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Mattoon Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 5

Mattoon Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ilATTOON GAZETTE, JFEIDAY, ATRIIi 25, 18S4 i' I Lime Klin Clnb Domnttlo Economy Snobbery In Gotham. ls tbe Englishman Superior to the An English baronet who traveled recently in tbe United State hps written an article for the JtincUtnlh Century, Review, in which he compares English men and women with American men and women to the disadvantage of the latter. Our women, according to him, are pot as handsome or as well developed aa those of England, while our. men are inferior in physique. This he tya ia due to ithe greater attention given in England to outdoor sports.

The Englishman plays cricket nd lawn tennis, practices in boats And in yachts far more than the American. The latter ia absorbed in business. He goes to see a baseball match by professionals, but rarely -plays himself. Then, the average English man and woman do far more walking than do our people in the United States. All educated Englishmen hold to the view that the practice of athletics is very desirable.

At a receflt rural dinner, Sir Charles Dilke, the well known cabinet minister A happy surprise it was to Mr. A. E. Norton) of Bristol, when Arauraou pot him on Us teevazul seat aim cheerfully sbouthlstraslness. Let Mm tenuis own story; "about three weeks ago I waa taken vttb Bnetfck bitb back.

For four dy I vm imibi to turn In bad vtiboot help, ind wben Uftol could aoMtand oo my eet I wm tndooedtotarr AmoraoBO, afterall the oxml remedies foiled. In SO minntea after taking- tha fint darn I could bear mr weifflu upon my (eet Iatwodayalwaa abl to tet about and attend to bmrtnaaa, in two other cam which bare come to my knowledge tta oat hai ham attested with the auaa A poor man in Philadelphia had to borrow a dollar to bay a bottle of ATBXornoao. On account of his poverty hla name shall remain secret. He had Buffered terribly from Rheumatism. He gratefully writes: I tooS my first doae Tuesday afternoon, and on Wedneaday, after but asren doaaa, I tud not a aharp or erwe acha left Thea I reduced tbe doaa one-half and took tbe remainder cf Uie bottle.

I waa able to baateadr at work till Saturday, when I took a aevere cold and wan unable to om mjr left hand. I pmchaaed another bottle and by bed time I found reiki. Tbe medicine li all you chum for It" Investigate AraxoniOBoealljou please! Kind all the fault you choose with it I and yet the fact remains, that it is doing what no other medicine ever could do for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. If yon cannot get Athlofhobos of your druggist, we will tend It express paid, on celpt ol mrular price one dollar per bottle. We prefer that you buy It from your druggist, tut if hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try something else, but order at once from us as directed.

ATHLOPHOROS 112 WALL NEW YORK. miimmimiiHiH.s.immiiiimnim AYER'S PILLS. A iarga proportion of tit djeaaea which earn Daman uSenaf rtauit from derange-ment of tha stomach, tmwals, and llr. Area's CATuaTic Fills act directly npoa these organs, and aro aapeeially designed to ur ilia dlaeaaes cautaJ by thelf deranf av-meut. Including Conatlpation, Iadlgwa.

tlon, Dyapepala, rail ache, Dysentery, and a boat of other alliuanu, for all of which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. Tbe extent ire me of theao Pills by eminent physicians in regular practice, thowa unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by tbe medical profession. Then Pills aro compounded of regetablo substances only, and are absolutely free front calomel or any other injurious Ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes Pills are invaluable tome, and ar my constant companion. I hare beo a severe sutferer from Headache, and your Villa are the only thing I could )iok to for relief, (me iiii will quickly more my bowels and fre- my head from lu.

They are the uioat elTcclivo auJ the i mienl physio 1 have ever f.Miiwt. 1 1 1 tlaure to me to tW in their prise, auJ 1 ahtayt do so wueu uecaion oliers, V. L. iMiiB, of W. Page Bro." Franklin Uiotiniond.Va., June 3, iW2.

"I have used Aykb's Pii.i.s in number-leu Instances as recommended by you, and liMv." never Ituowu them to full to accomplish the ileiireil We constantly keep them en lntnd at our home, nml prize thciu as a safe, m.d relinlilu family medicine, roll UVaPEl'SIA they uro invuluable. r. Haves." Meii, Judo 17, m'2. The Kfv.

FiMsrts writing fii'in Jlliuilii, pays: For some years iv." iieen wiibjeet to cumtipntion, i ulil -h, in HjuUi nf Ih-i us." of ine.ll-r:i:r. i-f viri im 1 in''ri-ain2 in- i W'', uii 1 1 "lne uiunthfi aio I L. A I'll l.s. 'I'liey uva 1 1 1 i-n: i ili. ctivo liHl'it.

and st 1 iini'ruvt'l my gnii'ra! tieaith." tin ii- 1'n i irreeu-iur. nf tin' llii'-- I nid prcwj.t hi- tig-T to tho L.i.-j.usi'.Al i. riri mv Dr.J.C.AyeriCo.,Lovcll,Masi. l.y nil I': iuaitf. What a "Corner" la.

The "bear element" in the market are all those wno think that prices of securities are higher than they. onght to be, higher than they can permanently remain. In order to take advantage of tbennwarranted vjil-nes." they borrow stocks and sell them at the high prices prevailing, expecting to be able to buy them in at lower prices before it becomes necessary to return the borrowed securities. When the. bears have discovered weak spot in the market that is, a security selling for more than it it worth in their opinion they borrow snd sell it liberally.

Their selling has the same effect in putting down the price as though the stock were absolutely their own, and the expectation is that other holders, observing a decline in price, will become alarmed and sell also, thus putting down the price still more and frightening still other holders. They intend, of course, to buy enough at the lower scale of quotations to deliver back what they have borrowed, pocketing the difference. It sometime happens that a few persons, discovering what the bears are about, and believing that they (tho bears) are strong enough to stand a heavy loss without breaking, quietly buy up all of a particular stock that exists. In order that the price may not bo forced up whilo they are themselves buying, they lend stock freely to the bears, and thus encourage tho latter to sell. When they have secured all.

or nearly all, of tho particular stock that exists, they call in their loans. Tho bears are thcu compelled to buy, and since no stock, or very little is for sale, the price can ba forced up to any figure- at which tho cornerim: party cho6ses to put it. Tho "shorts" must come up and settle on I such terms as may bo dictated to them. The last resort is to leave the cofiier-1 -n rar'y saddled with tho whole isstio 1 of stock in ipiestion, Whether they make I or loso by the operation will depend I upon whether thev etui extort from tho bears more than cnonsh to compensate them for the loss thev may incur in rc-, selling the -took to the general public. Most commonly the cornering party, I as well as the cornered, lose money, which has been gained meanwhile by 1 tne multitude, who have taken advantage of the high prices lo sell out.

For this reason corners have latterly been nfrare oc-tirr'-nee. The Echo. How like the echo is tbe human sv s-t III. If we speak killdlv. the echo illl-sw ers iikew ise.

If we cjirc 'oi niir sv s- tela we hav L'ood health. If we ignore nature's laws we incur ill health. For all troubles of the stoinacll 1 i er. bh lotl and kidneys, si 1 r. Fed Clov cr Tonic I' speedily cures dyspepsia.

(Mstiveness, bad health, piles, pimples. JU'ileaiiil nta'ai a disease, pooi iippetlte. low spit.ts. 1 i-adaehe. and makes tbe Lfencial l.ealiti excellent.

Can be taken ie mi's', ile'itcatc. Price ooceiits T. U. Weav. i.

At a 1 1 1 i i speakers saiit: luit ith i -s t-li into lnel I 1 lie tin it wot in i hi siiav. Williaiu II I I II I I I'll i i r. olio of the II. Van.lrr-niM 1-e he a aci.a.-t thu the l-n, loaiis lai'li-r ll oi Iiorelli arrete.r lai eoav ti i DrttVi i. i IhilTalo.

has heen wan. nits. -o-rainl rtni'e i mi i it-s l'-r ri 1 I Hit I. his partin l.i' Wii.i is i ol' sti I The l'l-iii centlv tl It is lie--i i 1 1 1 i reaeh eh.i.'e i-i lit. ie Cliicavjo, to hu 14111 't'ant of lie i 1 ''-aint-r MaiS'-i'les re- ins ith a ot ll'Oll ici was diseover-'d to be ilay out.

After he- crew ami parseiurora oil lire (ill I lie till roic ell- 'i 1 In to extiiiL'iu -li the sp.nks, the hatches were battened down and a run was made to 1 iiiiala. miles distant, where the naval authorities assisted in qiiellinij tin- lire. John A. Walsh, who is wanted at as a witness in the star-route case against William l'itt Kel-I logg, recently wrote troiii M'Sjitreal that he was ready to hand over impor- taut papers to the proper messenger, Messrs. Ker and Cameron were sent at once, to 1mm Walsh irave the due- unieiits.

and finally promised to appear I himself on Thursday. A Nasal Injector free with each buttle (t Shiloli atarrh Hemedy. I nce -n cents. Sold by II. Cox m.

as- -aw Why will you cough when Shiloh's 'ure will give immediate relief. Price lo ds. oo cts. and rl. Sold bv II.

Cox Sun. i i I I I 1 I 1 1 ti of th I Atlanta Com Autn tolU about dud" clothln? itorn V6 worship that which it expensrre. I WMiremindei-otthlf forcibly by firm which hasjwo Its wy to the top rank ia iu own particular line by nn-bjushlnglt and ibamlosily orercharging tTery thing they All They deicribe finuelrei aa "haberJashen," and keep what la known in the vftlgar parlance of the day at a "gents' furnishing goods" store. They havo a superb establishment. It is the size of to stores is fitted in polished mahog-itT from floor to ceilW.

and filled wtfi a small army of snobbish clerks. A page in livery opens the door for those who enter, and they never allow acostomor to take any article home himself. If it is only a neck-scarf they will tend it to him, though he Uvea five miles away. They have two delivery tana for that purpose, driven by nni-fortned coachmen with flunkies by their sides to deliver the goods. Altogether, the style of the establishment is stunning.

The prices are so high that men of modest means do not buy there. This is entirely to their satisfaction, as they do not want that kind of custom. Nothing in their shop can be bought at the regular prices. Collars, for in-atance, which sell usually at 25 cents, are 50 cents there and tliey chargo 80 cents a pair for cuffs that aro elsewhere 85 to 40. It is impossible to buy auy aort of a scarf or necktie, for lo-s than $2, and thn prices for smoking-jackets, bath-robes, and articles of that nnsitivelv enormous.

Tliev de- Ano i fo lor li uaiil-l uuu wi toweling which could be bought any-wiere else in town fir A few rfs a0 a friend (f mine dropped in casually to order -nine The door was swung open by an obsequious attendant, who bowed pointed to acltirkwjio was leaning gracefully on the enil of the counter. The clerk Stepped forward, bent and smiled. "I want some said my friend. "Will VOll be kir.d cnr.uli" to step this way. sir and the rubbed wniked softly his hands together down the store The customer followed until they arrived at the ollice in the rear.

There the clerk was met by a member of the firm, who was introduced the customer. The ratln astonished at so niueh was a-ked with great politcnevs to step up-stairs, which he (lid. the way the1 proprietor asked if Wile! Cards. This be.nj tin- next floor was be a riciily-upiio carpeted parlor, touched a it eb etri aasilv with hi en- I 'd, and Toved to ter. 1 and heavih- J'lie Hell t'liuer .11.1 i-i mi erseit int 1 1 the sh i nothing 1 1 1 to tro-it At'--," lie had maker about the the cail H' boon nie; "You ma eared.

He hirt. and pure. il- shirt 111 a first." "We licer dozen shirts, sir, at: tzen." sail! li.e cally. riit I don't care l.lf .1.. cl, than half a is laeoni- 1 our to pay for a and men lind that mi I inn'k it is an invway.

li.w, II they do tit me extortionate price, Our customers i-aid the proprie tor, grandly, never suspect u. ill-fitting tla-m, and er ak the price." "1 don care act not," said mv friend, for trial and I will and that is he end of ter. If on vvan't to cot. don't trouble plenty of shirt ia -do charge at least n- eia tin do or 'I want one shirt you it, the whole mat-o it you may if s. lf.

Tin-re are in town who i iif pi kV I The hiai oddly. his lingers, sir, are not red his mind. at into the opened tne respectfully snohbisliness linn is the line. fir en mi i and sail Oar Thereupon nr.

li fr Stalked linu stait s. aiii Street, while the door and bowed t.i Iran And vet. this nit of takes in New York, for tie most successful one of its We as you to read the advertisement of farbv's Pii ipbv lactic Fluid, which appears in oui issue to-, lav. It is a wonderful healing remedy, a most powerful disinfectant, and a isitivc worm destroyer, ami is pcifectlv safe to use even in the hands of the most inexperienced. It is highly recommended by eminent physicians and chemists, and endorsed by hundreds of others who have used it and know its valuable properties.

About two weeks ago, three masked men stole in gold fnuu the farmhouse of Carl Selioltz. neat Fast Tavvas, killed Ins son and brutally beat all the members of his family. Jacob Kattrrman was arrested on suspicion last Wednesday and soon af- hterwards made a full confession, impji- caung Min. nenoiit.s ana n. nnue.

All are now in jail. Hen Butler, in a letter to nn Illinois greenbaeker. favors the lJeagan inter-state commerce bill, denouncing grain-gamblers as public em lines, and holds that the tax vn mortgaged property Should lie against the mortgage. He Would have the largest possible free list of raw materials, a heavy duty upon business, and the abolition 'of internal revenue taxes, except to provide for pensions. It has transpired that John Mackey went to Washington Sunday night at the request of the l'ostollice Committee to make a full explanation of his postal telegraph project, and also the condition on which in bonds would bo Riven as security in carrying out the coutract, if the award to do a neral business at the ami 1 cent Cte to all points in the I 'luted States were awarded.

If Mackev gets the award an English capitalist now with him will take i'l, 1100,000 in postal bonds. B- A remedy for rheumatism, which lifts 'lone from a condition of helplessness and makes life worth In ing, is described bv Mr. P. L. Southard, a prominent citi zen of lirceiicaHlli liul.

lie says: I-or Blx weeks I grew worse under an attack Of rheumatism, though I had good medical treatment. Could not move without great pain and had to be helped. Bishop How man brought me a bottle of Athlophorous. Itegan taking it in the morning. That night I slept free from pain.

The next morning I fell like a well man." Shllnh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. Bold by II. Cox A Son. The following tesoiutton, forwarded by brother BUckbernr Davis, of Mobile wa men lutro-iueea; nnlM ni it sm 4 dootr of Ltnls Kiln Club to racoaraye da organlisshunol a cull' ad society for dlscutbon an' dipnf-sbu of domestio economy. The resolution being open to debate.

Bollrnsh Jinks took the floor, and hoped it would prevail SuifUessnoss in domestic matters was the bane of the colored race. He bad known a family to heave a bnshel of frozen potatoes into the alley, when the tame would have made a score of rich puddings, or conld have been saved to lend to neighbors in the place of sound ones. Uncle Luther Perkins hoped to see such a society formed without delay. Domestic economy was the last thing thought of in the average colored household. He knew plenty of families which lived on fried oysters one day and bean soup the 'next Sev.eral other menbers spoke in the same vein, and the resolution was put to vote and adopted.

Brother Gardner then appointed Nelson Slabs, Czar Anderson and Transparent Smith as a committee to organize such a society, and suggested the following points to be considered, investigated and pro mulgated: 1. Is it better to go without tablo butter than to bo without two big alio dogs? 2. Isn't it possible to invent a ruinco pie with cabbage and carrots for a foundation? 8. Can't potato skins and apple par-iugs bo worked over into a pudding for 4. l'o we eat more than is really necessary? Isn't the variety greater than the health demands? I n't the man who tills on pudding and mil feel just as good half an hour after eating as the man who has feasted at a first-class hotel? -lh ruit Fi- I'ms.

A Remarkable Escape. 4 Mrs. A. 'l'mikliaiiuork, was ir six years with and bronchitis, during which time 1 1 best physicians could give no relief. I ler life was despaired of, until in List tetohcr she procured a bottle of lr.

Kind's New 1 iseovci y. when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use fonislinit time she was coin detclv cured, tra.iiing in llesh lbs. in a few months, l-'iee trial bottles of this certain cure of all throat and lung disiase.s at T. It. Weavei's dnigstore.

Large bottles. 1. Wil.i.itn II ard'T, assistant tratlie lii.i:i.ijvr of Pacific load. I'e: rni T': tin 1. at 1 he request of Ills sale is a ai of siki.iini 1 ksof the company and accounts.

the banker who failed a-o at Piatteville, am sled for lt; i Last winter old iuan; be l.s now de-aily bimd. i the If two nn till has a. nn lit. and as a hah i rt pit and in It is can Melutvi iii Montreal that lun-i' and K. Aiumis, vice the antiitian I'acdie rail- h-aled each in disposed their iu- pier ivav del its of ll IV lll' helae.

si S' A lit iv 1 and ill resign May. utv of men serenaded a man let) couple at Wattsbiag, ridav night, and overloaded ami ih id the town cannon, wliieii burst, fatally wounding one man and srrious-'v injuring lour other persons. The delcL'atfs-at-largts fiom Indiana to the national republic. in convention are Senator Harrison, Kieliard Thompson, John II. llaker, and Mollis Me)oiiald.

They are tnt instructed, nd have expressed no preferences. In a glove-tight at New York Friday niebt. in winch Wm. Sheriff was to net the total icccipts if be knocked out" Mike Clean in foi.i rounds, (deary, in stead, knocked out "the Prussian' in the first louud. lasting thirty seconds.

Captain Campbell and a posse of deputy marshals brought to Louisville Friday, ten "moonshiners." captured iinC.isf and Ireeii counties, Ky. Tho chase and capture of the revenue vio-latois were both exciting and dang.T- 11 del Liver Fills will posi-siek headache and prevent T'hts is not talk, but truth. 1 1 el elllt lis letuili. pill a di 1 l.sts. ee ad sc.

To be had of all drug-v fit isinenl 1 (. hi ll Ifnnl.en mte to In land. 1111 neai a Hail 1 1 1 1 I s. 1 (if to hean M. i lemietl flT.IKK), hv Kiistern crook.

iiHihi system recovered the Sei ll-t sel 11 men of the trapped the lohhel and llioiie John Covle was han-'Ci il on Tuesday, the inurdi of ill" well until at IV lor hore Nht-is. II; he heard Hie eal si-atlolil, hen he cited condition wl droii fell. 'enters erecting the passed into an ex-1 irli lasted unUl the Charles Fiske. an atred of Waiikeitaii. after (HiarrehiiK all day ith his second itc 111 regard to the disposit li mi of some beat her so that si 10 died the next 1110110114.

The murderer is too fcehle to leave his bed. All eases on the Federal docket at Charleston, S. for violation of the national election laws were disinissml Friday upon motion of the district attorney, the latter claiming that in the present slate of public sentiment convictions were impossible. For lspepsia and Fiver Complaint, vouhawa printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's It never fails to cure.

Sold by II. Cox Son. Twelve States have chosen delegates to the republican national convention. Arthur has 1 supporters, lilaine sj, and Lilian 17. A careful estimate of the preferences of delegates from the remaining Slates jives Arthur 111 votes, Itlame HI and Fdinuiids -lJ.

K. I. IIoLtan. the aeronaut, made a lialloon ascension Fi hlay from Jackson a lumber a40n beinn attaclieil to his balloon. A dispatch was received later limn Cambridge Ohio, that lloan had (alien to the earth, but contradiction in cm 1 oborat ion is missing.

Commander Schley has orders lo take the Thetis. Hear and Alert, to the coast of ireciihiii'l or further north. eely conn ados-. nS enjoined bv Secii la Ulcers and men are Chandler to per- loi it; an duty at Inch thev niiiv I M-a or on land to assigned. Medicines taken internally never did nor never an cure 1'yspepsiu.

My nb-sor(tion only can it bo cured. I'sc Ward's Dyspepsia Cure. MOORE DICKSON Successors to J. W. Moore, Dealers in LUMBER ATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS EC.

Kstinnttes Furnis SIIirPKI) TO ANY POINT Ollice and Yard on Charleston Street, One Ulock South of Depot ti- Is in Iiohic A on 1 11 mi. li- i Iteli'l'-v. if nn w.inl I u-iiu -s nt In. ll persiiiii. of either m- miiii: or Kii al p.iy i vto urn lh ni.scline ri i I carti.

nlars 11. II ai lit AM). l'liituiK'l. Mar iriJirTP5 TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these soe.n-cu iltUo three- oe.r'l.s of of tile) human race.

t-yaiiHomsiiuheato Lhoirexirttnei-: of Appetite, Bowel) centlvo, Hick IEckJ hihr, fullneti after catinjr, nvrrmori iiuMoa et tdy or mind, r.riist.tlou of finit, IrrttaMlH ol" tow spirits, A ffin(X bavltijr ueli-rtd tome duty, IMzxinem, Fluttcrlni; at ia H4-art, tlo before the mm, hljrhly ooJ TCiX IJrljie, ami do- n.aa.l tho uso of a remedy that tadirccllv 0.1 tli-i l.iver. fll.I.S nocjiL-il. Their anion on tho liieysmiil Skin Unls proTiipt rt 'iioTtii' all impurities tliroiijjli t'ic throe bcht ci8r oC tiie system, Mitiail dleetion, repiir ptrml a rtep.r skin a vigorous) bcnly. TCTT'N uo nausea or Kriplntf nor iiiterfcro with daily worn ami Ri ajserfect ANTIDOTE TO elALARlA. Mnrrny TUTTS HAIR DYE? (iiur IUir on Wkisrkes ChangO.l liv Bluntly toiiCJLossY Black liyaHiiigln up.

pl lent Ion of thla DTK. hoM by Druggistd, or 3ent by cxir'3 on receipt of 1 Office, 44 Murray York. TUn'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. J. R.

T03EY, Still leads the IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS. And lias now a Mammoth Stock of al. kinds of Furniture. The best that is made, and at the TME VERY LOWEST PRICES. ir mfmsxsm'smSMsBiiimi ITHrbirSaiW Tie Furniture Trade Bails gave it as his view that "England owed to the practice of physical exercise not only a great deal of its muscle and power, but also a great deal of its success, and, under Providence, much of its glory in the wofld." Had Mr.

Gladstone been called upon ho would doubtless have given the same testimony. For, although in his seventies, he spends hours every week in felling trees and in taking long and rapid walks. A New York writer who was at the Carnival in Montreal thus des-i crioes the type of girl ho saw: "The English girl is tall and strongly built. She walks with her figure rigidly erect and her head held up', from conscious-j ness of strength rather' than from I pride. Her cheeks aro llko the sides of I a peach that has just begun to ripen.

The rose blush blends with the pink, that is in turn lost in tho general creamy tint of the whole face. Waves of flaxen or light brown hair curtain the forehead, or perhaps her hair is pulled into a cloud that projects be-I votid her sealskin cap. Sao lias bi, deep-blue eyes, eloquent of good health and good nature, and at a touch of excitement, lieing an athlete she is a model of good health, and the I equal of her brothers the dinner I taiile. Her nose and mouth are not too I fiishioiiably small. They match her tine stature, and the healthy, graceful carriage that tells of stout limbs and developed muscles.

hat a less hi tho Montreal girl fetiches to the New York mothers who bring their daughters up in-door like hot-house plants, for fear thev will uot be lad v-like' and vvomanh Those robust girls, iu modesty, in grace, in softness of speech and femininity generally, tire the peers of the daughters of Sl'itrav Hill, and yet then; is hardly one that cannot stand by her rother's side in whatever sport lie is enjoying. These can climb a mountain like deer, thev can skate like the women of Holland, the-, are at home on snow-shoes, tiie mad sport of the toboggan hilU is evcry-day fun 1 '1 In-r has, hou ev. been a reform in this country during the last quarter of a eetiiurv. 1 utiia.s-unis are more common, especially in colleges. Oat-door ports are far mure popular than thev were, and tin' educated young man has plenty of chance to imnrovo his 1 1 1 by good muscular 1 ui" l'tK however, tire not so well oil' as Ineir Fuiish sisters.

Long country walks arc not popular with t-ur oung women, but making allowance for tliese shortcomings, few American-! will admit that our girls are not in even respect cijual to their Fngii-ih sister-. Griggs' Glycerine Salve. The best on earth, can truly In said (Jriggs" (Hveeiine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, I wounds and till other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter ami all skin 1 riiptions. 1'rv this wonder healer.

satisiaetion Lruarantceii or money refunded. Onlv 1 cents. sale by T. Weaver; Almost a Fiasco. Odd things will sometimes happen on the tirst uifrht, of a new play.

As a matter of fact they generally do happen, and occasionally nn unforeseen accident of trivial importance under other circumstances, will kill a theatrical production outright. Helaseo, the dramatist, had a narrow escape with the lirst performance, of his '-Fa Heile Kusse" in California. In the most thrilling scene of the play, where the villainess and tho hero hate their strongest scene together, Miss s-L''wis and Mr. Osmond Tearlo were alone upon tho stage. Mr.

Tearlo was -itting dow 11 with folded arms, and Miss Lewis was standing, ju--t. on the 'unit of delivering her longest and H-aviest speech. At the very instant of beginning she felt something eive way about her waist, and a garment which tho editor would not allow me to mention, slid slowly down towards tho lloor. Miss Lewis had suflieient presence of mind to disentangle herself, and she succeeded, without discovery, in pushing the garment back to tho end of tho sofa, where it could not he seen by the audience. Then sho went on with her speech.

Just after this point iu tho play Mr. Tearlo had to draw his handkerchief from tho breast pocket of his coat It so happened that his handkerchiof on this particular night was in his hip pocket, and in transferring it to his coat the article slipped from his hand. Headline down without looking, he caught hold of the abandoned portion of Miss Lewis' wardrobe, and that lady was horrilied to sec him raise it slowly towards his breast. He had it nearly up when his eye fell upon the frill which adorned it, and he let go with great precipitation. Mr.

Tearlo played the scene through without any handkerchief, and luckily no one in tho aiiils-enee had observed his attempt to pick-it up. "La Hello Kusso" had a very close shave that night. When you are siilVerini; from skin dis- eases or a debility of the system arising from a torpid liver, use Or. MnrshaH's P.roinoline. Price, Sold Kilner Piiothers.

The liev. Ceo. Il.Tlmver.of Bourbon, says: "both myself ami wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Sold bv 11. Cox Son. All iii" thi wnmlisrfnl l.

1 1 oU el 'J0 Ayor'ii Sarsaparilla. I l.ililr-'ii Willi Soro Ej-es, Sore or anv or eyih-i i tniv be mail" healthy ami itroug I i t-y nil MARSHA -i iii 1 im mm lilBI WA I ffUJT HTho Favorite Cough Remedy 1 fx-! Iur ln.rtii'iiit-s, liekllng nr inn Tin- Ilrst iliiso k.ivel relh I. 1'iiAlcs cooJ. by All iimyyisto. 2.

Lirge Botl, 5t. and $1. Peoria. Dtcatur EvansYillc R'j Mirn '-I I'-irei Ilcete Itetween PEORIA EVASVILLE. i I 1 X'.

fvA hhf-l't '-)''" 1 1. x- i VfV' I "'J il i i Mil 1 IIWAUII. No K. (-- ami No. t-.

Lo, ni reijiiit No leiht NuUI'll W'AKli. No. 1. K.ii'si I Mail e. i -o'ii nt I-.

Nu. I.mi a i 1 1 Nu. li, 1 rev lit I I I VV Pl "Til IVii 1 lj 111 t'i a in di 1 4 a tn a 2 UO At I'etmii for all point- North ami Northwest lla.un, null i A It Jark.xinville I i v) Ml. wan ill cent pringDefcl tliviMon Hei iUiir, with st I. I for all points east ami west, 1, II aini l.ouiu ilivj, 111 CunliHl li li.

Sullivan, with -it. lxiuis 1' (Altaraont lliv I I Mattoon, with 111 Central and I ft St L. (i leenu with an. lull a Line, oir.ev, Willi (i i l.lHVVllli' llh Sf 1 '1'ttirrt Kvunsviili-, Willi I. for all points onU, piyiiiu, '1 ll rim ir ir A I nil luiiita Sinrth li'aoi South anil West.

HagifHee ehcckeil to ileatitny tiou. For ami all reliable inlorm- uoii, apply to l.k'll I nil. in, uiiiwun. c. iira-ibii iii-iieriil Manager, II.

i 1'arker. i iilie Miinncer Miller. i'n I nn, I Tbt. A rt. 1SS4.

HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 FACES. SI ITKI Td Hi AND UIUI.S OKKKOM sl 1 11KK. lKAIts OV At.K. Vol. XovemiK'i lui Mi i-the liest weefclj-foi eluhhrii in Ainerieii.

eslorm lina-ian Ai oi ate. A41 lleit the nrlisf ifn il Ifh In (lie iiin oi il luii l.een ilone. and tho liest talent oi ihe roun-ry lias eontriliiiteil tn it text. New Kujvlaii.l Journal ol hilmation, lliloii. Ill il- fpeeeil Held there i nnthintr that eJlii tie m(ii it.

Il.titiiinl Kveiiiiiir l'ost. TERMS. HAitrKK i-koi'lek. I'er car, l'uid. S0 Single Number, 1- Ive Cents each.

Siie linen eop; sen on receipt of throe rents. The union of llnrper'a Young 1'eoide hS IkkI, 1-s-j lind iwci, handhoniely bound in llluu-inated loth, wilj Iks sent bv mail, pot. age repaid, 01, iiecipt of 3 eacli. Cloth Cases fat eaeh v-ilumo, Milt ihle for binding, will be soul by mail, pout, aid, on rceuipt of cents eaoU. Komlltanevs should lie made by 1'ostofDcc Money Order or 'raft, to avoid chance ot InflL Ntwupayers are not to oopy this adverJCjC ment wiihoi't tk-e expieaj ottlor or UftrtXrB Brolliers.

A 'Micks, HAKi'EK A BROTIIEKB, Xlw Tork, PftSfi Itj-1TI I HARDWARE A. HASBROUCK CO. Koi'i- a Full an.i Well Sclectoa Stock of aiifl mm mmmw, mm MUM UUU I I UU1U1I UtU PUMPS, STOVES AND WAGONS. Cross Cut Saws--Very Low, Axes of Best Brands, Horse Shoes and Nails, Files and Rasps, Saws and Saw Sets, Pocket and Table Cutlery. SCHUTLER WACON TENNESSEE WACON 1'nrcs Never were us Low CLIMAX COAL COOK STOVE OMAHA COAL COOK STOVE l.i si Kvoi- Mil lo.

A Lower l'rioo St.ive. A l(t tv.ide ill these stuve-i, 1 i' 11 really wnn lei the satisl'nrtiuu they ive. Km ult lltMtrrs we "VrcnIla.trr Open, rmt, Z3ccv.z; 3aso Heater 2Torfcct Gem, O-olclerL Star 13ase XaCeater. Cllmtxrc Base B-amcr. Ver i Henlcis wo Imve Splei-d-Icl I3asG E-iracr, Coin Sctviaro 33asQ Burner, Irvlngr direct IDraft.

1 liese nil have no Superior nor Kiiuils. Tell the Eoys wc have just receiyed the Nicest Lot of Skates they saw BARBED WIRE reecivo I a rai -len I mid for njiof c.nli in Ion lots will make special iirles til Never will lip as low auain, niel alionlil buy now as price ure to be ajrauce luaniil'aetiircrs alter January 1. i.

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