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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 4

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rr" l1' 1 1 1 1 'V PAGE FOUR THE HORNING HERALD 8UNDAY OCTOBER 27 1918 a 1 11 bettor pinnsar trala deles specially war tha KoyarlUe We Are Thoroughly Prepared With AH the fievJahions- 4 OM CUft Hi ilHli Mi OW OlM ffeM IhRlil iiMtioMN LB DM OWPi OM MNID MIMIMtlHM In Women' and Wwe Rcdyto-Wer GsrmenU A beautiful 11m ot Junior Coats for of 15-16 and 18 yean In line Wool Velour BoHvh Cloth Meali Coeting Material and other novelUea juat opened up Priced at 81280 fliM aad Many New Cost Suite have also Just been opened ahowing new etylee In beautiful Silvertone cloth Douve de Lain Teicotinea Serges and other itiateriale priced at 82750 $2985 $3250 85500 and higher WE ARE LEASED TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to the immeiyw stock of fine Underwear Garments shown this season by UiIb house The garments shown by ua exclusively has a wonderful reputation for perfection of finish fine materiala and beautiful line It matters little how cold the weather may be you-wiH be tal (Wily 'comfortable with a Suit of this llndcrweer oil Each garment is cut individually by hand and finished by hand Some are pwde to cover the entire body while others are made tp wear with transparent sleeves aod low-neck frocks 7V tt ARMItTKB Military axperta hare that th orntoiln ten todlnled by tha Prartdool to hi reply to Grraway ara wllhoat praeedrat la th nlllury htatory of Uw world la I ha put amtotlc hu bm agrannnt hetwru tha bdllgomu tor a rasi-Uoa of honlMtln for too pnpon dtacnwiag aiuin of puuwsat to lorrat to both parti aerally prac oo Dartag tkl parted which to I morally dud aUhr aide eu rone to strategic nlllury awn or Mid la tholr military gtrugth If ilw exp Ir Uo of too lima thara ta no agree meat fpr axtacsloa haaiUlttos may rmmrd and tha war carried before Th neat geanal ae-eeptaaco of tha tan hu hen thst 11 ta a trace i Article Sd of Tho Hants rose Coo rrothn draerlhn aa anataUto foi-ws: I anatoik laapeads military mratlona by aurtaal ggraamoar ho-twaea Ih belUjcsfeal- panic If Its duration ste aot dud tha bolllgerrat parltoa aa raison dpatatkam at any lima pawrlited always tha raoaur to -a rood wlthta tho ttng agreed apea In accords nee with tb terms of the irmtadcr" Bat It norm that Praaideat WII ra'i terms laid down for Goran ay go a great' deal fartbor He draiaadr gianatsu of prati of tho aratte anayrdIat the emtial power and graoially accepted' la mass that Ger many to to ba lorofM to auks pro liters bn tar over to the military authorities of thr Colled Hates and her allies her woo poos of off east re waiter It to honored thst Ikon ooo-djikrno will prortd tar physical eoo-troTaf tha gnat Oonua fortremoe on her border well of her naval ea It wUI doubtless Hu faelade a dtoanuawat of her nu and ships making It comploikT samader aot a mere earaollu of hostilities tor a giro period A II hu bees ex-praosbd If Germany accepts the terms it wlU be for porpotaal araistlr and wU bo aa aacosdltioul aarread-r laat wu Imposed apoa Balgarta The United Hates aad th allko do out prapou to fir th mny op-portaolty to root ap tor a rrorwai of i bo Mragglc 1 Vateo ah quite aa onadliiowllp tha war will ba carried will then hi a eamptel military conquest A complete line of two-piece pmhinyiin" III itirk alas lint fil lf 1 I in all aisea We have in 1 A behind tags" I aay bo totting log By bat my aye ara opes Allow too to agtr a aar foattoa or two for what I bay may hr worth Aa to tha market drilrory I uggaat that tartrad of each moll haring a drilvary boy who hu go over th oatlra town for every lltUo call oad Ihvrafoc wastes a great daal of lla that to auriwt drilrory hoyi or wagoao employed for erriaia hoar king aot aura thu two deltesrtas day with ao special drilnrtsa Then boys or wagons eoald ho la the ciurtoT of fh markat ud aot of aay uoa awa Kick ward would toaa bar a hoy to dsltvor good la that ward and la as other Ho would aooo liaeoma acqaalalvd with hla waul ud tinw ba able to economise ta lime Ibis boy would simply deliver all goods tram all alalia tarladlag the nth markoL totting each package bear tho maa at Ih roaalgaaa aad th a jaw of ton stall send tog It la tola any Uir woe Id ha Mils Iron hi ta t-Htag a boy to detivas to goods Thera ara doabltaaa georaa of Mo ha glad to do thto work bdl Ik pri at eatra drilvary would hwer qval tha amount of car fair that I aaramaty fur Ibwtterchisrr to ao ap town Smoothing of th mum sort mtehthe with grocer la ham aagop Then might hi a dray or wagoa employed tar a cuapla of boars each day tor uch ward Thla ward wages would ga by all of too regular ap-towa stores and get whatever groda won to to deftest that barn Name of si (saw aad of Mon eoald he written oa each package noted before la this why thara would ba real coo omy to ea! Urt loos Uw uaw ptaa aright ba carried ui aa batora toe crab aad carry ptaa wu knaght late a Tact Tba wtrchaat would bars to as I ho uaw Judgment aa before as to whoa ha eoald trait Thirty days aoaat aa cash ta ant rasas tar interest is eoacancd If tt top mat-tor of cover! ug hod debu th radoe that toot to asw extended to eastom an to rartaialy aot tudi cleat to cover the risk Thru taw naagsctlcaa ara offered wttkoat say lateatloa of halting aar body or aay baataoip bat la a hsm of fairs! If they do act cans too troablo I shoald ba glad to ban apace tar a taw aaggratlua as to why oyatrn are cum A quart ai Mctriwad city ud ta Darham or why potatoes aeU for ceals a pecs ta PntoB and set It erou a harral toaa toaa ltd mil away OcLSd IL BPENCR Very careful attention is given to all Mail Orders' -Tn ue with your next order For Solicitor of Tenth Judicial Distrifct' a DURHAM OCTOBEB 4 MU Prewldsst Wllsoas taterprstaUm of ormtallcq MM to bo nhsstalr Austria I Hit to object to dealing with I bo CnschaStovaks which nddh another Mto of crow for hoc lo MU 'Kb doobt fllodrabom vooM lib to nt mom of lb load Americas food now Mac ssrvsd to Parta Who's eoadactlac thla war aaalaat Corauar Cotoatl Roosevelt or the t'altad State aad tb nmta ttoaat '81 nco tber ara cairoat taama that Brtaaoa to tbo auchlaa esa-dldala tor cmgrts la tb third wr tab It far griatad that Chartoa AboraoUtr la atilt la tho roc Wilaoa'a haadlhui of the coo trot or or with Gammsy to a rontodor of tho atonr of famar aad the boy ip tho applo troo oo re to tad la that aa-ctoat hat hoaonbl pohllcatloa kaowa aa Webster Ha Back SpiUtag It to nlahtr hard to caoTiact tho follow who ha had teSaaaia that oalr about to ptr ceoL of the poopto waro aliteboa with Ih dim oaoa Ha la wilting to wager that ban to 101 per eeaL bad it Oaa of the Oostas baa taatltatrd dl-eareo proceodlng aaalaat hla aetr wlf Thao aaothar ohlp mo Hard hr atop becaly aad a nriUtaaaire ha tollod to wcathor the itorm of Ufa tho or of antrinoap JnitBeerfved SCAB LOADS" Aephglt SUte4tarfaos SHOIOIU and BOLLBOOrzra Bed ud Oreea 1 -Shingles 7JX) and fIJSQ square Hoofing (3JS0 and $ASO a square Ask for free umplei PHomr" i 49o BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO 113-115 West Chapel Hill Bt Durham No 1 Tw have soUcsd how at cvealsplwp oniuls an vary easily omvsysd Di taat mule ta borne sctsm Uw Betas that ta tha heat of too day could set hoard Then I a Mat wheraia to pnoeaco and thoughts of God are moat dtaeeraaM a pter ta whkk om is srssltlre to tha thlags thst do art reach him baoy Mraeta This ws bore found Hi to holy culm of bonne cm tbs Mabtath day Rosy hoods for a little white am Mill aad bean ara HM ta prater to Mm who freely glveth all things hr a llttl mm life- smaller Is tersst ora forgotten mod thoogble are died ea Oodjad Ih soul and tr-sal Ilf Were tt Mt for thin Util outs ta to routlM of Ilfs I fear the hast of oa woo Id bt haerismly tsl ta aatortalMm aad Ms What totak ym would be thu Mule of a eUy ta whlrh mm save amsm Mad to wnrehlp God? A city ta whlrh -springs of mss' higher Ilf would ha tried np! A city wherein mm would lire mere 'Ilk animals toe lm-mortelnl And whet do ym totak mart he to estate at tost soul who Is no Mtaom fond ta Urn court of God when God correct end refreshes tb heart? Let such took In hta own heart ud answer for himself TBxnmra or tLA88U Why not nowl This to the pbwab Dl 1AFP0ST 09ee over Sneed Mwfcham Taylor Co Cor Mala It HunR Bts DR irCRACKEN Dentist Office: 413 Trust Building Telephone 114- IV OSCAB BOWDEH PEAO- tiad into painter' witti Five Points Auto Co bm (la mo Ham tftowd la Uio amapapsiu to lb odnet Ibal a commit! reprssmtlng lb nllraad mlmtsIMntlm bod bon monad to to rest Ignis lb qsssiloa of Into schs-dutoo Uaanboat tho sou try vtew to hsl taring obonnr pnmlbte Ao oa old ta gilhsriig data cHioa von asked to dl tbolr caa plat aio if lbr bad aay aaalaat tbo ssrrira they von rserlv-n wltb ssygesrinan tor tnamrin 1L So far ban ana ao odlrlal ae-tlo baa torn lakaa aa thr matter and llkolr that tb caamtttm to Mill receiving daa and IU Uko some Uaw ysl bafai wnnouncte a doflailr Miicr Thta balac lb mo It vooM bo writ tor tb thooa dttoa horiaa coaiplalata I aaba aid aot hsvtag aiada Urn to art bur aad 11 thslr dita la onkr that arhn tho read Juatawat to nod tbalr atolato will bora eoatldaiaUea' Oooa thara la a moral mmifnat at Irmla trim-dulaa It -will a hard natter to tool a toasts aa to aadataload that a details pottcy of achodmla la fa be pat lata rfftri tmi mvstirv man siraTiha aaanaranaat'of ilia or rival la HBropa of Dot Horn more liaht to tonwa a poo lb doctotao of th Preoldoat to rooster th Oor-Wan appeal tor poac aad amtetlc to to allied sovoraanate Shnld tho aegotlatloo of th tatora ho condoe-fron taon or England (quite II holy Paris) th Praoidoat win hr lint aa aaKh repreooatod la the direct dtacaooln aa thoagh wair pmoat to pama Th golag of Coioaol Kocm to Porte tlao Indicates way otbor thlags coo-sorted with tha handling of tbo poser dlscBootoa heretofore not exactly clear to th general pablle It bwdr to tb ooodotln that Hi PnaMeal had already doeldcd to transmit the Oornaa reqoeet to th silted powor cron before tbo latest half eommnai tattoo bad ken dispatched It Indira otbmt th who) coon of th dl-p'onatlc proeoodlagg had baeo nap ped oat oan tin am as Colonel Hoan was his way to Earopo bo-fora tbo taat Ormaa aot wao- orlred How that 'ho ta oa the ocear to penoaally ivprasnt th President la all farther disease lone between to elite aad Germany any look forward to oarty deeelopnnf which likely to row Iran th (Ills aador a Part data Gnloiul Hoan to th atyttory awn or th sdmlotatntloo Ho studs etooor to th Fmidnt than uy otb-r Ilrtnr man to aatd oad hu hi oomptet eocfdenc fut what part ho plays to shaping (rents to ant knows Ht may be a targe facia plualag or any ha tho Anddrattol means of collecting mart disseminating ldeu for the Prraldnt HU ml poellloa nay com to light 1a tb fatars bat tt to etrtala that tt to gaoned at aow No man ta motor world politic ku oceaptod the poaltioa that Colon) Hoan don Hr to a awa ao oo baa hen abl to alar ap aalan tt to th Praaideat Qgirt angaeamlng almost to a fault ha attend itrtetly to hta owa bsetaeas and that of tha Fraaldoat wllhoat oStad-lag or betraying It hn been long predicted thaf when tho poacs coowlastoocia gather araand th enortt tabl to net nt taollco ta Germany COL 1L Haase win he th leading fee lor to filsg lb leraw Others nay make nor aoto aad appear to be itamliwUae dgam bat th power at tho Halted State government and th window of tha PreoUtook through Cataoel Hone wlA ho-th principal factor hi dictating th terms com peeing the peace treaty THE big GUNE Aaaoaaecawat by ulhorily of the navy department that tar a awalh a battery of huge BaSal guns arnaaed by American blarjackote hu spreading drafk and dastraettaa smoag th Germans oa tba Ftondcn front forcing thorn to giro beck before tb oiwteagbU of thto moral ar eogtate explains goow featarea of thr retirement hentafora Plata to th pnbile Day attar day report would eome through of redraw! by lb Haas without any caura bring assigned Bow advanced tbo reaaoo that It wu a retreat la order to 4 better pipe red tar asking tar peace others wld was In order to taka ap mar strategic potl-ttow ter the protoctloa of the German border still other ooalsaded that It a to prevent any possible envelop-tag movement Toeh might ut ta motion la cat off large hod lee1 of their end material Bat th reports kept coming la telling of the oompa-tloa at important territory by American aad allied troop (be neVeoar era not Hading any serious opposittoa from lb enemy who bid ta left before the arrival of th win moving allied forces Bat with tho anaoueemont that America ha had a battery of big Ton moaned oa railway ogrs havtag ruga greater -than uy weapon of tha Preach or British and bring aora dntractlva and believad to ho to eqnol If not tho an prior gf to grrat Gramu gas which b4 turn horded Pari light begaa to daw White thora harp baea ao details of too do-1 metis wrought by thou grant eua then I reaaoa to brilere thaf by their mobility they wsra skirted thrir! APPEAL 'With characteristic fronhaon tbo Praoidoat harlod a bmababeU lata tho ronhi of tho KapabUcaa party hr to-oalaa aa appoal to tho Totara of tho country to oxtaad a rota of cooldoace to hi administration hr otootlas a Democratic sxjority la both the an Jlato aad hooa at tba moral to bo bald a weak fro Taoodar Tho FreaUeat baa a wall daoelopod habit of dotag tho onex Jtoetod aad aaaaaal aad la thto appool ho ha aot drpartad toon thla habit No doubt it will rata a atom of art-Uehm toon RopabUcaaa aad wUI aa-loooo for the lanaiador of tho com-paisa all of tba vaoon of oldtino Kiltie Tho Preildrat ha reached tho coo riurtos that it to tho beat latenato of tho oeaatrr la deal Ins with mot ton artotas oat of tb war for tba ad nlatotratloo to bat behind' tt a coo-sno conpnaad at tba aw political faith a that of tb odmlatit ratios Ho I doabUro awar that aador aor-anl eoadbhno the eooatrr to proha-blr Repabllraa aad nalMas that bs-eaao of altotad taoMton attack aaod oa lb party In powor by tho oppoaitfan ho added to wsko par ooaal appeal to tb ratals to ap hi bonds" 11 wisely potato oil that a dofnt of the Domocratlo parly re mo of tbo tact that ta the dominant party aad baa ao far ban la charge of III SO re ram not' war wool lad lea to to Ik aot loan ocraoe ib era both allied aad oa ny that tho poopla of tba Us I ted fltatn won aot ntbded with tho way tbto country had eoadaetod It-elf fa tho war That would ho the aatoral ooadaatoa Over there whoa then to a polltleal toaa tb party appeal to tho rotor tar -dcrtsioa aad tha ranlt of tb alec 'Ihn aithar aaatala or dotaata that Party wbompoa It item aid gad torn Hi for rn meat la to hand of th nojorlly toadon A nto odronr too soTtranaat la enaaldtnd the retain of too poopla that It lack! cealdmc la what too dad do not wait It to eoa-dlao la oHr farther Shoald for aay teaso too rotor of tha L'altod State etort ateaoaMto ta th Prraldnt It woaM bat tba nataral coodatloa la Earape (bat tola tororanoar altltad to too war wao aot what th peoplr here wonted On then fniab tor -PnaMeat aake th Man to retar a -Dmoeratle BMjsrity to eaagraa In erdar to dnianiwto to th allies aad tha aaany Unt AaMitea to (sill i- -la thla war backed ap by to peoto VI that rtaw at Ih can was Jasu Sad ta aakhs th rotera to elect eores of to same political view aa Manelf aad for that an reason tha- rotera win Unbthn raspeod to hl N1 aiaaaor they hoe la aB otbor appeal he ha node to tho laternet of tha eoeatiy Rt A or THE ji ttery- FALBE ECONOMY To Ik Editor of th Herald: Win you gnat aw epee for 1 email pragrhawat which may ant altogether popular bat which telraaaaaad Juatlc demand that somebody aayT II ba to do with to ao-aUod aad cany economy qf th Darham market The cash aad carry aroma to to a reality tot to toe -rial ao uch sal as to drank ret law wld when ho saw Uw glrng To bed a with to store that raw-pd their customers to pay cash1 and carry thalr goods do not aril I base goods uy hooper thaa those wto wales a onewadfy fret dellrtry hare jut hung ap my tetephoae I ordered some sweet peppera trow a cash and carry a tore The prira vac qaoted at cent a dosao I have jaat lalshad catting ap aam did sweat peppera that wan drily-ered by aaotber grocer fras of charge aad pat a time ticket to cente dme The cash ud carry storee markete etb tar I bora rh-nerved merely charge enough tar the Drat price of tholr goods ao that the rrduettno given for cash and tatty give them Mill much to maa who delivers too good at tha door I traded tar weeks at a cash ud curry store totara I became of the tart that they sold oo cheeper thu their neighbor who deliver tb good A comparison at toe price atece thto plea want lalo egect aod with prevbHw prices will also convince cm that then I ao economy to Uw huri Heretofore then waa euppoeed to be martin of the pradt that weal to cover bad dabta Thai margta seems fo be forgotten Just now Bat might bn irgned that Uw price of prodac to Increasing right along and tlmt eomporluo of present with former price ta not fair Thu let comport prices with whit (ho fair price mainline says ought to be fair prices 8 teak to reported to ho worth to cents poand A (ftp to too mar hot allows cm to pay cute pay cash carry tha buodlo boas to Bad that tha splendid steak after bring hammered to apparent palp aata fair gravy tar supper ud after si res -atom efforts with a awal ta enabled to ntlllaa nearly ooa-hair of II tor testates hgh omy Ital ntoora wlU argue thl la's time wlwa wa power It to tha fashion Th govsra-ment denwnd Itr'-Fiddlestteh other things! Bavo awa power indeed Knad oa a cartetn ccraar la tows wllfc me Watch th folks com shop flag A doaea boar poopla coow to Iks storm Tbalr lima to prerimw yet they have to Mop thalr work to come after to aooaasltlaa of llfa Thru or four largo can a llmoaaln a baggy dries ap Horae wear car waar gaao-Haa waste tlma loss a doaea aad woman uy at whoa can awk enough la the tlma taat amriwHag to pay Uu prim of tha entlra drihrary And ooll toot oeooowyl How It stands to rtaooa that on panoa worktag tor tba common Ity ud chao par work than working at that same Job tar that raw eommulty That old problem than ta a lot of taritebaoM beklad It a MU bit of grand would ant eriUriaa hltadly aor Ilk Josh ays that mM folks erlttotaa Ilk a mala blebs: "Shata both eye ia lata fy with AN APPKCIATHJN To Ih Editor of too Horald: Doubtleoi thrpraaut opMomle ha keaa wore aaveva ta West Darham thaa ta aay other port of Darham Tha awlady awooped down apoa ae almost unawares Before wo know aatlra famlltaa were ricks oa ai avury alraat and dqpte- abroad Tb problem uddealy thraM apu was (bo I Hauls tor aay awa taw maa la two works' tlma 1 bars bees called oe to afftotato at sera fusrals while Mhar pasiorv eoald tall of similar or larger lists ai ta thaa trying otrcamrtuec I dart Dot prophesy what would has hap pea ad had not Mixing hud led tor way And tom It wu that th Erwla Cotton Hilt company ram to tb or Ckiion Thto company ImnwJ lately perfected a relief organise! to god spared (either Uaw awa aor money ta aitelaterlog to to needs of I be community A more aaosISah service hu been rcodorsd now hers ta my hvmhl Jadgmeat Th relief work hu aot bom oeainrd to employe hot nil oar people iwgaidleas at or enpartea bar ham eoaMderad and looked altar -1 knew of a a umber at tanoas whom aarms bova p'acvd aad food tarnished ta of people waking tar other ornate a This kanwnitartaa sririt ba been aualfeatad ail Uw way-t Thta relief orgmtaallm has hoaa anlqxa aad 'oowptate raatard Mlwr Read ei tisane kava heartily opepated bat Uw Erwla Cot tea MIU company hu bam at tha helm The report gives dally by th A as Mb aa What Durham te aed law bam bat a tabulation of Uw report of I hla onwatxaUoa which wu already perfected when tha I A got oa tha anaa Tha llal of tha naaisa iff thou earring la too numerous to awatloo Bat'K wight be aid that general anas gars auperin tendsatx forewm ud aacoad hands with a aum her of our good women hare heea anttrtng ta lacrilclal aerv lee 1a eoaehwlra tot me repeat to whom honor da sad lift my hat ta th Erwla Rottra Hill company Bu El ter Oct Id WORSHIP By Coats Harrell "I wu glad whm they aata SM Lot aa go Into lb kooac bff to Psalms It oftaa happui that Ibe choicasl things ta ones Ilfs an taken amllar of roars and only half appreciated util oa day ho flndi htawrif without thorn Tbm they or vetoed sever keCoce Baaday la a otnagr day arhn ao church balls caU to woe-ahlp aad th wurahlppara are aot aam Uw (treats Asd yri it awy be that being dastod tote prteitage shall hois how soccaasry it ta to oar wMLbelag It awy ba that whm we go to worship tha Mwg which the Jewish pilgrims mwg each year whm Uwy caws aeaf th tempi at Jcro-aalem will truly axpraaa aar fepltaga "I wu glad whm they arid aata Lot go taio to bourn of too Mu ctawte ta aood of mini that public worship atoa cm mpply Tho acta of prate create ate phara ta which th soil I moM aoa-Mtlvo to tho mowmte of to BpIriL You can buy lNtteiy anywhere 1 You can buy tha battery in wnjy ce Vl-H l-otn the Willard Service Station 'K The Still Better Wdlard la tha battery because it is the only batteiy in which you can get Threaded Rubber the mostj important battery improvement in years rn ff: 'rf know the Still Better Willard by the Willard Mark which is branded in the box The booklet A Mark with a Meaning for tell all about the 'Mark and tha Battery Durham Battery Service Station' VhM beu threshed cot lug go ud wr know too answer ana pi eqwl to withstand too oaaaak of to cub ud carry merrhut UW wrapeap to mora hack to hare Now I am not disposed to aay that himself from worn disaster This thara ta aay attempt at craokadaem apt tb iQliutlN tm tkb AmL I awtsr MjlDg that tm AN INVITATION JXrretor Onon) MeAdoo wiala tho 1 odhdato of tho railroads to get out onaas tb poopto aod seqaafnt then wlto th wnrhlaga of tbo nlhaod No odeton toot tboao ellctato rlalt rtty aad ladaetrlal omntnttoaa Otiwagh-oot too oonatir oad tall -tbo poorte 'what tbo rollraod or doing -'fadoral aaatml asd wkot -Ihoy pnpoa to do la th Mara to hoped that tb ofBdals win Ttatt Dap ban duly aad aftaa aattl they tot It boot Into tholr hood that thla city lhe bu fried avacaattoa at atraagly BM tart 1 Jy? WB la trtd Sara Mara ware Mg tactor la torctag tos aawr ta gtea ap tarrlloiy -1 7 Lai Sabin iteNkjSwnsidUlm tin -ikCiititebi I iiTikfeiffi 1: idiwnSdii r-- 'M aostao AI.

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