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Boston Evening Transcript from Boston, Massachusetts • 8

Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


D.STEAMS CO. Tremont St. Temple Place. Punjuif Silks. UNFADING DYES.

To bo fonsd In Art Embroider Departments R. H. STEARNS CO. THROUGH GBABD OAHOff. Another Party Saccesefnllr Descends tha Colorado-Feasible Rout for Kallrond Body of a Drowned Explorer Found.

Dehveh, March 4. The turveyieg party sent ont by the Denver, ft Pacific Railroad and which left December 2, in charge of Colonel Robert B. Btannton, arrived et Peach Springe canon yeaterday muralcg In fcool health. Colonel Staunton said that toward the end of their trip the enppliee becameAcaroe, end the staple article of diet for quit a long time waa mash. We lost one boat, said he, and were con- lied to cache onr goods in order tu make the ids ea light ee possible.

We di coveted two Urge mountain, containing pure twi salt, and at another place near tbe salt found anthracite coal, equal to that of Pennsylvania. We ilto-covcred the body of II. Hauabrouoh, one of the tbree explorers who were drowned in a wbtrlpooi during the first expedition we made ut S'unmer. The identity was rally established. Building a railroad down tbo river ie feasible and w.iald not cost to exceed (25,000 per mile.

The rarty has taken continuous photographs of tbe cation, end belirv that no grander scenery can be aeon in any part of the world. REAL ROTATE MATTERS. this la it: Tho Atebiaon and tho BL Louis A Ban Francisco companies received from tha Atlantic ft Pacific in September, 1888, a total of (5,600,000 second mortgage bonds of tho last-named company aa payment for advancei made by the two first named under tho Joint operation thereof to meet deficits, etc. There bonds warn second mortgage 6s and received tha guarantees of the Atebiaon and Ban Francisco companies both as to principal and interest, each one-half, but not Jointly, aa wa understand. That ia, tho bonds re divided between the two companies which placed their guarantees on their respective proportions and then sold tha same.

tha Atchison's half to Kidder, Peabody ft Co. the Bt. Louis ft Ban Franclaeoa half to the Beligmans. Tho Inter at on the (2,800,000 bond sold by the Atchlst became a direct obligation of tha company. In reorganisation plan of the Atebiaon (circular No.

C3, Oct. 15, 1889.) It waa stated that even Irenes of bonds. Including those Atlantic ft Faciflc second mortgage 6a wars "to be the subject of special treatment in the future," (22,476.000 of tha naw general mortgage 4s being reserved against them. Tba company now arranges for tho treatment of the bonds ia question. They are outstanding, with a direct guarantee of six percent, interest by the Atchison company, and are funded into tha general mort-gsge Ss reserved for tbla purpose on terms satisfactory to the company.

Tha resulting saving ie two per cent, per annnm on (2,800,000 bonds, or (56,000. Our correspondent is mistaken in calling tha Atlantic ft Pacific second mortgage bonds 4s, they being Cs, hence much of hie indignation is unwarranted. It it, in abort, simply tho carrying out by tbe company of one of tbe details of the reorganisation plan heretofore nnarranynd, but expressly indicated in the circular which gave the plan, on page 18, second section. Railroad earnings are reported aa follows: KANSAS C1TT. FOKT SCOTT A MEMPHIS.

February 1890. 1889. 671 671 heroua week 69,884 Dee. 25,736 T-we 161.391 Dee. 29.396 BlnceJea.


BEFORE CALL. (600 Atek. Tepeks Bt Fe new 4S. JfiOCO iaccm tm'centraiil WBO snssntltSsL BOO Atcbg Topoiu A St Vt Rs BOOeeeeeaef eeeeeaaeannne eewefte 160 6stesssees seHses6S6sa JO ChleAKo, Bnr A QuImt mi i Partimi it com 4 nteBMUK K.e.e 6 FIlatBltN BinilMCM Hr- OfttusMi 100 OregoiUMiort Uno sssssssesssss sss 5 aaeaaaaaneeeM" sssttsisSHMSitiss B0 Allonei Minimi Co 5 lioaton A Montana BO Oieeola Mining Co. 10 Lamaue BtoraBerrsee riHST CALL.

Minina Companies. 5 Ikon ton A Montana 45 BOO Oanta lfo COPPOreeewe.neeeeee.nen 1 Land Companies. 10 West End 74 300. Bonds.

(SOOO Boaton United Oaa Co 1st 6s 911a 11600 Consolidated Ball'd ot Vt 88Va 2UOO DM3uiaine Northern ft 7 .102 (1000 Kan Cltv. Ft a Mem ....116 02000 Mexican Central Wjl SIOOO.m... rn Railroad Companies. 100 Atch, Toacka A fit Fe IDA 10O -k 6 6 Hoiton Albany 10 Central Manacbuietta 161 36 Cleveland Canton Mr 3344 loo Eastern 17 Lnlen Paciiie 661 Miscellaneous. 26 Lamson Store Service 2714 BETWEEN CALL.

(132)00 Ateh, Topeka Bt Fe naw 41... 8Sya (21 0O. R4 si 6.000 64i-a 3uO 4 64 Vu 1UOU American Bell Telephone ...1121 (lOOU It. Elknorn Mo V. (is.

uu 122 6000 Mar. Houghton Ont 6s. 192S frauuo Mevlcan Cent 694 lluiOUiSente Lake Ctuunn con. ue 101 SO Atch, Tovekn St Fe 6314 831. 1 8 Ciueiso.

Bnr Northern SOIn SO Uucwo Heat Mlchlmn tt 29 110 Milenn. Hnr A Cmnrv a 103 "la 16 Itenver. Texas A Ft K. 32Vn 126 Fastern -1S7 1 26 Flint A Pare Marenette oret 96 6 1 Lake hkont 106 60 New York New Kneiand M. 4S lDD(eesaass3ssHsssMsesaissssessMee 64 lOU.eie 44 BBee II ee tset eS SSSS.tS A B1 Old Colon Bssitsssessss issseseesssesl I C7V BBUUOA bO tOU MUllliS 16 illOM.sisese M.sseMssssssssss sse ee 14 A 1000 fruit To Copper.

Amcrieon Beil TelepboM Co .217 6 PttilouA Peieee Cur n.19 TftlDiriWk MlfilBK COsasssisssssseesesel69 B. esssisisssseesess s.M... 60 boron Minins Oe.sss.eN flfUCklilftB'l tfftfsssstsasssss ss 6 AFTERNOON BALES MARCH 4. SECOND CALL. Mining Companies 100 AlleOIV Mtlll HP Co 76 Boston A MciitAUA Copper 60 MISISMIMM 47 luO Hutto A Boaton MlnKnc Co 16 60 Cootouninl Minimi Co 60 finntn Fo sisetesws $7 6 Land Cofiaioei.

60 AibIbwaU Land O0e ICO WMI End Lend Co.n 81 Bond. fioro Aten, TopekA A bt ro now 4. A AD.ssatas.' an on eases DjTA 6 60D(si 6l7 6S(NJU tumifpu Monuua Cos 4.ntw MO 14000 Mexican Contni Railroad Companies. 400 Atehloon. Toeeke A Bf 894 17 Central Munebueettfl 160 ItO Chlcnxo.

Bnr A Coiner 1W I0O BVleoenelo Control 6-COB WVi 6 Belt Elld Rpref.eeeMeM.eSNssoa NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. TUESDAY. MARCH 4, 188912.30 PRICE 3. New New 41, eoupoa 122V Nrw 41s, reg lull Metro poL Elevateds Michigan Central. Mil.LH.tW 92 Close of First Tear of Harrison Administration.

TAULBEE BEPOBTED D1ING Tatal TermiBAtion to Recent Shooting: Affraj Probthle. SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE TEANRCE1FT.J Washington, March A Preddent Harrison bee completed the first year of hie administration without having once retorted to the veto power. During the corresponding period of the Cleveland Administration Congress wee notified by tho Chief Executive that it bed patted undesirable measure on 115 eepsrate occasion s. The logic of this comparison ie either that the present Congress ie more carefnl then the Forty-ninth Congress wee or the present Chief Executive ie lees given to picking ont flaws in legislation than hie predeoea-or was. Taulben Reported Dying.

Dr. Yoder, member of tbe House, who has been ettendiug ex-Repreeentative Taulbee, has jutt left tbe latter's bedside, end reports that he is dying. This ennouncement has censed ooneter-neticiB among tho friends of Judge Kinceld. If Taulbee should die, tho judge will Immediately bo rosireited end thrown into prison. Mr.

Yoorhoee is too Late. Tho Sennu Finance Committee today chilod up tho resolution of Mr, Voorbees. celling for an investigation of tho sword of tbo Alaska seel contract. They decided that the committee had ao jurisdiction. The secretary having made the award, it was not within the province of Coogieae to interfere.

Shaw. A Boy Frozen In Snowdrift. Lawrence, March 4. Yesterday morn-irg Willie Foster, aged eleven years, of North Andover, eon of Albert Foster, left hie homo to attend school in what ie celled tha river district. On tho wey ho encountered a deep drift of enow, tho road not heviog been broken, and, sinking up to the waist, he was unable to extricate himself.

Thie morning hie frozen body wee discovered by hie father and Mr. Rubinaon. Ue was one of tbe brighten end moot prominent pupils iu the North Anoover tchool. Killed by an Elevator. WoxcEaTEB, March 4.

Julia L. Mere, a ten-year-old daughter of Abram L. More of Jef-fereonvllle, waa almoat instantly killed by ea elevator in the Jefferson Manufacturing Company eiterday afternoon. The little girl waa looking down tbo well from tho third story at two other little girls on the first floor, when the elevator descended nnd struck heron the back of the heed. She lived but three minutes.

BOSTON STOCKS. CLOSING PRICES FI R9T CALL. TUESDAY, MARCH 4. Railroad Companies, Atchison. Topeka St Bants llueiuu A Buetna A Maine.

4'altfenita Bootbcrn. Detroit, Lansing Northern Clikaiio. Burlington A Chicago A West Mirhiean CiDi-innati. Sandusky A lie island Cle vetoed A pref Pattern ix-hliurg pref lit MMIM(illtNNI(HK Mint A rsre Marquette preL Mai ta Nrw York A New New York A New England pref Old Colony Portland. Saro A Portsmouth Rutland pref I nioo Pai-ifle.

Whi Pud Street pref Ill ucttMt. Nashua A Rochester Bond. Amfriftn Bell Telephone o.a.d IlifCil ((Si ISt February 89L Mileage Ho Second week (10 781 Tw6 weeks. 15.620 Since Jan. 1.

67,710 LOCISV1LLB 1890. MUeaae 8.193 get Aerawse- January (613,723 Since July 1. 4.608.111 1889. 168 6,319 10. 091 28,478 siiniua Ine.

Ine. 6.462 6.629 8.734 1889. 2.181 Ine. 71 54 O90 896,728 r.F-9.703 Ine. 9.77SA83 lue.

ATCB1SOM. TOPKK4 A 8AHTA PX. Total eveed mad controlled. February 1890. 1889.

MUeaae 6629.41 6532.74 Dee. Third week. (93 6H9 SllAuft lue. iJt-eweek'. 1.613,442 1.211.613 lue.

SVCeJan. 1. 3.61 0.937 Inc. 3 83 91. 7M 291.68-1 MWAMiS QwAsIT of Jondlp Owned Kith Other Companies.

rj The K( York Stock Market Rises Gold Coming from Abroad Annual Report of tko Allouea Copper Mine Wlseonslsi Central and Other Koada la January Atekl- son Ear nines. Boston, Tneadaj, March 43 P. M. Local monetary matters arc not any eaaier. One loan waa mada aa high as 8 per cent, at the bo a thia morning, other tranaactlona between the banka holding at' 7 par cant.

Natnr-ally, anck a nondltlon of affairs betw an tba banka brings street tmsinesa almoat to a atanditUl. Th banka Inn marked np outstanding call losna 1 1 7 her cant aa a role, and while there may bo an exceptional transaction in naw money nndar that quotation la la dna to special clrcnmitancea and hardly can be quoted aa allowing tho condition of iha market. 798 per cant, moat bo quoted on call, with time ratea little better than nominal at from 5 to 7 par cant. An eight per cent, rate prevailed at the clearing bouae lata In 18M5 and not tlnce until t-'dzy, if memory la correct. The New York altnatlon la eaaier, ratea on oil ruling at 4 5 per cent, today.

The ateamahlp La Normandie from Havre brought 2,000,000 franca to New York and (1,400,000 more la understood to bo on the way from Holland. Gold Importations are a powerful factor for easier feeling In tho money market. At tho clearing bouae, balances between tba hanks loaned at 7 8 per cenLand Naw York funds Bold at from 10 .0 centa per (1000 discount. The exchangee were against (16,031.481 a year ago today, and the balances were In New York, the exchanges were (145,305 745, the balances were (5,831,381,1 and the subtrees nry was debtor at the clearing bouae (446,171. The bids for the city of Boston 3 per cent, thirty-year loans1 miscellaneous and irk were opened at City Hall today.

Brewater, Oobb ft Eatabrook and Blake Brothers ft Co. ware awarded the (600,000 park loan at 100.09. Thera ware no bids for the miaoellaneona" loan. Tho annual report of the Allouea Mining Company for 1889 shows operations aa follows: Krrelrt, Product of copper, tea months, 1 .762,810 pOUndSa a a a. (818,019.29 Assessment No.

10, 188.80 Assossms nt No, 20,, 40AM.W (253.177.76 Expenditures Kuanlng at mine, tea months 196,878.23 Freight, smelling, ana all ether aeaeaaeeoeoae see ooa ooeoae ssOilOliol iS5.fiMB.8S 6.178.63 0.964 SH 1.U76.41 Nov. and Dee. Coustrncilon account Interest on loons US 701 S5 Kxcess of Balance from 1686.. Balance Dee. 31, 188!) (2S.4SO.49 The asseti and liabilities Dec.

31, 18(9, were at follows ASSETS. Cash eooaoeaseeeaeeeoo eess.soeesseseeeee eoeea (S.S24.88 opper on Laud SASU-U" Loans lOlAJOUU (23.764.60 Pash at mine (38.4S Huppiles and lual 8.771.76 Wood and standing (KOOO Accounts receivable 975.23 10,385.38 Total aesete. LIAlilLITIK. (34.150.34 Indebtedness at Accounts payable. (2 640 71 2.181.04 4.729.75 Balanco of asiots 29,420.49 Btatisth'S of tba year: Tons of rock mined.

cltto hoisted, ditto treated a mine, I1G.G06; refined copper per ton of rock mined, 13.41 pounds ditto milled, 15.11 ponnds; total yield of mineral, 2,546,499 pounds; percentage fine copper In mineral, til) 22 total cost of cop per marketed and all expenses paid, per pound 12.8 cents. The directors' report through Mr. John Stanton, treasurer, gives an Interesting summary of work at the mine, reasons for suspension thereof, and prospects ot resumption The collapse of the "French syndicate" resulted In drop In the market price of copper to about cent per pound less than tho Allooea coat of production, and tbs stamp mill cessed operation! the latter part of October. Kaye the report The experience we bad gained In working the "Attunes lode" Indicated that the best result conld only oe obtained by opening ground extensively, end then, by selecting tbe richer portion ot the "lode for removal, to increase me average yield of the rock stamped. This would require mure compressor power and drills, anil tba investment of mure capital in extending openings.

Tba unexpected change in the condition ot the cupper market, due to an unprecedented demand from manufacturers, came tuo late In tbe year to prevent tbe suspension of production, but aa soon aa it became evident that the "aynaicats" stocks, while rapidly decreasing, were being handled with prudence by the bankers controlling them, that the era ot low plicae was parsing away, and that tho market was getting on a comparatively safe basis, it was determined to push the openings aa fast aa possible, and to resume production as soon as a stock of Inel and supplies could be gotten together, nnd entbeient ground opened in tba mine to allow a regular output of five bandied tons daily. It waa also decided to erect another compressor of capacity to provide for ail probable wants for a long time to come, besides some u.inor improvements designed to facilitate production and an assessment of fifty cents per share, payable Fab. 20, 1820, was levied in order to provide for this work and pay tor needed supplies, etc. It ie expected that the stamp mill -will start work May 1st, next, and that when everything Is in lull working order wa shall be able to make a larger product than at any former time, and it tiie copper market rules at about present prices that the results will be satisfactory. Agent Smiths report says: "At present wa are engaged In opening the mine with ail possible vigor for early resumption of producing copper.

About May 1 wa will be in good shape to atari the stamp miil. All the openings now progressing an at present in copper gronnd except the sixteenth level, which will have to be driven about fifty feet before we can reasonably look for copper. On the whole I should say that the pros pecta are quite favorable, and that the opening of ground will be extensive enough by the time above mentioned for a full supply of rock for the mill. Tresent price of copper prevailing wil. bow a fair profit over operating expenses.

1 he Texas Street Railway ft Laud Company has been organised by Boston, Chicago and Texas Capitalists fur the purpose of buying and operating street railwaye in Texas cities. The capita' stock la bonds issued (250,000. The directors are ilwri. J. o.

Wetherbee, Nathaniel J. Rusk, Albert D. Bosson and Walter Potter of Boa. ton; Franklin H. Watrlia and Hon.

Abner Taylor of Chicago W. D. Lea of Leavenworth, and T. J. Harley of Fori Worth, Tex.

Mr. Harley is president, Mr. Rusk vloe president, Mr. Wet her bee treasurer, and Mr. K.

C. Bnnnam sec retary. The company already has acquired the Austin City Street Railway system and the Gainesville systeqi, both with exclusive charters, and the town Improvement company of tha last-named cltf. These properties have no floating indebtedness and have money in the treasury and era In growing cities, Austin being tba capital of tho Htate. Tho stock in placing by private subscription.

The Tamarack det lares tbe nsual (3 quarterly dividend, payable April 1 to stockholders of record March 10. The Manhattan Railroad dine ton have adopted a resolution to retire outstanding scrip interest April 1, and it is understood that next Tuesday dividends will ha ordered paid on a cash basis. Tba assistant treasurer of tba United Htatas at Now York will reoeiva projioaals until noon Friday for tba sale to the treasury of about (108,000 An Union and Central Pacific lint mortgage bon da, proposals to state tha dates of maturity, month and year. Secretary Wlndom will receive offers of 4s without farther notice, bat he will not state the price at which he will accept them. To th a financial Editor ot tha Transcript: Th-Bunday Herald says that Siessr.

Kldd-r. Peabody ft for themselves and Messrs. Beligman ft have sold at 93 to tho Atebiaon, Topska ft (antard Railroad Company (5,600,000 of second mortgage 4 per nt. bonds of the Atlaatie ft Pacific Railroad company, of tbe Issue of 8ei-tember, 1689, which thov, Kidder. Peabody ft Co.

and Beligman ft ngh; at 90; and that tha Atchison company ha paid, or is to pay, for ita share iu ita own uv erst mortgage 4 per cent, bonds at tba maikot prion. I should like to know first, whether there is any foundation whatever for tbe atory; second, whether, supposing it to be trna. the exchange of perfectly good 4 par cant, first mortgage bonds, apparently as sale aa Government aecuntle. at 63 or so, for second mortgage fours of a road in snob a condition aa the Atlantia ft Pacific, at 93. is a sample of tha way in which tba Interests of the atook-boluera are to be taken care ot by tba now management; third, where the Atchison company gets ita own 4 per cent bonds to pay vl.

A supposed all Ua bonds ere owned by aubsorlbers or bone holders in good faith. COXORES fiTKEKT. Aueuvr. Thera is foundation for the atory, and ia HARRIMAN, 1 Roan County. Tcibuhm, where tliU wik la boiag bald Uio OPEMXG S1LB OF LOTS IT TUB East Tennessee LAND COMPANY.

Hundreds hurrying there to see Me greet advsnts. ot location. its marked combination of minora jeeenrres, Ita ptoturaiuiua surrounding l. Ita une fa Mol' LUMHKKLANU PLATEAU. BmMtnAto hath Ulrniluttliam a,2L cither valm of thv KAMT IKNNKMS IaANII tliMFANY, guarsuteu quick liicross lor tho ruiimby1 Capital Stock, Only $3,000.000 (INK HALF THE RKCOM MILLION offered now AT FAIL Hliaroa (5U.W each.

lteeelbls on down i at nrut lor lota at a premium of ISVi OFFICERS AND UIRKHTORS: CLINTON H. FISK, JOHN HOFkWeLL. 1 virrass' E. M. UOODALL.

tfgfiStm. rKUlMtll'K OATHS, FUIL1F B. MAHON. England Office, 51 Equitable Hullding, Boston, Bass Tt.HTniauHl DR. HAMS Offers for Sale Mock at a llmlled amount of $2 per Share, for the purpose of Increasing its business.

Ihe merits of this medicine are established beyond a doubt, and the stock should meet with a ready sale. APTLY TO R. H. WHITNEY, 75 State Boston. TuTliKH "i BROWN BROS.

GO. ftrtlgn Eichange anil Cable Transfers BOUOUT AND HOLD. DIIAPlS ON IRELAND. COMMERCIAL ind TRAVELLERS: CREDITS AvaUabla tu all parts of tbs world. CREDITS IN For baa la U.

Land adjacent eouutrtai. INVESTMENT SECURITIES On band land orders takon for Nsw York, Fhlia-delplito. ote. FUNDS taken on deposit and INTEREST allowed. 66 State Boston.

land? lfe Offer a Few Choice 6 CITY MORTGAGES. S900 TO $14,000. ALSO $100,000 6 DEBENTURE RONDS, (Interest Payable Quarterly.) Boston Safe Deposit Trust Trusteo. Kansas Investment Company, 101 Devonshire St. (cor.

Water), Boston. II. K. BALL. pros.

uao. O. MokkkLL, Vico pres 7UJ 1 LETTERS OF CREDIT sued in Franca or Sterling (or Trnvellers use abroad. AUK) foreign exchange On London, Tarls and Berlin. JOHN MONROE ft lont Olllco Squuro.

DEYENS, LYMAN Agents. Stocks and Bonds Bought nnd Sold on Commission In all Markets. TuF4t mh 4 F. W. Prescott BANKERS and BROKERS, 54 Diioishlre St.

Boston. Telephones 211 and 2S1S. Interest nllewsd on deposits snblset to cheek Orders executed for Uash or Margin, in Stocks and Bonds dealt In on the New York and Boston Stock exchanges. Culomsri can telegraph orders at our expense. Klectrlo Stocks a Specialty.

Tn sr writs for full articular, if pan Asm fundi err.lnt erf only tv 4 per tout. ThHTnlyCS 7 First Mortgages, 1 Open rare fully selected farms In the most nourishing and moat rapidly glowing parts of the Weak 6 GUARANTEED N0RT8A0ES 6 6 DEBENTURE BONDS 6 MsetiTsd by similar FIRST Mortgages, end also by the capital of the Issuing Uompsuy. THE EASTERN BANKINR COMPANY, 43 MILK BOSTON. FRANCIS A. OSBORN, WM- F.

HAMMETT. Freaidaub Treasurer pro tern n)ts Ad Fennessy, Armstrong BARKERS, 89 Stati Boston. First Floor Flako Building. Bills of Exchange Drawn on London Investment Bonds a Specialty. Trans Acted.

$5000 WANTED. uttsisgs: merlguys; la willing to pay 7 per seat, interest. Property worth fllMHl' end rouatantly safes. Address Fpst IMlica Boa 2574, Bvslua. lim, Jtl ub THROUGH TIIE GRAND.

CANON OF THE COLORADO. A despatch from Denver announces the arrival at Peach Springe Cation of the surveying party sent out by the Denver, Colorado ft Pacifie Railroad Company in December lest to endeavor to find practicable roots through this glgantlo gorge. Tha disastrous ending of a former expedition, by which President T. M. Brown end two others were drowned in July last will be recalled.

With the exception of perhaps few reckless voyagenrs who have mads the portions journey. Lieutenant Powell ia tho only one who bee previously accomplished this dangerous undertaking. Hie 'aocconnt of tho journey, although buried in the pages ot an official report, ie one of the most fascinating stories of daring adventure ever published. The following extract from the letter of a correspondent of the Denver Republican, who waa connected with the party, will be of interest in this connection: To givoyon an idee of the number of tha rapids from tho head of the Colorado River to thia point, near the month of the Little Colorado River, a distance of about 290 miles, I will say that there ere jnat 200 replde, not counting email draws or riffles, and from Lees Ferry to this point, distance of eighty miles, there ere jnst 100 rapids. We have ran the greeter pert of this 100 end port-aged but few, end over many of them onr boats have danced end lamped et tho rate of fifteen miles an hour, ana over some, by actual measurement, et tbe rate ot twenty miles per boor torn half smile ate time.

Bunding in tbe bow of one of the boats as ebe goes through one of these cbntae, with first the how end then tbs erera jumping into tho air ea ebe shoots from wave to wave, with the spray of tho breakers daablcg over ones heed, is something tho exsite meat end fascination of which can only be understood by being experienced. That part of Marble Canon from Point Retreat for forty miles down to the month of the Little Colorado River is far tbe most beentifnl end interesting 04 Bon we have yat paased through. At point Retreat the marble wills stand np perpendicularly tbree bnndred feet from the waters edge, while the sandstone above benches beck in Mopes end cliff to SQCO feet high. Juki bet end this tho c.6on is narrowest, being but little over three hundred feet wide from well to well, while the river in places at this stage of water la not over sixty feet wide. The marble rapidly rise till it stands in perpendicular cliffs 700 to 800 feet high, covered witn ell tbe tinta of tbe rainbow, bat mostly red.

In many places toward the top it is honeycombed with caves, caverns, arches nnd rrottues, with here and there natural bridge left from one crag to another, making most grotesque end wonderful picture as onr little boats glide along that quiet portion of the river so many hundred feet below. At tte foot of these cliffs in many places ere fountains of pure, sparkling water, gnaning ont from the rock, in one place, Vaasey Paradlne, everal bnndred feet np the wail, and dropping doan among shrabbeiT, ferns end dowers, some of which, even et thu time of tbe jeer, were toned in bloom. Below thie for some distance, era number ot these fountains, with large patches of tbe maiden-beir ferae clinging to the wall, fifteen or twenty feet above the vrer, green and fr-sh a in tbe month of May, end with tha rmkling water running down over them they make most charming picture. 1 EZCUT DEATHS. Professor Charles Lease how, who died few days ago, came to Baltimore ea the leader of the first orchestra that ever gave symphony concerts in the United States.

Of late years he bee led such qnlet end retired life that his exploits in the mnsicel world forty years age were forgotten with bis company of mnaiciani. Professor Lstu-cbow arrived in Nww York in September, IMS, end on Oct. 5 he gave hie first American performance, In Nibloe Garden. The company had baen organized in Berlin, and had given a aeries of concert in London before coming to America, which had pot been a eaccees financially. This wa before the advent of Jenny Lind.

Opera we novelty, end the experiment of eixteen concerts In New York end Brooklyn was not a anccet financially. People applauded tha band, bar felt it an act of charity to be present. The musicians again took np their march nnd tried Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd other dries, but. while the artistic merit of their concerts was praised, the cash receipts continued small. Mr.

Letuchow resigned alter two seasons. The orchestra was con-tin ntd for several years, with varying success, but flnsUy disbanded et Nesrport, R. In 1351 Tbe members scattered over the conutry, each going on In his profession as teacher of music. William Schnltse became the leading violinist in Boeton; Carl Zerrebn, the first Ante, developed as a chores abactor and fine ly aa an orchestra: leader; Lents end Pfeiffer became leading musicians in Philadelphia. Mr.

Leuschow wentt Baltimore, and onring his remaining years he became the director of nearly every vocal nnd orchestral organization established there. Bon. James O. Cnrtts of Medford died Monday afternoon in the eight j-eixth year of hie age. SLr.

Cnrtia wee born in Bcltnate, want to Medford in 1820, end served a seven yean apprenticeship with Thatcher Magonn. In 1831 the firm of Cnrti ft Co. waa established end their first vessel built, the ship Laconia, 550 tons. They bnllc eight othei vessels between 1834 end 1839, when the firm dissolved end tne deceased started bonding for himself. He bnilt seventy-eight vessels while in business alone, the last being ia 1809.

Mr. Cutis wa moderator of town meetings three years, a member of the Board of Selectmen seven yean and representative to the General Court in 1836. He was for Years a trustee of Tufts College and had been connected with tho Medford Savings Bank lines its organisation. In 1871 ha waa electee president of tbo Monument National Bank ot Charlestown, a position he had held to the time ot bis drath. Mr.

George D. Sargent died very suddenly Bun-day evening at his home in this City, No. 284 Newbury street. He was a man of varied interest, and well known in financial circlet. Ills strict integrity of character nnd parity of living endeared him to ell those with whom ho came In contact, and he will bo greatly missed by those having associations with the Atlas National Bank, with which be has been connected for the past thirty-seven years.

He waa bora is Southampton, K. fifty-eight years ago. He leaves a widow and three children. Mr. Bamnel B.

Swan, superintendent of light of Providence, died last evening. He was a native of Bristol, born in 1828, and had boon a eoal dealer previous to hie public service. In 1579 be wae elected superintendent of lights, which office be has since held. He wae for a time a member of the Btate Board of Public Works. Dr.

William Way Thomas died in Wilmington. lest evening, aged seventy-nine years. Hs was a direct descendant of Henry Way, who came to thia country in 1630 with Governor Winthrop. Mr. Hiram D.

Smith died et bis residents on Crooa street. East Somerville, yesterday. He was a member of tho board of assessors in Somerville, and also served in tho Board of Aldermen. Daniel Webster Lee, for nineteen years in examiner of oil paintings and fine art publications in the appraisers department of tho New York Cos tom Honao, dledJBundxy. Mr.

George W. Lewie, formerly la the boot and hoe trade in Boston, bat lete'y of St. Louis, died in thie city Saturday, aged sixty-eight. Colonel J. Mervyn Donahoe, president of the Ban Francisco ft Northern Pacific Railroad, died at Sen Francisco last evening.

Mr. Edwin Cowles, editor of the Cleveland (Ohio) Leader, died thia morning, agef sixty-five. Hearing In Regard to nailing Doge, Tha adjourned hearing before the Committee on Agriculture regarding the muzzling of doga takes place Wednesday afternoon at two oclock in the Green Room nt tha State House. In order to show the deep public sentiment on thia it ia of tbo greatest Impprtanoe that every lover of doge should teatiry by bia resea oe before the coniniiitee, end every one who ie opposed to muzzling dogs should be sure to attend. WbF Building Operations Do Not Speedily Bogin.

It ia not the weather, for that has been aa a rnl through tho winter remarkably devoid of frost, ie not the absence of means, for thy are et hand for tbo asking, et low rate of in Test bat it distrust of tho workmen that prevents building operations. Between tbo freestone cutters, the granite cutters, tho marble workers nnd tho carvers, there seems to be aa issue, though their interests ere ea far apart as those of the carpenter nnd the blacksmith. One, through iu unions, forbids the other to work. In can sequence, contractors will net sign, end spring work ia not begun on what Is actually demanded by buyers in advance. Wages are not considered low by bnildere.

It iethooight-hour erase, ea many term it, nine boors having long been conceded. Eight houn having been seen red, why not seven or elx? Borne conclusion will have to be reached soon, or mosey will not go into building. In eon sequence, mechanics will bo compelled to idleness while work and good pay are swelling them. fOn Fils at Real Estate Exchange Char lee H. Fowler has sold to George H.

S. Hem nwsy property on Cottage street, Chelsea. William H. Howland has deeded to Mary A. Gleason an estate on Tremont street, Charlestown, for (4550.

Bridget T. Ryan has conveyed to Elle J. Sullivan an estate on Cuter street. Wait Rot nry. Charles F.

El well has sold to Margaret 8. Calls hen ea estate on Shirley street end Brock place, Koxbury. The Boeton Water Power Company Las deeded to Henry M. Whitney properties on Falmouth and Gainsborough streets. The dining-ror-m of the East End Hotel, Hal), is being enlarged and otherwise improved, end quite an addition is going on to the hotel otherwise.

The home will be open for Inspection on Feat Day. A recent transaction of real estate in tha town of Natick indicates the possibility tut the Johnston Elect! ic Train Signal Company of Boeton will shortly put np a factory there. Several snbnroan towns have offered inducements to tho comps iy to bnlld, hot it ie only recently that tbe board of directors has concluded to own ita own works instend of rentiog. THE CITY LOANS Awarded to Brewster, Cobb ft Betnbrook and Blake Bros, ft Co. ity Treunrer Turner opened in the presence of the mayor end city auditor today, et noon, the proposals for tha (60PJIG0 31 per cent.

Public Perk Loan, payable Jan. 1, 1920. The bide when opened were fonnd to be ss follows: Qntgely, Her. reman ft Tattle, for (50,000 of tho perk loan, per cent, premium; Adame, Blodget ft if hey could received per cent, premium, (110, Brewater, Cobb ft Eatabrook end Blake Bros, ft jointly, (100.09 or 9 cents premium on every (100. The contract was awarded to Brewater, Cobb ft Eatabrook ft Bisks Bros, ft Co.

No bide were received for the (574,000, 81 par cent, miscellaneous loan. PEB80HAL. The condition of Muter Abraham Lincoln shows improvement this morning. Lord Tennyson, who is suffering from an attack of bronchial catarrh, continues to Improve. Mr.

and Mrs. Reuben Grey will give a reception Thursday evening to the members of tbe New England Womens Press Clnb et their home in North Cambridge. Warden Snsrell of the State prison, accompanied by hie wife, started yesterday on pleasure trip tu the South. This is Mr. Russell first vacation since he became warden.

The engagement is announced of Judge Gray ot the New York Court cf Appeals end Mrs. Grace Townsend Turnbull of New York, who resides at Newport, R. most of the year. Hon. Perry Belmont has received the decoration of commander of tbe Legion of Honor, in recognition of hie services to the French republic in connection with the Paris Exposition.

Mrs. BeeenL tin English Socialist, who is soon to arrive in this country. Is a sister of Welter Bessnt, end her influence for good is perceptible all tbruugh her books. She edits a labor paper called the Mite, end hu for years bun associated with Mr. Bradlengh in hie work.

Tbe regimental end company veteran associations of the Twenty-third Regiment of Brooklyn will give a reception to Geueral W. T. Sherman and the Brooklyn members of the military order of the Loyal Legion, Wednesday evening, April 9, which will be th twenty-fifth anniversary of Lee's enrreoder at Appomattox. Tbo reception will ha nt the rooms of the Brooklyn Art Awocin-tion. Methodist Conference nt Lynn.

The Lynn district ot the Methodist connections! convention met nt the Boston Street M. E. Chnrch in Lynn today. Tla serrlcu were opened by devotional exetcieC, led by Rev. James F.

Alien of Nowboryport. Tha convention organized by the choice of Rev. J. H. Mmnaiield of Malden, presiding elder of tho district, as president.

Rev. Ana-tin H. Herrick or Ipswich wu chosen aecretarr. and Rev. Gen rye W.

Mansfield of Gloucester treasurer. Fifty churches arc represented by delegates. Her. Joeeph Rand wood was the first speaker, hia topic being The Womens Foreign Missionary Society nnd tho Work ta India. Ho was followed by Mrs.

Rev. L. D. Bragg of Beverly, wo evoke upon Tho Foreign Its Needs, Our Duty. Rev Charles H.

Farkhuret, D. editor of Zione Herald, spoke on tho Womens Home Miseionety Society, advocating more work among tho Southern negroes. He said two New England could bo populated from tha present negro population, end in 1900 In this country there will be twenty million negroes. If the population of Lynn wore to he wiped out tt oould he replaced in one hundred days by the increase of the negro race during that time. Mrs.

Joseph Mansfield delivered eulogy on the let Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayee. Rev. Fred Woods, D. of Chelsea spoke on temperance.

The morning sxeicieee closed with benediction by Rev. C. n. Smith of Malden. A Steamer In nn lee Floe, Tha British steamer Tynedale, which arrived et Boston todsy, hade savers experience ia aa loo floe while on her passage from Hamburg.

Bbe took northerly eouree and catered Test field of ice on reb. 22, in latitude 46s BP north, longitude 47 west, end remained Imprisoned in tbe loe for three days. Her bow plates were started, causing bed leek In the tore pert of the collia.on bulkhead, which afterwards filled with water. The loe extended the entire length ot the Grand Banka to the northern edge of tho Quit Strenm, for distance of mors than funr hundred miles. While the steamer remained in tbe ice field, fifty or sixty icebergs were discovered, some of them of enormous size.

The crew suffered considerably wlh the intense cold. The British steame' Bnenoe Ayrean also arrived today, bnt took more southerly route, end when In let. 42 16" north, long. 50 30" west, on March 1, sighted some loose ice and several small icebergs. The receipts from internal revenue today were (308,273 ana from cusu me (556,019.

At the Farm Rubber Works, Booth Framingham, 4 notice ia pasted iu tba effect that tomorrow urn calendar and mixing department of the i (totau-Jiabmeut win stall up. This movement wlii giv rniploymeut to some ICO operatives. Ids espec- the other roums will eoua be in operation. TODAYS NEW YORK MARKET. Wall Btbket, March 4 10.3G a.

M. Opening quotations: Chesapeake ft Ohio, 93; Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy, Consolidated Oaa. 95 Delaware, Lackawanna ft Wee tern, East Tennessee 2d preferred, 22 Lake Shore, 104- Missouri Pacific, 72; Northern Pacific preferred, 73 Northwestern, 1071: Pu-lman Pal-aoa Car. 189; Reading, 39; Rock Inland, H9'4; 8L Paul, Gbi; Union Pacific, tt; Wheeling ft Likj Erie, preferred, American Cotton Oil, -Wf New York ft New England, Atch'enn, Topeka ft Santa Fe, 33; Sugar, Lead, 17; Colorado Coal, 431, Southern Pacific, 11 A. M.

There were three active stocks in the market thie morning. Sugar, Union Pacific and St. Paul, and these tbree monopolized a boat all tbe interest there waa in the market, tha remainder Iwing dull and stagnant as usual of lata. There was considerable pressure at the opening again, and first prices were from to per cent, lower than last evening'! final quutatl-iuf, except in a lew linatancea. Bligbt fuitber losses were generally rmtaiced.

ana Bugar, after opening at retired to but the entire niarkn then reasi-cd, and Sugar rose to The other aam shares mere generally brought np to a shade above the opening flgnrea, when too market became intensely dull in all parts, though tho best price were well maintained for tLe remainder of i be hour. Tbe strongest point in the market waa Pullman, wbich was more active than niual of late, and spurted up to Tbe market presented no further feature, and at eleven o'cl irk it wae doll and steady, generally at a shade better than opening prices. Noon. Money on cell has been easy at 4j per cent; prims mercantile puuor, 5a 7 par cant, liar silver is quoted at sterling exchange la quiet and strung, with actnal business iat (tao (4X for aixtv-day bills, and (iMikLH tur demand; posted rates. Ml1, (4 85'.

Ouvern-suent bonus Lava been dud and steady. Railroad bonds have been anil and steady to firm. In tbe stock market after eleven o'clock C.C. C. ft Hr, Louis attracted mot attention among the stocks of tbe regnlar list, on acounnt of Its sodden increase in animation, accompanied bv a corresponding exhibition of strength, and it roe from us to No other stocks, however, showed any movement whatever, and dniness and stagnation continued to lie the only features of rbe traoinr.

Among tha Tracts, Sagar took a back seat wl ile Lead came to tbe front, and on an active business, scored a riw of 1 per cent, to is'. Tbe general market oisplayed mors activity toward tba and ot tbe boar, accompanied by advancing prices, and at noon tbe market was quiet, but strong at the best of fiancee reached. FOREIGN MARKETS. Litekfocl, March 4 12.30 P. 81.

Cotton ie qnlet, with a very small business doing; American middlings. 6 l-16d; sales, 4000 bales; peculation and export, E00; receipts, 35,000 bales American, 30,200. Futures are quiet. American middlings: April ft May, 6 3-oid; May and June, 6 5-61-1 June and July, 6 6-(4d; July and angnst, 6 7-441; August and September, 5C4d; Beptember, 6 5 till September and teiober, 51 C4J. LommiV, March 4.

12 30 P. M. Atlantic ft Great We-tern firsts, 3l Canadian Pacific, 764 Illinois Central, 117's4; Mexican ordinary, 37; Bt. Paul common. 69: New York General, 1004; Pennsylvania, So1 4 Reading, 20'.

Ine rate of discount in tbe open market for sticrt i-illa is 34 4 rr cant. for three months bills, SVi Pr cent- MINING STOCKS. IN ClMing Mebl BAN FRANCISCO. Closlug Closing doling MeliS 1.00 1.46 A25 1.70 MIS 2.66 MehS 3 Hu 3 46 1.80 8.66 4.60 3. HO 8.60 IN NEW YORK.

Closing prices March 3. Asuen 9.0u Home. take-. UoUMMM Lost 43.874 Cbotiar. 2 90 Del Monte 1 UO uanawooa Terre.

test 1A9 El Crleto tees 1-B6 frnifftBd 1.80 uwld A Cnrrr.e 1.B6 Hoekimji OonL. eseeee 16.60 Mebl ti uneen. lain 1.30 Ouhir ssse 4.10 1.60 1 69 HNevada. 9.20 Un'n con 2.40 BAHelet 8-R) Crtkn Ft Cuni'wth 3.96 LAI ir Hue AN Mexican. 7.60 Horn Hiiver 3.85 s.65 Mut Hinelt A Min 1.H5 No U6 Ontario SUSS SSSI6I 89JK) Kuo utter M0 L75 TIIE OIL MARKET.

Reported by F. W. Prescott A 54 Davonshlre street. MONDAY, MARCn 3. PIPE LINE CERTIFICATES.

Closed 12 March 0314 Opened 10 A SdL. Muck ssttssst.Mies 66 lligbeat ean tesetetsessHtseeassssetsiMte'e 96 Cloned FI. a a. a a a a a 94 Closed 18 March 8, 1889 991 Charters. Rons.

Bhlpmte. Crude. Equiv. Feb. 37.

..,.101 .4 4 68.507 Average since 63,191 72,978 37JIM Refined Ml. 7A6e per gallon. COTTON-BEED OIL CERTIFICATES. Opened ...364 STOCKS AND BONDS. ALLEN S.

WEEKS, JSOm 48 CouRresa Street. Member of tho Boston Stash Exchange. Ord are executed lx Boeton. Naw York and "fsr.tlon given lo IHVMTMKNT Itl'CRKTIEL rmMFAOtr WM. FRANKLIN HALL.

New forms designed for books ofaceonnt. sifhinsef sf JasstssaS Bstatm. Globe Bnildlug, No. 34 Washington street, Boston. d93 WM.

0. 00DMAH ft J. 0. FREEMAH, Agwtta for the Fernhsom Bale and Lonelng ml RBAL ESTATE. MOBT8AOII If SOIIATIDi BtnTt1 KILBY ITUR.

SYMPHONY. Wit KENDRICK baa a few CDOICK SEATS for tba CONCERTS FUK BALM forthaeen-aon or TO LET fur eTagla evenings. 81 NT ATM STRUT. HteTAl at do. pref .11 1 Kiumd Pnerfle 72i Minn.

A h. 61a do. pref 121, Ean. A 7 do. ran.6...

71 da 6s 94 Mobile A Ohio 1614 Morris A Iux Mutual Union lulH Nashville A Chart. .102 New Jersey CeutmLl 191 fi. J. a Int. Ill New York 10614 New York A New HJII N.

Y. A N. England. 4414 M. C.

A Hb Louis. Ir, do. pref. CSlj do. N.

Bus. A 7 porfoikAMesi.preL 6114 Northern Pact 3ui, do. pref 731e ao. do. Bda.

Okie A 20 I oo, oral Oatarta Oii Uo Carlo A Woatarm. 17 O-tlM Imp. 44 do. lit lut-i do. 14 (pngou 971 Ja 1st.

(9i Wregon A Irskteos. 351 dc. 9 1W Dragon H. I. 113 Oregon A fj.

N. 93 PoeiB-s 391a Perry Coal. Pnlladei. A Reading 39' dC. U.

X. 4. 641, do. lt pm. 65 Fort Peoria.

D. A IS Pallman lut Qelekatlver 9 do. prat 34 Kick a Allegheny. 31 Rich. A Weal Porut.

Koine. Wat. A Short 4314 Silver 9916 aonthern Paride 30 ho. Pac. Cal.

lit. ...116 t. Louis. A. A T.

H. 38 do. pref 110 HlLa I.M. gen. 6s.

91 Bi.LooliA Ban Fran. 18 do. pref 3 1 do. 1st 68 do. son.

61.P..C.A Pae. In t.118 St. Panl A Duluttu 31 Bt.Peul.Mln. A Man 11 1 lBuf A 31 do. pref 92 Sugar Trett 994 Taun-Coel A 91 least Pacido 19 do.

L. O. Tr. Rett 9i1 do. R.

G. Tr. Rets 38 Texas A R. Toledo Ohio pf 73 Union Pacific 4 do. lata ....1 13 -4 United Btates 88 I tiraA Black Kiver.

Wabash. HtJoA Pnc. 13 dO pfdft.ssaaMsioa 1 1 do. 1st ....1131, WausAfargo West do. prof.

76 West Shore Ss 1C6 Western Union 821 Wheeling A L. rle. 09 Wiseousin 29 Naw 41s, eon pon. 1931 Pacific Si 91 ItS-lie Adame Xiynnlfl Am. Cattle American Exp Am.

Cotton 27 Vi Atlantic A A tcbitaw. 831 Bus. Air Line, Mnininlek 891 kaeh.APttia.. Rapid a A N. Canadian 74 Canada 611 iu.

97 Caafoo. 63 Lentral 10 Central paelfle If Oenuoi PaciSe lsts.1111 Chetapeaks A Okie. 33 do. 1st 69 do. Sd pref 391A MiL A M.

PonL eein dOs prtf iu. A rae. 901 Chicago 160 Oo PTf Chi, Bur. A Cbt. A eo.

.......1411, Oo. euntoit do. dtbenmro 61.11014 do. 12 L. A 171 flo.

prer. Cl Chicago A Lnt 26 ao. pref 72 Chicago oaa 48 Hi. flam. A San.

A C-. C. A BL Louis. (131 ao. pref 97 Cl.

Cm. A in. riev. a Col. Coal 441 Cun soi Ida M4 Coal Cod.

uu Hock. V. A To. 20 Lack. A 1851, Delair ore A 140 D.

T. A FI. W.elf 8l Denver A K-Uranae. 161, do. itta do.

4.,... 7614 do. 44 eat du. pref 47 B.r. a Pae.

l.ta. Diatuct CoL S.66a...l811v East do. 1st pref 7W do, 2d pref 22L Lite t.jji BOa pr(feeseesM. 61 do. t'4 Erta A 17l do.

prof 621 n. Worth A Denier. Green Bay Hocking Coal 151 Houston A Texas. Honietiake 71 Illinois Central 114 III. Coal A uke 80 fnd Hioom.

A West. Iran BU or Kauaas lae. eonsols.1 18 Kan. A D. Dlv.114 Kineslun A 14 Leko Khoro 106 Lead 1814 Lang Island 66 Lonlavlllo A ES LonlsvtUe A N.

Alb. 48 Vacbatia. Manhattan K1 1011 Memphis A Charln. 64 RAILROAD BONDS IN NEW YORK. NOON QUOTATIONS MARCH 4.

Bid. Ool. A Paelfle (la Kansas Pacific cons. 6s iw Missouri, Kansas A Texas 7s do. do.

Certtfleato Ss. 741 do. do. Oertiflcato 6s. 64 Northern Pacific A Montana VI7 Kortberu Pacific 1st do.

3d 6s. EJ do. Mi Northern Pacific Terminal Oregon Improvement ino Oregon Navigation do. 6s Oregon A Transcontinental os Oregon Short Uno Kpokane A Palousc Union Paciiie lit 8a ot tie. 97....

do. 5W do. JIv. do. 8.

F. CHICAGO MARKETS. Reported by Farnnm, Reardon A Co, S3 State street TUESDAY, MARCH 4. 118DP.M. WHEAT.

Opening. Highest. LewesLChLtime Mey 791 781 793 JOB ssostssmsi tsss Jly eessseeesea sews ss 78 771 7i8 CORN. Ittyss3f IUJestM9laMC4l4 8 FORK. 10.10 80 81 89T 03 80 10131 ISlSvS lOJHSli 10.23 Vs 10.171 lo.exva Mw.ti: 9.031' 2-MI 8-021, Jane Sis 9.16 6.14 COTTON FUTURES.

Reported by Lnelnc Beebe Flske Building, No. 89 Btato ctroobj TUESDAY, MARCH 4. Merket ogenedquict. Qootationa we. Aifce(L Merck 11.18 ApriL 11.20 May 11.36 11.81 HUS Ahg seeoee HAS GOVERNMENT BONDS.

Closing CJSS Keb. tT. Feb. 28. MW 4is.

registered 1031 lOSj JSS 41s. epupon 1041, lojjfi I04JJ 4c, restotcrcd 1221 13Ui 11 .,...,1821, 1314 Currency 6, 1808. ...116 119 5 o. 1806.. 118 118, do.

1897.. 120 1201 18J do. 1898 .124 134 IS o. 1291 1291 DULUTH WEE AT. Reported by Farnnm, Rsar MONDAY, MARCH F.

M. Chn-ago A Wnl MiAilen CunsuiMtored ltoUraed uf Varuiuut lit 6s. 66 Detroit, LsniuiR a Northern 7s Kremunt, Pik. A Missouri VaL 1st 6s. Fremont.

Elk.A Mo.Yal. nnstamp. 1st (to KanrssCIty. Port Scott A Memphis 1141a Kansas City. Memphis A Birmingham 6a.

Little Kork A Fort Hmtth L. U. 1st ICO leiftrlilt, Pvansriile A Bt. bnii 2d 2s. 771 M.L-nuls lft Of.

Mexlcwa IVutiml OuifuKttoted 4. (190 extras Central 1st Cons. Inrotue 351, Mexican Central 2d Coua. tammo New York A New Kagtond 1st 7 129 New York A New England 1st New York A New England 2d New England Te'ephona its .....104 Ogdenthurg A Lake Champlain Con. Cs.

Oregon Short Line A Utah Northern 5s. 93 Rutland 2d 6a. WiM-i nin Central 1st 6 994 Witcouiiu Central income 59 Mining Comdinles. Alloa Boston A Butte A Qslumct A Dunkm i Bilver rau lin. m.

Huron Keans rzs Napa juickiler) iiieti Pewahte teecese QwlPCf Mses4nee S4MMSIt4MMI TlDiXICkfititMetae Land Companies. A ipilkVftUwseesceteeesss iifiMitMl $OMM see farMMMII MfMst eeeesei IUfTOB Wftttf FOWCftiiieeassii BrOClkltSf fMilSII4M(M4Mt4 BPttOOf, iiiMMieMMI OOOI LlBOiMft Mti Diltttfatssiseeesseei Mftvertek.e.aa PtJIM MIMtMMM Topeka so 4 0(t ILSdessa MMiRm MMMfriMfftll WlBtOT iitfbOfseeiMeaM MMN( KffO TelCpIiOBOtseeie fMMM(HMMiMi Troplrffil TolophoBOrtssfisssta tar Hetter Company Lamson Consol. Btore Berviee Co Reece Button Hole Company Unlisted Securities. Thomson-Houston Electric Ik son-Houston Electric Co. Thouuon-Houitoa Trust (Hariea Tbomsou-Houstou Trust (Herte D).

Thomson European Elect. Welding Co. Weetlnehouso Elect rle Company American Pneumatic Tool M1 132 115 100 100 ont. 85 22 1291 117 107 1KI 101 931 97 27, 141 255 25 a 13 3i 250 24 .90 13 8 41 (M 159 SS li I ooee JM 1 24 .70 25 71 6 9 190 3:,4 S4-a 33 .30 274 20 BU 25 a 624 "U5 123 4 130 43 31 2 60 Bay Bmta Gas Company IlliLols Steel Company. Massachusetts Pulsion Telephone Bngac Refineries Company Ex-Div.

35 a mo oiiti LEADING NEW YORK STOCKS. MONDAY. MARCH Cluslng Closing Closing Feb.87 Fetots Mehl Closing FlchS 621 681 79 1031 128 72 6614 Am Cot head Oil Oert. Mto Canada Hou thorn 6216 Canadian Paciiie 741 Chi. Bar 10246 Uhl Abstain Illinois.

71 73 CU. MllABt Paul 6 (34 ChLStFauLMinnAOm. 8 1 B1 Chi NPithwnsMsiL. 1(1716 ClavAfinJtal 671 971 Col. Hocking VA Tol.

20 S3 as 1st .69 do Sd 88 Consolidated Uaa 96; China go 46-us Del, Lock A 1361 Delaware AHudaon. ..1491 Ft Worth A Dan Ills Titinots Lane 1044 Lana ErlsA 171 uo 86 Manhattan Ele .103 Mtontgan Central 4 93 Missouri Paelfla 731 Mo. Kan A Texas scones 61 Nash A Chattanooga .102 New Jersey 120 New York .10916 KYjAke 29 NY. 171 New 43Yp Northern 801 do 7316 NortelkAWestem, pf.6i Nattoonl Lead Trust -17 Ohio A 20Vs Oregon Imurovsmsnl 45 do. 9S Oregon KA Navlgatn.

981 Ore Transcontinental 844 OregooShLA Uab Pscifle MaU 361 Phil A Reading 8Mi oilman 'a Pal Oar Do 187 Riehmd A WPT TerI. SOI do 771 Bt Louis A bn FMn. J8 do ..881 do 1st prat 88 StPtnl.MlnnAManba 11 1 Surer Trust 611 Texas Peed fie 191a Toon 6816 Westarn m' Wheeling A Arlo.pt1 68' WlseouainCent. 28' PipaUneCntif. J99 BUL tExrdiv.

831 88 261 6214 6716 891 81 90 10714 68 97 20 9.1 881 9616 466 1861 148 sulk 116 1041 17 9216 848 sees 96 7146 10 109 1201 10816 251b 1716 is 74 97 894 81 91 1071 so 231 594 68 9616 451 1341a 1481 8116 1181 1041 17 6216 90 SO 91 1077s 681 07 90 23 591 681 961. 46" 1664 ls9 813 114 1044 17 62U 1016 102 1301 10U Ml 251 17 4M SO 73 6114 171 301 44 93 971 341 481 8914 8014 18916 801 78 IS 871 88 111 664 191 IS 834 074 in 1911 98 716 10 103 120 1091 6 1 17 44 808 7316 7314 614 8116 5 am 45 44 96 93 9816 971 841 841a 4816 44 8616 881 4 891 8916 186 188 Vs 801 901 76 78 19 4 18 8814 871 88 88 111 1111 61 9416 191 19(4 68 901 861 64 13 1216 sr S8 2816 DIVIDENDS. Central Car Company (quarterly) (2 per share. Nape CmiaoHdeted Quicksilver Mining Com-peny (qnerterly) ten eente per ehnre. to 17, both days inclusive..

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