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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 3

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MORNING I1E HAL1) FEBRUARY 15 1016 PAGE THREE ISM CHOI tfi uffiring Aa Xray IiIob mu 'tho lorn Isa of tha I Iraabli ul tbs mu wu brawn ol bat acrlooa taemltons is-altvd that itarted Internal bleeding nd It vaa thla that taaasd death Ths (antral will Inks place Toss-dap Buraia at 11:3 o'clock (ram I Chrlii Kptoonpul chuck ths in ter-ment to bt In Otkwood cautery to ths aids of her hvahaad LIKE DJUUIU PEEL TELLS OFLIFE NEAR FRONT Kin Bartlett Had Some Very Interesting Experience! fi-' Wendaifuf aimple Hletalt Never Falla to Remove Any Cent easily It Jar youT Hera I've been gttag ateag for yoan with one desperate com after aaother Dying to get rid of them with salves that aft tha toes tapes that Mick to Over One Hundred Year of Age and Appliee for a Pension DEATH WAS SUBPRISE announcement i I We art sow totaled on Waal Main 1 Street al Fire Mate with a tone loch of Wall Paper We will appreciate yoo allow In as to hid on up Palatini nr Wall Paper work you have We hare had man yean experience (lv haalaeee tod iwrutoo to do aa atlafsctorp work la to bo hod la Imrtaun A WOOD A BROTHER Wall Paper! ra and Paintora' Phan HE Five Pointa Was Red Ckosa Nurse in French and Belgian Hospitals BICYCLES FOR THE KIDS AND BICYCLES FOR THE GROWN-UPS There is a large display at Gaskins of the best bicycles on the Durham market The Iver Johnson will give the boy unequalled service Glad to show you Good repair servue to all bicyclists and motorcyclists A GASKINS Ralslgk Hah Aa appeal (or a psnaioB (Or "ths aldnl colorvd omnn la North cams to (iorsraor Crai today (ram Gntaa-lo ro ths woman la shoos Inlcrwt ths appeal araa mads beta Axglr Stnod who It Is aaaerted that the tveoeda aliow was bora oa April IS ao that aha will he 11 peart old April IS ltld She was bora aa tbs slare at Wilton Atwater oa hit plantation in Chatham county sad waa amr told Mis named Mr Meek Strand now of Chapel Hill slaty peart apo Tbs Rovemor waa obliged to adilte ibe old woman and her fries di that there waa no peaaloa available on the part of the Mate Her addreaa la Ashe at rest Greeathora The death of Mrs Tltomaa 8 Ken-aa raw aa (mat shock to the pro pie of Kale util and ths entire atale She had been la splendid health for rams lime hot (wallowed a ponton of the breast boas of a quail that canted Mian Vnahtl aUrtlett formerly ao-parimendant of nsrau at Walla hospital hue returned 'ram the European war nw wham aha spent nearly a year to the American Red Crow service Mien Bartlett res lined her position at ths Walla hospital la order to accept the call tram the Red Crow pmpte Abe leaves this mornla for Puoo-grille FUl where ohs will pend the remainder of tho winter with her Dually When Interviewed laat night Mila Drttott talked very lntenuttagty of her experience la btoow-otrikea Korops How did ohe like the work over tkor? waa prfrtgt ah ipUd 1 (el till I have been accorded a prwt prlvtlscs tor the dan Harwell of coo rue ws knew of tho dancer hot It did not (richteo as At the boepltal la Bat-Slam we were oalp shoot Era miles from tho battlefraot but we did mot allow that fact to worry us 801 how wo Rut did sot think of that ao mack" Mias Bartlett wiled float New York March 05 HIS sain direct to Kronor Rhs was la charsa of ala Aaurieaa anraas whs wars ohis to auras ths soidlere Ths party atoppsd for two weeks la Faria Tha sap French capital waa sot to gap be- ton tho war All of the oatalhaww bona sommsadorod for military eervlcs althossh taxicab won oh-Movla pictars thwtiw to operation but almoet tU of ths opora hoooM hod closed Arrivte at Fso dip of aboat 40r MO la had KB la to Southern Fraacw ths party Immsd lately iiaamsd their dotlw la a boepltal at that pises This was a 100-bud hospital and was kaowa as lbs Palais Hlvtr boepltal It waa opsntad almost bp Americana Oa Fraack lady was at-taehsd sack ward sad oa a ward wu sotalp la ckais of Fraaoh ladles A Has view of tbs Py resets wu to ha had from tha hotel wkoro tha aaraaa orwa quartered Tha acsale baaaly of thou peek! baffled daacrlpttao Mlw Bartlatt sUtad AH of tha pal teals at this hoapUel wars Fraaah soldlen aad they wan aroodsrful patleuta accardia 10 Mlu Banjul who coo rased that aha la an ardaat adaursr at tha Fraack soldier She lauded them for laeir bravery aad for their splendid ohssrfalaau to lima of bodily diecomforL Laat October Mias aUrtlatl aad the other nurses of tho party ware trtaa-fOrrrd to La Pubs Belgium Hors Chop aatared hospital eotainln 1AM beds Thlo hospital wu to charsa of Dr Da Pace a Belgian our-con whs hid (ormerlp operated hospital si Brussels Dr Do Pigs wu ths quern's surrroo His wife lost hn-11(0 oa the llltatcd Lneltuls after havla corns to thle coaatry to ths Interest of her saffrrin count ryes At La Pout (hers wen Asierlru French and Belgian nurses Most of the patients were Batatas although a Bomber cams from the Roach ranks This wu very effl-ctsnt hospiuL Owto to the Harness to the battle (Tool about live Ihevw very some rather sad Un to cldeuio here At frequeat totemls Mlu Bartlett uw the llhunlailton from the butte VW ntoht Tho hospital vu bombarded by Taobes oa ssvvrsl oeeaaieu Mlu Bartlett ww many air debt sad also witnessed aavsl engagement! uetwssa ths Brit Ish and German deeta Maxine llott the fhooue actress bad a bar at Aden kirk six miles from La Pune wkero she gave out clothing and other supplies to the oldlers Ths hospital it La Pens is kaowa Orsaa" sod consists of a large hotel and ssreral pavilions la ana of these namely The RnpaV Mias Bartlett wu located White la Belgium Mlu Bartlett was Presented to lbs Queen Elisabeth of BUglum King Albert of Beldam frequeoilp visited the pa Hants la the hospital Christmas wu obi here each of tbs patients ncsfvlng a hog containing holiday ra ranees A large port of the supplies were received from the American Red Cross society while a largt port wars esartUmtod bp msnben of the American colooiy at La Panne Mias Bartlett sailed from rslmoath England on ths llsor Rotterdam her return tar this country During put of the vapnge stout fifty of the Ford peine pHgrlme were oa the ship A torpedo boot accompanied ths User on ths trip At om point tho veo ul wu searched ud one passenger wu taken off Aa interesting reminiscence to fetal bp Mlu Bartlett having to do Hli English lady who adopted a Bel gtaa child Taking the youngster to her English home she wu utooished to discover a locket which the ehild won coalalslng a ptctire of the child' author which It developed wu a llkeacu at tho Kndlshwomin's sister who had goes to Belgium Ipcara provtou to the lime accepted I work Is a governess ud married (BelcUa In I he hospital at La Fun French officer wu brought la from tha battlefield Is a very crillcsl condition A doubts amputation wu necessary ud tho wosnded nhllrr white to this alarming state of health asked Mbs Bartlett for a put card She procured ana tor him and a thirty-minute In ten ala ha visa a Una to hie wife Much devotion In time of Intense bodily pula wu very remarkable intimately the Reach-mu recovered Year Uls and Year WUesI tbs stocking bandages and til an that awks a package of ths toss try-tag blood-bringing raiora aad scissors Then I tried Oeto-U' just ones ud you ought to havt seen that corn coma Just mu banana paaL (fa simple wonderful It'a tho new way polnteoo applied to two seconds saver harts healthy dash or Irritates Nothing to press oa the eon Never toils Quit tbs oil ways for ones anyway sad try tonlghL For eons callouses warts ud bostons to sold evarywhsrs fie bottle or seat direct by Lawrence A Co Chicago 1U NOTICE OF SALE OP COLLEGE PHARMACY I Voder nd by virtu of power coo-1 vred spon ms In dusd of trait mooted ths slxtosuth day ef March lflS by Btmyhem and wife recorded In book of mortgagee 5 Page 47 1 WlU on IATURDAV THE 4TH DAY OF MARCH lilt AT It on ths prsmieu ef tho Col legs Pharmacy oo Main strut opposite Trinity col legs Mil for cash at public auction 1 to ths highest bidder ths faUew'ag persona! property to-wtt: All Mack at goods wares merchandise drags of all dsscriplloo now In ths banding on Wist Main strut known tho Cot teg Pharmacy bol'olng together with all (halving thru High Point show eases one Iran safe one soda toon tain ud fiitana mads by ths Amort-cu Soda Fountain company ana pro-acrlption case ud nU stock warts Itatam march ndtta drags toilet articles la nld store Thta sale Is mads by raaaoa of tha tollara of Stray born and wife to par off ud dlaeharga the Indebtedness described In said deed of trust Thta nth day of February ltlfi BROODKN Trustee Farmers We Have DISC AND PEG TOOTH HARROWS Of the Best Quality Let us show Yon Taylor Phipps Corner Mangum and Parrish Streets MILLIONS OF MEN to Ihoeaands of aettlemmta from backwoods Tlltafeo to metropolitan elilea of orerp clvillted utlon of coaatlaa ton anas bp their ever-lac roaalo patroaaie atleat and praise the true nine of Banking Tbt flnt Hep ef every sun or womaa hop or Hit throws bp hears oa his owi individual rraoureas should be to asaoctata with soma huh Aa a median of Unsocial eirhugt a fair buttons education in Itself aa a frlead Indeed la time of need ths as nr ice ef a beak cannot be adequately veined la dollars If You Want NOTICE TO CITY TAX PAYERS fo Tha helpins hand of Ihia bank la sxlaadsd is pot Arail poarseM at ths prompt and saasr ssrries oflerad bp the Durham Loan Trust Company RESOURCES OVER 110040000 URPLUt AND PROFIT tWOOMO JOHN EFRUNT HILL Fran WORTH Vlva-Prea (Active) HILL Ooc'y and Treeeurer a delicious dessert fop dinner you can get it by calling and asking for any flavor of WAVERLY CREAM If you would insure Srompt delivery order 10 Wamn Creamery Company insist on speedy ond prompt payment of your taxes PATTON City Tax Collector Your city taxes for 1915 have been due since Oct 1 Funds are badly needed for schools and current expenses of the city hence I must NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FOWLER A RAND BRICK COMPANY Notice la hen by given that Wednesday tho Ith day of Fibnary ill tha udonlgnod waro appointed permanent racalrara at tha Fowler A Rand Brick cotnpuy and notice to horoby farther gtvu that oil part lei holding clalnu agalnat uld FOwlar A Bud Brick company uwt present the tui to the undersigned on or bofore tho 15th day of March lilf or thlo notlca will bo pleaded In bar of their kOOTGTJ Thin 10th day st February lflfi Dor ham JOHN SMITH READS Rocolvon Fowlor A Sand Brick Co PRIOR OF DURHAM SC HATCH ANO SIDDIE FEED Oyatir ihtll boot scrap alhlto meal charcoal cracked eon wheat rye Kaffir con and uraenlog Mora laUtdcd euitomer ovtry day- Good sound meaty into to what your eblckau wuL 559 for your rush matter CHBl PRESS Market Street (Next to Horning Herald) one PARRISH STREET WEST' DURHA MSEED HOUSE USE THE HERALD WANTS FOR RESULTS SOMETHING NEW GENERAL SCOTT NOW ACTING At SECRETARY OF WAR Paramount Charles Frohman Presents Pauline Frederick in a Picturiaa-tion of the famous novel and Pauline Frederick in this role eclipses her previous record of achievement aa the foremost euwtionnl artiste of the screen Glen Steel Door Mats 'V DURABLE FLEXIBLE SANITARY Last a life time Do not turn up at edges to trip you Do sot confuse these with the old style wire mat Let us show you one in use The Mystic Mifc The magic pot doth deans pots pans and other kitchen utensils without using soap of any kind Rig Jr Metro Program Presents Emily Stephens in a Magnificent Production of PRICE ONLY 10c Try one and prove our statement Yours for latest in hardware Intensely interesting dramaatic production of fire acts Ma HV6N t-tfCOTTm Wfllard Mack in ALOHA OE 1 i Spectacular production Also Raymond Hitchcock and Roscoe Arbuckle in THE VILLAGE SCANDAL A Lloyd Co I Whihlogtoa Mi mill Pros- Idiot Wltoon appoints sncceuar to' tenter Soerrtuy of War Undl-y Oarrtou Brig Gan Hugh EcotL' COM of staff ef tho United Statu army will act la theca parity of NEAR FIVE POINTS MAIN STREET totted-.

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