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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 4

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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NEW CASTLE NKWS, WEDNESDAY, ITUlltUAItY I), ID" Our editorial opinion Property taxes and the school Bits and pieces of the world around us each stage of production and distribution. Such taxes are already levied in Kuropoan countries. ritOFESKOH Kicbard W. Lindholm of Ihe University of Oregon believes the value-added tax can be politically salable but for now several Senators are. on record against it.

among Diem Jiussell B. Long. George S. McClovcrn, and Henry Al. Jackson Dr.

Lindholm predicts that Die but applied at a 10 per cent rate would raise at leasl $60 billion, hiilf of winch could he shared wilh the stales to make possible Die elimination of all slate anil local sales and use luxes. speedy and can scare llie dickens oul of you when it leaves its sylvan launching pad and zooms lor a not her neck of Ihe woods 13 I somehow it's out ol Us class when com pared with the inigiily and majestic eagle 1 have nothing ngainsl sheep but die animal isn't my idea ol a national symbol. While nil llie subject of symbols, Pennsylvania's stale Power is llie Mountain Laurel, stale dog is the Grcal Dane, slate tree the hemlock and stale animal Ihe Whilelail Deer. Another disturbing Is llie Atlantic ocean rising or Ihe shore sinking? According lo the U.S. Department of Commerce, scientists have different opinions Many reportedly believe it's a combination ol both caused by a number of factors including the melting of glaciers and the removal of increasingly large supplies of water and petroleum from the ground.

Apparently no one can predict bow long Ihe present ocean rise tor shore fall) will continue. HERE'S ANOTilEH one: Vhioridc emissions from Die Anaconda Aluminum Co. in Montana have been found on over acres in the Glacier National Park aica, according to llie S. Knrost Service. demanded swift and adequate punishment.

You probably tan guess what happened. National Wildlife Federation reported the main perpetrators ol llie killings, Mr Werner and other woolgrowcrs, remain unpunished. There were some litlle guys who were involved who received minimal fines. MR. WERNER and other involved woolgrowers hold grazing permits and licenses which confer grazing privileges nr.

federally-owned land. Some and perhaps all of the killings apparently took place ovei the federal lands. Mr. Werner has applied lo Tenew his grazing rights but the federation has filed a protest. The law prohibits the taking ol eagles without apeinui.

President Nixon jusl this week banned Ihe shooting poisoning or trapping of eagles, lmvks. coyotes, falcons and oilier kinds predalors. on led era I buds It's possible that someday there may be no more eagles around and the United Slates of America may have lu come up wilh a new symbol. The only other bird 1 have unusual respect or is the rolled grouse, Pennsylvania's state bird. It's sin art, SOME KKPOKTS to cringe by: Thor llcyerdahl said in a speech that there won he another generation of man il pollution problems aren't corrected.

The author of Kan-Tiki and The Ha Expeditions said countries can I concentrate urily on their own environmental problems because the world's pollution is interrelated lie said the pullulion in the water that leaves Africa on week swims around America a few weeks later. Mr. Heycrilutil said that dating a sea voyage lie observed oil clols ranging in size from grams of rice to large potatoes. Here's one abuul our national symbol, the eagle. Vol might recall that in hearings before Sen.

Gale McGcc's Appropriations Subcommittee last August, it was revealed I bat a number of powerful Wyoming wool growers had hired airborne gunners to shout American bald and golden eagles. James Vogan, a pilot for Mfnlo flying Service in Buffalo, admitted he participated in killing 'an estimated 570 eagles, lie also implicated Herman Werner, owner ol a number ol Wyoming properties. When the news broke, citizens all over the nation condemned Die killings and Besides vegetation, fluorides were found lo have affected various insects. Predatory insects were found lo have fluoride counts indicating the lluiinde hail been passed along the loud chniii. Let's gel local: A stale Ocparlmenl of Kuvironiiieiilnl Hesonrces specialist told 111c never lo drink water Irom any sprlliK 1 awrenre Cuiuuv.

They're not safe, he says. Yel 1 often see cars stopped al area springs anil people filling up milk cans and jugs with waler. One dav a friend and I weic gelling some bat in the ISeihaixoik nek jus: upstream rum the Nurlb St. bridge. We swelled something.

We learned Dial a slum, svwei was being used as a samtaiy sewei and il wasn'l sanilary There are many other cnviroriiuciiinl ills 111 our county They re easy to see Check the dast on your car 111 the morning Look at the slreams. Many limes Ihey're muddy, which means farmer might be losing Ins 01 someone has a lunise or scmu'lliiiig else under cotistruclion. Anytjin: can see junk around Ihe counli il he "pen-' his fyes. Ami open sewers. This rnwns lu me lhal too many people don't care and the who really care are in ihe mnmnly.

If ibis cimlinurs. maybe there won't be another gciiciiilion ol man. OhK THE HOM) K)C the local orgaiiraliun i-x-comicls and ullurs. recently cot a couple nit' fuuilciiil conlributiims Iniin prisoners Siiowiiiululer; have been -lulling because MoDier Nature is ollcrine sonic snow Hoad depirliueiils have pinholes look forward lo afler Ihey re dune wilh ice ami snow So du drivers. Mcvlianic.s can look forward lo good biniuess l.uis of Iroul end jobs lion Hodnar.

'By November the trade deficit issue should drop out of sight' PllM'KllTY TAXKS account fur 73 per cent of local revenues levied and used 1 jy Die Now Area School District. The rcmitmiug income is doiivrd from Die pel c.ipila lax, wage lax. and oilier Currently, aieoiciinu William l'l. Thompson, business manager for Die school district, proper taxes amount in approximately 2.1 million and all other local sources annul S78U.U00. Most u( Die remaining S4.7 million are slate subsidies.

Klsi'wliore on itiis page, 1'olumnisl lenisou raises the specter of the unconsiitulioiKihly ot property taxes for liiuncmg schools, t'ourls in California Minnesota. Texas anil Jersey have declined Die traditional plan by which each school district relied on its own properly tax resources lor schools lo be unity. State Hep. Michael A 0 Take, who is iuolcvi in the column, believes "llie similarity between Pennsylvania law and the ones Dial have been voided or challenged raises! the question of whether our law could survive a court test Al prosenl. the stale subsidy is i elated to amount of piopeily taxes collected in a district.

A poor district receives mere hinds under this system SEVKKAL METHODS are being suggested to overcome the decisions rendered by the courts. In Michigan, (lov William CI. Milliken wants to replace the properly lax with an increase in personal income taxes and i 1 a value-added tax on manufactured goods. Gov. William T.

Oiliill ol New Jersey is asking his legislature for a state income tax and a restr uctured property lax. It should he noted Dial Die cuurls did not outlaw the use of property tuxes for schools: it a state devices some formula for pooling Die returns on the property fax there is no constitutional bar lo its continued use Hawaii is Ihe only stale which has a sinpjR statewide school district. On the federal level. President Richard M. Nixon has ordered a study of the value-added lax which, he hopes, will cut pi operty taxes by oO per cent.

In essence, the value added tax is a cumulative sales tax which is levied al 1 I rri 1 Whatever direction the solution lakes. Pennsylvania at least for Die present, is escaping the pressure of eliminating or revising the structure of properly laxes. The Texas court ordered corrective action within two years and Ihe New Jersey court gave Die legislature a one year (leadline to devise a new sysleiu and another year lo put it in effect. ASIDE FROM ihe financial question, Helen B. Shaffer writing for Editorial Research Reports raises several other questions.

She asks, "Will fiscal reform produce belter education for the nation's 51,5 million elementary and secondary school pupils, -IS million of whom are now enrolled in public How will it affect those 5.5 million children, mostly Catholic, who abend the financially troubled private schools schools which President Nixon promised lo help stay As important, loo, is Ihe question of preserving local control. The man wlm pays the piper calk Die tune and law professor John E. Coons at Berkeley suggests school funds should be given direi'lly lo the family in Ihe form nf vouchers to buy education as Ihe parents see lit from public or private schonk of their choice. Thai idea has been attacked by educational groups. Pennsylvania legislators, as noted in the Denison column, are studying alternatives for Ihe property tax us a source ol school income.

The importance to Lawrence County school districts is evident. During the l'J-70 school year, real estate taxes in all the districts totaled almost Sfi million of the $20.2 million spent for education. Great power rivalry Russians the winners ol the first i Sausage-stuffing MY YOIINC.KST SON. going on 12, mule .1 remarkable discovery the other day una lhal li.ul never occurred to me. Yuu lie said, "all llie things lhal little boys want lo be when Ihey iii like a policeman or ,1 fireman end 111 the wind man In tail.

1 Usi'il to call soldiers Army men' when 1 A Utile Thais I rue I jgrml iyii do sou "I gue-s 11- bei.aise wh 11 little Imj reiilW want is be bo; nieii a gr.nsn-iii joti with liic 'xoril i.j in it appeals lo tlieiii Most cdmalers believe thai iliildrcn are incapable oi iibstrai ling dial Ihey miisl carefully he fed lillle lots ol iacls and daia until Ihcn mind- arc Willi r.ic.iloiu informaliuii I base always lichl that the child lias a asl untapped faeiluy or ahstriu-ling. il wv learned how to cnmiiraac il. ami didu paralyv lib maul villi so much data that -ccui to he an cad 111 Ihernsclves. The we call thinking" rj- the luainn mind, and when il seems losMp it is gencrallv becanyc Ihe Hears have been lammed by bund reds of bits of" Mind I11S IS NUT TO SAY lliai children "liniildn'i be laoghi the multiplication tables and llie dates and nanus and places of hislorv. lull ilicse sLmilil oil.

arid rmt dug. (he mental ic.achineri l-'hr every in- pupil whip rlmpi mil of schnul hecm-v i- really heyund In-tKmers. another drops mil because il is hi-, powers. In- is In, ml mil because llie siiiiiiiLi.iis up Ins inlellecliial Inn ae. 11 gh'i t.s lo do In tins re-pccl, mure tcuhi rs and schools fill than pupils do.

flic firsl t.a-k of ii teacher is 10 m.ili: and cxcile the child rc.isiaiing powers, not lo push somelking inln line, hut to get Hinielliinc mil him lv.i lionld he forced li, te.el uf llie tli r.ii. when- -how, thai 1p.nur.111l -ai- I niv wiilioiii a dav ol iihoohng a-iiiall, geoim-irv v.illiui himseK. Tin tcaehns jut, is i it oul, not to pui 11 MOST OP WHAT Wl! rongl) uill "fdui-alitm" in our system is form oi sausage stuffing: tin-1 liiiil is regarded as an empty skin thai must be i rammed lull ol knowlcdco" and pimcssed lo a hilier grade. Hut genuine rduealitui eonsisLs in rcleasinc the child's abilities so that he can apply his inntvcloiiscapai ity Ini abstrnelion to real ptoblertis. It is a niohaellolv Iniism an cplcil even ninsl (iciJagog, thai children enler sebriol full enihiisiastii end cnriosKy ant nor.ilrr and ufli 11 thr third grade, all Punjab.

Ueagal and the Green Revolution." Nation. The emergence of as a separate country has been widely interpreted as the beginning of a three-way power struggle lot southern Asia, with the Property tax illegal? To the point- now DO you define justice? and Die Chinese and the Americans the losers Chances are Dial extremely leftist dictatorial governments, not much influenced by either Moscow or Peking, will eventually emerge in Bengal and the Punjab. The Chinese stand 10 reap gratuitous benefits, gaining recruits For Maoist revolulinnnty movements from the multitudes ol dispossessed peasants, hul they will be preoccupied by overwhelming problems al home as their own population near.s one billion in the 1970s. The Russians are handicapped in poor, agricultural countries because Ihey persist rigidly in trying to transfer their own experience ol moving directly into rapid induslria ligation wilhoul first putlinp; food production on a sound basis. Of Die three great powers, only Ihe Americans possess the vital agricultural technology In Bangladesh, the future depends as much on what Die Americans and Hussians do as upon the Indians If Die Indians with Russian support, can reslore some semblance of political stability there, massive economic and technical assistance for agriculture oughl lo be provided by Die 'niled Stales, -Richard Crilchlicld NEW CASTLK NEWS thllL-dini! i Corpora :.0 PiillUWI Klin Klrlini JuiAii IT tiVanbli.rnSlirrt Sri ond 41.1,1 Cmlr.

I'l IGIOI IV Si 1 fnMiJin i inm; ol b.lJir,l,d wjl rtlunrv in 7,0. idr ctidrn mih liillirrni poiru of UCW. tradir, nr. 1 1, jil, Id on nuiirnl puhh.hrJ ir rd.MnjI nMtmr, cfl Thr I'lpl VI nit. CAUFOHNIA was first.

Then cameTcnas ami Minnesota. And now the New Jersey courts have also slrock down the properLy tan as a means ol finanf ing public schools. The result is a major new challenge for a special rommittce of the Penn.syk.inin House of Represents lives created in 1971 lo examine Ihe whole suhjeel ol properly laxes and leal estate assessments in the commonwealth. "What began as a series of hearings aimed at reforming Pennsylvania's laws concerning the collection and assessment of property taxes has taken on a xvhole new light in view of the reeenl series ol court says Slate Hcprcscnlnlive Michael A. O'l'ake, Rerks County, chairman ol Ihe special legislative lask force, adding: While nothing formal has ycl been decided in Pennsylvania, the similarily belvf cen Pennsylvania law and the ones thai have been voided or challenged raised the question ol whether our law could survive a courl test." REPRESENTATIVE OTake reels lhal Pennsylvania must be prepared for any possibility.

(As this column noled last September "II won't be too suiprising if similar action occurs in 1 Dunk should start now questioning some ol the experts on wlial means of finance we can substitute lor the present selioul supporting lax the lierks County lawmaker mnintains. "'Californias Supreme Court and federal courts in Minnesota and Texas have rolcil thai reliance on the properly lax produces unequal schools, and thib is unconstitutional. Mew Jersey has a similar pasi Man. and lawsuits are also pending in some IS other states as well The expert.s are saying that it is only a matter ol time before all the stales will have in new ways or financing." President Nixon in his Slale if the Union message dealt wilh ihe problem brielly. "THE PRESIDENT indicated he has two commissions working oti llie whole problem ol school financing and the soaring coiLs of property laxes in general Mr.

O'Pakc noted. While not spelling oul in detail what he has in mind, there have been reports from Washington that Administration officials are studying the possibility of a national sales lax coupled with local real estate tax relic! Whatever the case however, nepresenlalive O'Pake isquick lo point out. if Pennsylvania's courts take the same roole as ix'ew Jersey, Ihe already financially-beleaguered slale will have to find a new melhod for providing aid to public schools to replace Ihe staggering luss which would result hum throwing out Ihe prnpcrly pTugrani. "There's a distinct threat lieie. lhal i Congress duesn'l come up with .1 whole new la program on the federal level, the Mate legislature will be forced to consider the possibility of increasing taxes or giving lor al school districts more leeway on whal ibci can tax.

Since we already have the vehicle for examining the problem even before 11 comes up in Pennsylvania. I think wo ve got to find oul nghl now where wv can turn to offset this iwtential loss of inrurnc fnr education. EtlUCATmiS HAVE posed another danger tliey leel can result from eliminating the properly lax as a source nf financing (or puhlir schools. Should nnc other source have lo be found, tlicy ay. ihe threat exists thai such a source cot) Id take over control of Ihe slandards ol education as well, destroying nil local eflurl to make schools more relevant lo the needs children as each community sees them "Our next hearing is si In.iliilci fr)r Philadelphia Feb.

10. bill we arc already working wan the Department n't Community Affairs and 5crrelnry William 11. Wilcox to analyze possible alternatives for tax support should the properlv la hi-struck Hcprcsenlalive O'Pake said. Mason Denison Wild 1 Xljnirir. Ki.lor ll.r.l Uinlrarl ill I'ltliL Iliiutii Xril tilWil SllWKJ-TIIS.

II rirllicn 7V wfai. pn-i lif. flu Ml-II ill Iruf -i; r.rnuiud. ,11 ljIMtr Tiiir Li Will nln i. Coin; I Mil 1 II i Tt millh.

:3 nj lll.M.wi.HI mmlhLv Sll.i) this elan is been crushed out of llieui. and Kiev sit pasMivly. giving 'correct" answers and not earing thai llieu minds are iliscng aged uliile llicir moiulis are Capping Sydney J. Harris Technology and the law breaker moreover, the opportunity lo make kilhne by dining Ihe links of sevcra about ways ol forestalling at least some of the criminals and reoliilionarics. A couple ol years ago a faculty conimiltcc at Stanford f'niversily in California would hardly have dared recommend firing Prolessor II.

Bruce franklin far supporting violence Hut 1973 is a different year Tin; professor, lahoring under Ihe illusion lhat this was still 1170. tried to rouse Ihe campus when Stanford President Richard acting on committee advice, suspended him. New Leftists crowded into Ihe Stanford chape, ihouting llehiie 1'ranktin." Coinndcntally or not. a bomb was disrovercd in a power station nexl Id the university, and a Stanford hnusing office was hurned.

But ihe Stanford authorities stood (heir ground and the stuilent.s lailed lo Pim.UP ARBOTT IX'CK, who tins good (avesdtuppir.e sooncs. says in bis Pink Sheet on the New belt that we are in for more trouble wilh New l.cil revolutionaries, just at a in if when almost everyone has been savoring the off in violence. Mr I. me is undoubtedly right about the intentions cf suaie of the more frustrated Weathermen ln.s The dimwit (bat hid Ihose bunibs in Ihe San t'laticisco hank and then lipped he authorities off to their piesniu1 ceitauih liatl Iciriorism in mind So. tvie did the idiot who tried to burn j0 National tlnarri trucks and jeeps al Santa Hos.1.

Cahl I'lie unporlanl ihirg, however, is thai oar xicicty is hardening against witless Moletice And along with ihe h.xritenin there is a growing sophistication rise en masse. Thus the law of diminishing returns begins to lake effect. Even more stgniijeant. tJie defense has begun lo catch up wilh bombers, arsonists. and lock pickers.

Robert a Holmes Protection agenrv expert who had 15 years with Ihe Mew York City hornb and loft squad, (ells me lhal ihe israelii oul of their experiome in dealing with guerrilla terrorism, have come up with sornelhing (hat can delect the presence of any type of explosive hy snilfmg, to speak, at such things as the key way to a stiong box shouldn't be long before everv important bank in America has access lo such a monitoring device. Lock pickers, according 10 a reasonable estimate, are responsible for some 5(1 per rent ol break ami entry Ihefls. and ihey have been moving out from the central cities into the s.uhurbs wherever llicre are high-rise apartment houses. The average entry job has been made easy by pimple who put their Irust in lorks lhat can be picked by an csperl within a matter oi minutes. Mr VcDermotl tells me lhal.

while a totally pick-proof lock may be dilficull to manufacture, anybody can buy one of the belter locks lhal (jkc an hour or more lo force. No burglar wilh any sense is going lo stand around in an apartment house hallway, with 01 without a ieniate accomplice. Tor upwards of an hour The chances of detection would loo great, The device is called Vasiar Visual Aserage Speed Computer ami Hceordcrl and it does its job hy what might he called m.slanl Iriangulatitm. When a speeding ear passes belwccn one slalinnary obCcl and another, trie pursuing policeman's Valvar system recoids the time distance involved anil tin- computer comes up instantaneously with ine speed. Some slates shy away Irom such devices bcrause ihey seem unduly sneaky Bu( meanwhile the traffic demiis mount.

We have the lechnofogv to defeat the bomber, the burglar and the speeding lawbreaker And as its use spreads, as it must, Ihe criminal will become more and more uncertain ol his calling. John Chamberlain HtOM 11K0 TO 1D70 violent crime increased 17ti per cent in tfie U.S. or It limes fasler than the late ol population growth. In the same decade automobile accidents killed -frYUDU people and injured 17 million others. Automobile thefts can he slopped by simple recourse to alarm connected with locked windows, doors and hoods.

Dangerous speeders can be apprehended by one-man police cars carrying new spotting equipment thai docs not depend on radar 01 prolonged pursuit. 4.

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