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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 2

Charlotte, North Carolina
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AnAmommott-1 2 -4 7- Ya '-47: lOgnhailla I 4 ilitiiiighallibtikoilAta4 aPSng 4MS 1 1J CITARTAOTTE DAILY OBSERVER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1913 2 MIMIIMMUWillIM IENNinitamitEMNI THE PUBLIC DAVIDSON OPENS Fr BARAN M'IVER OF SANFORD DEAD HEALTH I greater part of his lecture was de- voted to this subject as his visit to this county was prompted by the hookworm campaign which is now Elam being waged by the State Board of Health JEWELRY OF QUALITY Dr Rodgers the hookworm New Location 22 North Tryon St- expert who is here from the State Piedmont Theater Building Board says that he is well pleased with the results accomplished so far I Doctor Rodgers has been very busy I with the work of arranging for the five dispensary points over the coun ty the distribution of literature and Southern Railway his addresses to the various sections Premier of the county uarrier of the South Carrier of the South Graham Crackers baked by the National Biscuit Company have a flavor and zest all their own You will relish them They will nourish you South Carolina Director Rural Sanitation Lectures at CatIney (Special to The Observer) Gaffney Sept 5--Dr La Bruce Ward Director or Rural Sanitation for South Carolina arrived in Gaffney yesterday en route tc Blacksburg where he delivered an a1dres3 last night Tonight he delivered a splendid ture in the court house here speaking to a large number of people Doctor Ward chose an his topic "The Public Health" and handled it well Ills lecture was Illustrated with Rural Saul- (1affney bserver) 5--Dr ar or Rural Carolina ar- day en route delivered an Three Hundred Students Already on College Campus (Special to The Observer) Davidson Sept marked the opening of the seventy-seventh session of Davidson College All day WedneadaY the administration offices were crowded with new students and would-be matriculates of longer standing The enrollment of new men to (late is about 115 and It appears that this early in the term there are some Mt students on the campus The new professors Dr Howard Bell Arbuckle and Doctor Wunder are both in place and taking up their class work Doctor Arbuckle has charge of the department of chemistry and Doctor Wunder will teach applied mathematics and geology Prominent Lee County Attorney Dies in Minnesota Hospital The work will not be begun in earnest until September 13 when the first dispensary point will be visited and the treatment administered to those who desire it The keenest interest is being manifested in all parts of the county and already the physician in charge has been swamp ed with applications for NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AHAM CRACKERS ABOUT 53 YEARS OLD views showing the origin ster'eopticon and effect of the hookworm The CVMP PERRY Life of 1sernine4 to and Arraneweans Not et (41 11111at11 OEM Mid MERE SAVE A DOLLAR Made from the finest materials and they come to you the moisture-proof Eat them at Give them to stint Always In-er-seal Trade Mark and United States Revolver Train Takevm First Place Camp Perry the International target matches todaY the United States revolver team took first pla(Ie with a score of 2310 The Argentine Republic team was second with 2006 and Peru third with 1- 607 This is a Pan-American Union match with the three teams entered In the revolver match of the 25- yard target France leads Girardot having the highest score 178 Routerskilod Sweden t4 second with 173 and Carrero Franco third with 171 There are 10 competitors (apt Eddy Lieut Kneubel Captain Heidenreich Artificer Sweeting nnd Sergeant Long will constitute the United states team which ill participate in the international team match Saturda There will he seven teams: France Sweden Peru Argentine t'anada Switzerland and the United States Supply Your Wife With A Hotpoint Iron Now I WINNIPNINSIESWINIFillat NOT HURT BY RAIN Cut out the coupon below today as this offer expires within a few days No Irons sold at this price without Coupons An Iron which sells regularly for 350 can he purchased for $250 cash and this Coupon Clip it out now and eall at our office 20S South Tryon St l'ARNIEIL AND WILDCAT Sulwrintendent of Durham Roads Spv8lo4 for Gnu-el t'oostruction i 1 1 gn 1 WEE COUPON I 411a IRAN 41111 41111 I REI 1 1913 Electric on each This Coupon if presented at our office before October will be accepted as $100 paynont on 6-pound Hotpoint Iron regularly sold at $350 Unly one coupon accepted I urchase Dogs Ifelped Dim and Saved His (speciat to The observer) UN Durham Sept 5---captj Pol- (From a Cornellsville l'a Dispatch) ard superintendent of the roads of John Tress ler an Ohioyle farm-I ouriiiim County says that the re- er killed a big bohcat that attacked nt htsavy rains have done very little him in the mountains east of here mage to the roads in his county One of Tressler's dogs was killed in oit believes that his contention that and the "the' two were a gravel nd sa n-clay road is su- LladlY wounded Tresder was fright aerior to the macadam road is borne fully scratched and scarred Jul by the difference in the three Every year come stories from the yoo4 or rnarls sinvi I he floods or tho mountains or catamounts at large and past few days frequently cattle are killd but thiS le the first time one has been known The roads 04 the county that have been the least damaged by the heavy to fittack a man t1 ti the gravel radi The Tressler went to the mountains in and lir is sqrid tist and the rTil of gun was macadam comes in as third The n'-'t loaded when the bobcat sprang gravel 1ad hut only stands th wet at him from a tree Using his gun as weather better hut it also vvears tiest a club and aided hy the dogs Tres-on the heavily MIN clod roads during ler gave fight The encounter was the dry weather terrine Time after tin the 1The filW road rrum Durham to t)x- cat's claws tnre through the hunter's ford about the root nf Whieh thPrO (lc)thing and inflirted 1'010 ga-shem in was quite a tight at the time it was the skin ba'ated was standing three feet Aimee The dogs saved him SP vicious the which Hooded t'ameron's was their attack that the catatnount lowotinthq itti a hike while 01- Id turned his whole attention to them niiii ii idiiiis is rimy too wk Though weak front exhaustion and the water loss of blood Tressler loaded his gun and ehit the animal through the Ir Itipvtiiv heart His bet (1g did soon after (special to The 1bserver) intrhatn Sept apt Pot-Lad superintf-ndent of the roads of 101111am County says that the recent htsavy rains have done very little ttaniage to the roads in this county hid believes that hitt contention that the grak el and sand-elay road is superior to the macadam road is borne out by the difference in the three typtitt of roads since the floods of the patio few days The roads of the tainty that have ht'erl It'll dit gfri liy the heitty weather hettpr hot it also hest on the heavily traNtiltal roads during the dry weather 'I'he tioNV road rruin lturham to )xford aliiiiit the root of which thcro was (iitite a fight It the time it wrts isi standing three tpet abovt thi viatiPr which hooded atneron's lake whil the oh-I road at tilioies feet under filo water 111IIIIISON ER B-The following schedule figures published only as informrtion and are not guaranteed No a Birmingbam Special for Atlanta and Birmingham Pullman drawing room sleeping care observation ears and day coaches New York and Washington to Birmingham Pullman drawing room sleeping car Richmond to Birmingham Dining oar service No 44-4 a m-Lialiy local for Waft ington No a m-Dally lozat tram for Cci timbia and intermediate potato No a m--Locat for Atlanta Through coach for Amboy! Ile via npartanburg No a m--PallY local for states vino and Tayloreville connecting at Mooresville for Winston-Salem and at Statesville for Asheville and points west a m--rally the Southern's Southeastern Limited for Columbia Savannah Aiken Augusta and Sack sonville Pullman drawing room sleeping cars for Aiken Augusta and Jacksonville Day coaches to Jacksonville Dining car service No a m--Dally local for Paw villa Richmond and all intermediate points No a rn-Pally 'New 'fork Atlanta and New Orleans Limited Pullman drawing room Canning cars and observation ears New York to New Orleans Atlanta and Macon Dining car service Solid Pullman train No 215-1015 a m--DailV "United States' fast mall for Washington Richmond and points North Pullman drawing room sleeping tsar New Orleans and Pirminyham to New York Day coaches to Washington Dining car service No a m-Pally local for Atlanta and Intermediate points No a m-Loral train for Rock Hill Lanoaster an Columbia No 22 m-Pally for WinstonSRIPM and local points Connecting at Barber with 21 for 0sheville and intermediate points and at 'Winston Salem for Wilkesboro Meunt Airy and OreerChoro No l6 m-Paily local for Creensboro rind intermediate points No m-Pally local for Co117111bIA Pnri Intermediate points Buffet observation parlor eon No ta-Pally local for Seneca and Intermediate pointy" No 12-C ro-Pally for Richmond AM Norfolk rtandlee Pollman care Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Norfolk No 24---7O0 ii rn-Psity eveent tonal for Mooresville Statesville and Tavlorsville No rn-Paim New Tork Atlanta PM NPW Orleans Limited for Washington and mini's North Drawing morn sloopirg rarm observation care to New PinIng car service Solid train No tr-7101v rnited States fast mall for Attanto Birmingham and Nev Or'enns Poltroon drowine room pleortoz eftrg York to New Ortega! anti Birmingh Pay (mantles Washington to New Orleans Dining ear serviee No re-PrOlv the Southern'e Southftstrr1 Limited for Waahington New Voile ond nointa North Pullman drawing' room FIAPOirte Car' for Now York nly coaches to Washington: Pining ear PPrViea No m-Pailv for Atlanta and mints Smith Mollies Borman sleeping car Raleigh to A Carta Da? roaches INTRahinsrtne to ekttanta No i -Dailv Birmingham Snecial for Warnington anti Now York Pullman rswin room sleeping ears nlberrvotion ear to New York Pay coact-lea tn Washing-tor Millman drawing room sleeping ears Birmingham to Pirhmond Pining car servtea All New Torte troin SrillttlPrn way will arriv and denart from the magnificent Manhattan terminal of the Permaylvania Ralironel Seventh and Eighth avenues ThIrtv-tirst to Thirty-third streets anti will be composed of modern electric-lighted steel construction Pullman cars Tickets sleeping ear seenmmotiations and detailed information can ho obtained at ticket office No II South Tryon street PellUTTS A Charlotte VERNON A Charlotte CART CI A -Waahlnettin PARDWICE Mgr Washington COADMAN 13 Mgr Washington Present(A by A ddres i Special to The it) i 1 perfectly Da Kea in Sanford Sept 1 '-iit fresh crisp and clef Evander McIver info arid tare-proof packag( lawyer leadtir niilite in tit lo11 ss meals and between and politital life of Lee i 'lolly the children withou rrominent in t'hurch and so to in Sanford died thiii itfi raii1 ii 1 '31) O'CloCk in a Roc hevtr Minn hoi look for the In-er-st pita' rvii-re 1 wit I on- ago for an operation News of Ins dtt I li wa re elil in a telegram here tli -i a ft -r iiif in 10C McIver an her lir I lir Charles Scott VI ore tilt 11m tit the time of hi death 'While 'lit Ivicir' (learn had heett hourly expected for I v- or throe days It lit'as at frit thootht la ia wild recover from an op raiiin hi it i gall 5ton iHoit h1 il nd111 ctr111IETTI AffiuDGED ho began to 1APi An dition grPN4o steo1ly vrt unt Inc i end Survivino tire his wife who was Kate Scott of this city and GUILTY OF ClIARGES Fevert children lit I ir and yr) daughters The hod! ii toItilt srnt home and NA III pri-ibutl' 'C-1' 'F SIM (gay or Mrndny The tuner al iirriing(- limy tier iltimainini: Out 'Iltrite I nett a Ivill le made It I SKET(it I )1- 11y1: lit in Comprinalse Evander l'il! Iver wa horn in llloore nnuntiti I to I near Allitird flail hi 1 erati 1flei tiltit 1iuffalo rtresbyt i 1 62 years ago lie wai 11(14111d for stunt of nli10000 I college under Prof 1ohn I Rll: at Union Home School in N1IF a 'wtt SInt iirant itco Sept 5 Parley (I and entered the 'invert-0y North orI nit otlietii son of the I 'int i Carolina In the Ca l' I '''75 in tho talt-viontir tl net al tr immigrati)n (lass with cl)arles it Al I-(ir nit 1rt il A 'co I Ind vlillti found 11111v laic tuilin'' Ill 'n'i i 1 htrs lie spent two tears at tho cohnt the Indict trient harginK 'University where he vas ex eding hi cith Itn th hit l)' popular vt inning hitih honors 111 -1iF Wt I hLs class ittitt iodditc4 the lilvtlett ci ffii ittlyir 1- tiiiiiii 'rlii Jo wits out tree hours and oar that his Iasi-a-nate' could ntvc tooh (-whit ballot 4 Vr011 the first the him After leavtm cohere he I I ti ti: for conviction and t'd in farming with sa orit1 ho Ilv to Jill i a cottilrotimat want called into ti fI1 ii iiio In 1S8ii vt hon he tan or iitale Sett i evil! to' "It Ittt ttf Ili four ator anti 'Al electd tint I PO II coy I 11kr11 Latit Parniitivn ielr-0 F1144- I 'w -iti I 111 It lilt iiii I thtitto was furtorial dtstrict cotrittid of Moto drol tit-died seldom will he protonno ett Tlandolph coanti ot 1 ii en rii As(enotilv or 1 itsi Septettihet ill the thLv for sett- 1EA1tillt I Pl 11If ilig MIlliv I ltigua Jlly in-Tr McIver Nat eat 'iv oh or Ii'll-il Ali 1IFI11111 1 i OW1 ChM telf1 leaders ot that 1I hit iL11i litany men now' tr I i'11then "'I'll In the Stite 'I ho Senate i plc (Anti liolgo tii a lA Ilult 11 0 I- 1i111 nail! 0 l'Ir 0 ild II 1:11 w14 t11011 hv (u11) 1 Hilightr1 rt'''111 11''' "It il ti 11 I for au a pitoti ill 10 -N1111(r 1" I tiled a vo tin motto tol itt the othrt i tin In II i jun iii o1 tit i tt 1tdc tttict rFtli' 1I! irid tlfts 1 11011 niiiw not-(1 Itilit and nontiter of the l-tate rioi ill iti iii4 lirot her locill111Y t'll't" fp I I Iff 11 wia ii dl-1-10 tio 1 II" to lit led titi 1 dalivliter Naomi 101 Nal1I won which 1Fill wt riving hi-4 And TUIId Pres111 II 1r' itr aret ally in lt mid hitt's itii" lap Then ite shied handa with his FT: at it force(' II arid lIttent pith 1 1 vitt I tiggs in) had 1 lt i init dro-idd n') 1 dttlitg n'''111V 1 rornnt 1 7 eittreelli It I ii vl' Intl mot her 11 I )( I 45( iNI I tol 11111 l'AmintIll Ind Nivitry I I hla inthione letA (trot II (4T tV 10Igg rut I INh001 c1 ing tt t) 1 h' h'I ft lot ma wet 1011111' II)IIItI II SIX LIMPTIdini nt Wilt A :111) I Iri! iind noir iii un Nit' lit I (I ''I'''' foto' of th ith the tilt' t' heilla 11111111" Fiott a 1tachtet th tito 1 lit: 1t ii11 to John St 11 I itor th il I I r' 1 i i I I rclitwt111-s Iiirnitrid- I 1Itpmf1 WI' ii tit- Hid'' ilititi 1111 If III' r1ght chltdren troti 1-11 111111 tit i 1 I) IL4'n' Aftr rni 'II itiii an IA Oh s1iiitri I itiKtiti hill Ito but-itit iii i-- ittr1 ii iiiiiiit 1i 1 I iti tivpriiiiitti utit1 iiw at thf l'hii I-I of th i'1'- III 1 HA to prts4 Iv fun limn rind 'A 104 Ill' it in 3607 for-mow a iiit le hit With I A i i 14 II I 11 I 11 0 I 1 II TV 1 I i 1 I i I I 1 )'' seuw II I -4t1 iiU4'1 'MI It 'fit t1 Intl' ISIIIM'Ilt Ind I lint fortrottion ot 1 tIonit It and i 11 Ifiltupt II 1 fi' Mr yl11 pi I vvet if Iliii I iOill) tint I (41tiOnh I I ilit1" at i 1 li1tig I I 1'1 ill'y hit 1 perfectly baked fresh crisp and package meals and between the children without look for the i landing high in 'IP' coign ihi 441 Inc in)4ws yaiiiiii tit took ho prihet Mil ft it Ilv 1 i riri-vil hi Mil ntentlier of the i-iigigi l'ixe miligi' liii lirother 1iriiii I 1 rrilitto lio wil a d1-1-'a11 1' lic tilted his little glanglitnr last National cohi11110 whici'l who tyas at 1114 fee' awl rutted PresiInnt WootrioA Il priced her 1411v 111 I11'r nterogl atrint into -ery a enti g'1('1 ta 'I'ligai he sli oI Winds wih Ills I TI 44 4 tyo 0 I in it cloliten to ll) vitt I tiggs cii hit had in ttica I gs a Ingo In driaolgol ol) 1t1 log ro'H Illy porent itV Vi -7 etyprip 1 I i vf a nil mot her shotved Do the cnntrawn (1 I '1'1 I ''''l his intlitgana was powerio Jo AT IN logtisi r1 tw'r '4t: to I rullop1 ing this ta11(in th' lot Ilia wcre 1gooth inglinted on six imenOrni nt conlita and 1 ligll'i iii fiaind gitiry (11 Nit' i'oclinr I '''') 'iiT'' rim iit the 1it'i' heilig 11111thic licott glitactitnt 'r th I Inc othni magi Itegatinie of John IV 14-1-401 11 1-''" ati'l lii- I is r' I 4 irclitwt111-s lorroloriol- was 11rsod wl'11 11'71 r'11111 'If ow Ind" l''" nr l'I" 14rIght ctildrcra iloyit troto i-iiiniiinintiti i'al to 1111 Arten giaitne ins? 'la Ili inetgagn 4i toll 1islirt 1karrin stort ti'l (tilo lattint(s in 'i 'ud11 1i N411: the 41gvfrntlietti ulnotial 3: vt at 1Idig 14-1 car''' 4 iigid trial It prns4 tuft ffilit lois rim) 'A 114 tii I lin Ini in 3(497 forterig a cattriiriltip with A I gggai 11t lilt ti i rnii it'll II ti) )- seaw it whii 1 isoiiiiiii441 notil "1 i11 44 Imprisonment and 1the formation 41 1- coml 1 ziogiiii tine and iglitiltietti to Mr mciter tv a lawyct oq- tiiii I i-iiiiii hilt It( Igtionnl friday an olvocapc ign ling if I joiry xvios thil 1 I)afe Sol (1 Southern Public Utilities Company 1 NWit LUC'S' 1'0-Ight of (i11 of Scotland iN(bek 208 Tryon St Phones 2700 and 2701 -'Pc1)c iilatowtmmatu2c1 the 'struggle was ended Onf or 010 Ott len ArtiS So liadly crippled that his hunting days arP tiver Tress ler brought the ratamount to ()Mol whore he is exhibiting it It weighed lifty-tive pounds 01' 11 )-f ic-Ptr ak-' e' A''' t-' iik-4 16 I IL --J i 1P hi rKs 4 4 4 laiP 11 'it -14''' 'lle- tti A I 0 I terdi i' 0 4' $1 pi I rbl'" 1 $44b 1 '6-4 4 loN14041 lis "lb fhb 4 14 k444 Is to It -tp: 14741 Atilja l' 0 ti- -111'1: 411 At 44 At 'LI l' 3 Z---''Ip- '-lift rg A is Amigo 4 -11-t'(p -A-t--4 -i-'- '-'WA'i---A1 I The ()illifrVvi lot lit Nett Stud Vetinestill evninv 'ho home Copyright 1013 The International Syndicate Baltimore i 1 HE coALTitAillc of her parents Air and Airs 1 la Froioll miss Litey Harrison died a 1-4he IN orfolk it Western's Shows11 I I neelte tcr illness of seral wgielis ixits within fi ftty weeks Of 13 yearsli patc of age nit fir a farrilly of 11 ctlit h) (Front a Charleston Va pis- droll this is the lit's dtath that 11a'4 i Tho last monthly statenlent of coal occurred -414 011041 sprvices iindunt11 shmen ipts oyer the orfolk 'A estern Ita1lway whien iS OPP of the principal od hv Elder NV Strickland tor the (outlets for tho product if West Vir- 14nixc nap144 i ha I Th 1 it ursd ily ginia mines tells an interesting story afternoon and inturtnunt w415-1 mod" in the tPititilVt'V in the presence of a loor th(i Sfivon tnonths ending July 1 the total amount of coal and eoke htup nunther of friends of the family ttarri eaus an utimulnity shit-Tell vas 14526 1195 net tons as smi" gild lion' and nut 4 o'nlnlarod with 139050:12 tons fool- tho a 1 Iiihiri 1(1 I hem an 4 eorrei-mond in period last year or ari ituresse of 41 per cent lshiptnunts eit ing tin hest roport at the close of --111 ill wiv 'll w119 a ger-total f11 J111Y nggregated 22a46111 tons as coal pared with 2694 ns 477 to for July 1912 an incroase of IrR124 tons I'll'll' ST111(1-1 SVIZC11 or per (slt This shows thnt thr increase Is gro ring from to 1114 14 44 414n004 Ivork of ctn month 'I'llihishost percentage of gain nt't In coal shippea to Ild(water for line 11Weitilly Collector export which increased 23 per cent In tticelal to The (thspiyer) July over the corresponding inonth rIrcctitille (1 Sept -Fifty 11 last year from 116339 tons to 1 it tntitturits vetzttt ami (1str(yed 762 tons ('-till for export for the first 14101 pc 'A I I i-t- I I i a i al ii 11 I IP' Si fiKi 1 calltareili an4 I seven nuinths of thp year aggregated 1itr vas one o' 111ii(-1 a11-I iit tianapott 4m1 aiding in oud rt A alionm if 1A toolire i L111324)l2 toriq Jrl increase if 8t1 VI )it natnr It ho It ai'iti iii i 1 I i i i i 111! 1iiiii Niirlii-i I ii UPP riir oi is Om rfictitid rot two months re 'Wig CUM 4111lilied to ititeriOr Pninti4 vjaniv tf itio 4-i10h I cI' traai 141 al tiatpos'i it 411g1 tiol curl- 11( hy luiptity Collegoors I In thp stven months increased from 111 this nn(110-1 1 lc ''''-a' 111 '1111'' i Hiili I li Pi 1( tl'irk I t)1 14' 14 Aiken th local 9 9919n7 tons In 1912 to 1031gt0-1 7'oarp a orm'Y re! ''1'" 1 I 'U'44'''' force The work fir i 110 raid- tons Itepresontative operators Pa at the two' 0 hi' doath and a retil'441 to t111't )119s' tn'Otaeos lpili ona county lhoutort they cwild hrtvp made rt still better pttrortopy tor 1ce (olint Ile 111(1 horn Not had ticiao gioincd into goatii and (lrorint'Ille including the fatrosil slitittUsig hut for a shortage of lahor 1r a Irqkr In thl htJ lb: 111 111 oI of her parents Mr and Airs larrh-on 21ig Litcy liaristm died after an illness of several weelot l-Aho witt4 within ti few weeks of 13 yearsi of are I )it or a famtly of 11 vhild dren this Is the tit's death that has oceurred Th rnnera I services were conducted Elder NV I St rhadand he tve Itapmmt ch Thursday arterntion am Interment was made la the 1Pffillivry in the presenee of rilinthO of friends tof the family Nliss Harrison was an unusually sttrirt girl in school and out of of 1: hildrn Put them all re eh tag the rfrrt at thi 4Icisy fir ill Mily WAR a tonetal tlAt 0 a window card itdvertising a certain make of fountain pen I saw this the other day: "Get a Blank Fountain Pen Every I'en is Insured If Yours Should Ile Hun Over and Broken We'll Give You a New One" Fine! All you have to do to htk sure el getting a good barga in is to put oni! of Blank's pens in an upper vest pocket for a nice heavy wagon to come along lie clown and get run over Then you'll get a new pen free Seaboard Air Li ne Railway IMIMMPOMMOIP El ThiS FOUTIds Silly but It's true That sign is a real one It is but one instance of what is commonly looked upon as "advertising" If I had a wee fraction of the money that Is spent in this glorious hustling country of ours on this kind of "advertising" I'd be building skyscrapers as a pastime and rolling duelipins with globules of radium instead of the conventional wooden balls 4t 1 ou 1 l' I h1 1 on for I I l'" A I I I I I 1 0 1 I I I I I I 11 I 1 I Acting tin advit-ps front Washington '11111: TIVEN1111: MAItliET Ivor ad hr prt ii111 I Irt- itel the de( hrytt tit'tetittilIIIIIIIII of 7qr 1n oidor in i iiir i'l l'i atil I iittrr 'rut ill il third 1111liet I 11 tioki collortor or Intornal Ileve Uixiariment in Portland Prov( -s a Rite- I3terlan hurl) 1'i' ti' I a 111 1 1wirA: I VIit I 'Ioirleg 1 (1 a IL 10 tvipf mit t'lSS rible (114 It I h' -I 1'01 It I 11 tt i I hr- 14111et Al 'Welt flitilleri41i in this ootint'' (Front a Porthini Oregon 1)ispatch) le Ilvect hl ii lie 11 iit' title iT- 1 1 1f-I tj tiorniry tho av 'II raiding f)rerk ixa kePt htit4) )11 iterelint of the success of the ng en 1 i be uv ry 1 Th )v frIal A i ll p- tfi tivil hi' fiaV Strul night juvenile market gardeners xybo have Terrvement tor Ile ippr! hn 1m ii tr4 111lio VatiP'1i Ineyhiv recently horn solling vegetables and nil swo llen li- ote iy -itya it -(1e Ntlystery 1)r Trilitl 110)(Ty Iiiiine-onokt-d roods in the area It end try I cotri'intrl 1101tiol s11 oh Stark and Pirst streetg plans are 10- )r rizely te thr I't trrttlrt 14 tin 'te-r made te open the raarkot varlior ty and he wle line( Ff aSiill rontinue It hrough tnj 1ntt rF or ii i to' tiort II- i i 1 Itoy have 1401vP1 he trlyrtry 'lit tho atnnior so tht1 tho swionil Ix pit4 thOriollghly Hil I it 1)t 446( 1:11 trit i hr- lit1 itiA1t It tiirryistii i 111r liivrit)Tuhave ftia il to lac section tet ti fi rrwA'I1 II 1 het 0 rutireesilt ((1119111'11 'Phe fIrst morning the market was Is a nionunn nt to hi lir! ing o'- 10 wii thi pri1 nipmnger irt opened eerntelsslen men a ttvmpte0 rr) tr)rts 1rge fir Ow car 1vhioh wits rnhlietl hay hip I 'min of 1'eliteta hies hut 4' courtly nianwen Inv sto ttvnili 1 ia-orInw li lip 11' 1 1- ltiaIli L'''i''1 le It4 rilitill ttIleil in a cheMt IIIN) i heir offors von not no(ieptotl liotnro IA ilif il hal he iiPet'l iireed liV limort 1 he Clitiri A1 Ork WW1 dISIIOMP(1 1 pro4 aker (fr 1r I- rin 1 11' I 1 zoill 0 1 )log) cltinot8tinF(sIsifns1 rtrOestnh II al r0111 has iI4-1 I i 'f1-i lori tinyu'huro ci1)r1 tonight thrtt Streers Hien! I tier re SO retirtiaeri Wo111 if! rit Pt 0ry k94 A Tr ritrieattOil Net enly are products from the' in' rattr if i 1 YIt'Art" t'' I hitt it 'toripq rible 04 It I tit 11-pci a 1 11 Att44f 11f 41 tit- porniry 14ving 'won 1 1 Alt UV 1 I A ill IIiI 71)rirW'MPnt 1 1p111! or hip 104'1 who Vatillei anti to11111 I IVY end or tinty and ht or i I 3 STUDENTS ALREAOY it Tf ATTEND hAKE FOREST go-ction 1 14 a nionuno nt lit lug qrt CroolIv I ny 1 r4 I 1 1 1 iI1j-Il l're1a16N lit ItO 1 Writ aker (fr 7ro tiTitt ha ''i i 1 11 Lnn ttnywhurn 1410141 I ttr retirtiati kalitt $41110I 144! I4 44 Ntvk 1olit 41 14r11 14 t40(444: 1-74-'17-1e! -Itt4s 1) 4 444 4414 t4 'I I I fo( zira t1 1 1y st41torn 4 or 444 a 1011' todav 111111nWq sold loll a I -11 UVIIN SMII 1111t a lets swing the pendulum the other way for a minute: In the "For Sale" column un the classified pages of an Eastern newspaper I saw recently a little five-line ad er ti se ent This is what it said: "Mantel Mirrors with heavy French plateglaiss beveled beautiful design of burnishpd and old gold frame: 49 Inches wide 43 high: gond value at $25 pale price $175() Erizzell's Art Itoo1fl4 Park avenue at Saratoga" rid Acti 1 1 I 1 Fs f't te bi'1111 4 I I I 4 ltrl our 1 I I 1I 1 i i 4 le! a I ONEIONNOMINOIMM fit 14 I It )1 1111141 -'111 ottlid t110 LH: 111 414rfilitta 4 lit 11 1411 IS 16 11 I tv 0r fl tt 11' 1 14 11 11 h' i f'd 't It11 TRAITqS LEAVE CHARLOTTE ElFDCTIVJg APRIL 74 1913 EAST AND IvottTH BOUND No A -join for wnmington with parlor car attached Connecting at Hamlet with train for Portsmoulth Norfolk Raleigh and all points north Dining car service vestibule coaches and sleeping cars to Washington and New York connecting at Marton for A 16) pointA north No A Raleigh anti all local points Parlor car Charlotte to Raleigh No Wilmington sleet- ing car passengers can stay in all night at Wilmington This train connects at Hamlet for Savannah Jacksonville and all Point? south and north and connecting at Maston with A for points north h--flandles local sleeper Portsmouth -Norfolk connecting at Monroe for Atlanta anti all points west and southwest also connects at Monroe with fast train for Norfolk Richmond Washington and New York through vestibule coaches Pullman electric lighted deeming cars to New 'York dining cars Richmond to New York VcrErf BOTTN'O 115-810 A for Rutherford ton connecting at Bostic with Al- for all points on that line to Johnson City Tenn No for Rutherford ton from Tta)eigh connecting at Bostic with for Ms lion Mt Mitchell and Alta Pass connecting at Lincointon with A for points on that line TRAINS Ann 17! CHARLOTTE No 1S-910 A ram No 34-1006 A Want No Wilm'ngton No Raleigh and all local points No 16---760 West No 13-11M Wilmington anti all local point' North and East JAMES KER SR A Charlotte ORR Ticket Agent Charlotte T0firN WEST A Raleigh RYAN 0 A Norfolk Va No free offer of a new mirror if the one you Iniy 2-ihould happen to wander out and get run over Nv No Lail Just a 1)lain honest statement of what you get for your money and where you can get It (11 I- IA011114 Sit 4i1 cake! liread and articlem of ha nit 1 ete i 'ate Stql rt SPeCta 1 Ntr craft Settlements ivith the children i 1 attorney rxho mending their ioiorls to the market wilt 11 been loitited in charlotte ham (le- lio made montiO! no commissiiia to liciti in Statesville and 14 ing charged above tho actual cost of now her ti ling lip Htt ritti( Mr rannlng the market The market Al! is orliicinallv from this eo" ll- -111 in tie as hing as the children can x- and is ncrihew of Nil- NI es NVII- keep it supplied of Statesville viatli horn be win tikily his home Much Shedding or Cotton I (Vriini 'rho Raleigh Tunes) a re: (1(11 nr 0 01 shvilditg nc thTI and hi mruf c14-m e) ('oNGICEss IN IIEVIEW 0 it I xeetoavelv heavy (4(01(01 ham 0 0 11t nearlv weal a prt)Speot in veil- Naallingt11 5 0 eral am It had ii month ago NIII ti et a 'lir) COtt lin i MI)Ctliling badly and the 0 SENATE: a fleW 1 hilt titt t-helitiing go much is I leniocrarm i aireosed kel( In the amount of fruit it I tl F1-3 11 2 in 0 Hero 4 if course theor are (-ill Ion (:) Rcsinued etinshleration of trir- 4 lager than that of he t' xcfpt II uis and (:) Ifl iii11 0 in tithe ri' ill ICS cot ton of all sorts Is Vi'1 'Iriclnla wine operators 10 fina cyr) it certlitily rtmtri4 r) l011111d 0 money This rvionlit's riovernment re- Investigating Coniniltree a' port r11OWs ft erv poor (-rot) In gen0 rlii'll- C) eral In Nir-th the rop is 4r bi heat I Ice on Ndministration 0 tf I hall r) i gt I I11 'HI! 0 ANN here eke in the Siiiith 0 Ndirottned et 1111 in to 1') 0 1 $4 hi itoN II 4 1 Le to t7 'A 1 I i OMMOftMme LEALTH A rot rjy ff l4J fO It v) 1-P 'Pr PL fl A ELEAITH BEAUTY re vk iff rf k4-' r' is $140e44 sf It a isocmts t4rI flt(1 'Pr Stt 1 4 I co Crowns Si till New System Dentists Nting uFhor (I) Bellmore Dental 21 Tr) (tri trrwt ()ter (1174)n Vtool le) 0) Dr 61- 11101 Mxr nem Vrrk Los 4 lot titta ra fvw1 I'airtleoog ellaolui l'holut Ji dy A tprzif ilt Parlor Inc Over (117-4m I 1-1EAITH A'" BEAUTY Are I' F1 i ti p440- sari- a''0 A 1040t4 NJ it a 1t rtr )f vi rti 1 1 '''r: 1 1 1 nt 1 CrOWIIS Si UP '1''1 1 '1 tt 0 11 t- i NC1Y System Dentists ktiof cFsornit tt) ot beAlmore Dental Parlor 1 Inc 21 14 Tr)(tri hirrl't ()ter (1174)n Xit401)liey Ir() 11r () 01- 111'131 Mr nemt 11ork 10144-rot Pirteeill tittararofetv1 Painl t11-flas14 I'llone 11idy Atten1)101 Advertising- Isn't buncombe It isn't a big hurrah It 19n't magic It isnt horseplay It IS common sense And if you write a commonSert Fo ad and put it in the classified columns a thiH rwwsparer niiII profit TRY IT: eo 1' III'I 1" I I II' II 'iI I "IIIIi iTti oi4 rik ti lit Ili it JiiH i li I' Id li 1lf 0 If )('Sr: 1st Ligt(or Veil) 4) A old blip Oh the th Tt 1 10iiit1olti I at no1 '4 1 cd a fir hi 1id tIlliiii i 11Iidil retton cr 1 0 'A hiskvr' s' ut141 I 0 h' Ill'oPly i nt or- 0 olted to Ilifi AS1Ohl Ilici I hundred 1r tv ett to I '-A 0 liotev hill i- "1'! I ''r' sAur: thl 0 lienking Cotnitlittet vote1 to 0 41 i'4 he' o'' typioi 4 iti Him owo- i 0 roport Adrifillistrattkol 0 prpiy thnt's protesor illinktt 11l ti rvg 'the 11t Stitrinwr hut 0 eurrottey bill iktnclay 0 the alleoist liere tor a rest th- te at a tti a hat- 0 NI Molhall conttinued tes- 0 l'1(k 1 tt 0 r1( tr11 rIilo aro 0 litoony berro Itothv Cortirnittee 0 Tt hr--- Yon Ser hit 1 (ht I I I rilv 1Afit11 tier i 0 A dinuirne1 tit 305 in till 0 i lanlb becn Ibodient and stayed in the 1 11 thiti eet (011 0 noon 01 folt1 It wonid not litten been eaten by )tt vt-irtt 'I he iiIt lore I rtgli- It) 1 Jtiwrrato beld (went on 0 i the 'volt wettlil it? holy t-11 t1 t' Int chethite 'e) haIroottao 0 i lioy promptly t---Nn ma'am it 1 I tj froth: this 10 ci symod hay been tattrt by isi-ut I dOn Tattler e) ri lo 4:0 0 Ili 110(0i Veil) 4) -1 Alf Illy-- OM (Thep the it main 0 Ilisopoi1 nidil 4) vhisk14 sthr1 1) lipoply inter- ester! in nig' A tkell let a hundred 0 rwieticy hill 0 Ranking ommittee voted to 0' 'Infl'Ilr'lls- 110 im he7 ill that's protosor illinkg 0 favorably roport Adniiiristrattrin 0 0 the alienist Hero for a rest 0 currney bill Alonday 0 NI Millhall conitintiort PR- 0 PliCk Tea rr---Yoll seo hit1 tho 0 tinoiny 1erfero Lotitiv Committee 0 i 0 Adjourned tit 305 li in till 0 LIM tle4'n grid stayed in the tit' Tt1 1 T4 1 tr 1 erti I itV ILO 'r i 1 e- o': ty1)i II? tl 414 11if 11 tt tt 1 0 14 I tr i I 1 t11 I $1 ilk 1:0 vi-rF 'I he l'''1' '11' t't 1 1 liJiiiii rtioi 1111101011111111 I ft wiromummameamigammummotiousamit rposiansaminownomsteml titsemostaffigriammaum rob 111010 10104 A lo iP nom VoidlimMerimillioniniiiVAINItlismolinaell --areataaa nay area qi -t a a 706cfrosnarism 44E War MIN.

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