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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina • 7

The Herald-Suni
Durham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jj it' 'T TOE MOBNIXd HEllAIJ)pCfPOB kTr-r-'1 v1 Mf PACE SEVEN 9RR TODAY INACLA1RE IN A PICTURIZATION OF HAROLD Hk- MASTERPIECE THE PUPPET CROWN STORY BY CARLYLE BLACKWELL PARAMOUNT FEATURE Miriam: me walk into the Keene Act of Music Friday October 29tli II in Academy TI1B GRAND A Piramoant Intan Thu Puppet Ill ha aaaa hj rial tort to tha Orud today Jllaa Ina Cralrt plan la thia play which la Harold MaOraihla ro-maatle auaterpleoe Tha plelan la i Bra pert THR PARIS Tha Olrl al tha Daaea Hall la a three-rartlYaatart pndaead hy Claa Hadlasa hod booked oa the Parla program In today Aa added attraclloa conaa la oaa hnaoao Howard loot hell player lu-trodaHos awaap IMarea to tha gam Tha comedy attraclloa la ky the Nee-tor compear A MlUioualra (or a Day PLUM'S CUDDINO" Then on aaa who on dever at oatlnp oa tha aenaa thora are naa who coo predate -photo atari than on BOO whooo taltoU aoabU then to write hrillleot aceoarlea hot than on low who coo do on Una Al Chrlatle whe wrote tad prtdMtd Plank Padding" whlck win ha oaca at tko Porta theatre oa Hoe-day ta oot of than aacapUaaal naa Thooph ho aetdeai appaara hi lha Shoe hlanalf tt ta art haeoaw ha tacha oMIlty hot bpcaoaa ha hataa to (aha hlonalf aa aertoaaly Whaa ha oaado a aew face (or ooan Tory ta-poctaat part he will so oa (or a bit ha dote la thta Pin 'Toe will haya lo look eharpty ia aaa kin aad kta aana ta ao( aa tha ean of character! bat ha la la twaaf lha aoanu it tt la ta tha wrltlap aad pro-daefar of eomrdiea that Al Chrlatle ahlaea hi tha tear yean la which ha haa beea prodarlap Neater conadlaa ha haa wrlttea oa aa average of aaa aad a half a weak aad aalll lately ha haa produced then an hhaatU Thta lait year It waa decided to rtln-laata Nartar drama Irom Uw fknoaa brand aad ta awha the aaan aynoay-aaa with lha word comedy It waa anly that that Mr Chrtatie waa Una aa aartataat ta ha able ta produce two esnodiaa a week oa tha Ualnnal propnua Bvea tkaa ha wrote aluety par eeat af the comedlea aad oraraaw the prodaettaaa of all than Tha neat aataatahias part of lha aatlra perform ace la that ta all lha tear yean he haa art had a alugl prodac-ttaa tamed hack -la Marla Ten peat the atar at Kit Hr Ckrtatla foaad a matt adapts aad ekanalap photoplayer Tha udtah oaandtaaaa haa aerar played far tha pertaa before hat aha waa to reapoaelra ta every aatpaatloa of Mr Chrtetla aad via aa aathaatartlc ta avarythlaf aha was hiked lo da that the flra real pra-dactlaa wnt aloof Ilka wild Bra tt waa wrlUea aad pndaead la elana daya aad Ckrtatla did both DRAFT HORSES Gaad Draft Haraea Oe With Diversified Farwtlnfl (tea of the most produbto oceapa-oaa for the areraga lamar ta ta raising a taw pood draft hones Thta ta taktas lata eoaaidsntloa that plenty of good1 pasture aad a food aUllloa ta a reliable If the atallhm fa art ta the community the ana with esta'haa sauUer oaea wrltea John Wood be ry la ttw current lane of Farm and flreeidr Thta excerpt teila about Ike egg-laying eoatert respective egg prodaetloa of three pea Included ia my experiment tor tha thirty daya waa tor the IT ColumblAa wyoadottae a total of (Hd cage or aa areraga of IP aach I tows x-ahoni pend flee ar ate anna caa aBOrd ta keep m( Wwwu rln Ul-t par head Tha leghora old heai did art do ao well aa I Intended us- oae fit hla own The lUllloa ahoald be handled ta tha following STIlO Heavy TODAY Buy hln when abopt two yarn old aad break kin- to work then work him along with the anna ta the Bold Whaa brought ta to hla ataU ha ahoald bar a ha tiall ta lha earn barn with tha anna aa this win heap him from fratttac and worrytni if not kept ta thta manner the average XL SJ JTSLS n- far the breed aeU when none an broaght about lraw w-fM taflMOl Forth United nn ttl VlSSE hatter to ntaa bonn aa a brprod-u hSTSL! et-Tit raqulrea Wdaalderafcle Tba leghora ota htua aver to ralee than cactaalvely tor the anr-ij krt and as a hone anat 'ba ahool "BF HW pouuda Tha wyaa- sta year old to obtain tha tall riahrf an aaturallr ataw Whenl10'1 wetgaea a the retime are natanlly alow When- (3 parts) BROADWAY STAR FEATURE Presenting Flora Finch Hughie Mack Kata V- Comedy CARTOONS I S- r- -V' CarttionV11)'' fl tolaLaadaa aad tha ataaeaphan slvai tha laPlaa appartaaltlaa to wear anal rich aad awdlak gdwao WITH OUB JLDVBRTUBM Important AnaoBacameata Made by Sayeral Coaearaa Thta Homing -Tha New' AaterleaB cafe la new open for baataeaa on Church street Thta la one af Ike awrt up-to-data eafa atar ooeitad by Aawrlcaaa la Darhan ta oaa af tha flnect la tha city aaa la awned aad annaged by AoMricana aad tha aoaouncemmt ia thia la-aaa of Tha Herald NEW SANITARY DRINK1N0 CUPS The Hate Street Pharmacy ratter day tatndnerd ta Durham people lha aumt aanltary nathoda hnowm ter antes irtaki and eraamat toaa-tataa Driuklaa cape an beU aaad and they ere aartad ta aUrar piatajl Tacaptactaa Tha Mala Street Pharmacy la mUiif a rtraat appeal for tonatala patrooase NHW KB) STORM OPBNS Upchurch Bnthan ant bora tailed tha new Wrliht balldtat oa ftrrtak atraat and art bow opan lor haateaaa with a tart Block of wkakaala aad null ggoeen and toad rtaS A eoeapleta Una ofaapplle tor will ha teatand aa well ai recartaa ter city patronage Baagiee aad watsoa will alao ha gold hy thta aew Bern Why a Fa'reme Didn't Harry A torner wrote to Herbert Quick editor af Farm maid reside asking tor adetea about sell lag hla Itro stack aod Hun machinery with the Idas of rekiwy a tear or Bra year counts la sa agricultural school lo lit blxiaelf fog a aty agent Hr Quick advtaas the nan la the current leene of tha papor la attend aa agricultural eoUaga tor then years aad a normal school twa years Aad Ihea whaa ha has finiaksd to hannc a rural teacher aad county ta telling why he never married the naa aayst -tt' hara beta 'baching U' an these yean No I an not woaua haler It but I -eoald Barer think of bringing a girt to tho farm to aharo tko hardaRtaa with which I have pet ap with pock bad help and poor eg earn tor furniture I poeam" Haw Is Destroy Harms Hank I iefeetah far destroying bar-arts aad yellow jackets Touched tor by Doetor Malander af tho Waahlag ton Agricultural college write a coo tributor ta tha current taane of FUm and Fireside vytad the aert by waWhlng 'tha homlag horneta FIU a gsUoa Jag a quarter fall of water aad piece It hast lha aaat A hornet will eater the Jog tall Into tha water saoke a dtatnrbtag humming perhaps aaad oat dtotima s'gaala and ta tha couraa of tha dor all tha horarta la the eoleay will drown Lhemeetvrs ta the Jug THE MOVIES T11K STRAND Four ncta of clevar comedy I ba Ingbkown bjr Manager Goodrich o( IBs strand Heavy Villnu I la litre pens lad haa ia the cut riora HnCjS Ilagie Hark and Kata Price Tbaelber picture la oaa of the fanny cartoon eomrdlea Beginning Sion day the an (MOO-VOAMulaal service will atari al the Strand aad ha (bourn regular Oaa Mutual naaterpiert will ha laeludad ta tha aerriea each weak VMHON I TIi lirf of the Dance llali featuring Agnes1 Vernon in three parts which comes to the Paris today The 6irl of the Dance Hall Three Teel drama featuring AGNES VERNON Pit m1 need hy (ieo Madison ire for a Minute Some comedy Added Atiracdon Charles Briekley the fnn-tms Harvard football jilavcr in nne reel How to Play Football -Don't miss it SATURDAY NEW Ia-Ko scream in two sections Paris PHONE 834-r PHONE 334 334 PHONE PHONE 834 PHONE 334 some other rash crop ta pat ta the tanner cnWkferB (otanta far pie terns from ih prOTbettha- of 1 horns btenee (htYVIrorirtiig end paying tor their lead Goad bmdtagiJa ticccaalty to produce good draft mm hat even Utea If they an' not ptoperly fed and given tha proper giuattaa the heel neulta can art be expected gENSEB OF TR6 Farsavsrancs tf a Fsplar In meuntlnq Oketeclea Mr Jantp to tbs curator of tha Bril lab Galena museum ad an emlnant Botanist deelarea that ptaata have at leant three of our' Are leasee realise taste dad aawll that curtain tropical trees amrtl water bon a distance aad win move straight toward It a Hat trsaa aot ta the -tropica can da aa wIL A nsldsul oi su old Scotch mansion aaya a writer ta the Seala-awu found the waste -pipe from the house repeatedly ehoked Lifting tee rteha ta the huemeat pavtag be die-eevored that the pipe was complete ly enelrcled by poplar note They belonged lo a tree that grow some thirty yards sway so the apposite aide of tha house Thus the note hid moved steadily toward the house and had penetrated below the foundation and aenaa the iaasnuat antll they reached their goal the waste pipe a hundred and Ally tost sway Then they had pierced cement joining and bad worked thatr way la Then seems aomethlas ahaoet human ta each marring lu-Uaet apd pc reeve ranee ta Mrueant-tag Bhatacles-New York Bin tig Haas Lay Mere Epgay "The result of aa esperinrnt I conduct ad ahorred Unt Mg bene lay anre Vs? -n: scream a ON TOUR and ea Foods Tv Wl prompt service MARKET Zi jit 1 0BM 1 Miss Msad Holt of Mebaa spoof yesterday ta tho city shopptag Miss Bessie Daniel of Roxboro shopped ta tho city yesterday Academy of Music TONIGHT CHARLES FROHMAN KLAW A Distinguished success from the Lyceum Theatre which ran' tliere six months Inst season The vital grip-pingplay WITH THE LONDON CO No advance in prices Orchestra $150 t00 Haleony flJX) 75e 50c Gallerv 2V is now receiving fresh cvcjy (lav-the best ami most select Oysters that ean be bought 'si Ousters arc a fine dish everyone likes them And it is a special advantage to you to be able to get them from such a sanitary market an SHEPHERD'S AT THE ACADEMY AT ACADEMY TO NIGHT No play la vary anay year haa enated ao mach dlaeaaataa aa cart by Habart Haary Dartaa (ho brllltaal author of Kata' Mollaac and other eaamdoaa ta ha ta man aa-rtaaa rata a rltaL thrabhlag taan drama that poaaeMea an lha Saa lit atary qaallltas af hla ether play A Chicaao eritlc aspnasad hlneeif aa fellewa about this abeorhtaf atary of UR each other ap from tha dIBcrtat abyaaea ta which they hart a Bnaadarlai Bat then a thlap happeaa that waa boaad ta hap cotan- lata their rrtaUon la any BmonAa atltsnoa hrtwaaa a naa and woaua ta nearly always Ina that than la aaa who Iona aod aa other who ta Manta ktrad tt ta hard to ton without netpmcettao: bat tt ta harder teach oa the tone dlMcoK ta ha land Ia thta eeat It ta Mlrtaa wha GtaBny aad aa bar tort taaraaaei he ehafet non aad non upstart hit eamapeadtaf aaerlflee of liberty OeoSray ta hetef can ad away from Irian ky tha other woBtaa-wtho only wanna he haa erer rrally lend- Ike haiea her rich aad titled haabaad aad rwpeetlaf of her tala the loapa to lam lo the eonpaatao of her Kiri hood Miriam dtaeoren thta aad raaolna flcht for GeoBray- Tha taco sarh other ta enetal apsae whtak mart hart ham aatnawly dIBtaitt to writs Half a daaea dna mlaM bars written Miriam! aids of the natafltlca: hat tt ta dURnlt ta liaaptaa aay other art let than Mr Dartaa who cooM hara htao ao aero pataary talr ta atattak OeaSnyta ride at tha ease This la tadaad a areal scene there ta ao ether word for than put Both the characters an riakt tha aadtaoca ta made to i stead that both are ripht aad ta eoateaarars tt pittas theai tha awn hscaaaa their dliafraaauat ta irreeo lata as aaUlae at thta play eoald poartUy be fblr to it All that caa he conveyed Hr a eanaury ta aa expo alllsa of the mibiect natter of the play And the tktaf Unt aaaata art Ha aahiact auttar bat tha adnd Ihnaph which thta ash Jed natter pamaa aa Its way ffoaa life ta aadantaadtac af the aadleace Mr Itavtaa has aaeeeedcd ta pvoktag the naay anaBa of ptly wlihoat erer wallow lag ta pathos: Thta ta a treat "Oaleart win ha preerated at Ike Academy of Neale taalpht with a pro-daetlaa MeattaaRy tha mme at that ta Ne wYark ia Eapilah ranpaay Win ha i the play tha aaan that will play New Orieeaa aad tha other terse aaahm clltaa The aceaa af tha play and get THE BEST FISH-COME TO US FRESH EVERY DAY All Home Killed and Western Meats Are Always to Be Found Here PHONE PATRONIZE US-WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS WT SHEPHERD or Girls and Boys Now allowing a very complete stock of W0RUV8 STANDARD MAKER Wok GaonuttMd on AH Repair Work A GASKINS riVEPOINTR CITY -PHONE 334 PHONE 834 PHONE 334- PHONE 334 PHONE 334.

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