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Boston Evening Transcript from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOSTON EVENING T11ANSC1UPT WEDNESDAY; FEBUUAUY 25, 1857, MHIIHII It II MUM BY TELEGRAPH EVENING TRANSCRIPT. Mklbosi. The Mathodtoto of Utlroaa have nanrir yntotod th float sharab edifies to that tows. It rianat apoa tha mats theroughhra, ta Adi view Jbswhqta village. Jleoataiua 3Q qipjhl bIrSS CmIIs IK1 Wakav joit asaaritatarad and ksvt ia sm for tha fig rtag Trad, a moat axeallast atetk af BUSINESS OU OFFIGl 00X181 different ityles ud material, for sau st towaat prtoas He sab.

Dbalxbs ix Oasoaxa Publication! Firrd. In the Municipal Court, on Saturday Burning, W. D. Palfrey, A. M.

Loutalla, J. JDyar, and William U. Hlmuaon, who were Indicted for exposing fbr sale obscene books and prints, retracted their pkm of not guilty, sod pleaded nolo eon-tendere. Palfrey and Loutelle were fined WO each, and costs; Dyer and Simpson, I'M each and costs. They were further ordered to find surotlo In $900 each for their good behavior.

A correspondent complains loudly of this sentence, and although he admits that then may have been mitigating circumstances, ha thinks that they ought to be spread before the public. We agree with lilm that the olfouce Is one of the greatest that comes before the minor courts; and while persons for slmplq iMMUltf QC A trifling thefts an sent to House of Correction, a punishment equally severe ought to be given to one who deliberately sella obscene publications any one of which to enough to corrupt whole school. Any fothcr would Infinitely profor to have hi boy robbed or severely assaulted, to having one of these detestable book or prints put Into bis hands. Tho fiftio of inch tiling Is the meamt offence known lo the law; It Is, moreover, committed In secret; It Is with gnat difficulty exposed; hut whon the police do forrotout the guilty, they ought to be made to foel the full ponalty of the law. There la a strong foeling in the community that the administration oT criminal law needs a thorough overhauling.

UMIBLATURM. SBrM'M vu avixixa tramoript. Wbbxbsoat, Fb. M. HATB.

fisssfr.mrt rt 11. Frenrby the Cbaplsln of tlw House. Tbe jonrnsl wu read and approved. Fa-pen from Uio other breach paawd In conanrrenM. feoroogtlw peilllisis presented and roforrsd wu ou i tbu orelwstar Avsns Usllroad for psnnto-ifeu to build another truk lu iwrtain streets.

Tho Jury bill wm dhsiwuid it grunt length by Msssre. Btono ofltaxx sud Hoar of Worsestar. HOCIfi. Ptuttaa presented were inmer- M.tmtprlBoipsllyfuaid. Ous wu prsaeutod from Hu.Mr.Hrtmy,1 ahaptals ofthe Mtets Frtooa, for -J1 Itwynisreja Ow Boston Ksnzu Cemps-y, nd tho rseulre aulborfaing tha Treasurer to bar-rwmpnuy In autldpeilou of ths wronito, wow pu- YJY? to the umwdmnt of so to soastltute the Lluut.

Govern-arFNsident, Uw Hsnstsi that surveyors of highways, of lumber, of wood and bark, and iokl drirsri suvarallytakt in ostl, providing fora oopy of tho pay roll of the servlets or tho mUHtato tlw war 181816. IMMXUwarepreasnted-Uiat It to Inespadtoat to IrgMuls In rotaflwi to embeuiement by inoliotwin 4krai swlartlrwlo nqxol of tho Insolvent tows; that Uwltonnta bill to repeal an uet concerning suits agatart axMuton and adadutotretore ought uot to mw; that It Is im.Xprdlenltolrgislatooiioernlng em-plnynwnt of travailing ignis Inf insurance eompaotas; bill to eutfaorto tie Huitoa luhusrin and wrecking Company to china its ume and toeruau ns up-ill) stock; a bill totsemptssrtalnarttolu from attachment anil execution i a resolre authoriilng tlw exseo-tor of tlw lata Kpltnuw I'm body to ull oartsln rail trills el tha tosutar: Mil In addition to acta fix tha relief Inaolvsiit deUors, aad tha more equal distribution of their efibet. Ar order wua paired sal kart-is the CommtaahMwre of In-arauco to report the ooudltion of tlw Loan Fund Associations la Uw Htrte, iu print. lbs ontare of tlw day were taken up, and, no tbo bill concerning tlx repesl of certain seta relating to Crsoni nndor srnteoM of death coming np ta courts, r. Murblu, of Boston, ked toava to withdraw hto motion to substitute lbs bill originally presented tn tlw Konata, and Uw asst ion of passing tlw amended Mtnata bill to a Uihd reading wa debated daring tlw No dial actioo wu bod.

Bomxrvilu Inna. The buetsssa proopMts of the thriving end bsestifel suburbia Iowa of BosmtvIII wars never bsttar fosnattba opening ef tbs present season. Faraway years past It has baas qsita eata-bratad for tbs vast quantities aadeoaailMt quality of building atoitob yrsfiaead within Ms border tha bottom lend tore Ming superior brisk thy, while tire several hills are ribbed with valuable sioas led gee. Upwards of adorn firms and IndlvUnato are extensively to gaged is tbs mauulaatare of bsret brick) and to high a reputation has tbo ortlels asqslred that tho dewed sxaesdi Iks pemlblllty of luppijr. Taylor'a Ledge," of sabstantlal elate stone, which was Drat opened toms (wanly years age hr Ike passage of the Lowell Railroad, stUI yields bsadsotfia returns, and I worked to thugs gaagof saea aider foe skllfol direction Mr.

Warren l'ollsrd. Tbs town owns tem ledges, from which tbs hill streets in preserved from wishing and kepi lu good repair. About 00 lulkllsp were erected la various pstfa ot the torn daring tbs past year, aad the tepid addition of poyalitim will require orrMMndlni Id-en as la the umber o( dwelllags the psent season. Th fit pNmlaaut hills rmpeet, Winter, Central, Spring, sad Walnut afibrd lbs moat charming sites for elegant reside ness, smbnelug a wide VkW Of the samwadhig country, cad hraodilng eligible positions for the best display of villa srehlleetura lu all Its taslefel ormagulfiomt variety. Laud is oblalMibh at one-third to oasdulf cheeper rales titan la any other locality witlila (lire miles of llooton, thofluret lots selling at from 7 to 18 cants per square foot, or MIOO to MOW) by the sere.

Bat the several ptojrafed Urns Of hum ntirvnd, wttll tilt Him steam railways and three omnibus 11 on which already travsire tbs town, will probably soaa causa a rapid rise ia reel sststs of ill deseriptiuns. Tbs Middlesex lions Railroad has Just boon grouted location fbr Its track from Charlestown through Washington and Milk streets to Porter's Hotel at North Cambridge, with tho understanding that tlw rued shall to flubhod by September oral. Ulna the eensai of 1830 the town has more than doubled Its valuation! In regard to puldta schools, Boaurrllte appears to great advantage is Uis recent repart of tha Haeretory oftlie Hoard of Education, bath Air tlw litoral amount of money appropriated aad the foil ti tendance of pupils. la tocos respects heads tlw list ot towns in Middlesex county, and toeaetlled by eouiparstlrtljr few throughout tbo State. Tlw nambrr of its schools at present to 18 com prising nine prlwiry, three In-himodtoto, one mixed, four grimmer aad one high school.

Lest Friday tlis unatl exhibitions of tlw Grammar Schools oonuasneed with tbs Fruklla School, which to under tlw charge of that most worthy mao and exes! lent teacher, Mr. George T. Mttlefleld, whose emineuee an instructor of youth Is only Miami led by tlw A igA stood which be tokos among his follow-towuswen. Tlw exercises of his school exhibition foruMied enotber proof of bis well-directed efforts end ofthe hearty eoAjirrstiou ofthe parents. A Sue new rehoul house, capable of omihu modeling several hundred children, to now being erected In tbo en-di-rly pert of the town, nt a eust of sosm SISJMO.

1 he brick Engine House and Armory oa Washington street, completed In at a corf of MWU, glvee excellent nccomniudoltoui for thorn esteemed cittern ereuelutlaus. Somerville Engine Co. No. (, and tlw Momervllle Light Infonlry bulh of which are superior organisations in their respectirs deportments. TbeSretogiiwIs tlw largest sad most powerful one, we believe, In this vicinity.

It is remark-able fort tint no building within tlw town hot toon on Die since the II ret of September last. Tlw Liglil Cnpt. Francis Tuns, had a social reunion in tbelr new armory, last Monday retting. The armory was finely decorated for the occasion, and Gilmore's superb hud uf tn pieces furnished llw music fur dancing. Sergvsuts II.

Osgood sod K. II. Mnuroe, sud Corporal C. II. Halley, were tlw Boor nwosgers, and the ofibir passed off rery pleasantly to the Isrge pony present.

ha A mrrteea Brass ube Works, (tbs only estals-llrhmeul of the kind in this country.) the ttomerville Hieacbery, nailer the superintondenoe afCspt. lleury A. tiuow, the rxtcnslre Glaaa works of Messrs. Houghton A Co tosrther with several odsor suusfsrtorirs, are all doing good business. But ws cannot further particularise.

In every aspect tiomsnlllcbiin bright took for the fotare. Mm. McMahon, the Dramatic Moxoxaxiao. Fortunately for our time and patience, we were not present at the drbat of this lady on Monday erenlug; and we should not Iwrt attended tlw theatre last ere. ntuff, had nut that ntl-powerful motive cariosity (which doubtless taaneuced a large pvrtlua of the audience) tempted ns to witness her seUag.

and Judge for ourselm whether tlw severe criticisms ofthe New York papers were Justifiable. We found tlwm, nine, too true in most particulars, sod Mb but on out of Justice to the profession, and of genolne ktadarao to the lady to reiterate tot feet that she haa entirely mistaken her vocation. Tbs theatre wu half full tlw lady was Ihvorably received, bst htr attempt to play Lady In the great comedy of School for Bcandil," signally aad utterly felled. Oh to not uninteresting in sppaaianca, thongh hr from being beautiful; she possesses Intelligent ecnatenanec; her features ore mill, bat quit expmsirs; the to ot lady like dcBMeaor, and dresses with tuts; ths is remark ably esir-puNNed while on tlw stage. It to cold that she adopted the life of an actress from aa uncoo-trollable love for the stage, forgetting the difference hich exists between a devoted lover uf sit sod asuo-eeeefol vrtiet- Her voice is thin and anwasicel, her elocution very Imperfsct, her pronaaeisUoa of many femillar words execrably bad.

and tor gutnrea wild and ungracefrl. Tat tocaa faults, some of them owing to inexperience, would be freely overlooked, if a ni 5f genius, cr any Indication uf talent, wore apparent In tor conception or execotloo. Were sbo a poor and fries diem woman, ctrivlog to attain an honorable position In the theatrical profemiea, wa ibottld regard bar in a diflkrant light; thongh acre toe under those unfavorable clrouaistaneei, we donbt If aha would Lo allowed to appear before the public. But when awn wealth, unaccompanied by qualities that command general respect, to potent In Nearing a public exhibition, ss In this Instance, Art is dsbsssd, and tbs press should protest against tbo dssw ration. Tho different membsn of tho stock company appeared to great advantage la comparison with ths Uttrr-miutd aipinnl: they all exerted themselves, aad play-ad with spirit John Gilbert's Blr Frier Teazle" is beyond all prshs a finished and delsotable piece of acting to to Identified with tho part, and tlw part Is identified with him.

Mr. Bolton, Mr. Hoaaldsoa aad Mr. Curtis are worthy of tha hlghHt ccmowndation. Tha life-like and ipirited portrayal of Trip" by Mr.

Davenport gained fix him a hearty round of applause. The audience were in excellent humor, and seemed more aonued than provoked. Wo observed that but few or the old theatregoers present were able to sit through mors than one seen to which Lady Teazle appeared. That which made tlw unskillful laugh" cannot but mikt the Judicious griers;" sad wo trust never stale to wltaam Mr. Dcaato McMahon upon tho boards of tlw Boston Theatre.

Mr. Beau's Will. It to avident that Mr. Sears has provided sbandantwork fix the seartand ths profession and la bis will be hu loft a legal monstrosity which may svextuxlly rival tha com ofTbalasaoo and soma others which hays required tho adjudication of tlw Courts. It is Tory surprising to tuny persons that, though the testator requests that hia executors shall noth required to give any other or greater bond than the Jxdge of Probate shall think beet, there Is no provision exeasing the seme individuate from giving bonds as trustees and ttwreJore bond must be required of three sufficient to cover the amount of tha treat fends aad tbelr probable accumulation fix yean to coma.

Tha communication of Roe" on the flirt page suggests the witty remark of a legal friend, who, upon being told that Mr. Beers prldad hhnsalf upon never having paid money to lawyers during hla lift, replied, that, if it ware bad to hi will left them a war nf ftialt. Nxw Music. Mr. Olhrer Dlteon, lUWatoington street, has Just published the following mask eom-poritioni: noctorno, fix the piano, by B.C.

Blodgett; Tbo Bore Endows," from so unpublished open, by John Howard Wright; Tha Bird and the Angels, poetry by J. I- Carpenter, mneio by John Blackley. Thb to Dreda song, at ung to the play, founded on Hr. Btowel xovsl, now parflxmed at Klmbolli Haaonm. Were Merry Glpaay Band, duett, and Bo tho Merry Flossarffhnr Dancing," song, both from Vordi's opsreofLatM-vista, tmlng twoNre.

of tlw Open Boris, with ItaUaa and English text Fima. Tlw alarm at 10 o'clock tart srealng was caused by tho toning of a load of hoy which some unsophlrtleated countryman bod tall standing in Hay-market square and seas city rogue took cocortoa to fire. Damage probably BS. Tbo police cxtingalrtwd fir at No. 7 Ibatetor court without ereating on alarm.

Ext. Mm. Fijixkt will preach to Park street Ghireh this (Wednesday) evening, nt 7J o'clock. Bafajeot: Tbo prlda of thtae haart hath dead red thou" Tha public are Invited to attend. Divoxcxa.

At tbs Baprama Court to Dedham, tart week, Jndga Bigelow dsoreod about a dost bill of dlvosea, all fix criminal eaaare. Family rriitioiu to Norfolk county made fl bad show fog sstaglt term of tlw court. TO TSI Boiton Dails Coming THIRTY-FOURTH CONSRKM- Waxuixotox M. Hlorekl sad Honor Tssren today ototr oredsotials, and were received by Uw Mtaletcnraspectlvoly from Hulls auS bleat re ItKATB. 1 ThseonahtontloB of tlw Telsgraph biU Amotion to portpoMtffi '-toitb of March wu asg- HOUIfi.

TudhcuHcd.011 km of M. A. Gilbert Nxw Tonx.Ktli. Naicsaox, from Liverpool 4th Inst, ar-- Ink morning. Mho oueoastered revere wsatlwr I voyaffo, so wires to 1st.

LM loo. 10, hud one of lwr engines trebled. Tax I2'UysTjtR This l. The fllijbastor exsmi-nstlaa srss teen mod retarder. Tlw ikifense promised to nrodae deed of transfer from Fermln Farrar, Col.

Kinney and Col. Fslwas, ssti ruing a largo Interest In tbo Husqulto grant to A. F. O. Nicholson, uf tlw Washington L'aiua, Fktober Webster and kidney WaMtftfi Tun TAHirr.

(Corraspondree of tho Herald.) WbriiariM. MiA. Tho tlriff bill, it It pawwd the House, Iws bean reported book by Uw Plus no Com-mlllM, with eevoral email nmeoUnumt. IJureed to pis red on tho free lint, and si us takes off, Tbo sclitd-Uire rt MO per cent, and 40 reduced to 'r and lehodulM 6, and II urs rs-auer ouo-lftb. Mr.

Hunter, tlw chairmen of the Fiuenre Committee, will offer subatitata on his own impouaiUlity tomorrow, preserving schedules A and sa ta Uwilo- hill, but red Being schedule! I), tad onrefijurtb, and aad omhMUi. '1 liui. schedule ia reduced to 28 percent.) DtnlS; 4jpr eout. Kiw ilk sud awuulkrtured flax to go oa ths foe IM. It uudentood that tho nwmhere Impllented by ths luvwtlntlag Coin it tea will reeh demand repents trial before tlw ilonso, which will more than consume Hie masluder of the rereiuo sonmquently, tlw up.

jnrortalkm bills, sud all other kgtoisliuu will go by Wasuixotox, Mth. fi. Ropnsun Court. No 144-Jolm MoCol-tough it si. Gournaey T.

Roots rt al. Argument for jitoititifeoueludi-d. No. 147 Albert Hallord at al. e.

Pbllip F. Thomas, collrelur. Argued by Mr. Kchelley fix pluintilfe, and by ths Attorney General lor defeudauL Creel ati, 25th. Fkimkt.

Tlw Waboah river to higher here than It lire bvn rlnee tlw great flood of 1844. Great dnmags to dime oa tlw llliiiuisside, bridgri, roads, feueM, being retied away. MAnuKrn. Hew York, frith. Asliee grm Iota 7 fit 7 76: IVerlaf7t2.

CottoaquM. Flour 6o oaaler; alii TliAbbla; common torlreiglit Mtst 8 16s486; I'liperUko fik0ui44l eommao lo good Ohlooxtro IS 104 extra Gcnnw 7 Bio8 50: Mnatlwra easier. What quits firm aalre I'MM) bush SI Louis whits 1 t. Oats I wavy aslre 4b0 bavli NUtc 4HafiO Wret-ern IBuU. Com loarrr: astoatol.toMbusb; mixed 7U 72.

hi sl ure, yellow 7172 new, 7172 old. iurk better: solo CbO bids; nuan fill 2122 CO; prime 40. Beer firmer; mle mem llslfi; prime Pull. Lard firm sole first bfatost Wlitrkey tourer; isles 250 and Priwa 28a28J. Krerus.

New York, Wb. blocks falghsr and fairly active. Money conliaawiii good demand oa call, and firm, with lair supply at I per cent oa call Bald per evut short la! clam paper, hterling Exchange steady, but lacks activity. Michigan Ipiutheru end Nurtlwra Indiana 75); lilt-noto Central 181; Galena and go log-; Ck-relaiid and and Kurk lalnad 1U4; Heading 81 Ijx 67; New York Central 2U. BnirKrwn.

A of New York Mb, brig Martha Kugers, (ot Brlhat.) Itaurea. Trinhiad. 'llw Khoobvr bylvla, ot Me, recently o-hareal bandy Hook, has beta gut utf and arrived up- Aral Philadelphia Mth, barque Oak, Uyder. Bos-tim. Ar at Hampton Knada flat, ship Geo Peabody, Kmerluo, Ihinclm Inlands, load ordered to New York).

Id at Or leans 17th. ships Agio maoo, Good win; Wsndrrer, Kyder; Isrsoav. I'isic, and fJvvrpoid: Miry, Marriliy. and Goldra Eogle, mime, bt 1 etc rt burg; (ch Addison Child, Bril, MartriliM. For Kuuorn.

Ihe Hoyal Mill it nub ip Europa, Cspt. J- Iwitoh, railed this aftemoou fix IJvorpool, vis Halifax. Among her ps-reogeji wore the following naaxd parties: Mbs Keudsll, U. F. Kendall sad wife, Tbomie Chadbcures, Mia.

blounona, Mrs. F. White aad E. Cuaegally, of Borion; A. F.

bheroua, of Koxbary; F. ilraslia, of Lamliririge; Jehu Batcher, William Durden, A. W. Adams and Miw retry, ot Lowell; A. Notmoo, of Newport.

K. 1., tad others. ForUsllbx-J. gumen, Ierklus, Huxiard, H. Crowfield, A.

W. Wheel ock, C. H. Hay aad D. Boston; A.

J. Bpaaldiag, of Beverly; C. R. F. beunders, of bslem, ead 17 ethers.

Making ta 11 4 passsngors. Lauxck or ax I any IStxaxul Ths iron stum-hip Voysgeur ta Mtr," built for tlw Egyptieu Cuvereuwnt, wu sueoasifully touuehed ut IS o'clock tlit.dsy rt Host Boston, In prswnot of largo sou-ourie of spectators. Kht will pratred to Alexaodrta, Egypt, vis New York, under the eomnuud of Cspt, Frank O- Lid ridge, formerly of the clipper ship Nur Welter. Cspt. Eldridg to uobto a sailor ever trod deck, ud hto many frtoads will bo much gratified to hear that he hu been retorted to command tbie pfoorer steamer.

A Miuitkd Tostimoxial. Last Monday evening (ome friends of tho Bov. Joseph E. Barry and wife, unexpectedly obtained admittance to their residence, No. 10 Wert Orange street.

Wbea the good Mr. B. end hto wife came down stairs, they suddenly found tbesuelm In the presence of many ladies and gentlemen, snd the sum of $231 In gold was soon after handed to them by Father Muon, In behalf of the friends mumbled and other. The occasion wu one of eordltl enjoyment on all rider. Mobs Bk-tautt towabdi 8(axkx.

Yortordsy afternoon a deputation from Uw harbor police station went down the harbor and arrested John Littlefield, master of tlw brig C. T. HHehbom, and the two mates ofthe same vessel, on charge of eroeliy beating and otherwise ill-treating fiwr milors belonging to the brig, thru of whom art now at the Che lies Marine Hospital. Tha prisoners were glra np to the U. S.

Marshal, to bo examined before Commto-rioner. Quick Ocias Votaoss. Ths barque Raeohorw, Csptelu SearlM, loft Boetoo Dm. 27, poised Malaga in 17 day, Malta in 23 days, ud in If day wu within It hours is 11 from Trieste; arrived ta Trieste to fleetly 10 days from port to port. Ship John Loud, Captain Boone, owned by Muirs.

Baker fe Morrill, arrived at this port yesterday, from Calcutta, ta only 87 days. Abbxr fos Bodbbst. Lost orenlng, tho harbor police smsted Thomsi Fareou os a ehargo of larceny of 2100 in money from Joseph Bisks. Tbs parties were shipmates, and the theft ta alleged to have bus commuted at tbo boarding bous whore tbsy wire stopping. Daniel Carey and Timothy Hsrrigan were arrested Ar robbing Daniel Dailey and Jsrsmtah Holland of a lot of clothing and small amount of money.

Bonos Buo-Tbsaoubt. Cash botanoo to tlw bonds of Uw U. B. Assistant notary, nt Boston, Feb. 11 Treasury ueount 33,498 501 85 Foot OlRoa account 00,074 81 Dupokitl.

123,889 95 $3,076,828 83 Esu or ns Caskval. A grand eonotrtsad ihibitioo wu given at the Mute Hall tart evening by ths boys of tho Uoou of tbs Angsl Qoardlan, which wu sl tended by as cuthastaatto asdtanoa limited ooly by tha capoeMy oi tha balL Tha moats sad recitation were to tbs highest degree aredltobl to all psrttos aooneetod with the lnstitstloa. Gbssbosctt. Ths members sf oos of ths old art dry goods and commission firms In this city, a few days lines, called tbair elsrics tegsthsr, and promoted to uahs aback for hondumeamsut Buohoeoar-rencm are rare snd daaorva maotloo. Adxrtxd to FmAcncn.

In tlw Bopreme Jndt-etal Court, ysaterday mom tag, on mrttos of P. W. Chsndlsr, Mr. Amory T. Gibbs wu admitted to-prictle ss an Attorney to all tlw Courts of tills Cam-m on wealth.

Tibi ix Canboidob. Abort 11 ataloek tart sight blacksmith shop on Brighton strest, Old Csmbildga, ocoupird by Fettangill ft Whestar, wu destroyed by fire. Lorn sboat 3500 no-lnsuraaeo. BsonssAKss iiURU. Mtohesi Garrity wu arrested tart orenlng, by tho breaking and entering tbs store of H.

P. Walker, IFanrail Hall sqaare, on Bsnday night Toavxl to Kxw You. Until sssn by adrsre ttoemsrt tint tho Norwich gtoombert Una hoaspso-d fix tbs stasan, for thoNcw York and Scsrthsra travel. Wash Wxatsbb. At snnriio this morning ths thermometer indicated 54 degree; rt noon it stood rt overcast Tn Kwcnxunooxxm for Koreh hu bsm reortvsd by Bedding ft Co.

find A. WiffiWM ft Co- ffPWHMt EVENING WEB. Ms lMt. HT7.nONP editionT pacified hi 'Em raft eoMidered PE irUtta ebtorgedfor tea first bttt met ire not untied Tn Death or De. Karr.

The nine of jiui. Kent Kane I now added to the Hat of II-luitriona men who have attained high honor beta they arrived at middle age. In the old world, the naaiea of Sir Iaaae Nowtoa, Harvey, and Bathe, itand prominent on tblaroll; while In America, Amca, Jay, Hamilton, and Joflfenon, ihed 1 ultra upon the array of youthful genliii The world la familiar with the itory of Dr. Kanea life. Hundredi In Boston have heard him nar-rate his adventures, and thousands upon thousands have been stirred by the perusal of Iris Arctic experiences, and feel a personal grlof at bis death, llow fitting are these words, copied ftom the Philadelphia North American of yesterday We naturally mourn the earijr'doath of one so brave, so noble, so gentle, so modest, so endowed with all the good qualities of the heart to twine around the loftier and stronger growth of a high and commanding mind.

We look upon his death as a loss of one of the chief ornaments of his country one of the most distinguished In that train of science who are now making, as It were a new earth. Bnt he is not wholly dead. He has built himself a monument that ahull bear his name down to distant ages. He lives in that noble and beautiful work that grand epic of adventures amid the polar snowa which his hand wrote out. He lives In the great discovery be made of the open Arctic sea.

lie lives, too, In a better and Immortal lift. We notice that at the first meeting of die United States District Court hohlen at lTilladcl. ptila after die late ominous tidings of die Impending death of Dr. Kane, the District Attorney, on rising to move the adjournment of the court out of regard fbr the distress of tho presiding Judge, who to the fktiier of our distinguished countryman-used the fbllowlng language: "A noble jrfrft it decaying under the eg hand of ditto." We protest the attorney never uttered unflttcr words in his life. Had he been speaking of some Indolent, vicious, degraded person, whose mind had run to waste, whose energies hud stagnated in sloth or been drained away in dissipation, the fibres of whose heart and the sulirtance of whose soul hutred and sin had poisoned and rotted, and who was now paying the penalty of his destructive vices In a suffering death the sight of this retributive dissolution might have justified the sentence, "a spirit Is decaying.

But no language could be more Inapplicable to the pure hero to whom tho District Attorney really referred. It was not the dauntless and Incorruptible soul known as Elisha Kent Kane that srss decaying under the Adi hand of disease, but only the pathetic prison house in which lie so gloriously fulfilled his Incarnate course. No disintegrating disease of sloth, disloyalty or Immorality ever touched that knightly spirit which by Its loving fhith and divine vulor upbore his enfeebled and delicate Harm unqualling through the Arctic hardship and horrors, beneath which men of giant mould and muscle fidferedund succumbed around him. No, never be the word decay applied to that calm, regal, victorious spirit, first and purest among his peers, and as immortal In the annals and hearts of his countrymen as he is now in heaven. We commend to the attention of the District Attorney whose Ill-chosen words hare served us os a text, the following passage of which we have obtained a verbatim report from the closing lecture of the eourse just delivered before the Lowell Institute, by the Kev.

William R. Alger, oa the Doctrine of a Future Life. The lecturer, after advancing several prooft that the Immensity of the creation did not diminish the likelihood of human immortality, continued thus: 'Perhaps I msy better condense and express thetbroeof these arguments by help of an individual Illustration. Wlilto I am writing this page, the report of the death of Dr. Kane sadden the world.

Alas that the gallant heart no longer beats, the story of whose noble generosity and Indomitable prowess has Just thrilled the dull notion! of men of meaner mould! Who, even (hough standing before a telescope, under the full architecture of the heavens, can believe that that maiden soul of heroism and devotion to bow but an extinguished spark 7 that tho love, honor, Intelligence, self-sacrificing consecration which eniwathed him as with a saintly halo, have all gone out? Turning from that pale form, stretched on the couch of death In fatal Cuba, through the receding gulfs of space, where Incomputable systems of worlds are wheeling on their eternal courses, and then looking backagain from the noiseless gutter and awful bulk of the creation, do you despair of the immortal consequence of the poor snffbrcr whose fleshly moorings to existence are successively loosening at every gasp? Ah I remember that Hatter and the Soul are not alone. Far above that clay-bound, straggling soul, and for above those measureless, firmsmental masses, Is God, the Maker of them both, and the lover of hla child. Glancing in hla omniscience down upon that hnman death-conch, around which alfoctlonato prayers an floating from every part of the earth, and from whose pallid occupant confiding ilglu are rising to hla ear, Ho sees the unutterable mysteries of yearning thought, emotion, and power, which an the hidden being of man, and which so ally the filial spirit to the parent Divinity. As beneath Hla gase, the fldthftil soul of Eltoha Kane slowly extricating Itself from Its overwrought tabernacle, and also extricating itself from the holy network of heartstrings which sixty millions of men speaking one speech hire flung around him, If haply so they might retain him to earth to take their love and waiting honors rises Into the Invisible, seeking to return, bearing its virgin purity with it to the bosom of God, win He overlook It or carelessly spurn It Into night, became the banks of stars sro filled up to thick and high that they absorb hla regards? My soul, come not thou Into the counsels of them that think sol It should not be be-Itoved, though astronomy ware a thousand times astronomy. But It (hall rather be thought, that, 2 ow brT American haa duamrtd the manner whom he sought, though sailing on for otheroeai, where time is destroying winter, and no need of resene.

1 Drib" ix tub Fsuxoh Laxouaob. Oar resden wiU recollect that a paragraph from the New York Publishers Circular was copied exten-sirtiy through the country, In which It was stated that the French translation of Mn. Stowe's novel, Died," had gone begging In Paris. Hestn. Phillips, Sampson A contradicted this at the time by a card In our paper.

We ate ifflwf to state, on the authority of Messrs. Sampson Low, Bon A Co. of Ismdon, that the translation of Died' Rude under the inpervta-km of Mrs. Stowe, was disposed oT to the house of De Rlberolles In Paris at the full and only ter tu ntrtuktd. The only delay arose from the difficulty of choosing among the various publishers who were desirous of Issuing tho translation.

The work has hod a most snceessful run in Paris, and has been highly praised by La Prates and by the Seem dm Deux Maudes, It Is to be bop-. ed that the papers which bar- to mu ready to give wise statement which was calculated to Injure the reputation of Mrs. Stowe end her work, will now publish this ample refute tksa. Tn Wavbblt Noma. Ticknor A Fields beontiful Household Edition of Waverir," the most complete as well a foe most elegant adl-tioa, Is to published next week.

It will be enriched with matter never before Included In any Istneof the Waveriy novels; with a variety of carious notes and anecdotes, collected and arranged exclusively for th "Household Edition. CITY HOTICK, ta. Ha advaatagas ass Ail of aattoiboOoa, who shall try one of T. Gilbert fe Co.1! saw ptaso forte action. AMUSEMENTS THIS DAY AND EVENING Bootox Thxatru.

EsgageaMit of Mrs. McMahon Romeo and Juliet Jenny Lind. Hostow Musbum. Died Singing and Daaalsg Fromtaaoiy Note. MmnxAox.

Mr. KsmMi gbakipasrisn Readings Richard II. Music Hall. Afternoon Concert by tbs Orchestral Union i Bostow Thsaths. Thar will doubtless sontid-stabta cariosity to witness tlw psrformsnes, is sm-breea soma novel fixtures.

Mrs. MsMabon nwk her third appearance, iuttaining Uw pert of Juliet, in the great tragedy of Homso snd JullaL Mr. Kirby personates Homso. Tbo tart sew Loodoa few, sutP tied trlnoliM," and said to vary amusing bit at modem fluh loos, hu betu seeursd by Mr. Barry, ud will bt shortly presented.

CaowoiD houses are now Uw order of Uw day at the Boston Museum, and tha new play of Drsd" may now be proclaimed In tha fell this of popularity. Tli cm who have not aeon It tliould uot proereatlnate, at they berate! vet are tha loam, aad ahuuld bear In mhid that It will bt presented both thtosftamoos aad averting. JOUmetars. BALE OF bTUCEB THIS DAY, at rei iioiias uoaxs. It Uotltx A Wensoer Wensaer ttellraad ss 14 Kxllrort I Sxllrvwl .1 IS Consort Midi burg JCortbere Kailr-ixd western Kaunas Su (0 trie Karri Cower Oi-- 14 lluttul, L'aneurS AMuatrPtl.

2t Hitiloa A York Ceutaal Krilread 1 1 buttes ud Loot 11 Ktllroxd 2 So IS New Vert Central tUliraed I. 1 4 Hamilton link lit la Merehentt bank lift 1 1 fiMN Ogdratlmii S4 Mortsag t'l tl AT At'CTlUX, rr.H. u. Mff Kteuken Brown fc Stoat. hirtt Muz Cotton Mlllt, TtL Marti mart Mauri1.

IIDrtllUH. Be I. tin ll to. 111. da Mtrehwto Bank.

IV tdv. do rambrtditGM Light tl. de 1 nulrt. 4US. da button Alknexa.

rt. da ImtIM Al M2, do York Mtnul. do Hoe Wtltf Ktwtrte, IN. do KklOMi Kxllt lltnul. da Hovert Beak Ml.

da Jtmet't etttm Milit. 418. SISH Fittrrp KK. Ihcuito Hold, da IW, UN. NU tiiand Jxnciiou KK.

aid litp Co. Mil Kindt, pyble Kov. S. IMS. rt.

NIL. do. Bible ISW H. special Kotitesi. Bw-toa Art 4 lib.

The reven-h leclura oTUiteourH will to h.lirtitd at Uw Meiunxnn, en TIlCKSUaY EVEXIKtr next, it btlerx e'elvxk, Iqr fimiwr Jxnxi Uufetxu. Lowill. iort IcbM Tlw Annaai Lertaiw before the Moanl Vrraei Atte-(lellMi al Yoxex lira, will lie delivered by Uiv Ha. Kiunoa In lb lit Vem- Athm-tna me, MU The i. Idle are i Ml bpeelal Palltw.

A fow TKkrU to the Thcere-" Rtll XI ILt Katie Hll TOMORKOW (TharedayiEVEXINO. x-lmilllog I (ienlkxiin tod two Leiliet, tea bt ltd of I1HAEL M. KlCK.Treuxrtr, fob 7 2 It School xlrext Tlw mrt Rradinxx. Iwrtarc- I ItoM, end verteot oibrr riee-u. el art Wuhiogtoa xtrret.

neder tbt cere of C. Ladiktt, ueltled by Jta III oow texo aloe duly. Otoer emu and ptirete Icwapi or Itaily eirrlet tlttodtU uxutL ItWAXte Jxx 14 Farlv Ripe. Early Ratted. All pereonx eppotod toivju'liif iueeeat Uitto ibud-rn, by overwortinf tea brtia.xrsrrquetlrd to meet at the City 1111.

Wxuxi-bat Evxkixc next, 1 TH 'clock, end Iblrs to a till- met of facts by incaibcrdf the He boot Log ml tire. All ere Invited. Mil fob St Knwilito Library Axsarletlim. Tbblrteatb nd ceaclxclra lecure sf iht eearec will be delivered Tkbwi Temple ea WEIiKE-KaY EVEMXto, re. TStb.

to Kev. E. H. Cbahx. U.D.

babjeel Colombo Iooi open at IH o'clock, ditto o'clock. febM It JOHN A FOSTER, Rea. led. Lecture to coanusee CRObSINQ THE ANDEtd. Chimborazo.

Mr. WILLIAM O. DIX will Lectors rttlio Mibcaviilu Ball, Po rower street, as TUl'lUUtAY AVEKIX44. Vsbrexiy ISik Ns will ni-ciiix tut IxcmxxTs ov uii Jocxrer OVkl TUI AUbIX. 11 APPSABXkCk XXO NlXXXSI Of ill Born uuics Iioiaxi, tbs Bcixiii, axo txi FsSMOk ACXOU CXIMOOIAIO.

Tickris cents ssch, forxxle by Tlcksor A rieUi, J. Jcwsit A Cs it ttc Llbrerr of M. L. snd st Iks door. Lecture to begin Ml to o'clock.

Si Ml MAIJSK FEbTIVAL. Tho Com ml ties hsvlxg eomristed the nocessAqr sr-mqianu wouid xnosuxee ihst a PMNTXTAD or TBS RONS AND DABGIITEBR Off MAINE, Kreldrat in Bostm end vlelnliv will br bald at CHIOS HALL, ca FKIDAT EVEKIKO, Fite STth, at 1 o'clock. Isdtei sfretitiaa fix inttamrawlUbegi; fix Tickets may be hid it ths fellowtag starts: Severe House, ruler Heare. American Hous. Also of the (ol lowing (CMleuien Mule fe brown.

Wirtliixton straw i J. Lrutn fe bickfort, Coxrt street; rreSl. L. Wash-bum. IS Coart street A.

O. Allen, Court street: Cir-tor. Cricoid fe Prrstee. SS Hsnevrr straeti Wm. S.

Me-tiowon, HI WxstilDites street: Ulucbart, fihermn fe W.Wubborn.S Colon J.S.H rosi.tU brosdwsy: Gilbert Writ, 74 Couth sl Pouth Bostoo: Ueeiit U. Flamer, IMavorick squire; Brysnt fe Kaos, Cbouea. It to desirable that persons prepering to attend th Vs-tlvsl. sboxld prevlde theastivn with tieketo, if esnvu-meat to do, en ot before tbt ttih taut CtmmUlm ArnreymAifa Gsores S. nil'ird, luu Emery, Edward Ervlny, Oliver frost.

W. O. Breaks, Jobs ntstioe, F. L. Wwhkurx, J.

B. Parksr. Cturlsa E. Allen, Spencer Tlekhtm, Thee. U.

Csldwell, Harvey Porter. 0 Y. Peer. Them ss s. Bartow, Chtnes E.

nka, C. WHLUnmoo.iohn W.FItteher. runilla Woodslds, MKHCli I MifiB AW VT 2WMUB, Boxburr, F. L. blebantooa, Groves X.

DsvU. E. U. 1(1111-kiB. Edwin L.

Brawn. Freeland Mxrbta, Joel Knldht, OlUtort Atwnod, T. H. Swrsdy, tan. fob 14 eoxtw A.

ALLEN, fleeretiiy. fittsiness Nctlres. Rsbbb Figs KW These are a eomblnstioa of the fresh frnlt with tbsbestof Alaondile Vanns: they ire mast excellent remedy for Crtilvenen or Mek Heidiehe. Oct thorn freon iff ftbti H.1 WfeHW CHOATE. DrngtoL Boom.

Diseues of the Uriusry Orgnna- DR. JOHN B.niLL,ClXTllL PLACS, IX WlVWIS attraSoaxelastvsiy tjtho medleel snd ureieal treatment of DIHEASESDF THE GENITAL AND UX1XAKT ORGANS. Offlec boars in til Id A.H., tiroes II to to snd 7 to SP.M. SfeWlttl fee 14 PeMraaBsUp, BookkeepiuE, OF" Navigation, Engineering, fee prsctlesUy taaght It COMKI'S COUHIOCISL COLUbk. US Wnb' ngton st XiteMMei sfirtwo pearl.

Oecn dsy nd men Ins. Turns nsedersto. No extra. No us system Sap irate department for Udtos. Stodmts elded ln obtslring sal.

ploy meat. Sn lui Ana ail CririegM, which era ta bed ttha rooou or by mril.T-rs. to fob It flairisom's Feriatnliio LoxeegM EW Are Tonic Lsxxtlve, di (for In (from ill physical ptlu, operate wltheat prin.and ire superseding ovary other remedy for CnxiTiriiiox. They rare Pltox, Hud-eta. Dtixlnxm, Indigestion, fee.

Ttay sxolts tbs Llvxr, give color to the blood, rad restore Nature. For axis it No. I Tremrat Tempi, and hr all Dru WfeStt FkilippeA Csxnnd Bnrdinea Laudluff. s-w jMrt Czres af ths xbovs nsuwd bread fiirdiatf, ta wbOtos. helves and qurtore, now lxadlng from tho Xotait Wing," from Xoehsilx.

I. D. RICHAEDS ft tolw SB Stato atroo. Mil RptiBg UvercoBta. gJT MAOLASASD SACK STYLES, desirable xxd gtptosl gxnnsxts, dlffsreot fdbriet, smr In (ten, aad fix-sis tow in cash, by J.

W. SMITH ft GO. Bosk sqro. ootnsrol Elm stroot It TofeFte fcbM Black Frocks. yw-A labgb axd elegant stock jut monn-footerad from Bwt Ustmu Cloths, mxd.

end trimamd la xruT uxirxcr squri to anyl ut Ordered Work, eenUd wry tow for sash, by J. W. SMITH ft fouls WfeSta Dock Square, corner Khq to. Cnnknanpilon- IHROftl AHD LUNG DIBRAVES. CT The sahserltar, with in ontoarivo txpsrlsne In asnxrel proetiM.

eontlnus is heretofore to giro spoetal attention to tta trextmsnt snd cure of the stare diseases, MEDICATED IWEALATIOS. H. P. DILLS BACK, M. Dm Phyririu for Dim-worth Lugs.

MoaCstebrilga street, (oast Bcvan Eonacj BM- J. W. SMITH ft Hook aqusra, corner ElaaMreol. II MAThta fob it sis upportRBitf for Ueiteel tali at Lew Frleol CLOBINU-OUT BALE Off WINTER STOCK 1 1 OVERCOATS, RftOLANB. BURTOUTft, TALMAS, EM" Togettaf with avoir variety of MEM 8 AND NOYB CLOTHING AND FURYMIllffO 00003 ft Wlstotsio.

Os Ws BIbmmbp, Piper Coi rorru AD 4 tT BOSTON. dta Dcsfoesa CHted. Dr. Rssudoll, at MS Wartingtea stroot, 1st sod Anrlst, tr Hastate very isrcssstol in his newly dtwovored nMnnoroflresllnirtsAxet. Ho has saUrsly ssnrt tlbnu rssldlxg lu 8x1cm plica.

sd(iirdK r. Alxkot aintuu. doing business al 4N Cemawmiri strsst, wlw Inf-rest will ta plea ms saws or ow 01 expansive trenlx hrrptrtmt who bovsbera cared esndtodtacouv -d with- peixon wall known lu the commuxlty, ns boo-lug beeuslMigtlmsdeatsodbsvlii triad svsryprsvlmu mMuofrelirii Coumltxllon sodsxsmlsstlou wltaouk chnrgc. rtrsons living st distance can hive prescriptions fora msiitii. which Is otto su Me toot, ud the aa-psnss to qxllc wcdrrsls.

L'csas that ksvs npprered otaU-nste ere ori shuxort, the msstuf them cm probably ta cored or much relieved. PhysWxns sm lovltrd to exist In (bis method, which will undoubtedly mret th-t- approval, ulrr Ksmsdril In a repulsily sduesud prertlftoiwr. OnluHtti pailtuto received oa Thursday more Inj from ItaMA.M. I. KsurMuWli Brel on on WEDNEMDAT, TBVEta DAtKltiAV.rnrimVKDATrirartWtaki..

MARRIAGER. Ix tbto city, tbto msrnlsg Fsb.M. it th ML Yemen Church, bv Kev A. L. Mux, Mr Wiluam K.

Piovt, Jr. Mto PAtzs dnabtet of DsoM E. rittt. ri IHNUNIt rtib lnx by Bv. I B.

Kritoeh, Chaxlu G. Psami MInUxot A. A. Plaxi. beta Beaten At Wxanlnston Vlitoic, ttautb Itoitop, Mth bv Hv.

Mr. Daso, Mr. W.ldcEAT to 11 toe Axx dxugbtor of Tbnmns A-heroft. Esq. At Hrewirr.

by Rev. Hr. brown, Mr. (Isoxoi L. Sooth IMMie, to Mux Baias A.

Yssuo. Of At Pnrtlind. Iltb by hrv. Horeii KtehMoc. Mi Cxoxut r.

hoTix to MAiiox.yoorawt dzaebtoref h. iH-rnug. Esq, all off. rttk lest Mr.

Akbpiw EtAua.ofF., to Miss Para Muniz, of north Kridtog, Mean At Hivixnxh Mth Tuioooxk C. Coxx. of Auiuviu lo Min Uxxxikiix dxughtor cf Uiclxta Hoc. Jobe If. Bctrtox.

DEATHS. Ix til's elty.rtd nft.l0f CbOMirptlsn. Susx Toluau, II yra 1 mm only oiughtet of Mr. JoMxk Tttteao. or Iteu Ik kcliurix.

rtdlML.uf dropsy, Mr. Thomas W. Ball, 1yn. It ns Silk hiztint, al Iks rreldeoM of bar hutbind, Jssi D. iKkCiretl.lho 17lbiitortlre-t.

droiiy of the chest. Mrs. knmauXiA A Ixotiiou. (lyre. 11 omi.lddi.

fllli l.i wx yuk-st daughter efJ.K.L.AaI Uai.rr. lyre. xio. tori el xexrlst frvsr, Willis Notko only SOB cf W. L.

Sid Jans N. Cos. I yr. I bum. At Koxlaijr, 14tb Mrs.

UATUrtriXA JlAXZAX, yts laoMik At quinry. lath hut of crm-imbl'on, LocrsA Dzao-XAH. daughter cfjikrz snd Kllxt It hlgeUw, II r-. 4 mi. At Kouth Pcltnstf.

Mrs. Abigail Poxtei rt -rs. 7 moe. At Mxrebfliid. lath Inst.

XLIAX.S Haslow, Esq-t It nibs 14th. Mn Elitbka, ktoalto M. At Ceqxinibo. Ml -at I Mix lb dAOghtor of fi. F.

Hlvl-Und. I'. M. Consul it thxt port. On Word Mp Msntsrev, Nuv.

It. tbs pMisgs from Pauing to Nsw Ymk of dysraliry ud Mivoos fovsr, Jtxn-u Itaxar Oiuii.U, sex of Mr. Juutbu Osborn. of Pohm. raaiksotHb.

In the Jas KriuL from Kw Ortrns, Mxasrs Ju Hilt and Duff, of Buxtuu. In tlx Ktdxr, for VsIparalM, Mix Yonxg nd daughter, of NinlnckvL to th Abbv JUaocbard. for flavin, Vn Chxs RkMSald rad too cblldrw. of Hruxawlck, Ma; Mm HardUg (captain's wife) and two child rax In tbt Cambridge, for Jsgo, Msxsrs A Phillips gag wife, sad bteptao I'hUllps, Jr. RINIATCRE A5JIA.V AC WlptgiSAtrFia.

M- FFLL SEA SON rt cts I rises I 41 1 sets 4A MOON I DAYS. I Titov It St Cransrnpt fHarine Journal. PORT OF BOVTO Wodnosd xy, Foh. la. CWfit foarth pagi fog Ship Nows.

ABS1VED THIS MOXBIX0 Ship Coring. Fiiktr. Calcutta, of and via Niw Yack Towed op by tumor Ucnoc. WeUlan ship Sumstre, Muttna, Pile row, lap! Fan-sd Gibraltar SM via htw York (whan 32 put la Is Sm- IlfUJi 1-hlp Lcvl Wsodbary, Bradford, New Ortaaua, lct-tTW plilg, 4 imt Barqua Tom Corwin, Brew. Clan jrego.

4th tost Nxruus Lyssodcr, Moore. CtonluszDl list alt. BaiqusElbaiu(rt iruspceu Hlchtara, Havana, 12th Ibxl Kara Gam. Hammscd, Philadelphia. IinU brig Louisa CtanitU, Kaaliag, Elm Did 11 Etoluaur.lih alL Hr brig sm Lark, Bargus, Bt Doolngo City, list ult, via New Laodos.

Brig Jasspk Albion Gott, ClonUiagos, 4tb ImL gaoko yaxtorday, off Chatham, brig Mseagaa, hauea for Tsrha lslsiids aad a mkL Prig Uolcraoa, Vlckanou, Moblla, 1st but. Bcb B'arecr, llsrmoa, Chartastoo, ITtk task Sen tsrrEtj, tata. Sloamor lawuteo, nulgkt, Portland, blghalfor a barque. roxxicv-fir sutoUpErtopi. aitek, Uvafpsot, vis Hallfkz, by fi Ltwto: bdiquoa Mary Broaghtoa, Ayres, HHtAMiu; CssutldfO, oesrrow, Bt Jsgu, C'kcner fe Cat bnnX Paakar, llxyo, (Japs May Mas, AlfeYG OcihamTltoHm.

Stoa.El isCubb: Hr Mr Bostoo. O'UrlMiTHalKu. Clark fe Woodward; sen roarloH, Adsma, Jsrcmla, Axxtlb Jr: Br seta Wm King, Lamb, Corewrilto, Nd 1 Faralloi. Stoddard. Hortoo, Nd.

CoASTWixt-ntmubip City of Nsw Tort. MsHbtwq PhllsdriLbls, by Spra-xr, koala A Co; kirqxss Hlxws-tbx. IUlI.NfiwOricus. HXivsre feCo; Chaster, Crop-by, PhllMilpblx RlrasThxztar. Also eld -cm Hid Cxrtor, Ftok, do.

aiders fe Ce: Eu- 8 cos. I arter, Nsw York.C Lovell; Maria Pickup. Baker, o. by tbs same: Quick Stop, Newcomb, PrevtaMtewa, Chancy feCo. CLEARED TKSTERDAT.

PM Sc he Helen Mnito. Niekenoo, Rtohmssd by AUos Wcltch Pettit, Clark, Pbilndriphta, Psinon A Co Edwin Used, Urm. do. orbss Lynda I snaou, Webber, New Turk, Chai Stden fe Co; Butler, Unit, Bobbintton: Hsrdseisbble, Qiegoiy, Kocklind; Certhv gene, Baker, Portland, to losdfor Cota, Bridge fe Lord; J0 Hxrdsornbbto, Qloortitor. cr NOTICE TO MARINERS.

A Id class blsck Nan Buuy. hoi hex been repUert off Nix's Mote, Boeten Hxibor. By ordN of the Ltodri Haoxs HooriL OTE. B. CALDWELL, Boston, Feb H.

1581. 1 lght House Inspector, Id DtoL p-fic gsnerxl mwi eolxmox. SmwmI Brig Mntuzax, (of Ncwboryport) SI days from Aun Cnycs for Boston, wu spukm Mth lost, at anchor ta Ciooked Island Itartg. fibs was reps duuaps. tawlow In gale carried awy main boom, Jlbboom, split sails, fern Arrivals uud Clenrnweas nousstls Porta, Aral Baltimore tad.

ship Arrndsls. Fry. Llvwpootr barque Itstoh, OouldThsxes: mbs Julia Aon, Harding. u4 Abby Whitman, CUIford. bancs; brig Josephus, bbutt.

Kingston. Jam; Ellin rrancM. MtnhsU, Matns-aas. Below, ship Finland, Forrest, from Loodoa. CM at Philadelphia ltd, brig Ann Xllutath, Taylor, Jl AratNaw Tort rtd.

shlx zoo. (of Boston) Sean, Orleans. Cld barque HlehMiD, Barry, Cardenas. ArSIth, barons Linden, St Marks; brigs ltouallght Smalt. Canary islands; Jolla Amy, Mtona, Kaanadv, Randall, Naxvltasi Martas Otto-ehrlat, Xuwlsy, and Joasph Park, Psrk, CsrdnsA Mbs bnlllvao.

Gnvsy. Cnldad Bollvtri Rsssulwl, Wrttwortt, tenter pm: Govener, Otar. Trtaldsd. Old tethTbuqua Wsattar Gags, M'Kos, Mo Jinalra, brig Whitskar, rsny. UBayaixn; scha Kate Waateu.

Cook, Gambia; Skoda Boulxli, RobMos, Nsssaa, NP. Arxt Tropic, Nswsll, NOrtemai cb Xprxy, BsmorLMoblls. did fins iwpoftMth, bsrqis Ora Warren, Phllsdslphta, Par itcsmhlp India, st Portland. Cld at Liverpool ft test Chsa H1U, Hate. Cstrattni ath, Protoctor, Lntlar, 8a FresototaiMa Kteg, Itertoc.

Arnt'LendOB Mb. Balls of ths Wart. Harrison, Cjdteo. Cld lib, Vsnooot, Mamdao, Boatuoi Allda, Haatar TSfeSfe-h Tta. EUutata Hamilton, Lmvto.

CttyPolat Suite Cook. Liverpool; Sultana, Watson. Boston. Arrivals uud ton rn ness FOralgm Forts. at Mslbonnio Narrt.

ship Judge Shaw, Snow, hose nag Nor 1, ship Qsooo ofure Sow, Howe KAnit Caldera 1Mb nit, barque Sherwood, Haskell, Yal- BmIod, a Port Spate 7th teal, brig Madeira, Sobtdns, bcnce. "fer at Hcllfox Mth test, ach Martha, Ryan, BsshXL Jan oaths equator, Ira HU, wax asm Alp. mm-pused the Electric Spark, lltoomb, ante New Ycrt Jra 1 for aiz Frenctooo. tfeto boaidire. Adilixee, through thcPcrt Irtw man.

oman who potfoatly axdsretxsds tan earn aodmuxgnarat cf tonss. to xtcady rad careful drivnrK he Kg xbdsrttottetMy Jcctimcalnta Item hlhfomlltox. which can ta recn. Ka otJtsUonto tbseonnfry. Plssao oddrert otttto cStec.

nq ttath OUT Lot evening, ta tween lantobnrg Squri ml M-i Mt Vtmonxisrt. SABLE BOA. TtasadarwlB suoun fovor br lsnvtog It st Ud etUM, Dn. Ro Loans Lrctdrm. This evening, at Chapman Hall, Dr.

Bulger conclude his course of loctures-on the Philosophy of nistoiy. It Is hardly necessary for us to say that Dr. Bulger Is one of the best historical scholars of the age; end, unlike many other great icholars, he has the power of presenting the processes and results of his studies In an Intelligible form to the popular mind. In masterly grasp, systematic arrangement and lucid exposition of his subjoct, he belong to the highest class of historical lecturers to that clau which combines extensive research, penetrating sagacity, and power of comprehensive generalisation, with perfect simplicity and clearness of statement. The grout difficulty, to oidlnuiy readers of history, Is the lack of guiding principle and commanding points of view.

Tlte whole vast field of European history Dr. Hol-ger has thoroughly expkned, and he la especially felicitous In tracing events which puasle utsiwe iced them In the newspapers, to their remote sources in the past Tits question of Races, a question which has Immense practical application to the politics of the day, both In Europe and the United Btatcs, Dr. Bulger has profoundly studied; and to hear hi view on this suljcct lias alono repaid our attendance on his course. Death or a Hahtauii Gsaditatu, Colonel Fraud D. Quash, a well-known ciliacn, and for merly a member of our Senate for the parish of Sl Dennis, expired yesterday, In an attack of apoplexy.

His decease ami the startling suddenness of It occasion will strike painfully the syin-imthlci of many friends, who esteemed his excellent qualities of mind and heart. Charlestuu (S. Courier, Instant. Mr. Quash was cducati-d at Harvard College, In the class of 181 1, and left Cambridge lu August uf (but year, with one of tbo highest academic honors of Ids das, which included William 11.

Iicscott, the historian, Judge Pliny Merrick, Kev. Dr. Bigelow, Rev. Dr. Lamsnn, of Dedham, the late Rev.

Dr. F. W. P. Greenwood, and other eminent persons.

The deceased was distinguished lor his ambition to excel; hla clastic spirit and his graceful elocution an well remeinliered. Ills surviving classmates will king cheri-h the remembrance of bis excellent social qualities and of bis gentlemanly manners. Ills standing among his fellow dtkeens of houtli Carolina Is manifested by the honorable office he sustained In their State Senate. Musical Mattkbs. Notices of the last Philharmonic Concert and of the second representation of Eli by the Handel and Ilaydn Society will be found on the tint page.

The Mendelssohn Quintette Club gave a very satisfactory concert last night at the rooms of the Messrs. CkU-kering. They were ably assisted by Mis Doane and Mr. Ktelssman. A number of our leading eltixens have tendered to Mrs.

Long a complimentary concert, which will be given next Saturday evening at Chlckar-ings rooms. The Mendelssohn Quintette Club and other eminent artists of our city will assist. Mrs. Long deserves well of the musical public of Boston; she has sung at oratorios and orchestral concerts, fbr charitable oceasloni and for art fct-Urals, and hai always acquitted herself with honor. She now stands in the front rank, If not the lint singer in our city, end It Is no more than proper that this testimonial to her talents end worth should be given.

We are happy to learn that most of the tickets have been subscribed for, end we hope that the saloon will be filled to tit last sent. The few remaining tickets an for sale at the store of Messrs. Russell Richardson. Fxaxklix Medal Scholars. The attention of the recipients of the Franklin Medal at the public schools to directed to the official notice ad-dressed to them In another column.

The organization, as wa learn from the preamble to the eon stltution, Is for the purpose of perpetuating the common bond by which the recipients ofthe Franklin Medal, are united, and to ensure a periodical celebratiun of the birth-day of the giver, or some other day to bo designated by the Government of the Association, and set apart to the honoring of his memory. Tho following named gentleman are officers of the Association: President Edward Ererett. Vice-Presidents James T. Austin, Robert C. Wlnthrop, James Savage.

Directors Isaac Harris, Cbarlee Calhoun, 8amue! H. Jenks, Em Lincoln, Joseph Ballard, L. H. Bradford, George H. Kuhn, Thomas Ga (field, J.

Thomas Btevenson. Treasurer William H. Denuot, 134 Washington street. Secretary John C. Pratt, 13 Exchange Meet.

Personal. A despatch from Lancaster re ports that Mr. Buchanan will not leave home until Monday next, when he will proceed to Washington via Now York and Baltimore. The New York Commercial Advertiser mentions that a letter has been received In that city written by Mr. Crawford the sculptor, at Paris, on the 4th Inst.

He writes In good spirits, and expresses the belief that ha will soon be enabled to return to Rome, and mums hla labors. He to attended by three eminent professional gentlemen, Dn. Nclaton, Sichel and Velpeau. Mr. Choate will repeat hla brilliant lecture up on Tbo Periods of Revolution at affecting the character of Deliberative Eloquence, before the Young Catholics Friend Society, at the Tremont Temple tomorrow (Thursday) evening, commencing at 8 oclock.

Single tickets may be obtained at the bookstore of Messrs. Ticknor A Fields. An IxrxLLionci. A portrait of the Rt. Rev.

T. M. Clark, of Rhode Island, drawn by Grouller from a painting recently executed by an English artist, will Shortly be published by Mr. C. H.

Brainard. We have never yet seen a satisfactory likeness of Bishop Clark, and therefore look with some Interest for the appearance of this picture, which ire venture to predict will be a complete success. We understand that Mr. Brainard had ordered of Jackson, the eminent sculptor, a bust of Charles Sumner, whose early departure from Boston haa postponed the execution of the order until his return from Europe, when it will be modelled and copies offered for sale at a pries Which will place them within the reach of all hla admirers. Mr.

Jackson has recently finished a but of Bev. Dr. Blagden. which to remarkable for Its fidelity to nature. Ifjjn: Festival- Let our Maine friends not omit to provide themselvee In season with tickets fee the festival at Union Hall, on the 87 th, the withln the last few days hu been quits rip-id.

The committee also wish to know sufficient time beforehand how Is ptnons to provide for. We understand there to a very genera! determination among the Sonsof ir.hui resident near Boston, to render the ftatl- valof Friday every way as succeeefltiM could be desired. Elect i ox ov a Ma job Gzxisal. The Horn of Kepreaoutntivu will to-morrow rots figalB for candidate for tbs offle of Major General of the First Division of tlw inllltla of this State. Wo sincerely hope tlw Hoose will concur with the Senate In the choice of Gen.

Andrews. Hines the last vote was token, the Supreme Court hu given decision In regard to Ihe sspremsey of the civil over the military power, which should tend to allay the fears snd dispclany prqjudicesthat litre hitherto been honestly entertained against Gen. Andrews. Usd the voter of Boston and Suffolk taken the narrow view of tlili matter, that hai been taken in many quarter dome of the Repair licsn Senators and KrpreMMatfves from the coun ty and city, would have been defeated at the but election. Dsatii or Rr.v.

Ds. Smith. The death of the eminent Rev. Kll Smith, D. one of the most noted missionaries of the American Board, Is reported.

The deceased was widely known by hi Arabic traiulatlona. He has long been in Ault Minor, in the service of the Hoard of Mis-alone. Dr. Huiili bod been married three tinwi. Ills first wife wu the well known Mrs.

Lanntnn, foimerly Mias Huntington, of Norwich, hta second, the daughter of Judge Chapin of Rochester, and the third, Mlu butler of Northampton, who survive him. Tiik Season or Lest. Today In the ecclesiastical calendar is Ah Wednesday, the commencement of Lent, observed by the Catholic and Episcopal rb unites as time of fatting. Tilde waa divine service In Trinity Church and tlw Church of the Adrenl this morning. The first Price Lecture of the sexton will be delivered in Trinity Chnrch this afternoon, at 3 oclock, by tlw Rev.

Julia Colton Smith. Subject Christian Morality. Fines. Ths new dry home of the Lowell Hleaclwiy wu injured hy fire to the amount of 81300 on Saturday. The fire was ocsosioned by an expluhion of gu.

At Newbury port, Tutdxy morning, the house and bam of Charle Bartlett, on tha fony road, Belleville, were contumed by fire. Lou $1300 no Insurance. Axotnxr RsvoLCTiouAArPxwaioiriiGoxs. Died, In Pom fret, Vermont, on the lGth Instant, AUtI Morse, aged nlnety-alx years snd nine montlw. He was found dead in hla bed In the morning.

Fibe at Llxixotox. A large barn, opposite tl.e Town lloune in Lexington, owned by Messrs. Millon fe Slocomb, of this city, waa honied lost night between 9 and 10 o'clock. It contained only small quantity of bty. It was nn old structure, end the kiss to not very la rye.

With strong wind from the southwest, the ipsdons mansion of the late John Skinner, nearly opposite, wss for a time considerably endangered. The two new fire engines, Hancock and Adams, recently ftuwiied by the Messrs. Hunna-min fbr the town of Lexington, with their com panics, were promptly on the ground. It being tlwir first appearance, prifemonalln, and gave evidence that their machines are good ones, snd that their companies already know how to work them. The tureki Company, of Weit Cambridge, three end half mites distant, were also on the ground, In fifty minntet after the first alarm was given, in season to play npon the burning rum.

Subsequently they partook of a rollstlon with Hancock, No. 9. by invitation of Capt-Uum. This fire occurred on the site of one of the two place near Lexington Centra where the Brltiah burned hoaaes on their return from Concord, April 19, 1773. Journal, 33th.

Rzuoiors Mon at Qvibxc. Mr. Papin, lay preirher of tlw Wesleyan Methodist enureh in Quebec, was recently mobbed while visiting ome convert! from the Roman Catholic faith, nd narrowly escaped with hia life. A mob of sereral hundred excited Catholics broke into the house, knocked down and trampled upon the inmates. among whom waa woman, and Mr.

Pa- 8 In, who urns furiously attacked, escaped through exertions of a few friends, some of whom were severely beaten. Fire ahd Loss or Life. We learn from the Hartford Free Piets that on Sunday morning ths dwelling house of Mr. Holmes, in Win ted. was destroyed by fire, and Mr.

Holmes, in an attempt to seenre his pipers from bedroom, become soffbested or bewildered, and perished. He was sixty -four yesra of age. A negro hu been arrested on aurpidon of having set ths fire. Gbbat Bobbxbt. Jewels to the value of 20.000 hero been stolen from Madame Bask nt Philadelphia.

It appears foot the robbery must have been committed by soma one perfectly familiar with the house, and who knew where the lady kept the casket containing the jewel. A rewerd of 31000 is offbred. Caution. A Indy residing in New Bradford waa badly poisoned a few days sinew by eating flew apooiuful of preserved whortleberries, which had been put up ton tin ease. The liquid from the bailee had formed verdigris on the eurfhecof the metal.

Txx Haxvaxd Clui. At i nutting of the Horrent Ctab tart eventog, Hoa. Bobert C.Wtathrop announced that Haa. Uwsrd Ererett hadaeeeptod an Invitation to deliver the tddrtw before tha Assoata-ttaart tha Ahunni, where triennial celebration will txksptae on ths day feitowing Commsneemsnt day Is Jsly. Ltcxuxs.

Mr. G. Tundra hof gave readings tart week st Wabarn, lyss, Nsw Britain, New Hares (twies) and Fokeepsl. Ht It reengaged ntlfew Hares, snd at Lyn sad to to girtbwT additional read-tags or sntartalnxiento, BUtktpertan and other, rt tha Cambridge Lyram, aimmraslng 10th Marsh. Ext.

Mb. Dat will aorttana hla sarmoa on Prayer tbto craning, at Church Street Chunk, eom-auneing at 7) eelotk. The Mow Haven Journal states that tha lot Haa AuBseen, of that sity, bsqutothed the aunxof toYstoCollego. Ths Tbuk Sshmaiit Sooixtt. As tb sf Hits Boeirty bratow grata it ootly an almost unrre-toaabl onunnt of tbtir wraiora time ta attending pon tbovoriout needs of thou strengen who ore eortlnually arriving to cur cHy, Httrikxt us than fe culpable aegllganee abtutid oa tho part of many of oar ratldenti, who nfei by their apathy to exeat lent a lnetitutian ax this to be In any other than flourishing condition fix wt held foot It to a Ms linn, bent on tha hart, off oar pajmlitipa, ta blip, ta tha thxxxlLdxayln nd really phllaathrqple grattomra who hnvu eaotrd SxrtT tottoJ; mart, and in InnamaraMa othw ways iltavtatiag tha sondttlen of tho rtwnswwHMxonrgrtea.


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