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Mattoon Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 3

Mattoon Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


VTcU rixsl Trz'x Henry Dahling hits movtl hl3 Mer-chant Tailoring business into Goldgarts Block, occupying the room recently used as a cigar store. He invites attention to bis stock of FASHIONABLE CLOTHS, including ALL KINDS OF BEASOXABLT GOODS, which he Is manufatudng order, and guaranteeing satisfaction li oualitr of goods "and workmanshii ESTATE REAL OFFICE ST. NICHOLAS, EdiUd alary Mpe le. Th KewTork Trlaana onca raid: "In the (Talaoche of ltanoral I ite rata re taat threaten Mi enlUran, (om (troer, vikaliy wliolcaome, and raallT attraadT b(bb required for them, and St. Mieboam liaa rehed a higher platform, and eoniand for ami eurTiea wtacr reourca In art and letaara, (ha any of tta predeoesaora or The refer, en re to the wide rtaoarte In art and tetter eommanilcd by 8t, Mtetaelu waa BeTeroior tally illu (rated tbaa by ta eitraordinary lUt attraction which that marailo aaaounee tor 1884 Xh toUowinf wllla) on of Jh leadiof contributor: LoDlaa U.

Aleott, J.T.Trowbrldfe, Cap, ftiayne Bold, lljalmar UJorth Boveeen Maurice Thorn peon, Frank. S. Stockton, Charlee Dudley Warner, Joaquin Miller, iaiiabetb Stuart Phelpa, Mr. T. Whitney Julian Hawthorne, Cclia Thazter, Mary Mape Dodge, Lieut rnderick Schwataa Koae Hawthorne Latorop, K.

8. Brook, Ueorge W. Cable, Chae. G. Lelaud, Susan Tenlmore Cooper, John U.

Whittler. W. O. Stoddard, C. P.

Cranch, and core( of other iiletlngulshed writer. The beat artlet and eugraTer llluatrate the maga-xine. It haa been truly (aid tbat the reading of St-Nicholaa I "A LIBERAL EDUCATK3N" for the boyi andglrlt who ar fortunate enough to hare it. In no other book or periodical ia 10 happily blended with recreation and amueercent The price lfj.00 a year, or 25 eenU a Dumber, liodk'-pollen, newg-dealvrs, and poet-mastera receire euohanption, or remittance may be maile direct te the publishers, by money or exresa order, bank check, draft, or In regj lstered letter. Tm CENTUBT CO.

New York, N. T. Agreement Between the I. St, L. R.

It and the City of Mattoon, til. Agreement inula between tha Indlanapolli and t. Louis railroad company of the inl part, ami tha I'Mj ol alattoon of the second part. WiTxwirra. that the said party of the lint part la consideration of the agreement! and coTcnaoU oa the part nf tb (aid aity of Mat-toon, herein after mBtlonl, provided the tama can be, end art legally earried into effect, here by afreea to end with eatd City, of Met.

toon, and bind Itself, ite noceeaon and aasigna, that it will locale, build, 'erect complete end permanently eontinn and operate, upon the Eoond donated for eueh purpose In the City of attoon, lie prinoipai machine and ear a coat of not leu than one hundred thonaand doUara. Ia eouideratien whereof, eald City of Mattoon agrees to par tor all the round and real aetata, donated, ana agreed to be donated, or eoadeaned, for the purpose of aaid location of eaid maeaiueibepa, aproTided in aa agreement made tale day, between Dexter Dole and othera of the one, part and eaid Indiaaapoli and SI. Louie railroad company of the other part, In relation to laid machine (hope. And eaid City of Mattoon farther agree to pnrchaee and hold for the hm of (aid City about eight aore of land, oonTcniently contiguous to the rround, opon which (aid thopa (bail be located and erected, and to construct thereon a reaerroirof capacity sufficient to furnish said machine shops with all water needed for the operation of the same, and of not lew than aer-en acre surface, and an aterage depth of aeren feet of water, aa soon a practicable, and to procure the rikl of way from said reaeryoir to (aid shopa, ao that eaid party of the flnt part shall have the right to lay down pipe to conduct said water to said shop, and shall also keep and maintain said reservoir in good repair and con-d lion as long as eaid water may be needed lor the um aoresaul and in case of failure or neglect to keep the same in neceseary repair, to pay to eaid party of the first part all needful coet and expenses of repairing the same, and it is hereby speoiallv agreed, tbat said party of the first part shall hTe tee right to repair said reservoir, in tlie event of the failure of said city to do so, and to charge the cot thereof to, ana collect the asms from, said citv ef at attoon. Ami the city of Mattoou further agreee that it will uuue the llouds of (aid city, for the purpose of borrowing money, for lbs ue of faultily, to tm amountof Sixty Tliousaad Dollars, with interest at U'U cunt, payable semi-annually, to be paid a follows to-wil: One-third in ten ear, and one-third in fifteen years, aud one-ilnnl in tweulv veers from the dale hereof and the interest to'be pavable from the time of sale or delivery of the si'mie, ami that (aid Bonds "hall be immi'diatelv issued in amount of One Thousand Dollars each, and placed in the care and riMtodr of some person, to be selected by the parties'herelo, whohall carefully keep the same and deliver them as follows to-wit: Fifteen Thousand Dollars thereof (hall be delivered to the partv of the Ant part wbeuesr Twenty Thousand Dollars aball have bwtu expended towards the erection of said shops, and hi the same manner, fifteen Thousand Dollars of bonde as Twenty Thousand Dollars more idiall be expended toward) said (hops, until nil the ltonds are delivered.

In tvsliinunv hereof, the. parties hereto have lv their proper officers, hereunto signed their iiiuust. and affiled the seals of eaid eorponitiyiis iliu tweiilv-swond cluv of March. A. D.

l7u. W. V. I'MilNUBSM, Mayor of ity of Multoou. i ii Seal.

i lerk, ity of Muttoon. The ludiHUap.dK St. I.oui- Kailroad Co. llv T.

t. Muuais. rrm t. I'urlv of the part. nf I.

A St. li. It. Aitr-l: t. Kisu, feeorelarv Origs" Glycerine Salve.

The hest on earth, oan truly he said of (iripirs' (ilycerinf Salvo, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, wounds ami all other sores. Will iwsi-tivelv cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try tins wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only cents.

Eor sale by T. Weaver. The Grocer Who There up to a year or two aso, a man in tlio grocery in one of the village of Woitern Michigan who was famous for his hatred of drum-niors. Travelers for Chicago. Detroit and other houses woru ordered out of his gtoru in the roughest manner, and several were agisted to lcavo in style nioro hurriod than graceful.

The boys, however, rather enjoyed it, and a port of ring was rined among Ihein with a solemn agreement to keop calling on the grocer until he pave oiiie oue an order. Oa ilav, eight or teu months ago, an agent for a Detroit house entered the grocery prepared (or the worst, but what was his aiuazoment to be received with a smile of welcome. This was followed hy kind words, and later on by an order for about $NK) worth of goods. The aont was so elated that he telegraphed the news homo and to several of his acquaintances, and it was a week before lie recovered his equilibrium of spirits. "And did ho coniinue to buy of your asked one who had listened to tho drummer's story.

"Well, no." "Why uot 'llecmise, within ten days after ho got our goods he failed and couldn't pay live cents on the dollar. Detroit Vtc WIT AND HOIOH. Aint'tidics of the leniiis lawn: She I our-i or luitio. Sirt iiarle-s lie lours aw'lly yours. The small buy wlml nngs around the parlor and makes bices at his sister's lieati should bo punished (or contempt of court.

"What a beautiful thing, my dear, is Twy cheek!" 'Tea, husband, but how great the contrast when the bluh settles on the nose." A man named wished to changu his name because his always objected to his figure whenever he'd meter. She said lie was too high, and turned him Sleepless ight, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is ttie remedy for you. Sold by II Cox Sot) Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh Catarrh Item-edy. Priee 50 oents.

Nasal lujwctor free. Sold by II. Coi A Son. -AKD- ANNIVERSARY -AT- KANSAS, ILLS -ON- SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1881. The Indianapolis and St.

Louis R'y will run special trains and sell Cheap Excursion Tickets to all who wish to attend. Call on the company's afrent for full information as to liuie of trains and rates of fare. Fe oi Reunion The bcala of Frank Itsnde, the inhuman monster what committed suicide ia the penitentiary at Jolict the other day, onght to be subjected to a molt careful and iclentifio investigation. There was something so very abnormal In this casa that ft worth while to know, if possible, whether he was a freak of nature in her most diabolical mood, or a lunatic Thirteen murders were committed -by-hint- Bando-was not a product of his surroundings. -He belonged to a respectable family, remote from those centers of population which produce habitual criminals.

He himself was once respected. At one time he was a school teacherLXhe genius of Hood has given Immortality to Eugene Aram, the school teacher who committed murder. Everybody feels that there is a peculiar incongruity between teaching school and taking human life. Had Eugene Aram been engaged in any other pursuit his case would hare been less sensational and surprising. But in Frank Rande we hare a school teacher sunk to the very bottom of the bottomless pit, as an enemy of society.

A tramp taking fiendish satiffaction in human butchery. What was it? Did the snake in his nature lay coiled in torpor until domestic affliction developed it into tho absolute master of his life, or did reason abdicate? Chicago Inter Ocean. It is universally admitted that Dor-win's Mammoth llorse and Cattle Powders are the best now manufactured. Give them a trial. Price, 25 cents.

Sold by Kilner brothers. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. hellevw and curea RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Uat liAt HE. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY. SWELLINOS.

klHAIS. Sorendi. Cuti. Bruliei, FUOhTBlTES. i it a a.

scalds, And allother txHlllyachee and palm. FIFTT CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold hjr all OrneglsHaiid I Oirvciiou! In 11 lanuagee. The Charlee A. Vogaler Co.

wra lo A YiMilUCU lit) i J-, I 8. 1. ELY'S CREAMJALM Causes no Pain. Gives Relief nt onee. Thorough BTreatment will Cure.

Not a Liquid or Snuff Apply with Finger. ViERuiTe ft a Trial Wivnuat I rn njf i t. fio conU ey mall rcis-UTe-l. lor JKI.Y imuTIIKKS, UriutRieta Oworo, N. V- WU1 be mailed CDCC all applicant! and to eauotnera of Uit proennf it- It contalaa Ulmt rations, price, deicnptioni and diiecUoni for planting- all Vtyet.b.e and Wcmtt Seed.

Plant, c. I nralaable toi Bll. Km. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. Bick Heartache n4 roller" a'l th trotiM- tt a biliom Ulc uf the as (inttea, Nan'A, I)rowkii-, aftr Tuin la the hide, Ac.

Vluln their moat rtuai-ableaucccsa baa been abowiii caring faitor'aLlttlc tlm acr.ny xilualda la C'oimi ili ja, rurine and prtveut diT Ihla annoying comiiluint, vlulo th also cornvt (11 dlivmlera of Uio the llv and riulutc the kuwcl. Uvea If IL ualy cui4 jiche thry wocMl'almrrtrrlfi! to thnepTti (ulfor from lut fortu-rtely their nC o-J hiT, and tlioi vhooncotry thim will find tbeii little pillevala-at'lein ao rmnvways tintth 7 bv Uloiij to Jo wilbjout tbcia. all alck In.l lathe tane of (o cianr Htm that here vfri we make our grcai UaU Cur Jiilla cut) It Other do Cot. Carter's Litlls TiMs are Trry (mall ard Trryroy toUkn. Conor tvo tankt a They U9 atrictlT vtf-taiilB and 1I0 not pipe or purge, but by their gt'iitlo action ailwh- taethem.

flva fort 1. ij by DiaiU CAKTEU MEDICINE CO Hew York. G5O0 REWARD! WI will MT tttt ftbov IfWWj hilt MM Of UWOKBblfll nyirtM, fUck NwtMtK, laUMln, CoaMlMtkia CMIixw, ounot WaM'l VaftMlUa Uw nUa, bM Um 1U MrtMlr ulM 1M- Tbaf ywtf ajhl, and iwnr 11 ftn mlihutm afv CoataA, Lmm Um, Ulnln( pUK ante. Wm ate ey awkk. Bwf ol kHinkwMW ImlttMUM Tka Mlrn mtif If kiHN c.

wist a 00, ui a tm w. mmm av, eaieo. A. B. CRAYCRAFT, Plotflrtic Artist EMt Broadway.

MMon, III. ritturei miwle in all iliea and in latest and bewt style. The pupi of Mattoon aud Tloinlty are luritod to call. Up gtain OTtr Colson'i Coofctioury CURE SICK mm ACHE latitat OF iM ATTOON. I I always keep the best meats to be had In the country, and ask the titties of Mattoon to give me a share of thtir patronage, which I will try and merit it keeping a First Class Meat Market tu every respect.

I also tender my thaaka to my customers for past patronage. West End of Essex Row. COAL! COAL! THE MATTOON MINING GO. Has adopted the following Scale of Price for the present. Mine Run at Shaft, $2.00 per ton Lump Screened at Shaft, 2.25 per toi Lump Screened, delivered in City, 2.50 per ton Nut at Shaft.

per ton Slack at Shaft, .75 per ton We will guarantee 2,000 pounds tor a Ton ef the Itest Coal in the siat. All teams loaded promptly without shoveling. You can save money bv purchasing your Coal of us, and encourage home euteiprlso. MATTOON MINING COMPANY. GO TO C.

W. SHAW'S And see the Immense Stock of Mi it Its Befor you buy your winter sapply, an ran ine PRI CESI There you will find the LARGEST STOCK Ever shown in the CITY OF MATTOON. Remember the Place, No. 22 East Broadway, Mattoon, III. THOS.

DONNELL MARBLE DEALER, And manufacturer of MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Aud all kinds of Marble Work in American and Italian Marble. Iso Elegant Scotch ranite. Agent for SPIE METALIC CRAVE COVER. Keeps Constantly on Hand Samples of linisuea worix. at his Works, corner of Charleston and First streets.

Mattoon, Illinois. LEE RAPP'S NEW Grocery storE One Door West of Cralq's unice, wesiuraaa wa, tuing iu the line of Thoro you will always find FRESH VEGETABLES TABLE LUXURIES, THE BEST FLOURS To be toand ta IM markei, and vwrthlac ta a ta Qnmn' Liaa, ALL FRESH AND JOHV ATM, or tte lake am MUitTuk Bsjaaar, wttl (band aealod tha eeaafet. UaylBg atnaarkad ta rary imUms vita a tlt Aioak, I aak a a ae otat fart patreaan and raqaait ait aeaail and ttkm. ws. FIRST DOOR SOUTH 6F POSTOf FICL where prompt attention will be given to all transactions in Ileal Estate, to which Mr.

Patrick will give his personal attention. Those haTing Houses or Farms to rent, Lands or Lots to sell, are requested to call. Superior facilities for advertising are offeied. Address or call on T. C.

PATRICK CO. Flouring Mill for Sale at Bargain. Frame buililina; 36x40, 3 stories and basement, boiler house 30x36: 1 i inch wheat burr; 1 48-inch corn l-urr; 1 46-inch roiilillings burr, 4 reel boUrns; chest, eiagle reel bolting cheat, corn meal bolt purifier, Throop cleaner, bran duster, corn shelter and separator, kiln dryer. Fair-ban ka acalea. engine 14x20.

boiler IS feet long, 61 Inches wide, with 5w 3 inch flues, and ail necessary machinery for making a fin -class new process Hour. Will be sold very cheap. Rf Home and Two Lots. A house and two lots, in tho South part of tho city, five blocks south of postollice. iov sale on easy terras.

Three Lots. offer lor sale' low 10. 11 and 11 bloat Curyea's addition to Mattoou, at very low figures. Three Lots. Two lots, 4 nd 5, In block 3.

Xoyes- addition. Corner Lot and Residence One square southwest of Weft hool uuil llng Iluuse has fusr rooms anil a kitchen, riteru, stable, etc. Lot is well fenced and stocked with grapes and other fruits. A desirable propert) at a reasonable price. 240 Acre Farm Three and one half miles from Parkeraburg.

Klchlnnd county. Land lies in Edwards county, lias two houses one is.vto with six room and one lx3J with fonr rooms. lt acres in cultivation aud all Imt 50 acrs well fenced liood wells, springs, tic Title perfect and terms easy. A Splendid Suburban Residence and Grounds. The place includes ten acres of Land on which is a food two story house, 'newlv painted; containing ten rooms, provided, with well', cisterns and everything complete and in good order; also, a good Ham, Voodhoiie.

liius. Stable, etc. A splendid orchard ol both Apple and Pear tree. Will a'oo iuelude two ur three towu blocks if desired. House and Three Lots one square from Central railroad, nortneast ol aionvpeuv's mill.

House has seven rooms ami a cellar; hedged all arouud. well set iu bearing fruit trees, and provided with stable and out house. New Residence and Two Lots. A good new one-story frame residence of five rooms with solid brick foundation, creeled last good new and ings, pleasantly situateVl on two loti, southeast comer of block, on Essejl street, in the desirable residence portion oleity.

House and Lot. A house and lot, five blocks south of post-oftiee. well improved; can be purchased at low figures. Craln Elevator and Cribs, Situated on the Indianapolis mid St. Louis railroad, iu the citv 01 Mattoon 320 Acre Farm, In Pent count very low figures.

Title perfect -only one remove fiom government. A Neat Little Residence I than a block ca.u of the West Side school-house. One stun, Ave rooms, lot well fenced; has woodshed, stable, well set in fruit trees. A desirable bargain. Eighty acres of Farm Land On which is eight acres of timber, situated in Sherman township, northeast corner of I'ixon county, Kansas.

Will be told oa lavorable terms or traded for citv propertv. Cood House and Lot, storV holme with flvn rnofna rjivlnn Cnsil coal, wood and cow house, pig yens and otl mm uuiiiuneu; runt, cnerrv. mach ami 01 trees Situated in 11. li 1, lai k'; Idaion. Will be sob! at hall its value il tas 11 noou.

Two ory House, ive rooins, wood and coal house, young fruit nice jirape arbor; two blocks south ul lonypenj's residence. House and Two Lots, Corner Charleston and Kigth strce 9, A tivo-story house, with 9 roirn, large barn and other outbuilding, known as the oats property. A very desirable property can be bought on cay terms. Two Houses and Three Lots, With good stable, wood-sheds and other con veniences, on Western avenue, for sale or trade, cheap. LTJZTJRY tdi; Bee Line Route I.

ST. AND C. I. fl'YS With its New Equipment, Excellent lload Ited, and possessing every appliance lor Luxurious travel Known to be serviceable, otters to a.ssengert tor INDIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND, BUFFALO, -AND ALL- New England Cities Fast Time, Sure Connections and PALACE SLEEP1NC COACHES Which run through between MATTOON AND NEW YORK WW1THOUT CHANGER To persons going West or Southwest, on pleasure or business, and to Western Land Seekers. The accommodations offered by this Line are unsurpassed.

Dlreet Connections ao made for an kiuis in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas. Kansas, Nebraska. Colorado. California Mexico Avoiding Traaafar and Delay. If TAB tnntAmtll.ftA I ra a not omplate yoar arraageuasau uaatl aftor wnimu rraui aiebiant, abi, WDOWNI uraltB LOWEST RATES Aad aH toto-taikm.

A. 4. latiH.f AT I nilin ID. B. Give him a call, id west room of Gold gartfi Tor 8ale.

A House and Lot, with 6 rooms, good well, out houses, wood shed, etc. Call on T. C. PATRICK, at this office. For Sent.

as. u. ngnt win move 10 tne country next week, and his house onNorth First street will be for rent to desirable parties. J. Bankin Co, House and Sign rainters, Interior Decorators, and Paper Hangers.

Kalsomining and Fresco Painting done on short notice. Also Carriage and Wagon Painters. Shop Opposite Post Office, on First Street. ROOSA buys Poultry and Eggs at the old stand on Western avenue. New Barber Shop RT'C'SJ On West Broadway, will be opened March 1U, in Brook's old stand, and I ask the citizens of Mattoou to give me a share of their patronage, which I will try to merit by keeping first-class workmen.

Ladies hair-dressing made a specialty. Mus. B. Jqkdax. SCIIL1CIIEH lias the lattttttyles in Window Shades.

Don't fail to" give him a call. Sell your Poultry and Eggs for CASH at KOOSA'S on Western avenue. New Barber Shop. Having lately removed to the Flynn building, on East Broadway, opposite the opened the largewt shop in Central Illinois, I would be pleased to see all my old customers and as many new ones. I have live chairs running all the time and you need only a few minutes to Ite waited upon.

Give me a call and aw for our-stlt. ELAVIL'S BROOKS. T. C. Patrick Co.

Oiler for sale for the next thirty days, a splendid suburban proper. an elegant two-story house, ten rooms, wells, cisterns and all needed conveniences; barns cribs, carriage and wood sheds, apple and pear orchards, ten acres land, hedue fences all in gmm order. Parties veilntimr ti tiv invitn.1 turjill curly fur prices and terms anil see the property. Eor further particulars enquire at Gazette office. The MATTOON MININC CO.

have established two up-town offices. One at Jonte's Store and one at Craig's Law Office All orders left at cither office or with Mat Allcott, will be promptly filled. Telephone at Shaft. No. 62.

Kvkky lxxly indebted me by note must settle ii iniinodiittely. Til EO. JOHN Cl'NNLNGH AM, Attornej at Law and Notary Public, has removed Ins office tluve doors South, in sami buildintr. where lie would be pleased to see las old friends. Removal! Removal! Ii.

W. W. Williams lias iemoved his oilier and residence to No. 4 East Second street, south of John Eveiluuty's meat market. If you want a lirst-class job ot decorating done, leave your order at VALE INK SCHLlCIIER'tJ.

To the Northwett and the Far Weet. No highway of travel has received more (Uttering notices from the public than the Chicago, Milwaukee and St! Paul Railway, the pioneer short line and the popular route to the Northwest and the Ear West. Whether one's Mecca be Omaha. St. Paul, Minneapolis or Dakota, on the different branches of this much-traveled thoroughfare, or even if one's destination be to points Tstill wore remote, it presents, without a doubt, the greatest advantages to the traveler in his westward course.

Apart from its excellent road-bed, its Hue coaches, and the giand scenery through which it passes, its dining cars and service are probably the most sumptuous of any railroad in the world. Indeed, the western lines, and notably the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, fairly lead their eastern rivals in the matter of comforU administered to their passengers. So that with statistics to snow one's life is safer in the average railway train than when sitting in one's home or when engaged in one's legitimate business, the traveler who places himself under the guardianship of a well regulated railway may prosecute his journey with a feeling of security and comfort as great as when reclining in his arm-chair umid his own lares et penates. Eor the benefit of those desiring to emigrate to Dakota and other localities in the Northwest and Far West, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

Paul Railway Company has published an illustrated pamphlet full of common sense facts and valuable information and statistics, which will be sent free of charge, by addressing A. Vr. II. Cabtentkk, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wlsconain. i Yon should not forget to see VAL-RNTINE stock of Onet while they are RAILROAD TIME CARDS.

Indianapolis St. Lonis R. R. GOING LAST. Arrive.

1:40 pm 11 :40 1 1:15 ClOpm WEST. 3 45 a in i -l. a 7 30 ui Depart. 1:55 ui 11 Z( ui 5:.0 a in 6.15 a Iay Express New ork Express Ioral Passenger Local freight GOING Daj Expres 1 3:50 a ui 1:15 a ui a ui t. lxuy txpress llo'-tou and St.

Loals Ej l.ocal Kreiglit Through titkets lor all principal cities. all principal cities. J. II. I ATES.

Agent Illinois Central Railroad. GOING NORTH. 12:50 Express 12-24 a in Way freight Kxprafs Kieiiht IT: a ai Through Sloca 6 31 111 Stock Lxprws, Freight a ui GKlNG SOUTH. Mail pa 2:5 a in Wav freight a Kxyrcs frt'liht lUrough freight 10:15 a in l'nj-ciik'ers will lc carried on regular freight tranio by iiurchasing a freight tram ticket. JOHN Agent.

Dannlle, Olney anJ Ohio Riyer R. R. Time-tiibh iu eC'evt June 3, at Kansaa. tjoinif Nortlu Going South I'a'H'nirer 21 a in 5:46 in Mixni 12 an tu 12:10 IU FRANK MICHAELS Has jt fitted up at Great Kxpense and in the M't Llegaul style New BILLIARD PARLOR (in Went r.rna.lnay. in tho room formerly occupied by II.

Holmes, and would niont cordially invite all lovers ol the Gi undent ol A'l to visit Ins eotablisliiucnt- He has 6 NEW TABLES ill tlie I.itt Stvle and liopt Make, and no piiiiwi will ne spared to make Is room I ort ami plcai-ant lor all customers v. ho miiv honor linn with hen itati He will alwavK.Lecpou liund .1 iiill Line ol the Chuicest lirauds ol CIGARS 11 TOBACCOS, Which will he fold at Lowest Prices. Therefore, il you ant lu spend ail agreeable tviu-ing, go ami see FRANK MICHAELS I). N. llarwood, Shdb) ville.

III. E. M. llarwood, A. W.

rhilhowcr, Mattoou, ill. D. N. HARWOOD, SON rROPUIKTORS Of MAMMOTH HAY BARN, KKAI.ERS IN Hay and Seed Always Pay Top Pricts in Cash for Hay TIMOTHY SEEO FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES. MPlfMEXTS FOR HANDLING HAY, The bcsit in the market, all and see.

We are also ivgenls for tbo sale ol tho New Victory nod Pride of the West Threshers And Knginoe, the Hest in the Market. D. N. HARWOOD, SON CO UNDER UNION HILL. G.

W. SULLIVAN il Liior Keeps on Hand LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, WINES, BRANDY BEER, Which he proposes to sell according 10 law, Persons knowinur anv rmn In whrvtn dettlers ought not to eell, are invited to call and rurnisn me their namee. (i. W. SULLIVAN Canned Goods, suited hi Irlce and Quality to the puree and taste of the Peasant and the King.

Look through this gtock before making your purchases At AS. L. SCOTT Beta Dealer at rM Af tf 0 1 LUUI0 (W Wtsrt, AfC US SiPF, Fitprigpsv.

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