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The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington • 6

The News Tribunei
Tacoma, Washington
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yf w-a q4e 4 WH- i i fedlUxUil pat dv- )oXti lUw THE TACOMA DAILY NEWS TH BUN CONQ UERAB LE Our School's Vacation By Paul West Illustrated By Moser FRIDAY JULY SO ISIS BY FRANK CRANK Hours From Tacoma to the Glaciers the rectitude of which you are THE LAW? Never do a thing concerning in Pliny the Younger WHAT 18 Reports in the war-emitten oountriea of Europe tell ua that one eflect of till horrors of death wounds and heartbreak ia that tha aaa are-tuning lade to the churches but of the olieccne nmek of materialistic foroo la springing revaluation of the spiritTln man Man ia a curious animal He seems to giro forth hia finest product only when crushed Wa expect him to "curse God and and anddenlyhia faeo Ughta up with the heavenly vision 'V Wo loathe poverty and fight disease and a void wounds tyranny and oppression Yet somehow only when these come do tha rarest flowers appear on tha human bush I know a young man twisted crippled' paralyied unable to feed or drew himself yet who aits daily by his window urith a shining face Ha ia cheerful helpful a fountain of Joy to all who know hinu The hoys loro to gather in hia room at night and play cards and tell stories One woqld think ha would be a gloom and a burden ha ia aa uplift Yon soon forget hia limitations You soon eeass to pity him for he does not pity himself He doee not drain you ha inspires you In )mw many another family ia the sick room tha shrine of the house? How many a stricken invalid woman ia tha resting plaos for her worried husband tho delightful refuge for her cares I It is not the strong wealthy and powerful that always gleam with optimism and radiate hopa Too often the house of luxury la tha neat of bitterness boredom and snarling Petulance waits on plenty Luxury and cruelty are twins Success brings hardneae of heart a The world could get along without its war lords millionaires and big men with all their effective virility better than it oould do without it blind deaf hunch backed and bed-ridden Some things we get from the first group but tha things 1 get from the eeoond are more needed for this star-led race little girl with twisted spina and useless lege with eye always bright with golden courage with heart ever high with undaunted love we could spare all thd nmd beauties of tha hall room or the stage better than yon Their bodies her than yours but then we are not bodies What a strange and strangely magnificent creature Is man I And how proud hi Maker must be of him for all his faults! Yon cannot crush him Put him in prissri and ia iti half-light ha writes a Strike him blind and bo sings a When Beethoven died a post-mortem aTamMHm showed that since childhood ha had Buffered from an inenrable disease aggravated by improper medical treatment and by want of home comfort and proper food Hia liver was shrunk to half its proper rise He always bad family troubles that annoyed him beyond endurance Hla finest works wen produced after he was deaf Aad this was tha raa-leatie aonl that waa unparalleled master of muaia whose art waa immeasurable will be immortal I Yet we have beard fat artists whine because they are mistreated! What a piece of work ia man! Tbo wonderful too unconquerable too divine' for this earth I Hia home must baamong tha atari I The fact that three great nations England Germany and the United States cannot agree as to the interpretation of international law should be a warning to ufc not to go too far in condemnation of nets which we assume to be violations They may in fact not be Violations Interpretation of laws is largely a question of point of view state of mind may emphasize a point which amounts to but little in the opinion-of another even a friend England professes not to believe that her orders in council are contrary to the spirit of inter-ational law but merely require a new application Germany believes her submarine attacks are justifiable under the terms of international law Ungitn believes there is no violation of international law in the heavy shipments of munitions to her from the United States Germany believes the nwwmiit has reached a point where neutrality is violated Thus it ever is In all wars these questions arise Frequently they are not settled until long after war ends Alleged violations have led to foolish wars The law evidently is 'cloudy Doubtful interpretation bids delay calmness and careful consideration meantime pressing without heat the demands which we believe to be right but which after all we may find to be contrary to the opinion of a majority of the i powers in the final adjudication It is no time for hot-headed conclusions -i graphic story from Petrograd described the czar as a mighty spider weaving its web around the Teutonic allies dispatches indicate that a remarkable metamorphosis has taken place The spider has become a fly ry WOE XN MELODY LANE ''FRIDAT Andy Anderson has min up trying1 to Agger out how i grasshopper cun Jump so tor with thosss littel lacs of hi a la bow studdying how frosa stay undar wattar ad long Andy aaya if you could FATTY THOUGHT HR WOUNDED WAS Urn to do that you could walk along under the wattar a probly And ban-lad traaaura aU kinds of thing uailyUa besides catching loads of flah which ilnk you waa one of the would probly thl aim kind Little Stories OF Little Mrs Tiny la a vary smart par-sou Tiny tha Warbler aaya ao and certainly ho ought to know Ho says aha to the smartest person In tha Old Orchard Of eonne his neighbors do not agree to that but they do admit that aba to vary smart They couldn't help admitting it after aha built that two-story house with tho strange egg locked in tha lower part where it hatch After -ho had hoard about that even Sammy Jay who has little respect tor anybody bowed to her moat politely when they chanced to meat sea bow you thought of it I really my dear" Tiny would burst out ovary once in a while "It to quite tha cleverest thing I ever heard of May I Just peep at thoseeggsr "You may taka car of them while I go get something to Mrs Tiny would reply "but be sure that you leave them tor an Instant It would break my heart to And another at range egg in with them and I am not at all sura that that heartless creature who loft tha one wo have locked up to not hiding around hero somewhere waiting tor another chance I can tell you one thing Tiny Warbler and that to that I am not going to bring up any strange children" Tiny knew bviu snap of her bill and tha queer little Jerk of bar hand that aha meant Just what aha said Thera were four beautiful little eggs In the nt now and Tiny was vary proud to taka tors of them while his smart little wife got her meals He waa doing thla one morning when he eaught a glimpse of a brownian-grey bird of twice hla own also sneaking through the trees ao if trying to keep out of sight Tha Instant aha saw him aha turned and disappeared Ha waa atlll wondering who to got to lot you for A ha got to aha see ho It expected character They may travel or remora vHth auocesa Children born on this day may ha aeneroua to oxeeaa restless and impetuous They era subjects of Loo and Should bo natural leaders Their principal ruler to tho sun THIS DAY IN TACOMA 25 YEARS AGO July ao wa Thara la talk of an amateur championship game for Flarco county between tha teams of tho employes of tho asylum at Fort Btdlacoom and tho Chicago store team of Tacoma William Anderson A Garret-eon William For and Luther Votaw have incorporated tho Gurney Cab company with capital stock of fSOAOO Tho preliminary survey for a aravlty supply of water from tho Green river has been completed and the data forwarded to Engineer Darrach of Philadelphia AU tho hotels in Tmeoma ware crowded last night by tourists bound for Copyright' Frisk Cnne Oota wars placed in tha halls of the Tacoma hotel Georgs stands Train propoaas to make another trip around the world In the interest of Taooma and to confidant ha can make the Journey in days Howard Ctolby of New York preaidant of the Wisconsin Central railroad and ona of tho directors of tha Northern Pa-dfle arrived from Alaska lest evening and will make a tour of tho Bound Tho regular Tuesday night hop at tho Taooma hotel last night was attended by an nnuauallylarga number of local society people and guests of tho hotel United States Attorney Winston aaya there la no opposition in eastern Washington to tha renomination flf Congressman Wilson IX Cangbraa will make a trip down tho Sound today in tho interest of tha Pacific Navigation company Tho Law Library association hae ae-' copied -tho offer of Barlow A -Gatlin owners of tha Washington block on Pa- -clflo avenue fnow known as tho Bankers Truat building) tor the uaa of free rooms thara for the library NAEZTUAL Relative Ha to sleeping ao quietly the end eomocL- Wife of Dying 1 we wilf? Hi' will get' up and go about five minutes- before the Puck who saved us agnlfleant hair in Our advise to Andy Is to bo emttistled bo Just a piano fslUr A atop all thla flggering or prltty soon ha is liabls to hart say ws! VERRT EXCITING Steve Hardy A Ex Brigham happinsd look oaver tha fense up by Griggsys vaggabul patch tula mourning A aaan a of formatters which ha hadent ra-mam bared abowt nicking Thay want oaver to gat them out thay was so ripe i eouldent eavan lift them up without re busting In yore hands thai 80 thay laid down behind tha fanaa A watad for somebody to coma past A who should it bo but Fatty Ballowaa Thay hollard Fatty want soma format-toriT" Fatty aad ao thay aad "Wei catch them then" A thay Ut go Thay must have "bee: jn prltty good becawaa Ex cad abowt 100 hit A ha Ut out a howL Thay dldant hots Fatty via uw wi aw UH1IUI hurt him anuy being prltty soft but whan ha aaan them pattered all oaver him ha thot ho waa wounded A started hoam yelling ha waa bleeding Lots of peepul scan him going A thot waa all bieading too A Stuffy Belch Hennery Hood the butcher eacoarted him up to his howae hollaring for Doo Wllgua to coma Tha doo waa thara abowt as soon as thay waa A when ha aaan what tha matter waa the mlnnut washed tolce off a littel he mad for the took being played on him So did Stuffy Belch A Hennery Hood Fatty dident mind so much oanly ho aad It aeamed a waist-of time Car tha termettera at him Ins tad of Uttlng him ete them NOATS A G088UP Clawed Smiley which need to ho Hteg Palmar'e bow when thay wee anny school waa rownd this moarnlng ha hawing got a Ana akeam ha aaya it for Bedtime was and why aha was ao anxloua to keep out of sight whan thara was a great Orehai tery in another part of tho Old rd He could hear tha voices of neighbors acreamlm iy- angrily and ha did so want to go whet ell the fuaa wee about But remembered his charge and sat tight waa a hard thing to do when there was ao much excitement but ha did it hia SALLY SLY THE COWBIRD Presently Mrs Tiny earns hurrying home and aha waa ao excited that she oould hard! Uy keep atlll long enough to tali him the news "What you think aha cried found out who has bean laying those eggs in tho neats of other birds It la Sally Sly tha Cowblrd Mrs Paweo had left her nest for Just a few minutes and whan aba said a defender of' Constant Reader "Criticism even by oo who doesn't know promotes efficiency It remind a me of an experience I had on a small town daily where wa warn obliged to half our stuff and to -thirds of tha tlma tha proofs ware never road Ona day one of our leading citlsaus earns in and in quivering rage asked mo what wa meant by saying that ha and his wife had Just returned from abroad very ragged looking1 and that they wore known in police circles And thara it was in cold tjrpa It took mo half an hour to convince him that wa meant to aay that he waa very rugged looking and that he and hla win were wall known la Buttlneky who heard soma man talklna about tho monorail adopt hla usual tactics "I rode on ona of those ones" he piped In on "A single rail" "I'll bet you did" replied one of tho drummers "and also bat there waa a man carrying each and of tha Judge A DAILY LESSON XN NBVOBY My Age Today ltli Thomai Rodman a celebrated ordnance officer of the United States army whose experiments lad to the development of tho modern suns born at Salem Ind Died at Rock Island I1L June 1171 Beveaty-Ave Teas Ago Today 1140 Joeepn Jacotot who gained la ti action during the Napoleonic era In France by hie earnest efforts in tha eausa of national education died la Parle Born at Dijon March 4 1770 Fifty Toon Ago Today 1115 A number of persona of prominence lost their lives'in tha wrack of the steamboat Brother Jonathan off the coast of Oregon Fifty Yean Ago Today Cardinal PaUottl a dlatln- guu her of tho Baered eollei In Roma ulehed and influential mem-ge Born in 1180 being a camp ha would like to gat up A talk ua ail out to it to llva ilka tha Indiana That aownds good Clawd say we but we know you Non would get pa out there A aay: lata have a fine time now with our tommyhawka A thlnre" But tho mlnnut anuy feller started try- CLAUDB BRILEY WAS AROUND THU MORNING lug to Just a mlnnut will font spell tha weed" A if anny foliar couident spall tommyhawk ha wouldant gat to uso IL Wo prefer finding our own ways to have a good tlma aay ws A if let aloan will do ao use one you would A oetoar wo use them wa aay "Wats BY THORNTON BUKQX88 Copyright 1818) by Doji cams back there was that dreadful Sally Sly Juat leaving it and In it waa an egg Just Ilka the one wa found In our neat and that Mrs Chippy and Mrs Redeye tha Vlrao found In their neats Mrs Pewee called tho rest of ua- and wa drove Sally Sly out of tho Old Orchard and I don't think aha 11 coma back very soon I pulled two feathers out of Mr coat good' era "Did you over hear wicked? Thay aay aha neat and never takes care of her babies In fact aha 000001 even know har own children She sneaks around and toys her egga in the nesto of others always the neats of those a grant deal smaller than herself and then goes off to have a good time without any cares at alL She never oven goes back to sea if the togs have hatched and tha bablaa are being taken ears of Bh hasn't a a park not a spark of mother love in her Nobody but Bully tho English Sparrow and hla wife will have anything to do with har and you know they are a vary poor Mud of people themselves and none of tho rent of ua will oven apeak to them They are better than Sally Sly though for they do taka ears of their children Did you ever hear of anything so awful? Just think of a mother leaving her ehll-feed and anougt whether they live or die!" "What does SMly Sly look like?" asked Tiny She wears a cloak of brownish-gray a perfectly homely thing and aha sneaks around in tha moat ahameful plied Mrs Tiny "Than aaw bar thla very declared Tiny and Just as aura aa you llva aha meant to leave an egg in our Next Tha Troubles of Mr and Mra Rsdeya HOROSCOPB (CePywhtmA by the IdeClare stars lnclina but do not compel" BMmzday July UU Saturn rules thla day with aril power aeoordin to tho reading of astrology Although tho sun to in a fairly favorable aspect and Uranus la friendly caution should be tha guide Old persona should be especially careful while this eonAguratlon prevails Tha death of a man of prominence will affect a leading stock early tha next month yifht workers abould conserve their strength There to a prophecy of long vigils and serious anxiety In many vocations where labor continues after sundown It to not an auspicious time tor Journeys oupoctally those that have commercial gain aa their object Those who contemplate bualneaa or profeaalonal ventures should delay all Initiative Xventa of unexpected portaaoa may affect this country end's 1 tow weeki of dapreeolon are prognoe iterated the aspect la held to bo eonduslvo to physical indisposition tha health hould bo safeguarded Weather of extreme heat and quick changes will breed illneea and the autumn may bo marked by an epidemlo of fever While the stars presage many human woes there is promise of prosperity tor persons In numeroue vocations Fortunes will pile up tor the tow but workers will benefit Uranus continues to foreshadow a widesepreod awakening of spiritual influences Discoveries of occult town and familiarity with psyehio phenomena will mark scientific progress from this time on tha seer declare Uranus which la supposed to ha open ting for tho good of those who devote themselves to inventions or research work is aald to give promise of supreme attainments in aviation in tho united States in tha ynrlllt There la a sign read as indicating a sudden demand tor a drug believed to bo preparation of iodine Astrologers who foresee riches tor American apothecaries ear thla ia ominous and may mean bloodshed either from many accident! or from clashes of arms This propheey of possible fighting does not necessarily foreshadow war but may ho ua augury of labor troubloa Persona whose blrthdate it ia may with disappointments of an bn- a 1 From Melody Lane the sheet music publishing center of America in New York cornea a cry of distress That home of har- Vumy is torn with discord Several of the prominent publishers it reported are facing bankruptcy' Numerous reasons have been ascribed for hard times in Tin Pan Alley as the district also is known One of the men pressed to the wall ascribed his difficulties to a combination of circumstances mentioning that many people now go to the moving pictures instead of entertaining themselves with their pianos that many do not have pianos but have phonographs with cheap records that many get their music latte eafes to the orchestras in which through a mistaken policy the publishers give free copies of sheet music These factors of eourae may have a great deal to do with cutting the profits of music publishers but may not also the quality of the stuff they offer have much to do with their adversity In faet their complaint is' tribute to the taste of the American people In yean gone by -when we had such songs aa the the Banka of the the Old Apple the Silvery 'Colorado Wends Its aa the Bun Went yea and even the Good Old Summer the public subscribed liberally to the output of Harmony Lane The genuine feeling of those songs contrasts forcibly with the frothy and flippant present day offerings like Me in a Bundle My They Were Dancing la a Devil in His Own Home Is the Out and Get Paid'the Bent When Bip Van Winkle Went and scores of the same type The news of bankruptcy in Melody Lane is music in oar ears Stanley statement that while letter mail pays at the rate of $1640 a ton magazines are carried for $20 a ton illuminates the postal service and he could light another and even more garish candle by describing the tons and tons of utter waste that is lladening mail ears and cluttering postoffices and busy desks iby describing the flood of circular matter under 1-ceni stamps By 'far the big end of this flood is billeted for the waste baaket before it is mailed building a fleet of can-openers for attacking German submarines and thus prewiring British wa supremacy That will wal the fate Heaven will be paradiw indeed if it gives us a movie house without a sex picture Beth the Girl Who Went Right ANAUTOBXOGBAPHY Bsoordsd by Etlul Uqyd Pattsnon Oonfideucefl There are two things In a Ufa about which aho cannot bear to ho one la har work aad the other to tha man aha loves That night after Hattie and had returned from our tour of the art schools I refused to go to hod until had aaea Stella and told har all about it Aa aoon us Hot tie and had returned to tho flat wo had together a tor ted to gat after tha-theater supper ready for bar And os aoon os I heard har stop la tho marble hall outside had tho door open for her Wa ted her In and Hattie removed her coat aad gloves while I took tha pina from har hat and loosened her hair a Uttle knew that after har work thla always rested bar head Laughing wo all three finally landed on the conch in a tuarie like tho throe healthy young animals wo were -Then aat up and began to tell Stella all about It How Hattie and first visited tho art school uptown where we had discovered that instruction would cost ft a month and how disheartened I had been at tha news And then I told of the kindly Instructor who had given ua the address of a free art school where might bo entered aa a scholar ll only my drawings showed sufficient promise exclaimed Stella "Splendid! Of course thay will1 Bath! -Why I hat they even wait for you to eome to tho achool! Once thay aee ona of your dAwtafS tho whole school will eome after you!" "Whatever that means!" remarked Hattie with ona of har' rare flashes of humor Ifa Bath! Stella "There are two things you must never 1 a girl about: at first ifa har work and after that tha man aha to in wltn lavs with While you arc erasy over your work or erasy over any man you FERBIRg BELGIAN Aifieifa la' ona of tho bast foods tor tha hareA fed with good corn aad oats lUny In feeding alfalto think tha hares will do wan enough wlthoutjpwln and thereby feed it to excess kidney trouble If tha young hares have a dlah of ground com and oats before them all the time thfcy will not eat enough alfalfa to injure them We have foundtnatlt to bettor tdo feed at toast one-half of mixed hay with the alfalfa writes Hunt in Stem mid Homa Many people make pets of weir hams andfeed them ovary time they mw near which causes them to heroine pot-hellled A Belgian hare Should bo coma pot-Umw a fades nearly a a possible like a mad horse not stuffed If ona wants to toad BOTH wn BHUAVUe AA VHS Hwmaw green stuff ha abould uaa tha same ears as to feeding eattle wet clover because a hare wUlbloat and dla an aaaily as LMng as do wham thousands of Belgian harea aaa raised every year I ajn often cal tod on to Mpiw bogH ner out of trouble mid I And that nearly all tha trouble to caused tar over feeding and SI thy hutches There to no nicer pet no nicer meat to eat none that be miaed with ao little trouble or expense no other Hud of llmstoek wham ao much in value eaa ho housed with go little room aad expense Journalistic Criticism taxon table in tha Pittsburgh Prase clubdlnlng room tha other day they war talking of th complaint registered by Constant Reader They agreed In tha opinion that tho toyman will never he able to understand the tricks of tho typo He cannot understand whan every Item in which ha to Interested cannot bo displayed on tha first paga He seems to think that eve editorial should voice hia point of vfa and that every Joke should be new him even If ho had told tho original think that the newspaper is printed for his particular bar heBpaya for It and bis temporarily loo your senes of Well but waa glad5 I said "to find thara was a school could go to KiA Eight dollars a month! a heap of J7I you worry little answered Stella "we would have foun3 for you I am going on tha road pretty soon and that means a aura -w tall van whet" aha 1 nlgi of pty1 Bbo poui auaed a moment thoughtfully The Irishman who reads proof in rash periods for this enlightened 'journal suggests that England should relinquish as her marching song and adopt instead Go 'Way and Let Me An Idaho minister says the automobile has increased church attendance in the country but there is back-firing in the cities A man who has been through the battling in France calls Seattle -a peaceful and now we know what war ia The ointment it not often without its fly The war trade is 'likely to give us more gold then we want The eity action in the Holmes case reminds one of -a Russian official war report A good roadway into the Stadium arena is much to be desired The Yakima Republic always veracious avers that England is aald tha instructors are better la'that uptown school maybe It would be wiser tor you to go there In spite of the coat You might get on more quickly lend you tho kid not much worried shout your paying It book Bourn day" aha ended quietly are going to bo able to pay ma and everybody sloe aU that iron owe ns in money and In help You ora going up Bath" My votes quivered aa it raral Hattie aad uml" aba said "Wa are to tho real atuff in you" I slipped my arm about Stella's waist "If that won true" I aald I think It to only yonr love for ms that nwhag you tool It It would not be very good 101 atuff if aver' forgot tor one moment what you and Hattie have been to ma" We all three wen perilously user explosion eome on" she said milk toast ia getting la another It minutes three Uttle girls ona with ner mi milk It was Hattia tout ia getting cold" two braids over har shoulders ou with a rather skimpy plgt her peroxlded locks in Uttle riumpa of tissue paper and afrthroe in coay kimonos wan handing ever three big bowls -of a teaming milk toast aad chattering Use magplu between the mouthfuls (To Bo Continued Tomqgrow) toll and mm with i (Copyright Ills by tha Chicago Hamid By arrangement with Eaouar Co) GHABLET COMIC And Never Enow What Happened 1 "5 9.

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