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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 4

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
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'y: '-V' -v-- 1 1 4 -v)' V' i i PAGE FOUH i THE MOBNIXn HERALD SUNDAY OCT 6 1918 'V Pe Owning grraW With All of the New If oeailnmut at tlm British embassy i tonight Is an Index to tha manner la which fit gland will receive tha! Herman plea Urn answer to Prince Max will be: make me laugh' I That -waa the way om Brill ah dl- ptaawt commented on th proposal tonight Ha said: Ilk thn man In tha fanny papers wlio says-Yon make ms Tha pane term of tha allies already have been staled more than onc Germany la simply sparring tor time as aha rxiUica a military dafuat la la slue tor bar before pauca can enceT The homa la th garden where-la the aoula of men: Chdally aplrlta do not thrive ln muahy ausoe-pfiera la rrllghm given any definite place In th ordering of your huuaoT ir any parent should raad the I net whoa child hag never heard him lift hi role in arayar may this bo the day when family alter in began In that bom WII any parent reed these line who- haa never talked quietly tyinputkalleallr nuneetly with hit child about Gad end HI law and ante- Let him read Daaterooomy 11 -A glorlnua pabhath for Durham If erery family warn a cuugregatlna and every home a ahrtn in JJ am Tim CM Manta THIS STORE IS SO INTERESTING ThrM Manta Caf 04 Manta CtM On Waafe la i 4 Day after day the ladies come and are 4o pleaacd with all of the beautiful thing! they nee in the Retdy-to-Wear parlora Jt in really very wonderful dimply to have a glim pee at ao many new and beautiful garments The varied style The fine material and the rich Autumn shade ta NNtlia nt Dwtan 4 VV 1 an UMi MU Mai tar i y' DURHAM OCT ttlfi IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO REPEA TTHESTORY wtil tit- Tire eeuata Ml MrAdao that be i' fjfjl II piinll pit tor dna'I i lhaw wild wolly deilre lo- 'Over and over for every woman certainly realized how important it to be correctly gowned for the many occaaiona ahe will be called upon'TfT appear in -public The beat thing to do ia to let this store offer you helpful suggestions and show you all types and Htyles of new and fashionable garments 8uita Coals Fine Dresses of Serge and Satin and Silk -muae wiih'lhelr I'M can nry readily do no at hum 1 Th Balaam TDnHTNOVVTHEGOOD may bu crooks bat yoa i will have 10 Ilf them credit ability it ta coat In out of the atona i'irll -ijis HOME-KEEPERS Are doing some wonderful get things turned around iXfr The retro rdo of th renegades viaattnalni AT according to hut adrleas VOUN BART Durham tomorrow morn lac atari another drive asaluat the Hahentd-I me end HapabursA ud while the women and ehlldrea will Ml be armed with ride grenade hayonata and other neeeaaaty awana fu end-las th Muoa aad thereby end lug the war they will hara Joat aa Impuitaat wee pone dollar Wa who art bora at hone muat furalah th boya la Fmara with food doth tag and fabling material nr they will hare made the aaerldee all la vain Kvery me of thuie men who to hi life beenuae he tklled to have the proper sun or atnmunliii ur food or nhuhlug will be a victim of murder aad thoaa of ta at homo who fulled to pruvlde him with (ho ueroaaary wrepon of otfen-aly or defenalni warfare will he guilty at hip murder If man 1 attacked ua the it reef at the city by ammaaio and wa aa him Id diatrta hut fall tu go I hie reacue ore cowardly accomplice of the aaaaa-aia Th aaiue ruin applie wlih more tore ta tha American troop fghling In Europe for the proteeGnn of the women rhlldrwn end men end property here at home They are doliig our Aghtlng and the leaat we eon do la provide them with the Inalru-nteiilj with which to light good hat-lie A you walk along the atraeta of Durham uy evening you will notice the abeenen of face which a year ago yon ware acenatomad to greet Many of them bright ambition amlllng young hara quit th pnraulta of dull life and donned tha garb of a Midler of America and to help light Urn buttle tor human liberty Many of Utea hare already cruaaad the Allantic aad in Bow an gaged la ridding French and Brig la anil of the horde at robber mar-derma aad rapMa marching under the banner pt Ihp imperial German kalacr All at you want to bring thee boya back In the qulckeal pnaalhto time Bat before they are again among they muat aecomplhh th teak aet for them Durham' quote at th fourth liberty lunn I approximately ltOC-tot or lSJMO'tlM booda If yon buy hut taw of then bond you will place 10 maefcln gaff ahells In the hand of anm American puaaiblr Durham hoy Yoa ahould willing to contribute thin money but lb government docen ak you to It only aaka for loan guaruta-leg to pay It hack with late real Buy on bond then buy another for the or you buy the quicker you will get thia aigumant between democracy and tattled to th cell tact loo of yoanaif and tha rent of tea world accept tha Haa militarist a trou iba waalera front ln other words to make things and places look fresh and attractive Right here is where we ean be of assistance We will be pleased tu show you new things to brighten up with It ta perfrtlly proper to yoar caa baiar la vltlilu the neighbor for tha purpoae of celling Hberly Oux Mail Order Department will help you Ask us on a card We make it easy for the people out of town to shop A few am awrea an 1 the fait of the German armiaa and the -iv-i bailor ana had tha board bimrrif barked odr Cancreaa I Jealoua of Ua aathorlty It seed lie purer a Ilk aura wle- tj it wnuld not hare to ba constant-1 defend In It Some of tboae fellow who had not boon to a church In mantha win do ijii th aunt yelling about not be Inf a We attend services tbla mom la a b-J We aee in th paper that Camp Orrene la to receive aao(her Ts orer" at the hand af the war denari' meat Winder If erery Httl laapte-Uon haa a weanlii all of Ita own? it today Ibal then haa been na rvduciiua ia Ih number or speed with which our reinforcements for Cyber al Peroklng are being aebt serosa tha ra shipping at American troop during Ik tost said General Match "ba rontlnocd over 250110 dapl to th general tjCiiejple of In-f neius all ore the cuuniry la military lamp an well as in civil lire -Ta sending men abroad are ae leeting men who have neither bad the diaeanc nor been exposed lo Thia has made aerray some read-Jnsi meats hut the flow of troop la as I hav stated It over ttoow tor the past maalh General March further announced that i' antlrc nauber pf teoupa embarked from the United Bteta I sue autre than -V 60 TO THE CATHOLIC To Ae Catholics at Itarham: 0 reeling: Gladly complying with Ih order at th Board ai Health temporarily forbidding An congregating of pro pla for Ao good of A Individual and general pbytlcal health oi the community Mr chorch win ho rioted for public worship In addh lion lo the reading of cur mess prur-ers if home we can aid the authorities by praying God ia Hla Mercy to leeaea and lo removo entirely from the community Ale aeourag of ta- Turkey I reputed a awklnc ladl-raet prapoeal to th allloa The I tg aultaa ahould know better than try In i pull any ut thia atuff If he want tha elite to lay off he ahauM holut both lunch buoka akyward and yell loe and loud: "Euiwchi 1 If Germany dralies aa armistice her appeal mint go to Martial Foch generallwlmo of th allied forma on the western from This waa th somment of par do parimeot official tonight The granting at an armlatle is purely a military measure it waa pointed out and would of necessity have to come through Aa tng officer of the forces which under A armistice would toy down Ihrir arms Tha diplomatic breach of th bvl life rente la not Iba proper place for tee fighting of an appeal faraa he caw of Bulgaria waa recalled lnthla ruan action Th Bulgaria na made overt ores directly to 'the French commaadm' The Bulgarian envoys were rrcrired by General Fraachct IVEsperey who ducted an unconditional gurraadar and agreed lo a anapeasioa of hostllitlM oiler referring A proposal to Martial Fot-J comuiMdt-r In chief and the enptvme allied war council at arsallle MANY CONCESSIONS MADE IN LATEST BID BY TEUTONS (ConllnntdVrom Pago One) tadt waa lagan practically overnight It erta a complete face-shout on the part of the kaiser sod Hhutenburg who two days aga emphatically vetoed Iba Baden urging tor an Immediate "peso offensive' The Kaiser himself was quoted as dec Is ring the Austrlaa peace plan had definitely demonstrated that Urn time was not rip tor sack more lodes burg and Lwtoadorff are reported as having assured A aaiparor and tha mw chancellor that tha altuatloa la th woet grovs as it waa wa by means hopelysa plan waa defeated nt tha council and a mw race began between Aa militarists and th pacifist A former eouesm rating all thrir plans and energies upon everting a real break A rough on tha western front before winter would compel a halt In A flghtlsg lint from Vienna and at Berlin through Ao Asatrian ambassador Aa Insistent voir ff peace kept busaiag In A German chieftain's ears Finally the ultimatum came: or aurronder" Hurriedly th kaiser went into eoa-Irrenca with Prince Max gad th Austrian envoy Whether Hindoo burg waa present si that meeting I not riser Th Impression ta that aatls-flad th sword1' was to hare another chaaeo ha was heading back toward A headquarters on the front Meanwhile A sitaattea In Anetria-Hangary waa assuming a more and more Aronteaibg aspect Haagary' leaden began to prepttoftar super ta aettam Tbs plan to trook sway from Austria became to he otu-nly dlacnaaed Bccresloa was tha watch-word la th Inner circles of A Hungarian government particularly among thn SUv dements Th very thought electrified lb Hungarian population Emperor Charles haunted by the spectre of rebellion and Ms empire cnee mare menaced with fnvarion by Iba fast northward moving Borbtoaa redoubled bis presaare on Bartta In A Austrian dumber reliable riofa were staged- Star members hooted with Germany" Fist fights msued marked by mutual accusations of the gravest sort "Psece" was tha all-prsvadlng urge' Through A Street of Vienna hungry mob marched singing tha Mar-arillalag and yeBiag tor bread and Pue TWELVE SQUARE MILES IN RUINS (Continued From Pag One) seeking aliriter aa far from the scene at disaster aa they could get As Aa hug almost nnbroksa 11m ihreadod Its way bom as ware thrown open outside the immediate danger mar and trend reds found shelter The exodus as estimated to have Included naerly UMN persons Many nude their way to th homes of friends Thousands were without shelter or food ft wa not until word waa passed along the surrondtng line tonlffiit that Ui danger bad passed that tha return Journey started And np lo a lot hour tonight weary women el whose skirls clang tired crying chiufea were mill tolling along A backward troll to their homes The extent of A disaster would hive bee tor greater In It's loro of Ilf but for th efficient manner la which tha military amhorltlee handled lb all oat km The guard at th AMERICA'S BOVS The mighty Yankee' name of old la hnawa ator land an aeu And now he'a euterrd th great world war to aet all aatloa free never aee the lluus hut we wish them to stay They never we ua but they wlh tu away If they rm we'll fallow and to tilln well go Ard ere ah the German tyrant Am-arlra'a grraleat toe Ileana at oak are our ablpu Jolly tar are our man We are always ready aleudy daugh-bor eleady! Will baht and ta Berlin ye wffll go Now Uncle Sam la calling mighty Yankee1 name To 1st the Germane aee wa ora allll alia and gam With John Perahing aa oar kder apread old gtury'a fame And rrush the Gennan tyrant with thia good old Yanlta nemo Unntagron Ik ml Durham Tie autumn leuvaa ora falling But And alt around a llo Braeulh our fret tread them paat Like day aad year gone by Tit trace are hare the gnaa la dead So longer green they mail The lltll wild flower nod hand To aleep the loeg long while The birds her gone to sank a place In lands where they con dwell And again tkslr paths retrace The breath of Spring they'll ML But as we pass tha long days through In life and leva ao- blest Well make the heel of si we dd And Icqv to God UirrtaL" Lancaster tut Jackson street Durham 1 BANK RESERVES DECREASE New York Oct In A ariosi hunk element today rawrvea wan hown to bar decreased flt1217tt loans increased flMM2J and net demand deposits deeresaed I1LUI? net In the arerage statement re-wro Increased flfilttJH tan increased I7M1MM and aet demand deposit increased IUCIW Bo profrosioul was th stock market that tha explosion of Aa great munitions plant at Morgan had a depressing effect Several time during the session tha explosions were heard Th result was that although tha market opened fairly steady It sagged in nearly every department and closely highly irregular Weakness of Indnsrrfsi AloohnL'pro-ved Che Incmohtenry or trader Destruction of mnlthma phuit Is (h very thing that should make a vaster demands for that company product and rot It was lha weak feature of th day Steel continued weak hot was not very active It's decline to due more lo absence of buying I ban lo deliberate selling The street believes that atari to being held back Ur discourage excamlra opeculallou la lb general Hat NEW OFFER FAILS TO MEET DEMANDS (Coallnueff From Page One) not only on the want front bat every other front Her arm lea are withdrawing from France gad Belgium because allied Heel Is relentlessly Barring Acm buck Bulgarin baa dr parted na a confederate Turkey li wobbling In th mm direction and Austria Is act much better off Bren In -ilusala a country daapod-ed by German A tailor nation to compelled to rrilhdraw her men lo stare off the Inevitable on the weal from Print Hex by words army to trying lo avert th dh-seter that is engulfing the armies or th Kaiser There to ous fearers of Germany's peace plea which brilhens the Immediate prospects of teh alllas and thia la tha effect that It will hare on Turkey- Officials express the view that It will ban on Turkey Officials rx pma the view that Tnrkay aee log her moat powerful ally pleading tor a Imre and peace will rear to Ac conclusion that Ilk about time to do likewise 4 It ahould be eaay to Ind llAtt poo-pla ta Durham who will buy one llfd liberty band Thoca who cannot hoy more than ltd will be dain their part i If they do that much But thoaa who caa Miy lha bond and ft aly buy on 1 for I too will not be dotni their part Ui MEETING THE SITUATION Action by tha local health author! planning in the home to ilimiu not forgetting to thank God for chuoslng America aa Hla laetn meat lo win at Armageddrn tor Ao honor and glory of cur he loved aad Justice loving eoantry and tor A greater honor aad glory of God fnrdfslly in Our txwd Wa O'BRIHX Pastor CU imt CU Ui Yee-lte a MS I rri ttwtam Mfil it 1 ibU ffiVnfffl tAcLMMlr xaff Ikr-m I ffi 9 Bfdf Tflkd If ft I hrtfffi 1 HEROLIN 25 cents MT NIK Henrii Nfi fin AilMfii iCfcHTC JtHtol ME M7M tft I fMl IMF ttfib tafltnfff) awi EM BROTHERS plant tad the local ooniabulrly Sret niched la th scene Billowing the Initial uplorioa were nlteriy unable lo cotm with the throng at excited hysterical women who disregarding all danger from bunting ahrila preaned forward to team It their men had ea-eaped Immediately npnn the arrival of the soMirra from Camp VaU a eord-oa waa Arowa around A reel plant I all save reaenvra Sre fighters physician and nurses ware driven back Martial laws was declared during Aa day The work of rescue was attended by danger Injured men were recovered from nhclt hole akin io I hue on a battlefield In Europe Pari of bodies wars found 1M fret from Ike seen af the first txplosloa Shall continued ae npiod nearby a Aa reacaeru worked and then heroic effort were checked oaly by lie flame as tha fin leaped from building and grow into a Acre rarnaea which so ooc could approach nearer than fact Colonel Dongtoa IMcKay la charge of A army force la the stricken district usable to leant th exact location of a store of thousands of tens of a th' explosion at which waa expected momenarily aad which would bare transcended all other ex-ptarions called (Or aviator from Ao Mlneota Field Two aeroptaaet responded to tbs call tot today They elrried orer A still burning plant (corning the shells which tore paat aad exploded near team They were able to locate exactly the two bargee on which lb wa stored Effort wet then bent to prevent th lame from ranch ing A barges For a time the Indication! war that no hnman power could tiny A louiaal of Aa He mas Coeaidenlikm was (Ire ta exploding Ao a But (hot waa to he doM only a toot retort tor mo experience could ba need a hula to erlfmaft tha dam CAM loos of I a 1 would do Tha bargee could not bo auuk as no panon could approach near enough to pull th water plug iLater when th lire won pur-Hally under control tha barge wore owed to oaf distance YANKEE TROOPS RESUME ATTACK (CoatiDMd From Pag Oaa) Iniantry rifle Are A thick ground hsaa toy over thn fighting line' compelling th Gennan vision to fily low In their noitering expeditions Bom of th KatoeFs finest troops were ea countered by car men in yea-tenter and assaults In ih Boii ilea Morin lor Inetaare wa enmt aeroat A empeniris pot dirt-hm nicknamed A They wen erev powered ytho Americana wlA tha same ease aad swift-now troopa of taaa glorious repel lion Everywhere our advancing columns aw evidence fH th frlghttol toll rouped vy enr artillery fir Tank crea outdid tkemoetvm to skill and daring Many of th at Ml moeaters rambled ahead far la advance of th Infantry A wlreleu Cimtinaally Caihing maaaagea to A-j driliag af th tanka loaatioaL Many phatogranha also warn lakes from tan! They reveel-ed that li iimbertoM traps aad been sol lor cut ln (entry which were cm Aed by th mobile steel fort Tank observer! also tent nignul to our artillery directing efficacious oounler buttery work GRIP CLAIMINO A HEAVY T0LL A HOMS MEDITATION (Raw- Ceeten Harrell Trinity Church) Abraham pitched hi test and then he buitded aa attsr Gan A teat to protech him from the Meant: aa alter at which might worship God Borh waa the simple hum which Abraham made for himself at Bathal and at every place when bis fortune 1st him Life crude in those days A teat doe not lend Itself easily to co si forts and re frrsbmonls: on who days unspent I moving hi Bocks from on pasture to another can malm provision tor nothing mors than the simplest necessities Bat th Inner beta-ly and stnnglh of Abraham's home cannot escape os He pitched a tent place to oat to sleep to bolter" This was but th axteriur and io doubt very unattractive to Uir eye But there was much mora Aa altar a place taste tha finest and holiest things of men's soul are awak-sned and cultivated This was th oel of hi homo- An altar was there and upon all temporal thing there shone a heavenly light Aa altar was then and tha presence of tha Almighty ailed th tent of Abraham The charm and awaetaeaa of that Presence Ilka th beauty cud Bragnmeu of th flowers that bloomed on tht plains of Canaan Th times have changed Wa do nuflir In tents: our habit of lift-an tar removed' from Abraham's Bui principles Ilka tha rules lu mathematics never change Hume religion giro th homo sonl to it not one of th unfortunate teadanctoa of our timei that associate religious life and teach In too oxdualrdy with th Church? Is It not Iras that in too many homes thsrs is no deflntt train' Ing In religion and no family niter and that thane mast Important mat ten am neglected entirely or handed over Is the Church and Sunday school? This I not the divine order? Th responsibility cannot bn set cask ly shifted An1 alter was built be Ids Abraham's tent before than waa Hniy or Holies hi the temple The home offer the- first sad heat opportunity for training In Christian truth and worship: If It be neglected there instf union can tolly repair tee in-Jiryc Mr William Gladstone the English statesman one said Is hut cm qnesUon settle that and yoo settle nil other That qnestlon la Christianity and that muat ba aet tied at home The homes of the poo-pie are the pool of the nation Today no church balls will ring to call our people ta worship Knot of ua will be at homo- hare talked much on other Sabbath Days of how th Churrh has failed or succeeded la the work commuted to her No better opportoalty will over com to as Asa wa bars today to think sob-sriy shoot how ear homes are mess-iris ap to th trnals rommlttoed to thorn It Is iaxtltutloa on tea divine It work la shspag the destinies at men art no ton fundamental Is tha ntmaephera of year home ho redolent with th Spirit at tha Men wBo'nn time told dally tha nobis lalacaro of HI prey Our Hardware' llek taut night ordering th eloring of all th school slang with th other poMIc place of wuembly wan to he expected following th change at front by th state and federal health authorities though than nr mow who fail to see lb wisdom for such drastic actio A tew days ago th state board of health aad we believe $i'j the United Staten drpwtment of health fully agread with the view aa-acnaced that tl wa not necessary to cloa the achnois oe account of th epidemic of Intuenia declaring the i haltrf that the aUuatloa could be Bundled more aatlafartorily the aehonls mnalaisl -open where th I pupil could be under th constant wsfeh of medical gumnUsua Desplia ih fact teat there wa consider Me preeaure hrnnght to bear on them the local health authoritle la their ortgt-g- aal order eloalcg ip church then- tra tad other place of ppblle gaih-P erf eg declined to Include the schools This policy waa in strict accord with the health auUtorUies of both th slate and nalloa Friday however th health officials at the state th rough Dr 8 Raoklg aad th United 8tatee department at health through Burgeon General Bupert Bloc retracted thlr Unit atetement and now say that where then la aa epidemic at Influenaa th ached should he closed along with other assembly place Wisdom die-Ektap Gut these new lastractkam should be eompllsd with Doubtless tears bars been important develop-aunts In th epidemic leading the hanbk officials to rlght sbou t-fsc on tea school rloalag quest km and If they any It I Us thing to do tors do If tbsr la anything slss they think nseesssry to dons tot's to It aha an faring an apMamle of seriousness and It la tbs duty of all to rends every aid hi stomping It out There an still soma who think that 'Rbaat necessary ta doM tea sellout and those bays good argument la Our aiiutioa at Wilmington In test ettr th epidemic I admittedly the want la tea elate something Ilk cm out of erery four at tha population th dlsene yet th bestown a twofold blessing It blcaaen him who huyn I aad wa who aell It bleaaas you with ita durability and utmost satisfaction in quality It blesses us in tha pla aura it bring through knowing that you aro pleased Th Government also rocaivca ita share generate wear and cloa prican preclude wait and enables you to saws the Saving for tha Fouth Liberty Our hardware a palls THRIFT from beginning to and Sea Our Immenao Display af nr HARDWARE BOND IN EVERY POLLARD bond hi every home" tho fourth Liberty Loan eam- paiii which starton Durham Monday maming al 10 Lhairman 'fit Newsom announced tha slogan yaaterday YrT uan woman and child in the city aaa to niid wl IttethoparKum! doty of everyona to aoo that at leant ana bond ia their home" tha chairman aaid Tha slogan will be used in advertising and boosting for tha aehaols had not enu opened tor the yen's work when th outbreak coma culnlr th opnnd tkern eunot door of tea schools But Iter iff argument end this aettam not nrgununt "Tha Quality Hardware Staru" (CoaUnaed From Tags One) Is With respect to lire hrvt amto fro'S taiem Geuerai Maruf chief at staff made Ae gratifying paalie ennoanew ilrilrmfia't V- -j: Kf-.

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