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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 4

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a FACE FOUB THE MORNING HERALD doming JtrraU The Stores1 Are REPLY thin king on ikelr own accord When thin really becomes popnler will he good-by prufeaelonsl poUlletaa and It will mark Ike entry at a new hied of politic On dm whole the American people am pretty well sellsSrd with Uw way the war ban been golnd from i point o( view and while them arc men la congress who boceuao at their perversiiy ere going to he retired tu wry private 11(0 neat mutt Lb It Is hardly likely (bat (ho Korembor alee-that will bring any great polltlcel rerolutloe to America Prafesahmel potilfetan sad inhere Juet as objectionable are not parlleularly pica red with lha war tha Preeldeal haa nta things hut Uw people are Mid they they are hot going ut do anything that might emkurraHjiim in iniehlsg np the good war job that he he To Close i 'A At 4 On OlM OM Tn Cm Oim Ms MMli Oim Tim MM40 Cm Oti Vaftife Om UM Mm Hk MUM i 0 I MiMMIM MM two to Mllll Sanw ft Durham October ii mi ISK SENATE TO VOTE APPROVAL Senator Low is A aka Unquali-fred Endoraement of tha Prwaidont'a Policy A BROAD RESOLUTION Another Resolution Inform Preaiiient Sonata la Ready to Ratify A Juat PaacaTraaty WsablRgtua OeL IT Unqualified 1 adores men! by the sens Is of ovary aor that lb President has mud or may mako In tbs tatura In tM peace egotlaltona with the central powers Is asked by Senator James Hsmlllou Lewis of -Illlntda tho Democratic whip In iwoolullon Introduced lu -he senate today Tha board of health in gpeeial lenion haa den cided that the (lores of the city murt clone at Four O'clock every afternoon of the week Saturday ineltftled So until further notice is given this store will eiose eveery afternoon at Four O'clock Saturdays Included We kindly ask that the public will take notice of this feet and ao arrange their affairs that they ean do tbeir shopping in the earlier part of the day Gossards fortte Busin ess Girl Active and supple jotm awn used to do much of the office work no handled hr btniiieu girfa Correctly Cited ia Gossards women ire able tx do all thst men could do md without the o'clock fa tigue which is da I cootagirg to giris Pot properly jgBfiHL I MoMSTS RcautBd oulfise i biMd viik th eootfcirt of owl feat aad fight baainf Skirl wA cicady knt to untnif eoafeae tkkfiit udlupioio Piiod look for At Namt fiosshri I WWISOMP g)l glad This move is made necensaiy by the board of health in doing everything pomiible to stamp out the -Spanish Influenza We feel that the public will be to co-operate with the board in every way poa- -eible to help stamp out this disease All phone orders for goods should be received as early in the mornings as poMible if they are to be delivered All Mail Orders will bemailod same day received Send your Mail Orders to this store for prompt attention taAte Mr 1 tries to kotta their future gov FALL FIELD SEED Rod Clover Bapllai Clover -Lacon Clover Crtanoa Clover Atayk Clover Mixed Ctovirs aad Gras tor parsanaat putuiw Baby Valch Ran Orchard Cram llsrda Grawk Kngnsh Bin Graaa culacky Blaa Grass Lawa Gran Carolina Winter Rya Oats Barley DURHAM SEED HOUSE Exclusive Seedi and Grain carry with It an ludoroemout of Ufa rarioaa nolea sent to Oenuaoy Aua-itO-Iluagary and Turkey and at lha sanw time would to If udopicd no egpramloa of tho aenotu'o complete ctmhdenru lu the ibllliy of tiw Presl-tool to handle tba dolleata questiow iirolrsd Bmator Lewis' after Introduring tha roanlutbm asked that It to allowed to go over tor future oousidsr-stlou lie auld he bud mil deter toed upon a date for calling It op tor consideration by tha senate Whn It la called up he Inland to apeak al length oa the subject The resolution provides aa follows: th United Elates senate ap-proraa whatever coarse may to taken by Uw President of tiw United 8 la toe la the matter at hta replies aud Ju hta dealings with tha German Imperial government nod tha Austrian Imperial government aad Iho nlllga of alitor or both ia roapoasa to tha round of either far peace or armistice Uw mute having complete and tall coeUenca la tha discretion jadgment aad patriot lam of Ike Prsai-icoL Indorses and approval whatever athoda ho may tmptoy to achieve th revolt of victorious peace aad tha establishment ot tha principles for vbleh th United Btatca of America entered Uw war and Indorses aarh determination as to shall roach aa to th manner beet calculated la pra-arve Uw dignity of tiw nation and lta complete vindication In th conical botweea Uw United Btetoa and lu a octatoo in tiw war between tbea and Ko Imperial Gentian empire gad lta Senator Gore of Oklahoma introduced a reeoiulloa to advta ttePtul-jtont that th senate Is ready to rainy any treaty tor ths coorilssina of Out peae with Gprmany and Aua-irta baaed upoo th right of determination of th peoples of (hose coun- emeus vou ro ato YOtffSSU Of STOMACH I tttOMEYnD Liveif names 5QLD AND ENDORSED BY ml 0000 DRUG STORES -g-gjOgjfl READ THE HERALD WANT ADS However Opinion Ig Divided Regarding lta Pouible Consequences A I EXPRESSIONS Conurvative Believe II Close Parleys Whila Liberals and Socialists Hope 1 for Continuance Parle Oct While nnaaimowly sad heartily approving of PreaMem Wilson's snxwrr te-Oenuany mnch opintoa to divided regarding ha pu albl eonaeuueaera The conservative who depiuro the eellra peace enovenatioa before Usrmaa la dtcls I rely bsau-n la the bald and who last weak aagrsvatid ikdggjriL Ptaaj: dent Witooa would ftp-nelW II" room pnipaulg bow re Jo Its because they believe the parleys art over The President no longer apeak tn Germany he attack write the editor at the Erbo da Paris he preferred explaining lo disdaining ha could uot have spoken The liberal radicals aad aoeiallal hops the parley win eon Un a They taller the German paopta am an-deafly aager for peace to force outn-plianea with Wllnh'g wishes Marvel Cachla tha new editor of L'JIumuiite the eodaltat party organ rejoices tacaau Wllatm leave tiw door open while Marcel Zest bat farmer minister rays tiw opening la very small and uaeatinaa whether the German am uflUitontly hratan to submit to such an arm 11 lea L'Aetloa Fra scalar tha ruyallrt or (an declaim: luawur might bring moat sard lent regain lurid of Germany Tha aotdlar' blood to tu pndous tar negtorting whatever awau tar the hastmlag at a glorious gnlah of this long Tha writer foreaeea the atagu to tha pariaylnga: Aa armistice which will (nlah lha Moodatad Puce prdlmtaartoi: Final negotiations" "Whoa salt bar side win" eontfnae Ihe writer "the troop remain la their poelthma alter lha armlatiee while after victory the losers give pledge of a military nature asauriag noeapt-aaoa ot taler terms Tha peace prt-llmlurtaa settle the political guarantee They should follow lha arm latte Immediately while the flnal negotiations might continue The writer demand a Aral condition the rrtarn of all hodagu and all political prlsanera well aa those who have been deported aad forced lo do labor within Germany Aa a second enodlUrm ha demands (ha rata rn of all boats and railroad mat rial seized which trill meliorate the transport probleat reprise la public opinion must not toko a false diradhm Such reprisal should consist not only of the destruction of Os naan property hut of appropriation for repairs at oar ruined province Ds struct loo for which a man fallowing hta In sttoeb In only too Inclined will glvs cur soldiers a brief aarage Joy while smploymeat of the oarmy to properly repairing tho damages win lessen the Buffering which does not preclude the proper punishment of criminals per MILNER ADVOCATES RIGHT ARMISTICE -Say Ona Will Stronffthca Alii Germany' Political Reformation Coming d-amdon Oct -Vlaeount (dinar Uw rillar war minister la gn Inter view published la tiw Evening Standard today eipivuna the optotoa that an armlatiee which will strengthen tha altiM miilletily will to auoresa Gil to mcariag a doclalra victory for iho alllu and to bringing about the colapse of Brusaianism Tha war mlnlater aayg ha bsUvsa Uw alllles ahould not attempt to die- laic drnsUe changes in tiw Jsraoagl eonnlloilM of the German govara-meot since to do so would stifle the waning resistance of tha Oarman armies and peoples Vlaraent Mllnsr aayg farther the transform! Ion at lha German government now progressing ahould not hr hurriedly donoonced aa sham and that it to to tho Interest of tha lUtoo to see a a labia gorannwnt malataa-od to Germany lines that country to It would to dK Scult or lmpoaaibla to obtain repam-Uoa Tba war mlnlater anticipates coca-piste allied victory either by uneoa-dltional surrender or by srmlstlc eoadltiooi to to imposad on Iho enemy Militarily ho think tha Germans will ho randy to reform while ha toilers pollilacl reformation should to tort to ths Germans then-aahruo to uecordaaco with tho principle of salt detormlnatfba Me adds that the necessary political change will to' opcclMo until the Germsi armies arc defeated and ha urge (hat Uw whole enargy of tha allloa to concentrated apoa that object THE KING AND GUEEN HAVE ENTERED OSTEND Waahtogtoa Oct -The klag and qaaa of Bclgtam ontarad tho rsoccn-pled Belgian post of Oat sad yeatarday eabia adrfcaa tvestrsd tor tonight auted POLITIC Thr In rnmptalnt aimos the I -ofn'jiraiv that th Hxpubiicaai 1 1: u-t politic aland adjoursad ii riiHutuj by ib Iiildl Tif however doubrieaa fMI I ai (hr rHiHni ran (ram Dmr i-vt- ihny are iiader no special obit-t i un Haply According to am-I i r'uuii Jnka Motley Morohaad by lb any stake ceneiu ((! ilutict norms bora nhthimv'W ii a now I running far l'w I null toi: I conducing a speaking c-n I nUa at eoasldarekla vigor If n-w to to holla ra lha reports Mflrttiftul is now blaming Ilia Daawarata (or (all Ing la kaap out of war while two yearn ago ha a a lam boating than for not tying la and licking thd kalaar baton broakfaal Of eoured Mora brad may ant bare raid all lha Ihlagn credited In him by parti but than in enough evidence lo war rut the conclunloo (hat ha It waging a prally aetiva campaign- If ha gate any pleasure nut ot II let him pro-card (or aeeordiag lo all lha alga tuning will ha all ha will gw oul IL Up la the lealh district Britt haa aaked Wearer lo coma out aad mix it op oo tba stamp declaring that he wauls tn discuss tba Incumbent's war record and would Ilka lo argua some more about Hut elect loo two yuan ago when about bal( of the people up there claimed Brilt was elected and the reel of Diem coo tended that Weav-t was lha man Waarar got the of-fra and Brilt a ppa really far (nag being mitoScd with It wuta to nrgue it out Hi the presral campaign Wearer says under ordinary circa mataacss ha woe Id be glad to engage la a Joist debate wiib bis Bepobllcu opponent bit he does got propose lo violate the health rules by participating ia public gatberlag during Ihe epidemic ol In gueuga and further nays the people ate toe baay trying to win the war to cum about polllJoil speakings tbeee and ether lauaoua which hr derma good end autaclent he declines to accept the challenge Of enure (ha KepuMIms want lo get 'oat aad otir up politicca and thereby distract Ihe attenUou of the people hum the matter ot winning the war they may do ao but It shows rather had taste to any lha keel It aeons that It would IM prally good policy and not had politic to let the Democrats under whoae nils the war started finish up the Job Splitting raspoualbtllty on anything usually i leads to complications lalsr oo II this la a Democratic war as foolishly argua let the Democrats gnlah It l( the RupubUcsu am ao much better at nmalng the sfUira ol the country which In a disputed mat-- rer they ran get i chance at It when reconstruction ram and they shoe Id he pretty goods hands at reeautnut-tng as they bam had aura experience at II than any other party Soma of the Republicans have a short memory concerning the eternal Ulnae of Iblags It mou Whan this country was haring Us little nklrmlnh with Spain Roosevelt and the other party leaden of that day pleaded with the Totera lo retain tba Republicans la power declaring that to change administrations would nbow up the country In a bad light In lha eyes ot lha European nations But with mag-aideent toeuariateacy they come altmg and ask that ths Democrats bo ousted Is (bo midst id tits greatest war id all Limes and when a change lu administration would really ham a serious effect It was all wrung then but perfectly good poilUca now they eey the difference being In the (not on which thn shoe la Of eounn tha Democrats wnnt any campaign thin year aalde from patriotic notlm They arc In 1 power and naturally any at tempt to pel them out would not maet with their approval Aad It to charged that In eotae InsUnren they hare ov-Mteokad the fact that la they let the bun down they cannot expect the Republicans to paae It np If a Democrat goto to spouting what "wf bars doe he 1 may expect to get called Rut on the whole pollttap this peer win not bo I ho gam at Uw proton oa-al poiitlclas that has hi the past Tha people are sot ao anally led sow sa they anno worn and In oonu ease the awango voter Is actually beg lasing to think surprising eg Ihle may be to some and as disconcerting as It Is to lha professional pollttdea Jlera-totora thn raters hern not been expected to think (or did they sot here their leaden to think (or them? Bat aoaakow tkem is a (slat eaopicloa tkat tkls tklaklag by proxy ken nod keen getting Ika eommon people gar where or anything aad them (rawing lncllmmlioa tn do EPIDEMIC WANINQ II ia an encouraging report the atm board of health erode out can corning Uw talnouia epidemic and he bailee la ax pressed Unit the wavr ot affliction ha passed lie creel aad with a roetlnnatloa of the prwntutiaa ary meoaurea by lha people Ii should be a thiag of ihe pail la a week at two This does not meaa Ihe bnard warns ijust there will be no farther spread ot 1r bare as or that then will he ao man faimlltiee but there will be a gradual decrease to both mill it (sally entirely ceases Wilmington where Ihe disease II ret needs nerlone Inroad to title state If rapidly emerging (ram the epidemic aad the cbuithm will be permitted to resume aaual services amt Sunday aad Uw schools will open next week Bat Ik city haa panned through a serious time It In estimated that Ihe amber at cum of Influenza there durtng Uw put (Oar os bye werkr exceeded lO-OPO probably reaching 12 DOC aad tha number of ffePHfii Is reported at UT Bu tissue wu pracl tell ly paralysed tor nearly a month and lha anffertag wu iatanu to many to-stance aatu tha relief work became orgaaixed It wu a bard flgkL with Klaace aad Us orgaalaed kelp (ully wining -Other placdh In the stale an yet to the midst of aarlaus epidemic bat tha whole the outlook It encouraging tor early relief Of coarse pro cautions ry measures mut he observed tor several week If tha dlarwtr la to be effectaally banished WHY THE RETREATT Early report teat night Indicated tkat tha aerates ore evacuating Bel-Prance or at toast their ncs to thou two war-torn soon trie Oo at lha significant fe ton of ihe report wu tkat Ostcod was entered by the allied troops who found no signs at Germane sad it war also reported that tha enemy had rol tartly given up Uw other U-boat haw at Zeehregge What does all thia meaa? Is it a general evpru dm of occupied territory la order comply with President re qklremegM tor calling tar armistice jr la it purely a military operation to extricate hard-preaced armies aad hIoAIC them at more strategic past tioae preparatory to farther renewing the struggle? No mo outside of the German high command know the nml purpou at tha tha ret rug res too and that body has uot seen (t to taka the world Into tu confidence It la not beyond the pale of possibility that the retirwuwat la preliminary to renewing tha appeal tor an armistice II to an established bet that tha Gar mans can not hold Ikelr present paid i loos without iRTitlng certain overwhelming disaster Therefore re tinmeut of their armies would be iwu-totd to purpou: II would pul them Ip position to again request an armistice tar dlecpsehig peace terms sad If title request ahoeld he denied by srould be mac better gitnatod to offer military rmistaaeo Thom la ao doubt about their retreat being In the nature of a ratoaury action tor ills the posit Iona they hold they could put up a much stouter resistance than they am doing It see that whatever reel stance la being nude ig solely tor tha purpou of retarding Uw advance of tiw allied armies to order tkat stores and men might he removed wflhoat danger of being captured to wholesale loti Bat the toll purpou la yet on revealed aad time only which however I believed clou at hand will Ml the GASLESS SUNDAYS ARE DECLARED OFF Bui It May Bo Put Back an Again in Two Wank If Deairatl Washing tea OeL Goalees Sun days bars kua dsetarad off until far (her notice Thto-Ssaday aad tha neat Rnnday Mo ana may got oat tha old bus aad oat np the road a If It dossal rale or someth lag Bat alter whs known? At the tool administration there wu an attttade that couomttea oa Uw seals at largo curtailment lack (notaries Sundays night aceaury tor tha whiter at tout beau of the decrease of earn la win-tu anyway aad bauua lha guoltor raaoureu heraaftar will ha handled la a manner to give (rat call to onr-sau seeds Thar la a string ea the withdrawal however to Ik tkat It may he menu wry lo re tout after tea weeks ATTENTION' Mi" I No matter what you hunt Ducks Rabbits or Quail WE HAVE THE RIGHT GUN AND RIGHT KIND OF AMMUNITION in any Gauge and size of shot Fox and Itica Guns and the famous BlackShells Make this store headquarters for your hunting goods A complete line including Coats Belts Leggins etc 7 HARDWARE Near Five Poyits.

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