hUlipx, L. Kyie, CrtmlMl Masters.

A VtUrKxopa Nomn Nwo llmuxaM Has Mi'BjiguooaLT Amiiiucd. Abont a qnarter-pawi eleven Hr.Tbnmat I'. JsMfrr, a provicknn dealer, whose place of biuu-tfMliftB Prince hi ture and wianril for hla houre, No. I PhMdier atret. While paMingtliiough Par mm tor street, for the 1 purpoveof lrachiug Poulh Kail eir oa Haanver wtirct.

and when uvarly uiipnHt thu Kiiwopal uaw nupiowhcd from Ik, hi ml by two meo, who dealt bin revoial powerful bkiw. uoun the head with a dub or pair of brass knuckle, felling him to the ground. Ilia ameilniitM then howtied nauuuoiH mure Mowaupov 'h. front a-d uf tlic liead, bntal liov gw any line of tin blow was anfllcleiii to piove w-ohma iu Iw uatiiie. vet atrenua to ray, Mr.

fulsifer did mil lure-ei tire Iu ihso a wuiuenr iiom the time the uiiioriueate m.ji was axdiulic 1 a i iimlicr of ieu)ila who were iw tlui viciah ami uliukuw tint ilmre was trouble, were uimio th incliuiiiigoniecr Alley of Ilia I'lnt ntanoj, hut tint whore abj-en, it IwwunuiMnl. fled. klr. Pulelfer wu immediately conveyed to tbe alutiou huuwe, unit li Street mu; moned, ubo, upon exaulwaUon, found tliut the oiuu hut nmnii hovnu ue-vere two uimi; the forFdftuI dircctlv av tlie eyre, him, a I he lop ot th head, hull, soil tnr-eniiOH the left able of hi. aknll, ju-t ahov.

the car. lir. Street reused tin-woiiiiiloas well a. he iwnilil, under th, eireum wtui. ami hy hi.

dirm tmu Hr. Inburer removed to i he citv ho pilel. where he nuw Inn In a veiy ciiticwl en illlinn, with no hoaeioriila recovery. Tlie nrjeut nf tha uiMiuilt, a. kintcu, I.

to have been but tlie preMWH-e of M'verwl perron, upon the aireet iiaasc-diklily after the kr suit polliiy Irightnacl the aw win fled without tlieir pr.rpoer, examinwnon of Ihe pockatwnf Mr. rtrekled the tact that be hail, Id addition to a sold watch uml chalu valmnl nl glW. torn in money, uia.liy in aaiill bill und evil. In fuel, iiiuiiey wa fouud in uwily on-rv lewket of hi cliiiliing, anil iu one pnetet a limit fib wa fniiml tol up in a imiier lur. lie rd-o hail bundle conuiliiing a aiiinll aninniiv ot clothing, wliicb waa rulm-ipiMiily iinind and taken to tna etniina.

Hr. IuMIcr ha. been in tl pniv i.lon imnlnee at tlm Xuitb Kod for ulwHit iweniy-llv. ywirw, and is about ikty-ttve yean nt age. boa a grooa-up daughter who la at tlm point of ccwib Iiom a fcvei.

As soon a the fm-te had heroine kruwu tufluerw were at once do- everhrg for the bewefll of the poor. Thcatteail-tailcd tn iiivcwigabi the mutter and brlngtha per- uort woo large and a bawlaatae ouiu wax realixed. pelrntora to Halil If paswllil. I thal one I lK- t'oiiglilau had' been aee. lo the nuualive hljtwo-tM Iraomotive n.mcl the II vlclnitv a lew luouienta lief, wa toe oiwanli tie honor ol the llenumaot govenmr, r-d, iisil that In1 had, in company wub two others, I boa been built at tho Hinhlay lmnoinollve I'lMl Very wuwoiniunwly, lm w.a bnt Murka for K.

N. Fallen to lie used In the lluossr irrarru Ktosk Muiivo, About two e'elnrk fan red ay mondsg, Offtere Brows, while wslklsg slang rirM itimff beard a aolse made hv some petaou bteaklng window, aad dreeo versa at tha store of M. L. Kiavr, ooeaar o' Cnm and Hhawmat strsats, two au leavbig In haste. Th fileer hum led them off, wbee Ibey tunwJ sud ran across an open held In the dtrooWo of the l-otsell Railroad, cwtsrly fnltowrd bv tbe oflluer.

(toe of the men fell, aim lieftoe he erahl arise the idHeur had him. He gave the Jenwa Bollivaa, aed mm he lived st the North Bud, Buspia. IlvrorATiow or Rr. Jnssm Cathulio ritfcneii. Ht Joseph Catholic t'horra, l'Btoa squvs, wm eruwceo unuday motmagioa ihe oeeuiea of the demeatiuaol Uic fKiiSce.

Xev.Falbeni riallslun ol Ht. Augmtiue Chuirb, Month Htswos: U. J. Hnpple of Ht. Fram ii do Bsle Church, nunkvr lltfl IHstriottlJ'lionneU of Kent Cambridge; ri.

T. Meuiaib. Thomas ICBrleu, sastois, aud Aich-birtiop Vri'lisuis took gait, matched down the Kcntre Ixle of the emieh. aad tba walls oi were blevwd, tbe dctHaoHim ritoal beiug lead icimauhile. High uims wav eeiearutoa, uud Father t'allilno urns mtUw ol eeienpuneh R-v.

Failur Mdreoen nl UhmiX plumbed ths sei-inuu iron: l.eviluwoaix. Ht'iiooa riomiiTTKE. The regular monthly meeting of the sebool eaunoitleo wm bekl KvUr-diij evenirg, ihe mayor nresRiug. An onb-r su passed sniburiamg ihrcaniroisn of th mb-eorn-lulriee on school ditriets. to open on evening Kt-bmd In th new poltet station, sad te eniphty lesrlier.

A enumiuiiii'AUsu wu reueitntd from Miss Klls K.l Burbank, tanderpig he icvioualioe ss leurlu-r in tlis Jjnrols H-mxi. It was sore pled, sntl. si a ballot, Ml Jennie riullium, now teaching in Bah-ua, chssrn hr suceiswor, at a salary uf tan per annum, a emmmmirstimi in received Iiihu ('. K. Ktre-ex, pmddeat uf tlie Kmn-ervtlle Sir.

tie Water floafd.iii eganl piahlll for said usco ibe I'rraeuU Hchouiboase; they sgrei-d to settle fur KM lb marks wsre msile lelsllv to tlie fount mile. Urnf anil it iruispireA IbM ia 1X74, tlm Wa'or lloartl uf I hsrleatunn rlalmeda bill for TJkkiywS lion, of a ter tired is the building, Indicated meter, f-om Juuc IS tn Anp. 1, 111.11111 an ouuung lo Itw hoard thought that such leauethm Fad lieea made waa Mtivfarito. ry and the rranmnnicatian trss accepted, and ibe amount, (ri, appiuted. atotl.c, the fcnij-nnios Re.

aim wea mjssatwl to euufer with llieTT? ilc Water IluarJ o' JChrietown wita re-mud to havrg a new metefjdieed hi tlw Fn-snott nrlAiet hulMiog, An rlclior brill fur i sabre as tei for the hick urbool, and Hr. IBlua u. FotTrei wm elected and his talarv Axed at l2 lirr oi.iihiu. it was voted te have the Chris nun. vrt aikiu" euuiiuus till IF tUst Mumly Iu

Chelae. Tux llmitf (xun. 1 ho new room of Hi. Re-vb 4 Inh in Campbell. lUork aw btorly ready fm occupancy, the ir-fciier decoi olios bmng ueorty complete.

The cetra piere in the eetllng ns designed by tbe aeeretfry of thartab.Wlllisin O. II ask II, and repraetrte the arms of ihe rlob, tbe quartering on uvh liierature. hrr.miwc uud tho drama, tueeiort aa trtwu right band and the motto, Ih rlub aill remove ifaithsr sow. Urn dunog the pmnt month. Tun Yni'xu Iambs' fHABiTAson I'kuix iu ehclerl the folio wing-li ante IresideBl Kellie J.

ti. JU'kMiu; Vice President hecretn-ry l.neretm Ttu. bridge: TraaMiier Imla NmIi; Aiitdlig Bessie Bow; MlMiunsry- Menus F. Ihilbiick. KrrrtU.

Finn. A Lost half-part one o'clock Hoaday muniing Olbrets Hearse end Bidelinger iff tbs helve fore dlteovsred dm tksaisg from th static of Jrbn Lyerb, in tbe lower part of the town, aod witblnhtiyfehtuf the Chelsea Una. Thaita-Mti-oatalned tna homos, which ware with dim-tally got out in Mlety, sad a quaulily of bay, whiuh. togrthcr with tna stable, wrs entirely The flia caounsaiulrd to Hie part of Iba fcouM occiiiucd l.y Mr. Lynch, and was damaged to lb amount uf about SIM, nu wbieh Ihara ie un insnracre.

The IpJ au tba hare is iSMUtid-t-- Kesvtoa. Abont three e'elotk londay mornieg Ibe boni brlnngiag to Ihe Headrick srUaia oa ha gent urd was Idnlly destroyed by flrs. Ths flames spread to tbs nail of tho hum, which wu also destroyed. One sow which wm la the tarn wm liurned, torthrr with hay. tods, rir.

Tba bias it eMussted SSOSO. About flltaes biibbuo pact nine o'clock hist evenisg flrs wm discovered lo as asoraapiad bowse belonging Alfred Townsend, on Aubwndtle nvanua, waieh was lotollr destroyed. Tbehnuve wm insured fur icsd and valued al (4JM. The flru wm iuorw-diuiv- Thx Cr tt Kiattiok. Tte Itrpabllran Ward and City riiMinnita heui protracted nwrtiug Butuidny Bight, nt wkieh ihi qsastioa of esillLg eituros' or sti sight esueaa ws.

di-xmsed. It wm finally sum that the Kxaesilvs riomaitteu wait apoa the Ibrnscratie eummitiss and request them to join It icnlng call lotha eithttns iff swton, irrrspectv of party. Tub Kxw Hman Bbiimk over Charles River at ibe I 'purr Falls ws. viubd on Halnrniy after-nram by tba Highway riomiwtlee of Ktwtna and the aeicrrmrii of Needhxm.rnr final txaminatiuu ami soreptsaes. Tba repressnlativM of thaeiiy and town expressed ecaipbM snusfaarion wub and aiiiirusal of ihe dasiri of tha enginMre and tli falihlnl axevulion af tliar plans hi lbs budil-or.

Harvard I'nlvncily IlrwM. Tbe subscription Ini for Uu UuirersiLy crew dm been circulated lately amoag all tha elauMt. aad ths snbMrlptioss from si I sail the isshmes, bars efime in very eseouragiarly. Kaeh class in passing through college how supports toe c.ew. Tbo ireshmen are assessed rbiriy-five per cent, of tho win le omouiit, berauw in tlio first year there are fewer exjirrseN thaa in uthergand large kOhierip-tlons can be made, otter ilaskos aia ssseisusi lire, ksnioia least of all, because lbs expense of a college cunree lueieare ss use mivsaoe.

Tim nrt anwmblv will lake plaue on Mondav evening, Nov, fit A book relating to rismbridua aitopu-aicd aunuglbs lime iff 172! is sboi'Uy rxoeuieii from the bsmlw of Mr. Oilman. A meeting of all tbe randiitete for tlm Varsity tiiiu- is culled innlgbt at bslf-past seven, to aid tbe captain in 12 Matthew A new plain r'as wisdow lias hsea sat in Core Kail, making a marked luipr.ii ameul io light sad FOOT BALL. Th Match Bcttsccw Ihmiff ut Tola Jlarsnirt Vlctortows. (eoBateiroKDKvcB or the teaxscbiptj New Haves, Nov.

11, MIS. Harvard anil Yale have for a number of xeeauna beca trying to arrange a foot-ball mutch, bnt have never, until tbe present time, been able to selUa upon any oom.irn-miss in which tlie dixsimllar rules of thn two eollrgee could be suited. Great credit doe to ibe committees appointed by the two eul-iogM to carry ont the difficult task of combining tlie two methods of play. Yale tots, until this match, always played a game In which an American rubber bell need. This the plsyeis may bnt with their band but may notesks Luid uf either to ran with or even tv roxs to one uf ibeir own side.

Harvard played a similar gnne uutil tbe McGill matches of a year ago, when they lsameil front ibeir Cumul'fiu opponents tlio much trore scientific rules known as the rv vised Rugby code. These rules have teen adopted at ilorraiil, aiul modification of them governed the prescut march. In tie gins pluyrd under these eonccnxkmary mbs, the ball used was tlie round Amorlpan ritltbar, Instead of the English oval ball, whiuh consists of a blwldsr lacs 1 Into a stout leather css. Runulugwlth tbe ball ami holding it was allowed, lrat all batting forbidden. Tbe F.nglish regulations coaaeraiiig touch downs" urn', goals were but slightly altered.

The Harvard team left Csmlirldgn at ton on Friday last and arrived in New Haven at about six o'clock. They were wi hospitably received end were soon made tlmroucbly at home 'neatli tlio alms of good oki Yale." Tbe team were accompanied by a large number of follow stadentx and each train brooglu in many mure embusiastio young men wiih crimson in ibeir buttonholes. The must sun-eralgood fe.liug pn- va'led between tbe M11-denu iff lmth colleges, and before late the college walls wsre resouudio to tbe favurlie tunes of the two greet rival universities. In tbe morning the team visited and ilnl admired tbenewYata boatboase. Atelmut half-put two ths Harvard team arrived ou ih ball ty tlieir oppiaenti.

The grounds were carefully merited out wUh little flags, alternately bins and orimson, and about ten feet outside uf these lines iff liemmrca-tido came tlie rope, which, daring tbs Ant pert ot the gaum, was some check to the large crowd asaemblud to witnvss tbe sport. Abont 150 Harvard students were present end tbe greater part of Yale College looked on. Tbe uamrs and poxitlons of the men were as follows: Yale -Tends, Jobation, Vholps, Tram ball; helf-tends, Arnold fceptoln), Vaille, Wakcujsn, Wright, Fetors; rush-ets, Baker, Camp, Elliot, Smith, Alden, Thomprtin, Manure. Harvtnl Team Tends, Cate, Wetherhee, Morse: Half-tcndx, Hull (captain), Seamans, Cnr-Ua, Bacon, Herrick; Itnsben, Leeds, Keyes, Blanchard, Tower, Thayor, Fetteon, Cuabiug. Yslo chcee Mr.

McKrlght, end Harvard Mr. Whiting, for tltsdr respeeitre umplras. There had been some discussion hi the choice of tbe reforee, bat all wav settled as soon ax the name iff Mr. Robert Cornell of Columbia was proposed. Harvard won the toss, end the hall wo kicked off by Yale amid great excitement.

The first kirk was fine one, but Yale did not seem to know how to follow it up. Tlm ball reaalned where It fell for a second or two trad then wai driven down strongly tow-, nrds the Tele goal. Here the sport began. The player were throwing oacb other down, tripping one another np end piling themselves into beeps without tbe least regard for their own persona or of any one else. Tha wrestling wn fine and the trimriiqf very nkUful on both tides, bnt want of prnctieo tod ignorance of the rales aeon became apparent wteng tbe Blues, who, thiugh fine kleks Indiridnally, t.lled to support on another, and seemed bewildered by tha rapkiiiv witli which their opponent parsed Rio hall to each other.

Tlie principal fosturas of (be first hslf-bunr wen fine rushes by Thompson and Leeds, epdiug iu a touch-down by Leeds, followed by a soul fur Harvard, and a heautifnl run and long kick, resulting in a goal for Beamons. Thompson and Elbot wore especially good among tha Yale team; Hull, Leeds and Cme ilisiinguiidilng the nisei vu ou the Harvard skin. The first half-hour indud with score of two 'goals and uiio touch ib.w in favor of tho crimson. Wlicn time waxcallt-d, ihe secoml ImlMutnr begun by a kick-off of TotroFs. Theu cum a good ran ly ISucon, wliiob, however, emlod at a fall and (be IibII's being carried forward by Yule.

Tloynr male a good ran ami gained sbat seeumd a touuh-dnwa, but be turned ut to hero been so tlio touch-down (ikl not oount. After the kick-off The lml I wax curried lie tween tbo Yale goal-post again, but as It touched tlie rope In paxulug tbe you1 was not counted. Cushing by a good run gained a touch-down, arriving Inside (lie line before the Yale lander. When ibe ball was again 01 the (told a goal was kk ked by TUancbard. Arnold, Thompson and Trumbull made some fine plays, twice kicking tbo hall behind thn Harvard tends, und titer received well -(annul applause from all iiresent.

Numerous calls of foul interrupted thu tame frequently, so that this half-hour took much mire time to play out than either effho other two. In the llitid hlf-honr Yale led off. Tht bell was for some time kept in tha centra of tbe field end then gradnally oarrted toward the Yale goal. Ily a magnificent kick, it wax again carried behind thn Harvard lenders, bnt being picked up by Wetlwriteo, was bronchi to tho front 'once more. This wa accomplished liy Wetlieriiee'a running backward wonderfully fast und warding off Ills xJ-vorsaries wlrli one of his arms whlla behold Iba ball In lie othor.

Tba ball eras then pawed to T'txjer, who paMwl It to Towar, and it washy him kicked over tbe gosb This waa ihe Rust lirilliaut comWnsIlon during the game, end waa nniversxlly applauded. Unluckily, Elliot of 11 to Vile teem strained hla ankle and 1m wm compelled to withdraw, Hushnsll of (he divinity school took place, and no particular ad vautage was gained by either side uutil tho time writs celled. Harvard won by sours of 4 goals and 3 touch-downs to 0. The team after giving three times throe for their oppoixmU aad Ihe reforee, votninwl to tliolr qua, tore, le tlio evening they were eutortalnod at a supper siren by the Yale Football Club and Afterward owerted to tbo depot, which they left amidst lit vudtaroa olioer of Uttir kind vnlerulnotr. AMUSEMENTS.

Heaton Theatre. Th brief revival of Dickon' David Coppei field," with nil its varied and ds-lighlfiil past svsoehitionv. will hs the mart wsl-rsme OAuounoan cut in this week's programme of iko theatre. TM production of Lillis lulf" tikM pine suffer the most fortunate cireum-stsneM. Mr.

Groiga FBwectt Rene, who tv to lake tba pail of Wijkluv Mieawber, bv. nude that yuuinl boro a specialty. Bad won grwu praise in tusrtile. Mr. HkeweUwilllieleggoUy; Mr.Amter-son, Ilsm; Mr.

AHca. Ilnah llaep; Mr. Barr. Da-vid C'opimflaid Mr. Lrvlck, Hub -forth; Mr.

Wilson, Mr. IibvIm, Mr. Wickflold; Mrs. Barry, filaiths; Msm Rand, Mrs. Minawbar; Mrs.

Iluutcr, Rism Ttortle; Mrs. i'oolu, Itet-vty Trolwoxd; Hits liayvea, UttM Kui'ly; In. AI'fii, Mrs. riumiuldDc; Miss Hunt, Agnes Wu-k-lield, and Mb Imwmug, (Torn Fcggutty. I'mlar this r.l the play mil be ireatoil tnrooglmul the week.

Kiai week will eouw She grand Hhak-speanaa play sod aprotaeleof "Htury with itH fiiiy iquaking parte, tin hotUes and uionshev. with all the panoply and paraphernalia of tbe splendid revival st Bacths Theatre, Mew York, but spring. Messrs. JvrrvUft Fxiuier un ar-rsoged ibstihaaecaery, ensiumes, annorr, eic shall lm tramferred to Ho inn, aad that the rhief charseters shall lie n-preeated by the ar-tikts I isorge Itlynold, Thorne, Hie bop, who so deservedly won commendation in them on ths occasion or its run ai Booth's Theatre. The I-urdua Kadngal Hoy.

aad the chime of bells will slo lm worked in. Vlobe Theatre. Tho re lorn at Colonel Mien to Bo-ton has turned out vary popular movo-aictt. Th public should bear la mind that Mr. Raymond's pci form ancei nill continue only larough thiv week nn I that there will bt no matinee on Wodncsday.

(in Monday next will rorom-laruet the intempied and seareoly half-fiMsbad ran iff Dor lloyi," with Mr. Uyurgn Honey freb from Us New York triumphs la th leadl.ff nite. Jtafton Vsiesn. "The Rij Itonamw will maintain itsalf here silll anollrtr wash, save oa Batnr-dty night and Wednesday nail Keurday sftcr-BooBf, when Ijwly AndLy's Kecrct" elll be given. BeaeieanltY aonsaiion of a doeea years ago.

will he the next Mancam attraction ihssnl Aterasn. Mix Julia lfatthswi, Fia Kuglteh opera arlMl, will hs the mala attraetio at lha Howard Athenmum this wetk, la a ddilion in a fall variety company. Tire Soldier's Frida," a luuvieal comedietta, will Im given this (resin. Hr. JftmtoeA's NhakperlHn Aeeffi'itfr, la-teiroliag and valuable to tladeuti of Flnk-sprare, fiom the ewllurr, iutelUgenoe aad pnetoml exuerleuea of the stage, embodied la the tectnns and illuxuniieni by the yeteraa actor, will be biooght to the close of ibe sertex tomorrow mi-niag.

at Farktr Memotiul Hall. The aahjeet will be the fin! part af "Hoary YL" Th raadiag from the play will be I'lnrt-Hlrs af tba fiuba aadckivsliy ol Fncee Hal and ths kuinore of rateteff. Jfr. fl'imffeff'a Seeilotiiu at Harttealiaral Hall, begia tomorrow svesisg with Bhakvpearo'i niav, "Her ry Tbe second at tho series (twelve ia all, six Hhahspaariaa and six mtsceilauewas). will iwaouig ninto altsraeen ext.

Tht Arnih ifacicee Opera Troupe. Theta aiipeand is Maw York a few months ado aa ops (Stic troujm of Mexican rhildiep, who at one made their way into veiy grant favor. Arter VMttiag Philadelphia and Hal timers with ths same eouipaoy bare reluraed to Hsw York.whareaimeoBdoagagemoBt bas bean pro-duet Its of added eathamasm. Although very young, tbs prims donas, Nina Carmen Moms, being only tight yean of age, they both sing aad act with the moat aharmiag giara imsglaabte. Iu Offenbach's "La (iraads is a Bponish operatic IrarefUc oa "Kobiavon Uuw," tba araneal score ef which is by Fronehea A.

Bar-bteri, and ia several Rpaaisb oparax, they have nested a graaiae sanratlnn. Th iroupe bare heeo engaged for a limited nnwuer of operatic rep ri'M-ni. lions at Beaihuvew Hall, which is sd-Biirably adapted to their see. The first pnform-anca wl'l tax pises next Monday avrsing, the 22d invL, whrn "La Grands Imebcskc" nill bs gnen. MUSICAL.

Th A'nr FupfNnd Oonecrvolortft Quarterly f.vmrerf tahes place tomoirow afternoon at Musie Hsil.lmglauing at on. oclock. Messra. Fries, Rm-k, liciodl and bteiuunu will axsist ia aa interesting programme. Tht Thamat Kymphany Concert.

These entxr-talniuantx, which piouiiM so much enjoyment to our musm-loviug public, will opeued at tbe Musie Hall, WedBewdayevouing. Theprngramm is already familiar to our reader. At a puMte rehtaisal gives In New York last week, which wav attended by wane two Ibousund persons, one nf the selections, Beethoven's beautiful Eighth Hyi phony, waa perforated. Tbe Herald, alter giving nn analysis of tbe well-known work, sayi, "It ean be safely asserted that no better performance of the Kightb flymphony hvi over boon given iu Neu York." Ths Tribune any, "The llcetkovcn flymplumy of courts In no nortltv, but there ware some feature le the lnterpieratiia which gave It eneximeted freshness and threw hs beauties into the boldest relief. As tbs brightest and most cheerful of th ssriss, it is peculiarly adapted to dnplay certain rharoetorlsMe merits of the Tbom-Frcbxitra." flterting sang Bcbubert'a song, "Her Doppelgaeegcr" (tbe Vision) and the srtacttoBN from Bach's Oratorio" oa the same occasion, with great success.

A Thtmat ifaHnfe. In addition lo hi opening symphony concert, Wednesday night, Mr. Tteuaat will give matinee at tho llada Hall, Batdntey, when Mine. Antoinette Btarling. tbo dlvtlB-gaisbed vocalist, win also appear.

The pro gramma for that occasion win include among other selections Behumann's First Byaapbouy, a symphonic poem by Baiat Bnaus, entitled "La Boat dOmpbale, and overtures by Cbwnbtoi, Vsethoven aod Wagner. Mme. Ktorilug will be beard in a Mciiaurs aad aria by Moaart aad in rougs by Raff aad Rehnbeit. Xichbtrg't "Am ef Mr. Riab-berg's charming opera, rba Rose of Tyrol," will be performed at the Ms sic llxll by the Carullni Richiugs-Rcrsard Gomie Opera Company, Mm-day enxiig, tbe 22d tost.

will fona one of tha regnlxr entertainments in th Old Ray Hiate eoorss. Tht fforwid 8otrt JVuxtenf in the icrtss to bl gives at th orgoa warerooms of Msmt. George Woods A Co MM Washington tract, win be given on Wadncadny evening, Nov. IT. The Alpfaa Quartette will assist.

MAILT WMTRRR RETORT. Ouskuvctu Omnn, Riokal Hkuviob, 17. n. Av BOXTWl, MiwbA Not. 18, 187S.

TA.K. IL23F.M 29.72 2K74 29 31 99 199 K. 13 12 L'tnn Rarntnetcr Thmnnm Humidity Wind YRtocily Wcvthsr Total One. H. ltoiin, Brrgrsiit, Rigani Service, IJ.

A. Stearnss BRAIDS. W. BTCARKH, TTMS, WriM Manufacturing (to, W9MI a 9 lawrenss, Mass. no RT TOSX.


An raclfie bUxtmthip IAne. Thn Gnlbord Burial at KesirasL ISrulal Basnateh to tha Trumlikl FOX, THE ACTUM. New Yah, Nut. 15. It is xtated, upon guoil untluotty, that the favorlto acim gad pnntouiiiuiit, 0 forge L.

Fox, is losing hit luin and it is Imliaved bis engagement in linvuni and Haltimoro will prAbshly ho can-relied. There bvx Imcu for a conKllernhlo litii a change, and bix frk-mlx are mournful iuxtcail iff minhliil. It ix a sail fact that ba im etvirely lout the wonderful phitomlqiio ability which e'xaiaclariaeil him for years, sud that his career has come to most mul ini' Indy and, His trnnhle i softeulng of tha hrnln, and his physician de hiv principal neresNity ix rest. Oo HHiiinlay Mr. Fox came before ibu purthin between the aotx, and, hmviing into fCNtr, liecan nu incohrreot speech to the amlfrnre; ur.

hy jrrter uf the manage siiut, thu on bc.trs begun to play', End drowned bit word. THE JtrsxIAH WAEI.IEK FRKFARATIONX. The Tribure belie rev tie orders issued to liava ti trooux in suutliern liiwit pippqreil for miiive vervicu are calculate 1 to creure a stae ol unea.ltieax throughout Europe. No Tiacitlc usMuranocN can counteract the effect uf this warlike measure oh tha part of one cf the throe ffreat Turner who were anpporad to lave come to a uu-U stidoistaiuHog iLiu peaow shall he preserved. THE VIliXCTrilW OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD ubstii-Jioiixly adupted a report of specinl ronuniitco rucoui mending the pnrchxxa of xhipa U'ocsvary to make a tri-monthly lino ia coiiuarilun with tlie oompanv's railmwi New York and San Francisco, aod a line beturuta ianamn and Central America.

The eummitt-c state that three of the veexalx are in ply between Now York and Avpinwall, live between Fanama and Hon Francisco, and two between Panama and Central America. The eight steamers un tbe through line between thia city and Hun Francisco wm to coat each. Sydney billnu. prex'ilent of tha J'aclilc Mail and unkiu l'aclflc Kail road companies, decisrav the eclieme 1, astock-; oiiidng operation which wonld rexult only lu ruin to tba Panama Kailroad. THE OVIBOED BURIAL.

A special despatch from Montreal aays an. raiigemente have been made for the iuibonl fuarral in too Cathulic cemetery, tomorrow. A large body iff troop have Lean ordered out. On tba casket, which cncluae tha coffin, are iron hare, set throe inches apart and riveted down, tlie whole thing hecg afterwards cemented. A guard will be sited at Hie cemetery cates to prevent (beaa being rinsed, as was dime aitbe last riot.

A large body of armed Orangemen will be oreaeut as trivate eliUons. T.enbte expected before be sarvophagnv reacbex the grave. TOAVCLAL AID OOKXZSdAL (Rpeetol Beepeleh to Ue Tseeeertpt. PIXAMt-IAL MATTERS ABROAB. Nkw Yore, Nor.

15. Home Muropeaa letter represent the commercial aud financial depression in Germany as exceeding that which exists in A us trim, which 1s bud enough. In Vfcrna a list of prices iff "ihe safest railway and bsnk share sud debenture" ahown a lues of 30,300,300 slow Jgn. 1, 11175. Not wiib.iBvdlng heavy losses on Turkish and Egyptian invxtmento, in which snma of the German bourses shw, dim bas been no panic in London, nnd it was believed the disturbed continental markets would soon become quiet and firmer.

London telegram today report there have been no fallaros of important buuies, which i assuring. thn rmm or stock bfeccxatiox here today if an advance in the granger enilway share, a decline in Union Pacific share of 2 per and a alight decline in Vaciflc Mull shares. A dneixum is anticipated in die Uuiou laclflc Government cise today, which accouuta for vkiluat flucwaUoti in tlis shares thix morning. Thus far tbe disturbances abroad with rumor of panic hove had NO L'XrAVORABLR EVFKCX bore, oxcr-pi to canie a flrmneM In gold, whiuli opened at 114, aud later fold av 114. Towards noon tho stock market waa very strong and buoyant.

Northwestern, Ht. Fail's, Obiox, Western Union and Lake Kbore were tbo prominent Features. PANAMA RAILROAD SHAUKS were pffcreil down tbi morning npnn tlm xiairiiieni that tbe company to csttb-lish a steam lino in opiroxitiou to thu Iuciflo M'dl Company. The UHinsr market Is Armor, ludicgiinj a rvluin of f-urine is autirity. SEWTOBX.

00U AND L-LOCKT. New Youn, Nov. 15. Tbe weather 1 cold and cloudy wind east. OFFICIAL SKIJNqVENCT.

Mayor Hunter of Brooklyn slates that not-wiihstonding die usxertfou of Ilistrict Ator-ney liriffon mat suits hare been carried against "Hub McLaughlin and othori in favor nf that city, not a cent has been paij Into the train iiry as the reauL ot aneb nulls. Tbe mayor says it is tna duty of Britton to sea the judgments collected. A DOCTOR TURNXn HOMIER. Dafilol Dundax, a qnaok doctor, under arrest tor binding and gagging a sick maa, named Lead Clink, yesterday, and than, with tho aid of three other, robbing ths premises. RMlIILr 1NTRLU0RNT TOUCR.

Oeoice Harrncker, deaf urate tettar ear-rtei, wuo has been missing since eloctiou, hM Iran found st lUackweU's Island, where be WMHxntoua tibia charge of drunken ness, tbo pollco swearing Ua sign-makiug wilh hi raw and hand wu uvklsuoa of inebriadua. nv JxxtzY. vniouMAUt crbrur ronoNura. -New York, Nor. IS.

Fifteen porscu wens xertonsly and twenty more bwly poisoned by ratjug cliecae purchased at rbe store attached 10 lUoodgoods mills, nogr Aabwfix, BetnrAay night. VXATHXS UFOm. Boaron, Nov. IS, H7A-TJI A. H.

Wat DsfamneM, Ngsel Bsrvira Duttoff motes Army-Dlviriou al Mamuma suff imparts fur as BsnsIH sCdomuMn stiff Agitealtsi. Utosnatiou takm st tha mats bmusm at Hum el all stehsaaj 11.74 zte -14 XV Fresli Oloudv. Hi 41 li 7 Hint Cloudy Ms. od -SS -X NR Brisk Utauffy, 19,77 -S il Prosh Punre, Nnw Loudnu.UL,, SS.7I srt St -II Fiwiih Krir FmHxuiI.Ms M.79 -M IS -11 NK Brisk Hlmt. Efutagaalff, Mass.

MIT xfl 1 Frash Cisatty. a Mss. F.n. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. LMtw.

kf fwfwr Slcku. A. Prartar. Fcofwor Rtchxrd A. Iroclor delivered tb (comb lecture ol bis Hoitieuituiul Hull eoarx lent Mil tbo wettber, bid e.

It wee, aid not affect ibe attendance to a great extent. Tie tub-jar wx "Other World aud Hun. ft, leetnia wa llusW-ten hyaboni Ulijr pboiograpuu: ln-hn and a many wore an iironiM tor aea of tee too remaining icctuis or tbe enurse. It ra. eaidly be nndvtetonn bow the aitenlar lils-anry ol a.trumgr can be by pl but it nm io itlvir Bow the relation, of aatran'i-my to leligion can Iw to illualraied.

But a Fur-fnw Pmi-tur brought with bini more than olrtririn. uuil baa ban liunv new nnea mail lor aim aia arrival, be must have a wluo rang, uf rhmrc. Yrof. imir irortor said that tbe (abject ol life in etuei woibhla inunekriiMt i.ot a one. We eanrnt bare any nertaln keowiitige iu lb, uiartiT, tbe atio oinrr ran oeteiniln- tbe bulk of a nlanrt, ils density, ihe length of itauayuud It, year, tbe ligM-fr fleeting qualry nf Iw tbe nature uf tbe utioo.iibeni nurrouuil-lugit; flic peulugist can from im pvvi bletory ol oar eiirtli Infer toe cbm.

Witch other plane In probably oii.lcnro; tbe phi Motet, bed.lm Doling ibe rr.raieuer of tbe astro-onier, can u.t-rufa. hr rPfulremeni of llvug ceaturer; and tbe ti.iknn.t ran -Luw bow iwh uirjr beuouie mnuilirn io wordtinro wub the varying uondi-tieua vnrnmarlirg tlu-ui. llut even though a aia-i aoHHTncd full-st knowledge of all the leading nf hckimn, he mud rental ik-i foully lgnonal of the actual affniis In tho i-yun of unr own system. Tlio utility of thbi idiestion ol nllier wield affurri. however, utinl uieans of icnutl nt wtentiiic resprviing th, heavenly ano iun Iroiu fids it uhito lmiiurtive in rer-rem to the real purport of cirntillc slu-Jy than ai thn atui'y of a.enrlaiu.

il facte, liio facia of astroiMmy are not luipromivr in the they oily income so wue. we oonuecr abrmwiUi what we know Blunt our own earth urd about nurvclvc. Then ulone ilo wi- r-eogoisr heir hrarii on tire great iiroblc'n whl unler-Iim nil Helrnre tlw ipu-stuni of th. niesu-Ing of the wmiderrnl oiwIunNin nt tlio unt-vcriHi, that Bieohain.m uhcrenf wo ere oiiiarlvi-a portion, iu dealing with till aalijcnt ue oiosi oudravnr to flrl mugum rur pueithui wit to (tic nrliewr nl irraliun, and eeeoidly to argnr jysiiv friuu human fart, ano analogic. It hae liaa a common n.I.-akc to regard thn xtacyol ibe unlver as cMi-utslcd to exhibit, in a way which all raa uuilrnUaod, the widoiii and braevoiekoe ol linty.

flins men wnreaoi bum MNupHCliiiri'iiieot uluerwd relation a hauui lur ilrdiiitr eonrlu.lona re-iienung tnem, even ktrung evideure wi.lco chiveed to their Into' prelatiou. Now, while lnodom K-woroaotaiiotin any way op-joke itself to the belief In a pm-puse operating chraaghidt the whole uuivunu-, it moat emphatically iimsiM! Itself tn the Is llet that ue can ao nndrntauii all thing, a. to be able io rnrognlae the r.i ot ilneoi that si rang ent tho wln'orn of thla or that provilim. Take, fm inetanco, tht aulijeet are npou, of life In other world. It baa long lieea taken fm eraut-d that the pur-po-e for ahicn tlio celcti.i oib.

were maae wm tiller thal Hum orb. be uie auorln of living creature, or iliat they kliould help to mnpo't hfa in othor orlw. When Whewull rate-d the Stertun whether our earth may not utter all lie only inhabited world, ue Had that tbe very theory of a plurality of for t. aching which din rd aim Kruno wa buroed to death, wa matotained liy Hrewater a. the ere; of the pbihM-eiihet and tiw hope uf thn Miri.ilun.

Biew-tor argiime't ea that if tho planet, are not uhahit-ou them In an enniuoa. nt.te of iu alter, limn, oourgy usd forth, aeeing that tho one puipu.ii for which we me a plauet to bn rated la that the planet lie tbe abode ot hfa. llut we eoaMeudy dad in nature what, according to ear noucepTliiua, rracmhlen wele. Aetliing con auem clearer, for example, than that me cun wa. created to niptmu life the SImiu by iinuiing hla aeflotnt upon them.

rtali tna planeu together reoetre bur nua pen er the nil heat out of WWiM parte, al the rent being NiinaietitlywaetiKl. and what I. t-ner he true of Ion tte Nor we kavethe ea-th Ini cvldeaue of ahatlaok. like umite- How many neeila are ucaitered oyer toe earth to no viuble pnrpoee for each one that grow, up into a true! How many er-atura. are aniagbk to llle that perl boron; they reach aa-taiiiyl It in ko Ohio with man, and not only Iu m-dinonal man, but with Dutton, aod raoev of men.

The, of Mir north li.fore maa appeared on ita earl ace uremuta Mill more abundant evidence of kfcoiing waie, while the mdlmua of mtllbiB of yeara licrure life cxi-led on the earth the lulcu-e activity cf the glowing mae. out ot which the earth won ooe day lo lie tunned wa ap-paroLtlv nltogctbcc waate. We reed not oouelmlo hut wbt tbua roaemlileii vu really waate. kiue oui) In iMut. lfwehad Come oh that which ta, uud ntojU Tho da, pukwtbw.

ol th worlu, Aiodau uiuhIc meunrlag out The Mafu of time," at pnigUlpereevi a peiteet plan In wb avpeun our iiiiierfevt knowimtgt like a lavwh unite ot power utia material. But wa mu.t, In Iba uie.a-ilm, accept iaa fvets bn wo lied them, tBuogb we may be unable to interpret them one wav or tbe ether. In Ilka manner, alter lima freeing our cive for dealing with uur autijaut without beiug prejudiced by pi eomiceived we muvtbs ready to comkler fault the aunlngiM on whieb, after all, tba argument dnpeoda. If wa adapt KtlberlhuHrawNterUaorUia WhewePite theory, or, rc.jfoi ing oceepr a new uue, it muit nor bo bouauae ucb ano sub bcawT Pleuiaa a. hevt, but brcanM it accoribt better wit a the evl lenue.

Toe leuierer thro pmevoilud lo olwiiM Ibe condition or llie ranmi. nienilicri of tneeuu'a faaily, the room Iwieg derkened that picurej tilu' trat-urg this uurtkiti of iko luliject adgnt be exhibited uv means of the ateieopilcoo. Ha selected iba piairei. dupiir.r and Katutu on t-es nf orbs a. yet not ready to be thn abode ol lire, and pntHCnred be evidence Hh iwiog (bat these plannuraro the Hcaue of iroeees far too lntenarly active to admit of form, of lilo in the nlighteot degree ro-Htni tiling mow with which we are familiar.

Tin inooa wu. dealt with a planet In tlw alagc deereptitude or ilea til. And it wu ahown that Haianaa nrol'ably prugimwo very far to the name cirnmun. Hhil uhi lecturer admitted toe pOMUbility tliat Veuu may he like our asrili, the abode of life, be the toiaUiinva or th prolmbllify that tba relatively abort ti ns of life in ktiy world aynchniBiXN wltn tho life-era of auy other world. He then iisreed to other mint, preventing the theory that the chaoeti are veiy great again.

i the enaelaaion that any given eon taken at random i. at tbta mument nnnporting life In any nwmliM' of il. vyatem of world. Hut ha showed nl haw this vary toecry, wtea applied to Ihe milliona of tin known to utrneomer', and Urn milliuns of mllliun. beyond tba range of their tcleaoopea, leads directly to tba coacluvion that Ills axial in million uf 01 Ida, though for nek world that In inhabited tliere ait millions a yat unlit for habitation, or which hare long aince eeaacd to aup-portlif.

Allhungh tbi. aeema to Imply enormons wnite, vet the arrangeamnt which aaema ao waataful of aiwne and lima sail matter may to reality Involve tna moat pcrectposible employment of every portion ur apace, every instant nttiaw.everypartieln i mattei, every mm of force. It is tine that wince ife i. each individual lx Anita, in eaeh pi knot eaeb woiwr aystei A kite. In each svsleaa of finite, the lufliiily of Ilia Itwelf rtemaa-atrntea lidlnlty of btrrennewa, and thu Infinity nf Inhabited worlds Implmi tbclahalty of worlda not aw vet aid table nr which have long a iwoa paoaed tlieir period at iababiwUlity.

Yet Ibe re no real waste nf time er wneee or tamer or fores, for want Implies tending toward limit, wo that if the infinite is illimitable them can bs no ewilr. John Hartwell, a lad af six lreochai down and ran over liy a tram on Meridian street, Hart Botlon, flatnrday afuraoon, and badly hislscd. Ho was taken ts bis hocu, No, Warn ley street. Mlebacl Ylatnilcan. wbfle hoinlng bay at rapi-a eon's stable oo Kim strent, Vast lfaixaury, Sat-nluyallernooBibadons leg brdly broken by a bale el hay tailing npoa It, aad be was takoa to tba city hospital.

Abont nn o'clock flatnrday afternoon Uonlol linioN. six yem old, aoclJcowllv fall overboard Inim Tnlt'. wharf at tbe Koch aad was raweuud ta aa insMisililo tamdithm by Mr. W. Wes and Mr.

KarlWyma. The toy wo. uikca in Johosna'a xpotbacuiy store, whore Iw and was lhriionrcyad to Ids boinn on (aosl struut. L.twnn HwroitM rojrvgxTiow. Tba annual eon veil I mu of the New Kngland Labor Itefarsi Leogtte was held tn Cation lUll yesterday, Colonel William II.

lireene prtsidmg. Hr. K. If. Huy-wood than oftered a werhn of rewalnlions.

fnthiwed with remarks Inr William Appleton ol UhnJe Iwi-and. Mis. Muttb' flnwvn, Mm-cw Hull, irw Rlitwart, J. M. liuheoek, J.

W. lla Lysitudn' flimonc--, Ceurgo A.llseun, John Wctliorhee sad nra.A. f. Joyos Thu seswion will bit conlluacil today. A hTiwTk' kai.e.

Uu Thureday asd Trlly next, in the fort so, Mr. C. If. Rraluard, 146 Tremeai si rent, will aril a lalirollon of more than in pelniiuex by Hostim nrtistx, a majoritv of whiuh were Tt-rently painled Inim nrlrrlnwl rtmliav. TM names nf Kiirli, K.

nuking, Oliver, llren, Kes, 'srs, Cnrts, lligginc, Hriggv, Nawsll and other artists of ability uppukf Iu Urn catutegue, JB30. The agent of the Inatitut Canadian acknowl-adgev the neeiptof I3H. The boats end taut, newel! as Die seam, have been removed from the Vnblic Harden pond and placed In winter quartern. The city Are boat William M. KUmler lo being overhauled at Kelleys Mai Inn Bxilway, Keet iiov-loa.

llriiteh steamer Parthia, Captain Watran, ver-pcol Nov. wed Uacn.cnwn 3, nnived at tbiv port si noon inday. A sebool girl has formed ent of the word Cbartcalown" EUBwoiBn la the Bcgli.h luaguaga, out letter bnt onca ia each word. Pitmen cable wires of tlm Western Ckion Tcle-grsiib Compsuy were parted by a schooner passing throush reiferel-eireet Bridge last evenisg. The call for the Republican eanetues ea Thursday rtenine next has bees delayed to await tha action of the Braid of Aldeimon thw afternoon on ward III ns.

Tbs Britwh stramhip Parana, Iaplalu Wailug, abirh left IJverpoul oa to. nth of Oetolier, ai prod at this portoa Huudoy with avalualde eargd uf foreign merchandise. Tt ere i to be a gathering at Odd PidowV Hull this evouing of oic.toberw of I bo several liwlgiw in the city whin have been couneeted with tlie order for twenty-fly yesrw and npwardw. Tbe Cbsriectowa Womens Temmralice I'nuia will open a fair ia Honnseat Hall, Main street, today at two o'clock P. to continue fa ir ami opening at tea o'clock altar the flrst day.

Tableaux repreaentiog anritluml weseca were given in the besemeBt of ihn new eoibedral list To uae Rail toad Alirabxm Lincoln IVart, No. II, f. A. holds a meeting louwnow ereolug la ths Hrand Army ('harievtowa, to take action oa the pn.ptM- Insi UW A a.u,.a.

Ihm uf tbo Middhsex Yeloisn Rcglmcol Assuuut-tioB to tons a L'snteanial rrgitacnl. Notniih.tandlng tbs steady rain ysstenlay Bfiernixm they ouag Man's CbriMlaa Awmeuitbm llxll nxx fillwl as nsnvl flftesn minute, liefnre tlie tiina Simon need for the service of song. Nearly lx haodred were prenenl, chiefly young man. Wekton, tba agent oflbeChJrie town Humd ur Overseen ol Ibe Poor, may lie found at bis ofllce in tbs fily hall building, Ciiy rqnare, from II lo Ik dally, sickly asd aged j-ertnas a ho are aoable lo go to the beadqiuitore of thclsoirdoB harjuu city proper, lusy apply for relief.

Tbe tkie rune ta aa unusaal height yestrrdav linos, throogh the eomMned inilnsoeonf sfull luouu, and a strong cart a lad which prevailed thrnngb tho day. Tbe tide rose id wn, pi teas to a level a ith the wharves. The railroad bridge mi tbe oi tli vtds wore ssbaiarged, and freight cars weis sarrouaded by water. Tba ilirectsiuof the Vnitonua flaeday flrbod Society have elected Hrv. Henry W.

Foma of Bov-too, redd out; Rev. John A (irenn of CSeia, iw rctory, and Mina Oeorglsna Merrill of Honitm a director: Keniy elsclsd preside nt at Ihe annual ateeUag, aad Misx Lucreiia Cronkar, iiAttom avgawM iu wrtk It ship Calcutta, from Qurbee for Mverpaol, owned by Hons A (Juebse, rrponed ltd tm Monday, wm inssred this city for IBlJkja, as fidlouv: glSASO; towtoo Marine, Hhoe A laatber, iraMS: Wunioctun, IHN; Neptune, HH; Kngar Williams of Irorl-dence, (UN ud Kalcm Marino, ffTiM; total, VssUrtby taotaing the rector yava notice at Bt. Iaul a Church that ths Ilarvert Home Festival of lust your sot lid be n-peateil la ton church oa IhankxglviBg l)sy. Tlin churri is to iloeorrlcd with "lha fruits of the earth, and the whole abundance of tbe offerieg will hi distributed among nearly flfty poor fast i lira eoanceted with Hie pariih. An agatt of Ilariog BroUmrs, tho great Kngilsh bsskere, bM been making ss Isvesbgulioa of the afl.ii.

ot the Esstem oitler to gain information relative to th press it and prospect-l vslue to tbe saeuritits ot a DdMA loos, made a year ago I ant June, lara portion of sick was negotiated tn Karcpe by Messrs. Baris llrntheis. Ceil Let to berg anil Olaf OHn were severely brain la a drunken brawl oa liauorer street at an ca'ly bour Humlay morning. Ixtimbcrg had tba bark of Ida Deck spilt open, and received a veiy bad cut oa tho lop of but brad. Oils bai a had gt.h ent on the left chnek, extending from the eye to the jaw and laying Ihe check bone bare.

Uue of the assailants by the asms of Iatnek lla-mei wm arrested. Tnn Xbkkx on Tbkmixt Uvi-l. Iiuring ibe placing uf a gas-pip sear tbe outur row of lrM on the Trcoinnt-ktrcet mall uf tha Com soon, It became evident that the roots of those trees had not en directly watered from the surface tor years. Ily ths eon.tsnt movement of psmpmgsni a many ss in a single day un and down the. null, th surface of tbo walk la evsiy part hs.

become a hard asd compact at granite, and as Haiti ivkntH to aratnr, and It Is lha opinion of tlie idly ii 'or Mur that not a drop of water hadpeasiiated tin. hxnitacd mirrors fur too years paar. 1'hla re eonot. for tlie death of so man of tlie tree in till. Ineslitf sod the gnu ere! nehealthinMs of all iff ibeni iu that outside low.

Tho forsterhss pnipn-cil a ilsa fur artificial watering, which, if aduitnd, may ubtiste tbe dilflciilti lo future, lie ptuitoeN to flx a hydrant at the bighext point oa tlie mall, and from thanee mu a pip the Imieth of the otit.iilc row of crass, the pipe to be nerfor-steil wldi hides, sad eoroied with an arched tile, lo keep out dirt and art a distributor for the aler foreed throogh tbe faobw In tbo pipe. Tins running amoug the roots of the trees will give the desired water asd render them as rigorous and growing a any nn ILx riots moo. Tha au-ihorltiss gave tbe subject under eousiueretion. lllsreld. axv.

At a recent meetlBg nf tlw Freseott Ugat flssrd, Composy First Battalias of Csr-alry, held st their armory, Utarlestown Ulstrlct, aw rlseMon was bald to HU th vaesaey oeeaxloaed lnr tba resigaaiton of Captain Roberts, 1 Jeolonaat CoWel R'lbcru prestdii.g. Tba full. ring wav the resnll: I'aptein Kvlsey M. Ullmmej m. Angwr; Rsooad LkmUBoai Uriah W.

sir. riaiitun lYget of Company First Regiment (Dorchester Rhtas), bas aanonnesd bt intcutioo to resign soon eertola compsry mattei are Milled. riumpanv Ninth Regiment, are to give nn exhibition drill at CaaibiUga on Thmsday ovoe-tog. I-KATHKh Jack its sre member RngHshcpasinlty for tho wintry soasoa just ietrodneod through in ell-known eatarpriM ot Oak 1111. TheM Isek-ets ars highly reaotnmeaded by tho Rogll.h oiedl-enl journals and aid worths oi examination, lisk HsiisIsnhMtheexelnsiVs right lo sell toe Marine fitter and DosrsbJkar cuate, as mil be seen by aitvertinemsat.

VXCXJfITY OF BOSTON. OnmfesMna. Finis. An alarsi from Box 41 at SA A.M., yos-tenluy, was eauseo bysouw prson imriwsaiy or oeclilea tally rcUing fire to tho leaves Mishin nf tbebainiif Mr. MuLanghds un Armory stroot.

It nss extinguished with feadkela of water. The a'a-tn at 4 P. finnday, Horn Box whiuh brought uut tha firemen Id the drenehing rain, cniue Inim a barn on Nlxtli strnet, Kost Cum-lirnlge, used bud summer by Portngueie iutwMuam men, which hail baas broken open, It is supMsuil, by boy, sad set on fire, Tha service of tba depart uut were not uoedsil. Rpimixn Heath. Thomas B.

Ifaxtlsga.who wo employed by Ur. Hweitst MS Warhingio. street wax Inuuddqpd iu ul bed at bkircvideien, 44 Wlllixuiv treat, rambiMgeport, early fteturduy mornlNg, lin wm flfiy-aigbt veers or sgs. xihI iinaih wax mpposed te nave been caused hy nrart i dikoore. a about iioo.

ywcid.y thn ufliceni learurd that her party Bad been area aaugi.g anmnd Par-menter and Hslcin atraeta fur woue lime pritvbiua In thn aaswult, and be wait aecorelimrly arresied und leken to Hie pul Ice autioo, where he wav ETm UI i-rther WTh It 1 a aw a 1 mm eaxsilant hi lams ax William Kelley, is slKMit twenty yean of age, and lias aeived ont one sentence in eurrerthuial ia-tituibm fur anamanlt. Th principal ultiuwar again-t him ore two g.ria, one uf whom fninicrly keit hi. company. On. uf tlm iris, who wat I.

company with a young mu, slate mat pa-aud thiongb Parrannisr xirert a few a.inii,ei beinra th a-eault imcnrred. sad met Kelley ami another man about half way between Kaktoi and liximrer streets, khw apoks to him, Ion be diil uut xaiwer, xml she paxsed oa. Ths girl, togethei with tho yuiig mau who occon-pameo her. visited tht wtatioa yestenlav sod ule tilled Kuliev ooe nf the two they met. Tho other Kllno Mi-Hugh, Mates poitivrly that she saw Kelley trip Mr.

lulsitef up, aim Iming within a lew text at the time. Bhe also gar tbe ofllccre etbui iofurmatl'm which aettloN alt dodlit as to the identity uf Kelley. Hr. Fswle, whose place of turinr. la neatly opposite that of Mr.

Vulslfer. laontiflcd Kelley as tie man whom he noticed loitering shoot hi pismomi during th oveuiug, wd el onu Hoe. tlunkiog Ihe mu acted rather susiiieiouwly, be we npoa tue.peiat nf Informing tbe pulic. Bererel lime h. mdlcnd Kelley lop out iiom a dnor.ay near Mr.

lulib'r' place bui mess and peer Into the wtaduwv, hv ui-h ho could oiweeru Mr. Pnlsifor nuking eboage, and from lots It I concluded be whIcIhnI antil Mr. Pnlsifer ban dosed up for the night und l-erbepa saw him put the money lute hi. pock, 'to. At all h.

uut not nern aguin until he wra arrowled. Ktllev waya il at be wa at a ndHe on Travel, street danag the evening, nt th.v b. wm there nanl lle, bat hi. hta set bArw cw lutMiretru a. jci.

un. iwo other petwie. Including r. I'agsui, bo was pre.iug through Kalcm stieet on hi. way alw Mrutiflnd Kelley a ope of the party who two through tales aod Conner stieet.

directly at ter toe assault was committed. The pelloe are actively la scare, of tbsiecondmaa who waengaod la the assault, but the biding nl tha mrty waited has not vet been iliecovcied. The injured mau is still alive, but in an uLtamwciuiu euadiiiva, and there I no hope of his resuvety. Vabiktiks. John Tbomav ws arnivtsd on Menlnisuk stnwt Kstnrdav night wbils suempl-lug to realise fiv doilais im a twentv-ibxlar buffalo rube, of whkh he could not give a salivuetory account.

James Welch soiinsstri flttunlsy night for wlraliug pocket book cootoinirg smell uuni of Moucy irurn Mergers! PaikcrM Mo. SB liaaotrsr fctroct. A twenty-denar overcoi lurVeyiit lo Henry Vaguer was stoicu fnim the eutty nf bou; No. SONtuniforo street itetnniay evening. kcvtnl Hsirit, alias Weaver, wa arrested tal-nrday night for obtaining good by fidsc prsrenoe.

1 1 oui James fOaiti. A pswnbrukor'i on Ihirer street, near Wadiii'gtun. wa brnken Into Prulay night hv imokblug window, and gSIM uf goods stolen. A lit sit rained at tllO wa stolen on the Mb Inst. fou Thomas Keilry Breed's Island, sud sn-otber bwit valued st MO, owned by William H.

March, wa stolen from Taylor wharf on Condor ti etl, 1'huixliT is. t. John Fitxgereld. aged thlitv, and Oaorge I. Irwin, aged wcie arreted Pwiurdiy evcniiig fur breaking and umeiiug lira house of Ur.

Maury Tsvlnr, Mil Uolnmhuv arenas, and r-tempting to liierefiu iw.nty four go jets and fourteen water faucets. John Welsh, male-prison convict, sgdl IS years, died In the hospital yewterd morning. tno nsin-orrhage ot tho lung. Die dna-ared, with hi brother James, xgcu eigluees, were sent vneed at Iimlham iu Ocloliei, 1.74, to Imprisonment for two sod half year tor tlie crime of and oulering. W.ile they have been at tbe priwm they have occupied ths same room, oui tluur bo bar lur has been quiet and elderly.

IfiaU'ABTlLR LUIIUltV AaStMTATIOP. Them was large attends tea wi ths adjourned msaling of the lleicnnlile Llbrni Aw-oclabox, which wa. held at thoir looms H.turday eveuiug. lion. Jonathan A.

Uu Ofaiupiad thx ebnlr. and rcwola-lions to the memory ot the Into Janie. M. Hcehc ware presentiNl liy Mr. Uhurlou H.

Fioihlughum and adiqitcti tyi rising voie: brcit, Iu tba dcui of James M. Beeoa, on of the liist to bccojia life member ol the aril au HI Ijbrary AwwooIbUos, wo Irnve lost fiisnl amt benefactor who frequently mial'ettad his In-tcniNt in our welfare; thfaeiore, be it "Itcsolvsd. That we shaie with other aharitable InititiitiiiBS aid ilia mrrantile romiuunliy gon-erollv la this lows uf one iff the must cmlneul mare cfaoatsof Howtos. "Kwolvcd. That we rill ebailwh his mamorr for Ihe remark able example of bowinowa ability, allergy and anirrpnse which ha furui.lied during his long asd honors bis carter.

itesoived, That copy of thaws resolutions be forwarded to the family of the demswad ia tokos iff our sympathy is tliur lionHiviimaot. Tna dweaaslon of tha vaport of 'ho eomaiitleo to eouNiiisr Urn flaanoiaJ atfanniof lha awsoMation, whiuh was prswanlcd last WtdawMv svsnlsg, waa token up, and alter a full count daratl'm th report and us rccoinmeudaUjus ware adopted with only one duo anting voiw, amis committee nf live aura appointed to earrv out the auggns-nous and proriiioas of the report. Mm Mi tire Matter. A slight Bra In lire houm of Danii Noonan, No. MK lUnacton street, Kant Boston, Paturday aven-ing, waatxt sgtililioil by oflleer Botrery and tvli-rrs without a gnneralaUrm and with bnt trilling dHmage.

Tha alarm from Box at Hire minutes before eleven oclock last nigbl on aueonst of lira ia tha rear of Remraon Ibilland'a variety store, nn Centre street, Roxbucy. Th. Are w. canned by au einloninu of kerasene, and eeasteued a carnage of annul IM. An alarm wm nnndsd from Box 121 fi more-lag at 12.16 a'ldoek lor a lire la ihn dwelling house No.MHceond sfiett, Kouth HonIob, occupied hv Mis.

Maty flherry, end owned oy John Ryan. The Are caught from a defer riv fine In' this second iny, and spread to tha ailjoiniiighti tiding, No. Ml, necnnleu auil nwaml by James Ttalforiy. Tba roofs min upper stories ol both hnlldlng were pretty thoroughly damngud and the lower portion thoroughly damaged hy water. Tlw damage to aeb lisililing Is ellmaiel at almni hlMS.

Tlie Un ter la Insured tn the Hartford oftleo. The alarm from Box 41 ut 12A6 1. M. wax ritring to tire WN'hlsbtellr xut Iu iu building 242 u.liuigtoa st reel, ocvupied os ulksv. Uawfge r.histly by lbTOX lutiHHiian' Assooiatiox.

Tlie wholn-fule ami mail ilnigghtts, ialnt anil oil dealeix, and meubora of roUnllnuu brauehux of tlwxa trades In thix city, pnipurn forming tbeoixclves Into an orgaiibntina auitar im ihuve for so-rial anil binovolent A eomailtee hoe ton aniiniutei.eaiislNtlnpol mstni II. llonlilUe, william J. fuller, Jos-ph Hiirnatt, Homy rinn mug and W. n. Fnlger, lot tha pnruoMi of obialit-, iitfuli.criptiox lor arembenklp, and II meal li mutiuioliy nuling the luhom iff those employed in tha Horary.

It Is hoped tost other winSovs ia ths Imildisg will he treated iu a Mmllnr manner. A villa club, composed of nmlergraduaies. will lie farmed this wluier, nnd target prsmiee will be rosiDienied early to the aiulsg. Tba bulletis board id of 11 jiver-liy is looked apoa as suitable target. A range has been saenrsd near lha square, urd rekhlents id the immedlaM riciu-liyr are cxciisdly packing up tor imwai to aplaco of safely.

Tha cine, (hit toll, ha played four match games aud one pi sc ties game. In th watch gamus tho ultd made a total iff twenty-sight rims eg visits total ul iwahty-threa for theit upponeste. Tne ulna ranks as this 1111 batting record: Tower, average T. Lead. Latham, JfiH lyng, A17: Thatcher, Thtyer, JM; Knmt, Jolly ifBkh.

JBff: Wngbl, JM; Hawyoi, Among tbsreoent addition to tho Hhrare Iw tha "Ufa ol Admiral rioddlogiim, lha i ritt of Lady iff Loodox. Mr. Kamuol Fbllliys has Bow robin scut aa old and tutor acting IremnisI to the llbrniy hire. Tba anivendty Blue will begin exarelsv in tha sin Hu Una week sad snnuniia It through the winter. In lhcmig the nine will appear fa new onlfotm.

slmllor in most respeats to tho old osas. Ilia arotd Harvard" will be ambrahlrred oa tha btaost af tba bhmM, in plaeaof the former sh," aud tbe gsusa shnte that will ha worn in worm weather we to be trimmed with, crimson, lha expense iff there sou. will be met by Tbe mndldatix for the university grew row every nltirnoou t4'4 o'cJock, aml sre irt prereat being eoeehod in piM by Mr. Iswiog. The an ran four mile Hum evenings ra the week, and aid expected to run to Fresh Fowd, mrouod ilia pond and hack the square, a di tone id six miles.

A lent wlm ateikmvry wta Is lielhgpirpareil forthetweaf th erew, and the eniuuin haa sliesdi some uniforms, connoting ut shlriws tinners and stocking ail of Crimson, toot will ba aura in cold westoar. Tlis drew will lm kept at woifc oa lha river till the ic cIosm tsa ahnonel, whieb will prohshly be abont Christmas Tha craw, av nt imsent compijvid, 1 ninde up of vluu-naued men: A. F.Loring.'llfosp- tna Rillnwliut-namen anil stroki): W. A. llancroft, 7: It.

II. M.Jaiuro, W. M. lAMnyna, TS(bow)S Lt, Uartlsfi sad ri. W.

Irving, L.H.R., ralistitutes. Between tennti and thirty freabmes bxve appeal ml as adulate for their class maw, sad It Is probshla tirnt tuff ora spring stg uicallant man will iw found fxom i his number. The candidates ran Lair a tuna three tiiaas a work awl pull a hiiailrad strokes al tli wclgiite. Both lira running disUnec acil thetinmlier of wtrukss are to stonily irenscd. About fitco has thus far beet wtewnbod by tlie clam fur tlm crow.

The treasurer of Urn Athkitki Assordalkm poits tbe llnueial eoaditloa of Ike tioaxary at ioLnusi Hanelits, tmdudmg sarpiul from last your, subsrriptHia from now miHubei Si.) the spring bssessmnuv, mpshsas, iiwiwIi'A The ukusl nniuti sera too of 11 tbo FroteaLint eharobw la Charlixunre win be bold ea Thank-giving DxrBt rlevru o'clock A. M. la the Muaa-mnt-Mnare Mctbmliil Church. Kv, W. T.Htoiv wit prtaf.

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