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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 1

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

S' Vt' THE WEATHER 8 ONE SECTION Fertcaet hr North Fair and warmer Tuesday Wednesday even out with mhHh tsmpsrafr TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR PRICE FIVE CENTS Durham Tuesday January 7 1910 -A COLONEL THEODORE ROOSEVELT DIES WHILE ASLEEP AT HIS HOME IN OYSTER HAY LEADERSHIP Of THE MRd LOLA KINO i Thir Quettiofi Frequently Asked in the Haljfa of tho TIMOTHY WILLIAMX '4 CapitaL TO AID KIISER JUSTICE ADVOCATED BY PRESIDENT WHEN "Tko Caui of HU Daath Was an Embolism" Wa tb Of kUI Statement of Attorn! inf Physician Tha Es-Piwsi-dat Wat in Good Spirit Sunday Evening Retiring at 11 ENTIRELY UNEXPECTED BY FAMILY The Colonel Was Near to Death Recently From a Pulmonary Embolism But HU Serioui Condition Was not Made Public Had Been 111 For Several Months WORRIED OYER HIS DEATH Oyster Bay Jan 6 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt whose death this mormnjr sent a shock throujrh the country died from an embolism of the lungs HU physicians late IhU afternoon gave out the following as' to his end: Roosevelt had been suffering from an attack of in-tiamatnry rheumatism for about two months HU program had been satisfactory and hU condition did not give cause for special concern Sunday he whs in good spirits and spent the evening with hU family dictating letters retired about 11 o'clock and about 4 o'clock tn the morn ing hiis man who occupied an while Colonel Roosevelt was sleeping quietly but breathing hard and dUd almost immediately wilho awakening from what seemed to be a natural sleep af death was an embolus "DR FALLERO JOHN RICHARDS JOHN A Medical dictionaries describe an embolism as obstruction of an artery or vein by a clot of blood or by anybody tb brought from some point away MOi Colonel Roosevelt was near to death from a pulmonary em holism tnree weeks before Christmas Day when he left Roosevelt Hospital to spend the holidays with hU family here it was ravealea today by Dr Richards No intimation of the former president! close approach to death at that time had previously been divulged All Nam-SocUlUt Paper Are Referring to Him a Kaiser Wilhelm Amsterdam Jan A A strong move-msnt develop mg ta Germany to raptor tbrdxtalaar on tbs thrum AIK nongctalkt aowapapan an now rttofi ring to him aoLje tbo axhattar Mt oa XaMar WUhalm Addnaaaa of sympathy )m teen clrcateted" tbrengboat Germiay tor algnatans to te seat to bk anile gt Amoroogto sa Jkaaary 17 11 helm' Mrtbdoy -Tho Deutsche Tig Zeitaag (Coant Zu Rcvaotiewte paadtermaa organ) agltaUag for tba creatloa of I Hoben-antlern tuts Haadaomsly pald'baada of propagandlsta an prasShtng In tba vttlagaa: Germany andcr WHtelm and Gcraany uder EterL" They predict epidemic forelga'ofr eoiaitioa 'aad had crops nlres the kalecr rttnrna Many Holla adere and otter nantnlo retanilng tram ttor-many toll of a rhanga In tha people's altitude toward tha ex-monarrh poor taker wa hara been an-tolr to him" la a general saying All this seems to show that vary many people In Germany having had a I sale of republlrealpm era already rick of It White Wilhelm la remaining qalat himself at Amerangen "sick dejected and discouraged" German public opinion te being slowly prepared for bla possible restoration Kalaertem will not be deed in Germany vatll tbs heed of tho Hohen sol-ten! Is ant to soma military Island guarded by allied raisers In some distant part of the world Instead of Amerangen where be to ooly some hours' motor tun from bla former realm Tbs chief counts gainst tba x-kalaar were Germany's latest and bis light to Holland' when ortryoao excepting the soelalteta te now try lag to couvtnca tbo world that tha dght was Inspired only by loftiest patriotism white tho entente fable of Germany! defeat baa long husn disposed of by tba socialist gorerement themselm ao Uic Imperial slate scama to ba wiped dean again Thera are two' obstacles In te oven tbo army aad the workers But tbs orerw Helming majority of the army la really pratalser and than la no tolling bow mark sincerity there la to tobor'a danaodsUco of tm peris V-leis which they served with neb email ng devotion only thrc moo the ago White tb ex-kalatr I Prmlltcd Ip tomato to Holland tta German republic ta aunts UlST MESSAGE OF I It Wu a Plead lo tho People For Continued Amaricon- New York Jan A plan for the eattauation of thy dght far American lam waa Clonal Room rail's kat mas-aga to tbo Americas people It wu reta tost sight at sa ait-American tenedt concert la tbs Hippodrome 'by Hurt Qnlmhy of tho American Detonao aoclaty who voiced the Mr RoomvcH's regret at Us lublHty to te present In psnma becanso of III- "I caanot to with you and no all I eaa do to wish yon godspeed" wrote tha ontanaL mast ba no tagging bark Is tta tght for Americanism Jaat tacaaaa th war ores cm te ao divided allcgisnce hare Any nun who says to la an Americas bat aosMthlng ate also Is ttotsa American at alL hare room ter hat too hmgaaga tta American gag and thin exdudn tha red gag srhich symbol Isas all war against lib-usty aad civilisation Jaat mack It exclude any fralgn gag of a nat lo which wa are toatita "Wa have room for bat one kn-gnago and that Is tbo English too-gnus for wo tatsad ko oao that Urn erarlbls tons oar pooplo eat os Amorim of Amoriexn aaRanltty and not at dweller In a polyglot board lag boose: and wa have room lor but on sod legality aad Uiat la loyalty to th Americas people" Poller of Selecting a Military 0(an Hu Boon Upon Laadi i Washington Jan "Upon whom will to tha man' to of RoomtsII's lesdersblp of 'th RapobllCM partyF' This qucsllpa was frequently askad today In Iks holla of tta capital and In other puMIe plaess Although 'it had bean knows for aoni time tbit Cokm! Roesrvtlt was 11 tbw wu no reason to beltava thread wss so near It way confldaally texpaetad that ha had a good many yean to live and Republicans--gaasrallr eqncaded that if hs did act become thalr nso lacc tor th prcaldaacy In UU at lent his word and counsel would go A long way toward deciding who thy nomine should be Bren among tbo members of the pony inclined to harbor reran tor tho progressive walkoyt bom th 111! coavsnUon It wu pretty wall recognised that Coloasl Raaseralt would hare to te heard aad that tha nomine weald teiva to be aeesptahto to him ha even been said -that Senator PtnroM of Pennsylvania why guided the "steam rollsr" ever th colonel aad hi followers at tha Chicago conventlaa wu ready to hud the oomtaatloa cut year to RoaaavtU If ba would accept 1L Senator Lodge of Massachusetts who presided over th platform committee to that oobvob-tlsa also swung arbuad to Bra friendship tor tha coloneL to th gossip 'today on tbs Jset of Roosevelt's nooouor loader of tho party thru bums stood ot with -wromlnenea First tha thru to tta name of Ganaral John Panhlng Tta aoaua I ami Leonard A- Wood who te brief time loomed "dark bora" at th Chicago convention of UU which nominated Joattat Hughs Tho policy of selecting mflt torF man leader of tb party hu teen Impressed upon thou who gulds the party's again at thk and Ganaral Pushing it la rseogntoad would ta a candidal strength aad powyr Tha only quratlon agitating tha minds of tha party leaders bus ta whether th ganaral hu aay intae-tten or taellnotlna to go Into polities It tea teen pretty definitely settled that Pershing'! Isas Inga ora toward tha Republican party although has tern soldier ho tong that ha toast had much time to hotter with poll lira But ta may not willing to a candidate of tRb BopuNlau or any otter party which sat court would oltaiiut him from eouMontlsn to connection with th party leadership General Wood sxpartaaeaa In th present war bare won him targe emoont of sympathy Rapubllcu leaden claim aad they may tarn tn him to tha arret Ganaral Psnhtag stays oat or It Warren 0 Hardin ires tor from Ohio Is th third leading figure to the dtoeuestaai of perty lcadetxhlp He made th Injatte' speech at the kat Republican eoavantlott aad although At that time wee generally looted upon one of th loll guard' kli oplnioa on many matters hart changed and now It laid tha progressives would hare no trouble to rerencIHtag their political esnsotosere wUh hie toadonhlp It to uaderatool that men like Benatore Watson of Indiana Bank of Idaho Curtis of Kansas -sad Kenyon of Iowa ore willing tc 1400 up Harding aa tha legn'-M of Roosevelt and thatothan among ho progressives Would follow esH Anxious to Wad Enumaj Didn't Know Otkar Nn Macah 0 Jen "AI1 I know Jrdg I dnt I cglls tar Emmi piled Robert Lovkatt of color poly-lug to tta otter for me riag license and being eeked te the same of the bride-tote Whin told It would te aseesury to hove th tall name of th woman Lockett has-toned away to lean tta not at ter pate Oteorvaa Birthday by His Emciitiw(Clamoacy Uktohoam Ctl'y Okto Jaa Governor William reiterated kb fortieth birthday by executive rkmnnry ha mtaatroto priaouere In th shops of pardons to prfres and pnnka Thw men win from th state panitanttary swvwtyalx mu canvkted af vuriau VII 'OTHY ftarn Mr Williams ie pnridaat of tha Brooklyn Rapid TranalL th track of which aifhtyrlgbt peraon war kUlad and mar than M0 lajarad on Friday avtolng Novambar Mayor Hylan hu uted the How York City District Attorney to prosecute the of-ils of tta road who th Mayor anyat an retponslhlu Th Dlstrict-Attoney btlisvu tha wrack wu eaul by aa Inexpert enoad motormu and tha us of woodsa care FORD HIS FILED OFFICIAL NOTICE Ho Will Contest th EUctioo of Truman NowVienry ia Michigan Wuhtagtoa Jan I Henry Ford Demoeratlo nomlnu te United Btntaa senate from Michigan la th last si action glad formal lotto In tbs eerat today that aa will SHtaat tha auction af Tranun New harry tha RetxbUeu rand Hats upon lb ground of fraud A reaouat of lU th ballots aut tn tta election dammd-Ford's contention ta that It would show a majority la hta fsror The aketioa asrtlgcatos lunad to Newberry gave him th atoetton by a plurality of TM7 oat of a total of 4SAUT That aumay wu meed in large imouk on behalf of Nawherty Is om th chute mads by Ford la bla petition (or a recount ft recites that tho Newberry aommlttu admitted of I1T0XHXW In th Primary campaign udnllagu that Ntwharry wu rognloant of this aot-wlttetandtng hie sworn atatemant to In hin behalf with hk kaaw)adgs or oonsest It ia charged that a Urga anatwr of baUoto out te Ford at kart 10c 000 were unlurfally eualtd te New-berry and that precinct election hoard uakwfully rijselad at tout tan thousand srtdllinnal retag white had baea nutted tor Ford to otter1 districts to charted tha count by tha otecUsn ofeiri ta brer at Jftw-herry wu fllcgal ENRAGED MOB TRIES LARGE SCALE COUP Amsterdam Jaa Knragsd over the dbmkasl! by tb Ebert fiorera-meat at Chief at Police Bkhtom adherents of th oportMM tew lad hr Dr Karl Lkbkaeeht and aided by mariMa and portlou of nurd retimed nttamplod kite mu of coup on Sunday They occupied th Wolk IMreaa tho (ororemuto oOtokl news and tha Yonrurta talldtog writ th ofitou of fire otter Great- erowda ore throogtog acrecfi af Itorio and extern neea prevuk ta tha capital Bird Snwws Bni Lift From reach Bnttlofiold XBMjBSLA HK1NO aim Mr King of RFuhtagtoo hu tb saliu dlitlacUoa of betas the fint-tnfle "cop" la tb eoeatry Her superior doctors she i making good oa the Job altbeaitb bsl ter bands foil oa her Initial day a soloists lasiatad oa atopptag tbrlr cars la tb eeatre of tb el rest and fallaf at her Apoa noticing dnt the eottmal'a tisavy breathing and then tba team Ikm of aR note stepped to tb bedrid shortly ofur I this morning and laid hi band aa tbs eoloaers whoeldy Then was ao raspom fur Colonel Roosevelt's frequent tagtlag trips had accoatomad him to awaking wlto tha aaac of a woodsmaa Aans ealted tba nurea dte discovered that death bad com white ber noted pattest dept Dr Fatter waa hastily tammooad tat could ooly contra the fact meal mange of esodoteneo tnd U-tegraaM from all parts of the eono-tiy eamo'la a aloidy dow to Bagamon Hin today tbs fact that no imstedl ate appertenaton wan fait napaef big tha colnaot'a condition memban of hi family 'with tha except loo of Mn RooecreU won anttand -whan tha tnd cam Archibald Roonarelt wa aambiontd from Boa-Ion and left Immediately by train Mrs Rickard Derby (Kthel Rooaavclt) who was In New York earns hurrtedly by autooubll Mn Theodore nones sir Jr whoa hsabaod Cotouel RooaavelL I with tba American army af oaenpaitoa lo Germ ay alas earn to an aatomoMla from New York TUreT Nicholas Longworth (AUc Rope veU)r-ffs of tbs Ohio Mannesman te on bar way ban with ter husband from Washington Captain Karmlt Roosevelt ta ovtneas with tb Amor-teas force ROOICVELY TRIBUT1B Cbarias Hugh: "Tbs death of Colonel Roosevelt to an Irreparable Isa to the nation Hta virility and eoingw wan a coos tool Chenango to taaplmUom Ho tiled tbo Amorirankm of which ha waa the moat dooghty champion1 Wm Taft: "I am hlriy staggered by tb news Coteoal Roaasvilt was truly a great man Ha did mneh tor haannity and for bla country I am vary -orry to beer that ho font" Baentary of War Baker: Rooarrstt war- a grant toetor ta ear klsUHr' lived a vary irant Ufa fun and vlgorant Ufa HI death Is a gnat aarprto and shock to me" Wte Jennings Bryan: eHwas a great Americas and hk' ptetaresqn csrear will fora toad atlng chapter to oar xatioa's history" Major General Lsoastd Wood: trgo death of Theodora Roaiovdt brings to ore gnat pernuml taw aad eorrow but keoa and deep as thasd are they am not tat tha sorrows and of an Individ as! The nation's tees Is Irreparable tacaan bla daath oomas at- a time whea hi service to this aa'tca ean 11 Cbomp Clark apaakar at tha Horn of Rep res eaiatlrea "I mm pretoudly -sorry to hoar of Coteaai Roosevelt's death I thought a great deal of him and regarded him out of the aupt remark ib: nsed this roue try aver prodaead I always hare had th hlghmt piKaooal nurd for Celowl Record Price of a Head of Pasture Land Call Always bn Cote quored But Spirit of Lib arty GOES TO PARIS TODAY Hoi Redoubled Desire That Fair uri Just Ponca ba Obtained WELCOME WAS SINCERE People of Italian Cities Arise to the Occasion Com- -pletc Unity Shown Every where Turin Italy Jan A Arriving hen Into today Preettfast WOeea started Immediately oa a trip through this etty which will eomptot hie weoeu-ful tour of Important Italian todnatriul citlaa Ha toavaa tonight for Paris At Genoa Mika and hen tags crowds mads up mainly of worker greeted tha President's party at th station and wherever Mr Wilson wont ha wu kumnnded by ehaering multitude At Milan ho attended a gala psiftomaac at tha open heu wham ta wu meetaimad by nosing cheers every shade of political tank otalng In Ita ovation Ntk aiaeo the onthfeak of the war hare all Italian partita bun ultad they wore In hailing tbs Amelias oxseutlvw Royalists gad tockJleu pollUcally btt-tar opponanti tout each attar apoa ftoant groawt te Ita first lima in many yunt Tba Preaidast wte gulck to giup and appneiat this ahsaluto tatty In the warmth of wobomo accorded to him etwrywtere to tha uslest Soman realm In a speech at Miles hs gum sxpraselon to hit feelings oa this sub Joet sad this led him to irate some remarks on th them of party wll--tlcx which are totarpretsl teowtaf what to to hi mtoa raguras puui (Msg hta own eomtry "PiriJea" to said "tow pea dUferancu af program aad not often upon diCanacu of natiaul ayro path? "Tba thing that mates part Ip work-able and totarabta la that aU partiu levs their own country And so it is -with nn Wa hare many psrttox tat wo bare a single aoatliaut to tMs war and a single sentiment la the peace" Throughout hk Its' lan vktt th Pnaldcst stowed hk amotion to greater degn than at a other tttn ho left America Tha popular pgrtteslariy deeply and frank- ty said to ON of hk apssctiu three that It tad bronsht tears to Us eye In the earn city gddrustog Urge crowd from th baleoey of La Beale Mr Wiles aendadad hk speech vrttbf a a Vl Mfk mlla 1 00 tM hesrty shont "Vivo Italtal Fslrnus and Justk won stain th keynote of hk speeches yesterday and today Tbs ooly thing that can tin tattoos together ha mid "to th taowtedgs bit sack wsats to test tho others fair eg! Always hot the spirit of liberty esssoc" ta uld In another mortnt oddites dravs hem the point that tbs world's Industrial not military not by brat tores ud ta trade sad Industry ta rate Justlu wu tadto- I President Wllsoi will here tor Paris tonight with ndoubM Mb deuce tint tolr ud Just puu will ba anugtd at th momntou ecu-tomets which srl'l begin to formally st JeetL ImmedUIsly upon his nnlnl In the French capital i At MUM YFWIWm Anotter speech by Mr Wllsoo at MUu Sunday was fallows: "MV Agita yon tare been very gractou and sgato yw hove fitted my hurt With gratlluds hs-oasw af year nfrmes to my uwn eosntry which Is to dmr to mx 1 tare beau very meek toteraotod to bo toIX sir that yon ore th chairman of eatcrtaluM-ut which tactadm ell parties wtthont SlsUncrioa I glad to Interpret this to there 1 no divtsfcra rscognksd to tjn friendship which the ptopla tosl America gnd I am un sir that I ran secure yw that to Amsrtra thorn would ha a simitar onion of psrttos ta express frirsdshtp tad tymptthy with' Italy teesne alter sU psrtlsa uw fended span dlferenee of pragrsm and not often spaa dlffsnneM at national sympathy adjoining room noticed that from the site of obetruction inorai of dletaaed tlstuaa of tbo la-fact ad aar His phytlckaa admitted that bk coaditiaa wss serious He remataed at tba hospital aalil March Rate ra lag home ho reeled for two' months dartng which ho performed eaty tbo ilgktoal hind of work Bsl In May and Jane be gllsd a timber of ft Mag- land and tba want dec! la tag to aean- dsn bla waaten tear In Jons whan a waited by a alight attack af erysl prise In ou of hta legaf Coloocf Rootovoli again re moved to Booaavait hospital aarly la Norms bar aaflaiiog frau rbeaaialtain tad sciatln sad while bulkUna wan hated that hla waa normal eha which waa expected to napowd to treatment Is the eaatoamiy tho va-mon gpmd that bis fllnoaa waa mon strlons than had barn admit tad Bat wbn te reaches Bagamon Hill oa Chrtstmgg day tbs eotoost napoodrd to a gurjr sa to bk health with hit familiar phrase Tn totting tally'' Taro days terms hit death 1 the colonel Informed Dr Pallor who attend tha Rooeevdl family when Ua mamtem an at Bagamon Hill that ha wa and looked forward eagerly to resa Bring in the near future hie favorite psetlnu of toiling trcoe end chopping wood on bla estate ben An attack of lalammetory rheoma-Ikm oa New Years day act the eolotel heck aomawtat la tta steady fiapravs-ment te bad mad tine retaining from too hospital aad conlaed him man or lata to bla room Bat no special apprehension woo entertained rlom that eaua Tha dial warning that hk and might te Immlaeat waa aoandad kta kn night by Colonel Roouvatt himself daring a vhtt by Dr Pal hr Tha phy-stmmnud aidsa bad baeu tnlaed aars hit a though my heart was going to mop testing I eoaMat team to get a tome breath" said tha eotcul to Dr Falter Bat evhs that warning toiled of aom of tha rail Bigaldcsaee for Col anal Roosevelt waa tally draaaed tpoka la bla caatomary wbaary banrt mannar and loakad jaat aa ta maalty did tha doctor said today Dr Falter declared tta eoioael had aa feeling whttavnr that te waa going to die Tbs tonwr PnaUsnt wsa apparent ly to tba teat af (pints whga ra-llilg aad toll tirad at a waa hkematom with tba prampt-mm of achoelboy Hip mas Ji 'i :3 is -ft Ftiaerai service according lo present teaUur yfeba vrUI be held ee Wedoeaddy aflersoos at 1 o'clock In Christ Bpkcopnl starch preceded by a prlrat ocrvtee at 12:45 at SasaiaoM Hill The luax same wtU be sttand-S by tb aotoad'a iaiaaSialc family rclailvas aid cleat friend That' la thrshereh will 4 opts to the public Rav Oaersa K- Tataodgt raefor of Christ ctarte will eeaSeci both aerv- OaieBal Rsoerreli waa Banker of lb fbitcb aafonerd chute tat aL wsya wont lereg at Christ ckncb at which Mrs Roosevelt a nnater whae at fisgaawre Hill sa Orattr Bay hal eo Deteh Reformed ctareb Maileaeock Lodge No mg aed A tb Oystar Bay Maaoele lodge of which Colonel Rooeerelt hod bom member for ymn win portlcfpaM Is tbs ctarck sorrten Tho body will probably te kid at raid la Yomgb Memorial eamatary Tb daath at Cslonrt looaavalCa son Mextettaiu Qoemla Rooeevsit whs waa abot dowa la aa alrpkmt dart in FnnctiJMy If INI la ho-Ikfred hr awar oi Ita former Pmf deal's frlcade tg have had more to go with Me physical braakdowa thaa aay Other cdntrltatuig aaaaa Tha aaw of Uamtla's death was aacateded by tho report that' ho bad teas alive whea bla plan felt bablad the Genoa Haas ada that to mkhftbp a fitaaaar The ngmi peadlag eoahnaattoa of tho rat wwi preyad heavily spoo tb rotonW who suffered allaatly bla Iptl-uute Meads declared Coloml RooaaveR hula led Is a letter (o Oaatral Payton Much that ao exception te and la hk fbvor re peollae (ha hartal of his ao aa tor-ctfs-soa aping that he aad-hk wlto had always hallavad that: "Whore tb tree tolls There let It die- The eertof wound anelolned by Captala Archibald BoaeovoU another of hi sold far eon nnd fion wbleb Captgln Xooaerelt ban net yet recav-trad also' added to tho colonel ud oUoa tad leaded to aadorwtoo bla aarvd strength The pshito-Rnt racalraS taforaa-Uoa that Catoaal Romavelt had a tart-am aUatoat sa Pabnary I tut wte ta waa maorad toon hk boaM to Booaavait laapllal attar gndsignlng ad open Una tot oat of hk tan Two non opontloat won partoewed at tha hospital ataftly after hk airfvaL Rxptauitan wa nadt at Urn tlna that ip agora lieu wen lor tb re Monrhuter Jen How tiled eld of Franco lx dlrecriy need tho llfe'of Prlretu ward Lsmonde of tho Uxitad Btolu heavy artillery- wav told by the young mas li a toiler to hk tatter Iommu void ttet ho wu riltan on a ra-oju loaded wlix when I Wrd hegu to ebeto shout his bred It dew so docs that Its wings almost hrarted tssssndek up Ftonlty tbs from hta seat sad ni sftwr tta bird Jut Cham a German stall sfrwck tha ralrs in sad tt west np with a mighty txpkston The Maath ester tayk show of I0O bird sored hta hem Injury at taatk i --J- 4- El Dorado Kul Jan With stockmen beginning to compote ter pastors bore th record prlre of tit a teed boo teen paid by Liggett of Rosalia' for choice erasing kad The ganarel pries from 10 la fit per tend Much of Ita enters part of Butter corny knd Is under contract tor tha next scasoq Nor many settle are tafig wtatared tera but ouuy high-grade teat esttte sril lbs brought from the Tew Pi kaodte acx( aprtog pattte meu aay i Flour Fast ttump Crew Blrefford Fgl Jan A To flour paste scattered' thnnmh debriarof a freight wreck seal klcA mn th wreckers an af flkrtr want Jobs la aerenl years A Minfiar ears loaded with gear ware mnuhed And than 4 jiHy'i'" r'rt I 'rtdr ag 0M.

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