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North Bay Nugget from North Bay, Ontario, Canada • 1

North Bay Nuggeti
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
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"iJmftrflmi-Ontario Silver and Gold Mlnoo Paid In Dlvldondo to Doc Slot' 1DIB 076956700 Bar Silver-New York 73 3-4 Uidon 36 5-8 An YOU LIVINO too (root ilLtanre ton oar Mura to khop hero pereonally ir mi yoa nor ur may not ho tme of nur regular moH order rwaMMir If erad trlnl you alto will become oro of nur itHlMiabiHtle mall order pa-iroRM VtnONO'S NollovbMiy SBEDS In package or I bulk Hi have Unly Jind ow but tho df him nil to going to Imi txnqulnu-rI tliki iiriiil(-riHNiiiimr I-' STRONC S' Maiin Corner MAILEVAURY i K'r't -i 1 Vol IX No 68- COBALT ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 12 1917 FIVE CENTS IV HON TRENCHES BLOWN TO ATOMS IN BOMBARDMENT Curtain Fire Cut off ail Chances of Help From Foe's Rear at Vimy Ridge i TORONTO April The prints ths-fot lowing despatch from its special correspondent overseas Douglas fiL Robertson The cable is dated from London yesterday Half a dozeu Canadian privates who participated in the taking of Vimy Ridge and who after fighting two houra and enjoying the victory were taken from the conquered trenches to come to H1H to take a cadet course for officers have just arrived with thrilling tales of the battle "You hold np a stick anywhere during the' bombthj-inent without it getting hit by one of our ilaid one "Fbr the purpose of attack our field guns had beeu hauled up and entrenched mere throw behind our rout line trench where they wen massed in great uunibers FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION I "The execution was something frightfid it was simply a ease I of direct fire on the ridge top Hardly a square foot was unhit and NEW YOBK A April 12-A News Agency despatch uch The whole the Canadians earned new honors to-day in a storming advance on 1 lte? bl 0 bt8 It is amazing that flj Hlve 11 remains of the dugouts and nils front south of the Vimv Bides TANK GUNS AND INFANTRY COOPERATED IN THE CAPTURE OF CIONCHY LE PREUX VILLAGE i Cavalry Alto Assisted in Driving Germans From This Section of Battle Weather Conditions in France Worst in Twenty Years But British Advance Continues Steadily BBXTISH HEADQUARTRDS IN TRANCE April Under the moit extraordinary weather condition! recorded in France in a More of yean the British offensive about Arras 'Continues successfully On Wednesday morning the cavalry went into aion and contributed to the taking of Monchy Le Fronx other important positions Borne of the liottest lighting along the entire bat le front is taking place at Vimy where the Canadians an slowly but surely pressing forward down lie eastern slopes their patrols scouring the forests which screen that side of the ridge All efforts on tie part of the Germans to shell them off the crest or out of the woods have failed The of Mnnehy Le Pnux was aided bya The British infantry reached the village late on Tuesday but the German moidiino gnns posted there needed special attention before an attack le eiggfag themselves in the Tommies watched by icir arms throughout the night Early on Wednesday the British turned their artillery against the suspected machine gun emplacements while the circled the town scattering terror and death as it went When it had completed its circuit the infantry sprang forward from their shallow trenches and charged in a sort of encircling movement meeting with little opposition so well had the artillery and the done their work A number of prisoners were taken as well as machine guns The remainder of the garrison fled in the direction of a wood whence hater in the day reinforced they attempted to counterattack The British have taken a copse three-quarters of a mile northeast of Menchy and also Polves on the Bcarpe Boons On the north bank of this vagabond stream iJ now in British hands ARTILLERY SAVES MEN unmercifully battered about So sue- fought with the utmost Dashing forward imetuouily they stormed and took nearly a mile un wn a erww nw a of German tranches running zouth xrom the Gorman commandant 0up lH 4r ItwM along this line of defence that the German forces have boon clinging desperately since the first sweep forward of the Canadians cleared the top of the Vimy Ridge FURTHER GAINS LONDON England April 12 About on thousand yards of trenches south of the Farbus Wood in the region southeast of Vimy were captured by the British this morning correspondent telegraphs from the front The hill southeast of Vancour also was captured oul hri--l1PM lmt ftnIv SIS rteidf7 el6Ven additional guns in the fighting I WPllt tiuoLh two nL nJL "t-6 Vthe llotted timehut between CroisillM and the Searpe German rear and the enemy on the ridge was almost helpless Tho only resistance eante from the rear trenches where the Boehe heM out for a time with machine guns From the moment we went over) our parapet till the enemy front lines were taken and eonaoluUtad bwl ihe I auadians just two houra elapsed 7 "The German artillery fire whs quite brisk for a time hut pop-gunning eompared with onra w- We Maw swarms of prisoB "To show how little remittance the enemy brigades not only reached the objective in the allotted SumVIS went through two more lines of trenches and had theraeonralSafcS in the time fixed for the lesser WJ consolidated 'Msful waa the artillery barrier set tion on Monday afternoon The hill up by the Brlttoh back of the Qer-1 is an eastern fortriwnof the first MEW YORK timey despatch published hero to- day follows: With the British Armies ll na 1 man lines that some of the Genuaa importance with many galleries fmr WOUNDED ARRIVE prisoners London April lltta-A dosen Can- aliwady accounted for aHmasumrU adians suffering mostly from shrap- tlmeTas nel wounds arrived in the hospital i- outside London this moraftig from fenaive tost JulV Mnnd' rt Tto Lto put out of action before nine In the day's engagement morning before nightfall they were I the most stubborn were Bavarlaao April 11 Swept forward by prlaonera they had bees underground and concrete machine 'storid of sheis the like of which Jood supplies for lour days gun emplacements The hill la lso-baa never before been seen even In 116 srfre entanglements pro- Uto greatest of wars the British poeitlona were advance Jammed iti way mil fur-! oMitaratad stray strands ther through the Geiman well of could be seen here and there on the lated on three aides from the German lines and to being assailed by the concentrated fire of the artillery lb well as our eager infantry The render It not In doubt HEAVY SNOW FALL IMPEDES BRITISH ADVANCE GERMAN COUNTER ATTACKS FAILED 4000 behind first line The thoroughness with which the wire eutting was carried out by the artillery wna a big factor in accelerating the speed of the lnfnntry in the attack THOOPB ARB HAPPY The scat of offensive warfare could he felt in aU parts of tba British fighters of all me tbs enemy Mde comfortably on the way to England with hundreds of others These boys are mostly from Montreal There to one Russian amongst them Their wounds as wounds go are slight What they want just now to complete rest and quiet after the never used to find the Bafar- ian hold up hto hands aad cry 'ham erode declared a Canadian officer lost night Then seems little doubt that either our artillery Ire knock- (By OaaaSiaa Frias) tulueri on the Western front eve IjONIKIN Kng April 12-Tbe offl- "inco he failure at Ypres ciul report reads lie succeeded In pushing the Ger- "Hnow has fallen heuvlly and con-1 HeP by step in two months of tinuousiy throughout the day reo- euntinuoun fighting down off the dering observation impossible and Notre Dame heights Into the village rreutly impending the operations of of Souchez and further south up lo oar troops within a mile of Vimy Ridgej -This morning two German coun- WEX flKRMAXg KLn ter attacks on our new positions iu tbs neighborhood of Monchy Ls But her he encountered the fam- litter weather and awful experience the enmy silly to man or of Monday None look upon their morala tas steadily declined all Much war luatRilm was by tbs flying foe Including an as jet unstated number of heavy guna The yield of prisoners to much larger than tbs first reports Indicated front today Troops were swinging Already 1180 men Including silty 1 forward w4th bands playing guy i oncers have Iteen recorded und many tunes The Scotch troops behind more are to coma The final total thrlr pipers wers particularly pic-1 may reach 4000 prisoner tunsqiie fur 'nut even the vlclssl- C-uiiudian troop alone tudes of nearly three years war nHVTvn have caused them to discard their KKLL CARRYlNO I kilts Otit over the newly-won To ypung Tszan who cams to ground airplanes ware scouting cntarto to enlist sud who is now while beneath them were tanks at lying wounded in ihe hospital barest The tanka had done splendidly jongg ye honor of flrH carrying the throughout especially In attacking Amerlcan flag lnto battle in the strongly wired potato with which the KuPopeiB wgP lnto which the United artilleiy hud not dealt 8om states a a belligerent has Just en- t-rrf II to lb dt ut Theliw currying the Htur and Ptripe un hi bayonet and fell thus ninn MacMne guns and trench mortars were token in such large numbers not teen counted a I A I cue "Labyrinth" an immense fortification constructed by the Germans on the western slope of the ridge The French finally succeeded after a terrific effort in carrying the labyrinth hut It cost them so heavily they were unable to advance any lost the ground on which the labyrinth by that time practically wiped I rut were successfully hasten Prisoners taken In Monchy Ls Prouz state they had orders to hold the village at all costs "Further south bodies of our troopi succeeded in penetrating the German pAsition in neighborhood of UuUeroiirt and secured a number ot risnner At mid-day they were counter attacked by large forces of the enemy and forced lack to own lines The enemy attacking roops were effectively engaged by our artillery und Buffered heavy InRses off their steal today It was possiUa today to under-staad in a way why tbs British losasa Id tbs grsst spring oflanslva to data -bars been far lass than the minimum anticipated British artil- lary In Its concentrated fury of die-1 charge literally churned the ground the Germans held German prisoners today led back Ue linea declared the British fire was so cyclonic that many their officers Had for their lives at the Irat titanic outburst The trrrlfir hall of shell lira had a perceptible effect on the morals of the Germans fighters they ars finished" remarked one British officer today "Picked men faced hut we were bettor than they The picked Gunns ran both ways from the middle when the aseault began Borne ducked towards us holding up their hands Borne showed us black bread that had constituted their ration and complained It was all thav had to eat 'Others declared they were hungry -Hind tlred of war More than one declared the Kaiser was "finished" others eureed their Imperial 'ruler and all of them were very well st to remain as prisoners and tba hall of Dritlah flrp" I eaw a German field gnn ifi ae-Wm hat served by British Tommies ad Its Gcrmaq ammunition fired galaat the Baches The gun and a plentiful supply of ammunition hud been abandoned in first-class condi ffion by Germans FOR SURPRISED Brit sb Headquarters in France via London April 11 (front a stall correspondent of the Associated The speed and poaer of the British assault In what will probably be known in history ee the battle of Arras seem to have thorough-ly surprised the Germans Bo much to in fact that their usual retaliatory artillery fir has been absolutely negligible In the last two days This to putlf due of course to the number of guns captured to which must be added the number knocked out by the British artillery before the actual aeeuult began It la also eiperleocea as a light matter The work of our artillery fire before ever the infantry went into action was something which even the strongest nerves cannot easily get over LIKE A FURNACK "The country or what goes for country In those forsaken parts was like a vast furnace" said one "To make it more ghastly German star shells were going up to tell the rear what they were enduring I suppose the Bochs front line had the life 'knocked out of It before wo went 'forward The Bucho was lying huddled Just where he had been killed mostly he had had his life Juat blown out of him and died of shock Perhaps It to no wonder ths others 1 rame out of their dugouts and holes when they saw our fellows and waited to be rounded up until our officers pointed out the way fur them Our chape went with them to the rear PLENTY FOR AMRITLANCES "All the men our ambulance men along with the Medical Corps worked like demons There was plenty for them to du Even before winter Perhaps both have caused the Bavarian to chaaga hto outlook on warfare Other Case adians are inclined to attribute tha crushing character of the Bavarian collapse mainly to artillery worh "Big guns were wheel to wheat declares one authority Tho Loodori Star eaye "Tried solely by the tort of prisoner the victory to jruehlng Measured on the map It to also tremendous for the Canadians captured Vimy ridge the hluce of the Hla-denburgJlne It to evident Hiidsa-burg's retreat has not deranged plane He has grimly earrtod out hto matured scheme oa the day-he fixed long before the German re- treat began" FINK YET TERRIBLE I OS DON Kng April ll-The cheeriest Inmates of a tig Loudon hoafttal are the wounded from the big battle One of the Caaadlaaa lcscrlblng Ma experiences eetd: "I wse at a bombing poet oa Vimy ridge We ware holding the Una The Germane put a 24-hour bombardment over ua but we gave them three times as much stuff no they sent ua i Our caaiialtiea art few At my post out had stood Vimy Ridge was and la Important becausa It to the last high ground between the rolling country of Western France and the open plain ot Artois and Flanders From Its crest I a dear view with no natural obstante not only to the important city of Lens with Its surrounding coal mines but to Doual and open country ue ter si Lille Cambrel and the low' countries TRIBUTE 1 ON DON April Premier lior-dsn says "The great victory Just son is a glorious beglnuing of the renewed olirnsive undertaken by British (trees It Is of especial interest to me as four weeks ago 1 looked out on Vimy ridge and realized from what I saw and mors especially from what I was told tho strength of the position and the tremendous task which lay before the t'unadians in undertaking to carry it All Canada will be thrilled with pride by this glorious achievement of our ezpeditlonary fores With equal pride we have heard the tidings of splendid success which has attended the efforts of the Brlttsh lorces When 1 was In Francs Htr the "Our airoplance were active again nterday nnd In spite of tbetrong wcslcrly gals and frequent snow-'torniii valuulile work in co operating with our infantry "A 'few hostile niuchlnce were seen All of nur aeroplanes returned safely" UlNDON England April 11 In Iholr new offensive the British have brought ho Htorm centre of the Wei-! rn front back to the "Bloody Ang- thut they have yet A cavalry eorps had the Unique distinction of rapturing two big how- itzers They charged these guns in the open killing several members of the crews tiefora the others surrendered A German motor transport column was captured Intact It bad expected to meet German troops st a certain point but enoountared British Instead The drivers said that when they left Doual thcra was no idea that the attackers liad reached so far ARK DUCILF- Thousaiids of German prisoners could be seen along the roads today Roma had little round caps and others wore wearing the great coal scuttle steel helmet Although the Intense cold continues only few had overcoats They are a doefls lot and somewhat surprised their captors by carefully sorting themselves into their respective units before being registered and temporarily caged Hmaller cages were provld-1 ed for the officers Four of the 1st-1 ter having been in a furious rage ever sines they were taken They were in the forward observation post they snld and saw the Infintry coming hack from their front line hui had no idea that they were actually retreating Their anger was rKresUn'ThriV anger "was daylight aome Boche prisoners when of QUp wara bowled over fiilnw Kaaffik tn tha cawaa lipnunt Otlt going back to the cages brought out BRITISH MAINTAIN PROGRESS IN HOLY LAND LOSSES SMALL Douglas Iisig asked me to visit the j(l 0f between Arras and battlefields in the Somme in order which wee the scene of the that I might realize shat bad been iccoiiipliMhed Alter my visit I came buck (rnvlncfd that the men who most desperate and long-continued struggle of the 1916 campaign Neuvllie Bt Vaaet Thelus the labyrinth Vimy Ridge and Telegraph Hill had since been eclipsed by the new and sinister celebrity of nounnmont Vaux and Dead Man liill around Verdun and Poxlerea had captured the position which I then saw in our occupancy could not be stayed in their nezt great advance" Fremier Borden hue sent the tol-lowing message to General Uyng 1 cigarettes They were mighty glad to be out of that outfit at Vimy Borne of them had not been there long I heard one man who used to work in England say he Lad been sent to the Western front fortnight before He bed served previously entirely near Berlin They were a fair looking tot of chaps what I eaw Their uniforms were quite good and they appeared well fed i "Another matter the Canadian wounded mJke mention of le how hard the chaplidna worked Easter It was fine and yet terrible to watch our shells bunting sad I tg-ii red to myself the fright of the Germans "We knew there waa going to be big fighting We knew too that they would have to get ol that ridge Some of ua thought our ire was nevrr going to slacken 1 received my wound Just as the Caaadlaaa were moving to nee what the German trenches were like hut knew bp the yHs of our fellows that Frits was getting it It was bad luck for me but I guess I Chill get hack again before it la all over due to the feet that the Germans colleagues' and 1 send warmest Butte De Warlencourt Combles and have bean too busy trying to get the" failure 'of these troops to congratulations on the splendid wuc- Ifjpaume on the 8omme But the their remaining them warning that they 'cee achieved yesterday by the Can- fighting in that region two years medtote danger to bother firing ta in wiuld adians With deepest interest and Bto Wus Just as rosily as any In at the enemy In a German arx M0KK COMPLETE pride 1 read this morning's stirring m6 Af ttB inception the battle German artlHery known ns CAIIp Egypt April Th British ars continuing their success In the vicinity of Gam Palestine Their mounted forces have occupied further Turkish territory to a depth of fifteen miitai consolidating strong poniMons menacing Gaza and maklnt many prieoners The losses of the Turks erounl Gaza ars estimated at eight thousand while the British dead according to reports received are leai than four hundred One hundred and ninety British are missinr mostly members small parties which became isolated in the fog after penetrating the town of Gasa (By Htewart Lyon Special Corres-1 story of their advance and learn jju WBg on tB heights of Norte Day It was pretty well-known there! disappointed if I The aptr- pondent of the Canadian Press) that they have captured and occupied lamo rt lj0PBltBi Bll mIBi WMt of Canadian Army Headquarters strongly fortified positions which I April The of the Cana-Jsaw on my rerent visit to France I I ena and tha French who then held this part of the line had 6nly pre- position east of Arras Battery Valley could lie seen the remains of twenty-four field pieces A trip over the newly taken lines revealed condition of trenches closely approximating those recently esenated by the Germane In the ealtov of the Bomtne Many dug- reports indicated The only PAnta predation nuts 1 remained with only damaged whlrh remains obscure this (Tuesday norUls but the trenches Including morning) is the position on Hill 145 OR lines have lern l(r the retention of whlrh the euemy in ton bntl lor Un Bid bop nh mor nM lb to Hrtndn nnr whose furrps will this new waa big work abend KNOCKED FRITZ SILLY London April 11th few Canadian wounded from Vimy have so far reached here Tkoae who know the area of the latest sneeeas or rather where the opening scenes nf the latest success have been staged are marvelling at the number of it of ths Canadians to great Bay la it not good to he a Cnndtoa to take that rdgcT "I am ooe of 'five brothers who left a farm in British Columbia to' fight in France Shell I be pleased to get home again WeH when there's nothing more to do IB Europe" Ill hM onrl Pocb nonnnn ntto np pride 4n the record of their bis nrtlvo command in the spring of be greatly intemlfied by innde the first effort to break and glorious trench deadlock which hod oh-.

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