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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 11

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ELEVEN NEW CASTLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1922. MOONLIGHT PARTY AT PARK. More Holders Of Bull Calf Stock. Big 6-Day Bargain Festival ill at his homo on North Cedar street since April is showing some sitfns of improvement. With some assignee ho is able to take a few steps about tho house.

He is gaining strength dally and can say a lew words. ROAD CCttrPLETKD SOON, With favorable weathor conditions the new highway that Is being mads from this city to the village of lit. Jackson will be completed on next Saturday. The work of layine An event that interested a number of young people, from the Seventh ward was the moonlight party held last evening at Cascade park. Those present wore Georgia.

King, Valette Hogan, Cordelia EdingtOD, Thomas Solomon, Burl Bush and Oeorge Nle- Children Get Many Got Yours Yet? Books At Library! Kerson. IMPROVING FROM ACCIDENT. free: S. H. Crocn Trnditiff with rrvcry Richard Clark, who was painfully Bigger and Greater Bargains Every Day FREE I Tickets to every man and woman vLsif lnp our store.

A ijMWO.OO ruro Bred Jorsey Cow will be fflvon nwny free to the lucky ticket holder. Interest on the' part of the gen injured last week; while at work at "tvard Branch Report Is the brick on the Mt, Jackeon hill is Intoriwtinc Vows Notes of about fInl3hel3 and lc is expected that "rnS OI everything will he ready lor the open- SovcmfJi Word I ins of the highway on Saturday, Aug- the New Castle Rubber plant, is im eral public the Milk and Ice Fund proving. Mr. Clark had his fingers of this city, by means of which needy families and sick babies, are provid on both hands severely oruiseo. ana the nails torn from some of them when his hands were caught In the machinery.

He has been removed The news road for tra by the residi ed with these necessities, Is on tho increase. An evidence of this Inter- of the opening of this fel will be well received who live in the corn-city- The detour road Bnenango vauey nospitai Is shown, by tho manner in the ho 1 ch shares in the Bull Calf, which While this Ad. is going to press, our store is crowded with customers from all over the county. Many wise shoppers have visited NEW CASTLE'S BUSIEST SHOE STORE and are toing home WELL PLEASED WITH THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS THEY HAVE PURCHASED. If you have not been here yet, come tomorrow, and bring your friends.

It will pay you. ad condiUi Mr.qiark In being disposed of for the bei with a steep bank chased hy the' People Of City Ylelnity. Many of the Juvenile hooka taken out during the summer from the Mahoning brunch of tho New Caatlc lihrary arc by tho small Italian children who h.ivo cultivated the Kreatost Interest In the reading of books. These boys trirls many of them who never hear a word of English apokan at home areonly too "a-gor to bo ablo to speak and to road tho English language and are among tho first when the library opens On Tuesday afternoon to co- They all have tholr favorite books by some of the most Interesting writ- Latest sales rf shares in the Bull senting one share where not otherwise designated; Oscar L. Jackson QUEEN SEWING CIRCLE.

Mrs. H. H. McComb of West Clayton street will be hostess Thursday ifternoon to the members of the auoen Sowing circle. 1 WILLING WORKERS MEETING.

The regular monthly business' and ioclal gathering of the Willing Wbrk-rs will ho held this evening at the TAYLOR REUNION AT PRINCETON Many residents of the Taylor family residing In the Seventh ward expect to attend the third annual reunion which will be held at the home of Thomas Taylor or Princeton on Wednesday, August 2. Camp, Sons of Veterans Mrs. EI- da JS. Glaeser, Westfleld, N. J.

W. Cox, Now Wilmington; Or. E. Kaplan George Wyman: Helen onclusion or the mid-week -prafyer son; K. it, potter -U.

Mi Uleason; 3unt: It. Jameson: Mrs. West- the Mahoning Presbyterian WILT. RETURN FROM CAMPING Blaine Bumbaugh of Sixth street church. lake; Henry Mills; Laura Shaw; C.

P. Shaw; J. Norrla 2. nre always a delight to any boy or girl. PI.AX FOR PICNIC ON FRIDAY.

The members of the Mabel Wilson Negro Knife-Wielders lodge mot Tuesday afternoon for their SEVENTH WARD PERSONALS. Mrs, Frank Nugent and' children of Lafayette street are visiting friends in Cleveland. George Meyer of Madison avenue has returned from a two week's visit with friends at Sparrow Lake, Can. Pauline Kramer: of Cleveland, ts the guest of Miss Helen Woods of North Cedar street. Wound Detroit Men: ward fire department will return thi latter part of the week to assum his duties at the fire station on nexi Monday.

Mr. Bumbaugh accompan led by his wife and family have beet enjoving a camping trip at Kennedy'! Mills'. ItECOVERINGIN HOSPITAL Walter Lavender of North Libertj street is recovering from injuries received about two months ago at the playground of the Shenango Tin Mill when he fell from one of the StrHce-Brcakcrs Plu-nRo Knives Into regular meeting in K-nights or. ir'ythias hall and the regular routine of lodge work was carrier! out. At the business meeting plans were made for the holding of a picnic on Friday afternoon at Cascade park.

The event win include the lodge members and their husbands and families. Dinner win be served, MAYOR JSARNKiS SXpIOHTLT IM-FROVBT). Mayor A. Barnes who has been Picket Who Ask Them To Dr. F.

W. Guy of North Liberty street motored Tuesday to Boaver Falls where he spent the day with Quit Work friends. Joseph Agan returned Monday EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE OF 850 PAIR OF WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE WHITE REIGN-SKIN OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS THAT WERE MADE TO SELL AT $5.85 AND $6.45 FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $2.50 As a special contribution, in order to make this the most talked about event forVthe Economy Shoe Shop, two Boston manufacturers have donated this lot of oxfords and slippers, with actual loss to them. Before you decide on any white footwear, we ask you to come here and look at the wonderful bargains have to offer you. Many customers will buy two and three pair, as it is really the biggest bargains we had in years.

White Reignskin Cloth Oxfords, with white ivory soles and rubber heels. White Linen one or two strap Slippers with covered Cuban or low heels. White Washable Kid Pumps with full Louis heels. White Cloth with patent or plain leather trim Oxfords or Slippers In complete range of sizes 2yz to 8, AA to wide. swings, severely fracturing one of ime 3nal No i Service) DETllOIT.

Julv 2 6. Police his logs. He is etill confined in the been spending several weeks, to his homo on Madison avenue. ancis Gallagher of North Lib-street continues to imnrove in the Sheoango Valley hospital. Mrs.

FranK Masters or. South Liberty street spent today in searching (or two negro railroad strike breakers who stabbed Frank Such, 30, and Norman Maurer last night. Both the men have serious abdomen wounds, but have a pood chance to hospital aiitliori- Accordlng to Maurer and Such, the negroes drew knives and lunged at them wl'Bi they were asked to he and quit their "You go to tho devil." was the re- -tsburgii. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Witherow of ANOTHER NEW CASTLE LADY SPEAKS OUT PRAISING DRECO Mrs. Cohens Says It Does All That Is Claimed Tor It, And More. Both She And Her Husband Greatly Benefitted: Ellwood City, aro the guests of rionos here. Mrs. Lucy Fallon who' been isltidg for two months at the home Mrs.

J. P. Avery of Wabash avo-ue left this moraine for her home going to keep them," In MoKees Rocks. Aiicrv words fel owed in re mark and the negroes drew knives; and stabbed the men and fled, Frank Kennedy, Charles William Phillips and Frank Morris Tho majority of people do not the uteatly Increase of stomach are spending todav oungsti Mr. and Mrs.

C. J. Haggerty of East Clayton street are visiting rela tirr. of stomach trouble and constipation. I had to take laxatives every night or surfer tho next day.

My stomach filled with Ea3 aftor eating, I had heartburu and fchortness of breath and my nerves kept me from vuble. There's hardly a family but lat'some member suffers from It in one form or another. It 3s stranee tives in un (Jity ana franklin. Mrs. David Bender of West CI Butler County Has Easy Mark Same As Lawrence County ton street is spending some time at tna: wcue stomach disorder is one sleeping.

"My- husband and I both had spell of sickness last year leaving Mt, Jewett, Pa for the benefi her health. WOMEN'S LOW CUTS AND SHOES. VALUES FROM $3.50 AND $5.00, WHILE THEY LAST in a badly rundown condition from which we. recovered very slowly. Be Catches Over Million tween us, we have taken seven bot tles of Dreco and the Improvement is July added to the table of out from our regular low heols, in all lea- BUTLEF.

1 nmazins frulllb: astonishing. of our commonest diseases It Is the last recognised by sufferers who content themselves by "doctoring" tho symptoms while the real disease may bo undermining their health. If these symptoms are neglected more serions sickness may be expected. They aro Nature's signals than something Is wrong and should be heeded. The object of Dreco, the great herbal remedy is to correct stomach disorders and many people are daily testifying to it's 'marvelous powers in Flies In Six Weeks My constipation is, gone, am iree $1.00 ors-.

fn Butler and Butler County, longing to leap into the millionaire of gas and heartburn, I sleep sound nave a gooa appeuio. me mi- class by quick and easy methods, and i Kk. thers, all colors, all sizo bi iMjfr from 24 to $. also reels much better and rests well thout troubling to Investigate, was every night. Both ol us gladly testl- illustrated this week wb en.

oily extreme cases. For Instance, Mrs. J. CP-resent two Oklahoma corporations Freddie Reider of Pollock avenue is 'doing his share toward ridding the city of flies. Freddie has trap in which it is claimed lie has" caught over one million five hundred fliea In the past six weeks.

-Catching the flisK seems to be easy for him. it's tire than is claimed for Dreco is being specially introduced both said: to be questionable, gather- by McKee's Kut Rate, 21 All bargains for women and children mil bo on sale very day this woek ilw Day Bjirpain Festival until lots are sold- out. For details, pltrimo. sec Monday afternoon's news- id" up in stocK eaies ana were inly prevented -from maklne a big is. Cohens of 818 Beeklord 'Street.

New Castle, who's husband is a vosselman at the steel mill said: "For several years I've been a Tic-. PLEASE NOTE! everywhere. Special price. the counting of them that takes ger by prompt action an the. part of a prominent banker and Federal officer, Investigation by these two men revealed the tact that The Greek church has alwas's kept four Lente, distributed Quar terly throughout tne year.

ffoungrtown's Dependable Btcrow IOUNGSTOWN. OHJO. less of a bold stock selling dwindle and they were able to warn most ol the investor? In time to save part or all of their money. Some of the stock was bein'g sold here for $15 a shave, Which" was later found to have a market value about five cents a share. The stock salesmen, confronted witb'the facts and under threats of criminal prosecution If the money not returned, took good advice llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CASTLES MOST POPULAR SHOE STORE NEW Garbage Collectors Threatening Strike $1.19 seamless bag, full two-quart capacity.

Three hard rubber pipes, threaded, Larpe siKe rapid-flow tubing, five feet long. This syringe Is guaranteed for one year and is worth much more than the special price, Kl.lO. i ri'i DETROIT Mich. 2G, Health Borah's Measure Would Nationalize and sanitation of this city is threatened by a strike of practically the entire force of the city's garbage collectors drivers. Two hundred U.S.Coal Industry ana urty-ronr or ine sou men dii Job are out protesting against a cent cut in their waces from a day to 5.

The garbage collectors (Tntematlono.1 Xews Service) WASHINGTON July 'Jo. Nation affiliated themselves with the, American Federation of Labor. alization ol government coatrol the nation's coal industry is tho pur Storv Opposite Hv Cattio Dry Good Co lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll CERTAIN HATS FOR WOMEN pose or a. bin introduced in tao senate todav bv Senator Borah, Repub lican. Idaho, chairman ot the S3nate labor committee.

The hill provides ths creation ol a united Mum commission to deal with all ipecta of tho cnal situation. SPECIAL to WOMEN thm neat Economical, Chanting-, Hulitif Antliwtlc ii Pennsylvania Railroad After the bill was referred to Bor-fth'e committee, ho called meeting of the IfUler tor tho purpose of securing early on the measure and to make a preliminary investigation of tlio coal and railroad tie- TONIGHT! AND ALL THIS WEEK SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE CASTLE SEVEN ASCADE PARK Ride to the Park Dance at the Park Same Tickets 8 For 50c A par white diBiolvad in watar Hi ncd. Is nothing liko it for treating inflammation. rrig-ht ni iijulmm mid pn-r Mid fralrbt car lnipotor and cu oljm. Applloftt rport to Bnptrta- tarib, lora throat, lnflaraad yea or to whltan-tbo tettu Men Bay "it Ii worth w.ight In lo purify (bo braath aitar smoking." AtDruggiM or rjoatoaid Jam box, tndUt' Olfifl.

303 Wm ton Haw Castle, Pa- up. 'Thia mciiEii is not intonded to deal Willi the present immediate condition with reference to the coal industry. I should not want that impression to ohr.nJn," Borah explained. "The present situation Is being handled by another department of the government. The bill has for its purpose, however, tho preparation, of legislation which may bo necessary in order to deal with the coal Industry in tho future." NOW REDUCED TO S3.75 S5.75 $8.75 Probably you know our policy in regard to S-H Millinery no matter how pretty and worthy Hats may be, if for any reason they do not sell within four weeks, we bid them a cordial good-bye by re-pricing them so low that their speedy exit is assured.

We have about 75 in this collection all and thoroughly desirable, in sports and dressy types. Mighty fine for women to finish the summer with, especially in cases where one's present hat no longer retains its appearance Tha Comfort Mm Railroad Strikers Are Sworn In As Policemen of attractive newness. (International Kows Service) ORESTUNE. Ohio. Julv 25, NOTICE Parenti Stockholders meeting wi.l be held in Council Chambers Thursday evening, July 27th, 7:30.

Come and hoar the latest report from Buffalo. (Signed) Committee, Old IJldfC.) (TliirtI nx For Good TEA anc COFFEE GRAND UNION TEA CO. West Wualdngton St. Probably for tho first lima in history atrlldne railroad men havo boon sworn in as special policemen. Mayor Milton C.

Rood hero has members of the different classes bo appointed, railroad non who walked out of policeman hour shift tho Mayor irk eight-un tablet to olice. appointed ten of tho striking Pennsylvania railroad shopmen aa motn- Lhe Crestline shops July 1 last. They and are arc will aid the local police in Kovern- and Chief of the strike situation in tiiP crest-o district. vliig without pay, hut eworn to In YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. fvnl port and MU Oil or Promptly Fined AOOrtm Mall Order Burraa.

observe and protect property riRhte. In tho i Wilt flr.lalH tlK-L- ten i from araonj the levol-hcnd- -oad Bhop workers.

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